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World Development Vol. 84, pp.

282–298, 2016
0305-750X/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Collective Action in Decentralized Irrigation Systems: Evidence

from Pakistan
Independent scholar, Pakistan
California State University, Chico, United States
Georgetown University, United States
Summary. — Pakistan, home of the world’s most extensive irrigation system, has followed a global trend in irrigation to devolve man-
agement from government to farmers and farmer organizations. We implement the most extensive survey of irrigation management ever
conducted in Pakistan to examine variation in farmer participation in managing local irrigation systems under the new governance re-
gime. Building on and adding to previous work in Pakistan and elsewhere, we examine the effects of privately accessed groundwater,
groundwater quality, surface water, and other factors along 5 different community management responsibilities, including roles that ex-
isted prior to decentralization (maintenance of the watercourse and dispute resolution) and new roles that were created after (voting to
elect representative at the higher level, collection of water charges, and holding internal meetings). Each responsibility represents a col-
lection action problem for the community. We find that while group leader education is important in successful execution of the roles,
voting has in general been taken up enthusiastically while water charge collection remains, not surprisingly, low. We find a previously
unreported inverse-U shaped relationship between groundwater availability and farmer participation, and that availability of high
groundwater quality (less-saline) groundwater significantly reduces participation, as does high variation in canal water supply within
a growing season. We also find, contrary to expectation, that communities in the tail reaches of the system, known to receive worse canal
water service, more actively participate in managing their local irrigation systems. The findings have important implications for the con-
tinued push for decentralized surface irrigation management in South Asia and elsewhere as groundwater irrigation continues to expand
and equitable access to surface water remains a policy concern.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — Asia, Pakistan, groundwater, water user associations, devolution

1. INTRODUCTION Meinzen-Dick, Raju, and Gulati (2002) found that water

scarcity, access to markets, leadership potential, and size of
In the late 1990s, the provincial governments of Pakistan the community play an important role in emergence of farmer
adopted laws and policies supported by international donors organization at the secondary canal level. While this work
to transform their centralized irrigation departments and focused on why farmer participation and organization emerge,
experiment with new forms of local governance. The move it leaves open the questions of whether and why farmer partic-
in Pakistan was part of a broader and continuing trend to ipation and organization continues after reform implementa-
decentralize irrigation system management and give greater tion. Other studies that have discerned empirical regularities
responsibility to farmers in that management (Bardhan & in community cooperation in managing irrigation-related pub-
Mookherjee, 2008; Ramesh, 2013; Senanayake, Mukherji, & lic goods using statistical methods have focused on the case of
Giordano, 2015). Under the reforms, known variously as Irri- India (Bardhan, 2000; Mishra, Ghosh, Nanda, & Kumar,
gation Management Transfer (IMT), Participatory Irrigation 2011), Mali (Vandersypen et al., 2008), and Philippines
Management (PIM) or Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (Araral, 2009; Fujiie, Hayami, & Kikuchi, 2005). Araral
(FMIS), responsibility is transferred from government to (2009) makes several significant improvements in methodology,
farmers or groups of farmers within Water User Associations
to actively manage local irrigation-related resources, collect
water charges to finance system maintenance, and coordinate
* The authors wish to thank the participants of the Association of
water use with higher structures in the irrigation system.
Empirical evidence of the achievements of reform through Environmental and Resource Economists sessions at the 88th Annual
increased farmer participation is mixed (Senanayake et al., Conference of the Western Economic Association International, held in
2015; Shyamsunder, 2008). This is also the case in Pakistan June 28–July 3, 2013 at Seattle, Washington, for their constructive
where studies, although limited in scope and methodology, comments. Also, comments and suggestions received from John Eckalbar,
have found varied outcomes on system financial performance Hasan MacNeil, Ruben Sargsyan, Pete Tsournos, and Kai Wegerich were
(cost recovery), quality of operations and maintenance, relia- useful in improving the manuscript. We also thank the organizers and
bility of water delivery (Haq, 2010; Latif & Tariq, 2009), participants of the Center of Water and Environment Lecture and the
and effect on farm productivity (Raza, Ashfaq, Zafar, & Anthropology Forum (both as CSU Chico) for providing a platform for
Baig, 2009). It is clear though that reform success in terms constructive discussion. The data used here were collected by the
of improved irrigation management, farm productivity and International Water Management Institute with financial support of the
farmer incomes depends in part on whether farmer participa- Embassy of The Netherlands, Islamabad. The views presented here are
tion is able to fill the management space vacated by the gov- those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies
ernment. A key question is thus what prompts and sustains of the International Water Management Institute or the Embassy of the
effective participation in a decentralized and devolved system? Netherlands. Final revision accepted: February 29, 2016.

most notably a large sample size and rigorous testing of interac- disagreement. We propose that it is the underlying nature of
tion effects. the task or activity that may explain the differences in results
This study contributes to this literature in three key ways. of a community or resource characteristic.
First, we study the effect of privately accessed groundwater We use a large data set of 1845 watercourses in Pakistan,
on the degree of collective action for public irrigation systems. which like Araral (2009) allows us the degrees of freedom to
Surface irrigation economy of South Asia, including Pakistan, test the effects of a large number of independent variables.
has been transformed by groundwater use in recent decades. We selected our sample watercourses randomly and collected
As of 2011, of the 19.41 million hectares of irrigated land in data on the performance of each selected farmer group includ-
Pakistan, canals alone irrigated 34% of area, 43% was irrigated ing non-performers. As noted by Araral (2009) and Agrawal
by ‘‘canal, tubewells and wells” and 22% are irrigated by wells (2001), this sampling strategy helps avoid selection bias.
outside formal canal commands (Pakistan Bureau of Watercourse-level farmer organizations around the tertiary
Statistics, 2012). Surface water is managed as part of the for- irrigation system are the fundamental building block of the
mal irrigation system as described above, but groundwater, decentralized irrigation management (Uphoff, 1986). Farmers
accessed by millions of individual farmers using their private sharing a watercourse are located in one or more neighboring
resources to install and operate diesel-powered groundwater villages so we are able to control for watercourse community
pumps, is essentially unmanaged (Shah, 2008; Shah et al., characteristics in a more fine-grained analysis. This strategy
2009). As Shah (2008), p. 137 notes, this extensive groundwa- has a distinct advantage over Meinzen-Dick et al. (2002) and
ter use effectively informalizes the water economy and takes Mishra et al. (2011) who analyzed performance at the
most water appropriation and use outside the formal control secondary-level canal systems, and therefore could not exam-
of the irrigation bureaucracy. The decentralization of ine watercourse-specific and associated village-community-
Pakistan’s irrigation system, and the discussion surrounding specific factors that may explain the incidence of and variation
its mechanisms and effects, was entirely focused on the in farmer organization performance.
management of surface irrigation systems, even though the Finally, to the best of our knowledge, this is the most exten-
primary source of irrigation for many farmers is groundwater. sive statistical case study of famers’ participation of irrigation
We investigate how dependence on groundwater affects the management in Pakistan since the irrigation system was decen-
efficacy of decentralized institutions. tralized and several key responsibilities have been devolved to
Second, we improve our measurement of availability of sur- farmer groups. There is a growing belief that the present form
face water by including measures of its supply variability in of irrigation decentralization in Pakistan has not achieved the
addition to the standard water supply measures. Variation in intended goals and that alternatives need to be considered
canal water supply is an important aspect of performance of (Government of Pakistan, 2012). While the Government of
service delivery and is known to have important effects on Pakistan has continued to reiterate its commitment to the
agricultural production and farmer incomes. Studies on collec- reforms process, it has identified lack of concrete evidence
tive action in irrigation so far have only examined the effects of on performance of farmer organizations as hindering its abil-
total canal water delivery, whereas variability of water ity to formulate improved approaches (Government of
received may also have a strong affect on productivity and Pakistan, 2012). A direct consequence of this knowledge gap
willingness to participate in maintaining the irrigation system. is the frequency with which the regulatory framework is being
Third, we measure collective action of farmers in managing modified and experimented with at the provincial level in an
their irrigation systems along 5 different domains, each of attempt to ‘‘fix” the performance issues of the new organiza-
which relates directly to the responsibilities awarded to farm- tions. However, without a clear understanding of farmers’ par-
ers since the transfer of irrigation management. Two of these ticipation in irrigation management, it is not clear what the
domains, maintenance of watercourse channel and dispute res- best paths forward might be.
olution within the watercourse community, are formalization The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives
of traditional watercourse community roles while the other an overview of the literature on empirical studies of collective
three, collecting seasonal water charges, holding internal meet- action for natural resource management, focusing on
ings, and electing farmer representatives, are new responsibil- irrigation-related studies; Section 3 presents our methods
ities for communities. Comparison of performance across the and results. Section 4 concludes with a discussion of results
new and the old responsibilities measures provides insights in the broader context of irrigation management transfer.
into the challenges of adapting to new roles especially as we
find that certain community characteristics are correlated with
improved performance in one role but not in another. 2. COLLECTIVE ACTION FOR LOCAL PUBLIC
One of the prominent features of the statistical collective GOODS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE
action literature is the disagreement across case studies on
the effects of various resource or community characteristics Collective action problems as described by Ostrom (2005)
on successful collective action. For example, size of the com- refer to settings in which individuals select strategies, e.g., level
munity is seen as positively influencing collective action in of effort to maintain the local canal, based on a calculus that
some case studies (Araral, 2009), while it may have a negative maximizes their private material benefits, but individual strate-
effect in other settings (Meinzen-Dick et al., 2002). This may gies are interdependent in that the final outcome, e.g., the state
be taken as a shortcoming or an indication of the ad-hoc nat- of the canal, is a result of everyone’s effort and generates
ure of this literature even though the goal should not be to find benefits to the entire community. Ostrom (2005) referred to
generalizable universal results but rather to find micro- social dilemmas as situations where individual chose strategies
situational variables that work in a particular socio- that yield Nash equilibria that generate lower joint outcomes
ecological context (Ostrom, 2005, 2011). In our statistical case than could have been achieved. Research on determinants of
study we compare the effects of resource and community cooperation among self-interested agents on provision of local
characteristics across multiple indicators of collective action, public goods or management of common property resources
which suggests an alternative explanation of this apparent has suggested a large set of variables that could potentially

affect successful self-organization and collective action. These of a groundwater pump. The option of good quality ground-
variables can be broadly grouped into three categories: (i) water may reduce the need to depend on, and invest in collec-
resource characteristics, (ii) resource user characteristics and, tive action for the provision of surface water irrigation
(iii) characteristics of governance structures (Baland & services. This may have significant implications for the viabil-
Platteau,1996; Ostrom, 2005; Sandler, 1992; Uphoff, 1986; ity of canal-based management organizations. Groundwater’s
Uphoff, Wickramasinghe, & Wijayaratna, 1990; Wade, 1988). role deserves to be examined more carefully.
The degree of water scarcity in an irrigation system has been Women constitute an increasing proportion of the agricul-
identified as one of the most important factor influencing tural labor force, at 30%, double the proportion of 20 years
farmers’ incentives to organize around water management ago (Yu et al., 2013). Part of this increase has been due to
(Bardhan, 2000; Bardhan & Dayton-Johnson, 2002; increased outmigration of men to cities or other countries,
Meinzen-Dick et al., 2002). An inverse-U relationship between leaving women members in charge of farming operation.
water scarcity and farmer participation has been proposed in Woman-headed households tend to be poorer and may be
which there is little incentive to cooperate at very low or very excluded from irrigation-related community activities due
high scarcity levels. If farmers receive adequate water supplies to cultural norms dictating that canal irrigation is a man’s
the marginal benefit of organizing to further improve water job (Agarwal, 1997). Women are deeply engaged in agricul-
supply are very low, and similarly if water supplies are highly tural labor but evidence suggests that they are not as
scarce farmers may again perceive very low marginal benefit engaged in the irrigation-related community meetings or
from organizing to maintain the watercourse. activities. For example, Meinzen-Dick and Zwarteveen
Size of the resource user community is also important in (1998) found no women members in water user associations
determining whether the community is successful in organizing in Pakistan. In addition to the social norms restricting
around a common purpose. Uphoff (1986) found group sizes women’s participation in the public domain, women may
vary depending on size and hierarchical nature of the irriga- also face high opportunity costs of their time due to high
tion system. Theoretically, smaller groups have an advantage domestic workloads. As devolution brings irrigation man-
in cooperation because strategies are more likely observable; agement closer to the communities, we explore whether
the share in the loss from not following the rules are larger; communities with a greater proportion of woman-headed
interlinkages among group members are likely to be more households tend to perform better or worse in managing
important; and negotiation costs are lower (Olson, 1965). This irrigation-related tasks.
was indeed found by empirical evidence (Bardhan, 2000; None of the governance-related variables identified by the
Bardhan & Dayton-Johnson, 2002; Meinzen-Dick et al., collective action research are relevant for us here, because
2002; Wade, 1988). the genesis of all irrigation associations we examine lies in
The role of leadership in tapping into the capacity of the the irrigation management transfer. For example Shivakoti
watercourse community to self organize, improve their water- and Ostrom (2002) had shown that irrigation associations
course, and lobby for better service cannot be underestimated. (IAs) have a stronger sense of ‘‘ownership” when the commu-
This is especially true when collective action needs to serve as a nity is self-organized compared with associations organized by
substitute for the state. However, because it cannot rely on the government agencies. In our study area, formation of all irri-
coercive power of the state (e.g., the ability to tax and enforce gation associations were prompted by the PIDA Act of 1997,
contracts), collective action is much harder to set in motion. by which Provincial Irrigation Departments were transformed
Two essential ingredients are then required: leadership and into financially autonomous entities, referred to as Provincial
trust. A leader is required who is capable of convincing com- Irrigation and Drainage Authorities. In Punjab, the provincial
munity members that they should voluntarily contribute to the government structured the authority into Area Water Boards,
public good. Krishna (2001) has argued that good leaders are each of which consisted of several Farmer Organizations
agents that can convert the stock of social capital into a flow (FOs). 1 An FO took over the management responsibilities
of benefits. Trust is necessary to resolve conflicts among com- of the secondary canals (distributary) and consisted of directly
peting interests and to reduce fears of free riding. This was elected farmer representatives from each tertiary canal (water-
indeed found by Fujiie et al. (2005). course). Each of these directly elected members head their
Another variable that affects successful collective action for respective watercourse-level Khal Panchayat (KP)
resource management is its salience or relative importance to (Government of Sindh, 1997; Government of the Punjab,
the users. Gemma and Tsur (2007) and Provencher and Burt 1997). See Figure 1 for a comparison of the old and the new
(1993) have shown that groundwater allows farmers to aug- system.
ment canal irrigation supply and buffer against its variability. Moreover, age of the irrigation system itself, considered
Even though collective action is organized for management of important by Fujiie et al. (2005), is fairly uniform across dis-
public goods for surface irrigation, privately accessed ground- tributaries. So, even though irrigation management transfer
water increases the payoff from well-functioning surface sys- brings the capability of a community to manage its local pub-
tems, increasing the incentive for collective action (Latif, lic goods into sharp focus, some of the key governance vari-
2007). In other words, better access to groundwater can ables are not at play in our research.
improve collective action. But Meinzen-Dick et al. (2002) But despite the inorganic appearance of watercourse-
found an opposite effect: surface irrigation systems with higher governance bodies, there are hopes that decentralization
number of groundwater wells exhibited less collective action. would create a trajectory of change to improve the social orga-
This may be an indication of what Shah (2008) later found: nization of irrigation. By the early 1980s, Pakistan’s irrigation
in South Asia good quality groundwater is offering a possibil- systems were widely recognized to be performing substantially
ity of exit from canal irrigation. Even earlier, Hirschmann below their potential. Problems included irrigation infrastruc-
(1970) had shown that the opportunity to exit from a public ture in desperate need of repair, poor revenue collection to
good may lead to underinvestment in that good. If Shah fund that repair, expansion of irrigated area beyond design,
(2008) is correct, groundwater may be offering an exit vast inequalities in the distribution of canal water and overall
opportunity, at least to farmers who can afford the expense very low agricultural productivity (Murgai, Ali, & Byerlee,

Old system (since ~ 1870) New System (since 1997)

Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Authority
Province (PIDA)

Canal Circle Area Water Board (AWB)

10 farmer and 9 non-farmer members and engineers
from Irrigation Department
Responsible for managing and distributing irrigation
water, through formal volume-based contracts with
Organizations, and trade water with other utilities
Irrigation Department (Govt
appointed officials and
Distributary engineers) Farmer Organization (FO)
10 elected farmers from KPs

Responsible for (1) supplying water to irrigators (2)

O&M of distributaries (3) collect water charges (4)
make payments to Area Water Board
Watercourse Khal Panchayat (KP)
5 elected farmers from the watercourse community

Responsible for (1) maintaining the watercourse (2)

dispute resolution (3) collect water charges (4) hold
internal meetings (5) vote in the FO election
Responsible for
(1) maintaining the watercourse
Farmers (2) dispute resolution

Figure 1. Comparison of Centralized Irrigation Department with the PIDA.

2001;World Bank, 1994; Yu et al., 2013). Larger and more 3. FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESES
powerful landowners were paying bribes to the irrigation offi-
cials to withdraw more than their share, which exacerbated the (a) Unit of analysis: watercourse community and Khal
inequities in the system (Mustafa, 2001; Rinaudo, 2002; Van Panchayat (KP)
Halsema & Vincent, 2006). These discouraging trends,
together with fiscal constraints limiting the state’s ability to Our unit of analysis is a watercourse community that shares
improve the infrastructure, helped create the momentum for a watercourse and resides in one or more neighboring villages.
a policy shift to devolve Pakistan’s irrigation management The watercourse carries water from the secondary outlet to the
from state agencies to user groups. It was argued that restruc- farmers’ fields. Regardless of the size of the irrigation system,
turing and decentralizing the government-managed irrigation this field channel level—the unit command area—is the com-
department into autonomous units and devolving manage- mon denominator in all irrigation systems around the world
ment, maintenance, and fiscal responsibilities to local farm (Uphoff, 1986, p. 88).
communities would give greater responsibility to farmers Each watercourse community is governed by a Khal Pan-
and increase their participation in management. This, in turn, chayat; ‘‘Khal” means watercourse and ‘‘Panchayat” refers
would improve the physical state of the infrastructure, to the five-member governing body. The 1997 PIDA Act lays
improve on farm water management, and increase revenue out its responsibilities of the Khal Panchayat, referred to as KP
collection in a virtuous circle (Vander Velde & Tirmizi, from here onward, as: (1) maintenance of the watercourse, (2)
2004; World Bank, 1994). dispute resolution, (3) collection of water charges (abiana)
Even before decentralization, a certain level of collective from irrigating farmers on the watercourse, (4) hold monthly
action and self-governance was needed for effective operation meetings within KP and, (5) participation in distributary-
of the system. Farmers were already maintaining their water- level Farmer Organizations (Government of the Punjab,
courses and resolving disputes; a concern is whether the insti- 2010).
tutional change will ignore the potential of the community to Each KP responsibility is a particular form of collective
self-organize or build on that potential. As Ramesh (2013) has action problem. Watercourse maintenance refers to removing
pointed out that local resources, institutions, political pro- sediment and weeds from the watercourse channel. 2 Periodic
cesses and social capital play a larger role in shaping outcomes watercourse maintenance, a local public good, is important
of decentralization than the decentralization policy itself. Our for unimpeded water flow to all farmers, especially those
explanatory variables may help identify what contributes to appropriating water in the tail reaches. Resolving disputes,
higher social capital. A community’s social capital and the especially when they arise over sharing of water flowing in
resulting successful collective action in the community may the watercourse, can avoid disruption of the flow of service.
therefore be correlated with degree of water scarcity, size of KP meetings can aid exchange of information and developing
the community, opportunity to exit from the local public trust. As noted by Frohlich and Oppenheimer (2000), individ-
good, and effective leadership in the community. uals do not have complete information in most settings, but we

can assume that individuals lean more accurate information (KP community), in order to explain variation in KP perfor-
about the structure of the situation they are in and behavior mance.
of others involved when they communicate in a repeated situ-
ations. Finally, electing upper tier members can be a direct for- (i) Canal water delivery hypotheses
mal route to voice local concerns at a higher level. We examine We expect poor KP performance when canal water avail-
the performance of a KP in fulfilling its responsibilities as a ability is very scarce or very abundant. The ‘‘canal water deliv-
reflection of the degree of collective action within the water- ery hypothesis” is the inverse-U hypothesis noted earlier that
course community. This is our key assumption, which enables marginal increase in canal water availability improves KP per-
us to interpret KP performance as the community’s capacity formance at low levels of canal water availability, but if canal
of self-organization and collective action. water availability is already high, a marginal improvement in
Each KP consists of five members, all farmers from the delivery supply worsens KP performance.
respective watercourse, with four general members and one
chairperson. KPs are formed via elections at the watercourse (ii) Groundwater hypotheses
level and all irrigating farmers are eligible. 3 Each KP and its Given extensive conjunctive use of surface water and
watercourse community represent a clearly defined resource groundwater in our sample area we explore the role of the
user group. Although a KP does not have a formal role in canal water delivery and groundwater availability separately.
determining the allocated share of water to each member farm, We propose a ‘‘groundwater productivity hypothesis”, which
it is responsible for maintaining its watercourses in good con- states that better groundwater availability improves KP per-
dition in order to receive the agreed canal water delivery. Ver- formance. When groundwater and surface water are joint
ified violations or non-payment of water charges can result in inputs or complements in farm production, improved ground-
suspension of water delivery to the watercourse. Theoretically, water availability increases gains from improving canal water
KPs can also liaise or bargain with agency officials, or the FO delivery system.
since the implementation of PIDA Act, for adjustments in The ‘‘exit hypothesis” states that better groundwater avail-
cases when flow timing and thus allocated volume of water ability leads to worse KP performance. If farmers view
is disturbed, for instance due to a damaged outlet. These roles groundwater as substitute of canal water, then availability of
of direct service delivery to farmers in the watercourse com- groundwater may undermine incentives to improving the per-
munity in addition to the KP’s responsibility of electing FO formance of surface water irrigation systems and therefore
members, makes the KPs the fundamental institution on would have worse KP performance. There is theoretical justi-
which the decentralized management structure is built. fication of both groundwater productivity and exit hypothesis
It is worth noting that some of the KP responsibilities in the and the net result would be determined by which effect domi-
PIDA Act were a mere formalization of existing watercourse nates in a particular irrigation system. We allow for both
community roles, though others created entirely new roles effects in our estimation.
for farmers. For example, since the Canal and Drainage Act
of 1873, watercourse communities were responsible for peri- (iii) Community size hypothesis
odic maintenance and upkeep of watercourses, although the Size of the community is known to be an important determi-
exact mechanism for sharing responsibility was left to the dis- nant of collective action and we expect KPs of larger commu-
cretion of the farmers (de Klein & Wahaj, 1998). Similarly, nities to perform worse. We refer to this as the ‘‘Watercourse
farmers had been de facto responsible for resolving disputes community size hypothesis”, which states that large communi-
arising from water sharing. 4 Assessment and collection of ties will have worse KP performance.
water charges, on the other hand, had traditionally been the
role of the Revenue Department, but the PIDA Act awarded (iv) Leadership hypothesis
this responsibility to the KPs. 5 Similarly, recommendations The literature suggests that a community with better leaders
on holding monthly community meetings and electing farmer will have a more effective KP. We refer to this as the ‘‘Leader-
representatives at the distributary level formalized the func- ship hypothesis”.
tioning of the watercourse community. Anecdotal experience,
and the authors’ field experience, suggests that relatively influ- (v) Gender hypothesis
ential farmers had always engaged with higher level authorities Does a community with a greater share of women as its
for their personal gains. The key difference was that now a shareholders perform differently than others? There is no for-
much broader base was eligible to participate in the water- mal mechanism to include women members in KPs and the
course management in a more structured and formalized informal mechanisms may constrain women from participat-
format. ing in certain KP activities such as meetings or watercourse
However, it must be mentioned that the role of a KP in fully maintenance. Therefore we expect a KP with a greater share
controlling its water supply is somewhat constrained due to of woman-headed households to perform worse.
the nature of Pakistan’s run-of-the-river, hierarchical irriga-
tion system in which water flows from branch canals into sec-
ondary canals (distributaries), which in turn flows into tertiary (c) Study area and data collection
canals (watercourses). KPs, the farmer body at this last irriga-
tion channel or watercourse, have therefore limited control of Our study area is Bahawalnagar Canal Circle in eastern
the service delivered to them from upstream except through Punjab, Pakistan, where water is scarce, irrigation develop-
their Farmer Organization or Area Water Boards. ment is critical, and was one of the first locations where pilot
programs for farmer participation in irrigation management
(b) Hypotheses were developed. Bahawalnagar Canal Circle is one of the lar-
gest canal systems in Pakistan with a gross command area of
Given the literature reviewed in the previous section, we approximately 690,000 ha. It receives 3 billion cubic meters
propose hypotheses related to characteristics of the resource (2.5 million acre feet) of surface water annually or nearly 8%
(watercourse system), and characteristics of the resource users of Punjab’s total irrigation water (4% of the national total).

Wheat is the primary Rabi (winter) crop and cotton is the pri- works organized by the KP in winter (Rabi) season. Table 1
mary Kharif (summer) crop. shows that on average 54% of the farmers contributed labor
Of the total 70 distributaries and 4,259 watercourses in the toward watercourse maintenance.
Bahawalnagar Canal Circle, this study is based on a random
sample of 1,845 watercourses located across 44 distributaries (ii) Dispute resolution
in head, middle and tail reaches of their respective main canals Degree of involvement of a KP in local dispute resolution
and distributaries. 6 The sample watercourses fall across three was measured by asking the chairperson of each KP if he
different canal divisions, Fordwah, Hakra, and Sadiqia, which agreed with the statement, ‘‘the farmers on the watercourse
vary in their size, status of infrastructure, percentage of non- accepted the KP’s role in dispute resolution in the watercourse”.
perennial distributaries, and groundwater quality. Yet, this We constructed a dummy variable with a value of 1 when the
area is part of a single agro-climatic zone so altitude, rainfall chairman responded with ‘‘Strongly Agree” or ‘‘Agree” and 0
or temperatures are fairly uniform. In-person interviews of for other responses (‘‘Strongly Disagree”, ‘‘Disagree” and ‘‘To
KP chairpersons and farmers in sampled watercourses were some extent”). Table 1 shows that the dummy variable for dis-
conducted over the period of 15 July–15 August 2012. pute resolution takes the value of 1 in a 91% of cases. Disputes
Detailed information was collected regarding activities of the around irrigation water arise for a whole host of reasons, such
KP in the two most recent growing seasons: Rabi (winter) as water sharing schedule or unauthorized use of watercourse
2011–12 and Kharif (summer) 2011. 7 Data were compiled channel, but these disputes are seldom officially reported.
regarding the activities of the KP, and physical and socioeco- Farmers generally do not admit to having disputes to out-
nomic environment of the watercourse community. siders, but our indirect question of whether the KP is seen
Primary data were supplemented with two secondary as arbiters in case of disputes yields a more honest and easy
sources. First, daily observation of canal water discharge response. We interpret the answer to this question as the KP
recorded at the head of the distributary for each of the 44 dis- chairperson’s self-perception as a respected figure and author-
tributaries in our sample. These data were obtained from the ity in the community.
Programme Monitoring and Implementation Unit (PMIU)
of the irrigation department, for a seven-year period (Rabi (iii) Attendance in KP meetings
2005–06 to Rabi 2012–13). A total of 108,390 daily discharge We calculated a dependent variable indicating the percent-
observation points were used to construct variability in daily age of community attending KP meetings. Table 1 shows that
discharge in canal water. Second, data on socioeconomic about 68% of the community participates in the KP meetings.
development indicators such as literacy rates, child malnour-
ishment, percentage of population using improved drinking (iv) Collection of water charges
water sources, were collected from the most recent, 2007–08 We defined a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if KP
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. Table 2 shows that our was involved in water charge collection, and 0 if it was not.
sample watercourses fall in six tehsils: Bahawalnagar, Chish- Table 1 shows that only about 33% of KPs reported that they
tian, Fort Abbas, Haroonabad, Minchinbad, and Hasilpur. 8 were successfully taking over collection. Water charge collec-
Our study area is one of the poorest regions in the province tion dummy variable indicates success in the KP taking over
of Punjab, Pakistan (Cheema, Khalid, & Patnam, 2008). this new responsibility. 9

(d) Definition and measurement of KP performance: 5 domains (v) Voting in farmer organization elections
of collective action Farmer Organization is the governing body for the sec-
ondary canal (or distributary), which is the parent channel
We examine KP performance on each of its five legal for the watercourse. We constructed a dummy variable that
responsibilities under the PIDA rules. These include: (1) Main- takes a value of 1 if the KP voted in the election, and 0 other-
tenance of watercourse, (2) Collection of water charges from wise. Table 1 shows that an overwhelming majority of the KP
irrigating farmers on the watercourse, (3) dispute resolution, chairpersons, 85%, had voted in the most recent Farmer Orga-
(4) hold monthly meetings and, (5) participation in nization election. 10
distributary-level Farmer Organizations. Descriptive statistics Each of the public goods provided by the KP has a different
of KP performance indicators are given in Table 1. distribution of costs and benefits across its members, which
may partly explain the relative success of KP in each role.
(i) Watercourse maintenance Maintenance of watercourse requires participation of several
Watercourse maintenance is a labor-intensive process and community members to perform the physical task of removing
has traditionally been accomplished by farmers volunteering silt although benefits may disproportionally accrue to farmers
their time. We calculate the percentage of farmers in the water- in the tail reach of the watercourse. Also, unlike collection of
course community who contributed time for maintenance water charges, it is an older responsibility with very clear and

Table 1. Summary statistics—Khal Panchayat (KP) performance

Khal Panchayat (KP) Performance Mean Std. dev. Min Max Count if 1a Count if 0a
Farmers contributing labor for maintenance works (%) 54.19 39.05 0 100
Acceptance of KP’s role in dispute resolution (Yes = 1, No = 0) 0.91 0.28 0 1 1,683 162
KP involved in collecting water charges (Yes = 1, No = 0) 0.33 0.47 0 1 611 1,234
Farmers attending KP meetings (%) 68.27 37.40 0 100
KP voted in Farmer Organization elections (Yes = 1, No = 0) 0.85 0.36 0 1 1,569 276
Source: Authors.
Reported only for dummy variables.

tangible benefits. Performance of KPs in collecting water (i) Location of the watercourse
charges is perhaps the least successful of KP roles, with only In much of South Asia, including Pakistan, discharge of
33% of the KPs involved, partly because of unclear benefits canal water delivered to the plot or even the head of the water-
and very clear costs. Voting in FO elections, although another course is not measured. Discharge of canal water is measured
new responsibility has a very average high participation rate of only at the head of the distributary, which could be several
85%. It is only an annual activity, perhaps less costly, and its hundred meters away from the head of the watercourse and
benefits, e.g., voicing the communities’ concerns in the FO or the plot. We therefore use location of the watercourse in the
learning of the latest development in irrigation management irrigation system, infrastructure condition of the distributary
and opportunities, although less tangible may be more evenly and watercourse, and inter and intra seasonal variability of
distributed across members. 11 the canal water delivery, as proxies of the quality of water ser-
vice delivery to the watercourse. Given the spatial inequities in
(e) Definition and Measurement of Explanatory Variables canal water delivery, the distance of the watercourse from the
head of the distributary and the main canal can serve as a
Table 2 provides the summary statistics of all explanatory strong proxy for canal water availability (Latif, 2007). Chan-
variables used to test the hypotheses in Section (b). nels closer to the head typically receive higher flows than those

Table 2. Summary statistics—watercourse explanatory variables

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Count if 1 Count if 0
Canal water delivery
Distributary head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.34 0.47 0 1 621 1,224
Distributary tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.39 0.49 0 1 714 1,131
Main head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.24 0.43 0 1 440 1,405
Main tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.57 0.50 0 1 1,045 800
Absolute tail (Distributary Tail  Main Tail) 0.22 0.41 0 1 406 1,439
Absolute head (Distributary Head  Main Head) 0.08 0.28 0 1 154 1,691
Intra-seasonal variation in distributary discharge (average standard 97.28 62.41 2.19 204.20
deviation within season discharge in Kharif seasons for 2006-12)
(cubic meters per second)
Inter-seasonal variation in distributary discharge (standard deviation 22 17.02 0.48 54.48
of average discharge in Kharif 2006–12) (cubic meters per second)
Percentage of watercourse lined 27.73 24.69 0 100
Physical state of the distributary (1 = poor condition, 0.79 0.41 0 1 1,455 390
0 = good condition)
Groundwater availability
Groundwater quality in a watercourse (1 = Poor, 1.69 0.71 1 3
2 = Fair, 3 = Good)
Percentage of gross command area irrigated by groundwater 47.31 33.66 0 100
Size of the watercourse community
Number of shareholders or farmers on watercourse 76.40 66.50 20 1,300
Gross command area of the watercourse (acres) 381.52 178.52 8 2,500
Leadership quality and potential
KP chairperson’s education (years in school) 7.27 4.20 0 14
KP chairperson’s age (years) 48.77 11.24 20 90
KP chairperson’s land located in tail of watercourse (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.16 0.36 0 1 291 1,554
College graduates (%) 10.83 13.37 0 100
Influential people (%) 6.93 8.34 0 83.48
Shareholders with a military background (%) 2.56 5.10 0 75
Gender of household heads in watercourse community
Female-headed households (%) 5.60 5.62 0 50
Number of primary schools in the watercourse community 1.22 0.78 0 5
Perennial canal (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.67 0.47 0 1 1,229 616
Literacy rate (in population 15 years and oldera 43.95 8.67 30.5 55.3
Child malnourishment, weight for age, % below 2SDa 35.92 4.04 31 42.6
Population using improved sources of drinking water and sanitation (%)a 51.35 11.89 30.8 66.6
Women reporting a Lady Health Worker visit during the past month (%)a 60.54 21.88 23.1 86.2
Unemployment rate (in population 15 years)a 5.03 1.13 3.4 6.9
Fordwah canal division (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.33 0.47 0 1 600 1,245
Sadiqia canal division (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.41 0.49 0 1 755 1,090
Haroonabad canal division (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.27 0.44 0 1 490 1,355
Source: Authors.
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Government of the Punjab, 2007–08.

at the tail of the channel. Following convention, e.g., Meinzen- (the secondary canals) and for delivering of the water from the
Dick et al. (2002), we divide a channel into three parts, head, watercourse to farmers’ fields (the tertiary canals). Distribu-
middle and tail, such that the head refers to the first 30% of a tary condition is measured both through the subjective assess-
channel, the middle refers to the next 30%, and the remaining ment of the KP representative (1 = poor condition, 0 = good
40% of a channel is referred to as the tail. or excellent condition).
Our sampling scheme at the head-middle-and tail of the dis-
tributaries as well as main canals allows us to improve this (iv) Condition of watercourse infrastructure
measurement. We develop 4 dummy variables that assign a The condition of the watercourse was measured as the share
head, middle and tail location identifier to each watercourse of the watercourse permanently lined with cement or bricks, a
in our sample. First, Distributary_Head = 1 if the watercourse task that is always performed by an outside agency. This is not
originates from the head of the distributary and 0 otherwise, to be confused with the watercourse maintenance, which is
and second, Distributary_Tail = 1 if the watercourse origi- about de-silting the watercourse and is the community’s
nates from the tail of the distributary, 0 otherwise. Location responsibility. Permanent lining of the watercourse reduces
of a distributary along the main canal would also affect the seepage losses and reduce maintenance efforts, but is also
water delivered to all watercourses so two additional dummy known to reduce recharge of groundwater.
variables are created to identify the location of the distributary
along the main channel. Main_Head, which takes a value of 1 (v) Groundwater use
if the watercourse originates from a distributary, located at the We calculated the percentage of watercourse command area
head of the main canal, and 0 otherwise. Main_Tail, which that is irrigated by groundwater and included that as an
takes a value of 1 if the watercourse, originates from a dis- explanatory variable that captures the contribution of ground-
tributary at the tail of the main canal, and 0 otherwise. Addi- water in agricultural production. We add a squared term to
tional dummy variables created from the product of head test exit hypothesis for non-linear effects of groundwater use
dummies (Distributary_Head  Main_Head) and tail dum- on KP performance.
mies (Distribuary_Tail  Main_Tail) are used to explore if
KPs on the absolute head or the absolute tail of the irrigation (vi) Groundwater quality
system respectively perform differently from others. Detailed groundwater quality data for each watercourse
Table 2 shows that distribution of the sample watercourses command area in the sample were not available for each
across the head, middle and tail of the distributaries and main watercourse so we elicited farmers’ perceptions regarding the
canals. In line with inverse-U hypothesis, we expect that KPs quality of groundwater (i.e., salinity levels) for agricultural
located along the head (Main_Head and Distributary_Head production. We asked the KP chairmen to rank the quality
and Distributary_Head  Main_Head) and tail reaches of groundwater for agricultural production along poor, fair,
(Main_Tail, Distribuary_Tail and Distribuary_Tail  Main_Tail) and good rankings. We used two dummy variables: fair, and
would display worse KP performance than those in the middle good, as explanatory variables to test if groundwater quality
reaches. matters for KP performance.

(ii) Variability in canal water supplies (vii) Watercourse command area

The contribution of canal supplies in agricultural produc- We include gross command area of the watercourse to mea-
tion depends not only on cumulative quantity received in a sure the total agricultural area under the KP management.
growing season but also on timing and variability of these sup-
plies. Supply certainty has been found to increase agricultural (viii) Number of shareholders
productivity (Provencher & Burt, 1993). We use daily dis- We include total number of irrigating farmers in the water-
charge data for the Kharif growing season for 7 preceding course community. In our sample, the number of farmers in a
years 2006–12 to develop measures of inter-seasonal variability watercourse varies from a minimum of 20 to 1300 farmers.
and intra-seasonal variability of discharge received at the head The average size of the watercourse is 76 farmers, with a gross
of the distributary. Inter-seasonal variability is computed as command area of 382 acres.
the standard deviation in average per acre volume of canal
water received across the 7 growing seasons. Intra or within (ix) Leadership quality
season variability, is measured by the standard deviation of We measure leadership quality by the years of education
daily discharge of canal water at the head of each distributary. and age of the current KP chairperson. We also considered
We compute both measures for summer (Kharif) season, the influence of the location of KP chairperson’s land in the
rather than winter (Rabi) because of presence of non- watercourse by including a dummy variable, which takes a
perennial canals in our sample, which are shut off during the value of 1 if the KP chairperson’s land was located in the tail
Rabi season. While it is not technically possible to have no reach of the watercourse. The general hypothesis is that if
variability in canal water supply, high variability within a sea- those with power are located at the tail end where water deliv-
son or from one season to the next could be an indication of ery is lowest, there will be more incentive to encourage collec-
poor service delivery and can undermine KP performance. 12 tive action (de Klein & Wahaj, 1998; Latif, 2007).

(iii) Condition of canal infrastructure (x) Leadership potential

Upstream infrastructure condition can be a key determinant We also explored leadership potential by including the per-
of canal water delivery. Distributaries in poor condition will centage of ‘‘influential persons” in the community. Meinzen-
render the efforts of downstream KPs to desilt and maintain Dick et al. (2002) found that the greater number of ‘‘influential
watercourses meaningless. Conversely, better-maintained persons” in the community positively and significantly
infrastructure may provide greater marginal benefits to collec- improved collective action. Ul Hassan (2011) however has
tive action as that action will be more likely to be reflected in documented that large landowners who were benefiting from
delivery results. We measured infrastructure condition both in the status quo had vigorously opposed the institutional
terms of facilities for delivering of the water to the watercourse reforms. Especially as the new roles of the KP may bring it

to challenge the older power centers, these groups may try to results by KP responsibilities in a greater depth, comparing
undermine its effectiveness. We include ‘‘influential persons” old versus new KP roles. First we give a broad brushstroke
defined as ‘‘individuals generally recognized as arbitrators, com- of results for each hypothesis that are generalizable across
munity leaders” in the respective watercourse to examine their all domains of collective action.
potential role. We also measure leadership potential with per-
centage of persons with college degree and ex-soldiers in the (i) Canal water delivery: location, variability, and infrastructure
community. Military service can offer rare educational oppor- Each KP responsibility reveals slightly different patterns
tunities to disadvantaged groups (Angrist, 1998). Given the with canal water delivery, but we can generalize one overall
low level of education in this area, literacy rates ranging from result: KPs in the tail reaches of the system (along a dis-
30% to 55%, a few years or a career in military service may not tributary or a main canal) tend to perform no worse, some-
only be a source of human capital but also a reason for higher times significantly better, than KPs in the upstream reaches
standing and influence in the community. 13 of the system. Watercourse communities in the tail reaches
have significantly broader participation in maintaining their
(xi) Percentage of woman-headed households watercourses and voting in the FO elections. If water avail-
We collected data on the number of female-headed farming ability is worse in the tail reach, then our results indicate
households in the watercourse community and include their that worse canal water delivery improves collective action.
percentage as a measure of the share of potentially excluded The KP performance indicator for dispute resolution and
community members. We expect that greater percentage of collection of water charges exhibit U-shaped patterns, i.e.,
women may undermine the performance of KPs. the middle reaches perform worse than the head or the tail
(xii) Additional variables Overall, these results are counter to an inverse-U relation-
We include a dummy variable for perennial canals (66% of ship between community performance and water scarcity
our sample). We also include tehsil-level development indica- found by Bardhan (2000). Could it be that in the presence of
tors (Table 2) to control for the broader development status privately accessed groundwater, canal water delivery is only
including literacy rate (15 years and above), child malnourish- a partial measure of water availability? To clarify the relation-
ment (weight for age, % below 2SD), population using ship between water scarcity and KP performance, we examine
improved sources of drinking water and sanitation (%), the variation in percentage of watercourse area irrigated by
women reporting that a lady health worker visited the house groundwater by location of the watercourse in the irrigation
during the past month (%) and unemployment rate (%). We system and discover that percentage of watercourse command
also include dummies for canal divisions, Fordwah, Hakra, area irrigated by groundwater is significantly lower if the
and Sadiqia. The sample contains 529 watercourses from watercourse is in the tail reach of the system. We also examine
Fordwah, 451 from Hakra, and 679 from Sadiqia canal divi- if groundwater quality declines from head to the tail reach of
sions. the system and find no such pattern. 14 These results then sup-
port our conclusion that total water supplies may be scarcer in
the tail reaches, and that scarce water supplies do not under-
4. RESULTS mine KP performance. Unlike the 48 South Indian communi-
ties surveyed by Bardhan (2000) that were sampled from
(a) Estimation models and analytic approach across public and self-managed irrigation systems and showed
poorer collective action when water scarcity was higher, our
To test the hypotheses outlined in the earlier section, we sample watercourse communities are sampled from more sim-
employ two models, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Pro- ilar systems. In the tail reaches communities may be increasing
bit. We use OLS to estimate our single model with a continu- effort, because they perceive a stronger benefit from collective
ous dependent variable, percentage of community action.
participating in watercourse maintenance and percentage of Increase in variation in canal discharge and infrastructure
community that attends the KP meetings, and Probit model conditions are significant determinants of KP performance
for remaining three models with binary dependent variables, across the entire spectrum of responsibilities. The results are
water charge collection, effective dispute resolution and voting as expected: higher variability undermines and better condi-
in FO elections. Each KP performance measure is an endoge- tion of canals strengthens KP performance.
nous variable. We estimate the effect of all explanatory vari- Poor state of infrastructure inhibits collective action. KPs
ables on each KP performance measure separately. Table 3 performed poorly in all dimensions of their responsibilities if
presents the results of the OLS regressions (with robust stan- their respective communities had reported that their distribu-
dard errors) and Table 4 reports the results for the Probit tary was in poor condition. The state of the distributary is
regression. For each Probit regression, we use three out of the direct control of the watercourse community yet
approaches to evaluate the fit of the Probit model: McFad- its effect on all downstream channels is highly significant.
den’s pseudo R-squared, Hosmer–Lemeshow statistic Also, if the watercourse is lined, there is significant improve-
(Woolridge, 2001) which compares group-averaged predicted ment in the degree of collective action.
probabilities with sample frequencies, and comparison based
on classification. Each of these is shown in the bottom rows (ii) Groundwater productivity and exit
of Table 4. Below, we first present the regression results for We find strong evidence that, all else equal, heavy ground-
each hypothesis and then compare the results for old versus water use and better groundwater quality, in a watercourse
new KP roles. community is negatively associated with effectiveness of the
KP. We find this result for all but two KP responsibilities.
(b) Results by hypothesis For watercourse maintenance, internal meetings and voting
in FO elections, we found an inverse-U shaped relationship
In this section we summarize the results around our key between the percentage of watercourse command area irri-
hypotheses of interest. In the next subsection we explore gated by groundwater and KP’s effectiveness. At low levels

Table 3. Explaining Khal Panchayat (KP) performance-OLS model

(1) (2)
Percentage of watercourse community Percentage of watercourse
contributed labor for maintenance community attends KP meetings
Main head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 3.687 (3.826) 6.751 ( 4.306)
Main tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 1.557 (3.528) 3.431 ( 3.607)
Distributary head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 1.712 (2.266) 2.344 ( 2.528)
Distributary tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 6.803*** (2.602) 0.58 ( 3.037)
Main Tail  Distributary Tail 10.065*** (3.524) 0.559 ( 4.092)
Main Head  Distributary Head 7.101*(3.864) 9.093** (4.536)
Intra-seasonal variability in canal discharge 0.141*** (0.045) 0.002 (0.046)
Inter-seasonal variability in canal discharge 0.486*** (0.173) 0.09 ( 0.185)
Lined watercourse (%) 0.061* (0.033) 0.151*** (0.037)
Physical state of the distributary (1 = Poor, 0 = good) 0.636 (1.832) 4.987** (2.129)
Watercourse area irrigated by gw (%) 0.242*** (0.077) 0.329*** (0.093)
Watercourse command area irrigated by gw squared 0.003*** (0.001) 0.003*** (0.001)
Fair quality groundwater (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 2.581 (1.647) 4.535** (1.974)
Good quality groundwater (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 8.874*** (2.926) 9.607*** (3)
Total farmers sharing the watercourse 0.120*** (0.023) 0.043*** (0.015)
Area of the watercourse 0.005 (0.004) 0.001 (0.005)
Education of KP chairman 0.101 (0.19) 0.592*** (0.219)
Age of KP chairman 0.015 (0.069) 0.1 (0.079)
KP chairman’s farm located in tail of watercourse 12.016*** (1.998) 9.735*** (2.378)
Influential persons (%) 0.405*** (0.101) 0.297*** (0.114)
College graduates (%) 0.024 (0.06) 0.058 (0.071)
Shareholders with a military background (%) 0.205 (0.17) 0.137 (0.176)
Percentage of female-headed households 0.429*** (0.129) 0.031 (0.154)
Percentage of WC in need for repair 0.066*** (0.025)
Number of primary schools in the watercourse community 3.102*** (0.993) 2.693** (1.144)
Perennial canal (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 33.626*** (3.456) 2.965 (3.399)
Literacy rate (%) 9.623*** (3.515) 4.565 (3.696)
Child Malnourishment (%) 1.309** (0.634) 0.713 (0.635)
Improved sources of drinking water and sanitation (%) 5.591** (2.365) 3.45 (2.486)
Lady Health worker (%) 0.932*** (0.249) 0.039 (0.268)
Unemployment rate (%) 14.938*** (4.204) 7.545* (4.542)
Fordwah canal division 4.942 (4.994) 5.42 (5.304)
Sadiqia canal division 0.177 (4.309) 10.249** (4.818)
Constant 79.200*** (29.227) 39.763 (35.771)
Observations 1,845 1,845
R-squared 0.393 0.082
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses.
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.1.

of groundwater use, an increase in share of groundwater irri- (iv) Leadership quality and potential
gated is positively associated with collective action, i.e., the Our evidence suggests that the education level of the elected
production-enhancing role of groundwater dominates, but at KP chairman has a significant and positive association with the
high levels of groundwater use the exit effect dominates, i.e., KP performance for three of the five KP responsibilities under
farmers tend to substitute away from canal water which weak- study, namely collecting water charges, voting in the FO elec-
ens their incentives to contribute toward watercourse mainte- tions, and percentage of community participating in the KP
nance. Figure 2 shows that, community contributions toward meetings. Education level of the KP chairman had no signifi-
watercourse maintenance peak when 45–50% of the water- cant effect for community participation for watercourse main-
course area relies on groundwater for agricultural production, tenance or dispute resolution. We also find that if the KP
but decline for higher levels of groundwater dependence. chairperson’s own farm was located in the tail reaches of the
watercourse, KPs were less effective. This was a universal find-
(iii) Size of the community ing in our research. The magnitude of the negative effect of the
We found mixed evidence for the effects of the community location of KP chairperson was larger than the magnitude of
size. For watercourse maintenance and internal meetings, we the positive education effects whenever present.
cannot reject the hypothesis that larger communities tend to Next, we turn to the effect of various measures of leadership
perform worse in achieving better functioning KPs. But the potential in the community. We find that a greater percentage
size of the community (or area of the watercourse) was not of college graduates or ex-military personnel in the water-
a deterrent to achieving the other KP responsibilities such as course community significantly improved collective action.
voting, dispute resolution and collecting water charges. We interpret this finding as human capital contribution to

Table 4. Explaining Khal Panchayat (KP) Performance –Probit Model

Dependent variables are dummy variables (1 = Yes, 0 = No) (1) (2) (3)
KP collecting Community accepts KP’s dispute KP chairman voted
water charges? resolution role? in the FO election?
Main head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.460*** (0.157) 0.568** (0.245) 0.164 (0.198)
Main tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.114 (0.132) 0.574*** (0.207) 0.008 (0.170)
Distributary head (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.189* (0.098) 0.071 (0.137) 0.070 (0.117)
Distributary tail (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.164 (0.110) 0.011 (0.162) 0.204 (0.138)
Main Tail  Distributary Tail 0.462*** (0.153) 0.208 (0.219) 0.401** (0.188)
Main Head  Distributary Head 0.226 (0.166) 0.606** (0.291) 0.028 (0.218)
Intra-seasonal variability in canal discharge 0.009***(0.002) 0.001 (0.003) 0.002 (0.002)
Inter-seasonal variability in canal discharge 0.012*(0.007) 0.017*(0.009) 0.014*(0.008)
Lined watercourse (%) 0.001 (0.001) 0.000 (0.002) 0.007*** (0.002)
Physical state of the distributary 0.263*** (0.079) 0.399*** (0.140) 0.014 (0.100)
Watercourse area irrigated by gw (%) 0.004 (0.004) 0.001 (0.005) 0.019*** (0.004)
Watercourse command area irrigated by gw squared 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000*** (0.000)
Fair quality groundwater (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.086 (0.077) 0.075 (0.106) 0.496*** (0.090)
Good quality groundwater (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.103 (0.111) 0.051 (0.159) 0.298** (0.142)
Total farmers on the watercourse 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001) 0.000 (0.001)
Gross command area of watercourse 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
Education of KP chairman 0.024*** (0.008) 0.001 (0.011) 0.034*** (0.010)
Age of KP chairman 0.004 (0.003) 0.003 (0.004) 0.012*** (0.004)
KP chairman’s farm located in tail of watercourse 0.091 (0.092) 0.230* (0.139) 0.255** (0.106)
Influential persons (%) 0.022*** (0.005) 0.005 (0.007) 0.008 (0.006)
College graduates (%) 0.010*** (0.003) 0.005 (0.004) 0.013*** (0.004)
Shareholders with a military background (%) 0.021*** (0.006) 0.056*** (0.019) 0.028** (0.011)
Percentage of female-headed households 0.010* (0.006) 0.011 (0.009) 0.013* (0.008)
Number of primary schools in the watercourse community 0.005 (0.043) 0.067 (0.063) 0.048 (0.053)
Perennial canal (1 = Yes, 0 = No) 0.162 (0.124) 0.023 (0.190) 0.227 (0.151)
Literacy rate (%) 0.078 (0.139) 0.345 (0.248) 0.318* (0.170)
Child malnourishment (%) 0.005 (0.024) 0.047 (0.045) 0.008 (0.030)
Improved sources of drinking water and sanitation (%) 0.022 (0.094) 0.212 (0.161) 0.220* (0.114)
Lady health worker (%) 0.012 (0.010) 0.027 (0.019) 0.008 (0.012)
Unemployment rate (%) 0.212 (0.171) 0.609* (0.312) 0.243 (0.208)
Fordwah canal division 0.156 (0.195) 0.608 (0.391) 0.046 (0.245)
Sadiqia canal division 0.022 (0.175) 0.796** (0.391) 0.117 (0.236)
Constant 3.061** (1.341) 1.920 (2.698) 2.850* (1.617)
Observations 1,845 1,845 1,845
McFadden’s pseudo R–squared 0.1230 0.1205 0.1497
Hosmer–Lemeshow statistic 1861.41 1821.92 2068.39***
Correctly classified 70.35% 91.22% 87.48%
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.1.

success of local governance. Also noteworthy was the effect of community-identified elites is beneficial for fostering collective
influential persons in the community. Like earlier studies, we action, is not always true either, as we note in the case of col-
find that a community that reported a greater percentage of lecting water charges. Local influentials may impede effective
influential persons tended to demonstrate a greater degree of execution of this responsibility.
collective action. A greater percentage of influential persons
is also positively associated with improved performance in (v) Percentage of woman-headed households
all dimensions of KP responsibilities except for collecting A greater percentage of woman-headed households in the
water charges. community significantly lowered the percentage of contribu-
Taken together, these results are suggestive of the complex tions in watercourse maintenance, suggesting women may be
role of leaders and local elites in communities undergoing facing significant barriers to engage in public aspects of water-
institutional change. Choosing a farmer from the tail reach course management activities, even when they are heading
was seen as a strategy to circumvent ‘‘capture” of the irriga- their respective farming households. Yet, communities with
tion authority by the local elite, but we found that this strategy greater percentage of female-headed households tended to be
may come at a cost of KP’s effectiveness in conducting its more involved in collecting water charges and voting in FO
responsibilities. Even though the KP chairman who farms a elections. We think that results of this explanatory variable
tail-end agricultural plot has a direct private benefit from are reflective of patterns of women’s engagement in public,
maintaining the watercourse, his relatively weaker position especially political, aspects of managing local resources.
in the community may constrain his organizing influence. Women themselves may not participate in KP or higher level
The converse of this result, that a greater percentage of public fora, unless specific arrangements are made for them. It


Proportion of watercourse community contributing



labor for maintenance works








5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Percentage of Watercourse Command Area Irrigated with Groundwater

Figure 2. Estimated effect of groundwater use on labor contributions for watercourse maintenance.

is no accident that all KP members in our sample were men. Among the new roles, collection of water charges seems to
As Agarwal (2006) and Kevany and Huisingh (2013) note, have been taken up with least enthusiasm and the voting in
poor and rural women are disproportionately and adversely FO members was taken up with most enthusiasm. A majority
impacted by domestic and public gendered roles in relation of KPs surveyed, 67%, reported not being involved in collecting
to resource accessibility, system design and management, as water charges but 85% of KP surveyed reported that they voted
well as by the high costs of water distribution. The situation in electing their FO representatives—a rate higher than voter
is unlikely to have changed with the decentralization of the turnout of 55% in the most recent national elections
irrigation system. (Election Commission of Pakistan, 2013). Clearly, the water-
course community sees voting to elect their distributary-level
(vi) Other results representative as a highly relevant activity although participat-
We also notice that there is no difference in KP performance ing in collecting water charges is not. The penalties for not pay-
in perennial and non-perennial canals, except that perennial ing water charges by farmers are not fully enforced, and the
canals are significantly more likely to maintain their water- institutional reforms have not yet changed that at the KP level.
courses in winter season when the perennial canals are shut Second, this may be an outcome of how the new institutions of
down for a 4–5 week period. FOs and KPs, were ‘‘marketed” to the farmers: as a benefit-
providing rather than rule-enforcing entity (See Table 5).
(c) Collective action in old versus new roles Table 6 presents the pairwise correlation coefficients among
the KP responsibilities, and while we note that the correlation
Do watercourse communities display systematic differences is mostly positive, it is not very high. 15 Voting performance
in how they organize themselves in new roles compared to positively correlated with percentage of participation in
the older roles? As mentioned before, watercourse communi- monthly meetings: the correlation coefficient is 0.2. But
ties have traditionally been responsible for watercourse main- monthly meetings had a very low correlation with water
tenance and dispute resolution. Irrigation management charges collection.
transfer carved out three new responsibilities for them: collect- Results show that new roles assigned to farmers are more
ing water charges, holding internal meetings and voting in likely to have been taken up by communities in the tail reaches
electing the distributary-level farmer organization members. of the irrigation system, in particular the collecting water
One clear pattern that emerges is regarding the role of educa- charges and voting in the FO elections. This is a promising
tion: Education of the KP chairperson was a significant deter- result for decentralization and devolution of irrigation man-
minant of successful collective action for all new KP roles. All agement that shows the vibrancy of the farming communities
else equal, a more educated KP chairperson was more likely to in accepting and adopting these new roles for farmers.
vote in the FO elections, be engaged in water charge collec-
tion, and hold better attended KP meetings, but the coefficient
of education of the KP chairman was statistically insignificant 5. DISCUSSION
for the older roles. This points to the importance of educated
leaders in the community for successful uptake of new rules. It Farmers located on watercourses in the tail end of the
is interesting to note that even though the percentage of influ- irrigation system are generally regarded as farmers with
ential persons in the community was negatively associated poorer canal water service, and a concern at the time of irriga-
with collection of water charges the magnitude of the positive tion management transfer was that they might be sidelined and
effect of KP chairperson’s education was larger than the mag- be further deprived by the devolution. Our results provide
nitude of the negative effect of influential persons in the com- evidence contrary to that claim. Our results suggest a wide-
munity. spread interest in the KP activities and that farmers at the tail

Table 5. Summary of results

Labor cont. for watercourse Dispute resolution Meetings Voting Collecting
maintenance water charges
Canal water supply (head is better than tail) U U
Canal water variability
Condition of infrastructure + + + + +
Groundwater use Inverse-U Inverse-U Inverse-U
Groundwater quality
Size of the community
Education KP chairman + + +
KP chairman’s own land in tail +
% of influentials + +
% ex-military persons + + +
% woman-headed households + +
+ ( ) means positive (negative) and significant effect of the explanatory variable with a P-value of 10% or lower, blank cell means estimated coefficients
were insignificant with P-value of 0.1.

Table 6. Correlation coefficients among KP performance show correlations

Farmers contributing KP involved in Farmers attending Acceptance of KP voted in
labor for maintenance collecting KP meetings (%) KP’s role in farmer organization
works (%) water charges dispute resolution elections
Farmers contributing labor 1.0000
for maintenance works (%)
KP involved in collecting water charges 0.0789 1.0000
Farmers attending KP meetings (%) 0.1725 0.0653 1.0000
Acceptance of KP’s role in dispute resolution 0.0118 0.1166 0.1237 1.0000
KP voted in Farmer Organization elections 0.0416 0.1305 0.2300 0.1652 1.0000

end are showing a greater dynamism in maintaining their of influential persons in the community was negatively associ-
watercourses, being more involved in all roles, especially the ated with KP’s involvement in collection of water charges,
new KP roles. A significantly greater percentage of water- although the magnitude of the positive effect of educated lead-
course communities located in the tail reaches of the system ers is greater than the negative effect of influential persons.
contributed labor toward maintenance of their watercourses While we do not have data on the identity of non-payers, it
than those anywhere else in the system. Given that canal water is possible that if community influentials are not paying water
flow is known to be worse in the tail reaches of the system, this charges, it creates a sense of immunity from rules in the com-
may indicate that the watercourse communities were compen- munity and further reduces payments. 16
sating for worse canal water service by stepping up their main- A key objective of this study was to examine the role of
tenance efforts. groundwater use on farmer participation in surface irrigation
While watercourse communities are partially able to over- management. Two competing hypotheses existed: one that
come the location disadvantage in terms of self-organizing to groundwater increased the value of surface water, increasing
manage their irrigation, other aspects of service delivery, nota- farmer incentives to collectively invest in canal performance,
bly the canal water variability and state of infrastructure is and the other that groundwater gives farmers an option to exit
persistently detrimental to KP activity. The quality of the ser- from surface water management. Our results show evidence of
vice received determines the range of possible benefits that can both effects, i.e., that the relationship between groundwater
be generated by collective action. In particular, high variability and farmer participation in surface irrigation management is
of water and poor state of the distributary lowered resource non-linear. At low levels of groundwater availability, marginal
mobilization in the community. A watercourse community increase in groundwater access is associated with higher levels
has little or no control over the quality of service delivered of farmer participation in surface system management. But
to it, but a community would have little incentive to undertake when groundwater use reaches 40–50% of cultivated area,
the effort to self-organize if the benefit of that effort is per- marginal increase in groundwater access is associated with
ceived as too little. Studies on social capital and development lower levels of farmer participation in surface system. This
have shown that state-society synergy is instrumental to mate- relationship is shown in Figure 2. The inflection point for
rializing development potentials in various domains of collec- the three KP performance measures that show this inverse-U
tive action (Ostrom, Lam, & Pradhan, 2011). relationship comes at a point when groundwater use reaches
Education level of the KP chairperson was a strong predic- 40–50% of cultivated area. Also, coefficients of groundwater
tor of KP functionality measures. KPs lead by more educated quality also support the exit hypothesis: better quality of
chairpersons performed significantly better in conducting their groundwater is significantly associated with poorer KP perfor-
responsibilities, especially the new responsibilities. As a KP’s mance for watercourse maintenance, KP meetings and voting.
functional powers expand, it may step on the toes of existing Is high groundwater use in a community a result or a cause
power centers within the community who may or may not con- of poor watercourse maintenance? 17 Although groundwater
cede their power. KPs may allow them to capture this new use in a community may be endogenous, i.e., determined by
institution for their benefit or they may try to jeopardize its farmers decisions, groundwater quality however can be argued
viability by not complying. This should be most obvious in to be exogenous, i.e., determined outside the control of water-
water charge collection. We found that a greater percentage course community, because it is determined by geographic,

hydrologic, and anthropogenic factors spread over an area lar- access to groundwater and its quality, size of the watercourse
ger area than the watercourse command area. Our results community, and role of leaders in the community. KP func-
show that better groundwater quality significantly lowers KP tional status reflects the effective self-organization and collec-
performance in watercourse maintenance, participation in tive action within the watercourse community, and we relied
KP meetings, and voting in the FO elections. This suggests on the literature on collective action to identify the explana-
that we cannot reject the exit hypothesis i.e., access to ground- tory variables to analyze the variation in functioning of KPs.
water reduces incentives of collective action. Our overall results suggest that canal water delivery matters
But an overall caveat in interpretation of all results is that in performance of KPs—intra-seasonal variability is especially
our results establish the strength of association not the direc- detrimental for KP performance, but tail location of a water-
tion of causality. For example, the choice of leaders by water- course, typically taken as a proxy for worse canal water sup-
course communities could be endogenous, i.e., a community ply, is not a curse in terms of active participation in
chooses good leaders because it intends to perform good col- watercourse governance. In fact, absolute tail-enders are more
lective action. involved in decentralized management. Leadership quality, as
measured by the education of the KP chairperson, was espe-
cially important for new roles of KPs. Higher percentage of
6. CONCLUSION ‘‘influentials” is associated with a broader participation in
maintenance works but not with the new responsibilities, par-
The decentralization and devolution of irrigation manage- ticularly collecting water charges.
ment in Pakistan was marked with a great deal of controversy. The watercourse communities and their KPs have shown
From the farmers’ perspective, the administrative and the legal very active participation in voting to elect their members.
structure under which Indus Basin Canal systems had oper- Research on common-pool resource has found that self-
ated had been in existence long before their lifetimes. Critics governing institutions that allow farmers to design their own
of the decentralization pointed out that farmers may not be rules to govern themselves are more likely to bring about pro-
ready or even interested in the task. The concern was that ductive relationships and hence better irrigation performance.
the decentralization and lack of public oversight, no matter Of all the new roles, voting to elect their representatives has
how imperfect, would increase the incentives of abuse and been most enthusiastically taken up by watercourse communi-
might even facilitate elite domination of irrigation service ties, indicating the presence of a latent demand for participation
delivery and systematic exclusion of the disadvantaged (Ul in irrigation management. Hence, KPs with more educated
Hassan, 2013; Vander Velde & Tirmizi, 2004). leaders were more effective in the new roles assigned to them.
We reported on farmer participation and the functioning of Of particular importance is our finding on groundwater.
tertiary-level farmer organizations, known in Pakistan as Khal Groundwater use for agricultural production in the water-
Panchayat (KP), which were formed as a partial solution to course community can weaken the incentives for resource
poor irrigation performance in Pakistan. KPs are expected mobilization, especially if groundwater use is high and
to maintain their watercourses, collect seasonal water charges groundwater quality is good. In this we depart from the find-
from within the watercourse community, resolve disputes in ings of Meinzen-Dick et al. (2002) who only found a negative
the community, meet at least once per month, and play a vot- relationship between groundwater availability and farmer
ing role in higher level irrigation management organizations. organization. We show that watercourses with less than 50%
Our study relies on data collected from canals after the decen- of the area being irrigated by groundwater tend to have more
tralization and devolution had occurred, therefore our results effective KP performance but higher dependence on ground-
cannot be interpreted as a study of the impact of decentraliza- water weakens the incentives for canal irrigation management.
tion on farmer participation in irrigation management. While Also, results on groundwater quality show that better quality
KPs form the backbone of the institutional reforms imple- groundwater tends to weaken KP performance. Groundwater
mented in Pakistan in the 1990s, the methodology adopted is now a major, and sometimes dominant, source of irrigation
here cannot be used to assess if KPs can manage irrigation sys- supply in Pakistan and much of Asia. The role of groundwater
tems better than the remote bureaucracies that they replaced in a surface-water-based irrigation system needs to be better
or would be better at controlling disputes, collecting fees, or understood and while there may not be an agreement on
maintaining the system. whether groundwater management should be considered
We explained the variation in KP’s fulfillment of their tasks within the mandate of watercourse or distributary-level farmer
as a function of variety of variables related to surface water associations, our results indicate that ignoring groundwater
supply and its variability, state of physical infrastructure, use can reduce their effectiveness.


1. The farmer representatives in the Area Water Board are elected by the the watercourse hampers the flow of water, leading to an inadequate
chairpersons of all KPs within the jurisdiction of the Area Water Board. discharge capacity (de Klein & Wahaj, 1998).
Upon election to the Area Water Board, a representative must relinquish
any existing office within the FO (cannot hold dual office). 3. Initially only ‘‘smallholder” farmers were included though this
condition was later relaxed.
2. Sediment drawn along with the water from the distributary and main
canals is deposits on the bed and along the sides of the watercourse, 4. Heretofore, these activities were considered ‘‘interference”. As
resulting in distortion of the cross-section, and therewith, a reduction of its Meinzen-Dick (1997) notes, even before the institutional reforms, some
carrying capacity of the watercourse. The embankments of the water- farmers were actively participation in the management of their irrigation
course, especially of unlined and earthen watercourses, need strengthening systems by enlarging outlets, taking water out of turn, or unauthorized
to avoid breaches and excessive seepage losses. Furthermore, vegetation in adjusting of the levels of gates and even channel beds.

5. According to the Land Revenue Rules, assessment and collection of 12. High variability in water flow at the distributary has been accepted as
water charges (referred to as abiana) was via the appointment of a evidence of high uncertainty of canal water availability for the farmer
Numberdar (or Lambardar) who was responsible for collection of water although no field study (to the knowledge of the authors) has been
charges from landowners within his village. There were instances when the conducted to study this difference carefully.
local lumberdar was seen as an extractive agent and during the institutional
reforms farmers voiced their preference for eliminating this office and 13. As one reviewer has pointed out, it is possible that for some
taking over the responsibility of revenue collection. communities the ‘influential persons’ and ‘ex-military persons’ are the
same individuals in the community, and in that case the correlation
6. Overall, 2,044 watercourses were surveyed in this study. About 200 of between these variables of leadership potential would be very high and
these were dropped from this analysis because they were very small or all statistical significance of each measure of leadership potential will be
landowners belonged to the same extended family. lowered due to multicollinearity. Even though the correlation is high
between these variables, we find our overall results do not change by
adding different combinations of variables.
7. KPs often do not keep written records. The best way to measure their
performance is via interviews of the chairperson and the member famers.
14. We regressed percentage of watercourse area irrigated by ground-
One concern was that KP chairperson could strategically misreport KP
water in a watercourse on location dummy variables and groundwater
performance. Therefore in a random subsample of watercourses, addi-
quality. Results indicate non-linear relationship between percentage of
tional farmers were also interviewed for the KP performance. The results
area irrigated by groundwater in the watercourse and location of the
of the farmers reporting were not significantly different from the KP
watercourse in the irrigation system. For example, watercourses along the
chairperson response and team felt confident there was no systematic
head and the tail reaches of the main canal have a significantly smaller
misreporting of KP activities by the KP chairperson.
percentage area irrigated by groundwater than those in the middle reaches
of the main canal. Also, watercourses emanating from the head reaches of
8. Tehsil is a sub-district. Our sample watercourse fall in 2 districts: their respective distributaries have a greater percentage of area irrigated by
Bahawalnagar and Bahawalpur. Watercourses in Bahawalnagar District groundwater. Absolute head or tail location was statistically insignificant.
were located in 5 different tehsils: Bahawalnagar, Chishtian, Fort Abbas, The coefficients are: percent groundwater area irrigated = 129.4 (30.45)***
Haroonabad and Minchinbad. Watercourses in Bahawalpur district were – 9.34 (3.24)*** Main_Head – 7.32(2.85)*** Main_Tail + 4.62(2.05)***
in one tehsil, Hasilpur. Distributary_Head 3.02(2.46) Distributary_Tail .057(3.29) Main
Tail  Distributary Tail 5.45(3.63) Main Head  Distributary Head
+ 10.02(1.59)*** groundwater_quality_fair + 21.86(2.39)*** groundwa-
9. For example, if the KP chairperson stated that farmers deposited
ter_quality_good 0.023(0.004)*** Watercourse_gross command_area.
water charges directly to the irrigation department, which was the norm
R-squared = 0.2416. Replacing the dependent variable by groundwater
prior to the decentralization, then the variable water charges would be 0.
quality and keeping all the explanatory variables as before shows none of
Only if some farmers submitted dues through the KP is the score 1.
the location variables are significantly different from zero i.e., reported
groundwater quality does not vary systematically by location. We also
10. Membership of distributary-level Farmer Organization (FO) consists confirm, as expected, that better groundwater quality is strongly and
of directly elected farmer representatives from each watercourse. FO is the positively associated with greater percentage area of the watercourse
forum where complaints and issues can be voiced, and water charges are irrigated with groundwater.
deposited. It is formed at the secondary distributary canal level and will be
composed of farmers elected from member KPs. A minimal KP 15. The outcome along each dimension of KP responsibility is an
participation in Farmer Organization was measured by examining whether endogenous variable so we do not regress these on each other. But future
the KP chairperson voted in elections for their Farmer Organization research can utilize more structural modeling approaches to understand
representatives (a onetime election at the beginning of the FO tenure). See the effect of KP roles on each other.
Figure 1 for the detail of the role and composition of the FO.
16. Possibility of immunity from punishment for non-payment of water
11. At the time the survey was conducted, KP voted once every three charges may be lower if the influentials are the ones not paying. We are
years to elect its FO representative, which was the length of the tenure of grateful for this insight by our anonymous reviewer.
FOs but it may have to vote annually for approving operational issues
such as budget, works etc. 17. We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out.


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