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Added 12 February 2003

Post Enhancement Stress Disorder (PESD) is best described as "the development of

characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme cybernetic replacement" In recent
studies among augmented populations, PESD has been found in approximately 78% of females
who have a greater than 42% augmentation and 60% of males. These rules are provided for
those seeking to expand the mechanics of the Full Body Replacement listed in the Digital Burn
main book.

Challenge Rating: +1 CR (ECL+2)

Type: The creature's type changes to Construct.

Hit Dice: The creature's Hit Dice changes to 1d12.

Speed: Dependant upon Cyberware.

Defense: A cyborg's natural armor bonus to Defense changes to a value based on its size:
Tiny or smaller +0
Small +1
Medium-size +2
Large +3
Huge +4
Gargantuan +6
Colossal +10

Attacks: The cyborg retains all the natural attacks, manufactured weapons, and weapon
proficiencies of the base creature. A cyborg also gains a slam attack.

Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal damage normally. A slam attack deals
damage depending on the cyborg's size (treat as standard size ranking +1):

Size Slam Damage

Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium-size 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6

Special Qualities:

 Construct Immunities: Cyborgs are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,

disease, necromancy effects, critical hits and any effect that requires a Fortitude save
unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. Unlike most constructs, cyborgs
are susceptible to mind-influencing effects. Cyborgs also ignore the effects of massive
damage and do not have massive damage thresholds
 Cold Resistance: A cyborg ignores the first 5 points of cold damage from any cold-
based attack.
 Fire Resistance: A cyborg ignores the first 5 points of fire damage from any fire-based
 Damage Reduction: 12 /+4 Defense
 Alertness: All cyborgs gain the Alertness feat for free
 Repairable: Cyborgs cannot heal damage on their own but can be repaired using the
Repair skill. A successful Repair check (DC 30) heals 1d10 points of damage to a
cyborg, and each check represents 1 hour of work.
 Electricity Vulnerability: When dealing with unshielded Full Conversions, a taser can
potentially suppresses any currently active cyberware (the Cyborg must make a Will
save at DC 20 unless the system is hardened). There is also a 65% chance that if a
suppress is successful, it will cause a system-wide failure, regardless of the level or
strength of the Cyborg, for 20 - Wis. mod rounds. Completely shielded systems ignore
this penalty.
 Persistent Systems: When a cyborg's current hit points drop below 0 their systems
begin to preservation procedures. Each round the cyborg has hit points of 0 to -9 they
may make a Will save (DC: 10+Hit Points below 0) to take their normal actions for that
round. A failed roll means the "Dog Brain" AI takes over and seeks to remove targets
that endanger the primary system (i.e. the Cyborg's brain). At this point, the following
penalties and bonuses apply.
 Frenzy: The round immediately after the cyborg has failed the Will save, the cyborg
flies into what is called the Frenzy. The Frenzy involves the cyborg shooting, clawing
and biting madly until either it or every living target within the area (area being
designated as Line of Sight for a period of 1d20 minutes), friend and foe (regardless of
IFF features) is dead or has been rendered completely inoperative. The Cyborg gains a
+4 situational bonus to all Spot and Search checks while seeking for targets during this
frenzy. It also gains a +4 Strength, + (Wis/2, rounded down) temporary hit points and
suffers a -2 AC penalty. The cyborg cannot end or enter its frenzy voluntarily.
 Emotionally Void: A cyborg is immune to mind-influencing effects while in a Frenzy.
 Haste: After it has engaged in at least 1 round of Frenzied combat, a cyborg is
assumed to be hasted. The effect lasts 3 rounds and is otherwise the same as the spell.
 Death Rattle: Upon reaching -10 hit points, a cyborg detonates its internal "Scorched
Earth package" and shatters in an explosion that deals 10d8 points of piercing damage
to everything within 3 feet (Reflex half DC 20). Cyborgs cannot be resurrected, but, the
parts will probably get you a solid nickel on the open market. If they don't get fried by
the Scorched Earth, that is.
 Non-Magical: All Cyborgs have a [100 - (Wis. mod* 5)] Spell Failure chance when
casting any spell whether it is arcane or divine.
 Allegiances: Cyberdeaths can have no true allegiances
 Saves: Same as base creature.
 Action Points: Cyborgs have no action points. However, creatures can gain action points
by taking levels in a heroic character class. Every time a creature picks up a heroic
class level, it gains a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half its heroic character
level (not counting the creature's starting Hit Dice). Like most heroic characters,
however, creatures with heroic class levels will have spent a certain number of action
points in the course of their "heroic" careers. Assume that a creature has a number of
action points remaining equal to one-half of its heroic class levels.
 Ability Scores: Cyborgs have no Constitution, it uses its Wisdom modifier for
Concentration checks. The cyborg has the following modifiers to their ability scores: +2
Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma in addition to all other
 Skills: Same as base creature.
 Feats: Cyborgs have no access to Feats other than those granted through cyberware.

Due to their constant threat to the community, Cyborgs are considered "at will" entities and
have no legal protections. Law Enforcement officials may fire upon them with minimal cause or
explanation, and most officers would prefer to kill one straight out, rather than deal with a
frenzied borg.

Most cyborgs recoil from a mirror or a strongly presented image of themselves before the
change. These items don't harm the cyborg-they merely remind it of a time when it was a
person and not a thing. A successful Will save (DC 20) allows for normal behavior around such

Cyborgs are also unable to cross their employers (unless in frenzy) due to protocols, regardless
of Will saves. They are utterly unable to perform any duty that might be considered to
negatively impact a member of the staff of its parent company or cyberware manufacturer,
unless given a direct order by someone within the company with the authority to do so.

Once a character has become a Construct, they are no longer capable of returning to normal
life and may never again enter an organic body. Cyborgs that perform a full body conversion
back to organic make a daily will check (DC20+number of days in the new body) or begin
rendering harm to themselves. This desire never goes away and there is currently no therapy
available that has ever demonstrated successful results.

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