Baby Girl's Granny Stripe Cardigan

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Baby girl’s granny stripe cardigan



CO 55 (61) chains. (Any other multiple of 3 for a larger size, here the base is 18(20) repeats).

Round 1: dc into the second stitch, and then dc into each chain (54(60) dc).

Round 2: Ch 1, dc into first stitch, dc into next stitch, 2 dc into next stitch, dc, dc, 2 dc continue to
end. (72 stitches = 54 + 18 = 72).

Round 3: Ch1, dc into next 2 stitches, 2 dc into next stitch, dc, dc, dc, 2 dc continue to end. (90
stitches = 72 + 18 = 90).

Round 4: Continue in the same way, (dc, dc, dc, dc, 2dc) (90+18 = 108 stitches).

Round 5: Continue in the same way, (dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, 2dc) (108+18 = 126 stitches).

Round 6: Continue in the same way, (dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, dc, 2dc) (126+18 = 144 stitches). But for the
last stitch, instead of 2 dc do 1 dc only (so 143 stitches).

Round 7: Armhole round. dc into 21 stitches, then leave 30 stitches, dc into the next 41 stitches, leave
30 stitches, dc into the next 21 stitches. (21+41+21=83 stitches).

Round 8: Establish any pattern, but here granny square. Ch 1, dc into first stitch, then into the next
stitch make 3dc (first granny square bunch), leave 2dc, into the next dc make 3dc, and continue to
end, ending with 3dc, leave 2 stitches, 1 dc end of work. (27 granny bunches).

Rounds 9 – full length: repeat the same – ch1, 1 dc into the first stitch and then granny into spaces.
Maintain 27 granny bunches. In this cardigan for this size, 12 rounds of granny. End with sc border.

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