CH 6604 Materials Science and Technology Part A Questions Unit I

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Part A Questions

Unit I

1. What is the effect of structure on the hardness of materials?

2. What is known as deep drawing?
3. Distinguish between hot and cold rolling.
4. Distinguish casting and forging processes.
5. Define yield point and yield stress.
6. Define Hall effect.
7. What is resilience?
8. State the purpose of alloying.
9. What are the major engineering requirements of the materials? Give examples.
10. What is the selection criteria used in the material selection process for chemical process
11. What are the important thermal properties of materials?
12. What is extrusion?
13. How is thermal shock resistance of materials related to thermal conductivity and
coefficient of thermal expansion.

Unit II
1. What is called a slip plane?
2. Define fracture toughness.
3. Draw the S-N curve for ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
4. Define zone refining and crystal growth techniques.
5. Distinguish between malleability and ductility.
6. What is work hardening?
7. Draw the schematic stress strain curve for perfectly elastic and visco-elastic materials.
8. Discuss the typical characteristics of fatigue fracture surface.
9. What is resilience?
10. Distinguish between toughness and resilience.
11. Differentiate between ductile fracture and brittle fracture.
12. Explain how deformation takes place by twinning.
13. Define Hooke's law.
14. Define Ultimate Tensile Strength.
15. State the significance of Schmid's law in plastic deformation by slip.
16. What is the need of True stress over Engineering stress?

Unit III

1. State Gibb's phase rule. Also determine the degrees of freedom of a single component
system when the number of phases is 3.
2. What are the advantages of re-crystallization.
3. State Lever rule.
4. Differentiate Martensite and Bainite.
5. What is glass transition temperature?
6. What is a phase diagram? Explain its importance.
7. Define curie temperature.
8. Differentiate between edge and screw dislocation.
9. Write the eutectoid reaction in iron-iron carbide system and find their amount of different
phases at the eutectoid point.
10. What are peritectic and eutectic reaction?
11. Draw the binary phase diagram of Al2CO3-Cr2O3 clearly showing the tie line.
12. What is triple point?
13. What is the significance of phase equilibrium in Material's science and Technology?
14. What is condensed phase rule?
Unit IV
1. What are the heat treatment methods of carbon steels.
2. What are the advantages of FRP materials.
3. Distinguish Austempering and Martempering.
4. What is Asphalt? Bring some uses of asphalt mixtures for engineering applications.
5. Enlist a few properties of magnesium.
6. Classify steels based on the carbon content.
7. List some of the non-ferrous metals.
8. What is the principle difference in the elastic and physical properties of particle and fiber
reinforced composites?
9. Distinguish between pig iron and wrought iron.
10. Mention some important uses of tin.
11. How do we metallurgically classify stainless steel?
12. Mention some important processes in forming plastic items.
Unit V
1. What is the significance of surface to volume ratio of materials.
2. List the important applications of nanomaterials.
3. List some specific nanowires and nanorods.
4. What are the physical techniques used for fabrication of nanostructures.
5. Write any two applications of nanotechnology in process industries.
6. What is meant by one dimensional nanomaterials.
7. What is meant by zero dimensional nanomaterials.
8. Write any two applications of Carbon Nanotubes.
9. Mention the difference between nanorod and nanowire.
10. Distinguish between bulk materials and nanomaterials.
11. What are nanowires?/ What are nanorods?
12. What is laser ablation?
13. What are Carbon Nanotubes?
14. What is meant by nanotechnology?

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