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Greetings of Goodwill!

In behalf of the faculty, staff and administration, I, as

president of the Villagers Montessori College (VMC),
welcome you wholeheartedly with open arms. You made
the right decision when you enrol in our Basic Education
Department. I urge you to join actively in all activities to
be offered this year as it will deepen and widen your
horizon about the importance of social relationship in this
fine institution. I trust you will strive, persevere and be
prayerful in all your endeavour.

With all these intentions it is also vital for you to

know and familiarize the information contained in this
handbook as all policies and guidelines are intended to
lighten and brighten you for following it. If you have any
questions in this handbook, you are encouraged to contact
your teachers, guidance counsellor or administrator for any
suggestions and clarification for improvement. VMC will
always be with you supportive and ready to lend a hand in
any effort you would like to pursue.

Aline Lascano-Manabat, Ed.D.


VMC We Believe in You

Table of Contents
Message of the President i.
VMC History 1
Philosophy 4
Vision 4
Mission 4
Core Values 4
Parents Rules, Regulations, and Procedures 5
Responsibility of Parents to their Child 5
Student Transportation Rules 7
Students Absences 8
Parent Notices 9
School Visitation Rules and Procedures 9
A. General Rules 9
B. Visitor and Identification Procedures 10
C. Student Leaving School During Class Hours 11
Parent Conferences and Meeting Policy 12
Parent Teachers’ Conference 13
Sundries 13
Admissions 15
Guidelines for Admission 15
For Preschool 15
For Elementary 16
For High School 17

VMC We Believe in You

Table of Contents
For Senior High School 17
Enrollment 18
Schedule and Mode of Payments 18
Failure of Payment 19
Refund 19
Cash Payment (Full Payment) 19
Semestral / Quarterly / Monthly Payment 20
School Hymn 21

VMC We Believe in You

Villagers Montessori College
(formerly Villagers Montessori School)

Villagers Montessori School (VMS), now known as Villagers

Montessori College (hereinafter referred to as “VMC”, “the College”,
“the school”, or “the institution”), was established on October 12, 1983
by its founders, Dr. and Mrs. Armando M. Lascano. It was named after
Dr. Maria Montessori, a renowned icon of a unique and modern ap-
proach of teaching, an educational style that is deemed therapeutic and

During the school year 1984-1985, VMC began as a Nursery

and Kindergarten school with thirty (30) pupils. The following years, the
elementary level was opened with an enrollment of fifteen (15) pupils.
On October 15, 1985, VMC obtained its Government Recogni-
tion for the Nursery and Kindergarten levels. Three years later, it ac-
quired its recognition for the complete elementary course. Finally, it was
given the recognition for complete Secondary course on December 27,
On June 26, 1987 due to the impressive performance and grow-
ing needs of the school, VMC was incorporated into a non-stock non-
profit Educational Institution by virtue of Certificate No. 141952 issued
by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Cognizant of its role
to maintain quality education, VMC has set a limit for its student popula-
tion at the rate of 35 percent (35%) a year.

In summer of 1990, as fate would have it; the school was

ravaged by fire. Undauntedly, the founders were even more inspired and
determined to continue and see that the seed they have sown will not die
and wither.

VMC We Believe in You

During the school year 1990-1991, the founders decided to hold
classes for the school’s three hundred fifty (350) students Nursery to
Grade 6 at the residence of late Juanito F. Cato, former member of the
Board of Trustees, located at No. 34 Production Street, GSIS Village,
Project 8, Quezon City. The following year, VMC opened its High
School Department with an initial enrolment of fifty (50) students.

In the year 1992, VMC resumed its classes at its present location
at No. 18 Dalsol Street, GSIS Village, Project 8, Quezon City.

Dr. and Mrs. Armando M. Lascano pulled all their resources and
determination to do improvements on the physical structure as well as
facilities of the school. With much grace from the Almighty, everything
fell in the right places.

In 1993, another floor was added to its existing four-storey

school building.

In 1995, a bigger library and a computer laboratory were

installed on the second floor to answer the needs of the elementary and
high school students.

In 2000, a Mini Theater was constructed on the fifth floor, where

activities like Speech Fest, Quiz Bee and Seminars are held.

In the academic year 2005-2006, the institution was given a per-

mit to operate the college level for Bachelor of Science in Business Ad-
ministration course. On the following year, it was given a permit to open
the Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Edu-
In 2005, a college library was constructed on the fourth floor to
accommodate the college students for their academic and intellectual re-

VMC We Believe in You

The Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secon-
dary Education programs were realized per Government recognition No.
60 and 61 Series of 2010 respectively. Similarly, as per Government
Recognition No. 040 Series of 2013, the Bachelor of Science in Hotel
and Restaurant Management course was granted approval by the Com-
mission on Higher Education.

VMC has already received a Government Recognition for

Bachelor of Science in Information System (BSIS), series of
2014, issued May 7, 2014.

With more classrooms, new facilities, better equipment and com-

petent teachers, VMC shall continue to serve and provide the Filipino
Youth the best education they deserve with its thrust, “Total Quality Edu-

VMC is optimistic and keeps on looking at the horizon for

courses that can be opened in the future.

Villagers Montessori College is guided with its philosophy, vi-

sion, mission, core values, goal and objectives in which it has evolved.

VMC We Believe in You

Villagers Montessori College (VMC), believes that
Emotional Quotient (EQ) as well as
Intellectual Quotient (IQ) is relatively
important, hence, Our Thrust
Total Quality Education (TQE).


Villagers Montessori College envisions holistic individuals as

they pass through transformative periods of life.


Villagers Montessori College commits to serve and

develop learners to be empowered and productive through
Montessori Education.


Valiant Faith

Conscientious Character

Meritorious Service

VMC We Believe in You

Thank you for enrolling your son/ daughter in Villagers Mon-
tessori College (VMC). We at VMC believe in providing a
healthy, happy, productive, and safe learning environment for
students. The welfare of our students is of primary importance.
For this reason, it is essential that students and parents adhere
and respect the school’s rules and regulations.


Parents are member of school community (Sec. 6, BP 232). As
such, the Supreme Court declared:

“The right to establish and enforce reasonable rules and

regulations in school extends as well to parents as parents are
under a social and moral obligation (if not legally) individually,
collectively to assist and cooperate with the schools (Yup Chin
Fah, et al. vs. CA, Dec. 12, 1989)”

Responsibility of Parents to their Child

1. It shall be the responsibility of the parents or legal guardi-
ans to provide the lead person of the school with the stu-
dent’s name, address, and grade, one- way mileage be-
tween the student’s home and the school and the name of
the last school of attendance, if any.

2. Parents/ guardians should remind their children to follow

the School’s Discipline Code. Parents/ guardians should co-
operate with teachers to address any concerns regarding
their children’s behaviour in the school. The rules and regu-
lations regarding student discipline could be found in the
Student Handbook. Please read the rules indicated in the
handbook and inform and remind your children about them.

VMC We Believe in You

3. Parents/ guardians should encourage, help, and monitor
their children to complete homework, test preparation, and
other related activities. In case of confusion, parents/
guardians should proactively contact a teacher to clarify is-
sues. We encourage parents/ guardians to discuss their
child’s progress when there is any concern. A face-to-face
discussion with a child’s class teacher is always welcome.

3. In order to achieve maximum results within the limited

teaching time, all students are asked to respect and obey
their teacher and the common rules of classrooms. Parents
should remind their children that disruptive behaviour in-
side the classroom is prohibited by the school. Disobeying
this rule is a major offense as indicated in the Student Disci-
pline Code.

5. Parents/ guardians should remind their children that stu-

dents are not allowed to go to the areas other than the class-
room/s assigned to them. Students may spend their time in
the canteen and play areas (excluding the hallways) only
during their recess break.

6. The school should be quiet environment during class hours.

Parents should remind their children that running, shouting,
and loitering in the school halls and other classrooms at any
time are prohibited.

7. Students are prohibited to touch and use school property

and equipment that the school prohibits students to use.
Also, parents/ guardians should remind their children not to
use, move, or modify any classroom items. Parents/ guardi-
ans are liable to any and all property damages caused by
their children.

VMC We Believe in You

8. Students are only allowed to leave the school after their
class is over and when they are being picked up by their
parent, guardian, or assigned bus driver.

9. We believe both the school and the parents/ guardians are

responsible for the education of a child. A close working
relationship between the parents and school ensures the best
outcome of the children’s education and welfare. We, there-
fore, ask parents not to hesitate to forward any suggestions
and concerns that may improve our teaching standards.

Student Transportation Rules

a. If the parents or legal guardians of the school student do

not submit a written request for transportation services,
the student shall not be entitled to bus transportation.
• Parents of bus riders need to remind their children of
the Bus Rules and Regulations.
• Parents/ guardians who are responsible for picking up
their children need to be registered with the school. If
the registered person cannot pick up the child, the par-
ent/ guardian must inform the child’s class adviser in
advance. Otherwise, the child may not be allowed to
leave the school. If parents/ guardians cannot reach their
children class adviser, the school administration can be
informed through telephone. This rule is being imple-
mented for the safety of all the students of the school.
To register, the parent/ guardian must fill up the Student
Pick-up Registration form at the administration office
and submit it to the administrative officer.

VMC We Believe in You

Students Absences

If the child is going to be absent for any reason, they should ob-
serve the following:

1. Parents/Guardians should call the school and leave a

message with student’s name, grade, contact number,
and reason for the absence.
2. After an absence from school, the student must bring, on
the day of return; a note signed by his/ her parent/
guardian, stating the reason from the absence, and takes
it to his/ her class adviser. In the event of the absence
exceeding 2 days, the school should be informed whilst
the student is absent from school.

3. Students who are absent for 4 days or more should pre

sent a Medical Certificate on the day of return.

4. Parents or legal guardians of students travelling abroad

during the school days should inform in writing to the
school registrar and a letter of consent has to be pre-
sented to their Class Adviser. Travelling abroad with
permission of parents or legal guardians during the holi-
days is not included in this clause.

VMC We Believe in You

Parent Notices

A. General Parent Notice Procedures

These are the procedures for general parent notices.

1. Students are required to give their parents the notice/s

addressed to the latter on the same day that the notice/
s has/ have been distributed.

2. Students must ask their parents to sign the REPLY

SLIP attached at the bottom of the notice.

3. Students must submit the REPLY SLIP to their Class

adviser the next day.
NOTE: Students who do not submit the REPLY SLIP will
be given a deduction on the HONESTY category on their
Character Building Sheet.
School Visitation Rules and Procedures

A. General Rules

• No other visitors, except students, faculty, and staff, shall

only be allowed inside the campus during school hours
except for valid reasons.
• The following are considered valid reasons for parent visi-
1. Payment of tuition, miscellaneous fees, ordered books, uni-
form, etc.
2. Ordering books, uniform, and all necessary school materi-
als needed by the child.
3. Meeting a faculty and/or staff member with a confirmed

VMC We Believe in You

• Bringing child to class is not a valid reason for parents to
visit the school and enter their child’s classroom
• Parents are not allowed to loiter around the campus, stay
in the classrooms, and hallways and the canteen.
• Parents are NOT allowed to bring children to the class-
room, nor are they allowed to visit a classroom for the
purpose of checking a student, or talk with a teacher
while he/ she is monitoring his/ her students.
• Only bonafide students, faculty, and staff will be allowed
inside the campus. This is also in compliance with Sec-
tion 159 (Campus Security) of the Philippine Depart-
ment of Education’s 2010 Revised Manual of Regula-
tions for Private Schools, which states, “only bonafide
students of the school shall be allowed inside the school
campus. No visitors shall be allowed inside the campus
during school hours except for valid reasons.”
• Only registered parent volunteers/ aids or parents who
have requested an appointment/ meeting with a teacher,
faculty, or staff are allowed inside the school campus.

B. Visitor and Identification Procedures

a. All visitors, which include parents of students, must sign-
in at the logbook at the security desk before proceeding
to the Admin Office or to any other office or classroom
in the school. The Security guard will provide a visitor
pass in exchange for the visitor’s id. Visitors must wear
the visitor pass before while they are inside the school.
b. All visitors entering the school premises must first report
at the Admission Office to inform them of the purpose of
your visit. Any person who is not on the staff or who is
not accompanied by a staff member must be offered as-
sistance to find out what their intended business is.

VMC We Believe in You

c. Before leaving the school, visitors must again report at
the reception for control over entrances and exits.

C. Student Leaving School During Class Hours

Any parent who intends to take a student out of school
during school hours for any reason must adhere to the fol-
lowing procedure:
1. Provide a letter stating arrangements or explain ar-
rangements in person on arrival at the Administration
2. Control book must be filled in. Reason for leaving
school must be established. If possible, attach proof to
confirm appointment , time of departure and return to
school, signature of parent/ guardian (on departure and
arrival back at school)
3. Parent/ guardian must collect learner from Administra-
tion Office or School Clinic.
4. If learners need to leave during the day for educational
visits or outings, the parent must complete a CONSEN
T FORM. Permission must be obtained from the par-
ent any time prior to departure before the event takes
place. Indemnity forms are to be taken on the trip and
staff must have immediate access to these for the dura-
tion of the trip.

Parent Conferences and Meeting Policy

a. Parents/ guardians are welcome to visit the school to attend
parent conferences with the Guidance Counselor, School
Principal Academic Coordinator or their child’s teacher/s
to learn more about the progress their child is making.
However, parents must set an appointment for the preferred
conference date to avoid disruption during class hours.

VMC We Believe in You

b. The School Principal, Assistant Principal, and/or Academic
Coordinator can meet parents of pupils during class hours,
by appointment.
c. School Faculty and administrative Staff will not entertain
parents who visit the school without an appointment with
the faculty and administrative staffs that they wish to talk
d. Teachers are allowed to meet with parents/ guardians or
entertain visitors only during their off period. Teachers
may meet parents outside class hours, by appointment.
They are not authorized to ask to meet them during class
e. Parents who want to visit the school and meet with their
child’s teacher, Level Coordinator, Guidance Counselor
or the School Principal, must follow the procedures writ-
ten below.

Parent Conference Procedures

1. Ask your child to request an Appointment Request Form
(ARF) at the Admission Office.
2. Complete the Appointment Request Form and ask your
child to give it to any student assistant at the Admission
3. When the child submits the request form, the faculty mem-
ber/s or administration officer/s that the parents requested
to see will sign the request form. This will serve as an indi-
cation that they will be available on your requested time
and date. If the faculty member or administration officer is
not available on your requested time, he/ she may indicate
on the request form the time and/ or date he/ she will be
available to meet you.

VMC We Believe in You

4. Your child will show you the request form after it has been
Parent Teachers’ Conference
The Parents Teachers’ Conference is usually held on a Sun-
day from 8:00 to 12 PM. A communication to this effect will be
given to the students.
1. It is a must that parents attend the PTC to be abreast with
their child’s academic and behavioral standing.
2. Parents whose child has failing grades and “E” in Character
Traits should confer with Teacher Dory and Sir Raymund
at the library before they proceed to the advisers to see the
3. Only parents are allowed to enter the room to avoid too
much noise.
4. Parents who were not able to attend the scheduled PTC
may still see the cards of their children by conferring with
the class adviser at 3:30 until 4:30 at the library.
Policies on Tutorial
1. Tutorial service is available to students who have difficulty
in understanding the lesson.
2. Request for tutoring must pass through the office. Tutoring
without the approval of the principal is not permitted.
3. Tutorial is from Monday to Thursday for 1 hour every af-
ternoon after class when the teacher can already attend to
the student.
4. The tutor doesn’t make the assignment for the student, nor
is the tutor a glorified yaya his/her main purpose is to
teach the child how to finish his work.
5. Teaching a child is never enough, what more it it’s only
good for 1 hour. That’s why the student must and get
down to business to be able to squeeze everything into

VMC We Believe in You

that 1 hour. The student must be instilled a study habit at
home to further hone the necessary skills he/she needs.
6. There must be constant communication between the tutor
and the parent so that the maximum help is given to the student,
even at home.
7. The tutorial bill is Php 2,700. The parent should pay 1/2 of
the bill (Php 1,350) to the Cashier’s Office before the Tutorial
commences. The other half is paid after the 20 tutorial days.
8. A group tutorial composed of 3 to 6 students is allowed.
Each will pay Php 1,500 for 20 tutorial sessions with one and half
hour per session.
9. Advance reading and studying at home should be encour-
aged so that the tutoring session will be more effective.
10. The tutoring service is not assurance of the child obtain-
ing a passing grade.
11. Once a child is able to establish his own study habits and
can stand alone even without the tutor, the tutoring service may
be discontinued at the parents request.
12. An evaluation of the tutee’s progress will be given to the
parents after twenty sessions.
13. The tutor assigned to the tutee is not his/her adviser nor
his/her subject teachers. This is to avoid familiarity and closeness
to one another that can bridge contempt.
14. Tutorials will be done in the library at a designated area.

VMC We Believe in You


1. Parents are required to stay in the waiting area as they wait

for their children/ ward.
2. Parents cannot just interrupt the teacher while teaching for
no legitimate reason.
3. Parents are not allowed to enter the Faculty Room.
4. Parents of Grade 4, 5 and 6 are allowed to help their chil-
dren by carrying their bags to and fro the third floor. Books
with no assignments can be left in their lockers or shelves.
5. The parents cannot claim or dictate on matters of admis-
sion, dismissal and promotion of a student.
6. Parents are earnestly requested to enforce regularity on dis-
cipline at home and see that the lessons and home work
assigned for the next day are done.
7. It is advised that every article of your children should bear
their names, grade level, and section.
8. Teachers will recognise student birthdays as appropriate for
their age. Invitations to private birthday parties may be
distributed at school only if all the children in the class are
invited. Parents who would like their child’s birthday
celebrated must make arrangement with the teacher in ad-
9. Student must get their provisions (snacks, lunch, other
things) at the guards area. Label the food containers.
Write their full names and grade/ year levels.
10. To avoid miscommunication we will communicate with
you in black and white especially, in the primary level.
Always look at the Communication notebook of your chil-
dren. Written communication starting, from Grade 4 to
High School are given after they have affixed their signa-
ture opposite their names on the records.

VMC We Believe in You



For Pre-School (Nursery, Kinder, Prep)

1. Eligibility
a. Junior/Nursery – Applicants must be at least two and a half (2
½) years old by June of the incoming school year.
b. Senior/Kinder and Advanced/ Prep – Must pass the entrance
examination and interview for the level they are applying

2. Requirements
a. Photocopy of birth certificate
b. 2 copies of colored ID pictures (2x2)
c. Medical Certificate
d. Original Copy of Progress Report Card (form 138) for Kinder
and Prep
e. Recommendation letter or certificate of Good Moral Character
from the school they attended (Kinder and Prep)

3. Procedure
a. Secure and accomplish application form
b. Pay application or registration fee to the Cashier
c. Take the entrance exam or interview as scheduled
d. Applicants are encouraged to enroll as soon as results are re-
leased for acceptance is on first-come first-serve basis.

VMC We Believe in You

4. Late Enrollees

Students who will be accepted in the middle of the school year,

upon surrender of proper documents (certification of grades, class card,
other documents) from his previous school will pay only the remaining
quarters they will be attending in VMC.
Otherwise, students who will be accepted in the middle of school
year without any documents (certification of grades, class card, other
documents) from his previous school will undergo a thorough assess-
ment of the admission officer or the department head for the level they
are applying to and they will be charged for the whole year tuition fee
and shall continue the program until summer of the school year.
For Elementary (Grades 1-6)
1. Eligibility
a. Applicants must pass the entrance examination.
2. Requirements
a. Letter of recommendation from applicant’s principal certifi-
cate of Good Moral Character from the Guidance Counselor.
b. 2 copies of colored ID picture (2 x 2)
c. Birth Certificate
d. Medical Certificate
e. Original Copy of Report Car (Form 138)
f. ACR for foreigners

3. Procedure
a. Secure and accomplish application form.
b. Pay application fee to the Cashier.
Take Entrance Test/Interview as scheduled
Successful applicants are encouraged to enroll as soon as results are

VMC We Believe in You

For Junior High School (Grade 7 – Grade 10)

1. Eligibility
a. Applicants must not have a failing grade in any subject of the cur-
rent year level.
b. They must pass the Admission Test and interview.

2. Requirements
a. Letter of recommendation from applicant’s principal and cer-
tificate of Good Moral Character from the Guidance Counselor
b. 2 copies of colored ID pictures (2 x 2)
c. Birth Certificate
d. Medical Certificate
e. Original copy of Report Card (Form 138)
f. ACR for foreigners

3. Procedure
a. Secure and accomplish application form.
b. Pay application fee to the Cashier.
c. Take the Entrance Test/Interview as scheduled.
d. Successful applicants are encouraged to enroll as soon as results
are released.

For Senior High School (Grade 11 – Grade 12)

The same procedure applies to SHS applicants to that of the JHS. In addition,
the student is required to submit their JHS certificate of completion

VMC We Believe in You

Application for Pre-School, Grade School and High School will be
from January until slots are filled-up.


Schedule and Mode of Payments

a. Full Payment
Payment should be made before classes commence
(upon enrollment)

b. Semestral Payment
Payment is divided in to two parts:
i. 1st semester- on or before classes commence
(upon enrollment)
ii. 2nd semester- on or before October 15

c. Quarterly Payment
Payment is divided in to four parts:

i. 1st quarter- on or before classes commence

(upon enrollment)
ii. 2nd quarter- on or before July 24
iii. 3rd quarter- on or before October 16
iv. 4th quarter- on or before December 11

d. Monthly Payment
i. Payment is divided in to ten parts.
ii. Payment should be made on or before the 16th of the

VMC We Believe in You

Failure of Payment

a. The discount given will be forfeited if due tuition fee is not settled
on the scheduled date.
b. There is a monthly surcharge of four (4%) percent of the unpaid


a. All discounts granted to students who wish to withdraw before the

school year ends will no longer be implemented. Instead, standard
rate will be applied. Should the student wishes to withdraw, the stan-
dard rate should be paid instead of the discounted rate in order to get
clearance from the school.
b. No refund would be given for staggered payment scheme; balance
should be fully paid depending on the date of withdrawal.

c. Here are the breakdown of refunds: (Article 13 section 104 of the

manual of regulations for private school)

Cash payment (Full Payment)

Withdrawal Date Amount of Refund

Before the start of the No refund
During the 1st week of No refund (10% of balance should
classes be paid)

During the 2nd week of No refund (20% of balance should

classes be paid)
No refund (100% of balance should
After 2nd week of classes be paid)

VMC We Believe in You

Semestral / Quarterly / Monthly Payment

Note: Computation of refund is based on full annual standard rate.

Withdrawal Date Amount of Refund
Before the start of the 100% (excluding miscellaneous fees,
classes processing fees, etc.)
During the 1st week of 90% (excluding miscellaneous fees,
classes processing fees, etc.)
During the 2nd week of 80% (excluding miscellaneous fees,
classes processing fees, etc.)
After 2nd week of classes No refund

VMC We Believe in You

School Hymn

Hand in hand we will walk together
To make our dreams come true
Alma Mater guide us through
VMC, We Believe in You

We owe you what we are today
We owe you in so many ways
In peace, unity and love
We sing a song of praise!

Hail to thee, dear Alma Mater
Villagers Montessori College
As we all rise to life’s endless challenge
VMC, We Believe in You

[Repeat I,II & Chorus]

Hail to thee, dear Alma Mater
Villagers Montessori College
As we all rise to life’s endless challenge
VMC, We Believe in You



VMC We Believe in You


Basic Department

Junior Casa, Senior Casa, Advanced Casa

Grade 1 - Grade 6

Junior High School

Grade 7 - Grade 10

Senior High School

Grade 11 – Grade 12

College Department

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Financial Management, Marketing Management,
Business Economics

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Mathematics, English, Filipino

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Special Education, Pre-School

Bachelor of Science in Information System

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

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