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PART I: Adjectives, verbs and nouns governed by a preposition.

abhorrence of (violence, not for or to) adequate for / to
abhorrent to (a person) adhere to
abide by (a rule, a decision) adherent (adj.) of (not to)
abide in (a place) adherent (n.) of (person or party, not to)
abide with (stay, remain) admiration for (not at)
ability at (chess, not with) admit in / into (accept)
able to admit of (a solution, allow)
abound in / with admit to (a crime, confess)
abreast of (not about) *adoration
absolve (a person) from / of (duty, punishment) advance (n.) in / on (improvement)
abstain from (doing, not to do) advantage of / to / over
abundant in / with advantageous for / to
accede to (a demand) adverse to (not against or from)
acceptable to (not by) advise (a person) of (inform)
accepted by advise (a person) on (counsel)
accessory to (the crime) advocate (n. v.) for (human rights)
accommodate to (a situation) advocate (n.) of (policy)
accommodate (a person) with (a thing) affectionate to(wards)
accompanied by (a person) affiliated to / with
accompanied with (a thing) affiliation to / with
accord (v.) to (grant) affinity between / with (liking)
accord (v.) with (match) affinity with (kinship, not for or to)
account(able) for (explain, produce, be afflicted with (not by)
responsible) afraid of (not at, by or for),
account(able) to (a person) for (something) agree on (a matter or opinion)
*accuse(d) of (a crime, not for, in or with) agree on / upon (a plan of action)
accustomed to (not with) agree to (a proposal, action, settlement)
acquaint (a person) with (something) agree with (a person, proposition)
acquiesce in (not to, under or with) aggravate by
acquit of (crime, blame) aggrieved at / by
activated by (revenge, not with) agonize over (not about)
adamant about / on aim at (doing, or a target)
adapted for (purpose, nature) aim for (victory)
adapted from (based on) aim to (do)
adapted to (ability, purpose) alert (someone) to (something, not of)
addicted to alert to (the danger, not of)
addiction to (not for) alarmed at / by
adept at (doing something, not with) alien (adj.) to
adept in (an art or practice) align against / with
allegiance to (not with)
allocate to (not for)
allow for (make provision for)
allow of (permit)
aloof from / with (not to)
alternative of (one thing or another)
alternative to (not for, from or of)
amazed at (surprised)
amazed by (bewildered)
ambitious for / of (fame)
ambivalent about (not to or towards)
amenable to (not by)
amused at / by / with
anagram of (not for)
analogous to
analogy between (equivalence)
analogy of / to (simile)
analogy with (comparison, resemblance)
anathema to (somebody)
anger (v.) (someone) by (interrupting, not for)
angry about / against / at / over / towards (a thing)
angry against / at / towards / with (a person)
animus against (not towards)
*annoyed about / at / by (something)
*annoyed at / with (a person)
answer (n.) to (not of)
answer (v.) for (misdeeds)
answer (v.) for (be responsible)
answer (v.) to (the voters)
answer (v.) to (respond, match)
antagonized by (not about)
antagonistic to / towards
antidote against / to / with
antipathy to / toward(s) (not against or for or of)
antithesis between (contrast)
antithesis of opposite, not to)
antithetical to
anxious about / for (health, safety, not of)
anxious for (eager)
anxious to (do something)
apathy toward(s) (something, not against or on)
apologize for
appalled at / by
*appeal (n. v.) against (a sentence)
*appeal for (help)
*appeal (n. v.) to (someone) for (something)
*appealing (adj. v.) to (be attractive, not for)
applicable to (not for)
apply for (a passport)
apply to (address oneself to)
appoint (someone) to (a position, not for)
appreciation of (not for)
appreciative of
apprehensive about (a person)
apprehensive of (danger)
apprised of (the facts)
appropriate (v.) for / to
appropriate (adj.) for / to (a purpose)
approve of
aptitude for (not about)
*arbitrate between / in
argue about / against / with (a person)
argue about / against / for / over (something)
argue for (in support of)
arrival at (not to)
ashamed of (not about, at, by or for)
ashamed to (do)
ask (a question) about (a subject)
ask (a question) of (a person)
aspire after / to (covet, not at or for)
assault (n.) on (not of)
assist in (cooking, not to cook)
associated with (not in or to)
association with (not in or to)
astonished at / by
astounded at / by
astride of (not over)
attachment to (not for or with)
attack (n.) by / of / on (thing or person, not
attempt (n.) at (climbing a mountain)
attempt (n.) on (someone's life)
attend to (needs)
attend upon (orders)
attendant on (not to)
attended by (visitors)
attended with (success, fanfare)
attitude of / to(ward) (not about or over)
attribute (n.) of
attuned to (not with)
authority for (warrant)
authority on (expert)
authority over (power, control)
avail (oneself) of (a thing)
averse to (not against or from)
aversion to (not for)
avert from
aware(ness) of (not about)
back out of (not out on)
backed by (supported, not with)
*bargain for / on / with
barren of (not from)
base (v.) on (not in)
battle against
begin by (doing something)
begin from (a point)
begin with (an act)
belief in (not of)
belong to (be a member)
belong with (same category)
beneficial for / to
benefit (n.) of (the benefactor)
benefit (n.) to (the beneficiary)
benefit (n. v.) from (Yoga)
bestow on / upon (not to)
*blame (a person) for (something, not with)
*blame on (put blame on)
boast (n. v.) about / of
*bored with (an activity, not of)
*bored by (a person, not of)
borrow (a thing) from (someone, not of)
bound for (destination, not to)
boycott (n.) of (goods, not on)
brag (about / of (not on)
breach in (the wall, not of)
breach of (trust, rules, not in)
brunt of (not for)
breach of (the rules, not in)
campaign (n. v.) against / for
capable of
capacity for (aptitude for)
capacity of (containing)
*care (v.) about (worry)
*care (v.) for (like, look after)
*careful about / of / with
careless about / of / with
cause (n.) for / of
central to
*centre (v.) (about / around / in / on / round)
certain about / of
champion(ship) of (human rights, not for)
chance (n.) of (survival, not for)
chance (n. v.) to (win, not in winning))
chance (v.) on (happen)
characteristic for / of
charged with (a crime, task, not for or of)
chary of
chat to / with (a friend)
*choose among / between / from / out of / over
close to (a person, not with)
cognate with
cognizant of
collide with (not against)
collision between (two things)
coloured by (a dye)
coloured with (a prejudice)
combine with (not to)
comfortable in (pajamas)
comfortable with (a proposal)
commensurate with (not to)
comment (n. v.) on (not about, at or to)
commitment to (not of)
*compare to (note similar)
*compare with (note similar and dissimilar)
compatible with
compete against / with (an opponent)
compete for (an award, object)
competent at (sports)
competent in (English)
complain about / against (something dissatisfying)
complain of (a headache)
complement (n.) of (a ship)
complement (n.) to (addition)
complementary to (additional)
compliment (n.) to (somebody)
compliment (v.) (somebody) on (an achievement, not about or for)
complimentary about (something, not of)
complimentary to (somebody)
comply with
composed of (consists of, not with)
comprised of
conceive of
*concerned about / at / over (worried, not by, of or with)
*concerned for (keen to obtain)
*concerned in (involved, involving)
*concerned with (occupied, related to)
concur with (a person) in (an opinion, decision)
condole with (a person)
condolences on (a death, not for)
conducive to (not of)
confer on (bestow upon)
confer with (discuss)
confide in (trust in)
confide to (entrust to)
confident about / of (optimistic)
confident in (trusting)
confine in (a place)
confine to (restrict)
conflict (v.) with (not against)
conform to / with
confronted by / with (not on)
*confused about / by / with (not over)
congratulate on (not about or for)
coincide with
connected by (by means of)
connected to (attached)
connected with (associated)
connive at
conscious of (not about)
consequent on / upon (not to)
considerate about (things)
considerate of (someone's feelings)
consist in (resides)
consist of (part or parts)
consistent with (something)
consult with (discuss, confer)
contemporary (adj.) with
contemporary (n.) of
contempt for (liars)
contempt of (court)
contemptuous of (not for)
contend against / with (struggle)
contend for (strive)
content (v.) (oneself) with (not by)
content (v.) (others) by
contiguous to / with
contingent on
continue to (a place)
continue with (something, not on)
contradictory of / to
*contrast (n.) to / with
*contrast (v.) (something) with (something, not to)
convenient for (person)
convenient to (a purpose)
converge on (not in)
conversant in (a language)
conversant with (an area of knowledge)
converse about / on (a topic)
converse with (a person)
convict of (murder, not for)
convince (a person) of (God's existence)
convinced by (an argument)
correlate with (not to)
correspond to / with (agree, match)
correspond with (write to)
cost in (human lives)
cost of (a house, not for)
count (v.) on (rely on)
covered with (snow, leaves)
crazy about (a film star)
crazy for (a new house)
crazy on (football)
*credit (n. v.) for / with (an achievement)
*credit (n. v.) to (add money)
*credit (n.) to (one's parents)
criticism for (misbehaviour)
criticism of (a plan, not against or for)
crucial for / to
culminate in (not with)
cure (n.) for
cured of (not from)
curiosity about (not for or in)
curious about (not for or in)
cynical about / toward(s)
cynicism about / toward(s)
dabble in (not at / with)
*date (v.) back to / from / to
deal (v.) in (doing business)
deal (v.) with (attend to)
debar from
debate (n. v.) about / on / over (an issue, not
decide about (a matter)
decide on (a course of action, doing)
decide to (do)
defence against (attack)
defence for (excuse, justification)
defence of (liberty)
defend against / from (not of)
defer to (a person, opinion)
defiant against, of, to, toward(s).
deficient in
definition of (a word, not to)
*delighted at / by / in / with
demand (n.) on (a person) for (something)
demand (v.) (an intangible thing ) of (a person)
demand (v.) of (a person, ask)
demand (v.) (a tangible thing) from (a person)
demanding on (onerous, not of)
depart at (9 a.m.)
depend(ent) on (not to)
dependence of (one thing) on (another)
deprive of (not from)
derelict in (one's duties. not with)
derive (pleasure) from (not in)
derogate from (detract, deviate)
derogatory of / to
description of (not about)
desire (n.) for
desirous of
despair for (a person)
despair (n.) of / over (losing)
despair (n. v.) of (ever winning, not for)
destitute of
destructive of (not to)
determination to excel (not of excelling)
detrimental to
deviate from
devoid of (not from)
devotee of (not to)
devotion to (not for or in)
die for (a cause)
die from (an injury)
die of (an illness, not from)
differ from (be different)
differ from / with (disagree)
difference between (two things, not in)
*different from / than / to
differentiate amongst (several things)
differentiate between (two things)
differentiate (one thing) from (another)
*difficult for / of / with
disabuse (a person) of (an idea, not from)
disaffected with (not by)
disagree about / on / over (things, opinions)
disagree with (someone, not from)
disappointed by / with (an outcome)
disappointed of (something not obtained)
disappointed in (something obtained)
disappointed in / with (a person)
disappointment over (failure)
disappointment to (somebody)
discouraged by (something)
discouraged from (doing, not in)
discriminate against / in favour of
discriminate among or between (alternatives)
discriminate (one thing) from (another)
disdain for / of
disdainful of (not about)
*disgust (n.) at / for / with (not against or toward(s))
*disgusted at / by / with (not against or toward(s))
disinclination to
disincline (a person) from (doing)
disinclined to (do)
dislike (n.) of (not at or for)
dismayed by (not with)
*displeased at / by / with
disproportionate to (not with)
dispute (n. v.) about or over (a matter)
dispute (n. v.) with (somebody, not against)
disqualified for (a wrong-doing )
disqualified from (a race, doing)
disregard for / of
disrespect (n. v.) for (not of)
dissent (v.) from (not on or to)
dissimilar to (not from)
dissuade from (not against)
distaste (n. v.) for
distinguish among (several things)
distinguish between (two things)
distinguish (one thing) from (another)
distinguished by (singled out)
distinguished for (eminent)
distracted from (one thing) by (another)
distrust(ful) of
disturbed about / at (perturbed)
disturbed by (disrupted)
divest from (cease investing)
divest of (relinquish)
do (something) for (someone, help)
do (something) to (someone, hurt)
dominated by (an idea, not with)
domination by (someone) of / over (another)
doubt (n.) about / of / on
doubtful about / of
dream (n. v.) about (entertain an idea)
*dream (v.) of (one's lover)
*drunk from / on / with
dubious about / of
dwell on (linger, not over)
*effect (n.) on (not for or to)
embark for (a place)
embark on (a ship, career)
*embarrassed by (behaviour)
*embarrassed with (debts)
emboldened by (liquor, not with)
embroiled in (a dispute)
embroiled with (a person)
empathize with
empathy with (not towards)
employee of (a company, not for)
*enamoured of (not about or with)
*enchanted by / with
end (n.) to (a problem)
end (v.) at (a place, not up at)
end (v.) in / with (not by)
endowed by (fate) with (talent)
*enemy of / to
engrossed in (a book)
engulfed by (war)
engulfed in (flames, not with)
enough of (not with)
enquire about (fares)
enquire after (someone's health)
enquire for (looking for)
enquire into (investigate)
enquiry into (not over)
entangled in (one thing)
entangled with (two things)
enter into (an agreement)
enthralled by / with (new baby, enchanted) evidence of (human settlement)
enthralled to ( T.V., enslaved) example of (instance, not for)
enthused by / over (not about, for or with) example to (model)
enthusiasm for (not about) excel at / in (activity)
enthusiastic about (not for or with) excel in (ability)
entrust (something) to (someone) exception to (a rule, statement, not from)
entrust (someone) with (something) *excited about (badminton, not for)
*envious about / of / towards *excited about / at / by (a new baby)
equal (adj.) to (two things, not as, for or with) excused for (pardoned)
equal (adj.) to (the task) excused from (released)
equate to (make equal) exempt from
equate with (consider equal, not to) *expect from / of
equivalent (adj.) to expectation(s) of (not for)
equivalent (n.) of experience of (travel, not with)
*escape from (danger) experience in (teaching)
essential for / to explanation for / of
euphemism for (dying, not of) explication of (a text, not on)
evidence for (a theory, not of) extraneous to (not of)
*familiar to (well-known)
*familiar with (knowing, friendly)
fascinated by / for / with (not about)
*fascination for / of (a thing)
fatal for / to
father (n. v.) by / on / with (a child)
favourable for (suitable)
favourable to (in favour of)
fear (n.) about / of (flying)
fear (n. v.) for (one's safety)
fear (n.) of (God)
fight about / over (things, opinions)
fight against (cancer)
fight for (a cause)
fight with (a person, not against)
fight with (a weapon)
filled by (agent)
filled with (contents, not by)
*firm in / of / on / with
fixated on (not about or with)
flexible about (visiting hours, not over)
fob (a person) off with (a thing)
focus (n.v.) on (not about, around or to)
*foist (a thing) on (a person, not at)
fond of
fondness for
forbid to (do, not from doing)
foreign to (way of thinking, not from)
fortunate in (one's friends)
fortunate with (investments)
free (adj.) from / of
free (v.) from (liberate)
free (v.) of (exempt)
free (adj.) with (money, carefree)
frightened by (a recent event)
frightened of (general fear)
*frustrated by / with (not over)
*full of / with
fundamental to (not for)
furious at (an event)
furious with (a person or object)
furnish (someone) with (a thing)
fusion of (two things, not between)
fuss (n. v.) about / of / over
*generous in / of / to / with
glad at (an event)
glad of (assistance)
glad for (a person)
*good at / for / to / with
*good luck on (your date)
*good luck to (your date)
graduate (n.) of (Cambridge, not from)
graduate (v.) from (Cambridge)
grapple with
grateful for (something)
grateful to (somebody)
gratified by / with
greedy for (not of)
grieve about / at / for/ over (a death)
grieve for (a person)
guard (v.) against (be vigilant, not from)
guard (v.) against / from (protect)
guiltless of
guilty about (i.e., feeling guilty)
guilty of (a crime)
habituated to ( not with)
handling (n.) of (an affair, not over)
hanker after / for
happen to (somebody, not with)
harmful to (not for)
hate for / of
hateful to
hatred for / of
hats off to (someone) for (something)
hazardous to (one's health, not for)
*hear about / from / of
heart-broken at (not over)
heed of (not to)
heedful of
heedless of
heir of (a person)
heir to (property)
hell-bent on (doing, not for)
hesitate in (doing)
hesitate to (do)
hesitation in (doing, not to do)
hopeless about (not of)
hostile to (not against)
*identical to / with
ignorant of (not to)
imbue (a person) with (a quality)
immaterial to (not for)
immersed in (not with)
immune from (prosecution, punishment)
immune to (a disease, persuasion)
immunize against (a disease, not from)
impact (n.) of (something) on (a person or thing)
impatient for (news, payment)
impatient of (interruption, rebuke)
impatient with (a person. behaviour)
impervious to (not of)
impinge against / of
implication in (robbery)
implication of (statement)
implications for (not on)
*important for / to
impose on (not to)
impressed by / with
inadequate for (a person)
inadequate to (one's needs)
incapable of (doing, not to do)
incensed at / by / with incidental to
include among (two or more)
include in (the price)
incomprehension of (English grammar, not for)
inconsiderate about (things or opinions)
inconsiderate of (someone's feelings)
increase (n .v.) in (energy, not to)
inculcate (an idea) in / into (someone, not on or with)
indebted to (you) for (assistance)
independent of (not from or on)
indicative of
indifferent to (not about or for)
indignant at (a thing)
indignant with (a person)
indispensable for / to
indulge in (an activity)
indulgence for (toleration)
indulgence in (participation)
ineligible for
infected with (disease)
infested with (rats)
infer(ence) from
inferior to (not than)
infested with
inflict upon (not with)
influence (n.) on / over / with (a person or thing)
influence (v.) on / in / upon (a person or thing)
influenced by
information about (not of)
infuse into (someone)
initiate (v.) in (a science)
initiate (v.) into (a society)
inscrutable to (a person, not by or for)
insensible to
insight into (not of)
insist on (not in)
inspire (a vision) in (someone, not into)
inspire (someone) with (a vision)
inspired by / with
instill in / into (not towards)
insufficient for (needs)
insufficient in (quantity)
intent on (something, doing something)
*intention of / to
intercede for (a person) with (another person)
interest (n. v.) in (not at or to)
interested in (not by)
interfere in (intervene, meddle)
interfere with (hinder, obstruct)
interested in (not about)
intrigued by (fascinated, not with)
intrigued with (plotted)
intrusion into (not of)
inundated with (telegrams, not by)
inured to (hard work, not against)
invest in (a business)
invest with (an office)
investigation in / into / of (not over)
involved in (included in)
involved with (committed to)
involved with (a person)
irrespective of
issue (n.) of (not about)
jealous for / of (my reputation)
*jealous about / of / towards (envious)
join (v.) in (a game)
join (v.) to (connect)
join (v.) with (a person or thing)
jubilant about (good news, not with)
judged by (not as or on)
justification for (not of)
justified in (opinions, not of)
keen of (hearing)
keen on (enthusiastic, not about of for)
knowledge of (a subject, not about)
knowledgeable about (not of or on)
labour at (a task)
labour for (a person, an end)
labour in (a cause)
labour under (a disadvantage, difficulty)
lack (n.) of (money)
lacking in (an attribute)
lament (n.) for (grief)
lament (n.) about (complaint)
lament (v.) for / over (mourn)
*laugh (n. v.) about / at / on / over
leisure to (do, not for doing)
lenient to (not with)
liable for (responsible)
liable to (apt, likely, inclined)
libel (n.) on (not against)
likelihood of (not for)
link (n.) in / to / with
link (v.) between (two things)
link (v.) (one thing) with (another)
listen to (not at)
littered by (agent)
littered with (substance)
live by (labour)
live for (fame)
look forward to (not for)
*love (n.) for / of
mania for (crosswords)
marked by (not with)
married to (a person, not with)
married with (children)
martyr for / in (a cause)
martyr to (a disease)
mastery of (an activity)
mastery over (a rival)
matter for (an expert)
matter of (survival)
meddle in (one's affairs)
meddle with (one's things)
meditate on (ponder, not over)
*meet with (success)
mistrust(ful) of
monopoly of not on)
mourn for (a person)
mourn over (a death)
muse (v.) on (not about or over)
name (v.) after / for
name (v.) to (appoint)
necessary for / to (not of)
necessity for / of (strict measures)
need (n.) for / of
needed from (somebody, not of)
negligent in (duties, not of)
negligent of (fame, not in)
nervous about / around / of (strangers)
object (v.) to (not about or against)
*oblivious of (not about or to)
obsessed about / by / with
obsession with (not for)
obstacle to (not for)
offended at / by / with
offensive (adj.) to (not toward)
open for (business)
open to (suggestions)
opinion about / on (a subject)
opinion of (a person)
*opposite (adj.) from / to (not of or than)
*opposite (n.) of (not to)
*opposite (prep.) to (or omit)
opposition of (a group, person)
opposition to (new policy, not against)
optimistic about (not for)
originate in (a thing)
originate with (a person)
outraged at / by (a suggestion)
overcome by (fumes)
overcome with (emotion)
*overjoyed at / by / with
overwhelmed by (the floods)
overwhelmed with (grief)
parallel (adj. v.) to / with
parallel (n.) between (two things)
parallel (n.) with (one thing)
paraphrase (n.) of (not on)
parody (n.) of (not on)
part (v.) from (persons, not with)
part (v.) with (things, not from)
partake of (food, quality, not in)
partake in (participate)
participate in (not to)
perpendicular to
persevere in / with
persuade (a person) to do (something)
pertain to (something)
pertinent to
perturbed about / at / by
*phobia of (not about, against, towards or over)
pity (n.) for (mercy towards)
pity (n.) on (sympathy with)
plan (v.) to (go, not on going))
play (v.) to (the camera, not for)
*pleased about /at / by / with
*pleasure of / in
point (v.) at / towards (a thing)
point (v.) to (a fact)
popular with (audiences, not to)
possessed by / with (an idea, emotion)
possessed of (wealth)
praise (n.) of (not for)
precursor of (not for or to)
predilection for (not with)
preface (v.) with (a remark)
prefer (one thing) to (another, not above, before or over)
preferable to (not than)
preference for
pregnant by (a man)
pregnant with (a man's child, not of)
pregnant with (possibilities, not of)
prejudice(d) against / in favour of (not to )
preoccupied with
prerequisite for (a course, not to)
preside at / over
prevail against / over (opposition)
prevail on (persuade, not with)
prevail with (have greater impact)
prevent (someone) from (doing, not to do)
pride (n.) in (not about or for)
pride (v.) (oneself) on
*privilege (n.) of / to
proficient at (games)
proficient in (surgery)
profuse in
profusion of
prohibit from (doing, not to do)
propensity for / to (rudeness, not in)
protect against (attack, loss)
protect from (harm)
protest (v.) against (not about or at or to)
*proud of (not about or at)
provide against (prepare for)
provide for (supply, the future)
provide (someone) with (something)
proximity to (not with)
punish for (not over)
purpose in (doing, not for)
purpose of (this meeting, not for)
pursuant to
qualify for (the final, not to)
quarrel about / over (a matter)
quarrel with (a person)
*question about / of
rail against or at (not about)
range from (bad to worse, not between)
react against (oppose, not about)
react to (respond, not about)
react with (chemical change)
ready for (an exam)
ready in / with (an answer)
reason (v.) about (a topic)
reason (v.) with (a person)
rebuke (n.) to (not against)
rebuke (v.) for (an action)
received by (jubilation, not with)
received from (money, not off)
receptive to (not of)
reckon on (count on, expect)
reckon with (deal with, consider)
recognition of (not for)
recommend (a person) for (a job)
recommend (a book) to (a student)
reconcile to (accept a situation)
reconcile (one thing) with (another)
reconcile with (a person)
recover from (not of)
redeem from (not of)
reduction from / of (a price, not over)
reek of (not from or with)
reference about (recommendation letter)
reference to (a subject, not about)
reflect on (not about)
reflected (sent back) by
reflected (implied) in
regale on (strawberries)
regale with (stories)
regard (n.) for (a person)
rejoice at / in / over / with (not for)
relation of (kinship), not to)
relevant for (a person)
relevant to (a debate, not for)
rely on (not to)
remind about / of
remonstrate against (protest)
remonstrate with (reprove)
remorse for (not about)
repent of (not for)
repentance for / of
*replace by / with
replenish with
replete with
report (n. v.) on / to (not into)
reproach (n.) to
reproach (v.) (someone) for (lying)
reproach (v.) (someone) with (dishonesty)
repugnance (aversion) against / to
repugnance (inconsistency) between
required for (a purpose)
required from (a person, needed)
required of (expect of a person, not from)
resentful of
resigned to (one's fate)
responsible for (something)
responsible to (someone)
restriction on (membership, not of)
result (n.) from (an event)
result (n.) of (the poll)
result (v.) from (arise)
result (v.) in (terminate)
result (v.) in (a failure)
retaliate against (not to)
retreat (n.v.) from (not on)
retroactive to (a date, not from)
return from / to (a place, not back or back in)
revulsion against / from / to
rich in (possessions, not with)
rid (the city) of (rats, not from)
rise to (the occasion, not for)
*risk (n.) from / of / to (not for)
rough on (hypercritical)
rough with (abusive)
sacrifice (v.) (one thing) to (another, not for)
safe (adj.) against (possible dangers)
safe (adj.) from (one's enemies)
salvation of (not to)
sanguine about / of
*satire of / on (folly, not about or against)
satisfactory to (a person)
satisfied of (convinced)
satisfied with (contented, not at or by)
scathing about (not of)
sceptical about / of
secret of / to (success)
secure against (attack)
secure from (harm)
secure in (a position)
seek after / for (search for)
seek from / of (request of)
seek out (hunt down)
seized by / with (fear, remorse)
sensible about (homework)
sensible of (appreciative, not to)
sensitive to (not at or of)
separate (adj.) from
*servant of / to
share (n.) of (winnings)
share (v.) in (winnings)
share (v.) with (a person)
shed light on (not as to)
shocked at / by (not about or over)
short of (one's aims, not from)
short on (talent)
shrouded in (mystery, not by or with)
shy of (wary)
shy of (reluctant)
shy of (short of)
shy on (deficient)
shy with (bashful)
sick from / with (fear)
sick of (tired)
similar to (not as or with)
similarity between (one thing and another)
similarity of (one thing) to (another)
similarity to / with (a thing)
site of (new building, not for)
smile (v.) at (scorn)
smile (v.) on (favour)
solicitous for / of (not to)
solution of / to (a problem)
sorry about / for (something)
sorry for (pity for a person)
source of (information, not for)
sparing of (not for, to or with)
*speak about / of / on (a subject)
*speak to / with (a friend)
spectator of (not to)
spend (money) on (books, not for)
squabble over (not about)
square (v.) with (be or make compatible, not to)
startled at or by
strive against / for (struggle)
spoiled by (not with)
strict about (punctuality)
strict in (one's habits)
strict with (a person)
strive after (seek after)
subsequent to
substitute (reposition one thing) for (another)
substitute (replace one thing) with (another)
subversive of (not to)
succeed in (doing, not to do)
suffer for (one's beliefs)
suffer from (an ailment, not in or with)
suitable for / to
suited for / to
superior(ity) to (not than or over)
supplied by (the government)
supply (v.) (books) for (the library)
supply (v.) (food) to (the starving)
supply (v.) (the army) with (tanks)
support for (not towards)
surprised at (something astonishing, disappointing)
surprised by (something unexpected)
surprised (someone) with (something)
surround (oneself) with (not by)
surrounded by
susceptible of (explanation, persuasion)
susceptible to (liable, sensitive)
symbol(ic) for / of ()
sympathetic to (not for)
*sympathy for / with (not to)
synchronize with (not to)
synonymous with (not to)
take toll of (not on)
*talk to / with (a friend)
tamper with
taste (n.) for (liking)
taste (n.) of (food)
taste (n.) in (art)
tendency to
tenderness for / towards (love)
terrified at (a prospect)
terrified by (a rifle shot)
terrified of (dogs)
testimonial to (not of)
*think about / of / on / over
thirst after / for (knowledge)
threatened by (a robber)
threatened with (an epidemic)
thrive on
tinker (v.) with (car engines)
*tired from / of (not by)
token of (my affection, not for)
tolerance of (foreigners, not for)
tolerant of (foreigners, not towards or to)
trade (v.) for (exchange)
trade (v.) in (barter with)
trade (v.) on (exploit)
trade (v.) with (do business)
travel for (a company)
travel on (business, not for)
true of (applicable to, not for)
true to (faithful)
typical for / of
unconcerned about / at / with
unconscious of (not to)
understanding of (English grammar, not for)
unequal to (a task, not for)
unfair to (not for)
unite in (helping, not to help)
united by (common interests)
united to / with (joined together)
unsuitable for / to
unsuited for / to
upset (adj.) about / at / by)
vary from (the norm)
vary in (size)
vary with (age)
veiled in (secrecy, not with)
verdict on (not for)
vexed by / about (thing)
vexed at / with (a person)
vie with (a person) for (something)
*view (n.) of (sight of)
*view (n.) on (opinion on)
visited by (friends)
visited with (afflictions)
warn (someone) against (doing something, not about)
warn (someone) of (a danger, not on) word to (the wise, not for)
wary of (strangers, not about) worried at (a bone, a knot)
worried (be anxious) about / by / for / over
yearn for (not after)
PART II: Words, mostly verbs, not requiring a preposition.
abdicate (not from)
admit (a mistake, not to)
answer (not to)
ascend (a mountain, not up)
attain (not to)
calculate (not out)
cancel (a booking, not out)
catch (fire, not on)
chide (not at)
circle (not around)
combat (not against)
compensate (not to a person)
comprise (not of)
confess (not to)
consult (seek advice, not with)
continue (not on or with)
crave (not for)
culled (not through)
debate (not about or on)
descend (not down)
discuss (something, not about or on)
distribute (not out)
divide (not up)
dominate (not over)
double (adj.) (not of)
early (not early on)
empty (not out)
enter (a place, not in or into)
examine (not into)
explain (not about)
explore (not into)
follow (not after or behind)
follow up (not up on)
free (not up)
grieve (protest against)
head (v.) (an investigation, not up)
help doing (not from doing)
hold (the fort, not down)
infringe (not on or upon)
inside (not of)
invade (not into)
investigate (not about, into or upon)
join (not together or up with)
jump (v.) (not up)
lack (v.) (not for or in)
lament (v.) (regret, not about)
lift (not up)
lower (a thing, not down)
make good (not on)
mention (n. v.) (not about)
muster (not up)
near (not to)
objection to (doing, not toward)
offend (a person, not against)
oppose (not against)
outside (not of)
penetrate (not into or through)
permeate (not through)
plummet (not down)
ponder (a problem, not on or over)
profess (not to)
protest (not against)
raise (not up)
reach (not to)
rear (v.) (not up)
reconcile (one thing) with (another)
reconcile(d) to (a person or thing)
refer to (not back to)
reflect (not back)
regress (not back)
request (not for)
resign (a post, membership, not from)
resemble (not to)
resist (not from)
revert (not back)
seek (not after or for)
segregate (not out)
seize (not upon)
separate (not out)
shunted (not off)
sidestep (not around)
sift (not through)
spare (not from)
stress (not upon)
study (not about)
test (not out)
study (not up on)
underneath (not of)
until (not up until)
win (not out)

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