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Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2001) * 210 words

IELP Vocabulary Target Proficiency for GradTrack

FREQUENCY ORDER (see Alphabetical Order on page 2)

SUB-LIST-7 37. decades 13. random 52. schedule

38. comprise 14. revision 53. intensity
1. intervention 39. hierarchical 15. virtually 54. crucial
2. confirmed 40. unique 16. uniform 55. via
3. definite 41. comprehensive 17. predominantly 56. exhibit
4. classical 42. couple 18. thereby 57. bias
5. chemical 43. mode 19. implicit 58. manipulation
6. voluntary 44. differentiation 20. tension 59. theme
7. release 45. eliminate 21. ambiguous 60. nuclear
8. visible 46. priority 22. vehicle
47. empirical 23. clarity SUB-LIST-9
9. finite
10. publication 48. ideology 24. conformity
49. somewhat 25. contemporary 1. bulk
11. channel
50. aid 26. automatically 2. behalf
12. file
51. foundation 27. accumulation 3. unified
13. thesis
52. adults 28. appendix 4. commenced
14. equipment
53. adaptation 29. widespread 5. erosion
15. disposal
54. quotation 30. infrastructure 6. anticipated
16. solely
55. contrary 31. deviation 7. minimal
17. deny
56. media 32. fluctuations 8. ceases
18. identical
57. successive 33. restore 9. vision
19. submitted
58. innovation 34. guidelines 10. mutual
20. grade
59. prohibited 35. commodity 11. norms
21. phenomenon
60. isolated 36. minimizes 12. intermediate
22. paradigm
37. practitioners 13. manual
23. ultimately
SUB-LIST-8 38. radical 14. supplementary
24. extract
39. plus 15. incompatible
25. survive
1. highlighted 40. visual 16. concurrent
26. converted
2. eventually 41. chart 17. ethical
27. transmission
3. inspection 42. appreciation 18. preliminary
28. global
4. termination 43. prospect 19. integral
29. inferred
5. displacement 44. dramatic 20. conversely
30. guarantee
6. arbitrary 45. contradiction 21. relaxed
31. advocate
7. reinforced 46. currency 22. confined
32. dynamic
8. denote 47. inevitably 23. accommodation
33. simulation
9. offset 48. complement 24. temporary
34. topic
10. exploitation 49. accompany 25. distorted
35. insert
11. detected 50. paragraph 26. passive
36. reverse
12. abandon 51. induced 27. subordinate

Barbara A. Pijan – IELP VOCABULARY - updated 10 October 2016

Page 1 of 4 –Adapted from
Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2001) * 210 words
IELP Vocabulary Target Proficiency for GradTrack

28. analogous 45. medium SUB-LIST-10 15. odd

29. military 46. coincide 16. intrinsic
30. scenario 47. violation 1. whereby 17. compiled
31. revolution 48. device 2. inclination 18. adjacent
32. diminished 49. insights 3. encountered 19. integrity
33. coherence 50. refine 4. convinced 20. forthcoming
34. suspended 51. devoted 5. assembly 21. conceived
35. mature 52. team 6. albeit 22. ongoing
36. assurance 53. overlap 7. enormous 23. so-called
37. rigid 54. attained 8. reluctant 24. likewise
38. controversy 55. restraints 9. posed 25. nonetheless
39. sphere 56. inherent 10. persistent 26. levy
40. mediation 57. route 11. undergo 27. invoked
41. format 58. protocol 12. notwithstanding 28. colleagues
42. trigger 59. founded 13. straightforward 29. depression
43. qualitative 60. duration 14. panel 30. collapse
44. portion

Barbara A. Pijan – IELP VOCABULARY - updated 10 October 2016

Page 2 of 4 –Adapted from
Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2001) * 210 words
IELP Vocabulary Target Proficiency for GradTrack

ALPHABETICAL ORDER (see Frequency Order on page 1)

1. abandon 39. comprise 77. erosion 115. intrinsic

2. accommodation 40. conceived 78. ethical 116. invoked
3. accompany 41. concurrent 79. eventually 117. isolated
4. accumulation 42. confined 80. exhibit 118. levy
5. adaptation 43. confirmed 81. exploitation 119. likewise
6. adjacent 44. conformity 82. extract 120. manipulation
7. adults 45. contemporary 83. file 121. manual
8. advocate 46. contradiction 84. finite 122. mature
9. aid 47. contrary 85. fluctuations 123. media
10. albeit 48. controversy 86. format 124. mediation
11. ambiguous 49. conversely 87. forthcoming 125. medium
12. analogous 50. converted 88. foundation 126. military
13. anticipated 51. convinced 89. founded 127. minimal
14. appendix 52. couple 90. global 128. minimizes
15. appreciation 53. crucial 91. grade 129. mode
16. arbitrary 54. currency 92. guarantee 130. mutual
17. assembly 55. decades 93. guidelines 131. nonetheless
18. assurance 56. definite 94. hierarchical 132. norms
19. attained 57. denote 95. highlighted 133. notwithstanding
20. automatically 58. deny 96. identical 134. nuclear
21. behalf 59. depression 97. ideology 135. odd
22. bias 60. detected 98. implicit 136. offset
23. bulk 61. deviation 99. inclination 137. ongoing
24. ceases 62. device 100. incompatible 138. overlap
25. channel 63. devoted 101. induced 139. panel
26. chart 64. differentiation 102. inevitably 140. paradigm
27. chemical 65. diminished 103. inferred 141. paragraph
28. clarity 66. displacement 104. infrastructure 142. passive
29. classical 67. disposal 105. inherent 143. persistent
30. coherence 68. distorted 106. innovation 144. phenomenon
31. coincide 69. dramatic 107. insert 145. plus
32. collapse 70. duration 108. insights 146. portion
33. colleagues 71. dynamic 109. inspection 147. posed
34. commenced 72. eliminate 110. integral 148. practitioners
35. commodity 73. empirical 111. integrity 149. predominantly
36. compiled 74. encountered 112. intensity 150. preliminary
37. complement 75. enormous 113. intermediate 151. priority
38. comprehensive 76. equipment 114. intervention 152. prohibited

Barbara A. Pijan – IELP VOCABULARY - updated 10 October 2016

Page 3 of 4 –Adapted from
Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2001) * 210 words
IELP Vocabulary Target Proficiency for GradTrack

153. prospect 195. trigger

154. protocol 196. ultimately
155. publication 197. undergo
156. qualitative 198. unified
157. quotation 199. uniform
158. radical 200. unique
159. random 201. vehicle
160. refine 202. via
161. reinforced 203. violation
162. relaxed 204. virtually
163. release 205. visible
164. reluctant 206. vision
165. restore 207. visual
166. restraints 208. voluntary
167. reverse 209. whereby
168. revision 210. widespread
169. revolution
170. rigid
171. route
172. scenario
173. schedule
174. simulation
175. so-called
176. solely
177. somewhat
178. sphere
179. straightforward
180. submitted
181. subordinate
182. successive
183. supplementary
184. survive
185. suspended
186. team
187. temporary
188. tension
189. termination
190. theme
191. thereby
192. thesis
193. topic
194. transmission

Barbara A. Pijan – IELP VOCABULARY - updated 10 October 2016

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