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Transcendental Meditation

(Four lectures by Silo)



First conference
Second conference
Third Conference
Fourth Conference
The four lectures on transcendental meditation was given by Silo in Buenos Aires on 16,17, 18 and
August 19, 1972.
In Santiago, Chile managed to develop the first two 12 and October 13 of that year. The other two were
suspended as a result of the inconvenience that happened to relate.
Meetings: were held in the room "La Reforma", part of the University of Chile, then controlled by the
Communist Party. When the second conference, a central committee member demanded a list of six
hundred people "who are made responsible" in the event of predation. Of course there were
responsible enough, because the place was rented by a group that successfully met all the
requirements, there were sufficient custody and, finally, the courtroom had been used without
problems so far.
This case does not differ with another, around 1969, when the body Punta de Vacas gendarmerie armed
with the documentation required of all participants to this historic speech.
At that time, the measure was prompted by the fascist in power. Now, for the reformist bureaucracy.
Impartially considered the two cases can be reduced to an authoritarian attitude and stupid.
In short, the lectures on transcendental meditation were suspended in Santiago, that the money was
returned to the organizers of the lease and at the same time, this money was donated by them to the
central committee of the Communist Party as "recognition of his effort for self-exposure of ideas. "
The four lectures that are posted below were taken from tapes. The first two were to merge the
development of Buenos Aires and Santiago.
As for the questions and answers of the second, are the most significant of the two places without
distinction. Encountered in the third and fourth, have chosen only those related to the central theme.

On the four conferences can sort the following table.
FIRST: framework of the theme of transcendental meditation in the present historical context. The
growth and social drain of superstition in a world that is "fetishized" day to day. The external and
internal fetishes. Daydreams side, the core of dreams and the various forms of hypnosis.
Distinctions between proposals seudomeditativas: prayer, concentration and meditation fantasy
Characterization of the simple, daily meditation as a "learning to see through the illusion of dreams."
SECOND: The distinction between single or daily meditation and transcendental meditation.
Characterization of transcendental meditation as a process of overcoming the perceptions, images,
performances and trends in the structure of consciousness. "Transcendental meditation does not work
with objects of representation, but acts of conscience." The twelve progressive steps of transcendental
First step: "Learning to See" as observation care. Discovery of dreams.
Second step: "Seeing all the things the senses," warning that in perception, the data is modified by the
senses. Discover the "identification."
Third step: "View on the senses, consciousness, to understand that perceptions are organized by the
structure of consciousness. Discovery of illusions.
Step Four: "View in consciousness of memory", since the structure of consciousness works with data
recorded on the memory and relational activities in general, depend on the data as "raw material".
Discovery of "understanding."
Step Five: "See the trend memory." The mental shape is intentional and works upgrading memory.
Discovery of intentionality that links mental acts and objects of the action of the report of any act-object
Step Six: "Seeing the trend chaining", warning that there can be empty consciousness, but
supplemented by acts: they are withholding, updates, protentions and expectations. Discovery
determination mechanism of consciousness.

THIRD: Considerations about the first six steps.

Step Seven: "See the permanent chaining", however the variation of the acts and objects of
consciousness. Discovery of the mechanism for determining as a permanent condition of
existence of consciousness.
Step Eight: "See what is permanent in one and in everything." The determination mechanism is
valid not only for consciousness in general, but for all individual cases in which it operates, for
example, in perception. The permanence of the determination mechanism is effective for every
possible consciousness despite the occasional variations given by different perceptions.
Discovery of intersubjectivity and the essential structure permanent "world-consciousness."
Observation that the "permanency" is structural and dynamic.
The permanent structure is not dependent on the phenomena. Moreover, the structural correlate
"consciousness-world" tells us that the "world" is itself a structure to produce a implesión
"awareness." Consciousness is the "act" of the world and the world the "object" of
Ninth step: "See the permanent form in action." The essential structure of "consciousness-world"
is designated "form." The way it appears after any particular phenomena and does not depend on
them, but given the structural possibility that they arise. Discovery of the organizing action of the
form on the phenomena, the structure of the compositional elements.
Tenth step: "To see what is not motion-form." The area outside the non-movement is "nothing"
but its complement. Discovery of the field is not dependent, non-dependent structures.
Eleventh Step: "Seeing what is and what is not, as the same." The shape and its complement are
related at a level that assumes the same structurally as-cast. Discovery of the form and non-
dependent field as necessarily identified as an expression. In an example of another level, it is
understandable that with the color and the extent of visual representation.
Twelfth Step: "See one and all the same." The consciousness-world counterpart and structure-
complement form can be reduced in the final result (and whether particular phenomena) to the
same. Discovery of the essential identity of all existence. Impossibility of another substance than
last reduction in one and the same for all beings.
FOURTH: Considerations on the three previous conferences and synthesis. The real transcendental
world, the world of both the mind and things in their ultimate root.
The questions and answers that appear on the four conferences help to clarify the issue of levels of
consciousness, of dreams and kernel side.
This discovery of the nucleus of a revolutionary dream seems to me important in the field of psychology.
The amazing thing is that is ever aware of its existence. Not the same case of the subconscious notion
that many civilizations were perfect and schools of thought until it was finally refloated the West by the
action of Psychoanalysis.
With only take account of the discovery and core mechanics of dreaming developed in the future,
surely, a new psychology.
But not only that the contribution they make the four conferences in the field of discovery.
Indeed, the idea of "structural form" made light on the research currently performed by disciples of
Vasilieff Russian, American and Italian Rhine Servadio laboratory have led to the paranormal trying to
measure and to obtain constant. Thanks to the photographs of S. Kirlian (taken with high-frequency
fields) can display a "plasma" energy that surrounds all living things and show variations on it in areas
that will then be expressed in diseased or affected parts of the physical structure of such a being. This
and other research have allowed to launch the hypothesis of "field structuring of form." This hypothesis
raises the possibility of a kind of empty form of content that is later organized the structure of being
In the field of philosophy and clarifications are also made contributions. Such is the case of the third
conference (eighth step) in which using a veiled criticism of the "Cartesian Meditations" of Husserl
breaks solipsism necessarily fall in the phenomenological description schemes so tied to Kantian
(ultimately Plato).
The jump to the inter-subjectivity, historicity and ultimately the "world" does not have the character
that gives us an analysis of "Dasein" in Heidegger, but rather is related to the transcendent vision of
Reality's own Buddhism.
The third conference (step tenth) the idea of "that" way outside the movement, which is not at all,
"recalls the study of Heidegger's" On the issue of Being ", which is concerned with the" strikethrough "of
Being however, assert that there is a "No" ontological. But closest to this conference is, in my view, the
distinction drawn in Thodol Tibetan Bardo (Bardo Chikhai Part of), when he says: "... Your mind, whose
true nature is emptiness that should not be regarded as the void of nothingness, but as the intelligence
itself unfettered bright and happy is universal consciousness itself: the Buddha universally good. Your
own conscience formed in any way, really empty and inseparable from the Great Body of Splendor, no
has no birth or death and is the inimitable Light Amitabha Buddha. "
The contributions to the field of psychology, social psychology, psychology of religion, philosophy and
science in general, are (albeit important) of little importance compared to those given to anyone who
honestly seeks to develop as a human being their best evolutionary possibilities ...
In this part of the Introduction to this book, looking at my work table diagrams of the four conferences,
the Vedas, the Bible, the poem of Gilgamesh, the studies of the Jains, the writings of Plotinus, the Popol
Vuh American , Philosophy of Religion Hegel and recent studies of Structuralism, seeing, being able to
establish internal relations between them unambiguous (so far apart in culture and in time), I stop and
ask, "Is all this for? .
When the preaching of Shiloh, something unusual in the American Continent, something completely out
of place in this colonial cultural context, was released to the winds, what was it that picked up our
intellectuals? He picked up the newspaper trick and reported on the number of shoes she wore Silo,
about her height, about her weight, about their preferences for this or that football clubs. Until today I
have not read a single intelligent criticism or at least learned of our intellectuals. Everything has been
disproportionate and ridiculous.
Cultural colonialism is subject to our America from seeing that there has emerged something new,
something that gives it meaning. As usual, our intellectuals still look to Europe, USSR and USA and is
curious that there (not here, by the way) is to study the contributions of thought Siloist.
Seen all this and not for lack of faith, but by a kind of moral fatigue, is that I refrain from making further
considerations that would be useless now to our students of Latin America.
For those strange associations, now I remember this phrase: "If your family reject you, shake the dust off
your sandals and go and preach to the Gentiles in my name ...".
H.van Doren.
October 1972

Three years ago we had in this country (See: "The Healing of Suffering") the privilege to speak publicly
for forty-five minutes.
Indeed, those forty-five minutes that many of you may recall, could develop into full high mountains and
in the climatic conditions and worst roads. In any case (and although the crowd was investigated in their
papers, as if they were criminals rather than peaceful auditors, despite pressure from security forces
that made display of his arms) had the privilege of speaking for forty five minutes.
Then he tried the same in different parts of Argentina, but always with the known results: gases,
clubbing, bullfights, fireworks, people arrested and the like. Not only was the physical aggression that
described, but it also added psychological and moral violence which corresponds when the press in
general (the media controlled by the system) with impunity slander and scare people, flattening and
distorting images doctrines .
That was in 1969, when we talk about the origins of violence, suffering and healing of suffering. It's good
to know that, at that time, no politician publicly stated, that at that time expressed any current hero to
the public ... and could not be otherwise, against the dictatorship that ruled in this country.
For these paradoxes of historical processes, from that moment expressed physical violence and
continued rising until today.
It is now clear that the same system has turned hundred eighty degrees and advocates non-violence and
peace. Bravo for him!
Hopefully then have the privilege of talking, now, more than forty-five minutes.
Even today, if the organization of this cycle was acting on a mass level, with adequate dissemination and
open space, not be talking.
But how are you have meetings only with the presence of spectators qualified specialists say almost, as
it is not publicly known, such as restricting entry to the competition; in principle, it seems, will not be
What's this introduction? Comes to preparing the ground for developing our presentation on
transcendental meditation.
For the kind of virulent, irrational reaction that has accrued to our preaching, we can begin to
understand a certain defensive mentality of a society and an old man.
If we were men of the East, if it exposes the same principles of what today calls "mystical" in general and
our dress, appearance, gestures and way of exposure corresponded to the "spiritual" accepted, surely
we would not have problems ...
Pursuit was not beyond the sixty-nine and after those forty-five minutes.
The doctrine was distorted with all the means by which society today may have more or less technical.
In several countries the system has suffered against the doctrine and thus entered the new prison cells,
new shot and were beaten to hospitals, many laid off from their jobs wandered in search of work, new
pressure persecuted broadcast "aseptic" lost the warmth of family and friends. Parents reported their
children, teachers who expelled students, neighbors who participated in "raids" against police
propagators of the doctrine.
Well, if what we said at the time would have been misleading, and out of historical necessity, had
succumbed to such pressures. In fact, appear to have happened otherwise.
At that time we called "healer" or "miracle", then "holy man", then as a "prophet." These days a
Uruguayan radio station we defined as "mystical."
This upward mobility is not negligible ... (Laughter) ... but it is always essentially deforming derogatory
Any inconsistent is now presented as a philosopher or thinker doctrinaire. For our part not to aim for
such honors, it is enough to be "holy men" or "prophets" or even healers of a new doctrine if that
doctrine is the man.

What are you doing, my friends, that our action is a reaction as disproportionate? Physics tells
us: that our action will be the exact corresponding reaction. If so say so careful because our
action is developed and expanded ...

Is not it true that when you hear talk of meditation, one imagines a certain set of practices that
have something to do with eastern views very wise and venerable teachers lost in the clouds of
the Himalayas?
Is not it true that for some kind spirits, meditation and imagined is detached from the daily
routine? What is not mixed or lose purity? That does not strike the social issue, or is mixed with
the life of relationship?
Is not it true that these kind souls feel they can improve themselves and improve humanity, art
magic to focus on a point between the eyebrows?
Clearly there are people who wander this way and not have to revolutionize the living system,
since they are parties benefit from the system.
Other, more modest in its objectives, which need not learn or recite among his friends a confused
chatter Hindu and think that meditation can help relieve nervous tension, to make better

For them we must also explain our point of view, but without the hope of tearing them so deeply
rooted belief, almost religious, especially taking into account that the true meditation clashes
with their interests because it is revolutionary as mental and its relationship with the world.
Let us try to frame the area where the need arises for meditation. Let's socio-historical context
and attempt to understand how that task is not unrelated to the world, quite the opposite.
Later we will study what is not meditation, and the consequences all false meditation, reserving
for the end of the exhibition today, the proper characterization of simple and daily meditation.
In the days following accurately talk about transcendental meditation technique.

When in times of crisis like the present, the value system underpinning a society loses meaning
when the whole social structure is revolutionizing the mode of production since the relations of
production, where the dialectic of class escalates, when the generational dialectic breaks through,
when the daily become stale and lack of rationality, when the general feeling of suffocation and
particular becomes evident, usually occurs the phenomenon of "leakage" social.
"Leakage" social ritualization is expressed in the peripheral elements that do not make the
essence of human activity. Ritualized sport, sex, gambling, fashion, music. All these elements
take the value of a fetish, as if they were the power to resolve internal conflicts. All time is
strongly messianic theories rife Salvationists. It was dug up old myths and adapts them instantly.
Is deposited as blind faith in men like the rest escaped, but they appear haloed of a property
difficult to define. This property is difficult to define precisely which identifies the fetish as such.
His presence is experienced in the diffuse feeling that he has the power to resolve distressing
situations. Whether the game, a leader of a spiritual master, a magical system, even scientific (in
this map is indifferent), whether the object status, or a Frisbee, all these entities appear as hinted
the salvation that seeks to understand flight.
In those curious moments in history, we can say unequivocally that the fraud increases, and is
justified in a thousand ways.
Since the aliens are no longer a hypothesis more or less likely to become the grandchildren of the
angels who come forward as an embassy of divinity ... (Laughter) ...
Observed in some or in yourselves, above the leaf litter that explain scientific phenomenon, more
or less mystical background that Nimba.
Study in the followers of a leader or a party, beatific irrationality over logical argument forces.
Sometimes and for completing the table, that leader is surrounded by astrologers and the party of
a mystical infallible ... (Laughter) ...
If given the emergency situation the solution of the evils is sought externally, then the charms are
also external. If instead the conflict is experienced as their own personal, fetishes were internal.
In the latter case, paving the way for the drug, the mystical disciplines and the exercise of
various forms of self-hypnosis.
In both cases, consciousness is not in a position to study the problems that arise, but seeks to
overcome without solving through the relationship with the fetish. In that state of consciousness,
as you know, we designate "emotional consciousness."
It is completely futile to try to explain to someone who is in that situation, what is happening in
your consciousness. Any rational argument that he will try to present easily discarded and, in
turn, reinterpreted in a unique way, but without addressing it in depth.
Let's see now: if we have been expressing in any of you that barrier of emotional consciousness,
explanations that are given can not be captured reasonably ... Are not some discussing internally
what we say, instead of trying to understand?
Fast forward a bit.
Have you noticed that when there is one of those fetishes, all or many of their activities tend to
revolve around him? What fetish is that a sort of artificial gravity center? What about the wear of
that faith to him, eventually, finally left the bitter experience of a vacuum?
Have not found that the loss of faith is experienced as a disappointment?
Well, what happens at the social level at critical times, it happens every day in the conscience of
every human being.
That these phenomena are accentuated times, does not mean that at all times the human mind
ritualice, project and illusions.
Everyone will know, from experience, that succession of images of everyday life, when it is
triggered by an external stimulus. The fantasizing, or daydreaming is not a rare phenomenon, but
it is normal and corresponds to the normal waking state. Typically, these images may be
discovered a tone common to them all: the same emotional background. Particularly in
oppressive situations or fatigue, these images tend to become stronger.
Now, whether those dreams have such force as to hide and overlap with reality (and this is an
everyday thing), what will not happen when a particular dream is fixed and strengthens to the
point that the activities intimate and personal desires are directly linked to him?
I do not think that they escape the relationship between social illusions that fetishized certain
simple objects and everyday dreams. In those two, there is the same mechanism based on
leakage and emotional background.
Deepen a little.
There will be distinctly simple and casual are not repeated dreams of those that appear frequently
and sometimes inhabit the same dream to night. These are of greater importance than the former
by the fixity that characterizes them.
Some good observers have grasped that the desire to make certain dreams of this kind has
sometimes oriented vocation after an alleged failed. Aspirations that could not be met, the
activities to be frustrated wear their motivation.
This is not the right time to attempt an explanation of the mechanism of dreams, but, in my view, should
be carefully taken into account their personal realities and its social and warn that it could even outline
a behavioral description based on the activity of dreaming .
When on another occasion we said that our doctrine is for losers and not winners, we have alluded to
this very central point.
Those who are excited about their fetishes Salvationists (whether social or personal), those who have a
faith, or who believe they possess and have not failed in its expectations, little can understand this is
being explained. There is certainly a disappointment to create artificial, as false as its opposite, it is vital
to attend a very deep need that can not be sated by the false idols, they are the sign they have.
Examine and verify internally that nothing can serve as transmitting here if your dreams are thrown in
the opposite direction. You see how easy it is to assemble superstructures that block these raises. If we
insist on the same and we made our way to check something very curious, that is, they start to move a
mechanism for misunderstanding. And as we proceed with our action, we obtain a proportional
response. Then, the show will be complete, because they draw pictures totally unreasonable to fight,
which correspond exactly to the opposite of social expectations and personal.
This is very interesting, but we reexplicar above, from another point of view to a better understanding.

Any mystic consulted tell us that "the reality is illusory." But tell not know exactly if it is the reality of the
thing itself or if the vision of reality is what is distorted.
Even the Lord Buddha (which has much to do with the origin of these complications) explained that
people contemplate the phenomenon that corrupts their mind, that the mind is troubled because of the
perception of objects and becomes variable and is at the mercy external variations, but at the same
time, said he had to learn to see things in their essential character, as if the whole phenomenon was
hidden by the veil.
The nature of this veil is seated, sometimes in the phenomenon and sometimes in the mind. The same
stressed that the nature of intelligent vision belongs to neither the cause nor the condition. For any
phenomenon, however, brings together all phenomena.
Finally, the transcendental perception causes and conditions, it was a fact. The perception-distorting
simple, everyday world, and that at which it is simultaneously aware of the perception, was the
transcendental perception.
Distinguished by the expression of their activities, two types of mind: the first mentioned experimental
and the intrinsic or transcendental.

The Lord Jesus and many others explained the need to raise and to ensure, with special attention to the
falsity of appearances.
Sixteen hundred years later, in the West, the doubt about the accuracy of perception revolutionized the
field of knowledge. At that time was taken as indubitable, only the immediate act of thinking and not
the object that appeared to perception.
Finally, and in contemporary times, it was decided (after admitting the contingency of the phenomenon
of perception) to "return to things themselves." But after we put phenomenological reductions in the
presence of a level of transcendental ideas.

When we speak of the illusory perception of the illusory perception of reality, we do not care so much
for mentioning that, in fact, the objects themselves do not correspond to what is seen of them, since
every sense receives only a single strip of the same data object. This is obvious. As is also clear that the
ultimate structure of the phenomenon is beyond the reach of our organs of perception. That is not
important in making the arrest illusion of reality, but above all, the presence of the dream that covers
the same perception.
That said, we return to our problem.
We understand the dream as a variable fantasize, but connected to a constellation that compensates for
the shortcomings of situation. Every dream is tinged with an emotional tone, individually and when the
dream is secondary, transient, is not very easy to see. It is, however, when this dream is projected onto
a specific object and fetishized, as in the case of emotional consciousness, individual or collective.
However, the dream appears as the memory response to new stimuli and associations that are
mobilized in the dream can manifest due to be recorded by previous experiences.
So any insight will be completed by the mobilization of the old perceptions, instead of rejuvenating the
consciousness, will strengthen the earlier study of the mental form of ready-made. This thought-form
can be identified, if only temporarily, with the nucleus of a lifetime.
The nucleus is manifest dream structure in response to general and widespread, in particular stimuli.
The core dream is a tone, a mood, an undercurrent of consciousness, rather than an image, such as the
dream of any child. This nucleus has a certain fixity and is the governing ideals, aspirations and general
illusions at every stage of human life.
When the kernel is worn, there are significant variations in personality. But until that happens, the way
we see the world and approach to life, remains in the same line and the daily chores are fed by this
illusion of background.
The core of dreams can be understood as also compensation for the basic deficiency of personality in
every stage of life. There is a general kernel for each life stage from which it qualifies individual with
particular characteristics. Psychosomatic change from childhood to youth to maturity thereof, etc., Is
accompanied by a change of heart. This can develop normally, according to the stages characteristic of
the age, but can also be established at a time of life, increasing disconnection between the individual
and their environment with the passage of time. There may be regressions or accidental displacement
core. In these cases, there are personality changes.
While the core remains fixed and oriented to life in one direction, it is useless any attempt has been
made in the opposite direction. On the contrary, it reinforces its action. On the other hand, never
missing superstructures that may warrant more or less rational, indeed any activity governed by the
kernel in question.
So, apart from the dreams that prevent clean perceive reality, is that core, the internal tone creator of
illusions, which prevents a new vision of the world and oneself.
When the failure of projects is evident when the disappointment is present, one may perhaps be able to
learn new meaning.
Now to the other side of dreams.
This can be maintained with firmness and focus our activities on its mirage, feeding our desires, our
emotions, in that direction. But this desire that fuels the dream is hardly fulfilled, which proved that this
dissatisfaction and pain. If the dream could be satisfied as long as it is sometimes pleasant consequences
would at that time, leaving no meaning then. Indeed, the fulfillment of a dream brings pleasure and
even the achievement of that pleasure leads to a thousand inconveniences, it undertakes the task to
obtain this result.
In this desire to capture the illusion is precisely the root of all pain and all suffering.
On another occasion we have distinguished between physical suffering and mental suffering. The first
can be fought and increasingly effective as science progresses and civilization. The second to the extent
that advance self-understanding of being human.
It is a good step to recognize distortion of self that make their own dreams from reality, to discover a
kind of illusory core that guides us in one direction and finally

nternal innuendo and capture certain "messages" that will be interpreted with religion that imposes the
case. It is to be reached the inner precinct of the evening in which the voices speak not of divinity, but
the voices of the recordings and deepest dreams.
This mystical practices such as ascetic practices and even the mediumistic, leading to more persistent
the realm of the twilight ... the same field that penetrates the addict.
Here we're not moralizing, or creating taboos towards this. We simply say that hypnosis is achieved by
the relative peace and also access to the crepuscular, the dullness of intelligence and loss of deep
There are others who recommend: no focus, not narrow the field of consciousness on an object, but the
opposite. They feel that the "meditation" (so called) is the opposite of the merger and to achieve it is to
loosen the body and mind without specifying any idea. The mind, then, seems to expand and over time
they experience the phenomenon as an extension of consciousness.
This is more fun than the previous one because, at least, allows unrestricted digress ... (LAUGHTER).
Surely, met with a good social function before the arrival of television ... (LAUGHTER).
Following him, it seems that such free associations a meaningful image is captured and deepened (as if it
were the "yantra" or the "mantra" staff) works it vividly, even go falling into the usual state: hypnosis!
Well, gentlemen, some call it, precisely, "Transcendental Meditation." Where is the transcendental?
Maybe (they imagine) is in that closing their eyes and see the pictures inside ... (LAUGHTER).
We do not understand things well. Neither described the concentration or the alleged meditation. In
either case there is an enclosure of the subject and there is a barrier between the internal and external.
For more than those responding with phrases such as: "the interior is equal to the outside" or something
If those practices were simply exercises in understanding the internal mechanisms and did not intend to
change anything or achieve results, without a doubt that these scholars would become more
understanding and warn many flaws. Would see the structure of their dreams and would see the wheel
turning constantly desire to pleasure and pain. But it seems that this is not the intention in vogue.
Ascetic practices such as more dangerous, which is irrelevant here because the above explanation and
sufficiently illustrated. Suffice it to note that: neither mental strain nor the moral self-flagellation of
religions, nor suffering, nor the sacrifice or voluntary surrender of how beautiful this life, achieve
liberation. Quite the contrary. Generate confinement, mental fence, bigotry, intolerance and inflexibility
What, then meditate for us? Meditation is: learn to see through the illusion of dreaming, is to
understand the root of desire, fear, suffering, and free is free.
Do not talk today about transcendental meditation, which is a specialized subject. We talked about the
plain and simple meditation that does not require postures, rituals, sacrifices or renunciations. The
simple meditation begins at any time. Right now, when I notice how the images and dreams prevent
clearly perceived reality. When I discovered that my motivations are below the arguments and when I
see that my life is guided by the illusion.
I do not meditate when I try to solve my problems. I meditate when I fully realize them. When
formulated correctly.
I say, "But in practice, how do I meditate?".
Maybe you can with all simplicity, without effort, attention to what surrounds him, but without covering
reverie. It is not about violent domestic. It is learning to see for the first time.
You do not learn all at once. Tomorrow we will talk more about this item.
Reached me a few questions. We will try to answer more or less synthetically.
Question: "Should think that any system of practices such as concentration and meditation are wrong,
necessarily, self-hypnosis?". And second: "The work of the concentration of the mind in different parts
of the body, can not activate it positively." For here are two questions in one: not necessarily the work
of concentration, nor any work of the commonly called meditation, leads to self-hypnosis.
You realize that kind of exposure that we are, also fall in a schematic, can not be otherwise.
In general we are where such practices. Working with some resources to concentrate, moderately, we
can achieve a median education of attention, including an expansion of memory. Of course, these are
practical benefits more or less immediate, do not make the release of internal conflicts.
Not necessarily the work of concentration lead to self-hypnosis.
We have already explained yesterday that people, fortunately, was so little persistent in their practices
there was no such danger. Soon, then, who begins to practice what is tired, not getting results and the
thing does not go higher.
We talked about some very special people who insisted and returned on the same, and of course, was
making his point mental or she chose. And at this point to be gaining mental and over time, began to see
that the mind at rest, began to feel that tension disappeared and even in daily life were already seen
some benefits of relaxation, laxity.
We said that subsequently managed the laxity of the mind ... , and the dullness of mind. So on this point
does not think there is any complication.

The same question is a second part, where we consider the possibility that certain works of
concentration or meditation commonly called, can benefit the body itself, can activate certain functions.
There are some experiences in this regard have shown that certain sounds or certain colors, and
carefully concentrated a lot of persistence in certain parts of the body, they can actually activate it.
The action of the mind over body is undeniable. In everyday life, you recognize the action of the
emotions on the body system. May come through the same mind, there is someone who is suffering
from ulcer, or the like, and knows very well that the mood, nervous state, the state of emotions, acts
directly on the soma and ends materializing in such of affection.
So how can we deny that the mind working in the negative, and also produce negative results in some
senses can positivized some functions that are deficient?
That's also very true but we are in 1972. For laboratories that are working, there are many moving
pharmacopoeia, official medicine is developed ... Science in short, can be solved with a little pill much
faster these problems, we can do with our hard work lie a sound lie a point on a body part that we have
So, as I said yesterday too, if science can go forward with solving our problems body (our physical
suffering), then let her and she will also contribute to develop.
Only science does not reach the solution of deep mental conflict. Where science fails to resolve the deep
conflicts, then it is necessary for us to call upon ourselves.
This action of the mind over body is a thing of every day and sometimes also something not very
common but we are for illustration.

You know that under hypnosis the subject can be induced by applying a cold object in his hand, for
example and suggesting that this object is hot, it can lead to reactions occurring in your skin. The same
reactions that occur just when you apply a hot object, the same symptoms, the same wounds. So how
can we ignore, and how can we deny that? There are cases in which some "mystical", so to say, possess
both their object of worship, such is the expectation for him to finish playing physically sores on the side
or hands, characteristic of the Lord Jesus, for example. And all this does not work a miracle, the work by
the enormous power of mind over body.
In this regard there are also disciplines such as yoga disciplines, which may be positive for the purposes
of bodily health. Gym also good Swedish, Danish, gymnastics in large appliances, is not it? Gymnastics
are good ways and serve the body also serves v adequate breathing exercises.
Here, it matters little that is called "yoga." If we use it is called "yoga", then perhaps there is another
kind of mystical implications of court ... I do not know if I'm explaining.
If we consider the gym as any other and we realize it, for surely it will get its benefits. So, on point, I do
not have major problems.

Question: "Is not there could be no twilight mystical experiences, but superconscious?."
First, for this to become comprehensible to all listeners, we should agree on what it is as crepuscular,
what else is conscious, what it is as superconscious. But so, in broad terms, we could say that there are
(and what we present is only an educational scheme, things are not as well, are not as shear, are much
more elastic) different levels of consciousness easily recognized .
You know the state of deep sleep. The subject is sleeping, decreased self-criticism and any suggestions
from the outside (any stimulus) is amplified and amended, covers the conscience and believe in him. In
one dream, anything can happen and what happens there is not critical. In this deep sleep, the most
enormous contradictions may come and believe in them. It is the field where the self and reason are
reduced almost to a minimum.
Contemporary psychologists have highlighted some mechanisms such as dramatization, secondary
elaboration, displacement, etc.., Where all the mobility is irrational sleep, changes in pain.
In short, the most salvageable is to warn them the drop, the narrowing of the power of reasoning. And
the great power, high sensitivity, the great suggestions that make the images on our consciousness to
cover the will.
That is a level of consciousness that we all recognize.
There is another, what might be called semi-sleep. Not ordinary waking state, such as where we are
now. It is not the deep sleep state also.
It is an intermediate state. That state is evident when we enter the deep sleep or when we leave him. A
state in which is mixed a little bit of reason and a complete dream world. A state in which dreams are
moving very fast and we show in a very picturesque. A sort of transition state.
The semi-sleep could be (say with a figure) the "roof" of sleep. But while it appears to us as the roof of
the dream, appears also as the "floor" of wakefulness.
The ordinary waking state, in which we are now ... I guess (laughter) ... is mounted on the floor. Not
unrelated, therefore, that floor, but it serves as a base of support. And so in our ordinary waking state,
we are bombarded by underworld content. Content that, in the first level of consciousness was very
strong, very suggestive (in them blindly believed), covering our consciousness, our self-criticism were
reduced. In the second state in the intermediate state, were decreasing in intensity. And in the third
stage, but not disappear altogether, have decreased significantly in the power of suggestion.
So the images that now populate our consciousness while we are talking or listening, sometimes escape
us, but with a little care and a little practice, we see fleetingly pass by our conscience. These images are
still acting.
These images usually, especially in oppressive situations and in situations of fatigue, are superimposed
on the same perceptions one has of what is happening. The cover so that it generates a daydream or a
dream, we completely distort reality. Thanks to that dream and fantasize that we do not have the
correct perception of reality, an accurate perception. And this is our problem.
Is there a possibility of a state of consciousness that is not touched by these images that erase our
Is there a new state of consciousness that we call "self-consciousness" and not altered consciousness,
consciousness not distorted by the images of dreams that come from those depths?
Perhaps such a state exists, it may not be something the other world. But in any case, not the state we
live in ordinary and everyday.
The question is: "Is not there could be no twilight mystical experiences, but superconscious?."
If we understand what happens in twilight sleep levels deep, what happens to some extent in semisleep
levels and, on the other hand, think of as super-conscious to that which is above normal level of
alertness, then began to understand a little.
Perhaps in some mystical experiences to rub these hypothetical superconscious levels. But what we do
have certainty is that in many operations rituals of many religions or pseudo-religions, it touches the
bottom of infraconciencia or twilight state.
If any of you have attended a voodoo ritual or some kind of reasoned accompanied by music and lights,
incense and anything, and has seen the active officiating, will be tested as they "care" not to rationalize
their acts, released by loose, to lose the waking consciousness.
Thus, thanks to certain rhythms, certain repetitions, through some emotional stress (but, above all,
thanks to the reduction in the field of consciousness), the subject is "taken." "Taken" if it is a voodoo or
a seance, taken directly by a "spirit" that comes to join his body.
In this kind of mental state very strange things occur, not only the external symptoms hysterical-
epileptic that demonstrate (overturns, crying and all that) but because sometimes these subjects
displayed some rare potential. Some, for example, can speak in languages that are strange and that is
extremely appealing. There are others who think that captured the thoughts of those present.
And thus, phenomena that fall within the scope of what our scientists today psychologists call the
"parapsychological." One new label to something so old!
Well, suppose this occurs. If this is true, gentlemen, something happens, something very serious. It
happens that they develop a number of powers that, for us normal men during wakefulness, are very
distant. We do not have how to get their hands there. If we get into that kind of ritual, or the side we get
the drugs, or we get on the side of a religion, maybe we can meet that evidence. One can obtain,
friends, evidence of other realities that takes no conscious mentation.
Of course, all this is very striking.
But it is not our line. Apart from not our line, would not regard these phenomena (however brilliant they
were) as phenomena of superconscious.
Here consciousness is completely annulled.
We could talk about infraconciencia phenomena, curious events, which give the man of such power that
one does not think the line down, but on the other. Faced with such skills, we believe there to be a kind
of superman.

However, there might be called mystical phenomena and occur not in line with the loss of
consciousness, not in the line of the crepuscular.
If you read some mystics find in them a great understanding of reality. They are a great job, great
kindness, a great expansion of consciousness. We are not in the presence of the state of macumbero ...
However, there may be states that raise our awareness and amplify our awareness and knowledge allow
us to wider and wider external reality and internal reality.
When we read the Lord Buddha can not see it as the minimization of consciousness. On the contrary, it
seems that we'd face a huge and complex computer, or something else ... So here we are in the
presence of another phenomenon.
Sometimes we, ordinary people who occasionally take care of these things, perhaps because of our
desire to achieve results quickly, it is very likely (almost certainly) we're going to lead us in the direction
easier, in the direction of fall, the address infra, at twilight address in any way in the other direction.
That is why, even schematic, we allow our darts shoot anything that sounds to religion and mysticism.
I hope this response has settled the question.

Question: "What are the core differences between dreaming and dream?".
There is a dynamic difference, basically.
Generally say that dreaming is mobile and the core is fixed. In principle. We know that with time the
kernel also moves.
The dream is expressed in response to any stimulus perception.
Example: I'm on a bus and then a car passes over the side. This stimulus is received, quickly interpreted,
enabled, encodes and internally raises a number of associations. These partnerships have been classified
as associations by similarity, contiguity and contrast. It is debatable, but let's say. So then, by similarity:
if I say I think of Seal Rock. Contiguity: if I say spoon, fork I think. If I say I think door window. By contrast,
if I say white, black, tall, short, fat, skinny.
Well, the car passing near me when I'm in the group, is "meddling" in my consciousness as a stimulus.
With this stimulus do my domestic processing and produces a response and that response is not
necessarily clear, but there is an internal response to this stimulation. A response that has gone in the
chain of contiguity, of similarity or contrast. Chain is released subjectively.
Then I forget everything around me: the car passed, let go the string and begin to fantasize, to dream. It
released a number of mechanisms. These mechanisms may have sequences that can be followed very
well, or there may be other phenomena such as those revealed in the free association test.
For example, Jung test, go throwing words are encouraging and getting answers. Many of these
correspond roughly to the level of stimulus words, but others have nothing to do. So there are answers
that are within a more or less orderly sequence of the three forms of partnership. And there are others
who apparently have nothing to do, but (as our psychologists have discovered) are deeper motivations.
All answers given to the stimuli are related to previous recordings, with the memory. You know that
perceptions are recorded in very different ways. Is recorded not only by different perceptual channels,
but recorded at different intensities: as mechanisms of repetition, as mechanisms of reminiscence as a
way to act on or act on all senses simultaneously. It is engraved with a very different intensities and very
different ways.
And not only recording a given perception, but many others can walk around. So sometimes not only
recording one thing, but a whole climate records.
Who here does not recognize, it passes through a doorway for example, and they perceive a smell, an
air of youth, long ago? Sometimes those little things give rise not only associations on the same line, but
a whole state structure.
So dreams, in principle, emerge as responses to stimuli that have mobilized a lot of associative chains.
But we say of these responses (which are somehow in memory) that have been recorded in different
ways. And then, some stimuli chains not only play but play real constellations, real state structures.
The stimuli that are released in a poor situation in a difficult situation, are answered in a way very
different from simple structural occasional encouragement. In short: if I'm very hungry and very thirsty
and have a great meal and a glass front, surely the internal response I will not be launching the single
chain of associations, but a whole structural response is to answer my personal shortcomings, the,
failure of the time.
From the standpoint that we are studying dreams, apart from simple responses to stimuli of situation,
beyond that, answers are usually structured to compensate the shortcomings at that time suffering.
If we interpret the dreams as compensatory responses to the deficiencies, we will understand better.
Whether these responses appear compensating or simple association, the fantasizing everything is there
and working there before us. And it is changing, as are changing the impressions that we receive.
But there is a certain psychic background that does not change the speed at which you move the dream.
At times this background emerges as a still picture (almost obsessively might say) and is maintained over
There are those who make lots of internal archetypes that are maintained over the years, that arise in
the deep dreams that arise in everyday life. This is not how often, how frequent is a "tone" of mind, a
mental background.
If you could capture the mental background or tone that is always working as a background in
consciousness, warn about, which is the core of your dreams.
So do not try to characterize this nucleus as a picture, as they have been presenting to them the other
moving images.
Shortly we Bohr diagram: here are the proton and here are the electrons. The electron spin and the
proton remains. The core of the proton and would dream dreams would move. While that figure is in
principle only in the case of the proton we have 99% of the mass of any atom and in this case we have
something so strong nor so evident, but rather a background, a climate.
If you investigate in depth the general trend or vocation and see how his life is geared to fulfill that
calling, with this trend, with this project, with that image and feel that trend strength, will be able to
understand (and by the side) what is the core of your dreams.
However, this nucleus seems to be a bad person, strip us and takes us everywhere. It is, however, one of
the great aid that has the conscience to maintain its structure.
Thanks to a certain fixity that exists in the background of consciousness, humans can stay in line, stay in
one direction. Thanks to the nuclei of dreams, not only individuals but entire peoples and nations, ideals
are behind, go back in a way that never reach, but anyway motivates them and makes things go
The core dream is what gives direction to life of individuals and peoples.
But this talk of a "collective dream" sounds a bit strange, so let's leave aside.

Us to respond quickly to this question, we explained the dream as a simple response to the
stimulus presented to us a response which emerges as an image, so to speak.
At the core is explained as a background that has some permanence, which lasts a long time.
A closer question is this: note that, when a person remains the same attitude for a long time his
work is directed and the subject may be productive. But when the subject is a breakdown and
goes in another direction, all activities cease, break down completely.
I return to this issue because many think that simply would seek to destroy the inner workings of
this core and remain in a vacuum. Possibly, if they succeed to destroy this nucleus would remain
in a vacuum, but in a very little positive.
This core has its duration, its cycle to give an image. This core, over time, wears down. And
when you wear ends up another comes, mercifully, to fill the consciousness that can not be
empty and to guide our activities in another direction.
Yesterday we said that at various stages through which man passes: the shift from childhood to
youth, maturity, etc., Is accompanied by psychosomatic changes. There are different other body
work and mental work.
The child no longer want to play the gunmen ... and wants to go to parties. Then, over time and
cause other psychophysical changes, so do their interests. But these interests vary not only by
education that will receive, but also vary internally.
It is as if there were, for all ages, a core characteristic dream was then transformed into another.
Of course, in each individual child are modifications of this core, but it's as if there was an age-
appropriate background.
There is sometimes a very short time a remarkable personality transformation. And there are
subjects however, despite the passage of time, remain fixed at a stage in his life, as crystallized
there. Then you have 40 or 50 years and a child character. As if his heart had remained in one
There is sometimes the opposite to the evolution of dreaming, or crystallizing the dream. True
regressions occur. Our analysts have spoken of fixation and regression of libido. Very good,
perfectly approaches. Are then produced dissociations of personality, regress to infantile stages,
and even autism.
No change of heart would not have personality changes. If we could change the core personality
would change concomitantly. And this is curious.
If we meet a friend we have not seen for a long time and has not worn his dream we say: "But
you have not changed! You are in the same! Think the same way!". If we find the same friend a
year later and say: "But how you've changed! It's because we see a change. Deep. Of course, it
depends at what point in their core cycling dream we find it.
And the dream is worn, it changes. If it is set does not change. If you return changes, but
otherwise. We can now put us to study about how to produce these nuclei and their location.

Question: "What twilight, corresponds to the unconscious?".

How unconscious are we talking about? "From that came to discover before yesterday, or of the
unconscious that has been extensively studied, for a long time, Hindus, and others?
You will know very well that the unconscious was not discovered by Psychoanalysis ...
We are not talking about a personal or collective unconscious, preconscious a barrier, with an
ego, a super-ego, a mechanistic dialectic characteristic of the steam engine. Where the super-ego
which is moral, is opposed to this that are the instinctive forces.
We do not adhere to this type of approach.
We talk about the twilight and indeed, we recognize the unconscious related broadly, outside the
Austrian scheme (Obvious reference to Freud (n. of e).) Of the last century and away from
literary influences and Sophocles Hellenic neopaganism recent European (probably refers to the
Oedipus complex that Freud studied based on Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" (n. e).).

Question: "It has been said that instead of solving problems, further work on the problems
themselves. Is this the same approach of Krishnamurti?."
Yes, and I state this is a lot similar to reasonable people, warning this Tower of Babel in which
we are engaged.
See this problems and relation to response to problems.
A asks B, B responds to things you did not ask. A does not take into account the response and
long another. In short, if left untreated even the question, there is little that can be answered.
There are many logical to study the problem of asking, because if the questioning is improperly
made, any answer given will also be incorrect.
After this little back and to answer the question, I say yes, that looks to the question from Mr
And indeed, if not treated carefully to the problem, the answer can not be correct. And since we
generally are successful, compared to trying to solve problem quickly. And because we
understand the structure of the problem, it is still working. Then we palliative anesthetic
problems, distractions, diversions, drowsiness, all you want, but the problem continues to work.
It is reasonable that Mr Krishnamurti says about the care of the problem, instead of seeking the
amendment and the resolution of the problem.

Now to our topic.

Yesterday we said what was not meditation. Meditation was not concentration. It was that kind
of "meditation" as a digression. There was prayer was not ritualization.
Yes, however, was to try to address the facts without dreaming. But we must be practical, we
have to explain a little trick to take that forward.
Perhaps the simplest is to review the facts of life (ending the day if you like), but with special
attention to how you have dreamed during the day. In what has been taken one for things that
have nothing to do with one's own reason, but I fantasize irrational contents, etc.
It also meditates in that sort of take stock, when it comes to investigating this problem during the
day we brought suffering.
Investigating the root of suffering, the root of pain, and researching the dreams of everyday life,
we get fantastic results and immediate. Yes, however, we amplify our awareness of ourselves,
with the following result: that the next day or the following days, or later, just to know that after
I review my dreams everyday and knowing that after the study origin of all conflict and all
suffering that I presented, I began to be increasingly alert. So it is a trick that works rebound.
If I say "now I think without dreams, now I think with total and absolute awareness of me, from
now I will interpret the conflicts that arise and suffering I have at all times ..." going to happen
that, in half an hour, I forget myself. I followed the proponents such terms, noting that not
The good old monks spent magazine in their spiritual exercises (Ignatius of Loyola gives us a
roster system to review our daily events: sins, faults, temptations. A kind of catalog that makes a
computer to get better every day) .
Well, we are interested as well. In another sense, but we are interested in reviewing the daily
events. Not all daily events. If you want to review everything they've done in 16 hours, will take
approximately 16 others. No, it comes to finding the points where the dream has become
manifest and I was off. And the agenda items where there has been internal conflict, delving into
the root of this conflict.
This simple and humble work, without eyes or large decorated in white, is what allows us to
amplify the awareness of every day. For in the days following, as we do our daily activities, we
bring to them much more attention because the raw material needed for our review later ... I do
not know if I explain ... (CLAIMS).
The mechanism itself is very simple. It is to be of use (now, you may not notice), which can
change our field of consciousness and can result in a revolutionary transformation. But it is so
faded as suggested! Who would think that it can cause a revolution like that?.

Yesterday we did a sketch of the different levels of consciousness. We talked there, the level of
self-awareness. Let's say that, typically, I work accomplished by a consciousness where dreams
go away and where you have full knowledge of what will be watching.
Well, it is an extraordinary thing to go from ordinary mentation or ordinary waking as we are
now, the state of self-consciousness.
You try to do so.
I'm talking, they are listening. I see them, you see me ... But while all this happens, you and I are
also other things. A little tie. A little on the microphone and wires. Or thinking about when and
in what we have been forgotten. Very well. It is also fun. But all this is digression.
You will observe that this is the state of mentation ordinary waking power, not aware of
everything. Of course not.
Try now (as I hear, and I'll try to do as I speak, try all the time) to do what we're doing, but
without losing consciousness of ourselves.
Ie you see here the man who is balanced, and while he speaks, you attend to what he says, but
without forgetting yourself. Now you're not so worried about the tie, or if the speaker takes a
Is it fixed? We are no longer in the matter. But now we are very attentive to what is said and also
we know we are listening. Am I clear?
If I walk, I know I'm walking. And no, as I walk I think of my grandmother.
It's that easy and without complications.
Well, that and nothing more wonderful and uproarious, is the self-consciousness. It's that simple,
yet not so easy to maintain.
Have you been tested as we speak the last five minutes? Did you see how they taught you and
Was dreaming a lot here. We were not all the time very attentive to what was happening and our
own conscience.
As you can see is that simple, but yet not so easy to maintain.
Thus, self-consciousness can be achieving by consolidating, with the passage of time. But I said,
it is not practical this system as one of the review. It's not as practical because we have forgotten
here in less than five minutes to continue with their practice.
Meditation helps however, paves the way for this state of "awake", that state of wakefulness (not
only about things but about ourselves awake), which makes us more ductile, more flexible, more
intelligent, more breadth of awareness.

We talked about simple meditation.

Now let's talk about something else that is not of much practical use to us, that has little to do
with us.
It is a system of technicalities, but that perhaps serves a student who wants to understand,
experimentally and by himself, how are the internal mechanisms and we can go.
This exhibition we do now, is about transcendental meditation.
Transcendental meditation is a form of passive meditation, which allows me to reach the roots of
If, ultimately, thinking and the world, which is thought to have the same root, this identification
between the inner and outer (not in the mocking sense of yesterday), this identification has to
emerge in transcendental meditation.
Thus, we encounter a different kind of reality to the reality presented to us illusory perception. A
reality in which consciousness and things are identified, a reality of vision without partitions in
which the world is no one out and no one inside.
Transcendental meditation is effective beyond the perceptions, images transcending,
transcending the memory, the chain of memory, the tendency of the structure of consciousness,
and so on.
Transcendental meditation does not work with objects, but with acts of conscience.
Let us agree a microphone, an object. I have the perception of the microphone. I close my eyes: I
have the memory or representation of the microphone. I notice now that I'm thinking about that
image I have the microphone.
I note that without the image of the microphone does not have an act referred to him and not the
act of consciousness there would be an object that relates to it. This structure which gives me the
consciousness between act and object (which has been consciously considered by certain
currents of thought contemporary), is what will interest us for our work.
So, although I can take as starting material, such as physical data into the microphone (the
microphone or a watch or a pan) it serves me just an excuse for me to work with my mental acts.
Everyone understood that this would be of Transcendental Meditation does not provide
immediate service. To some will want to dive the question is something very special, but until
the need arises, until this is experienced as something important worth not understand its
A matter we will make descriptions to see experimentally, internally, see how to produce certain
phenomena of consciousness. Not the case say, as many people, for example: "Well, the problem
of man is to be identified, which adheres." Well, maybe one of the problems. But, where that
comes from joining? We must look, experimentally and on the inside.
We say: "The world is illusory." But how can, how illusory experience this phenomenon? I need
to understand this mechanism. And that there are many other cases. At each step that we give,
every step of transcendental meditation, we try to find the mechanisms that come into play.
We will use twelve steps methodically. Could be more, not because the horoscope has twelve
signs ... (LAUGHTER). Or they could be less. The first step we will designate as: learning to
Learning to see is to address the perceptions without any consideration of them. Simply attend. If
I attend to the microphone and I think something about the microphone or start wander around
the microphone, I'm not really learning to see. Now I am worried about the first step to address just
Road and attend what I perceive. This is not as easy as it sounds. Then I get distracted, then start making
considerations. Learning to see the microphone, can be like me that is: start thinking about how the
microphone is made, a description of its elements, a study of it. None of this is learning to see!
Learning to see is simply to look closely ... period.
It is in learning to see, without any criticism, without any consideration, where I discover the presence of
If it had not paid attention on some object of everyday life, we could never have discovered the
existence of dreams. And is there in the first step, the simple fix attention on a given perception (and the
difficulty that occurs for that fix attention) when I find the dreams. I do not speak of dreams because
someone told me. " Is that if I start carefully to notice an object appear shortly dreams. And there have
already captured the experimentally in ourselves, and not because someone told us so.
Very good. If so, I've discovered something and directed attention. Surely, in every other type of care
there are always dreams.
In the second step I will try: to see things in all the senses.
In every thing that is perceived is a feeling, more the thing. Therefore, although I feel the thing and I
identify with her, I realize that my senses and change the filter. We know that this natural fusion
between thing and meaning and the first cause distortions on the world. Here I discover the mechanism
of identification.
Let the microphones. If someone asks me the microphone, I reply that the microphones are there. The
perception is like in the middle, and consciousness reflects the microphones that are still outside.
There seems to be then an external object, a filter system and layout and basically a kind of screen.
Maybe not. But this I can say so (improvising) really is not how I experience the thing. If someone asks
me, I say that the microphones are there. But the perception I have of the world disappears the idea
that there are senses that there is a conscience, and I only experience things. Experiment not only things
but I am confused with them.
We are not speaking here of "being-in-the-world" (an allusion to Heidegger's philosophy (b. of e.).). We
are speaking about things I experience in everyday life.
This false consciousness and fusion of thing makes me dependent on things as they occur to me. If these
(by repetition, by habit, by the close) have joined me so strong and these things fail me, bug me.
If I identify myself with an object, which may be one person ... if I identify deeply with an object, and this
object he dies, he produces a huge emptiness in me. What that object has to do with me? Surely
something must have to see, because a failure to occur there, I feel the dart here.
So, in this case to look at things the senses but separating the two terms, is that I can establish
differences as opposed to the daily experience in which I see terms like cast.
This separation between what I do gives me the feeling and I feel that I perceive (in this separation and
this operational difficulty) discover basic identification mechanisms.
In the third step, I'll try to see and the senses, consciousness. I will not try to see the sense in
consciousness. If not I will try to see all perception, the action of consciousness.
We are not talking about the theory of sensualists where consciousness is nothing more than the sum of
external sensations. No. We are talking about something else, we are trying to see behind every
perception, the action of a structure that perceptions are organized. I'll try to see an area that is
precisely the consciousness.
See sense consciousness. In every perception you have a structure that is not on the senses but in
Whether we agree on the terms, for starters.
You distinguish what is sensation, perception, apperception, all this ... Shall we say, very basic, is the fact
that isolated feeling I have for a sensory pathway. The little eye, or ear, for instance. A rat vibrating color
and shape, or sound. But it turns out, this feeling alone is never isolated. It occurs in structure. There are
actually perceptions and sensations. Could you talk about the sensations of each connection, even here
there are perceptions structured, even in each direction.
So the feeling is a kind of atomic element divided for greater understanding, but does not occur in
Well, apperception would be a very different thing. It would be the consciousness that I have the
perception ... That is not self-consciousness. It's just, hear a ring and be aware of that ring, but no self-
consciousness. Apperception is consciousness of perception.
Then: sensation, perception and apperception.
The microphone is my microphone, because all the sensations and the perception I have of him are
organized in my consciousness.
There are some pathological cases where perceptions are confused by the internal structure.
You can find a William Faulkner's book which speaks of certain types strangers. It asks a correspondent,
"has not smelled you stop by a golf ball?". There (despite the perception and the organs of perception,
which are positioned properly and without distortion) the data are interpreted, classified and arranged
in a structure that does not correspond to normal. This kind of patient is known as eidetic disintegrated.
Even in normal type are given illusory phenomena which correspond to errors in the interpretation of
the perception.
Well, the matter because it is against this microphone that I have here, he is such for me, because all
sensing data are structured in consciousness.
I in no way going to let me say that the microphone is as they perceive it. A physicist, for example, what
speeds would talk about atomic and molecular structure of most of the empty space in the solid body so
that we perceive as full and unmoving.
We talk of that perception to which we are accustomed.
Okay, the microphone comes to me with such characteristics. But this perception may depend solely on
perceptual organs or depends on the structure of consciousness?
You tell me: will start organizing the first child perceptions and feelings, and all this is structured. But I'm
wondering right now if that consciousness, apart from receiving foreign object impacts, is inactive. Or is
consciousness itself, the structure of a very active external data? Because if so, this is of great
In the case of LSD for instance, is not the object has changed externally or that they have "opened the
doors of perception" as Blake would say, quoting Huxley. Is not amending the structure of consciousness
and that this awareness has changed its structure to reveal the sensory data, things that had not
warned? "And conversely, things that used to warn off? Or, highlights certain phenomena or moves
anyway, get reversed?
This is recognized in the substance of any action perception of consciousness is of vital importance to
our study. For, according to how this knowledge is structured, so shall also the perception of the world
you have.
So a deep sleep consciousness, it will be a very different world view to one where self-consciousness. If
there was the possibility of a new level of consciousness, surely this new level of consciousness would
perceive things also come from all our senses and the sense of the sleepers, but none of us organizes or
Reality show me different if I vary the structure of consciousness.
We do not go away. You distinguish between illusion and hallucination. You know that happens a lot in
the mountains this, thanks to the phenomena of anoxia and exhaustion. I have an acquaintance who
wanted to wait for a tram at the summit of Aconcagua and was convinced that the tram would come
there, because he "saw" promotion. That is already a serious case of hallucination that occurs to many
people in those seven thousand feet. I do not think it has varied its mechanism of perception and I think
have changed the rocks. It must have happened something in your consciousness, your brain basically.
So, if we in the presence of illusory and hallucinatory phenomena, we realize that the problem is not so
much on perception, but in the structuring of consciousness. The matter is one that approximates what
we want.
This step is what makes us realize, how can the illusions take shape.
In the previous steps, we have found other presences, other mechanisms, which could have developed
laterally, but we have just noted. Now we discover the mechanism of illusions. And there we left off and
do not criticize anything or say anything for or against, or make any developments. We limit ourselves to
contemplate, to see how, at what level of work, comes the mechanism of illusions.
We go a step farther and say, fourth step, see consciousness memory.
It is noted that in all the senses are perceived. That awareness organizes sensory data structure. Finally,
the structure depends on previous data, memory data.
Disappear Let's perception of the microphone. I close my eyes ... and do not see the microphone. But I
can remember the microphone, I can recall the microphone. I have the representation of the
I find that the microphone that image that corresponds more or less to the perception, there is a
different act with respect to that object. In the act of perception is the object-microphone, but the act of
perception is different from the act of representation.
The object appears to me more or less the same way, but acknowledge that they are very different acts.
I could not possibly mistake the object which I represent in order to perceive ... unless you are
I notice the difference and notice the difference in the acts which concern the same object.
It is because of previous acts of perception and representation based on memory, I can recognize the
new perceptions. In any recognition is because perception and performance. Although perceptions of
completely new entities conscience are seized in connection with representations of related areas.
I find that the activities of consciousness: relational and comparative in general, are related to previously
recorded data.
While it is true that the memory works with the raw material (so to speak) of previous perceptions, acts
of relating, comparing, etc., Are not derived from the raw material but relate to it so inseparable. I find
generally that the mechanisms of comparison and related mechanisms of consciousness, are related to
previous recordings.
Among the inhabitants of the Malay Archipelago, for example Western and Central Europe, both
contemporary, there is a big difference in how things together and there are differences in the way of
perceiving the world.
These different mental forms depend on the data of perception that has mastered the one and other
and of the interpretation that has been built on one and another mind, thanks to the kind of
acculturation, education received. Although the structure of consciousness is similar to one and another,
the relationships they establish are different, because the data received and to treatment of them by
their cultural systems.
You will notice that there is a different logic in the Indian and the Western man, also from Western man
and a Hindu. It is not the same formal logic, dialectical logic, a logic phenomenological a Hindu Nyaya
logic (which moves through sorites connections) or the same as an analog logic, typical of the Polynesian
For a Polynesian possible, relations between objects are given mostly by the similarity of forms by
associative chains that we studied at first. The may well establish such relationships, similarity, data and
beliefs that have deposited into your memory. Depending on the type of mental structure that has been
done with them, comes a whole system of relations and a very peculiar logic. And we also have a logic
and everyday relations system product of our education and our recordings.
Note that memory mechanisms are what ultimately allow us to compare and relate. And that if we
remove all that raw material could not establish relations of any kind. Like it or not we like it (here is the
interesting thing), we found that comprehension depends on memory.
So little understanding can occur with little data. Without data there can be no understanding. Although
the structure of consciousness itself allows for a no data, what can you relate? Unable to connect in a
We have said before, there is a mutual implesión between the act and object of consciousness. And if
there are acts of consciousness themselves, such as acts of linking and there are no object, you can not
give implesión.
So thanks to memory, is that I can understand. Of course there will be more intelligent (as it were),
greater understanding, the larger the possibility of relationships between data. Can the reverse happen,
that you store a lot of data and has no capacity to relate.
A same number of data, but with greater capacity to relate, is more intelligible and more intelligence
case is in such action. But basically, no data and no memory recording, there is no understanding or
That's what I try to convey in terms of memory acting and conditions of consciousness.
In the fifth step, we try to see the trend in memory.
What is this trend? Here we are already seeing what might be called, in quotation marks: the "mental
shape." Not as a representation, no. Here we see the mental form not as representation but as an act of
consciousness that tends to link to an object.
Please note that if this is without representation, to meet the pure acts, new objects appear to link to
these events. Representations are organized and completed acts, which shows the work of continuous
memory, since memory tends to be upgraded and tends to fill the gap that occurs in consciousness.
Discover in the end, what we discovered Brentano: the mechanism of intentionality. I find also in
consciousness, the process by which memory tends to manifest covering any act of consciousness.
I have the microphone, I close my eyes, I have the representation of the microphone; see now no longer
the internal image of the microphone but the act referred to representation. That act has now become
an object of consciousness. Look how funny! It turns out that the object is not represented, but the
microphone is now the object is what the previous step was the act.
Why do I say that this is now an object? I say it is an object because there is a new act of consciousness
referred to it. Any action which refers to something, it refers to an object.
So now I have not even the image of the microphone, now I have the microphone act of representation
which I am studying. Is that clear?
Discover the mechanism that causes intentional acts of consciousness has as its reference to an object
that disappears as an object of consciousness, one immediately has to appear to be covered by the
intent of my actions.
The sixth step was expressed as the trend seen in the chain and say that even in the case of achieving
without any representation, notice the tendency to complete consciousness into action.
I notice this in the effort to eliminate any representation, such as those affected can make mental
vacuum, or empty mind ... There are those who make these things! ... (Laughter) ... They worry because
the mind has not "nothing." And what happens? That always become new "things" ..
But suppose that for a very special effort, I managed to keep my conscience "enter" any content, I'd be
making an effort. In fact, I would now have the notion of the moment I'm working. "I say," now I will try
not to get any content of consciousness. Now, as one entered. So I am worrying and I have no
expectation in between and I'm careful not to get any object of consciousness.
Throughout this type of work, I am watching acts of consciousness that I bring out a chain, a trend in
awareness to be completed by actions.
Thus, even in the case of empty consciousness, in the case of no-mind, even then, there tend to fill
expectations conscience.
And it could not be otherwise, because consciousness is a structure. This structure of consciousness is, in
principle, insurmountable. Is that allows it to think. Consciousness has a structure and I can not escape
from that structure.
Makes the structure of consciousness that even when a vacuum of mental content, protentions exist
and retentions, there are moments of time, there is an ordering. All that exists in the consciousness and
I'm warning you.
In short, the mental resistance to these efforts, this work is done by preventing any act of consciousness
is manifested and that every object of consciousness is revealed to all these difficulties, revealing
observed trends that the chained consciousness and without which there seems to have organized
structure, neither seems able to act.
This is of consequences, since it is at the root of the mental shape. This chain is on exceeding the
structure of consciousness itself and that binds us to a certain way. Thus discover the mechanism of
determinism of consciousness.
When I speak, and speaking of freedom of conscience, good deal very carefully to see where we
discover it, because until now we like it or not, all we have encountered has been the mechanism of
determinism of consciousness.
And with that, we end up today. I hope you have fun.
I have here a lot of questions, many of them away from the topic at hand. Anyway, we will try to
respond to "mail sentimental" tonight ... (LAUGHTER).
Question: "What feelings of space and time can experiment with Transcendental Meditation?".
I think the best way to understand this, and to achieve such feelings is that, if interested, get to
experiment with transcendental meditation. Since no such meditation serves both to convey
experiences to achieve them by itself. It is strictly experimental. So all I can say is not worth it if you do
not experience it themselves.
Question: "Seeing all the things the way: does this mean to take as a support attentional the sense that
perceives the object and, simultaneously, the perceived object?".
I understand that. I understand that this is division of attention. If at this moment I see the microphone
and watch while the microphone volume to support the sense that notes, I'm forking attention. On this
there is much discussion. It is thought that attention not be divided.
'll Give you an easier example. Suppose I look at the microphone and now I have the feeling of my left
hand. I can feel this feeling and I can see the microphone. Some say that such attentional division is not
real but the speed with which I am paying attention to a case and in another, is so enormous that it
seems to me that he had the attentional focus divided, when in fact I have not divided but I'm going
swinging. Well, anyway with this question: take as attentional support the sense that perceives and the
object simultaneously, it would be division of attention. In this way it was seen in all things the senses. It
was not divided attention or attentional supports use but to understand that any perception of an object
has the senses are working as filters or working as intermediaries. So not exactly the attentional division
practice, but the work of meditation and understanding of meanings that are placed as an intermediary
between objects and my conscience. That's the idea.
Question: "Is Psychoanalysis position contradicts the work of self-consciousness? Can psychotherapy
help some sense to be located in the everyday reality?".
Two questions. In my view the Psychoanalysis does not contradict the work of self-consciousness, I do
not think he is, in the field of approach the question of psychoanalysis itself. It is as if we were working
with different areas.
As for psychotherapy can help in some sense to locate in everyday life, I think so. Now, it
depends what we mean by everyday reality. If it comes to adapting to a certain type of social
structure to the patient, there may be a kind of psychoanalysis manifest or latent aim is that of
adapting the system. But there can be another type of psychoanalysis that, in addition to resolve
some conflicts, also try to locate the patient from the real contradictions that have the system.
Because it's not for him to believe as well (people who are living in alienation) that alienation
remains in his own conscience, but perhaps try to clarify the pair in their internal conflicts, make
him see and understand that she too suffer from the objective reality of the contradiction is
manifested in the world around her. I do not know if I explain. So there, I think, "Psychoanalysis
and Psychoanalysis.
Question: "What relationship may exist between transcendental meditation, or transcendental
meditation steps and the formation of the bodies?".
Of those bodies ... I do not understand. Perhaps, the questioner refers to certain theories that are
circulating that there are bodies (apart from the natural physical) that there is a variety of bodies:
a mental body, an etheric body, and the like. On this I can not answer anything. I do not know
what relationship may exist between transcendental meditation and that of bodies. I do believe is
that it can work in an experimental mode with Transcendental Meditation and abide by the
results. That is, one can go revealing their own experiences. In this respect the bodies, maybe
there are some "gifted" they are seen easily, but until you see them, not experience, let's set it
aside to this, is not it?
Question: "Why am I so special ...?"( LAUGHTER).
Actually do not know why this man is so extraordinary ... (LAUGHTER).
Question: "Can you take as a measure of historical truth about the doctrine, the prosecution
hanging over it? If so, and considering that the basis of our doctrine is non-violence, is not
contradictory to the doctrines they preach non-violence are the most persecuted? "And with that
same token, should any other doctrine validity because of persecution and suffering the reaction
of the system?".
This requires a long analysis, but in general, podernos say this: not necessarily all doctrine that is
pursued (by that fact alone), demonstrating its historical validity. Not necessarily. Just not match
raises a number of own historical moment in which we live, or does not match the dreams, or the
state of dreaming of a society at a given moment to be pursued. In fact, a doctrine sometimes
persecuted, then enters the social body and the same society over time being accepted. So do not
think it validity criterion that a doctrine persecution. But it is worthy to take into account the fact
that a doctrine which preaches non-violence is prosecuted violently. So we should think more
about it.
Question: "What is the difference between self-consciousness and objective consciousness?".
Self-awareness is, in principle, a new level of consciousness that is achieved when the dreams
that cover the field of consciousness and eventually "cover" (in quotes) to the perceptions, taken
away by either subjective account. While objective consciousness it would be a new state, new
state course. Of course a new state where we notice differences between things and
consciousness disappear. And where according to this new state, all mind would go to the deep
root of things, transcending the appearances are the things themselves. That would be the
difference between self-consciousness and objective consciousness. But this objective
consciousness, as I say, not as easy to experience as the self-consciousness. So we put in
parentheses and simply leave it aside as a possibility.
Here a girl, a student of Geology, is concerned about the fate of the planet. Question: I have read
several books about the processes that are being met on Earth and its final trigger and I feel so
powerless that at least want to get to understand them and study them. "
If you mean simply geological events, it is your material, if more you study more will
understand. If it refers to geological events but no human can "jump ball" ... (Laughter) ... is a
matter of waiting, are not they?
Question: "What is the sound objective?".
If we take into account that a while ago about the differences between self-consciousness and
objective consciousness alleged (in this supposed objective consciousness), it may be possible to
notice a sound course and objective and yet ... and a supposed objective view and follow. The
problem is that we are uncertain about the confirmation of the existence of objective
consciousness. That's all I can tell. All these things must be experienced.
Question: "What is the best way to handle this society economically exploitative?".
Operating in this society, everyone is bound by this system, like it or not like. On the
racketeering of hunger that makes the same system. So there are no cigars in the system. But
there's a more or less reasonable, to meet their own needs without making the game at all what
the system requires one hand. Moreover, since the same system blackmails hunger, with the
human orphan in that sense, one can also get rid of the bad faith that the system imposes, taking
advantage of his own to conduct their own internal revolution and social revolution . If what you
want is the collapse of existing structures and the transformation of the inner man, also this
system can be exploited. But each one will be the best way to do it. It is interesting anyway take
account of this aspect of the system, and the system money and the purchase and blackmail, to
refer to an aspect in my opinion very important. And it is about things that should not be touched
by infection of the system money.
To be practical, immediate, say an example here and now. If this cycle, in which a fee is charged,
it touched a single money of the proceeds for personal use of the speaker, would not only
commercializing a particular doctrine, but something much more serious, we would be subject to
and conditioned by the requirement to be imposed each one of those attending to put their
money. So, at these conferences, which it paid the local levies, it seems very good. With what is
left, the organizers will see what they do: whether broadcast material or whatever. But if you
accept a penny for personal use would be conditional on good or bad will of you. Over time we
would tend to seek public who are financially, so that the money would tend to prevail over us
and we adapt our point of view according to the demands of our audience. Would enter directly
into the game the system. While thus we can afford and like to say what we please and we raised
our doctrine as true. Just as we are, and I owe to you, nor you me.
I think any teaching or any doctrine or any point of view, to give this very important problem
ignoring the issue material, easily fall into the conditioning of the system. When a doctrine is
paid to be received, I believe we should investigate it very well in his background and you have
to realize that there's conditioning.
Question: "What is the doctrine about sex?".
Comment innumerable things. The important thing is not what the doctrine says, but what you
think. Because, let's see: how you want to ask the question? No doubt you have a problem, if not
formulate the question. If you ask your question correctly, maybe the answer may be in a book of
Physiology. Leaving aside all ironización I say that sex is an extremely important power, perhaps
the most important human being. That it is neither to stifle that energy or not to squander it. It
would channel it in principle. But how does such a thing? One without any excess and with all
spontaneity and freedom, let it work as sex can work normally, while investigating the gender
problem may arise. That's all I can say about this.
Question: "How can become alienating work everyday creative work?".
Do you think that the paper work he does in an office in front of a neurotic boss, a job in itself
irrational, however much effort you put in, can become creative work? The type of society is
contradictory and exploitation, the work itself is not liberating. What matters is how you can
break free while working, which is a different thing. One might say that the artwork is a work
release, or other forms of work are liberating. Actually not so much by the type of work you do,
but how does the work so far to produce liberation. Unless we are in a situation where we need
occupational therapy, but it is another thing ... (LAUGHTER).
If we understand the daily work (almost as in the case of the tenth question) as a possibility to
get the system to pursue their own personal revolution and the revolution in all areas, then the
work you do can become liberating. In some sense, a creator.
Question: "Can political activism to improve society and man?".
I do not think any party, nor any movement on the planet, to carry out the liberation of man nor the
liberation of society. The man has come along long way in history and society always has happened over
and alienation has always happened next. It is true that in that process human growth spiral (of the
progress of science, culture, civilization) has also been climbing in some level of consciousness, but until
they are aware that any kind of transformation should be simultaneous and delayed, until it does not
happen, any partial revolution will achieve the total transformation of human and social structures.
What do I mean by raised "postponed"? That those who herald social change we are talking about
infrastructure that then by this change, altering the mental superstructure of man (as if man were
nothing but glare and reflected the social environment), which we announced a change in man
immediately changing the social structure, we postponed. And those who believe that the reverse
change is primarily the man, then modify the social structures, we also, postponed.
It is very difficult for us, educated thought-forms in this type of society in this culture, to think of it
simultaneously. We still causality, Aristotle: "first this, then another and then what follows it."
We took a mental order also try to apply to our daily lives. It seems impossible the idea of simultaneity,
the idea of concomitance of systems.
Responding specifically to the question: "Can political activism to improve society and man?" Answer,
maybe I can improve, create scope for improvements in a revolution, but can not make background
processing simple political militancy. If there is a movement, a party, or a new way to raise things in the
terms that seems to us that are obviously adhere.
Question: "I want to change, and yet here I heard that it is not change. Is it time to accept myself as I
It is not acceptable or unacceptable. It is simply to note that if you feel the need (and desire) deep
change, it is because you are suffering. You would not change if dissatisfied with yourself. If you need to
change (instead of trying to change, or instead of conforming as it is), it is better to investigate in depth
the root of this suffering. That's exactly what it proposes simple and daily meditation. This responds to
your daily meditation.
Question: How do I educate my children? ".
Do you think you can educate your children? Do not you think I should start by educating yourself? ... I
say this without intention of offense.
Let's see. You think you're able to do so.
You are part of a system. As a part of a system can not show their own independent movement. You
depend on the system, system of beliefs. Very good. If this system is organized well and there are
educational institutes and colleges, schools, and others, why not use them?
There are schools, there are the universities. Make sure your kids go to colleges, schools and
universities. Make sure your children do the largest data collection.
As we explained yesterday, the intelligence was working with relationships, with comparisons, I needed
anyway commodity. Raw material lodged in memory. I needed information, conceptualizations then,
according to his level of intelligence, related in one way or another.
This linking of things you can depend on the extent that you understand and then convey to their
children, not "what to think," but "how to do it." But as the data in the system there are many, many of
them very useful. So do not worry about what will teach reading selections or else they will be banned.
If I were in his place, I think I send those children to the institutes of the system, teach them how much
more they could capture data and simultaneously try to learn how to correctly formulate the basic
Until this society does not change, distortion think that anyone who wants to do with the kids is going to
cause very large reactions in them and one of those off you neurotizándolos. What would we gain by
producing a child very civilized, very human, it is not the appropriate means, which germinate? It could,
however, produce a void without you wanting. So we need to undertake the collection of data.
And as to some ideas that circulate about education, a bit like "L'Emilie" of Rousseau, or the state of
nature in education and things like that do not appear to be appropriate at this time of the cyclotrons .
Question: "I have detected in me a strong dream for the trip. I want to travel."
Perfectly. Travel time. Or that brings you problems? If you want to travel and that brings problems,
consider why the fact that travel brings problems.
Question: "My fundamental problem is a religious one. About the immortality and the existence of
Can you imagine how bored you if you were immortal? Do you think that this conditioned mind you and
we, I think it would be some kind of permanence after death staying in this state? If that Hell exists, this
is Hell.
We do not say anything about the worldly existence, but say it is a possibility. Why not? And it is a
possibility that can be explored and to be explored. But it gives the impression that, whatever it is and if
there is such importance should not be the simple continuity of our current mindset.
As to the existence or nonexistence of God, I'm sorry, but I can not say anything. What would be better
to tell me to you: "Yes, God exists!", Or refuse? What will you serve?
Question: "Could you develop an explanation of the concept of failure?".
Let's see what said about the dreams and illusions in general.
When my heart is so powerful dream that I appear as an image in the future (something I want to grasp,
something I want to capture) to which I go over the years, over the years, in a long time it is very difficult
given the trend in which I am released, anyone can lead me call forwarding. While I'm excited about this
way, while I think that's the solution to all my conflicts, of all my problems, as a doctrine, that we are
exposing could not make a dent in such elefanteásica shell. What can we with a person who is confident
that as time is going to get many millions of dollars? What effect might occur that one put it aside and
say: "Hey, why not study their problems?" Do you realize that for those who are looking forward in this
direction, with a line that has nothing to do with the line that we propose, it is impossible to reach him?
The concept of failure has to do with it.
Only when someone discovers that their goals are not met, when you see that are no longer going to
realize, when actually feel the emptiness inside ... non-compliance with its anxieties and desires, you can
just talk to him in other terms.
I'm not talking about bitterness. One who suffers, or who is in a state of revenge with something, still
cling to something. Look what happens when you hate someone.
When you hate someone you are depending on the hated object are excited about this object. Until set
aside the order they hate, you are not free of it. Paradoxical situation: more hate and more dependent
on the hated.
Someone taught a long time (perhaps for technical reasons rather than moral) that hatred was a donkey
... (LAUGHTER). It is better to forgive than to follow linked to the vengeance, is not it?
In this sense, and now seeing it does not matter whether positively or negatively, to the extent that
someone not experienced in themselves the sense of failure, ie whether the error causes in the dream,
it is impossible for him, evolution within these raises we do.
Blessed are the poor in spirit ", is not it? Blessed are those who have heart failure without resentment
and without vengeance, because they can evolve.
Q: "How I can make personal hypnosis and hypnosis that gives me the system of lucidity?."
Does he mean that recognizes then two hypnosis: hypnosis, for example its own internal dreams and
hypnosis and shows, from the outside, which gives me the system thanks to tricks like propaganda, false
expectations, etc..?
How I can distinguish the state of hypnosis state of lucidity? For example: if we go to a movie and we
intend on seeing the movie, not to forget ourselves while we care about the movie (must be a film which
has "hook" and that impacts so that the test has Grace ) we can work on the subject of hypnosis. If I go
to a movie I do not care, it is very likely that I agree with myself all the time ... (LAUGHTER). .
In that situation, and especially in moments when I possession of the film, I find that I lost consciousness
for me.
If it later comes at me, anger and such object that angers me is so important for me that sums up the
whole situation and go the other (and myself disappear for me), there is also the object hypnosis . In one
case or another, I believe in order and lose consciousness of myself.
If any of you want to experience more deeply, visit a hypnotist and ask you to exercise with their work.
Follow it step by step, do everything that this hypnotist advised ... but do not forget yourself and see
how there is no hypnotist in the world capable of putting them in a trance.
It is precisely the opposite of hypnosis, this state of self-consciousness.
For many little signs of "Coca-Cola" which has many ladies rolling forward and talk about the "crazy little
bubble, '" if you maintain an awareness of themselves, they may check carefully the propaganda system
(may be up to their necks in the system, may participate in everyday life like everyone else, and even
more than all), but it is already difficult to hypnotize system. Am I going to explain?
Good. Let's leave aside all of the questions that go to our subject.
Yesterday distinguish between simple meditation and transcendental meditation and gave a few of its
Transcendental meditation explained that, unlike the previous one, had no use whatsoever except to
specialists. Anyway, we got into this topic by explaining that working with acts of consciousness, rather
than with objects. Then we explain the first six steps, and said this in a nutshell:
First: Learning to see, or attention to perception. There, despite the attention he put into the object that
appeared to me, I saw that this care which crop fluctuated dreams. There I discovered the emergence of
Second: refer to all things sense. To distinguish between perception and the thing perceived. And note
that this distinction does not occur daily, but on the contrary, both are cast in a single act-object. There I
discovered the emergence of identification.
Third: refer to the senses of consciousness. I checked that the structure of perception is not in the
senses but in the consciousness, and I concluded that according to how it is organized consciousness
presents the image of the world. So that if for any reason changes the consciousness, also changes the
sensory data interpretation. We set examples in passing, of what happens compared to the same object,
but subject to different phenomena that can alter the structure of consciousness. Whether the drug,
whether from fatigue, whether the poisoning is not the perception that varies but is the structure of
consciousness. This emphasizes on such occasions or cuts or highlights or out of context, some of the
perceived stimuli .. There I discovered the emergence of the illusion.
Fourth: See consciousness memory. At that moment I realized that the structure of consciousness
depends on previous recordings, and that comprehension depends on it. Thus, any kind of relationship
and comparison of data dependent, as raw material to consciousness. There I discovered the emergence
of understanding.
Fifth: See the trend memory. I experienced that all representations and, in general, any object of
consciousness is related to actions. And that the retention of memory is continually updated to all new
proposed act of conscience. Every act of consciousness works with retention, updates, or protentions.
That is, the remembering consciousness works, upgrading, or futuristic. There are countless
combinations of times in consciousness. There may be times of conscience "past-future," but I upgrade
at a time. For example, in this moment, now, I remember as a kid, I thought to be as big: an engineer. Do
you see? Schemes of this type are frequently found in consciousness. Any act of conscience that moves
in the present moment, is always involving protentions and retention. Any act of conscience, even when
working futuristic, it is always our memory. The data I have for futuristic are also data in the memory,
and the image of the future you might have and I feed projects are based on data from the memory.
If you imagine the world in the year five thousand, imagine it anyway with data that you have recorded
and combined in a special way. Synthesis produce, of course, do not occur in everyday life today
twentieth century world, but will work with the data recorded in memory. This trend of memory to
emerge, completing acts, is inevitable. And it depends on itself. There I discovered the mechanism of
intentionality of consciousness. Intentionality that is also manifest above all in memory.
Sixth: refer to the trend-the trend of intent-chaining. I noticed that, even without making the
representations (in the effort to eliminate, for example) arise expectations, resistance, etc. Which put
me in the presence of a sort of structural inertia. There I discovered the deterministic mechanism of
consciousness. One structural mechanism without which there can be no consciousness. Any actual or
potential consciousness is such because it has structure. If you imagine a higher consciousness, that
would be such should also structure, also trends, and intentionality. It's not just today but also the
consciousness of the possible. Let's continue now with our steps.
Seventh: See chaining permanent. Is observed that despite the variation of perceptions, dreams, the
identifications, illusions, the various forms of understanding, the various manifestations of memory,
mobility and awareness with objects and events its various moments (although this and all other
variations that occur to us) what is permanent is always the chain of consciousness. The permanent is
always the inevitability of their own structure. This structural chain had already noticed, we consider it
as a permanent necessity.
Eighth: View the permanent one and all. This step causes a strange feeling for this sort of somersault is
made out.
Apparently, it is unlawful to leave for the objects after the orderly development brought up here.
How is it that suddenly now we're going to do with the objects if we are moving towards ourselves? It
may be very interesting to study it from different perspectives.
It is noted that although the internal phenomena are diverse, all are chained in structure. Returning to
the level of simple perception (getting beyond the first steps), we see that she, too, the perception is
structured by consciousness.
Noting that different minds undoubtedly obtained by these steps, the completion of the structuralism of
consciousness (despite the various special events), we can infer that the differences can be resolved
through intersubjective structure.
The differences of particular phenomena in every mind, do not necessarily lead to solipsism. This means
that, although we note the diversity of consciousness (of each one), if each of these consciousness
observes the same steps that we have been following us, will come, undoubtedly, the perception of the
phenomenon of structure standing of consciousness.
The differences that divide us: differences in perception, education, the phenomena can break barriers
and solipsism, insurmountable barriers that would, in principle, between consciousness and conscience,
are crumbling.
The fact achieve a reduction itself speaks of the possibility of intersubjectivity. I'm not talking about
telepathy by the way ... (LAUGHTER). I'm talking about establishing communication with deep
awareness, after all these consciousnesses achieve the structural understanding of the sort of eidetic
world: from the idea of consciousness as structure despite the variation in individual events, as a
structure is permanent. So, this structural permanence is recorded not only in all conscience, but
in all existing things for consciousness: the case of the internal world or the external world.
This problem is serious. Not only was seriously Leibniz and others (the problem of monads
without windows or doors, consciences that could not communicate with each other), but for the
same already in Husserl Cartesian Meditations is enclosed in solipsism.
The problem is to see how it is possible not only an internal mentation, but mentation between
conscience. In other words: how intersubjectivity is possible and, in general, how is it possible to
connect with the world? Because if you notice in a way, I perceive the other and have different
images of reality and different visions, no communication is essential. The problem of
intersubjectivity is not resolved at that level, is resolved at the structural level. In fact, even the
language is a set of signs that allows the passage of ideas from one another and is intelligible
because it contains significant structures rather than isolated signs, or signs considered simply as
an expression.
Identity is permanent, speaking of structures, and diversity is variable. In diversity, there can be
intersubjective in the full sense. The relationship now with the world consciousness is, initially
(from my perceptions phenomenal), variable. The relationship of consciousness with the
phenomenal world is contingent, but in the final reduction, phenomena are also chained to a
structure for my conscience. In this way, "consciousness" and "world" (speaking of "world" I can
not imagine the planet), they are chained and are structure, as if, in the "consciousness" was the
act of "world" and the "world "The object of" conscience. "
Thus, intersubjectivity and the relationship with the world can be understood at the level of
essences, so to speak, or key ideas. Almost Platonic sense, remember?
The essential structure of "consciousness-world is permanent, but my conscience is changed
factual and although the factual world, the world of fact, also be changing and changing at every
moment. The structural relationship "consciousness-world" is the invariable. In this regard, we
understand the meaning of the phrase: "See the permanent one and all." The idea of permanence
does not, however, the movement. They are dynamic structures that nevertheless retain their
structurality mobility. Permanence is, in this case, only structural.
Lowering the level and very quickly, say world awareness and identify structurally and is not
acceptable to provide dichotomies, but understand that this is the same structure. My conscience
is not simply a reflection of objective reality on the one hand, nor (as the idealists) created the
world from my conscience, but, making a transfer of the idea of intentionality, "consciousness-
world" are structure and make sense in terms of structure.
If you relate this that seems so dark here, so before we said when answering a question (that
which we did with regard to social and political transformations) you will see how it deals with
the subject line. Speaking of simultaneous revolution, we are not away at all of the conclusions
that we arrive here by this path of meditation. We recognize that the structure of "consciousness-
world" is what gives us the idea of reality and not the dichotomies to which we are accustomed.
Ninth: See the action permanently. This structural essence, this structure is essential that we have
been reduced, is designated by us as "form." We could have given another name. This occurs
even permanently in the diversity of the phenomena are primarily objective or subjective. The
permanent form does not depend on the phenomena, but they depend on it. Even before the
existence of phenomena, it must be possible to structure for them to manifest. The structural
form (in this sense logical and mystical, of course) appears behind all phenomena, acts out of
necessity, not contingency of the phenomenon.
Ten: Seeing what is not motion-shape. We believe that you can intuit a field outside the motion-
so that does not emerge as "nothing." If everything that we see behind the phenomena is this way
and if we say that there may be one area where this form is not there as it is all in the final
reduction, we might appear as nothing naively. Well, this is not anything, but just what is not so.
In fact, you can intuit a darkening of being, for example, without that we talk about "nothing."
Concealment of being, but not necessarily anything.
In a very simple example we can understand that an entity may have its complement and that this
addition is not that somehow has to do with him at his own level. The complement of A is not A,
but it has to do with A.
Eleventh: See what is and what is not, as the same. It includes motion-form and what is not
motion-form, as it is structured in some way too. The scope of this room has its complement, is
not this room, which is all that this room is and complements it. What is this room is nothing. If
the supplement is its complement: the complete. But I realize that both this room and its
complement are related in a larger structure that encompasses both. I understand, then, that this is
the room and what is the complement of the same, are related in a larger structure that subsumes
or assumes and understands, identifying them as equally complementary.
Twelve: See one and all the same. New jump with one and all. It is noted that the world and
therefore consciousness and everything, are at the root (and whether particular phenomena) as
Do you remember when at first we talked of those who would say, "the interior is the same as the
outside? It seems so, but this is a long work of understanding.
It is noted that the world and therefore consciousness and everything, are at the root (and
regardless of the particular phenomena that separate the consciousness of things and

things to one another) as the last reduction: the same. It's like saying here that the substance
(although this is not the conceptual level that corresponds to) everything in the universe of the
mind, the atom and the galaxies, is the same. Or that everything was built by the same substance,
no, despite the diversity of phenomena, accidental features that phenomena are taking into their
evolution. It is like saying that the world is monistic and dualistic. It is like saying that this is the
same, but in the final reduction, because obviously not all the same in the phenomenal world in
which we operate. We can not compare the microphone with a person, is not it?
Everything said here can not be experienced by the simple reason, or it can sense fully with
philosophical or linguistic technicalities, of course not. But somehow we have to communicate
and so we tried to do with words.
You can meditate on these steps by developments taking effects side effects that can be
overwhelming possibilities. Because it is not simply walking along the line of transcendental
meditation in a mechanical way step by step, but perhaps (for those who are interested of course)
take into account the steps and exploit the enormous possibilities that may have each . The very
first step in learning to see, "can be very well developed and explored to a mind sufficiently
inquisitive researcher.
We believe that even the existence of the divine, or want to call it, can be discovered in this way.
Or not disclosed. Anyway, it was well within a religion or not reached, transcendental meditation
raises the general level of human understanding. The experiences drawn from it will not stay
locked up in a few meditative mind, but surely will lead sooner or later, suffering and existing
man. And he will pay off, because it corresponds to objective justice and dignity objective,
because it was created, wonderfully, in the image of the universe.
In regard to our subject in itself and development on transcendental meditation, we conclude with him
yesterday. This meeting is a bit to spare. It let's take a look at what we already talked in the three
previous meetings. But first answer some questions. If you want the look together.
Question: "Some say that some drugs, including LSD and mescaline, brush and similar states allow those
who might imagine themselves to objective consciousness, or that are at least clearly differentiated
from the twilight. Can this be true to some extent? Moreover, considering that in fact parallel alter the
structure of consciousness, would it be legitimate to infer that under special conditions would be useful
to the process of conscious evolution? ".
It is an interesting question. As you know, in some countries of Asia there are some "schools" to give a
name, that talk of drug use lead to the opening of consciousness.
You also know the tradition of many nectar-speaking peoples of wonderful juices that make the man in
the image of the gods ... from the soma to the alcohol in our Native Americans. You also know that
mescaline, peyote and other derivatives of some toxic fungi, are used to make some hallucinogenic
substances. These hallucinogens, in a more or less pure, have always been present in the villages in its
way, and have "served" so popular at some form of education was accessible by the similarity of these
teachings posed states and individuals could experience the reality.
Face two problems: one, that of the moralizing that makes people frightened to the drug without having
full knowledge on the subject, and the other problem, the specific drugs that impair the nervous system,
we strictly avoided to answer the question.
In general doctrinal system that does not explain here (here we have explained nothing more than a side
point, referring to transcendental meditation and is strictly for specialists), we talk of a possible higher
level of consciousness: the awareness goal . We discussed that there are physical locations that have to
do with mental processes, that mental processes are not present in the air, but appear psychosomatic.
Thus, when there were a certain level mobilization of the hypothetical top center, the corresponding
target level of consciousness would be launched. So sometimes, by a mere accident, this level is very
common in people wake up.
I do not know if you have had experiences, not otherwise very rare, such as: "I've lived it." Do they
recognize that experience? Van on the train, for example, and soon they get the impression that this has
happened again the same way. Yes or no? " That is a kind of experience paramnesiac on which
psychologists have good explanations, but that does not fully explain the phenomenon. There are other
cases where it is no longer recognized as a new fact lived but the reverse: a fact seen every day,
recognizing it as if for the first time you see it. Do you understand the difference? I'm seeing every day
that wall of my house but happen to this day for the first time I see a way "different."
Do they recognize that other phenomenon that is the inverse of the above?
Here is another case that is also common. In some inexplicable way, in any given situation, experience in
you a feeling of joy, a flood of consciousness, a total expansion seems to identify them with things and
there were no differences between them and you. Do you know that state? It is more or less common.
Another type of phenomena that do not relate to that kind of synthesis between consciousness and
object no differences, a communication with things, but goes to another level. It is no longer that
emotional expansion, it is that suddenly, without knowing why, emerge a great understanding of things,
as if he understood all at once. The subject can not explain well what it was, but that "sizzle" of
consciousness that lasted a very short time, he seemed to experience a deep understanding about the
real. Does it have happened? They are not pathological phenomena, do not panic, this happens to many
people. There explanation for these things too. Even there are practices that apply to the subject to
achieve such states.
Experiences of the type of the Sufis, ritual dances, special breathing forms, etc., Can cause the
phenomenon known in some schools as "expansion of consciousness," "communication with objects
and others. That can cause artificially. May be caused by direct action on the body.
You must recognize that in the Catholic liturgy itself, in the Catholic ritual, there are a number of
practices observed rigorously realize how the believer is placed in a different mental state and it causes
such phenomena. See what happens to the believer. In a profound act of devotion the faithful stops,
sits, kneels, back up, turns to kneel and so on. Stimuli they penetrate all tracks simultaneously
perception, which reinforces the impression as we have been seeing. Ie: via olfactory incense, listening
through the songs, repetitions, monotonous sounds of prayer candles for visual pathway, focusing on
the lights and at the altar where the priest officiates, setting the hearing at higher elevations of the
mean visual (we already knew that Braid was the first to use the word "hypnosis"). If you see that the
state is reinforced by devotional feeling, kinesthetic caused by the continuous movement of the body in
a genuflection in the up and everything, if you see that these kinesthetic and tactile sensations are
reinforced and extended with the pace requires the sacrifice of the Mass, we are leaving open only the
taste system. All the senses have been mobilized to collect in the direction of the ceremony and even
the taste when it receives the host, increasing the sense of devotion.
... I'm not making fun of it! I'm trying to explore procedures that can induce the outside, is not it? They
account for the Catholic liturgy because it is generally closer to those present. I say that almost all ritual
systems, variations more or less, have their effect on the individual. Whereupon are performing rituals
such systems? What about the air, on an astral body? No, they are working on the physical body. And if
it causes emotional changes (sometimes provokes feelings I have described, more or less as normal at
the beginning of our conversation), why not other procedures are going to be able to achieve the same
We say that the revision of the structure of consciousness occurs changing perceptions. Mescaline,
peyote, LSD., Etc. In fact can put us in contact with such phenomena, just as drills and practices from the
body alter the structure of consciousness.
However, we recognize the difference between the twilight and the conscious, or beyond the conscious,
precisely that which puts the word "conscience." I have knowledge and awareness of what happens to
me and I can control it, or me I do not know what else happens is that I can not control. When I brush
for some of these cases we have stated, the phenomena of such paranormal, unusual (not saying they
are up or down, say they are on the side of normal), when for some of those experiences, I brush-type
paranormal phenomena, I wonder if they fall outside my conscience if I rule, if I understand them, or
pass me. If I happen and I have no control over them say that these phenomena tend to the field of
twilight. If on the contrary I will manage the development, guidance, controls, say those in the context
of my conscience and above my conscience.
Just in that I set differences.
Look you that in very primitive cults (by some writings that are rescued) are read very profound truths
and there seems to have in them a proper knowledge of Transcendental Meditation, or intense work.
However, some may have achieved that depth perception, getting in a state of ecstasy or circling around
a fire. It happens that in fact these phenomena occur, which are worth not only for the perception of
things, but also to the emergence of other much discussed but existing phenomena known as "psi."
These individuals may make contact with these issues, but does have control of that, or you miss
I say (and now I have to do this we had warned at the start moralizing about drugs and whether
damaged or not the nervous system) that the biggest problem in this case lies in the ease that is to
contact with certain phenomena. With drugs or hypnosis is so low to reach them, it costs so little work,
it seems to me in that way easier than by way of knowledge, the way of effort ... ascending track so to
speak. If you had to choose one hundred ordinary people concerned about expanding its awareness
among these stories of meditation or the like and a little pill, you imagine for our raises would not win
more than 10%., No doubt the election . But this majority, "would achieve the management and
evolution of consciousness or remain stuck at the mercy of the sputtering phenomenon? I say "at the
mercy of the phenomenon," not because a hairy hand from the unconscious are ready to put in a bag ...
(Laughter ).... but because that kind of experience, apart from the physical habit which may lead,
psychologically habituated by the benefits they receive compared to the limited effort made. Thus, he
split the subject of any other possibility. What work is going to take another search if you already have
this handy? That means no progress is made, is what I say. In this way is limited, although there is
Note that in many religions and sects when it comes to these levels through twilight, the subjects talk
about having been taken by "ghosts." Do they understand the significance of the idea of being taken,
instead of taking? Do you set what happens in those phenomena that come into trance, "to be handled
by", "depend"? That's going to the egg, to autism and not expanding as is the role of life! Life expands,
growth is life, life is development. Think the enclosure, autism, schizophrenia, twilight is expansion?
Finally, the question is interesting, not the answer for everything, but leave some landmarks that can
serve as a reference to that asked.
Question: "My problem lies," he says at one point when I was in one group, under the direction of
someone who I think is a magician and I noticed that many of the things that were once good at his
teaching, now I can prevent continue working. "I can deshipnotizarme if I am?"
Leave aside the issue of the magician. Study this one: "I can deshipnotizarme, if I am?"
Sure you can deshipnotizarse. What characterizes the waking state of twilight state, subject, as is the
state of hypnosis? You may have the prejudice of being hypnotized. Examine, if you feel self-conscious,
then do not depend on any outside suggestion.
We talked yesterday about how one could experience in front of a movie or in front of a hypnotist. Try,
try to be subjected to hypnotic Follow all the suggestions of the hypnotist, while retaining self-
consciousness and there enter hypnosis. So instead of panicking if hypnotized or not, simply work on
meditation about yourself. That's the way it can operate independently and that's all, no major
complication. There are times and in these times of persecution especially in establishing a kind of
paranoia collective. People feel they are acting on it strange powers. It happens that these powers have
nothing strange or depend on white or black magicians.
Question: "Do not think there is a historical moment in which it manifests completely subjective in the
objective and therefore a revolution that tends to change the external, the internal changes?".
One good question. In fact and in law of structure, everything that happens in the subjective must be a
reflection of what happens in the objective. Conversely, the objective is that for my conscience because I
can raise awareness what happens. Are thus linked. Initially, if I can change subjective change the
objective, so say the idealists. If I change the subjective, if I change the inner man, change reality. But
make no mistake entity level: if the subjective change in me, change the reality for me, but not reality
itself. There's the microphone, because I now for a good effort, I guess that the microphone is an
elephant. For me the microphone certainly changed, but the microphone still does not eat grass.
Consider the reverse: change the objective reality, according to my conscience that should change that
reflects it. Perfect, according to that we make the revolution. Congratulations, I was once subjected to
the pattern, I am now the town sheriff. Of course the thing has changed! He is careful that has made this
question, he says, "there is a historical moment (not speaking in general) that subjectivity is manifested
entirely in the objective and therefore a revolution that tends to change as you change the external
internal. " Note that if it were that simple reflection of consciousness outside the outer shell or base
material, if it were just that, the revolution would not arise. Revolution is an act of conscience dear, that
is dialectically opposed to the same objective reality that is the reality that oppresses at the time. So the
reflection of consciousness that is opposed dialectically (in the Hegelian way of thinking by the way) to
the objective reality that is oppressive, it is not simple reflection in a mirror, it is denial that there is me
presents. One thing is the reflection, the image that reflects and gives me the same look and another
thing is the negation of the picture. For dialectic, which is presented in consciousness is the negation of
oppressive world.
If I fight for the revolution, I am opposing the specific situation that I am at this time. Or not? As if it
were simply a reflection of objective reality, march with the pace that things imposed on me. Or not?
The revolutionary act is an act of conscience dear, if it is true or not does not matter.
Here comes then the whole theory of commitment and so on, but it is a willed act. So it's not simply a
reflection of objective reality.
That is very interesting. Would be sufficient to change the objective conditions to change our level of
consciousness. It would be great, but not apparent. It seems that the revolution sought by the
revolutionary should also be a internal revolution. This should be a simultaneous revolution and a
revolution not simply act on one of the terms. Furthermore, experience tells us that the social
structure of consciousness did not change effectively in the simple processes of social change,
that we find the same cravings. the same tastes, the same small dirty tricks.
Question: What is that being for instance the LSD experience, a moment of twilight
consciousness, touch, feel, effects described by you as similar to transcendental meditation?
Example: the unity of opposites, the display of wishful thinking, etc..? "
It is a question that I have answered in the previous part. I would also not stealing time from
other at hand.
Question: "I attended the second and third conferences. They heard of the system, consciousness,
world, etc., And I heard all analyzed regarding these points. But I did not hear analyze this
element that is all I got , or speech. Can you say what position do you have about this? ".
Indeed, it requires a study of speech, requires a study on communication, but unfortunately that's
not our issue. If we had gathered here to talk about transcendental meditation and we started
talking about the speech, maybe we would have been more useful than this, but it was not our
issue, that's all I can say.
Question: "What is the" ought "?".
I do not know what "ought" in general.
There are some doctrines such as Mr. Gurdjieff for example, explained that arrevesado lexicon of
"must-Partkdolg-of-being." It's a kind of essential duty for Mr. Gurdjieff. A duty not printed on
the subjective awareness of a subject by the cultural milieu in which they live, the type of
education you have received ... that would be a subjective duty under tables of cultural, historical
moments dependent. So, what is good for a culture, not so good for another. Sometimes it is
wrong for another culture. That would not be an objective duty, a duty that would be subjective
depending on cultural conditions.
The "ought" in the case of the doctrine that I'm explaining, it would be a duty independent of
cultural conditioning and that "ought" to be only possible (in the doctrine of Mr. Gurdjieff) for
What is that about the "human machine" and "non-machine? Mr. Gurdjieff assumed that the
common man is a machine. Of course, not a machine screw, but it is a machine that serves as a
"processor" is a transformer of cosmic forces. So on the one hand breathes oxygen and removes
carbon dioxide on the other hand pick up food and eliminates nitrogenous substances that serve
the earth and on the other side receives the impressions impressions and also transforms into a
kind of vibration. In jokingly said that these vibrations serve to sustain the Moon and the like.
Well, Mr. Gurdjieff speaks of these men-machines are fulfilling a role in transforming the planet
and can not stop doing what they do because, subject to the harmful action of an organ (the organ
"Kundartiguador") that has mesmerized the face of reality, under its transformative function, are
not independent and must be in compliance with everything. So what "duty Partkdolg" going to
be, what duty will be essential if their function is simply mechanical? And then says its myths
and legends that every so often, from the top, are thrown back to Earth sent. These envoys come
to deshipnotizar these processors. The function of these envoys is to come to modify the effects
of that body Kundartiguador crystallized. This body appears to have been in a kind of primitive
men who lost their tails over time, but have been the effects. These are sent to wake the sleeping
man, a transformer that is serving the cosmic forces. And then, these envoys are close to the
common man, he explained according to the historical moment how you should do to
deshipnotizarse and instructed in a sort of objective morality. This objective morality for man
and not hypnotized, is what enables them to understand and implement what is the "ought." A
real moral and not a morality dependent.
As these effects crystallized Kundartiguador organ are very persistent (because they are passed
from generation to generation), fatally explained what an envoy takes a short time and eventually
these "tricerebrados" (so called men), these machines, with time will decline again by what they
taught, completely forget what they said again and again to snore. And snore so that now use the
doctrine to be explained before to justify everything they do while they sleep. Then, when that
situation occurs, they send another envoy again. It turns out that this correspondent, in addition
to having to fight against the state of hypnosis where are these poor tricerebrados, also has to
derail the entire doctrine was taught before because although this doctrine is true in essence,
transformed by these processors is degraded. It happens that the new envoy has come to explain
that previous envoy showed very bad things, but things were well taught. .. (laughter). It's a
never ending chain.
So, every so often, comes a "zapallazo" ... (LAUGHTER) or something happens (which is not
well understood) and people are still snoring happily, for the greater glory of the moon and other
celestial bodies.
It's a nice theory. I do not know if it responds to the question about the "ought."
But you have another question: "What psychological revolution?."
For us, revolution is changing the psychological level of consciousness and no more than that in
principle, to make it simple. Have revolution when reality I see is not reality and illusion, but the
reality of which I have a conscience ... Are we trying to arouse the man, we too? ...
For us, that means psychological revolution, namely access to a new level of consciousness, with
all humility. Of course, when you say "revolution", he imagines flashing banners and all that.
The revolution is always spectacular and the spectacular failure here. Well, do not see any smoke
when you are looking at things differently. Well, that is for us the beginning of the psychological
It is that simple. The consequences may be more colorful.
Question: "Yesterday I finished with a reference to objective justice reaching every human
being. This makes me think of living and the dead and a worldly existence. Is it right or
permissible to make an inference from this guy?".
This issue of the living and the dead and otherworldly existence, as explained yesterday, is a
possibility for us and not more than that. Are you sure about the worldly existence? And if you
have, what you hear all these things? What of the worldly existence is for us just a possibility
and an open door to the future. Let each investigation. What is the value (as with respect to God)
to say: yes, after this life the matter up!, Or: there is nothing to it, we're ready! ... (LAUGHTER).
How does that help wake up, or see reality for what it is?
So this question, I can not answer. What I propose is the experience and experimentation on
these things, but as a problem later. Those who question this is a problem. Of course it is! You
should worry about what is the problem of worldly life. What's wrong in this life, that you're
worrying about the other?
Talk here is also a reference to objective justice reaching every human being. If there is a
possibility of a moral, one must be non-subjective, not dependent on the cultural times, too many
other things there must be objective characteristic of a possible objective consciousness. An
objective justice justice and the judges who rely on current social conditions. In the same sense
that we talk about the possibility of a general objective consciousness, we speak of the possibility
of objective justice, without having to imagine a God for this director of that justice. That is all
that I can say on the matter.
Question: Does it go away in a state of consciousness the core of dream? ".
For now I know in my state of normal mentation, in my waking state common, it disappears.
And even in my state of self-consciousness, the core disappears, the background of the nucleus
of a lifetime. I also know that the dreams that fill my head side in the ordinary waking state, and
in the state of self-consciousness disappear. And that's enough. I simply know that dreams
peripheral side, they can be killed in that other level of consciousness. What happens to the core
of your dreams on other possible levels, we do not know, you have to experience it. That's what
helps us, not what a man says about the possibility of disappearance of the nucleus. I do not think
they can use what I can tell (if it disappears or does not go), that have to see everyone.
Question: "Is there a relationship between IQ and level or state of consciousness? Do more IQ,
greater objectivity? Does the IQ product of a state of consciousness on the brain surface, that, or
what? Do state of consciousness, it's just brain chemistry, number of neurons, and so on., or is
there more? ".
Let's see: "Is there a relationship between IQ and level or state of consciousness?". Not
necessarily. Let's see: some of you have a smart man's social image. Who could be an intelligent
man? The physicist, is not it? Sure, the math! Okay, here we have a mathematician. The
mathematician working with ideas, this mathematician also has a high IQ. The mathematician,
does math for intellectual reasons or because he likes and is calling? What moves the
mathematician to do mathematics, objective reality or taste, the passion for such work? No doubt
that as in all vocations, behind that there is a dream, a taste, a set of emotions. Doing
mathematics, in that case, such as engaging in other activities, is motivated by reasons that are
not the reason, but from somewhere else. Fine, but this good man seems to have a high ratio.
Then he launches into his numbers on the board, perfectly! Makes its developments on the board,
perfectly! ... and totally forgot himself.
Do you think there is much difference in that sense (not otherwise), including the character who
is caught with a girl who attracts the attention, or the other that is on the numbers? No doubt
these two ways of being "on" are different as forms: one is working with a more emotional
function or whatever and the other is working with his intellectual function. They have different
levels in that sense, but in terms of awareness and commitment as to forget if the situation is very
similar. They are totally oblivious to it, the one and other. So the IQ, which in this case is very
high, not because it allows me to infer that you are in the presence of a level of awareness of
another kind. Man too high IQ while in bed snoring like a log. Yet his IQ has become a bone ...
(LAUGHTER). So this mental levels is not necessarily linked to IQ.
The same here: "Not later IQ, the greater objectivity?".
Not necessarily. There are people of very high ratio must see the theories we have about the
reality and objectivity of things! Finally ask, "Does the IQ is the product of a state of
consciousness on the brain surface? The state of consciousness is just brain chemistry, number of
neurons, or is there more?". IQ, probably has to do with brain chemistry and somatic structure,
since everything is based primarily on the body.
Overall, a bit mystical attitudes tend to separate the body of the spirit. "They focus on these
dichotomies? The same that separate the body of the spirit, the same ones that separate the inner
reality of the social, for example. Always cause them dichotomies, they do not understand the
structure, structures do not move ... things are moving apart. Then, of course, the objective
consciousness or self-consciousness seems to be floating up there and that was depending upon
the base material. If asked by the intellectual level and if you ask me about the level of
consciousness, I say you basically have to do with the body. We can talk about other things but
when he does not see, starting with the body. So maybe try to raise the body while
simultaneously raising ideas, or what can be formed with ideas.
Question: "Associating the question of how educating children with a book:" The end of
childhood. "I do not know what to say. Are the" Overloads ", or something," End of Childhood
"and the change they want to produce from the kids has connection with our raises? Perhaps the
only possibility is the simultaneous change there arises starting from the roots."
Do not know what will be the raise of the book, but I remember you said the other day who is
going to educate children? That's the problem. What if we started on our own? The thing could
do better. Meanwhile there is the system and its educational institutions, with their schools.
There are data, there must be children. We may be we can learn together with children, we must
learn not only to laugh, but to properly ask to see at the bottom of our tastes, our searches, our
sufferings. This of seeking change from the children as if they were to form a regiment
subversive ... children's changing society to change, it is interesting, but do not see it very
possible. We must start to educate a while it educates children.
Question: "The Twelve Steps of transcendental meditation are like a process of reduction and
inward. To implement some of them, and that fact alone means change, begins a slow
transformation." Those steps are-not understand the point - objectives? Here is the process
objectively and changes in a given in the understanding and practice of them? ".
I can not say if the process is as objective and whether they can be more or fewer steps, or if the
cuts between each step correspond to what happens in a general process of reality. What I can
say is that these steps can help us if we are how we care about these things, understanding of
ourselves and of reality.
Question: "What kind of techniques Gurdjieff left on transcendental meditation? What criticisms
deserve and what are the benefits?".
I do not know, I know all the literature of Mr. Gurdjieff, but from what I saw left no reference on
the subject, so I have nothing to criticize or say in their favor.
Question: "Can you summarize in an analogy of what is meant by horizontal at Work?".
Well, this is a question that surely someone else can answer, but it makes our problem of
transcendental meditation. Horizontality must refer to some work between people, is not it? ...
Question: "When you dream in the heart of the climate is negative," paralyzing "and
consequently the dreams but do not move side to induce an activity vital to a permanent hide, it
would be a pathological case or does the kernel dream "death" is as core as any other and should
be accepted and it is useless to go against? ".
It's a good question because a lot of people that happens, especially in these times.
I think everything that does not go with the rhythm of life and expansion, always has some
disease (not to be taken to this as a horrible thing.) I think what is crystallized or comes back is
against life and that life is change, is evolving, processing and crystallization does not support,
much less detail and regressions. In that case, such a core dream immobilized and that human
being is something pathological, but it is surmountable. Then he says: "It is so heart as any other
and should be accepted and it is useless to go against him?". I think that it is not in this case or to
accept or not accept. It is simply to study in depth and see why my mindset is organized so that,
in response to situation (like mine deficiency) such core projects, projects that kind of dream. not
to accept or not accept, but to understand and study this nucleus and that dream . 'But to study it
(you can tell someone) not going to happen something special. "
If you spend a lot to study! The issue is to understand what it is.
Here are three, four, five ... Six questions? Question: You spoke about owning data with which
intelligence work. I would like your opinion about it that: "knowledge is hidden in the depths of
consciousness." Those who rely on this, they argue that it is not necessary to acquire data. The
study of self, as microcosm that is man, gives all the answers and real understanding. "
I agree with it that: "knowledge is hidden in the depths of consciousness." Now, how do you
know? I mean, let's say that knowledge is not required, nor is it necessary to collect data, what
Where did you get this information? Obviously, apart from what I can think of (can you be very
thoughtful), there is a whole literature behind ... no mistake. "Some people say," you say so.
Who knows these things? Is not fixed how you are using this data to then say that the data are not
necessary? Let's see, these data are not necessary. And who are those who know these things: our
farmer, is a worker who is all day whipped by the system? Is the common man in the street, who
lives altered, the living pursued? Or you can access these data and then deny it? The data are
good. They come right to the worker, the farmer feels good, feels good in general to the
rebellion, revolution, transformation and come right to self-knowledge. Let's face deep in
ourselves, this, that "knowledge is hidden in the depths of consciousness" (however true that is)
is transmitted in words, is transmitted through books, transmitting ideas. This is communicated
by word of mouth, this is done people know, this is necessary for me and others, that I better
myself and improve others. But if not, why? If the enclosure, if not the body here and the spirit
there, if not my internal problem, while the external reality has nothing to do with me. They are
important data. "The study of oneself," as the macrocosm that is the man "gives all the answers
and understanding real? Maybe so. But it knows what data. "Macrocosm"! There is a theory
there, there is knowledge, I do not know if the common man can do is bolt all day for their
immediate needs.
Q: "I understand by understanding the result of a parallel development of knowledge and being.
Is this the direction that gave the term" understanding "during the lectures? If not, can you clarify
the term used? ".
He says: "I mean by understanding the result of a parallel development of knowledge and being.
Let's make it easier: one can simply say you have data like a computer. A parrot has data, a
parrot repeats. One thing is knowing where is the simple accumulation of data, and another thing
is to understand where in addition to data, is the experience of data. Understand, therefore, is to
know more experience.
Leave aside this development between being and knowledge. Let us realize that, simply, I can
have data and do not establish relations with them, there is no intelligence! With the data is not
enough. I said that the data were needed as a raw material of memory to build relationships.
Relationships are made by the structure of awareness. If my structure is poor, hard (for many
data you have) may establish relations smart. A same number of data between two consciences,
may have different development and relationships of these data. The problem is then working
with that data. When we say that children and young people around the world, go to schools and
educational institutions, we say that there will give them data. But that's not going to develop in
them the job of intelligence, it is necessary to start doing it yourself.
When asked, the answer for us to know is just collect data. Understanding is more experience
Question: "What do you personally understand?".
... I responded earlier.
Question: "What, in your opinion, the development path of being as a means, methods, etc..?"
This being, also has to do with the theory of Mr. Gurdjieff, in part. We also know that the theory
of Mr. Gurdjieff has to do with a certain line of Buddhism. This being, is related to what this
doctrine is understood as essentially the one hand and on the other side as a personality. The
essence would have to do with being, would have to do with the "fate." The other would have to
do with the "accident", so variable. The development of self and personality would not be
parallel, etc. It is a problem that I put this theory to explain here. It would be longer than the
humorous story a while ago. Sorry.
Question: "Do you agree with the concept that gives Gurdjieff the word" awakening "and his
proposed means to that end?".
It's very interesting Mr. Gurdjieff. Perhaps deep sense, Mr. Gurdjieff uses the word "awakening"
as it has always been used by all "sent" that he speaks. "While you sleep you, I watch," believes
the Lord Jesus. "Consciousness real is awareness, says the Lord Buddha. Whenever these
individuals "thinkers" are concerned with the problem of waking. Perhaps Mr Gurdjieff worry
likewise clear that he a little to move people talk about men machine and all issues that have
caught people. But taking that verbiage, this way of describing things, surely Mr. Gurdjieff refers
to arouse the same sense in which they have referred all of these instructors.
Follow the question: "... with the means he proposes for this purpose?".
(I do not know for whom I'm talking about reality and I do not know, in the total of those
present, many of them knew this singular system, but if you have a little patience with such other
responding when you want, follow).
If the media that Mr. Gurdjieff suggests, they serve simply as "test", so to say, so that the
experimenters are aware of their own difficulties, if we understand well that, once exposed to
personal shortcomings, one can better understand and develop, the methods are not objectionable
Mr Gurdjieff ... They are also funny! But if it is intended that these methods not only serve as a
test system but they magically, by magic, they cause substantial alterations in the people, I find
Maybe Mr. Gurdjieff explained in the first sense and things were not understood, as usual.
It seems that those who seek transformation is because it is evil and who is wrong and seeks the
transformation and find recipes, creates a pendulum, a reaction that increases their conflict. It
seems that searching for recipes is achieved much the opposite. Quite the contrary. Whereas if
you have conflict, conscious of her own conflict and understand in depth the kinds of
improvement. If it is then the method of Mr. Gurdjieff, to become aware of the problems, either.
But if it is intended that this method (for this single art) to transform man, bad. So in the first
expectation can be used both this method as any. The important thing is that we do make contact
with our difficulties.
Question: "If you disagree, you can say what, and express what it means on these two points?."
I think more or less, that would be answered.
Question: "Self-awareness", the "kingdom of heaven" of Jesus, and the "detachment"

Buddha, the "Satori" of Zen, the "new force" in Alsogaray (Reference to a political party and his
right-wing Argentine principal advisor (b. of e. ).)... (Laughter) ... "I would ask that question do
not be offended, we're friends," are one and the same? ".
Perhaps the kingdom of heaven, detachment of Lord Buddha and the Zen satori, are one and the
same thing. But self-consciousness is different than that. Self-consciousness is much more
humble. Do you know what it is the kingdom of heaven? Sure, it's a huge thing. But if we are
about lice!, Let's be fair. Let us realize the issue. We was sitting here, attracted by gravity, with a
thirst ... now I'm going to smoke a cigarette, would you be fixed? Everything very blunt,
physical, human. Us: physical, human, flat, we are just talking about self-consciousness. Our
interest is to try as we can go internal revolution. Understanding ourselves and the reality no
images, no fetishes, no dreams, no hypnosis, no beliefs, no "lessons", not "masters" without
contraptions that oppress us and liberate us. We are not so vain as to argue the kingdom of
The kingdom of heaven is too big for us. The detachment of Lord Buddha is too big for us ...
unless they have meant the same thing, and then put together the complicated ... (LAUGHTER).
But look, we flew softly.
Question: "The failures and the poor in spirit, are one and the same?".
They might be the same, or maybe not. The truth is that until someone has their dreams. Fired
strongly in one direction, have directed their dreams in a sense, it is impossible to go to talk
about these things. So congratulations failures. Why? Because we begin to understand drinking
coffee ... (LAUGHTER). Am I clear?
What really matters is that if there is a deep existential sense of failure (not resentment), we want
to start things difficult otherwise.
Question: "The states indicated in the first term: self-consciousness, the kingdom of the heavens
and all that, does not imply the existence of the core not dream?".
No, no. Self-consciousness does not entail the nonexistence of the core of your dreams. The core
of dream is still working. That is, our tastes, our tendencies, the vocation we have, everything
still working. If these moments while you speak, you realize he is talking about is not
mesmerized by a particular face, whether at the moment one is not dreaming, but deal with their
data and their relationships, in any case the core is still acting . Persist in a same aspirations,
trends and searches.
Question: "When the teacher leaves the fans want of light, blinds. An internal liberation
movement designed to social-sac facing a contradiction: either remain as a sect and somehow
disappears, or is expanded and distorted in essentially by the difference in levels resulting in
external rite and misrepresentation. Or not. "
Let's see. Let's see how the writer thinks this. Suppose that the internal liberation movement were
aimed at awakening people. Do you think that matters to disappear or go away, if it meets its
purpose? Or are we successful? For that we study in academies Pitman, and be victorious ...
(Reference to an academy of typing that uses the slogan of "winner.") (LAUGHTER).
Look into what they ask you is that the things we do have to be done to hold their fruit? "O is
that things in this regard, no matter they surrender or not its fruit? They are made because they
make and serve. Full stop. See how easy? No need to speak of detachment ... "You have to
detach," some say.
No, that's rite. The fruit is in the doing it, if doing makes sense.
So that the questioner (saying) that "an internal liberation movement designed to social-sac
facing a contradiction: either sect remains some way away", I say congratulations! ... "or expands
and essentially invalidated by the difference in levels resulting in external rite and
misrepresentation", I reply: that happens too!
Now we see that second part. Who is asking this? Question just that, someone who has been
talking about the kingdom of heaven the Lord Jesus, the detachment of the Lord Buddha, the Zen
satori .. Do you think that the questioner in these terms is precisely it, free-spirited to talk about
these things then become external rites? What do you think? Think about that the Spanish
saying: "the language is where the tooth hurts ..." (LAUGHTER).
Question: "Capturing the structure of consciousness as the permanent, is void and the individual
subjectivity? Ie that all consciences, individuals are only part of the great structure of
consciousness of the planet, and therefore , subjective ideas, dreams and other hypnosis, are the
cause of the imbalance of being conscious. Because these hypnosis does not allow to be in
harmony with this structure we could call the world's conscience. "
Here there is a lot of Mr. Gurdjieff too. That old man sticks his tail ... (LAUGHTER). It's called
Capturing the structure of consciousness as the permanent, not override individual subjectivity.
One thing is my individual factual awareness of the facts, the awareness that I have now and
have you as dialogue, while monologues ... (Laughter) ... and another thing is, with a reduction in
work I can get to the idea of "conscience." This idea of "consciousness" is not a rare halo floating
out there somewhere. Consider: Will the idea of "home" is to nullify individual homes? Is it not
rather that the houses I see sack the conceptual structure of "home"? Do you understand the
difference between the simple object and the concept of the object?
When I talk about the structure of consciousness in general, valid for my conscience and the
conscience of all mankind and when I get in another step to the same conclusion Brentano that
all consciousness is intentional, I'm not canceling anything. I'm just making conceptual
So the question: "Capturing the structure of consciousness as permanent, not override individual
subjectivity?", I answer: no. Capturing the essence of "home", not void home. It is simply a
logical work (as in the school board). It's okay to put one on the board to study Logic, "John
loves Mary." Neither John nor Mary feel ... are nothing but abstractions.
It goes on to explain: "... that is, all individual consciousnesses are only part of the great structure
of consciousness of the planet." We have not said they are parts of the structure of the planet. We
have told the world, but "world" for us is not the planet, no. The idea of "world" refers to
external things, so to speak. Instead of saying "things in general", says the "world", noting more
than just things in general. We say, things in general structured. That's world. This is conceptual,
not physical. I think the questioner, objective things in the material sense. In this case it is not
legitimate, is not at the level of our discourse.
"... All the individual consciousnesses are only part of the great structure of the planet ...". No, do
not say that. We say that all individual consciences have structure and we know what is the
structure of consciousness individual it all to be aware, they must have a defined structure, with
its particular characteristics, which correspond to all possible consciousness. It's not that we see
not to Plotinus emanating a kind of idea, great awareness and this awareness come down the
individual conscience.
Many of those who will ask too high: no planet, no cancellation of individual consciences,
nothing that consciences are part of a great frame of mind, no. Individual consciences have
structures and these structures respond to the essential features of agreement to what is
consciousness. To be conscience must demonstrate within certain parameters and that's it.
He continues: "... the subjective ideas, dreams and other hypnosis, are the cause of the imbalance
of being conscious, because that hypnosis does not allow it to be harmonious with that structure,
we could call consciousness, the world."
Here the phrase "world's conscience" is taken back in a sense very different from what we give.
It is not legitimate to draw immediate consequences to this work of transcendental meditation. I
told you it was impractical this work, has no immediate consequences to know if the world is
unbalanced, if there are wars because something happens to the cosmic consciousness, etc.. No,
our work is very impractical. It is for specialists who care to go studying how the structure of
consciousness in general, what is the structure of the world in general and how consciousness
and world are a single structure. But do not have to worry about the consequences this may have
Question: "The last 1972 years in the West is governed by the myth of the Son of God sent to
earth, died and rose for the salvation of men. This myth nested gave life and meaning. I think it's
clear that this myth is coming to an end. What is your opinion, the myth that once again give
meaning to our existence? Is there any? ".
I wonder if these 1972 years in the West have been governed by the myth of the son of God sent,
or if a priestly caste used this myth, or the same historical process was moving simultaneously
with the myth and myth not determine the process ... I do not know this. What I do know is that
this myth, in some sense, life may have nested in a historic moment. I also think that this myth
(like all dreams, a social dream, salvation, a sort of dream of the West nucleus) gave meaning to
the lives of many people, and make sense of dreams.
And he says: "I think it is clear that this myth is coming to an end, perhaps this dream is being
eroded. It is very likely that this dream is being eroded now more than ever, what is your
opinion, the myth that again give meaning to our existence. Is there one? ". You may have a new
myth that can give meaning to our existence, but what do you want? If you want a new dream
may give meaning to their existence, can do it. There are religions, more and more deception, no
emotional consciousness, magical consciousness, conscience Salvationist, messianic
consciousness ... Clear that there is! Do you want that? Or do you want to be aware of yourself
and discover the conflicts?
I think there are new myths and there will be new myths, but do not think that will solve the
conflict of man. Now this is the man begins to think for yourself, without custody of any kind,
nor temples, nor priests, nor fetishes, is not it? This is not the problem, if a myth is going to be
our salvation, if in some dream there will be a new direction of man. Our problem is to see the
root of conflicts, is learning to see and is aware of himself.
Question: I think the magnitude of the repression to which he referred to the first conference, it's
a rebound of the current system response to a given political situation, which the doctrine. To
acknowledge the blow as it would mediate , or what unknown distrust. If this is a deviation of the
objective of his lecture did not pay too much attention. "
It is a consideration. In general, we concur.
Question: "Yesterday I referred again to the first step. Could you please tell me if there are
techniques to implement the first step of transcendental meditation or simple meditation?".
If meditation is simple, it is to review what has happened, to deepen the causes of conflict that
has occurred during the day and see where dreams are constantly shifting. You can easily set that
up any citizen.
If this is the first step of transcendental meditation, I say this: learning to see is not nothing but to
perceive an object with all the care available, and discover (not to repeat exactly what he has
heard, but to understand it) that when you try to see something with care, can not do it for a long
time because once your mind inhabit dreams. The first step puts us in touch and we discover the
world of dreams. That's all what happens with the first step. There is nothing extraordinary
happens in the consciousness of one, one will discover things. That's it.
Well, let's be quite brief, because it is nothing more than a repasito on our subject.
Let us try to frame, first, this transcendental meditation within a larger system. Transcendental
meditation is in the air, not hanging. In what we call "doctrine", the case of transcendental
meditation is a small case, a point that we are now developing and that is a big thing because it is
our subject of exposure. In the body of doctrine, it is of little importance in transcendental
meditation. Let's say that we care about in the body of doctrine, some universal laws problems,
some problems of method, we are concerned the structure of the universe of historical processes,
structure of men.
Within the structure of man we find in our studies, with a lot of things. One of the points of the
structure of man is the point of dreaming that fits in the great issue of levels of consciousness.
Within these levels of consciousness discovered deep sleep, semi-sleep and wakefulness,
awareness of self and a possible objective consciousness.
Well, transcendental meditation, then, would be a particular case of research into levels of
In the books circulating through, there, that relate to issues of our doctrine, you'll see that
transcendental meditation is spoken in a - paragraph only in passing.
That is the framework that he wanted to convey, not to magnify this more in the account.
We said in the other three more talks like this:
In times of crisis raises the collective emotional consciousness, which makes values fetishes of
all kinds. Fetish external and internal. The social flight, the ritualization are imposed. The
deception grows. Therefore, many systems of the Oriental, for example, distort important
development opportunities. Such is the case of "meditation" fanciful and distorted.
Meditation in the correct direction is not prayer, it is concentration, not as a mere vulgar
rambling meditation and it is not ritualized. Simple meditation, is to attend the events without
dreaming. Is to review the facts of the day, realizing how dreams have been made and what are
the roots of their own problems and suffering. But to understand the dreams, we had previously
characterized. We have established core differences between dreams and dream. This led us to
the problem of investigating the levels and sleep so we speak of semi-sleep, wakefulness,
awareness of self and other awareness hypothetical possibility. The simple meditation enables
self-consciousness, transcendental meditation while allowing us to examine the possibility of
another level of consciousness. This level, supposedly objective, the subjectivity and the world
are no longer separated, to merge into the same structure.
Transcendental meditation works not with objects but with acts of conscience. These acts do not
relate to representations, but essential structures. Moving beyond the senses, memory, chaining
of thinking, the Transcendental Meditation puts us in the presence of a transcendental world real,
the world is aware of the mind and things in their ultimate root.
In the first step said, "learning to see." or attention to perception. He discovered the mechanism
of dreams.
Second: "see in all things the senses." Distinguished between perception and thing perceived and
realized that this distinction does not occur daily, but on the contrary, both are cast in a single
act-object. There I discovered the mechanism for identification.
Third, "seen in the ways the conscience." I found that the structure of perception is not in the
senses, but in consciousness, and I concluded that according to how it is organized
consciousness, he presents the image of the world. So that if for any reason changes the
consciousness, also changes the sensory data interpretation. He discovered the mechanism of
Fourth: "see in the consciousness of memory." At that moment I realized that in any case, the
structure of consciousness depends on previous recordings and understanding mechanisms
depend on it.
Thus, any kind of relationship and understanding depends on data that serve as raw material to
consciousness. There I discovered the mechanism of understanding.
Fifth: "see the trend in the memory." This is I felt that all representations and, in general, any
object of consciousness is related to events and that the retention of the memory is continuously
updated against any proposed new act of consciousness. Every act of consciousness works with
retention, updates, or protentions. Although futuristic work, it does our memory. This trend is
inevitable and memory does not depend on itself. He discovered the mechanism of intentionality.
Sixth: "the trend seen in the sequence." I noticed that even without making the representations
(in the effort to remove, for example), come anyway: expectations mental resistance, etc. Which
put me in the presence of a sort of structural inertia. There I discovered the determinism of
Seventh: "to see the permanent chaining." Observed that despite the change in expectations,
resistance, acts and moments of consciousness, yet they and all the variations that occur to me,
the permanent is the concatenation of consciousness, the inevitability of their own structure. This

Eighth: "See the permanent one and all." This step causes the sensation of a sort of somersault out.
Apparently, it is illegitimate in the methodical development led to it. It is noted that although the
internal phenomena are diverse, they are chained in structure. Returning to the level of simple
perception, we see that she too is structured by consciousness. Y obtained by noting that different
minds, undoubtedly, by these steps we have been doing the same conclusion structurality of
consciousness (despite the diversity of particular phenomena), we can infer that the problem of
intersubjectivity can be solved through structural . So the inter-core level is solved, we would say, not
phenomenal level of contingencies, although these (variables as they are) we can obtain data that can
then be reduced. Identity is permanent and diversity is variable. The relationship of consciousness to the
world, is initially variable and contingent, but in the final reduction, phenomena appear also chained
structure. In short: we discovered that consciousness appears as the act of "world" and the "world" as
the object of consciousness. Thus, intersubjectivity and the relationship with the world can be
understood at the level of essences or essential ideas. The essential structure of "consciousness-world"
is permanent. Lowering the level and very quickly, say that "conscience". " and "world" structurally
identified and is not acceptable to provide dichotomies, but to understand that this is the same reality.
Ninth: "See the permanent in action." The structural core is designated by us: "Form." Could be
designated otherwise. However, this still appears permanently in the diversity of phenomena, are
primarily objective or subjective. The permanent form does not depend on the phenomena, but they
depend on it as possible. Even before the existence of phenomena, the structural possibility must exist
for them to manifest. The structural form in that sense logical and mystical, of course, appears behind all
phenomena and acts out of necessity and not by private bodies need.
Tenth: "see what is not motion-form." We believe that can be intuited an area outside the motion-form,
emerges as not "nothing." But just as that which is not motion-shape. Indeed, one can intuit, such as a
darkening of being, a concealment of Being that is not "nothing." In a very simple example, we
understand that an entity may have its complement and that this addition is not that somehow has to
do with him and his own level. The complement of A is A, however, is related to A.
Eleventh: "see what is and what is not, as the same." It includes motion-form and what is not a
movement for what it is and somehow also structured one and the other, but at another level. It is
understood to be and to be as structured priming. It is understood to A and its complement that is not
A, as supplemented, where y is merging into another structure. In a structure that assumes and
characterized as the self-blown.
Twelve: "see one, and all the same." It is noted that the world and therefore consciousness (since they
are related as we have seen) and everything, are at the root, regardless of the particular phenomena, as
well. It's like saying here that the substance of everything in the universe of the mind, the atom and the
galaxies, were the same (regardless of their accidental). But the latter are saying is nothing but an
example. We explain such a thing just to illustrate.
And with that we end our conversations about transcendental meditation. Nothing more, thank you
very much.

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