2010 Bateman Competition Application

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University of Wisconsin-Madison PRSSA Chapter

Please submit the application form, resume and personal statement to the
PRSSA mailbox on the 5th floor of Vilas Hall by Friday, October 8 at 8:00 pm.

About the 2010-2011 Bateman Competition:

For the 2011 Bateman Case Study Competition, students will be challenged to build brand
awareness and expand outreach for Ally Financial’s financial literacy program, an initiative that
began in 2002 and aims to improve financial education among U.S. consumers.

Students will become familiar with the increasingly relevant practice of corporate social
responsibility as they leverage and showcase Ally Financial’s efforts to improve personal
finance education around the country. Teams must find a way to reach low- to moderate-income
individuals, households and communities with the message that basic financial education is
important, and the financial literacy program offers easy access to such resources.

In addition to researching and planning a comprehensive public relations campaign, students

will actively implement their programs through coordinating and facilitating financial literacy
sessions with the target audiences in their communities.

The 2011 Bateman Case Study Competition offers an exciting, unique and challenging
experience. We believe this competition will provide countless opportunities for participants to
exercise creativity and originality in planning their campaigns. As one of the most challenging
programs PRSSA offers, past teams have testified that the program provides unmatched real-
world experience. This program will undoubtedly further your career in the public relations.

About the Application and Competition Process:

PRSSA members wishing to participate in Bateman will fill out the attached form. The Director
will then email candidates to schedule interviews. After all the interviews have been conducted,
the team(s) will be announced.

Each team is comprised of four to five PRSSA members. Ideal Bateman candidates are
creative, energetic, hard-working students who have sound critical thinking and problem solving
abilities. They will also be dedicated to Bateman—available to meet one or two times per week
as well as do some work outside of meetings. As of now, members will not receive credit for
participation, but they will receive a letter of recommendation from the director specifically
tailored to them.

The teams will meet one or two times per week from October 2010 through March 2011. All the
steps of a real world campaign will be employed during this time, from research through
evaluation. The campaign research and planning will take place from October-January,
campaign implementation will be during February, and campaign evaluation and book design
will take place in March.
Terms & Conditions:

1) Participating in Bateman will be an academic year-long journey. The deadline to send in our
campaign is March 28. If you are studying abroad in Spring 2011, you are not eligible to
compete in Bateman.
2) Every meeting is mandatory. If you have a conflict, you must notify the director ASAP.
3) If a team is selected for the final three, the team will be going to Washington D.C. to present
its campaign on May 12 and 13. This is the tail end of finals week and participants will need
to make arrangements with their professors.
4) Competing in Bateman will give team members a vast amount of professional experience.
Not only will this experience impress employers, but all members will receive a personalized
letter of recommendation upon completion of the campaign.

If selected to be part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Bateman Case Study Competition

Team, you agree to:
 Fully participate in a respectful and collaborative manner with other team members and
 Dedicate your time and talent to the campaign project.
 Complete work on Phase I by the end of January 2011, working over the holiday if
 Complete work on Phase II in February 2011 by participating in implementation and
activation of the campaign.
 Complete work on Phase III by working on evaluation and the campaign book in March
 Meet all PRSSA membership requirements and attend all Bateman team meetings.


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Expected Graduation Date

Rank your ability in the following areas 1-7, with 1 being your strongest and 7 being your least
strong skill:
Research Writing Graphic Design
Planning Editing Implementing

Which one of the following statements best describes your approach? (check one)
___ “I am creative.” ___ “I am big picture-oriented.” ___ “I am methodical.”
___ “I am detail-oriented.” ___ “I thrive under pressure.” ___ “I thrive during peace.”

Estimate the hours per week you can devote to this project for the next two semesters:
Fall Spring

Please list any conflicts on your time and flexibility (e.g. work, prior commitments, other student

Personal Statement
Explain in 200-300 words why you would like to be part of the Bateman team. Include your
opinion about the client and any ideas for the campaign. Type, print and turn in the statement
with this application form.

Please print a copy of your current resume and turn it in with this application form.

I hereby realize Bateman will require a firm commitment from me. By signing this form I
agree to the terms & conditions previously stated.


Please submit a resume, personal statement and this application form to the
PRSSA mailbox on the 5th floor of Vilas Hall by Friday, October 8 at 8:00 pm.

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