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129 (Continued)

Sphere A alone.
Moments about A: I Aω1 + 0 = I Aω A ω A = ω1 ω A = 50.0 rad/s 

Kinematics: b= − r = 50 mm − 40 mm = 10 mm = 0.010 m
vQ = (vB + bωB )

Condition of impact. v A − v Q = −ev1

v A − vB − bωB = −ev1 (1)

Bar B alone:
Moments about Q: 0 + 0 = I BωB − bmB vB

mB L2ω B − bmB vB = 0
bvB − L2ω B = 0 (2)
Sphere A and bar B together.
mA v1 + 0 = mA v A + mB vB
m A v A + mB vB = mA v1 (3)

Data: m A = 2 kg, mB = 0.5 kg, e = 0.1

v1 = 2 m/s, L = 0.100 m, b = 0.010 m

v A − vB − (0.010 m)ωB = −(0.1)(2 m/s) (1)′

(0.010 m)vB − (0.100 m) 2 ωB = 0 (2)′
(2 kg)v A + (0.5 kg)vB = (2 kg)(2 m/s) (3)′

Solving Eqs. (1)′, (2)′, and (3)′ simultaneously,

v A = 1.599 m/s vB = 1.606 m/s ωB = 19.27 rad/s
ω B = 19.27 rad/s 

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PROBLEM 17.130

A large 3-lb sphere with a radius r = 3 in. is thrown into a light

basket at the end of a thin, uniform rod weighing 2 lb and length
L = 10 in. as shown. Immediately before the impact the angular
velocity of the rod is 3 rad/s counterclockwise and the velocity of
the sphere is 2 ft/s down. Assume the sphere sticks in the basket.
Determine after the impact (a) the angular velocity of the bar and
sphere, (b) the components of the reactions at A.

Let Point G be the mass center of the sphere and Point C be that of the rod AB.
Rod AB: WAB = 2 lb. m AB = = 0.06211 lb ⋅ s 2 /ft
1 1  10 
I AB = mP L2 = (0.06211)   = 0.003594 lb ⋅ s 2 ⋅ ft
12 12  12 
Sphere: WS = 3 lb mS = = 0.09317 lb ⋅ s 2 /ft
2 2  3
IG = mS r 2 = (0.09317)   = 0.002329 lb ⋅ s 2 ⋅ ft
5 5  12 
Impact. Before impact, bar AB is rotating about A with angular velocity ω0 = ω0 (ω0 = 3 rad/s) and the
sphere is falling with velocity v 0 = v0 (v0 = 2 ft/s). After impact, the rod and the sphere move together,
rotating about A with angular velocity ω = ω .

Geometry. R = L2 + r 2 = 102 + 32 = 10.44 in. = 0.8700 ft

r 3
tan θ = = θ = 16.7°
L 10
L  5
Kinematics: Before impact, vC = ω0 =   (3) = 1.25 ft/s
2  12 
After impact, vC = ω′ , vG = Rω ′ θ
Principle of impulse and momentum. Neglect weights of the rod and sphere over the duration of the impact.

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PROBLEM 17.130 (Continued)

(a) Moments about A:

mS v0 L − I ABω0 − m AB vC + 0 = I G ω ′ + mS vG′ R + I ABω ′ + m AB vC
2 2
L  1 
or mS v0 L − I ABω02 − m AB vC =  I G + mS R 2 + I AB + m AB L2  ω ′ (1)
2  4 
 10   5
(0.09317)(2)   − (0.003594)(3) − (0.06211)(1.25)  
 12   12 
 1  10  
= 0.002329 + (0.09317)(0.87) 2 + 0.003594 + (0.06211)    ω ′
 4  12  
0.112152 = 0.087226ω ′ ω ′ = 1.2858 ω′ = 1.286 rad/s 
Normal accelerations at C and G.
L  5
(aC ) n = (ω ′)2 =   (1.2858) 2 = 0.6889 ft/s 2
2  12 
(aG ) n = R(ω ′)2 = (0.87)(1.2858) 2 = 1.4384 ft/s 2 16.7°
Tangential accelerations at C and G. α =α
L 5
α= α
(aC )t = (aG )t = Rα = 0.87α 16.7°
2 12
(b) Kinetics. Use bar AB and the sphere as a free body.

ΣM A = Σ( M A )eff :
WAB + WS L = I ABα + m AB (aC )t + I Gα + mS (aG )t R
2 2
 1 
=  I AB + mAB L2 + I G + mS R 2  α
 4 

 10   
 5 1  10 
(2)   + (3)   = 0.003594 + (0.06211)   + 0.002329 + (0.09317)(0.87) 2  α
 12   12   4  12  
3.3333 = 0.087226α α = 38.214 rad/s 2
 5
(aC )t =   (38.214) = 15.923 ft/s 2 , (aG )t = (0.87)(38.214) = 33.247 ft/s 2 16.7°
 12 

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PROBLEM 17.130 (Continued)

ΣFx = Σ( Fx )eff :

Ax = − mAB (aC ) n − mS (aG ) n cos16.7° + mS ( aG )t sin16.70

Ax = − (0.06211)(0.6889) − (0.09317)(1.4384) cos16.7° + (0.09317)(33.247) sin16.7°

Ax = 0.719 lb A x = 0.719 lb 

ΣFy = Σ( Fy )eff : Ay − WAB − WS = −m AB (aC )t − mS (aG )t cos16.7° − mS (aG ) n sin16.7°

Ay − 2 − 3 = −(0.06211)(15.923) − (0.09317)(33.247) cos16.7° − (0.09317)(1.4384) sin16.7°

Ay = 1.006 lb A y = 1.006 lb 

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PROBLEM 17.131

A small rubber ball of radius r is thrown against a rough floor

with a velocity v A of magnitude v0 and a backspin ω A of
magnitude ω 0 . It is observed that the ball bounces from A to B,
then from B to A, then from A to B, etc. Assuming perfectly
elastic impact, determine the required magnitude ω 0 of the
backspin in terms of v0 and r.


2 2
Moment of inertia. I = mr Ball is assumed to be a solid sphere.
Impact at A.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

For the velocity of the ball to be reversed on each impact,
v′A = v A = v0
ω A′ = ω A = ω0
This is consistent with the assumption of perfectly elastic impact.
Moments about C: mv A r cos 60° − I ω A + 0 = I ω ′A − mv′A r cos 60°

2 2 2
mv0 r cos 60° − mr ω0 + 0 = mr 2ω0 − mv0 r cos 60°
5 5
2 5 v0
rω0 = v0 cos 60° ω0 = 
5 4 r

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PROBLEM 17.132

Sphere A of mass m and radius r rolls without slipping with a

velocity v1 on a horizontal surface when it hits squarely an
identical sphere B that is at rest. Denoting by μk the coefficient
of kinetic friction between the spheres and the surface, neglecting
friction between the spheres, and assuming perfectly elastic
impact, determine (a) the linear and angular velocities of each
sphere immediately after the impact, (b) the velocity of each
sphere after it has started rolling uniformly.


2 2
Moment of inertia. I = mr
Analysis of impact. Sphere A.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Kinematics: Rolling without slipping in Position 1.
ωA =
Moments about G: I ω1 + 0 = I ω A
ω A = ω1 =

Linear components: 
mv1 − Pdt = mv A (1)

Analysis of impact. Sphere B.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Linear components: 0 +  Pdt = mvB (2)

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PROBLEM 17.132 (Continued)

Add Equations (1) and (2) to eliminate  Pdt.

mv1 = mv A + mvB or vB + v A = v1 (3)

Condition of impact. e = 1. vB − v A = ev1 = v1 (4)

Solving Equations (3) and (4) simultaneously,
v A = 0, vB = v1

Moments about G: 0 + 0 = I ωB ωB = 0
(a) Velocities after impact. vA = 0; ω A = ; vB = v1 ; ωB = 0 
Motion after Impact. Sphere A.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp. 1→ 2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Condition of rolling without slipping: v′A = ω ′A r

Moments about C: I ω A + 0 + I ω A′ + mv′A r

 2 2   v1  2 2
 mr    + 0 =  mr  ω ′A + m(rω A′ )r
3  r  5 
ω A′ = 1
7 r
v′A = v1
Motion after impact. Sphere B.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

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PROBLEM 17.132 (Continued)

Condition of rolling without slipping: vB′ = rω B′

Moments about C: mvB r + 0 = I ωB′ + mvB′ r

2 
mv1r + 0 =  mr 2  ωB′ + m(rω B′ )r
5 
ωB′ = 1
7 r
vB′ = v1
2 5
(b) Final Rolling Velocities. v′A = v1 ; v′B = v1 
7 7

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PROBLEM 17.133

In a game of pool, ball A is rolling without slipping with a velocity v 0 as it hits

obliquely ball B, which is at rest. Denoting by r the radius of each ball and
by μk the coefficient of kinetic friction between a ball and the table and
assuming perfectly elastic impact, determine (a) the linear and angular velocity
of each ball immediately after the impact, (b) the velocity of ball B after it has
started rolling uniformly.


2 2
Moment of inertia. I = mr
(a) Impact analysis.
Ball A:

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

 Kinematics of rolling: ω0 = 
Linear components: 
mv0 cos θ − Pdt = m(v A ) x (1)

Linear components: mv0 sin θ + 0 = m(v A ) y (2)

Moments about y axis: I ω0 cos θ + 0 = I ω A cos β (3)

Moments about x axis: − I ω0 sin θ + 0 = − I ω A sin β (4)
Ball B:

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Linear components: 
0 + Pdt = m(vB ) x (5)

Linear components: 0 + 0 = m ( vB ) y (6)

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PROBLEM 17.133 (Continued)

Moments about y axis: 0 + 0 = I ω B cos γ (7)

Moments about x axis: 0 + 0 = I ωB sin γ (8)

Adding Equations (1) and (5) to eliminate Pdt , 

mv0 cos θ + 0 = m(v A ) x + m(vB ) x
or (vB ) x + (v A ) x = v0 cos θ (9)
Condition of impact. e = 1: (vB ) x − (v A ) x = ev0 cos θ = v0 cos θ (10)
Solving Equations (9) and (10) simultaneously,
(v A ) x = 0, (vB ) x = v0 cos θ
From Equations (2) and (6), (v A ) y = v0 sin θ , (vB ) y = 0 v A = (v0 sin θ ) j 

v B = (v0 cos θ )i 
From Equations (3) and (4) simultaneously,
v0 v0
β = θ , ω A = ω0 = ωA = (− sin θ i + cos θ j) 
r r
From Equations (7) and (8) simultaneously,
ωB = 0 ωB = 0 
(b) Subsequent motion of ball B.

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Kinematics of rolling without slipping. vB′ = rω B′

Moments about C: mvB r + 0 = I ωB′ + mvB′ r

2 2
= mr ωB′ + m(rω B′ )r
5 v′ 5 v cos θ
ωB′ = B = 1
7 r 7 r
5 5
vB′ = v1 cos θ  v′B = (v0 cos θ )i 
7 7

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PROBLEM 17.134

Each of the bars AB and BC is of length L = 400 mm and mass m = 1.2 kg. Determine
the angular velocity of each bar immediately after the impulse QΔt = (1.5 N ⋅ s) i is
applied at C.

Principle of impulse and momentum.
Bar BC:

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

Kinematics vBC = vB + ωBC = Lω AB + ωBC
2 2
Moments about B: 0 + (QΔt ) L = I ωBC + mvBC
1  L L
(QΔt ) L = mL2ωBC + m  Lω AB + ω BC 
12  2 2
1 1
QΔt = mLω AB + mLωBC (1)
2 3
 L 
x components: QΔt − Bx Δt = m  Lω AB + ωBC  (2)
 2 
Bar AB:

Syst. Momenta1 + Syst. Ext. Imp.1→2 = Syst. Momenta 2

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