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Fly Emirates

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This project is dedicated to my loving parents and my respected teachers, who taught me

and aligned my life and ways in a well-manner. Without the support and assistance of my

teachers, I would not have been capable of presenting and finishing my work. My parents,

friends and teachers always supported me and guided me towards the right way. I really want to

thank these amazing people around me for supporting me and guiding me. Thank You!

All my efforts behind this project would have gone in van without the assistance of very

helping people around me. I would at first love to acknowledge the support that Fly Emirates

gave me, for making it easier for me to get knowledge about their services and their values.

Without having access to their official site, I would not have finished my work, so minutely. The

information and the details regarding the structure, working, environment, values and working

strategies, etc, of Fly Emirates that I got from their official website was genuine and enhanced

my knowledge too.

My project and any other work would not have any worth without the guidance and

instructions of my course instructor. The planning, strategies and the guidelines that my course

instructor provided me, proved really fruitful for me, while doing this project. I am privileged to

have such a course instructor who always admires and support my ideas and viewpoints and help

me to learn and do more.

Last but not least, I want to acknowledge the help and guidance of one of a service

provider of Fly Emirates. I really want to admire the way he helped me and guided me in the

right way. Without his support I would not be able to complete my project with such a minute


Fly Emirates is one of the largest airline and cargo service providing companies in the

world. Emirates Airline, Emirates cargo sky, etc are the part of Fly Emirates. Fly Emirates is one

of the most prestigious and top-notch air bus services in the world. This airline has its

headquarters in Dubai which is the part of United Arab Emirates. Fly Emirates is only a part of

The Emirates Group and that is the ownership of the government of Dubai under the umbrella of

many projects of Dubai investment corporation group. This company is one of the largest airlines

and cargo service providing companies, in the Middle East. Emirates airline It has operations of

about 3,600 flights on the weekly schedule from its headquarter, Dubai International Airport.

These numerous flights are meant to travel in more than 140 cities in 81 countries around the

world. The Cargo service of Emirates airline is under the duties of Emirates Sky Cargo

(Emirates, 2018).

Fly Emirates is the world's fourth major airline and cargo service providing companies

that carry thousands of passengers across the globe. Emirates airline is the second major in the

world for carrying the freight of passengers safely across the world. Emirates airline is also

among those few airline services that provide direct longer route services. The Emirates airline

initiated its operations in 1985 but within a short span of time the airline service has got a

distinctive place in the world. Emirates airline use different types of Airbuses and Boeing

aircrafts, for its operations. Till 2017, Emirates airline was the major user of Airbus A380 and

Boeing 777, etc, airbuses for its worldwide operations (Emirates, 2018).

Fly Emirates has the vision of providing top class traveling and cargo services to the national

and international passengers. The company has fleet size of about 252 and is aimed to provide

higher customer satisfactory services. The slogan of the company is “From Dubai to destinations

around the world. Hello Tomorrow” and the company is dedicated to fulfill its commitments

with its customers. The company has a strong vision to be in the leading position in terms of

traveling novelty, environmental safety and to thank people for choosing their services. The

company is aimed to provide safe and sound traveling facilities to its passengers. Having its

headquarters and core operations in Dubai, the company is meant to provide cross border airline

and cargo services, without any mess. The company has launched customer dedicated cross

border service campaign under the slogan of “Hello Tomorrow”. This is a great step on part of

the company for providing international services (Vision, Mission and Values of Emirates,



Emirates have extensive customer care values. The company is dedicated to fulfill the

demands of customers, after evaluation and giving services that the customers desire to have.

Emirates have values surmounting and managing their operations for becoming the leader of

tomorrow. The authorities at Emirates are dedicated to provide customer care services and

enhancing their skills by overcoming their loopholes. The bonding between the employees of the

company pursues friendly values for optimizing their service output. The employees of the

company have affiliation not only with the company but also with the customers. That is the

reason they are emotionally bonded with each other and manage to provide splendid services

(Zhang, 2015).
The company is meant to provide splendid services to its passengers. In order to enhance

the reliability of their customers, the company rigidly follows the prescribed rules. The flights of

Emirates Airline are scheduled and are executed timely. In doing so the company is reviving the

time of Golden age, by providing extensively high value services to its customers. Because of

which customer’s affiliation with the company increases and that helps in providing the company

a huge sum of profit. Novel ideas, team management and efficient service delivery also among

the core values of Fly Emirates (Zhang, 2015).


The top level management and low level management of the company, strictly follow the

strategic plans that are meant to enhance company’s profit and customer satisfaction. These

strategic plans are made in order to provide the customers with the best services as compared to

its competitors. Fly Emirates use a number of techniques for improving its services for its

customers. The company extensively utilizes social media and communication networks for

establishing its strategies. Fly Emirates focus on giving top class services to its valuable

customers. In 2017, the strategic plan of Fly Emirates was focused on upgrading the airline and

not only the seats, for the customers (Kasi, 2013).

Fly Emirates is aimed to provide quality services. The company is providing quality services

to the business class and economy class, cabins. The ratio of passengers is also increasing

extensively across the globe. The reason behind this is that the company is providing good

services to its passengers, in a quite uniform manner, throughout the world. That is the reason the

economy class of Emirates Airline is extensively used worldwide. The standards that the

company follows in terms of its strategic plans include:

 Efficient service supply

 Efficient team management

 High professionalism

 Positive company culture

 Minimum cost

 Maximum customer satisfaction

 Leader of innovation

 Cross border quality service (Kasi, 2013).


The culture inside Fly emirates provides a beautiful blend of the values and norms of the

company. As the company is dedicated to provide extensive customer care along with

innovative designs, the culture of Fly Emirates provides guideline for customer-oriented

values. Fly Emirates has developed a distinctive image within a short course of time just

because of its quality service delivery. The company is continuously following and

implementing innovative designs. The main purpose is to provide high quality service within

cost effective range, in order to gather applause from the customers, worldwide. That is the

gist of the culture inside Fly emirates.


Satisfaction of Quality
Passengers Assurance

Team Elegant Service

Management Delivery

(Vision, Mission and Values of Emirates, 2015).

There have been much point of divergences inside the Fly Emirates Norwegian and the

employees of the company, but still the company has managed to sustain just because of its

dedicated culture. The company has a huge employee strength, occurrence of certain issues is

natural in such a huge company. But still the company has managed to imprint a positive and

enduring image against its competitors, only because of the core positive values and culture of

the company (Vision, Mission and Values of Emirates, 2015).


The organizational hierarchy of Fly Emirates is based on a flat, simple and easy model. The

management of the company is dedicated to follow simple organizational designs. A simple

management hierarchy not only well-define the goals of the organization but also is easier for

lower level employees to understand that to whom they have to report. Thus avoiding a long and

complicated management hierarchy, Fly emirates believes in following simple yet innovative
designs in managing the company. There is no complexity inside the management structure of

Fly Emirates, which help in avoiding any errors while decision making. The company has a

simple structure for handing the management. Fly Emirates is divided into several yet simple

hierarchical departments. For financial, human resource, marketing and quality assurance matter

dealings, separate department are established under the umbrella of Fly Emirates (Emirates,



Fly Emirates has distinguished its position among many potential competitors, by providing

numerous valuable services to its customers. Since 2008 Fly Emirates has changed its policies

for enhancing its operations and quality against its competitors. Since the company’s profit

growth has severely been circumscribed after the rising demands and customer shift towards

other Airline companies including Qatar airways, Kingfisher airlines, etc. owing to these

competitors, the aviation traveling is getting very crucial. Therefore, Fly Emirates is paying

additional attention on overcoming its weaknesses and sustaining its opportunities and strengths

(KITCHING, 2015). Beside strengths and opportunities, there are certain weakening factors

that are harming the overall performance of Fly Emirates. Because of racism inside the flight

operations and services of Fly Emirates in Tunisia, the flight operations of Fly Emirates were

banned in Tunisia. Other airline services took advantage of this weakness of Fly Emirates and

offered substantial services in and around Tunisia. Because racism is a factor that is unbearable

in all over the world. This factor posed a negative impact on the performance and image of the

company by minimizing the profit ratio, around the globe. The factor of customer care was also

damaged on account of this pitfall in the service delivery of Fly Emirates (Tunisia suspends

emirates flights over security measures targetting women, 2017).



Customer Oriented Rising inconveniences Future of mass air Tough Competitors

Service inside the employees travel

and management

Innovation Influence of Full bars inside new Rising cost

government airbuses

Dedication of Conventional traits High growth Rigid government

Environment following expectations policies of countries

protection against Fly Emirate’s


Large Fleet Service Rising expenses Extensive operational Negative image in

areas, worldwide third world countries

Direct long route Racism Efficient staff Efficient and less-

flights costly service delivery

of other companies

(Emirates SWOT Analysis, USP & Competitors).



To back up and support my stance that Fly Emirates is still the best airline, despite many

problems and issues inside and outside the company. I have selected an article quoting Is Fly

Emirates still the best airline? The company has a range of 36,000 fleet, extensive cargo service,
hotel accommodation and cabinet services; Fly Emirates is still regarded one of the major airline

services in the world. The company has been earning a record $10,000 Billion of profits, from its

economy and business class traveling service. The major problem occurs when some company

whether small or large, ignores the contents of quality, uniform service delivery and above all

customer satisfaction. When any company ignores such vital factors, the graph of customer

satisfaction, declines. That what happened with Fly Emirates. Since the company is expanding its

services and operations throughout the world, but the factor of quality is missing or being

minimizing in their service delivery (Gronsky, 2014).

The missing factor of quality is really much important and this article has brought this

core issue into light. Since 2008, though Fly Emirates is expanding its operations into many

other countries but they are lacking in enhancing the efficiency, sustainability and factor of

quality in their services. People belonging to all professions including doctors, house-wives,

students and business-men etc, use this airline and its cargo and services on daily basis,

worldwide. But all these passengers give mix views regarding the service delivery of Fly

Emirates. Some say that it’s an amazing airline service but to some it is the worst experience

they ever had. The main reason behind this problem is the lack of uniformity in service delivery

of Fly Emirates, all over the world (Gronsky, 2014).

Fly Emirates is merely focusing on extending its operations in other cities or countries in

all over the world. But the management is not giving any attention towards the uniform and

quality service delivery, in all the countries. Fly Emirates is one of the biggest airline services in

the world. Though the company is efficiently using the most crucial airbuses to be handled, but

the absence of uniform quality service, has disrupted the overall performance graph of the

company, in many countries. The higher management of the company is giving more attention
towards the marketing and expanding techniques of the company instead of maintaining the

quality. The company is spending lavishly on buying more airbuses and for its advertising but

the service delivery is not getting better (Gronsky, 2014).


Because of diverting more attention towards all strategies and ignoring the most vital

strategies including the factor of quality and uniform service delivery in all the networks of the

company, customers have lost interest and reliability. The ultimate result of this dissatisfaction of

customers has resulted in low profit rate for Fly Emirates as a whole. The profit margin of the

company has been fluctuating because of fluctuating views of customer satisfaction, all around

the world. The profit margin of Fly Emirates is directly associated with the level of customer

satisfaction and quality service delivery. Fly Emirates has introduced a novice strategy for

business-class passengers and initiated its Boeing 777-200LR air-line. The airline has introduced

this new class with more convenient seats, but has ignored the ongoing problems, with the

quality service delivery (Champbell, 2017).


The company has serious concerns regarding the sustainability of quality and uniform

service delivery. Therefore, the revival of the golden age air lining facility, once launched by the

company, can prove fruitful for the drowning status of the company. Instead of merely following

including new strategies the company may utilize and work on the existing strategies along with

novel concepts. Fly Emirates indulges itself in novel technological luxuries, and convenient

airbuses, which can prove advantageous for the company in earning profit as compared to other
airline companies. But having a luxurious cabin for passengers is not sufficient for winning

customer support (Breaking travel News).

At present the airline is at hazards with the extensive and novice market strategies,

introduced by other airline companies. The surviving strategies for the Fly Emirates can prove

instrumental by shifting the core attention from mere marketing and growth strategies, towards

quality assurance and service maintenance. Fly Emirates in May has born its first-ever annual

profit downfall and because of which the company is bound to hold many of its extensive

proposals. Owing to this factor many of its customers from sub-Saharan Africa, Turkey, and

Brazil are shifting their interest towards other airline companies. By shifting its attention towards

other departments, factor of uniform sustenance can be attained by the company (Champbell,


One of the major threatening features that the company has to handle may occur in the

U.S which is among the world’s top-class traveling areas. Though Fly Emirates is extent ding

here rigidly but other companies are offering strong opposition through useful strategies. The US

market is under sheer dark clouds for Fly Emirates on account of tough competition there. The

potential competitors of the company include Eithad airlines, Kingfisher airlines and Qater

airways, etc. The top management of the company can make decisions accordingly in order to

enhance their uniform service delivery across all the countries, in the world (Champbell, 2017).




Business Class
150 First Class



Base Miles Class of Service Additional bonus

(Alaska, 2018).

Fly Emirates is spending attention towards developing and making more concerns for the

business class passengers but not for economy class passengers. People who travel in economy

class airbuses are losing faith in Fly Emirates, as all the updates are being done only for business

class passengers but not for all classes. However most of the people travel across the world

using the business class and first class cabins of fly Emirates. But the number of people

travelling through economy class is not lower also. Because of this factor many of the economy

class users are shifting towards other airlines companies, for travelling and cargo services

(Alaska, 2018).


Fly Emirates Passengers




Fly Emirates Passengers




Portugal Zambia Australia Saudi Arabia

(Kasi, 2013).

The management of Fly Emirates can utilize the channels of social media, polling or

interviewing people for updating their services. The remarks of customers must be given huge

score, because high level of customer satisfaction provides the company with extensive profit

margin. Fly emirates can also use such strategies for earning customer support by providing them

with high level services. Instead of merely following the extending policies the company can

take attention in improving its services. Since the company is perform greatly in the developed

countries more than in the developing countries, the company can utilize the same strategies in

these low profit earning countries, for earning more. The company can utilize the following

strategies for overcoming its pitfalls including:

 Paying attention on the reviews of customers

 Answering the queries of the passengers online

 Analyzing the marketing strategies of competitors

 Eradication of racism

 Training the staff

 Simplifying the management culture

 Focus on service delivery in Middle East

 Uniform service delivery around the world (Emirates, 2018).


Tim Clark, one of the higher authorities said that Fly Emirates will be the future of mass air

traveling channel in the world. The company, despite of extensive setbacks, is one of the major

airline companies in the world. To acquire the support of customers, the management of the

company is trying to innovate and upgrade the present structure and airbuses of the company. Fly

Emirates is growing extensively along with improving its services throughout the world. Since

2008, the company is aimed to innovate its services to satisfy its customers, throughout the

world. The company is one of the largest companies having a wide variety of fleet and airbuses,

in the world. The company has introduced Boeing 777 and airbus A380, in order to facilitate the

passengers of first class (MOUAWAD, 2011).

The competitors of Fly Emirates including SkyTeam, etc are offering stiff resistance. The

innovative designs and continuously changing strategies of the company are creating tough

competition for the competitors of the company. Fly Emirates is one of the major airlines with

more than186 airlines, across four continents, in the world. Because of this upgrading strategies

and competitive services of the company, the competitors of Fly Emirates not only in Europe but

also in all over the world, are facing tough competition (MOUAWAD, 2011).
Though Dubai has been facing a severe crisis on and off, but still the company has managed

to survive and did better as compared to its competitors. The management of the company is

highly indulged in paying core attention for adopting novice strategies, for updating the fly

Emirates. Owing to this factor the level of customer satisfaction has been increased over time.

However, the company has not been performing well in the third world countries including some

countries of the Middle East. The overall performance of the company has been splendid in the

European countries. Therefore, the company is trying to improve and make its services more

uniform, throughout the world to upgrade and sustain its momentum (MOUAWAD, 2011).
Alaska. (2018). Retrieved from Alaska:


Breaking travel News. (n.d.). Retrieved from Breaking travel News:

Champbell, M. (2017). Is Emirates Airline Running Out of Sky? Bloomberg .

Emirates. (2018). Retrieved from Consumer affairs:

Emirates SWOT Analysis, USP & Competitors. (n.d.). Retrieved from Emirates SWOT Analysis,

USP & Competitors:

Gronsky, A. (2014). Is Emirates the World's Best Airline?

Kasi. (2013). Marketing Plan of Emirates Airline.

KITCHING, C. (2015). MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories. Travel

News .

MOUAWAD, J. (2011). Emirates’ Ambitions Worry European Rivals.

Tunisia suspends emirates flights over security measures targetting women. (2017). The

Guardian .

Vision, Mission and Values of Emirates. (2015). Retrieved from Air journeys:;_ylu=X3oDMTEybXNuNWlhBGNvb



Zhang, B. (2015). Emirates is attacking its competitors by evoking the Golden Age of air travel.

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