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Witness Statement

This form is to be used to testify or corroborate what has actually been observed.

Witnesses are people who can comment on work/performance/activities and can be:
• A tutor/assessor
• Someone who has competence in the subject and knowledge of the evidence requirements
of the qualification.

A witness statement is used to support assessment. It should not be used to evidence achievement
of a whole unit.

Qualification OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Certificate

Unit title: Unit 10. Media Adaptation

Assessment criteria LO3 P1

covered by the

Candidate name: Laura Hall Candidate

Date, time and 16/04/18 – Individual presentation on the media adaptation idea.
venue of the activity
being carried out:
Full description of The student carried a confident pitch on their own to explain their adaptation
the activities being idea. This was done using excerpts from the Treatment and images of the
carried out by the storyboard.
During Q&A / Feedback it was suggested by the tutor that the student
changes and develops the work:

Treatment Feedback:

 This has not been submitted on your blog, so you cannot pass.
The following feedback is based on the information from your
pitch presentation.
 Consider exploring the idea more, how would it be different
from previous pokemon cartoons? Maybe develop this in
relation to the Pokemon Go app? an AR web series?
 Research composers for the media form and genre similar to
what you are adapting and add some to the soundtrack section,
commenting on the work they have made and relevance to
your work. Consider using covers of pokemon tracks by
contemporary artists.
 Add more detail to the target audience profile, add primary and
secondary audience and also the audience terminology.

Storyboard Feedback:

 This has not been submitted on your blog, so you cannot pass.
The following feedback is based on the information from your
pitch presentation.
 Complete the storyboard
 Please use an app such as Cam Scanner, to photograph the
storyboards, this will increase the contrast and make the
images easier to see. Otherwise, scan the photos and correct in
 Add edits and written detail in the storyboard, detail mise en
scene, diegetic and non-diegetic sound - this is not complete.
 Please add action, edits and sound track.

 Date: 16/4/18
Witness name: Lawrence Vaughan Witness Lawrence
signature: Vaughan
Job title: Teacher Relationship to N/A
the candidate
Contact details: 01472 875000
Additional information:

The witness must be an individual, not related to the learner, who is in a position to make valid
comment about their performance.

It is not acceptable for candidates to produce written witness statements for witnesses to sign.

Witness statements:
• must describe what they witnessed the candidate doing
• can be written or oral accounts of a candidate’s performance
• do not have to be written by the witness, they may be recorded by the assessor after
discussion with the witness and confirmed as accurate by the witness
• should not contain just a list of the skills
• should not be used to evidence the achievement of a whole unit

The assessor will then judge whether the evidence presented meets the standards required by the
assessment criteria for the unit. Often it will be necessary for assessors to make contact with
witnesses to ensure:
a) the witness statement is authentic
b) the assessor’s interpretation of the witness statement is accurate

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