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MARY BOYCE A WORD-LIST OF MANICHAEAN MIDDLE PERSIAN AND PARTHIAN The decision to expand the companion volume of ‘A Reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian’ (Acta Iranica, Troisiéme Série, II, 1975) into a complete dictionary of Western Middle Iranian of the Turfan texts has meant that its preparation will take a consid- erable time; and so, at the suggestion of Professor Duchesne-Guillemin, the present word-list has been prepared to facilitate the use of the ‘Reader’ meanwhile. It is based on a glossary which has long been available to students at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. In it each word is given in transliteration, and this is followed by its transcription in brackets. Some time ago the transcriptions of the original glossary were reviewed by my then colleague, Professor D.N. MacKenzie; and my present colleague, Dr N. Sims-Williams, has kindly considered those of the expanded word-list, and has made further valuable suggestions. For the Manichaean alphabet and the general principles of its transcription see the ‘Reader’, pp. 14-18. In the word-list, if there is a doubt (because of uncertain etymology) as to whether a sound was a stop or a fricative, the transcription 6, d or g has been preferred to B, 5 or y. Occasionally a word only occurs written with a fricative, and then this is transliterated by a fricative, but transcribed (if Middle Persian) by a stop. The entries have been checked not only from the draft of the proposed dictionary, but also from a computerized index to the ‘Reader’ itself, prepared for use in his own researches by Dr. R. Zwanziger, to whom I am indebted for providing me with a copy. I am also very grateful to Dr. Sims- Williams for sparing time to check the typescript, and for his kindness in reading proofs; and to Dr. W. Sundermann for sending me, while the word-list was in the press, a few important emendations to the translations of particular words. In this list minor spelling variants, such as the alternation of p and /f, final -yh and -yy, -g and -q, or the doubling of internal vowels, are not usually noted. Past participles are listed under the corresponding present stems, and cross-references are not always given if the two forms appear close together. In the ‘Reader’ references are often made to the planned glossary-volume for details of restored forms, or discussions of meanings. Such matter is not contained in the present word-list, but will form part of the dictionary. * adj. adv. c caus. coll comp con dem. imp. inchoat. inf. interrog. intrans Lw. lit, Man. neg. nom. pass. Pe. pers. pl postp. Pp. pr. name prep. pres. pt. pro. Pth rel. 88. subst. suff, superl. trans. vb. voc vin. Zor. SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED indicates uncertainty in a reading or transcription adjective adverb ‘common’, i. occurring in both Middle Persian and Parthian causative collective comparative conjunction. demonstrative imperative inchoative infinitive interrogative intransitive loan word literally Manichaean, Manichaeism negative nominative passive Middle Persian personal plural postposition past participle proper name preposition present participle pronoun Parthian relative singular substantive suffix superlative transitive verb vocative verbal noun Zoroastrian ALPHABETIC ORDER Sb Bcd fe) h@,ik@b maps st (D, WX ¥) 4% ~b’n “ber > brwxt ~cyhr ~ nag mang dwryn dy8g ~fryd vgdg gm end "gnyn “gust yw “eynyn “he! ~hwg? “hyd > jwn viy- >kwndg yt ~myt myxt ca ~rdhng “tg Ss “sm’n ~smy- ~st'ng ~stw'n ~stw'nyy [al c., suffix found in verse only, for invocation, exclamation or emphasis see “b’n see “ber see under “brwe- [*azihr] Pe. ‘seedless plants (?)" [ad] Pe. ‘so, thus’ [adug] Pth. ‘capable of (with inf.) [Adug] Pe. ‘capable of” (with inf.) see “dwryn see “dysg see under "fryd- see “g"dg [yam] Pth. ‘time’ see “gnd see "gnyn [agust] Pe., pp., ‘hung up, fastened” see “gwz see "gnyn see “hwg [ahdg] Pe. “defilement’ see “hyd see wn see Jjy- [*ikundag] Pth., pr. name of demon {alif] Pth. “alpha, the first letter of the alphabet’ {améy] Pth. ‘mixture’ see “myxt see rm see "rdhng see rg see °s- ‘smn y-] Pe. ‘bathe, wash (trans.)° see “st’ng see "sw'n [astawani] Pe. “belief, profession" stwnd St ”Swh ”trwn we wm w'st whr-" >> whr-2 ma ~rdyft, °2’dyh meng _ "ayer “zyeryy zynd » We, bE wd we yn, “bin brryg bw °b’xtr! °b’xtr? ~stwnd — *b’xtr see *stwnd [aSt] Pe. ‘peace’ see “Swb [*trdn] Pe. ‘priest’ [awag] Pe. ‘voice, speech’ see Ww'm see under *w’y- [awuhr-] Pe. “be converted” see “whr- [*a’dn] Pe. ‘so, as’; wn c’wn ... “wn ‘even as ... So’; ”’wn kw ‘so that’ see *wr- and “wr see under “wr- see under “wr- pr. name, see under xybr? {awendag] Pth. ‘equal, peer (2)’ [ay-] Pth. ‘come’; suppletive pp. ’md (q.v.) see *y’g [*ayeb] Pe. ‘conflagration, fire’ [ayaft] Pe. ‘boon, gift” [aywan] Pe. ‘palace’ see under *y c. ‘greed; the demon Greed’ {azad] c. ‘free’ see °z"dyft, *z"dyh {azarag] Pe. ‘tormenting, tormentor’ see “zygr [azegari] Pe. ‘greediness, lustfulness’ see °zynd [ab] c. ‘water’ [abaz, Pe., abaz, Pth.] c. ‘back, away, again’ [abad] Pth. ‘prosperous, cared for’ [abag] Pe. ‘with, by’ [aban] Pe., pl., ‘waters’; “*b’n m’h ‘month of the Waters’, the 8th month {abarig] c. ‘other’ [abaw] Pth. ‘then’ {abaxtar] Pth. ‘north’ [abaxtar] Pe. ‘planet’ b’yd pyin ae be’r, “be’r ber °beyn bd’ bd’e- hd’e’g bd’g “bg’ng bw we *bgn- ~bewd *bewhg “bywnd- *bgws *bhwm- *bhwin’g *bhwmyén "bhyst *b’yd — *bhyst 5 labayéd] Pe., impersonal vb., ‘ (with inf.) fabayisn] c. ‘necessity’ see “bc Abzar, Pe., AbzAr, Pth.] c. ‘materials, means’ ibzar] Pth. ‘materials, means’ see “bzyn {abdab] Pth. ‘sunshine’ abdaz-, Pe., abda%, Pth.] c, ‘remove, free, rescue’; secondary *bd’e’d Pth. abdazag, Pe., abdazag, Pth.] c. ‘rescuer’ fabadag] c. ‘assailant’ labdar] Pth. ‘away, yonder’, in the expression “pdr n’m ‘of yonder name’, used of the addressee of a letter fabdrenj-] Pth. ‘assure, make certain (?)° {abdarz-] Pth ‘untie, unload’ fabdom] Pe. ‘lastly, finally’ {abdomih] Pe. ‘end? [abdomén] Pe. ‘last, final” fabdaxtan] Pe., inf., ‘to escape’ aden] Pth. ‘custom, habit; customary, usual; manner, way’ {aBdes] Pth. ‘instruction, command” jaBdés-] Pth. ‘tell, explain; show’; pp. "bdySt [aBdist] ‘shown’ labganag} Pe. ‘abortion’ [aByaw] Pth. ‘increase’ aByaw-] Pth. ‘increase, add’; pp. "bywd [aByiid] [abgan-] c. ‘throw’; w’ng “bgn- ‘shout’; pp. *bgnd [abgand] see under “bg’w- {*abgohag] Pe. ‘dirt (2) fabyund-] Pth. ‘uncover, reveal’ [abyuS) Pth. ‘silent’ [*abhum-] Pe. “disclose, reveal’; pass. *bhwmy “be revealed’ [tabhumag] Pe. ‘one who reveals’ [*abhumisn] Pe. ‘revelation’ (abhist] Pth., pp., ‘left, abandoned’ *bj'm'd *bj’mysn *bjyrw’ng *bn’s “bn’s- *bnft! “bnft? ai br? br? ~br’st br'yyg’w *brdr *brdwm “brg *brgyh’h *brng, *brnng *brngyft “brshr *brwe- *brwd °bryl bryn *bsyst bmg *bwrs’m *bwws *bwyn- *bxrws- *bxSh- "bx hy’ *bxS'yd *bxdyin *bxwrmg iy *by'm’d ~ "by {abzamad] Pth., pp., ‘tormented, tortured” jabzZamisn] Pth. ‘torment, torture’ (*abyirwanag] Pth. ‘disciple, pupil’ jabnas] Pth. ‘destruction, ruin’ labnas-] Pth. ‘destroy; be destroyed (ds 1)” aPnaft] Pth., pp., ‘drew near to, approached’ abnaft] Pth., pp., ‘withdrew, departed” [abar] c., prep., ‘upon; about, concerning; in (of time); to” fabar] Pth., adj., “higher, upper’ [abar] c., preverb, ‘up, upon, over’ abrast] Pe., pp., ‘raised up, exalted’ *abraigaw] Pth. ‘Hebrew (language)()" abardar] c., comp. adj., “higher, upper’ [abardom] c., superl. adj., ‘highest’ (often sub- stantivised, ‘the highest”) [abarag] Pe. ‘north’ [abaragiha] Pe. ‘northerly’ labrang] Pth. ‘zeal’ abrangift] Pth. ‘zeal’ jabarSahr] Pe. “the upper, i.e. northern, lands’ abroz-] Pe. ‘illumine, kindle, light’; pp. "brwxt, ~brwxt [abroxt] afrod} Pth. ‘plants’ {abarél] Semitic pr. name in Pe. abarén] Pth. ‘higher’ absist] Pth., pp., ‘stopped, cut off, ended’ absimag] Pth. ‘swallowing, consuming’ abursam] Pth., pr. name [bus] Pe. ‘with child, pregnant’ abwén-] Pth. ‘dislike, disapprove of” [abxrds-] Pth. ‘call out, shriek, howl’; pp. *bxrwat [abxrust] [abax8ah-] Pth. ‘have pity’ fabaxSahisn] Pth. ‘pity, mercy’ fabaxSayid] Pe., pp., ‘pitied’ labaxSayisn] Pe. ‘pity, mercy’ ‘] Pe. ‘sorrow (?)" fabé] c., prep., ‘without’ bya *by"dgr *by’st’r *by’stryft by WS *by’wiyh *bybxtgyh *byeg *byd’g *byg *byk’r “byayrbgyy *byn “by? bynng byr'z *bysp’r- *byst’g °byst we *bystn bysyh- *bysrm *bywn? byw, “by WS *bywiyh *bywzynd *bywzyndyh byy'd by’d — *bzw- 7 [aByad] Pth. ‘memory’ aByadgar] Pth. ‘memorable’ fabeyastar] c. ‘sinless, free from sin’ abéyastarift] Pth. ‘sinlessness’ see “byws jabéyusih] Pe. ‘unconsciousness’ lab@baxtagih] Pe., adj., ‘being without dissen- sion, free from discord’ fabézag] Pe. ‘pure’ jabaydag] Pe. ‘invisible’ fabig] Pe. ‘of water’ {abékar] Pe. ‘useless’ abékirbagi] Pe., adj., ‘lacking alms, not re- ceiving charity’ Abén] c. ‘of water, watery” Abén] Pth. ‘bright, clear, lustrous’ fab@nang]} Pth. ‘without blame, flawless’ {aberaz] Pe. ‘ceaselessly (7) fabespar-] Pth. ‘deliver up, hand over, entrust’; pp. *byspwrd [abespurd] [*abestag] Pe. ‘teacher (?)° abestawag] Pth., but found in Pe. texts also, ‘apostate’ [abestan] Pth. ‘delay’ abesih-] Pe., pass., ‘be cut off, removed’ jab@Sarm] Pe. ‘shameless’ jabéwina] Pe. ‘guiltless, innocent” [abeyus] Pe. ‘unconscious’ fabéyusih] Pe. ‘unconsciousness’ [abéwizend] Pe. ‘inviolate, unharmed’ [abéwizendih] Pe. ‘inviolateness” fabéyad] Pth., adj., ‘without share’ abzar] Pe. ‘strong, powerful’ fabzirdar| Pe., comp. adj., ‘stronger, more powerful’ jabzay-] Pe. ‘increase (trans.); add to’ jabzaftag] Pth. ‘filthy (27 labzaw-] Pe. ‘increase (intrans.), be increased, added to’ *bawn *bawysn *bixy’ “bzyn, "beyn *bzyn- “bzyngr *bzwn ~ “fryn- abz6n] Pe. ‘increase’ labzawiin] Pe. ‘increase, waxing (of the moon)’ labzaxya] Pe., pr. name jabzin] Pe. ‘cloth, material’ [abz@n-] Pe. ‘sew’ abzéngar] Pe. ‘tailor’ *e(c.), 'z (Pe.), °& (Pth.) [az, Pe., a2, Pth.] prep. ‘from, over, for (of time), "ey, “zy “a - an "dbz "dr dryn -dwny awe *dwryn, “dwryn “dwrystr ‘dyn “dy'wr "dy 'wryft *dyh- : “dySg, “dydg” fh, °pr’h “fr’s °frdr frdwm *frs’gyit frydg ‘on account of, at, in, upon, with, by’; with suff. pro. sg. 3, "zw, dge [azi8] Pe. ‘from him/it’; postp. “from, by’, gov- erning preceding pronoun {ad] Pth., prep., ‘with’ ladda] pr. name in Pe adan] Pe. ‘ignorant’ [adBaz} Pth. ‘hunger’ fadar] Pth., adv., ‘down’ fadarén] Pth. ‘lower’ {adonai] Semitic pr. name in Pe. adur] c. ‘fire’; *dwr m’h ‘month of Fire’, the 9th month adurén] c. ‘of fire; fiery, burning’ ‘adurestar] Pe. ‘ashes’ {adyan] Pth. ‘then’ {adyawar] Pth. ‘helper, friend” adyawarift] Pth. ‘help’ [adih-] c. ‘enter, approach’; pp. “dyd [adid] Pe. only [adén] Pe. ‘entrance’ jad@n-] Pe. ‘cause to enter, bring before’ [*ade8ag] Pth. ‘sign (2° *g58ag] Pth. ‘watcher, watchman (?)° fafrah] Pe. ‘teaching, instruction’ fafras} Pth. ‘teaching, instruction’ {afradar] Pth. ‘prior, superior, better” afradom] Pth. ‘first, foremost’ (often substan- tivised, ‘the first’) *afrasagift] Pth. ‘contempt, scorn (?)° [afridag] c., pp./adj., ‘blessed’ fifrin] Pe. ‘blessing, prayer, praise’ [afrin-] Pth. ‘invoke blessings on, bless, pray’; pp. “fryd, “fryd [afrid] c. | | | | { i | | | } | frywn frywnsr fwr-, ”pwr- *B *g'h) “g'dg, “g’dg ‘gmy “gd *gnd, 'gnd “gnyn, “gnyn, “gynyn “er erw “gr’yh “gs, “gs ‘ewe “gwd- *gwhysn *gwmyg >gwmygyh’ "gwstgyft "gw2, ywz e “he, he "Wd hr We *himwg °hlw *hnwn *hnwne *hr’m frywn — *he’m 9 {afriwan] Pth. ‘blessing, prayer, praise’ afriwansar] Pth. ‘choir-master’ afur-] Pe. ‘invoke blessings on, bless, pray’; pp. “fryd (see under Pth. “fryn-); secondary pp. °fwryd [Afurid] ‘created’ ; inf. ‘pwrydn [Afuridan] “to create” if faya8ag] Pth. ‘wish, desire’ ay] Pth. ‘unwilling, unwillingly’ ayad] Pth., pp., ‘came’; used as suppletive to figand] Pth., pp., ‘filled, filled in’ Aginén] Pe. ‘together’ [agar] Pe. ‘if? [agraw] Pe. ‘noble, excellent, fine” jagrayih] Pe. ‘fineness, nobility” [agas] Pth. ‘apparent, visible” figozZ] Pth. ‘side’; hrw “gwe ‘all sides, every- where” fagod-] Pth. ‘defile, soil’ {Agohin] Pe. ‘defilement’ agumég] Pe. ‘unmixed’ [agumégiha] Pe., adv. in form, but used as adj., ‘unmixed’ [ayustagift] Pth. ‘defilement’ [ayOz] Pth. ‘covering, envelopment, encircle- ment; enclosure” [agird] Pe. ‘unploughed, untilled’ fah-, h-] c. ‘be’, main vb. and auxiliary {ahad] Pth., a form from *h- (q.v.), used as main vb. 3 sg. present ‘is’, and auxiliary with pp. ar] Pth. ‘food’ jahaz] Pth., a form from “h- (q.v.), used as main vb. 3 sg. present and past, and auxiliary with pp. ahlamég] Pe. ‘heretic’ ahlaw] Pe. ‘just, righteous’ lahaniin] Pe. ‘now’ {ahaniinz] Pe. ‘still, yet’ ahram] Pe. ‘raising up’ (used of the physical redemption of light) *hr’m- *hr’mysn *hr’s *hr’s’d *hrmyn hrywe °hwg, “hwe! "bxt ‘hy hyn *hy’ng hyd, “hyd “hydgr “hyng *hynz- ‘jdh’g 3jwn, wn “iy iy- “Ixsyndrgyrd = *m’br ‘mh, “mM? *m’xs- “mb"y “mb"r- “mb’rg “mbst *mbwy"d "md *mdysnyh *hr’m- ~ *mhr’spnd’n fahram-] c., trans., ‘lift up, raise’; intrans. ‘rise up, ascen p. “hr’ft, “hr’pt [ahraft] Pe. ‘raised up; rose up’; secondary pp. *hr’'m’d Pth.; inf. *hr’pin Pe. ahramin] Pe. ‘raising up, redemption’ jahras} Pth. ‘fear, terror’ fahrasad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘frightened, terri- fied’ jahremen] c. ‘the Hostile Spirit, the Devil’ fahrewar] c. ‘pit of death, deadly pit” ahiig] Pe. ‘deer, gazelle’ see under “hynz- fahy] Pe. ‘beginning’; °c “hy ‘in the beginning’ ; adv. ‘first’ Pth.,? [ahyanag] Pth. ‘nest’ fahid] Pe. ‘state of being ashamed, sullenness (?)° ahidgar] Pe. ‘one who pollutes, corrupts’ jahénag} Pe. ‘ancient, former’; as pl. subst. ‘men of old” [ahenz-] Pe. ‘draw, draw up’; pp. “bxt [ahaxt] jazSahag] Pth. ‘dragon’ 4Z5n] Pth. ‘rebirth’ [Azay-] Pth. ‘be reborn’ jalaxsindargird] place name in Pe., ‘Alexandria (in Egypt)’ see "7h jamabar] Pth. ‘in the future, hereafter’ [ama(h)] c. ‘we, us? amaxs-] Pe. ‘plough, till’ ambay] Pth. ‘competitor, rival, foe” jambar-] Pth. “fill” lambarag] Pth. ‘store-house, store’ fambast] Pth., pp., ‘fell down, collapsed” flamboyad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘kissed’ imad] Pe., pp., ‘came’. Used as a suppletive to y-, g.v. [amadisnih] Pe. ‘coming’ °mhr’spnd’n, mhr’spnd’n—{(a)mahraspandan] Pe., pl., Zor. religious term, ‘the Bounteous Immortals’, used for "mst mw *mwe- °mwe’g, "mweg "mwg “mwjd, "mwid “mwjdyft *mwrd-, "mwrt- °mwrdn “mwrdysn "mwrzyd “mwst "mwstyg’n “mwit “mwstg “mwxs- “mwxtg myn °myxs-, "myxs- *myzysn *mz- "a why'd wd we *n’'g-kwnysn ‘w’'gyh *wgyhgwmyg “mst — *n’gyhewmyg nM the 5 Light Elements imprisoned in matter; and for the Elect, as beings of Light see under “mz- *ammi] c., pr. name ‘amm6z-] Pth. ‘teach, instruct’; inchoat. as pass. °mwxs- [amméxs-] “be taught’ ammOZg] Pth. ‘teacher; Teacher (title of high dignitary in the Man. church)" lammég] Pth. ‘teaching, doctrine’ [amuZd] Pth. ‘mercy’ [amuZdift] Pth. ‘mercifulness’ [amward-]c., in Pe. ‘turn, turn towards’, in Pth. ‘bring together, gather, collect’; pp. “*mwist amwast] c. ‘gathered together, brought to- gether” |amwardan] Pth. ‘place of assembly, {amwardi§n] Pth. ‘collecting, collection’ amurzid] Pe., pp., ‘pitied’ {amwast] Pth., pp./adj., having believed, be- lieving, faithful, devout’; as subst. “believer”, sometimes a synonym for the Elect laméstigan] Pth. ‘firm, strong” see under “mwrd- amwaitag] Pth. ‘gathered, collected’ see under “mwe- lamméxtag] Pth. ‘taught; learned” [amen] c. ‘amen’ famixs-] c., inchoat. as pass., ‘be mixed’; pp. *myxt, “myxt [amixt]; inf. **myxtn [amezisn] Pe. ‘mixture’ [amaz-] Pth. ‘break, destroy’; pp. ’mSt [amast]; inf. *m&tn [an] Pe., pro. | sg., ‘I’; once ny, h 6 (see notes) anaByad] Pth. ‘unremembered, forgotten’ {anad] Pe. ‘was’, as auxiliary with pp.; pl. ’n’nd ‘were’, as main vb. and auxiliary with pp. anag] Pe. ‘evil, wicked” [anag-kunign] Pe., adj., ‘of evil action, wicked” anagih] Pe. ‘evil, wickedness’ anagihgumég] Pe., adj., ‘mixed with evil’ embly’ °wmwrzyg *w'mwrzygyh ‘wnd “n’praptg “n’pt wien ns’ “a'spyn "n’w- *wwdyr owed wy war ond “nd’g °nd’yyn nd’s- a *ndm- °ndr *ndrbyd ndrwz ndrw’zyg ’ndrwa °ndrxt ndrxtg ndryn ndrynj- ondryw'd °ndrz, ’ndwm wim: ~ “ndys- fanam-] Pe. ‘remove, drive away’; pp. ’n’pt janaft] landmurzig] Pe. ‘pitiless’ fandmurzigih] Pe. ‘pitilessness* see under “n"d janafrazaftag] Pe. (late text) ‘unfinished’ see under “n’m- janarzan] Pe. ‘unworthy’ jandsag] Pth. ‘numberless” *anaspén] Pe. ‘ceaselessly, relentlessly’ andw-] Pth. ‘set in motion, move’; secondary pp. wd [anawidér] Pe. ‘not passing, abiding’ anaward] Pth. ‘endless’ [*ané] Pe. ‘yet, but, otherwise’ anazar] Pth. ‘without harm, not harming’ fand] Pe. ‘so much, so many” andy] Pth. ‘sorrow, grief” fandayén] Pth. ‘sorrowful, sad’ [andas-] Pth. ‘leave, abandon’; ’st’r ’nd’s- ‘for- give sin’; secondary pp. °nd’s’d jandak] Pe. ‘little, a little’ fandam-] Pth. ‘sigh; bleat (of sheep)’ [andar] c. ‘in’? andarbed] Pth. ‘mediator’ [andarwaz] c. fandarwazig] Pth. ‘of the air’ andaron] Pe., adv., ‘within, inwardly’ ; also adj. inner’ fandraxt] Pe., pp., ‘defeated’ [andraxtag] c., pl. only, ‘the condemned, damned’ andarén] Pth. ‘inner, interior’ [andrenj-] Pth. ‘defeat, condemn’; secondary pp. “ndrynj’d 2) Pth., pp., ?, bye 1 [andarz] c. ‘precept, command” fandom] Pe. ‘so long, as long’; “ndwm ... d° ‘as long as, until’ [and@8-] Pth. ‘think, intend, plot; think about (pdy’; secondary pp. “ndy8'd *ndyst ?ndySySn ngtd "ng’m "ng’r, “nng’r °ng’we °ngd ’ngdg "ngw- *ngwn “ngwiydg *nj’mysn °’njmn njweyft njyw'd “niyws *nmbr- ‘nng’r *nrgypt nwy "owd'n "nwdg awh *awryd -awig *nwigyh nwiyn ny °nyl ’nyr’n °pdn, “bin pe ondyst ~ *pr B andi8t] Pth., pp., ‘tied up” fand@sisn] Pth. ‘thought, intelligence’; the 4th limb of the Soul fangafad] Pth., pp., ‘torn, lacerated” fangdm] Pe. ‘process of law (2° angar] Pe. ‘reckoning (?)’ langawag] Pth. ‘end’ angad] c. ‘finished, complete; fulfilled, happy, rich” [angadag] Pth. ‘complete, perfect’ ‘angaw-] Pth. ‘find rest, rest, remain’; pp. “ngwd {angiid] ‘remained, ceased’ angOn] Pth. ‘cessation, rest, peace” jangoSidag] Pe. ‘likeness, manner, way’ [anjamisn] Pth. ‘completion, fulfilment’ fanjaman] Pth. ‘gathering, assembly, commu- nity’ {anjiigift] Pth. ‘anguish, distress’ anjiwad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘given life to, saved’ lanjiwag] Pth. ‘life-giver, saviour’ anambar-] Pth. ‘be gathered together’ (?)° see “ng’r anaryift] Pth. ‘worthlessness, indignity’ fanway] Pth. ‘according to, corresponding to’ *aniidan] Pe. ‘ceaselessly (2); or ‘without refuge (2) *anddag] Pe. ‘strange, alien’; pl. as subst. ‘strangers’ [anoh] Pe. ‘there’ [2] Pth. ‘boundless (27 fandsag] c. ‘immortal’ {andsagih] Pe. ‘immortality’ [and8én] Pth. ‘ambrosial, sweet” [any] c. ‘other, next’; often with suff. -c, “nye, nyz, [anél] Semitic pr. name in Pe. anéran] Pe. ‘Non-Iran, foreign lands’ *appadan] Pth. ‘palace’ appar] c. ‘predatory, thievish’; pl. as subst., name of a class of demons °prh ‘prdr “preyh °prs’gyh *pryd, *prydg, “pryn “prynsr *pryy “ps'yh- *pswn ‘pth *pwr, “‘pwwr *pwr- “pwrdg *pwrysn “pyd *pydg rm, “rb dw ean “rd’wyft “ed wyftyg *rd°yyh “rdB'n “rdhng, “rdhng “rdyg *rdyqkr "rg, TB ‘ew rg wm “re wyft pr — “rg*wyft appar] Pe. ‘theft, robbery” {appar-] Pe. ‘carry off, steal’ see fi7h lappardar] Pe., comp. adj., ‘more predatory, more thievish’ fapparagih] Pe. ‘thievishness (?)° *afrasagih] Pe. ‘contempt, scorn (2)’ er [afrinsar] Pe. ‘choir-master’ appari] Pe. ‘theft, robbery (27 [afsdyih-] Pe. “be put under a spell, enchanted’ jafsn] Pe. ‘spell, enchantment’ [aftab] Pe. ‘sunshine’ afur] Pe. ‘creation’ [appur-] Pe. ‘carry off, steal’; pp. ‘pwrd [appurd] *Zpurdag] Pe. ‘guilty (?)° [afurisn] Pe. ‘praise, hymn of praise’ fapéd] Pth. ‘departed, vanished’ {apédag] Pth. ‘lost, strayed” ram] Pth. ‘abode’ rab] Pe. ‘alpha, the first letter of the alphabet’ {ardaw] c. ‘just, righteous’; used sometimes as a synonym for the Elect ardawift] Pth., abstract as coll., “community of the righteous’ the Man. church ardawiftig] Pth. in a Pe. text, adj., ‘of the community of the righteous’ fardayih] Pe. ‘justice, righteousness’; abstract as coll., ‘community of the righteous’ i.e. the Man. church fardaban] pr. name in Pe. ardahang] Pe., but also in Pth., title of one of Mani’s books lardig} Pe. ‘battle’ [ardikkar] Pe. ‘warlike, striving’; as subst. ‘war- rior, combatant’ [arag] c. ‘side’ aryaw] Pth. ‘noble, fine, pleasing” [aryaw-nam] Pth. ‘of noble name’ laryawift] Pth. ‘honour, respect; majesty, state’ | | | rg wyste ‘in ‘rk “rm’s rsny""h ‘rw'n rws- "rwy ae yn? "ry8k zn Soy "S- *sm’ng sng, "sung, “sp’s “spswn *sryst'r ost! ost? “st3 vst! ‘st’ng, “st'ng "str sre ‘strer “stg *stw'n, ”’stw'n *stwnd, “’stwnd >styh *swn, “’swn org’wystr ~ “swn ik aryawistar] Pth. ‘nobler, noblest’ ar#an] Pth. ‘worthy’ fark} place name in Pe. ‘Argi” armas] Pe. ‘hardest metal, steel’ *arseniyah] Greek pr. name in Pth., “Arsenoe” ‘arwan) Pth. ‘soul’ Arwis-] Pth. ‘turn towards, turn to, face’ ardy] Pe. ‘plants, herbs” aryaman] Pe. ‘friend’, used as an epithet of Jesus aryan-Si] pr. name in late Pe. arisk] Pe. “envy” arzan] Pe. ‘worthy’ s-] Pth. ‘come’; suppletive pp. “gd, q.v. [asag] Pe. ‘numberless’ asaman] Pe. ‘unbounded’ ‘askadar] Pth. ‘higher’ (asmn] c. ‘sky’ fismanag] Pth., adj., ‘of the sky” ‘asang] Pth. ‘stone’ faspas] c. ‘service’ [asp8n] Pe. *horse-whip, whip’ *asré3tar] Pe. ‘arch-demon, arch-fiend’, a class of demons fast] c. ‘he/it is’, cf. *h- [ast] Pe., subst., ‘that which is, the present’, c2;aq3 [ast] Pth., in the phrase ’st *h- ‘dwell, abide’, cu 28, 29 [ast] Pe. ‘bone’ [stdnag] c. ‘threshold’, an astronomical techni- cal term for one month [astar] c. ‘sin’ {astarag] Pth. ‘star, planet” (Astaragar] Pth. ‘sinner’ {astag] Pe. ‘bone’ [astwan] Pe. ‘professing’ {astwand] Pe. ‘substantial, corporeal, material’ [astth] Pe. ‘being, existence’ [asun] Pth. ‘iron’ 16 ’swnyn *sym "rg *Sm’h, Sm’ ae °8n’s- “Sw = -Snwysn *Swb, **Swh “Swhgryft “Syft, "Syft *yf'd “Synzyh- “Syxt ow wee -w'gwn °whm’n °whs rwm!, ?w'm own? ows ow'st owwryg w'y- >wh'r- wb’y- -whd'r -whyst owd, "wt ownyn ~ wd asunén] Pth. ‘of iron’ jasém] Pe. ‘silver’ fA8karag] c. ‘plain, apparent’ jasma(h)} c., pro. 2 pl., ‘you’ fasmarih-] Pe., pass., ‘be counted, reckoned” faénas-] Pe. ‘recognize, understand’ fa8naw-] Pe. ‘hear’; pp. "snwd [aint] fasnawag] Pe. ‘one who hears, hearer’ a8nawisn] Pe. ‘hearing’ b] Pth. ‘turmoil, disturbance’ a8dbgarift] Pth. ‘turmoil, disturbance’; the 4th Dark Dominion sift] Pth., pp., ‘troubled, vexed’ Pth., pp., ? a8inzih-] Pe., pass., ‘be drawn up’ (with *wl) t]c., pp., ‘sprinkled, poured’ , Pe., awaz-, Pth.] c. ‘call’ fawaydn] Pth. ‘of such a kind, in such a way, so”; ’wewn wee cw'gwn “even as ... SO” |awahman] Pe. ‘so-and-so, such a one” {*awahas] Pth. ‘now (?)” fawam] Pe. ‘time, space of time; age, epoch; point of time, occasion” [aw(w)am] Pe. ‘trouble, labour’ [awas} Pth. ‘now? see under "w’y- awAwarig] Pth. ‘unbelieving, sceptical” away-] c. ‘lead to, bring’; dybhr *wy- ’w ... “bring anger to’ i.e. “be angry with’; pp. °w’st, >w°st [awast] [Sbar-] Pe. ‘swallow’; pp. ’wb’rd [Sbard] JSbay-] Pe. ‘defend, protect, guard’; secondary pp., caus., wb’ynyd [Gbayénid] ‘made to protect” [ubdar] Pe. ‘crucified’ Sbist] Pe., pp., ‘fallen down, fallen’ ud] c. ‘and’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, °wm; 2, °wt; 3, wS; pl. 1, ’wm’n; 2, ’wt'n; 3, *wS'n; with sg. 1 and pl. 3, *wmy3'n owdy- wd? yn owdyn owdyrySnyg rwittdg owh!, woh °wh? swh'y *whbyh >whng, *whnngyn °whr-, -whyr-, "whr-? *whrmyzd, "wrmyzd *whrmyzdbgyg ’whwb why’ >whyr- rwin- wiy’n owl ’wm, "wm'n >wmws’d owmwst, “wmst >wmy3'n °wn *wnglywn *wnglywnyg rt, wr 7wr-, wr- owriwg wrt owd’y- — “wrt 17 uday-] c. ‘help, save’; secondary pp., ’wd°y’d, Pth. udayign] Pe. ‘help’ *4wadin] Pth. ‘as long as’ awidiriSnig] Pe. ‘unchanging, abiding” oftadag] Pe. ‘fallen, lying about’ [oh] c. ‘thus, so” {oh] c., interjection ‘OY’ (in verse only) *Shay] Pe. ‘perhaps’ Sh-béh] Pe. ‘so be it!” Shang} Pe. ‘sorrow’ Shangén] Pe. “sorrowful” Shar-/Oher-] Pe. ‘arise, ascend’ o(h)rmezd] c. ‘Ohrmazd’, used as pr. name of the First Man; compounded with bg, by, q.v.5 °whrmyzdby m’d, Pe., ‘Mother of the First Man’, a name for the Mother of Life ohrmezdbayig] Pth. in Pe. text ‘of the god First Man’ [dhub] Pth. ‘just so” johya] Semitic pr. name in Pe., one of the Giants see “whr- (6%an-] Pth. ‘kill, slay’; pp. ’wid [6%ad] 6 in} Pth. ‘slaughter’ ul] Pe. “up? see under * wd egun, incited (?)° [must] Pe., pp./adj., ‘freed, redeemed” see under "wd dn] c., interjection, “Ol (in verse only) lewangelydn] c., Greek I.w., ‘Evangel, Gospel” [ewangelynig] Pe. ‘of the Gospel” [awar] Pth., adv., here’; c., used as vb., imp. sg. 2, ‘come!”; with suff. pro. sg. 2, ’wrt, wrt, Pth. only, ‘here by thee’ i.e. ‘come thou!’; with verbal ending -yd, imp. pl. 2, ’wryd ‘come ye!” [awar-] c. ‘bring, carry’; pp. ‘wrd, wrd [Awurd] [awar25g] Pth. ‘desire, lust’ see under "wr 18 *wrw"hmy(y) °wrw’hmygr ?wrw'r- ?wrw’ryn- °wrwn °wrwntr owrwr owrysn °wrzwg "wrzwg-ny’m °wrzwgyn *wsnyndyft *wst- rwstyg ?wsxt mwa, "way ww, wS'n *wyb’m owt, 'wt?n owwd wx! wx? rwxyst owy! wy “wy? *wynd owyrd rwyst-, "wst- rwyst’d? °wyst’m? >wyst’m? owystw'r ’wrw’hmyy ~ ?wys"n furwahmi] Pe. ‘joy’ furwahmigar] Pe. ‘joy-giving” 2] Pe. ‘adore (?)" 2] Pe., caus., ‘cause to adore (2) *Srrdn] Pe. ‘hither; nearer’ *drrdntar] Pe. ‘nearer’ lurwar] Pe. ‘plants’ [*awarign] Pe. ‘dwelling-place” fawarz6g] Pe. ‘desire, lust’ fawarz6g-niyam] Pe. ‘being a sheath for lust, clothed in lust’ Awarzogén] Pe. ‘lustful’ jdsanéndift] Pth. ‘descent’ see "wyst- jOstig] Pth. ‘firm, stable’ Ssaxt] Pth., pp., ‘descended’ [uS(i)] c. ‘consciousness, awareness’ see under "wd [usebam] Pe. ‘dawn’ see "wd 58] Pth. “there” [dx] Pe. ‘existence, life’ [ox] Pe. ‘mind’ [xist] Pe., pp., *descended” awé/oy] Pe., dem. adj., ‘that’; definite article ‘the’; pers. pro. sg. 3 ‘he, she, it’; pl. *wy8’n, >wyn, [dy] Pe. ‘there’ [awend] Pth. ‘so much, so many, so great’ fawird] Pe., pp., ‘entered’ [awest-] Pth. ‘put, place, lay’; secondary pp. owyst’d!, °wst’d awestad] Pe. ‘master’ lawestam] c. ‘province; region, place’ lawestam] Pth. ‘support, prop’ (see further under dst*) jawestwar] Pe. ‘firm, reliable’; as subst. ‘elder (of the family), guardian’ awi8] Pe. ‘to him/it’; postp. ‘to’ see under “wy? venus reece nee nena tee rwyst- rwyst?b >wy8t’bydgyyh owy8t’bySn “wyyst'n'd >wyzm’h rwyzxt fwa'yy wad *wadh, wadyh >wadh’g >wadys *wadyse’r *wadyspryst wah, *wyzm’h > wanh- >wam’hgyn >wam"hwr wan ?waxt, "wyzxt °waxtyy, ’wyzxtyy owzy'n rweyd oweyd’r >wzyh- °wzynysn “CR re x8d °x8'dyh °xSd *xBd’g rwyst- awi8t-] Pth. ‘stand’; secondary pp. °wystd “stood”; also ‘been’ awi8tab] Pe. ‘oppression, tyranny’ awistibidagih] Pe. ‘oppression’ awistabisn] Pth. ‘oppression, harrying” awiStaftag] Pe. ‘oppressed’ *dyStan] Pe. ‘life-force, energy (?)’ fawistanad] Pth., secondary pp., caus., ‘set, placed, put’ see "wzm"h see “wzxt uzzi] Semitic pr. name of a Man. Teacher see under "wzn- juzdeh] Pe. ‘exiled’ [uzdahag] Pe. ‘dragon’ uzdés] c. ‘image, icon; idol” (uzdéstar] Pe. ‘image-hall, idol-temple’ uzdésparist] Pe. ‘image-worshipper, idolator’ awezmah] Pe. ‘lewdness, lust’ fawezmah-] Pe. ‘be lewd, lustful’; secondary pp. ’wzm’hyd lawezmahgén] Pe. ‘lewd, lustful’ [awezmahwar] Pe. ‘lewd, lustful” jdzan-] Pe. *kill’; pp. °wad [zad]; inf. °wzdn [awezaxt] Pe., pp./adj., ‘pardoned’; as subst. ‘the pardoned’ [awezaxti] Pe. ‘pardon’ dzayan] Pe. ‘killing, slaughter’ see under “wzyh- [5zidar] Pth. form in Pe. harmful’ uzih-] Pe. ‘leave, depart, go out’; pp. °wzyd [uzid] juzénisn] Pe., v.n., ‘causing to depart [i.c. from the cycle of rebirth], delivering, redeeming’ see under *xyz- axaz-] Pth. ‘fight, do battle’; cf. *xyz- [ax8ad] Pe. ‘troubled, distressed’ [axsadih] Pe. ‘suffering, distress’ [axSad] Pth. ‘pity, mercy” faxéadag] Pth. ‘pitying, merciful’ 20 *xSwz °xSwzyh °xSwzyhyst *xay- *xSyn- *x8ynd °xtr °xwr- °xwrn oxyz- xyzyn'd yb va yag'ryh a a *y'rdySn ys ae ya", “ya? yd?, “yd? *yd'wn *ydr rydr'd "ye *ynyh 8 *yrd yrdr *yrdst *yrdwm “yrg “yreyg "yrgyh’h *yrnj’g oxswz — “yrnj’g ] Pe. “desirous” zih] Pe. ‘desire’ ihist] Pe., secondary pp. from pass. stem, “made desirous’ J Pth. *be heard’; secondary pp. *x8y"d [ax8in-] Pe. ‘hear’; pp. ’x8yd [axsid] [axsénd] Pth. ‘prince’ [axtar] c. “(fixed) star; constellation, sign of the zodiac” axwar-] Pth. ‘eat; consume, devour (of a fire)’ waran] Pth. ‘meal, banquet” Jc. ‘rise, rise up’; pp. *xyst [Axist] Pe., Pth. ] Pe., secondary pp., caus., ‘raised up’ Ab] Pe. ‘or’ [ayad] Pe. ‘memory’ [ayadgarih] Pe. ‘remembrance’ ayag] Pe. ‘comer’ (cf. “y-) [ayard-] Pe. ‘be distressed, tormented; suffer” layardisn] Pe. “distress, torment’ Js-] Pe. ‘remember’; pp. *y’st | Pe. ‘memory’ féd] c., dem. adj. and pro., ‘this’; "yd ry/’yd rd ‘on account of this, because” [@d] Pth. “here” [@da’6n] Pe. “thus, so” f@dar] Pe. there’ {€dra8) Pth. ‘for this, because of this’ (cf. *yd) &g] Pe. ‘then’ @nih] Pe. ‘similarity’ [&r] Pe. ‘down, below” *erad] Pe. ‘here’ (twice, by metathesis from *ydr?) ardar] Pe., comp. adj., ‘lower’ érdast] Pe. ‘underling, vassal’ fardom] Pe., superl. adj., “lowest” @rag] Pe. ‘south’ [€ragig] Pe. ‘southern’ @ragiha] Pe. ‘southerly’ (@ranjag] Pth. form in Pe. text, “conqueror” *yrnz- *ymng *yrp’y *yryst yw'r oywSt, Pywst rywitg, ywatg, “ywstgyh” °ywyn, *ywyng “ywz, “ywe yy! ‘rd, "2'd ~Paylt, “7 dyft “rdyh, "z'dyh "ad adh’g, ’wadh’g “adygr *zdyh- “awn "ows “zygr, "zygr ~ayh- *zynd, *zynd % “db’g “ded “frg’r a “jgnd “skd ‘skwh “skym *yrnz- = ‘skym 21 @ranz-] Pe. ‘conquer, defeat’; pp. *yrxt [Eraxt] (@ranzag] Pe. ‘conqueror’ [@rpay] Pe. ‘underfoot, spurned’ [*erist] Pe., pp., “having applied oneself (2)” [Ewar] Pe. “buds AyuSt] Pth., pp., ‘agitated, disturbed” yustag] c. ‘agitated, turbulent’ [ayuStagiha] Pe. ‘in agitation, violently” Ewen] Pe. ‘custom’ [Ewénag] Pe. ‘manner, kind, fashion’ ay6z] c. ‘disturbed, aroused” *ay] c., interjection, ‘0 *ay] Pth. ‘thou art’, indicative pres. sg. 2 of “h- see *e faz] Pth., pro. sg. 1, ‘1° id] c. “noble: free” zAdift] Pth. “freedom, liberty’ idih] Pe. ‘freedom, liberty’ azd] c. “known, public’ azdahag, uzdahag] Pe. ‘dragon’; used of the nodes of the moon, y 1. azdegar] c. ‘messenger, herald’; “zdygr yzd “Herald God’, a name for the divinity Answer (cf. Pth. pdw’xtg yzd) fazdih-] Pe. ‘be made aware (?° fazaman] Pe. “timeless” see under 7c azegar] Pe. ‘greedy, lustful’ [azih-] Pth. “go forth, leave, depart’ [azend] Pe. ‘parable, story’ see “e [i8Bay] Pth. “-fold’ (with numerals) idyad] Pth., pp., ‘entered’ (suppletive to dyh-) ifragar] Pth. *be oppressed” ifryanag] Pth. ‘beloved’ [izgand] Pth., once also in Pe., ‘messenger’ iskad] Pth. ‘thorns’ isk6h] Pth., once also in Pe., ‘poor’ iském] Pth. ‘form, shape, outward show (?)° 22 ‘sp'a “sp’s “sp’syg “sp'w ‘sp'w- “spgiyh “spr “sprhm “sprhm’ wynd “sprhme’r “sprhmg “sprhmyn “spsg" spsg? “spwh- “spwr “spwrg'r “spwrg’ryh “spwryg, “spwryh? “spwxt “spxr “spyd “spydpr “spyg “spynj “spyrt “spyr? “spyst “spystw’g. “spySt ‘spyxt! “spyxt? “spyxt’n “spyz- “spyzysn ‘stn- ‘sp'd - ‘stn ispad] Pth. ‘army’ jispas] Pe. ‘service’ ispasig] Pe. ‘servant, attendant’ [ispaw] Pth. ‘terror’ ispaw-] Pth. ‘terrify, affright’ ispagjih] Pe. ‘slander’ [ispar] c. ‘shield? jisprahm] c. ‘flower’ isprahmawend] Pth. ‘flowery, full of flowers’ isprahmzar] Pth. ‘garden’ isprahmag] c. ‘flower’ isprahmén] Pth. ‘of flowers, flowery’ ispasag] Pth. ‘servant? ispasag] c. ‘bishop’ ispoh-] Pth. ‘be terrified, frightened” ispurr] c. ‘full, complete, perfect’ ispurrgar] Pe. ‘perfecting, becoming perfect” ispurrgarih] Pe. ‘completion, fulfilment’ jispurrig] Pth. ‘full, complete, perfect’ [ispurriha] Pe. ‘fully, completely’ ispoxt] Pe., pp., ‘pressed, thrust” ispaxr] Pe. ‘banquet, revelry’ [ispéd] c. ‘white’ ispédparr] Pe. ‘white-feathered” [ispig] Pe. ‘radiance’ [ispinj] Pth. *halting-place, abiding-place’ ispir] Pth. ‘globe, sphere’ [ispér] Pth. ‘troop of soldiers, soldiery, army’ [tispist] Pth. ‘violent, abusive” ispistwag] Pe. ‘violent of speech, foul- mouthed’ ispist] Pth., pp., ‘served’ see under ‘s ispixt] c., pp./adj., ‘bright, shining, radiant’ [ispixtan] Pe., pl. as subst., ‘radiance, splendour’ as attribute of Jesus [ispiz-] Pe. ‘shine, be bright; grow green’; pp. “spyxt [ispixt] ispizi8n] Pe., v.n., ‘radiance, brightness’ [istan-] c. ‘take, take away’; pass. ‘st’nyh-; pp. “std [istad] “st’rg “st?w- “stw'dg “st?wySn “sty: “st’yd “st’ydg “st?ysn ‘stbr “stbryh “std “stft “stmbgyh “strb- “strtywt” “stwb'd “stwd “stwdn’m “stwmyn “stwn “stwr “stwrm’n “stwrm’nyy “stwyqwn ‘styh’g “st'rg — Smg B istarag] Pe. ‘star’ [istaw-] Pth. ‘praise’; secondary pp. ‘st?w’d jistawadag] Pth. ‘praised’ istawisn] Pth. ‘praising, praise” istay-] Pe. ‘praise’; pp. ‘“stwd [istid] istayid] Pe., secondary pp./adj., ‘praised’ istéyidag] Pe. ‘praised’ istayisn] Pe. ‘praising, praise’ istabr, Pe., istaBr, Pth.] c. ‘strong, firm’ istabrih] Pe. ‘strength, firmness’ see under ‘st’n- istaft] c. ‘hard; firm, strong; harsh, cruel; savage, fierce’ [istambagih] Pe. ‘tyranny, oppression’ istarb-] Pth. ‘close with a snap, snap shut’ {istratiyota] Pth. ‘soldier’ istéPad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘conquered, defeated’ see under ‘s¢*y- istiidnam] Pe. ‘of praised name’ [istomén] Pth. ‘last? stn] c. ‘pillar, column’ [istdr] Pth. ‘horse’; pl. ‘horses, cattle’ [*istiirman] Pe. ‘obstinate (2 *istiirmani] Pe. ‘obstinacy (?)” [istéykun] Pe. ‘one who makes defeated, con- queror’ istéhag] Pth. ‘contentious’ [istem] Pth. ‘lastly, at last’ jist€zgar] Pe. ‘contentious, quarrelsome” [iskarwist] Pe., secondary pp., ‘stumbled, lurched” i8karidta] Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Iscariot’ SkOh] Pe. ‘poor’ Skdhih] Pe. “poverty” -] Pth. ‘be patient, wait’ ag] Pth. ‘patient’ kift] c. ‘hard, harsh, harshly’ {ismah] Pth. ‘you’ ismar] Pth. ‘number’ [ismag] Pth. ‘demon’ 24 “amgyft “Smyrna ‘Sn’s- wrsg cane “awe, “Snwhr “Snwhren “Snwhrg “Ste, “ySt- ys YB “ya! ya? ydr “ydr-n’m “ydw’y- “yg WI “ym! ‘ym?, ‘ym ymg “ymydg ‘ymyn “yn ‘yn’wn "ynk “ye ‘yen *“yryen “yst- vn “Smgyft — *yst- iSmagift] Pth., abstract as coll., ‘demons’ ismiran] Pe., pres. part. pass., ‘being reckoned, accounted” isnds-] c. ‘recognize, know’; inf. ‘Sn’xtn isnaxtan] i’nasag] Pth. “knowing, having knowledge’ [isnaw-] c. “hear, hearken’; pp. “Snwd [iSnud]; inf. “Snwdn isnawag] Pe. ‘one who hears, hearer’ [iSniig] Pe. ‘knee’ isndhr] c. ‘grace; gratitude’ isndhrZan] Pth. ‘grateful to (c)’ iindhrag] Pth. ‘grateful’ iSt-] Pth. ‘stand; be, exist (main and auxiliary vb.)’; secondary pp. ‘y&t’d [i8tad] i, ig] Pe., rel. pro., ‘who, which’; rel. particle, the izafe; with suff. pro. sg. 1, ‘ym; 2, ‘yt; 3, *y8; pl. 1, ‘ym’n; 2, ‘y@n; 3, ‘ySn see *yd" see "yd? *idra] alien pr. name in Pe. édar-nam] Pth. ‘having the here-name’, used by the writer of a letter to refer to himself [e5way-] Pth. ‘lead’; pp. ‘ydw’st [25wast] see "y [el] Semitic pr. name of angel in Pe. im] c. ‘this’; pl. ‘ymyn [imin] c., but rare in Pe. ; ‘ymy8’n [im@8an] Pe. only see under ‘y {&mag] Pe. ‘firewood’ *Smedag] Pe. ‘mediator’ see under ‘ym! [én] Pe. ‘this’ (no pl.) *8na’dn] Pe. ‘in this way, thus’ [@nak] Pe. ‘Behold, lo!” ir] Pth. ‘thing, matter’ f@ran] Pe. ‘Iran’ [*érizan] Pe. ‘of Eriz (Persian Iraj) (2)° ast-] Pe. ‘stand; be, exist (main and auxiliary vb.)’; ‘ystyh-, vb 1; secondary pp. ‘yst’d “ystyn- “ys, ySn “ySt- "yt, ‘yen “yw “ywhyd’n “ywe “ywe'ng “ywgwhryh “ywnds *ywndswm “ywrweg “yws’rg “ywSmbt "ywye, “ywyZ “an “zdm- “adyh “agm “zg’myg “rgd “zeryftg “zgwi- ‘aywig “xyryft “awn “aw'rysn Zw’y- “zwrt- “ystyn- ~ ‘zwrt- 25 [@stén-] Pe., caus., ‘put, place, set’; secondary pp. “ystyn’d see under ‘y see “St- see under ‘y jew] c. ‘one’ éwbidan] Pth. ‘one to the others, to one another’ wag] Pth. ‘solely, only’ Ewaganag] Pe. ‘of one kind, similar’ {Swgdhrih] Pe. ‘the state of being of one substance, consubstantiality” @wandas] Pth. ‘eleven, eleventh’ Ewandasom] Pth. ‘eleventh’ @wrdzag] Pe. ‘of/for one day’ @wsarag] Pe. ‘of one year’ [@wsambat] Pth. ‘Sunday’ [éwiz] Pth., with ny, ‘not a single, not one’ izBan] Pth. ‘tongue’ [izdam-] Pth. ‘gush out, gush up’ izdeh] Pth. ‘exiled, banished’ [izyam] Pth. ‘way out, exit, escape” izyamig] Pth. ‘of death; funerary’ izyad] Pth., pp., ‘gone away, departed; gone forth, emanated’; inf. “zydn ‘to get out, escape’; used as suppletive to *zyh- izyriftag] Pth. ‘taken out (2)° izydl-] Pth. ‘hear, hearken’; secondary pp. ‘agwl'd lizyOlag] Pth. ‘ear’ izyrift] Pth., pp., ‘taken away” lizwan] Pe. ‘tongue; language, speech; call, utterance” [izwar-] c. ‘uncover, show; understand, appre- hend, perceive’; inf. ‘zw’rdn [izwardan] izwarign] Pth. ‘understanding’ iizway-] Pth. ‘lead out, away, beyond; set free’; pp. ‘zw’st [izwast] izwart-] Pth. ‘turn back, return; turn into, alter, change; return to the body, be reborn’; pp. ‘zw8t [izwast] b’byl ba bm! bm? b'md'd b’myn b’mystwn b’myw b’myzd b’n, b’n b’nby&n br’ br? bg! b’rg? b’rg? brwe! b’rwr? brryst b’sb’n bs bs bsh bt bw b’wg! brwe? b’awr b'ym bryn bdyg "2y*h- ~ bdyg izyah-] Pth. ‘gird on’ ba} Pe., preverb, ‘out, away’; used also as a particle without evident force [ba] Pe., conj., ‘but; except’; prep. ‘without, except” [babél] place-name in Pth. ‘Babylon’ [ba3] Pth. ‘again’; b’d b’d ‘again and again’ bam] c. ‘radiance, splendour’ bam] Pth. ‘reason’ [bamdad, Pe., baméad, Pth.] c. ‘dawn’ (bamén] Pth. ‘radiant, splendid’ bamistiin] Pth. ‘the Column of Glory’ (cf. ‘stwn) [bamew] Pe. ‘radiant, splendid’ bamyazd] Pth. ‘the Great Builder’ see under by [bambisn] Pe. ‘queen’ bar] c. ‘fruit’ bar] Pe., a rhyme-word without meaning in the phrase xw’r ‘wd b’r ‘food’ [barag] c. ‘wall’ barag] Pth. ‘apparel, garment, dress’ {barag] c. ‘horse, mount” (barwar] c. ‘fruitful’ [barwar] c. ‘laden, burdened’ [barist] Pe., superl. adj., ‘the highest’; subst. ‘the height’ (often a term for Paradise) basban] Pe. ‘watcher, guard’ see under bw- bas-] Pth. ‘sing’ bash] Pth. hymn’ bat] Semitic pr. name in Pth. [baw] Pe. ‘garden, orchard’ bawag] Pth. ‘seed, grain, fruit’ {bawag] Pth., subst., ‘being’ bazir] Pth. ‘wing’ bem] Pth. ‘Bema, feast of the Bema’ [bén] Pth. ‘external, outer’ bidig] Pth. ‘second; other’ bg? bg? bg’nyg by'rd bgcyhr bgpwhr bgr’Stygr bgyft bgystwm bhr bn bnbyd bnd bnd- bndg bndgyft bndyst’n bng bnyst’n bnysn br! br? br- br'd br'dr br'dryh br'z- brz’g bg! - br’z’g 27 bay} Pth. ‘god’; when set before proper names (of divine beings or men), an honorific ‘lord’ bag, Pe., bay, Pth.] c. ‘safe, secure’ [bayanig] Pth. ‘godlike, divine’ bagard] pr. name in Pe. of female supernatural being bayZihr] Pth. ‘of divine nature, divine’ [baypuhr] Pth. ‘son of God’, used in sg. of in pl. of angels and divinities bayrastigar] Pth. ‘righteous God’, used of the Father of Greatness bayift] Pth., abstract as coll., ‘the gods’ bayistom] Pth. ‘most godlike’; only in the phrase bg’n b. ‘most godlike of the gods’ bahr] c. ‘part, portion’ [ban] Pe. ‘bondage, prison’ bannbed] Pe. ‘jailer, master of a prison’ [band] Pth., but occasionally also in Pe., “bondage, prison; bond, fetter’ band-] Pth. “bind, tie on; bind, fetter’; pp. bst (bast] bandag] Pth. ‘servant, slave” bandagift] Pth. ‘servitude, bondage” bandestan] Pth. ‘prison’ {bannag] Pe. ‘servant, slave’ bannestin] Pe. ‘prison’ [bannisn] Pe. “binding, tying’ bar] Pth. ‘door, gate” [bar] element in Semitic pr. names ‘son’ bar-] c. ‘bear, bring, carry, take; endure, experience, suffer’; pp. bwrd [burd]; inf. bwrdn [brad] c. ‘brother’, nom. and voc.; in Pth. also oblique bradar] c. ‘brother’, in the sg., oblique: in pl. for all cases. Often used of the male Elect brddarih] c., abstract as coll., ‘brothers, brethren’, used of the Elect [braz-] c. ‘shine, gleam’; secondary pp. br’zyst brazist} Pe. only [briizig} c., adj., ‘shining’ 28 br'zy3n brhm brhng brmg? brsymws, br symws bry’n bryng bst bstg bsn’n bsn’y binbyd biyhk biyhkyh bw- bwn *bwhww bwd bwd’e'r bwdg bwdyst’n bwg *bwemyg bwj- bwj'gr bwind bwn! bwn? bwndg br’zysn ~ bwndg brazign] Pth., v.n., ‘shining, radiance’ [brahm] c. ‘outward seeming, form, appearance; grace, charm; apparel, garment; (correct) be- haviour, propriety, morals’ brahnag] c. “naked? bram-] Pth. ‘weep’ bramag] Pth., adj., ‘weeping’ [bramag] Pth., subst., ‘weeping’ barsimus] Semitic pr. name of an apostle *briyan/biryan] Pth., adj., ‘burning’ lbrinag] Pe. ‘crevice’ see under bnd- (Pth.), byn- (Pe.) [bastag] c. ‘bound, captive’ baSnan] Pth. ‘height; stature’ [ba8nay] Pe. ‘height; stature’ (basnbed] Pe. ‘master of idol temple, heathen priest” bisehk] Pe. “doctor, physician’ [bischkih] Pe. ‘doctoring, physicking’ [baw-] c. ‘become, be’, main vb. and auxiliary; Pe., imp. sg. b’8, opt. sg. byh; pp. bwd, bwt [bid] c.; inf. bwdn [bawan] Pe., pres. part., ‘becoming, being’ *baubo] pr. name of angel in Pe. see under bw- [ba8azar] Pth. ‘spices’ biidag] Pth., pp., ‘having existed, existing” [bdsestan] Pth. ‘garden’ [boy] Pth. ‘salvation’ [boymey] Pth. ‘mixed with, ie, concerning, salvation (2)’ bdz-] Pth. ‘save, redeem’; pp. bwxt [boxt]; secondary pp. bwj’d; inf. bwxtn; short inf. bwxt, bwj’d [bdzagar] Pth. ‘saviour’ buland] Pe. ‘high’ [bun] c. ‘base, bottom, foundation ; root, source, origin; principle, basis’ [bun] c., adj., ‘basic, actual, real’ bawandag] Pth. ‘complete, completely” bwny’h bwnyst bwr- bwrd* bwrd? bwrd-bg’m bwrdyft bwrdyh bwrdySnwhr bwrz bwrz- bwrzw’r bwrzynd bwrzyst bwrzystr bws- bwt' bwt? bwxs- bwxt bwxt'r bwxtg bwxtgyft bwxtgyh bwy bwyst’n bwyy'g bwz- *bw2’g bwzygr bwzysn bxé- bx3"g bxtg by by ’nyg by-ry'm'n bwny"h ~ by-ry'm’n » bunyah] Pth. ‘base, foundation’ bunist] Pe. ‘origin, principle’ burr-] Pe. ‘cut, hack to pieces’ see under br- burd] c. ‘patient’ [burd-afyam] Pth., adj., ‘having suffered pain’ burdift] Pth. ‘patience’ [burdih] Pe. ‘patience’ burdisndhr] c. ‘bearing gratitude, grateful’ burz] Pth. “high, lofty; loud, loudly’ (burz-] Pth. ‘exalt, honour’ burzwar] Pth. ‘high, lofty; height” {burzend] Pth. ‘high; height’ burzist] Pth. in form, but only in Pe., ‘highest? burzistar] Pth. ‘higher, greater” 'bus-] Pth. ‘await, wait for’ but] Pth., rarely also in Pe., ‘Buddha’ see under bw- boxs-] ., inchoat. as pass., ‘be saved, re- deemed” see under buy- (Pth.), bwz- (Pe.) [boxtar] Pe. ‘saviour’ boxtag] c. ‘saved’ [boxtagift] Pth. ‘salvation’ boxtagih] Pe. ‘salvation’ boy] c. “smell, scent; incense’ [boyestan] Pe. ‘garden’ boyag] Pe. ‘sweet-smelling, odorous, fragrant’ [bdz-] Pe. ‘save, rescue, redeem; win’; pp. bwxt [boxt]; inf. bwxtn [bdzag] Pe. ‘saviour’ bdzegar] Pe. ‘saviour’ [bGzisn] Pe. ‘salvation’ [bax8-] c. ‘divide, distribute, bestow’; pp. bxt baxt] [baxSag] Pe. ‘distributor, bestower’ [baxtag] Pth. ‘divided’ bay] Pe. ‘god’; pl. b’n, b’n [bayanig] Pe. “divine” bay-aryaman] pr. name in Pe. 30 by’syb bye (c.), byz (Pth.) bya? byd? bydndr bydwm byh! byh? byh? byPb'd bylg’ byn- byne’r byrwn by8- by8"c, by3"z by8'z’g by8’zyh by8’zyn- by8p’m bytdryy bywr byxé byz bzg. bzg? bzgdr bzgyft bzgyh bekr bem bemg bzy’dwmyy bzy8k 1 by’syb — bzy8k 2] Pe. ‘leaf (of door) (?) (bez Pe., bez, Pth.] c. ‘but’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, byewm; pl. 1, byem’n; 2, bycyd’n; 3, bycy8'n [bid] Pth. ‘other, another’; ‘yw byd ‘one another’; ‘yw °c byd’n ‘one from another’ bid] Pth., adv., ‘secondly, again; further, then, again’ bédandar] Pe. ‘outside’ bédom] Pe. ‘outermost’ beh] Pth., preverb, ‘out, forth, away’ bh] Pth., adv., ‘outside’; byh ’e ‘outside of, apart from’; *e byh ‘outwardly’ beh] Pth., adj., ‘outer? [belabad] Semitic place-name ‘Beth-Lapat’ bilga] Turkish pr. name benn-] Pe. ‘bind, tie’; pp. bst [bast] [2] Pe. ‘cottage (27 bérdn] Pe. ‘outwardly’; °c byrwn ‘outside, without’ [bé8-] Pth. in form, but Pe. only, ‘hurt, torment’ [bé84z] Pe. “doctor, physician’ ig] Pe. ‘healer’ ‘ih] Pe. ‘doctoring, healing’ azén-] Pe. ‘doctor, treat, heal’ biSparn] Indian pr. name ‘Vigvapani’ *betdaray] Semitic place-name ‘Beth-Darayé’ béwar] c. ‘ten thousand” [bix8-] Pth. ‘beg’ see bye [bazag] c. ‘sinful, wicked, evil’ [bazag] c. ‘sin, wickedness, evil” bazagdar] Pe. ‘more sinful, evil’ (bazagift] Pth. ‘sin, wickedness, evil’ bazagih] Pe. ‘sin, wickedness, evil” bazakkar] c. ‘sinner, evil-doer’ bazm] c. ‘meal, feast’ [bazmag] Pth. ‘lamp’ *bazyadomi] Pe. ‘great wickedness’ [bizeSk] Pth. ‘doctor, physician’ -c (c.), -2 (Pe.) ¢’m- er wn, cwn ’wnyh cwyd exéyn- c'yysn ebwrgyy cBwt cfr efrds ch’r ch’rdh cm- cmg mn cn- cnd- end cnd-s’rg a erg crh crb cm sm cimg cémg’h cém-pdyst cémwr cw’gwn -¢ - owewn 31 i)z, Pe., -(i)2, Pth.] c., enclitic, ‘also, too’ m-] Pth. ‘come’ Car] Pth., impersonal, ‘it is necessary’, with long or short inf. ée’dn, GSn} Pe., adv., ‘of such a kind, in such a manner, as, how’, with correlative "*wn; conj. ‘as, how’; prep. ‘like’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, ewnwm; pl. 3, ewnyS’n ée’Snih] Pe. ‘nature, being” *éawéd] Pth., prep. and postp., ‘around’ (GAxSen-] Pe. ‘cause to taste’ see cyyin [2] Pe., some evil quality (éabst] Semitic pr. name in Pe. ‘(the angel) Sabaoth’ éafar] Pth. ‘four’ (éafardas] Pth. ‘fourteen’ [éahar] Pe. ‘four’ [cahardah] Pe. ‘fourteen’ (éam-] Pth. ‘run, move’ [éamag] Pth. ‘course, movement’ *€aman] Pth. ‘hour’ (cf. jm7n) éann-] Pe. ‘shake, shake off [éand-] Pth. ‘shake (27 and] Pe. ‘as many, so many’; yk end ‘a few’; yk pd end ‘manifold’ (éand-sarag] Pe. ‘of various kinds’ -] c. ‘graze’ [éaray] Pth. ‘lamp’ éarah] Pe. ‘lamp’ (éarb] Pth. ‘smooth, mild’ arag] c. ‘flock’ arm] Pe. ‘skin’ [éa8m] c. ‘eye’; with suff. pro. pl. 1, cdm’n [éasmman], br 1. a8mag] c. ‘fountain, spring’ ¢asmagah] Pe. ‘visible, conspicuous’ [éaSm-padi8t] Pth. ‘place of the eye, eye-socket’ (éasmwar] Pe. ‘sighted, seeing, one who sees’ éawayon] Pth., adv., ‘of such a kind, in such 32 owhr owhrb’d ewhrm, ewhrwm cwnd cewnwm, cwnys’n exs’byd cy! (c.), ty! (Pth.) ey? (c.), t8y? (Pth.) cys cybg cyd! eyd? cydyg cyhr cyhrg cy-k'rg cyln cym! cym?, cym’n cymyy cwhr ~ cymyy a manner, as, how’, with correlative “w"gun; conj. ‘as’; prep. ‘like’; ew’gwn kd, compound prep., ‘like’ [*cuhr] Pth., postp. with c°wyd, ‘round about’ {cuhrbad] Pth. ‘quadruped, animal’ [cuhrom] Pth. ‘fourth’ [éwand, Cond] Pth. ‘as much as; so much, so many, several’ see under c’wn [€ax8abed] Pth. ‘precept, command” [ée/é@] c., interrog. pro., ‘what’; interrog. adj. ‘what’; rel. pro. ‘which, what’; Pth. only ‘who’ (rare); as rel. particle, once in Pe. (aa 4), regularly in Pth. As pro. frequently takes suffixed pro- nouns: sg. 1, cym; 2, eyd (Pth.); 3, ey; pl. 1, ¢., conj., “for, because’; *yd r’y cy (Pe.), ‘yd rd cy (Pth.) ‘for that, because’, ic. ‘because’. The conj. also frequently takes suff. pronouns, cf. cy! [éay-] Pe. ‘mourn, grieve, be troubled” [éayag] Pe., v.n., ‘mourning, grieving’ [eibag] Pe. ‘conceit, folly (2)’ [cid] Pth. ‘always, ever” see under cy! [Sidi] Pth. ‘spirit, one of a group of divine beings” [€ihr] c. ‘nature, essence, being: seed, kindred; (beautiful) form’ (cihrag] Pth. ‘nature, essence, being; (beautiful) form, appearance; aspect, appearance, guise’; i 1, eyrgwm “having what work, of what . ‘reason, cause’; eym r’y ‘for (what) reason, why” see under cy* (Gimi] Pth. ‘from this’ cyn- cy-n"m cyng cynyst’n cyrgwm. cys! cys*, cy8'n cytr eyySn, c‘yySn c ad @dbr @dyh” @dyst’n @hw'n @hw’nyg @hyft awe am d'm'd dmd’d dmg an dwg d’n’gyy @ny8n are @r'w, dP wpwhr eyn- dw 3 (Gin-] c. ‘collect, gather, heap up; tend (of a fire)’; pp. eyyd [id]; inf. eyydn (8-nam] Pe., adj., ‘having what name, of what name’ cinag] Pth. ‘snare, net’ Ginestan] place name ‘China’ see under cyhrg [¢i8] Pth. “thing” see under cy! *éaitr] Pe., in rhyming phrase, mytr cytr, cu 5 [éayi8n] Pe. ‘mourning, lamentation’ da] Pe., conj., ‘until’; *ndwm 4’, “ndwm ... @° ‘so... until, so long as’; prep. ‘till, for as long as, for’; compound prep. d? °w ‘till, for (of time); to, up to (of place)’ see under dh (Pth.), dy- (Pe.) [dadBar] Pth. *judge’ [dadiha] Pe. ‘justly’ dadestan] Pe. ‘judgment’; d’dyst’n qwn- ‘pass judgment, judge’ dahwan] Pth. ‘gift, present” dahwanig] Pth. ‘generous’ (dahift] Pth. ‘slavery’ daliig] Pth. ‘plant, tree’ dam] c. ‘created being, creature’; in Pe. also ‘animal’; in Pth. also ‘creation’ (damad] Pe. ‘bridegroom’ damdad] Pth. ‘created being, creature; animal, beast” damag] Pth. ‘trap, snare” [dan-] Pe. ‘know, understand’; pass. d’nyh- [danih-] ‘be known’; secondary pp. d’nyst; inf. @nystn danag] Pe. ‘wise, a wise man’ {danagi] Pe. ‘wisdom’ [danisn] Pe. ‘knowledge’ [dar-] c. ‘have, possess; hold, keep’; pp. dyrd dird] Pth., d’8t [dast] Pe.; inf., dyrdn, Pth. [daraw(puhr)] Pth. pr. name 34 @’rgyrdyyh *“drw d'rwhdg d'rwhdgyftyg drwg d@rwyn ain, Syn ast @ywr dyn db dbgr dbyr dbyryft dbyryy dd ddyl dgr dh dh- *dhmy’n dhwm dhybyd dhyn *djrtbwhr dm- dmyst’n dn’h dnd’n dr? dr? dr'w- dr’yst dr’ysn drb’n drd 'rgyrdyyh ~ drd idargirdih] Pe. ‘crucifixion’ daru] Pe. ‘tree’ *dariBdag] Pth. ‘crucified’ *dariP8agiftig] Pth. ‘concerning the cruci- fixion’” (dariig) Pe. ‘plant’ [daruwén] Pe. ‘of wood” (da8(i)n] c. ‘present, gift” see under d’r- idaywar] Pe. ‘judge’ see dyn [da] Pth. ‘trick, deception’ (daBgar] Pth. ‘deceiver’ (dibir] c. ‘scribe’ ibirift] Pth. ‘scribemanship, the craft of the scribe’ idibiri] Pe. ‘scribemanship, the craft of the scribe’ (dad) c. ‘creature, animal’; in the hendiadys dd °wd d’m, Pe. only [dadél] Semitic pr. name of angel [dagr] Pe. ‘long’ [dah] Pe. ‘ten’ dah-] Pth. ‘give’; pp. d’d [dad] 2 Pe.? idahom] Pe. ‘tenth’ [dahibed] Pe. ‘lord of the land/country’ |dahen) Pe. ‘mouth’ *jartabiir] Indian place-name (?) in Pth. idam-] c. ‘breathe; blow, sound (of trumpet)’ damestan] Pe. ‘winter’ *dannah] Pe. ‘ache, aches (?)’ dandan] Pth. ‘tooth’ [dar] Pe. ‘door, gate’; drdr ‘door by door’ dar] Pth. ‘valley, glen, ravine’ (draw-] Pth. ‘seduce, deceive’ drayist] Pe., secondary pp., ‘shrieked, called’ idrayign] Pe. ‘shrieking, calling’ darban] Pe. ‘gatekeeper’ dard] c. ‘pain’ | i | i | | i i | | ' drdr drdwmnd drdyn arf arf ary drgmnyft drhm drm’n rw drwd drwdg drwdygr drwdyh drwdyn- drwdyn’g drwd-7'dg drwg drwgmyg *arwj drwnd, drwynd drwst drwityft drwx3 *drwxtgyh” drwxtyh drwan drwamyh drxs- drxt dry’b dryst drdr - dryst ae see under dr* dardSmand] Pe. ‘suffering, sick” idardén] c. ‘pain-filled, sad’ idraf8] Pth. ‘banner’ (drafs-] Pth. ‘shine, gleam’ [dary] Pth. ‘long’ (darymanift] Pth. ‘patience, forbearance’ drahm] Pe. ‘drachma, silver coin’ darman] Pe. ‘medicine, healing’ idrdw] Pe. ‘lie, deceit’ idrdd] c. ‘well-being, health, welfare’; used in formulae of benediction and greeting; drwd "br ‘health (be) upon ...’; ‘wr pd drwd ‘here in health’, i.e. ‘welcome’; drwd d’d ‘gave greeting’; kyrd pd drwd ‘bade farewell’ idrddag] Pe. ‘health, welfare’ [drddegar] Pe. ‘health-bringer’ idrddih] Pe. ‘well-being, health’ idrddén-] Pe. ‘bring welfare’ [drddénag] Pe. ‘bringer of welfare” [drdd-zaidag] Pe. ‘child of well-being,’ ic. a Manichaean [drdy] Pth. ‘lie, deceit’ [*drdymey] Pth. ‘lying, false’ [drdz] Pth. ‘demon’ [(druwand/druwend] Pe. ‘sinful, wicked; sinner, infidel, non-Manichaean’ druwist/drust] Pth. ‘whole, well’ drustift] Pth. ‘wholeness, health’ [druxs] Pe. ‘she-demon, demon’ druxtagiha] Pe. ‘falsely’ [druxtih] Pe. ‘falsehood’ idrdzan] Pe. ‘lying, false; liar” [drozanih] Pe. “falsehood” (draxs-] Pth. ‘endure’ [draxt] c. ‘tree’ idaryab] Pe. ‘sea, lake’ drist] Pe. ‘whole, well; right, proper’; used in formulae of salutation: dryst ’wr, dryst wys’y ‘welcome’ 36 drystyh drz- dst! dst? dstbr dstd’r dstks dstn dswm din @nyz’dg dt at dw dw- dw'ds, dw'dys dw’dyswm dw’ry8n dw’zdh dw'zdhwm awd? dwd? *dwdmnd dwdy dwdyg *dwdyn dwirg dwg’ng dwj’rws dwjbwrd dwidyl dwign drystyh — dwign dristih] Pe. ‘wholeness, health’ idarz-] Pth. ‘tie on, load (pack-animals)’ (das] Pth. ‘ten’ . dst d’r- ‘refrain from’; pd dst ‘y ... ‘for’; dst *wyst’m ‘hand support, staff, stick” dast] Pth. ‘capable, able’ ; ewnd dst *yy ‘as much as you are able’ dastBar] Pth. ‘having power, one in authority’; pd dstbr ‘as one in authority’ {dastdar] Pth. ‘helper’ [dastkas] Pe. ‘making salutation, bowing” dastan] Pe. ‘powerful, able’ [dasom] Pth. ‘tenth’ dasn] c. ‘right hand; right (of side and direc- tion)’ ida8nezadag) Pe. ‘son of the right hand, righ- teous’ dat} c. ‘desert, plain’ 2] Pe.? [dd] c. ‘two’; pl. dwn’n (daw-] Pe. ‘run’ [dwades] Pth. ‘twelve’ [dwadesom] Pth. “twelfth” [dwarisn] Pe. ‘abode (of evil creatures)’ (dwazdab] Pe. ‘twelve’ [dwazdahom] Pe. ‘twelfth’ [did] c. ‘smoke’ *dod] c. ‘then’ [dudmand] Pe. ‘stupid’ [dudi] Pe. ‘second, other; secondly; further, then, again’ [dudig] Pe. ‘second, next; secondly’ (diidén] Pth. ‘smoky’ [*dOfrag] Pth. ‘twofold (?)’ [déganag] Pe. ‘twofold’ [*duzarwis] Pth. ‘hard to ward off (2 ‘duzburd] Pe. ‘ill-treated, distressed, unhappy” (duzdil] Pe. ‘disheartened’ [duzgann] Pe. ‘evil smelling, stinking’ dwix dwn'n dwp’y dwphykr dwr dwreyhr dwst dwsty dw3'rm dw5'rmygr dw3°rmyh dwScyhr dwifr dwskr dw3kryy dwskyrdg’n dwkyrdg’nyh dwémbt dwSmny°dyh dwimtyy dwSmyn dwémyny’dyft dwSw'eyh dwSwityh dwiwx dwéxw’Styh dwéxwpty dway"ryy dwayst dwx8 dwxt dwxwnd dwy dwidynyy dwirw'n dwirwnyh dxmg dwjx - dxmg 37 [d6Zax] Pth. ‘hell’ see under dw dopay] Pe. ‘two-legged, biped’ [d6-pahikar] Pe. ‘Gemini (the zodiacal sign)’ (diir] c. ‘far’ (duréihr] Pth. ‘ugly’ dost] Pe. ‘loving; friend” [dosti] Pe. ‘affection, friendship’ (doSarm] Pe. ‘love’ [ddsarmigar] Pe. ‘loving’ [dosarmih] Pe. ‘love’ duscihr] Pe. ‘ugly’ duSfarr] Pth. *ill-fortuned, accursed’ }d6Sakkar] Pe. ‘erroneous’ ddsakkari} Pe. ‘doubt, scepticism” [duskirdagan] Pe. ‘of evil deed, wicked’ (duskirdaganih] Pe. ‘evil doing, wickedness’ [déSambat] c. ‘Monday’ dusmenyadih] Pe. ‘enmity’ [duSmati] Pe. ‘evil thinking” [dusmen] c. ‘enemy’; pl. dwsmynwn, dwémnwn, dwamnyn, dwémynyn [du’menyadift] Pth., abstract as pl., ‘enemies’ duswazih] Pe. ‘evil speaking, slander’ duSwastih] Pe. ‘evil acting, evil action’ [dusox] Pe. ‘hell’ duSxwastih] Pe. ‘evil acting, evil action’ [dusxifti] Pe. ‘evil speaking, evil speech” (dusyari] Pe. ‘famine’ [ddsist] Pe. ‘most beloved, dearest” [duxs] Pe. ‘maiden, virgin; one of the women Elect’; adj. ‘virginal’ ‘duxt] Pe. ‘daughter’ [2] Pe. ‘accursed (?)° [doy] Pe. ‘a class of demons’ |duzdéni] Pe. ‘evil belief, disbelief {duzrawan] Pe. ‘of evil spirit, evil in spirit” duzrawanih} Pe. ‘evilness of spirit, spiritual corruption’ idaxmag] c. ‘tomb, grave’ 38 dy-, dyy- dyb? dyb? dybg dybhr dybt dyd dydn, dydyn dydym dydymwr dydyn dydy8n dyh dyjw'r dyjwryft dyjwstyy ayl dym dyn, dyn dyn’br dyn’bryft dyw’wr dynd’r dynsrhng dynwr dyn-wzyndg’r dynz’dg dyr dyrd, dyrdn dys dys- dysm°n dy- — dysm’n iday-] Pe. ‘give’; pp. d’d [dad] (dib] c. ‘letter, epistle” [déb] c. “(good) fortune, luck’ débag] Pe. ‘(good) fortune, luck’ |débahr] Pth. ‘anger, wrath’ dibat] Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Dilbat’ did] c., pp., ‘seen’; used as suppletive to wyn- didan/diden} Pth. ‘appearance, form; appa- tition, thing seen” ididem] c. ‘diadem, garland’ (didémwar] Pe. *garlanded, crowned’ see dydn ididign] c. ‘sight; aspect, appearance’ [deh] Pe. ‘land, country’ |diZwar] Pth. ‘harsh, grievous; hardship, wretch- edness’ dizwarift] Pth. ‘hardship, wretchedness’ dijwasti] Pe. ‘evil-(re)turning, reincarnation’ dil] Pe. ‘heart’ [dem] c. ‘face’ dén] c. ‘religion; the church, the Man. com- munity’ [dénaBar] Pth. ‘religious, devout; a believer’ (dénaBarift] Pth. ‘the religious community’ (probably used especially of the Denawars) [dénawar] Pe. ‘religious, devout; a believer; a member of the Denawar section of the Man. community” [dendar] Pe. ‘religious’ [dénsarhang] Pe. ‘leader of the church’ 'dénwar] Pe. ‘religious, devout; a religious man’ [den-wizendgar] Pe. ‘foe to the religion’ dénzadag] Pe. ‘child of the religion, son of the faith’ idér] Pe. ‘long’ (in late texts, of. dgr) see under d’r- (dés] Pe. ‘appearance, form, shape’ [dés-] c. ‘shape, form; build’; pp. dy&t [dit]; secondary pp. dysyd [d@sid]; inf. dystn [désman] c. ‘building’ / i } i dysmwy dyswys dysyén dyst, dygtn dyw dywr dywg dyz fr’e, pr’e fr’gwnd- fr’mwe-, pr’mwe- fr'mwS fr’'mws-, pr’mwé- fr’mwiyy fr'mwxt fr'x fry, pr’y fr°ydr frbd- frbst? frbst? frd°b, prd’b frg’w frgws- frh, prh frh’, frh"h frhng frhyd, prhyd frhyft frhygr frhynj- frjn- frm’n, prm’n? frm’y-, prm’y- dysmwy ~ frm’y- 39 *d&smoy] Pe. ‘hypocrite, dissembler’ *d&swés] Pe. ‘mixture, multifariousness (?)" [désiSn] Pe. ‘handiwork, product’ see under dys- dw] c. ‘devil, demon’ [déwar] Pe. ‘fortress-wall, wall’ [d@wag] Pe. ‘vermin, worms’ diz] c. ‘fortress, fort’ fraz, Pe., fraz, Pth.] c. ‘forward, forth; near’ frayund-] Pth. ‘cover, muffle’ framo6z-, Pe., framoz-, Pth.] c. ‘put off, take off, remove’; pp. fr’mwxt, pr’mwxt [framoxt]; short inf. fr’mwxt 33] Pe. ‘forgetful’ c. ‘forget’; pp. fr’mw&t [framust] [framoai] Pe. ‘forgetfulness’ see under fr’mwe- [farrax] Pth. ‘broad, spacious’ frdy] Pe. ‘more; greater; further’ ifraydar] Pe., double comp., ‘more’ frabad-] Pth. ‘fall down, collapse’; pp. frbst’ frabast| see under frbd- [fraBast] Pth., pp., ‘closed up, stopped, blocked’ [fradab] Pth. ‘radiance’ frayaw] Pth. ‘treasure’ fray8-] Pth. ‘put aside, neglect” farrah] c. ‘glory’; used also of a tutelary spirit, and (pl.) of a group of tutelary spirits *fraha(h)] Pth. ‘for, on account of” [frahang] Pe. ‘education’ *frahid] c. ‘many; abundant’ frihift] Pth. ‘love’ frihegar] Pth. ‘loving’ frahenj-] Pth. ‘educate, instruct’ frazan-] Pth. ‘cut, cut off framan] c. ‘command, injunction’ framay-]c. ‘command, order’; pp. frm’d, prm’d framad); inf. frm’dn 40 frmnywg frmyn-, prmyn- fm’'m- frnm- fitz frsr’y- frsystn fr8w- friygyrd, prygyrd friygyrdyg frsymwew frtwm frwd frwd- frwm’w frwm’y frwrdg, prwrdg frwst frwx, prwx frwxs frwxyh frwyn- frwyng frwz- fry'dg, pry dg fry’dr fry’n fry’ng frydwn, prydwn fryg fryh', pryh* fryh? fryh’mweg fryhgwn frmnywe ~ fryhgwn framanyiig] Pth. ‘hope’ [framén-] Pe. “be glad, rejoice’ franam-] Pth. ‘cause to depart, send away’ franam-] c. ‘go forth, depart’; pp. frnft, prnpt franaft]; inf. prptn [frana’tag) Pth. ‘destroyed, ruined’ frasray-] Pe. ‘sing, sing praises’; pp. prsrwd frasrid] [frasistan] Pth., inf., ‘to break through’ frasaw-] Pth. ‘send’; pp. frswd [frastid] frasegird] c. ‘end of the world’ fraSegirdig] Pth. ‘about the end of the world’ [frasemurw] Pe. ‘peacock’ fratom] Pe. ‘at first’ frdd] Pe. ‘down’ [frawad-] Pth. ‘understand, know’; secondary pp. frwd’d fromaw] Pth. ‘Latin’ frOmay] Pth. ‘Roman’ [frawardag] c. ‘scroll, letter, epistle” see under frwz- [farrox] c. ‘fortunate’ frOx8-] Pe. “sell” farroxih] Pe. ‘fortune, prosperity” frawén-] Pth. ‘foresee, prophesy’; secondary pp. frwyn’d frawénag] Pth. ‘foreseeing” frawaz-] Pth. ‘fly’; pp. frwst [frawast] frayadag] Pe. ‘helper’ friyadar] Pth. pr. name fryan] Pth. ‘friend, beloved’ fryanag] Pth., adj., ‘beloved’; subst. ‘friend, beloved” [fréd6n] Pe. pr. name ‘Thraetaona’ 2) Pe., ?, in the phrase xwr pd fryg bwd ‘the sun was setting’ frih] Pth., adj., ‘dear’; subst. ‘friend, beloved’ see fryyh [frihammdzag] Pth. ‘dear to one’s teacher’ frihyn] Pth. ‘friendly, loving’ | \ i | i | fryhn’m fryhrwd fryhrwin fryhstwm fryst-, pryst- fryst?’n frystg, prystg frystgrwsn frystwm, prystwm frystg fry8tgrwin fryyh, fryh?, pryh? frv’ng frawfs- frzynd, przynd gn he gh gh’yg, s’hyyg ghd’r ghrwsn gm gw gwrdg gbr gbryl ed ghr’dnyft ghr’y'd ghr’yst fryhn’m — ghr’yst 4 [frihnam] Pth. ‘of loved name’ [frihrod] Pe. ‘compassionate’ [frihrdsn] Pth. pr. name of Man. god ‘Friend of the Lights’ [frihstom] c. ‘dearest’ [frést-] Pe. ‘send’; secondary pp. prystyd; inf. pryst’dn [*fristan] Pth. ‘ten seconds’ [fréstag] Pe. ‘apostle; angel’ [fréstagrésn] Pe. ‘apostle of light’, used of Mani [fristom] c. ‘dearest’ [fréStag] Pth. ‘apostle; angel” [frestagrd8n] Pth. ‘apostle of light’, used of Mani [friyi(h)] Pe. ‘love’ [frazanag] Pth. ‘wise’ [frazufs-] Pe. ‘become perfect, perfect oneself” [frazend] ¢. ‘child, son’; pl. frzynd’n (Pe.), frzyndyn (Pth.) [gah] . ‘throne, dais; place; the Bema’; pl. g’b’n, g’hyyh’n [gah] Pe. “Gatha’, only in the phrase pnz g’h, pnzg’h ‘the five Gatha (days)’, ie. the five intercalated days at the end of the year [gahig] Pe. ‘of the Bema’ (gahdar] Pe. ‘king’ [gahrsn] Pe. ‘throne of light’ (used of the Bema) [gam] Pe. ‘step, pace (2)', only in the phrase g’m xw’h- “desire to advance (2)" [gaw] Pe. ‘bull; the zodiacal sign Taurus’ [gawzadag] Pth. ‘calf [gabr] Pe. ‘womb’ [gabraél] Semitic pr. name ‘Gabriel’ [gad] Pth., pp., ‘went, came” {gahradanift] Pth. ‘pride, vanity’ (gahrayad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘having boasted, exulted, been proud’ gahrayist] Pe., secondary pp., ‘having boasted, exulted, been proud’ grww gry- gryft gryheg gryw grywiywndgyg gryy’n gst ester gs gst gw ewe gw'n gw'nyg gwe'n- gwg’ny8n ewe’yy ghwdg ~ gwe'yy guhiidag] Pe. ‘misborn, misbegotten’ guhuwén] Pe. ‘engender, give birth to (evilly)’ (gahé] Pe. ‘then’ [galilah] Semitic place name ‘Galilee’ (gambir] Pth. ‘deep, profound” gandag) Pth. ‘stinking, foul’ gannagi] Pe. ‘stench’ [ganz] Pe. ‘treasure’ [ganzwar] Pe. ‘treasurer’ graB] Pth. ‘womb’ gramag] Pth. ‘wealth, possessions’ [gramig] Pe. ‘treasured, dear’ [garan] c. heavy, great, grievous’ gardnift] Pth. ‘heaviness, oppression’ garasman] Pe. ‘heaven’ gard-] Pe. ‘become’ [gardanidan] Pe., inf., ‘to make turn’ (gardman] Pth. ‘heaven’ gardan] Pe. ‘neck’ fgarm] Pe. ‘warm’ [garmag] Pe. ‘heat’ {grdw] Pth. ‘cane’ fgriy-] Pe. ‘weep’; secondary pp. gryyd [griyid] see under gry-, gyrw- *grihéag] Pth. ‘pit, prison’ [griw] c. ‘self; soul’; gryw zyndg (Pe.), gryw iywndg (Pth.) ‘the Living Self’; xwy$ gryw, wxybyh gryw ‘own self, oneself” griwziwandagig] Pth. ‘of the Living Self” {griyan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘weeping’ fgast] Pth. ‘horrible, loathly ; defiled” [gastgar] Pth. ‘disgusting, loathsome’ [ga8-] Pth. ‘be glad’; secondary pp. g8°d [gat] Pth., pp., ‘bitten, pierced’ [gow-] Pe. ‘speak, say’; pp. gwit, gwpt [guft] gowag] Pe. ‘speaker’ gOwan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘speaking’ [gawanig] Pth. ‘needed, desired’ igugin-] Pe. ‘destroy’ [guganisn] Pe. ‘destruction’ [gugayi] Pe. ‘testimony, witness’ gwhr gwm’n gwm’r- gwm’y- gwmyg gwmyxs- gwmyxt gwmyxtg gwmyzysn *ewn gwnd gwndg gwng gwny’g gwrd ews! * ews? awed ewig gwx’y gwxn gwyndg, gwndg gwysn eye gy’gyh’n. gyn gy'nbr gy’nyg gy'nyn gy'w 8yg, gyyg gyh gyh’n gyhb’n gyh-h3°r gyhmwrd *gylg’y gwhr ~ gylg’y B [gohr] Pe. ‘substance’ [guman] Pe. ‘doubt, suspicion’ gumar-] Pe. ‘appoint’; pp. gwm’rd [gumard] [gumay-] Pe. ‘endure, undergo’ [gumég] Pe. ‘mixture’ gumixs-] Pe., inchoat. as pass., “be mixed’ igumixt] Pe., pp., ‘mixed, mingled’ [gumixtag] Pe., pp./adj., ‘mixed’ [gumézisn] Pe. ‘mixture’ [gon] Pe. ‘kind, sort’ fgund] Pth. ‘army’ see gwyndg gdnag]c. ‘sort, kind’; gwnggwng ‘of every kind” *ponyag] Pth. ‘beautiful, fine (2° gurd] c. ‘hero’ [208] c. ‘ear? {g08] Pth. ‘hearing’ gusad} Pth., pp./adj., ‘extended; extensive, spacious’ *gd8ag] Pe. ‘corner (?)° [gauxai] Semitic place name [*goxan] Pth. ‘blood’ |gawendag] Pth. ‘failing, fault, offence’ gOwisn] Pe. ‘saying, utterance, discourse’ gyag] Pe. ‘place’ [gyagihan] Pe., adv., ‘in various places’ [gyan] c. ‘soul’ gyanBar] Pth. ‘soul-possessing, animate; living creature’ [gyanig] Pth. ‘of the soul, concerned with the soul” [gyanén] c. ‘spiritual’ giyaw] Pe. ‘grass, herbage” [*gayg/geg] Pe. ‘thie? [geh] Pe. ‘flocks, herds’ {géhan] Pth. ‘world? géhban] c. ‘herdsman, shepherd” 9) Pe., 2, a pejorative adj. géhmurd] Pe. pr. name ‘Gayomard’, used for the first man on earth, Adam gilagay) Pe. ‘lamenting, complaining’ eyr- gyrd-’sm’n gyrw- gyst gytyg gz bh h’m’byr h’m’dywn h’m’fr’s h’m’g b’m’xwnd h’m'spyz h’mbnd h’meyhrg h’mdys *h’'mgwn h’mgwng h’mgyn h’mhn’'m h’mhyrz W’mj’r h’mkwnyén h’mkyswr h’mn’p h’mpnd h’mr’st h’mghr h’m3wd"b h’mtwhmg h’mtwxmg Wmw’g gyr- ~ h’'mw’g gir-] Pe. ‘take, seize, grasp, hold’; pp. grypt, gryft [grift] (gird-dsman] Pe. ‘circle of the zodiac’ [girw-] Pth. ‘take, seize, grasp, hold’; pp. gryft grift]; short inf. gryft [gist] Pe., pp., ‘bound, tied” [gétig] Pe. ‘world’ (gazn] Pth. ‘treasure’ see “h- [ha] Pe., interrogative particle *hamaber] c. ‘building’ hamady6n] Pth. ‘fellow-traveller, companion’ fhamafras] Pth. ‘accomplice’ hamag] c. ‘all’ hamaxwand] Pth. ‘of one accord, unanimous; companion, comrade’ [hamispiz] Pe. ‘wholly bright, wholly green’ hamband] Pth. ‘fellow-captive’ haméihrag] Pth. ‘having the same nature’ [hamdés] Pe. ‘having the same shape, being in the likeness’ hamgon] Pe., subst., ‘pattern, model (2° hamgOnag] Pe., adv., ‘in the same manner/way’ *hamagén] Pe. ‘level’ hamhannam] Pe. ‘with conjoined bodies’ {hamhirz] Pth. ‘attendant, bodyguard’ hamjar] Pe. ‘companion, comrade’ hamkunién] Pe. ‘accomplice’ hamkiswar] Pe. ‘the cosmos, the complex of all the heavens and earths’ hamnaf] Pe. ‘kinsman’ hampand] Pe. ‘fellow-traveller, companion’ hmrast] Pe. ‘in just the same way” fhamSahr] Pe. ‘the whole world’ [hamsudab] Pe. ‘companion, comrade’ hamtdhmag] Pe. ‘relative, kinsman’ [hamtdxmag] Pth. ‘relative, kinsman’ hamwag] Pth. ‘of one voice’ h’mwx h’myn h’mzwr hn h’w- hwnd, h’wynd hws’ h’ws’rg Wyn hbz? hft, hpt hft’d, hpt’d hftwm, hptwm hgjyn’g hgrye hiwn hm hm’g hmb’r- hmb’r’g hmb?w hmbdye, hmpde hmbh- hmbx3- hmg hmgwhr hmgwng mpd hmpde hmpymwg hmwe- hmwe’g, hmweg hmwd- h’mwx — hmwd- 45 ham6x] Pe. ‘of the same mind’ [hdmin] Pe. ‘summer’ fhamzor] Pe. ‘of the same strength’ hn) Pe., dem. adj., ‘that’; dem. pro. ‘that, that one’; definite article ‘the’; pers. pro. sg. 3, he, she, it’ haw-] Pth. ‘scorch, burn’ hawend] Pe. ‘similar, like; the like’ hawsar] Pth. ‘similar, like; the like” hawsarag] Pth. ‘of the same rank/age (?)° hayan] Pe. ‘resting-place, grave" *habaza] pr. name in Pth. fhaft] c. “seven” {haftad] Pe. ‘seventy’; pl. form hft’d’n haftom] c. ‘seventh’ fhagjénag] Pe. ‘arousing, arouser’ hagariz] Pe. ‘ever, at one time’, only with following ny, ‘never’ [holwan] place name in Pe. ham] c., adj., ‘same’; adv. ‘also’; Pth. only, ‘together’; hm ... hm ‘also ... and’, ‘both ... and” fhamag] c. ‘all; whole” hambar-] Pe. “fill” {hambarag] Pe. ‘one who gathers, collects’ hambaw] Pe. ‘adversary, foe” [hambadiz] Pe. ‘corresponding to’ hambah-] Pe. ‘fall’ hambaxé-] Pe. ‘divide, divide up; distribute, bestow’; pp. hmbxt [hambaxt] ‘divided’ hamag] c. ‘all’; with suff. -c, hmgye ... ny ‘not at all” hamgohr] Pe. ‘of the same substance” [hamgonag] Pe., adv., ‘in the same way’ hampad] Pth. ‘then (2?) see hmbdye lhampaymdg] Pe. ‘in the same fashion (2)° [hammGz-] Pe. ‘teach’; pp. hmwxt [hammoxt] fhammdziig] Pe. ‘teacher; Teacher (one of the 12 chief dignitaries of the Man. church)’ hamwad-] Pth. ‘believe’ 46 hmwdyndyft hmwg hmwwe’n hmwxs- hmwxt hmwz” hmyr hmys hmysg hmyw hmywyg hn’m hn’r- hnd hnd’m hnds- hndwg hndym’n, hndmn hndysyd hndygyén hng’pt hng’r-, hnng’r- *hngn’n hngnd hngpt hngwn hngySyh- hnj’m- hnjim’n hnjyn- hnng’r- hnz’m- hmwdyndyft ~ hnz’m- hamwadendift] Pth. ‘belief” hammég] Pe. ‘doctrine’ hammézan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘teaching’ lhamméxs-] Pe., inchoat. as pass., ‘be taught’ see under Amwe- a late form for hmwe’g hammir] Pth. ‘together, in all’ |hammis] Pe., prep., ‘together with’; also postp. with preceding *z [hamméag] Pe. ‘always’ haméw] c., adv., ‘always’; directly preceding a vb., gives a continuous sense haméwig] Pe. ‘eternal’ hannam] Pe. ‘limb, member; part’ fhannar-] Pe. ‘direct, turn’; with *wi ‘lift up, raise up” hand] Pth. ‘blind’ [handam] Pth. ‘limb, member; part, section’ handas-] Pe. ‘cease, stop’ fhindiig] Pth. ‘Hindu, Indian’ lhandéman] Pe. ‘before, in the presence of” hand@vid] Pe., pp., ‘having thought’ hand@sisn] Pe., v.n., ‘thinking, thought’ hangaft] Pe., pp., ‘joined together, joined’ {hangar-] Pe. ‘reckon, account’; pass. hng’ryh- {hangarih-] “be accounted’ fhanganan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘filling in’ hangand] Pe., pp., ‘filled in’ fhangaft] Pe., pp., ‘came together, were united” (of coition) hangOn] c. ‘in the same way, so” [hangi8ih-] Pe., pass., ‘be fastened to’ hence ‘follow’; pp. hngySt [hangiSt] ‘fastened, fettered, bound’ hanjam-] Pth. ‘finish, complete, fulfil’; pp. hnjft [hanjaft]; secondary pp. hnj’m’d hanjasman] Pth. ‘openly, plainly’ [hanjin-] Pth. ‘hack, cut to pieces’ see hng’r- hanzim-] Pe. ‘finish, fulfil’; pp. hnz’ft [hanzft] hnzft hnzmn hnzps- hnzyn- hpSyrd hpt, hpt’d, hptwm hptwmyg hr’g hr’stn hrdyg hrw hrw’gwe hrwb- hrwby8n hrwkyn hrwm hrwpt hrwtys hrwysp hry hrysd hryst hrystg hs hs’cyh- hs’r hsp’n hsyng hsystr hnaft ~ hsystr 47 hanzaft] Pe., pp., ‘finished’; inf. hnzptn hanzaman] Pe. ‘company, gathering, assembly; congregation, community’ fhanzafs-] Pe., inchoat. as pass., ‘be joined to, join; be fulfilled, become perfect’ hanzin-] Pe. ‘hack, cut to pieces, murder’ hafsird] Pe., pp., ‘fettered, chained’ see hft, hft’d, hftwm haftomig] Pe. ‘seventh’ fharag] Pe. ‘tax [hrastan] Pe., inf., ‘to arrange, prepare’ fhridig] Pth. ‘third’ ; hrdyg warg ‘the Third Great One’ i.e. Jesus the Splendour {harw] c. ‘all, every’; pl., Pth. only, hrwyn *harwagoz, Pe., *harwagoz, Pth.] c. ‘on all sides, everywhere’ *hrub-] Pe. ‘collect, gather; receive’; pp. hrwft *hruft] *hrubi8n] Pe. ‘collecting, collection’ *harukén] Pe. ‘all’ [hrdm] Pe. ‘the eastern Roman Empire, Byzan- tium’ see under hrwb- harutis] Pe. ‘everything’ {harwisp] Pe. ‘all, every; everyone’ hré] Pth. ‘three’; hry hry ‘three by three’ {hrésad] Pth. ‘three hundred” [*hrist] Pth. ‘thirty’ (hréstag] Pe. ‘angel, apostle” [has] Pth. ‘beginning’ in the phrase ’c hs ‘in the beginning’ ; adj. ‘original, ancient’ [hassazih-] Pe., pass., ‘be made ready’; pp. hs’xt {hassaxt] ‘adapted, fashioned, made” [*hassar] Pe., adj., ‘alike, equal’; prep. ‘like, corresponding to” [haspan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘resting’ {hasénag] Pth., adj., ‘earlier, ancient, primeval, first’; adv. ‘firstly, originally’; hsyng bwdg ‘having existed originally’ {hasistar] Pth. ‘earlier’; hsystr ‘ec ‘before’ 48 hSgyrd hst hit’d bstwm hitwmyg ht” hw hw’b’d hw’bs’gyft hw’bz"r hw'mwid hw’mwjdyft hw'n hw’ngd bw'r'm hw’rmyn hw’xid hw’xSdyg, hwbdr'st hwbwd’g hweyhr hweyhryft hweyhryh hwfrm’n hwiry’d hwfry’d- hwfryxs hwidg hwjstgyy hwiy’g hwjyst’n hwm’ywn hwmbwy’g hwmbwyh hwmryn hS’gyrd ~ hwmryn aSdgird] Pe. ‘disciple, pupil” haSt] Pe. ‘eight’ [ha8tad] Pth. ‘eighty’ haStom] c. ‘eighth’ lhaStomig] Pth. ‘eighth’ hata] Semitic place name [hd/haw] Pth., dem. adj., ‘that’; definite article ‘the’; dem. pron. ‘that’ ; pers. pro. 3 sg. ‘he, she, it’; pl. hwyn huabad] Pe. ‘well cared for, fertile’ {huabsagift] Pth. ‘docility, gentleness’ huabzar] Pe. ‘very strong” (hudmudd] Pth. in a Pe. text ‘compassionate’ hudmuddift] Pth. ‘compassion’ hawan] Pth. ‘agony’ huangad] Pth. ‘very happy’ {huaram] Pth. ‘very peaceful’ or ‘very joyful’ {huadramén] Pth. ‘very peaceful’ or ‘very joyful’ huaxSad] Pth. ‘merciful, compassionate’ {huaxSadig] Pth. ‘merciful, compassionate’ hubadrast] Pe. ‘well prepared’ {hufosag] Pth. ‘fragrant? huzihr, Pe., huzihr, Pth.] c. “beautiful” [huzihrift] Pth. ‘beauty’ {huzihrih] Pe. ‘beauty’ huframan] Pth. ‘of good command, com- manding well’ fhufrayad] Pth. ‘helping well, helpful; helper’ {hufrayad-] Pth. ‘give help, help’; secondary pp. hwfry’d’d [*hufrex§] Pth. ‘ruling well (2° lhujadag] Pe. ‘of good omen, fortunate” {hujastagi] Pe. ‘good fortune, blessing’ [huZayag] Pth. ‘bestowing blessings’ hiiZistan] place name in Pth. ‘Khuzistan’ [humayon] c. ‘fortunate’ lhombéyag] Pe. ‘perceiving fragrance, sniffing up fragrance’ {homboyih] Pe. ‘fragrance’ Ihwamreén] Pe. ‘sleepy’ hwmy’g hwmy’st hwor hwnr’wynd hwnsnd hwnsndyft hwnsndyh hwnywS hwprm’n hwpt’w *hwqyrd hwr’s*n hwmyfr’n hwrw’n hwsrwg hwstyg’n hwyn hwargwn bxs- hy’r, hyy’r hy rbwdyh hy’ryh hyb hygmwn hwmy’g ~ hygmwn 49 *humayag] Pth. ‘fortunate (?)" *humayast] Pth. ‘sparkling, glittering’ hunar] c. ‘virtue, skill’ [hunarawend] c. ‘virtuous, valiant” {hunsand] c. ‘content, happy’ hunsandift] Pth. ‘contentment’ fhunsandih] Pe. ‘contentment’ huniy6§] Pe. ‘obedient’ [huparman] Pth. ‘having kindly thoughts, merciful (2)" hupattaw] Pth. ‘forbearing, patient’ [hukird] Pe. ‘well cultivated” jhwarasan] c. ‘east’ {hwarnifran] Pth. ‘west’ huruwan] c. ‘pious, virtuous” {husrdg] Pe. ‘fair-famed, illustrious’ *+hdstigdn] Pe. ‘strong, firm’ Pth. ‘dry up, wilt” 2] Pe. ‘hot wind, parching wind” [ho8agen] Pe. ‘of the parching wind’ hdSag] Pe. ‘ear of corn; the star Spica’, hence the constellation Virgo’ husk] c. ‘dry’ {husnadi] Pe. ‘contentment, happiness’ huwaz] Pe. ‘benediction, blessing” [hoy] c. “left (of side, direction)’ huyargar] Pe. ‘bringing good harvest’ {huwidag] Pth. ‘happy, fortunate’; hwydgm’n ‘fortunate for us’ see under hw huzargon, Pe., huzaryon, Pth.] c. ‘green’ haxs-] Pth. ‘follow’; with ’w ‘reach, attain to” hayyar] Pe. ‘friend’ hayyarbidih] Pe. ‘state of being friends, friend- ship’ [hayyarih] Pe. ‘friendship’ héb] Pe., optative particle, set before a verb in the optative, or in the indicative to give an optative sense hégemon] Greek J.w. in Pth. ‘ruler, governor’ 50 hy- hynw'r hynz’wr hynz’wryft hynz°wrystr hyrdws hySt hyy’r hyrz- har h2’r-cSm Pdg jm Pm- img jr Fy Pydn Fyd'ng idg ifr jfr'n jhr jhryn jm’n imyg jn iv. jwdy yl — jwdy hil-] Pe. ‘leave, abandon; remit (of sins); establish, appoint; let, allow (with inf)’; pp. hy&t [hist] hénwar] Pth. ‘flood’ henzawar] Pth. ‘mighty, strong’ {henzawarift] Pth., abstract as coll., ‘the mighty ones” henzawarestar] Pth. ‘most mighty’ fhirodos} Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Herod’ see under hyl- (Pe.), hyrz- (Pth.) see hy’r hirz-] Pth. ‘leave, abandon; remit (of sins); establish, appoint’; pp. hyst [hist] hazar] c. ‘thousand’; wyst hz’r ‘twenty thou- sand’; pnjwyst hz’r ‘twenty-five thousand” [hazar-caim] Pth. ‘thousand-eyed’ jadag] Pe. ‘portion, share’ jam] Pe. ‘bowl’ m-] Pth. ‘lead’; secondary pp. j’m’d [jamag] Pe. ‘garment’ (jar] Pe. ‘time’; jr j'r ‘from time to time; continually, always’ [jay] Pe., late text, ‘place’ jaydan] Pe., adj., ‘eternal’; adv. ‘eternally, for ever’; *w j’yd’n ‘eternally, for ever” ydanag] Pe. ‘eternal’ [jadag] Pe. ‘omen, good omen’ afr] Pth., adj., ‘deep, low’; subst. ‘depth, abyss’ Zafran] Pth. ‘depth, pit, abyss’ Zahr] Pth. ‘poison’ Zahrén] Pth. ‘poisonous’ [zaman] Pth. ‘time; hour’; pl. jmnyn [Zamanin} [jamig] Pe. ‘twin’; used as title for Mani’s successors, the heads of the Man. church an] Pth. ‘woman’; pl. jnyn [Zanin] zan-] Pth. ‘strike, smite, hew’ jaw-] Pe. ‘chew’; pp. jwwd [jiid] *judy] Pe. ‘divided, separated’ jwdygwhr jwtr jwwd inwg jydg iyr iyryft iyw- iywhr jywndg k’mg’r k’mjnyft qmyst k’myin q’mySngr ra kr k’r- arg k’re’r qrd’g q’r-prm’n krw’n krye’r, k’re’r kw k‘ywd kbwtr kd Jwdygwhr ~ kd si *judighr] Pe. ‘of separate substance’ juttar] Pe. ‘different’ see under jw- [*jOg] Pe. ‘pair’ *7idag] Pth. ‘life’; in hendiadys, jydg ’wd jywhr Zr] Pth. ‘intelligent, wise’ rift] Pth. ‘wisdom’ [Ziw-] Pth. ‘live’ [Ziwahr] Pth. ‘life’ #iwandag] Pth. ‘living’ ka] Pe. ‘when; if; c’wn k’ ‘as if, even as’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, km; 3, kS; pl. 3, kS'n kadiis] c. ‘holy’ [kafad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘split, cloven” [kahi8n] Pe. ‘dimunition’ kam] c. ‘desire, wish’ ; q’m ... wy8°d ‘the wish ... was fulfilled’; q’m qwn- ‘perform the wish’ kam-] c. ‘wish, desire’ (often with short or long infinitive); secondary pp. q’m’d [kamad], Pth., q’myst [kamist], Pe. kamgar] Pth. ‘powerful, independent’ [kamZanift] Pth. ‘pursuit of desire’ see under k’m- kami8n] Pe. ‘wish, desire” [kami8ngar] Pe. ‘fulfiller of wishes” [xan] Turkish title in Pe. text, with Turkish suff. pro. pl. 1, @’nymyz kar] c. ‘work, task; act, deed’ kar-] c. ‘sow’; pp. kyst [kist} ai see k*ryc’r kardag] Pe. ‘wanderer’ kar-framan] Pe. ‘overseer, manager’ Karwan] Pth. ‘army on the march, army’ karezar] Pe. ‘battle’ kaw] c. ‘prince, lord; giant’; pl. kw’n kéwiid] Pe. ‘box, cage’ /kabottar] Pe. ‘dove’ [kad] Pth. ‘when, if, as’; ewgwn kd ‘as if; as; for, because’; as compound prep. ‘like’ 52 kde kd’'m kdg qdyxwd’y kf, qp- kftynws qhn *qhryz kPa km km’r kmb *qmbd’nynyh kmbyft qmbyg kn’rgwmnd qnd knd’r aqnjwg qnyeg knyg knygrwin kp kr kr- kr’n qrmbg krwg krwgyh kryin? kryn? ks ks’dr kst’r kswe ksyst kde — ksyst kadaz] Pth. ‘ever’, only with neg. particle ny, ‘never’ kadam] Pth., interrog. adj., ‘what? kadag] c. ‘house, home’; qdgqdg ‘house by house, in separate houses’ [kadexwaday] Pth. ‘master of the house’ kaf-] c. “fall”; pp. kft, qpt [kaft]; inf. qftn kaftinus] c., pr. name of angel kahan] Pth. ‘Jewish priest’ kahréz] c. ‘underground channal, ganar’ kalan] Pth. ‘great, big? see under k” kamar] c. “head (of evil being)’ kamb] Pe., adj., ‘lesser, inferior’; adv. ‘less’ [kambdanisnih] Pe. ‘lesser knowledge’ kambift] Pth. ‘smallness, a small part’ kambig] Pth. ‘brief, short’ kandragomand] Pe. “bounded, limited” kand] Pe., pp.. ‘dug, dug up, destroyed” kandar] Pe. “ditch” [*kanjiig] Pth. ‘coat (2° kanizag, Pe., kaniZag, Pth.] . ‘girl, maiden’ {kanig] c. ‘girl, maiden’ kanigrosn] c. ‘the Maiden of Light” see kf- karr] Pe. ‘deaf’ [kar-] Pth. ‘make, do’; pp. kyrd, qyrt [kird]; short inf. kyrd karan] Pth. ‘side, direction’ *karmbag] Pth. ‘dregs, refuse, dross’ kirr6g] c. ‘craftsman, artisan, workman’ kirrdgih] Pe. ‘crafismanship’ ] Pth. ‘making, creation, thing created” kari8n] Pth. ‘form, fair form, beautiful shape’ [kas] Pe. ‘anyone’; ks ks ‘each one, everyone’; with suff. -c, kswe kasadar] Pth. ‘smaller, younger” kastar] Pe. ‘enemy’ see under ks {kasi8t] Pth. ‘smallest, least” KS, k3"n aSpyr qiwdg qtrywn kw! kw? kw? kwn kwbg qwetr qwdk kwf *qwhyg, qwimy’ydn kwm, kwm’n kwm’r kwm’ren kwnn’ryft kwn- kwn’n kwnd kwnysn qwnySngr kwr kwrbg kws, kwstg kw kws- kw3n! kwS'n? kwst ks — kwat 33 see under k” kaSpir] place name in Pth. ‘Kashmir’ kaSiidag] Pth. ‘holy’ [kattrion] Pth. ‘centurion’ [kil] c., subord. conj., ‘that (used frequently to introduce quoted direct speech); so that’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, kwm; 2, kwt; 3, kw; pl. 1 kwm’n; 2, kwt’n; 3, kwS'n kil] c., subord. conj., ‘where’; interrog. and relative adv. ‘where’ iki] Pe. ‘than’ after a comparative see under k’w kdbag] Pth. ‘vexation’ [*kuéatr] pr. name in Pth. of an Indian yaksa “Kucchatra (?) [kddak] Pe. ‘small’ kOf] c. *hill, mountain’ *kohig] Pth., ? kulamayayadn] Turkish pr. name see under kw? [kumar] Pth. ‘youth, boy; prince” kumaréan] Pth. ‘girl, maiden’ [kumarift] Pth. ‘princedom’ kun-] Pe. ‘make, do’; pres. sg. 3 regularly kwnyd, but also often kwnd; pass. qyryh- kiréh-]; pp. kyrd [kird]; inf. qyrdn [kunan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘doing’ see under kwn- [kuni8n] Pe. ‘action, activity, work’ {kunisngar] Pe. ‘creator, doer, performer’ kdr] Pe. ‘blind’ [kurbag] Pe. “humble dwelling, hut” [kos] Pth. ‘district, region’ kustag] Pe. ‘side’ see under kw! [kd8-] c. “strive, struggle’; secondary pp. Pth., kw8'd [kosad]; inf, Pe., qwéydn [koSidan] [ku8an] pr. name in Pe. ‘the Kushans’ see under kw! [kust] c., pp., ‘killed’ kwStyh kwt, kwt'n qwyl ky kybye kyc qyth kyh kyn ayniryy kynw’r ayrb kyrbg qyrbgyft kyrbgyh kyrbkr kyrbkrz’dg kyrd? kyrd? kyrdg’n kyrdg’r qyrdg’ryft kyrdg’ryh kyrdyr qyrt qyryh- kys! ky8? kysfn qysfr kwstyh — qySfr kustai] pr. name in Pe. ‘Koustaios’ see under kw! (kuyil] Turkish pr. name in Pe. ké] c., rel. pro., ‘who, which’; with suff. pro. sg. 1, kym; 2, kyt; 3, ky8; pl. 3, ky8’n. In Pth. used occasionally as a rel. particle kébiz} Pe. ‘however, but’; with suff. pro. pl. 3, kybyews’n kz] Pth. ‘anyone’; kye kyc ‘each one, every- one’; hrw qye ‘everyone’; “ny kye ‘another person’ kaifah] Jewish pr. name in Pth. ‘Caiaphas’ keh] Pe. ‘smaller, less’ kén] c. ‘vengeance, revenge’ *gennesré] Semitic (?) pr. name in Pe. kenwar] Pe. ‘vengeful’ kirb] Pe. ‘form, shape’ kirbag] c., adj., ‘good, pious’; subst. ‘goodness, piety, charity” kirbagift] Pth. ‘goodness, piety, charity’ kirbagih] Pe. ‘goodness, piety, charity’ kirbakkar] c. ‘beneficent, virtuous, pious’; as subst., ‘the Beneficent One’ (of Mani) kirbakkarzadag] pr. name with Pe. text kird] Pe. ‘fact, reason’; °c *yd kyrd ‘for this reason’ see under kwn- (Pe.), kr- (Pth.) kirdagan] c. ‘action, act, deed’ kirdagar] c., adj., ‘mighty, powerful’; subst. mighty one; creator’ kirdagarift] Pth. ‘might’ kirdagarih] Pe. “might” *kirdér] c., pr. name see under kr- see under kwn- ke] Pe. *(false) teaching’; only in the pl. ‘alien faiths” see under ky ki8fan} Pth. ‘seed’ kiSfar] Pth. ‘clime, region (of the world); ‘ym hft qySfr Shr ‘this world of seven climes” kyst kySwr ayswrw'ryzd qySyh- kyt kyy Pb Pimyn Imtyr Iz Irz- lwg lwgd’r Iwgshr Iweyg Iwy’tn -m m m’bye m’d mdr m’dy’n? m’dy'n? mh! mh? m’hmy m’hyg m’hyg’n m’hyzd mm ky8t — m’m 55 see under k’r- kiswar] Pe. ‘clime, region (of the world); quarter (of the compass); region (generally) kiswarwaryazd] Pe. ‘world-bearing god’, prob- ably the Column of Glory ke8th-] Pe., pass., ‘be taught” see under ky kay] Pe., interrog. adv., ‘when’; @? ’w kyy ‘until when?’ lab] Pth. ‘entreaty, supplication’ lalmin] Pth., adv., ‘for ever, eternally’; adj. eternal’ lamtér] c. ‘lamp’ larz} Pth. ‘shiver, trembling” larz-] Pth. ‘tremble’ 15g] Pth. ‘world’ ldgdar] Pth. ‘ruler of the world; overlord, high king’ ldg8ahr] Pth. ‘kingdom of the world’ logig] Pth. ‘worldly’ lewyatin] Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Leviathan’ -(o)m] c., suff. pro. sg. 1, *me” ma] c., neg. particle, ‘not’; m’ gr ‘may it not be that ...” mabiz] Pe. ‘indeed not’ mad] c. ‘mother’; in Pe. usually nom. or voc., in Pth. frequently also oblique madar] c. ‘mother’; rare in Pth., in Pe. usually oblique madayan] Pe. ‘book, writing’ madayan] Pe. ‘capital (of wealthy’ mah] c. ‘moon’ mah] c. ‘month’; pl. m’b’a (Pth.); m’hyg’n (Pe.) mahmi] pr. name in Pe. of a demon Imahig] Pe. ‘fish; the zodiacal sign Pisces’ see under mh? mahyazd] Pe. ‘moon’ mam] Pe., in the phrase m’m wsyn, see bt 4, notes 56 -m’n mn m’zmn mdr’m mdy’n *mdynt’ -m’n — mdynt” -man] c., suff. pro. pl. 1, ‘us’ man] c. ‘house, abode’; m’n m’n ‘house by house, every house” man-] c. ‘remain, stay; inhabit, dwell’; pp. m’nd [mand] Pe. only manig] Pe., pres.’ pt., ‘remaining, dwelling’ manag] Pe., pres. pt./adj., ‘resembling, like’; m’n’g ... c’wn ‘like ... as’; m’n’g ... ?w ‘like to” [manbed] Pe. ‘master of the house, house-lord’ ; mnbyd yzd ‘the House-Lord God’ ie. Atlas see under m’n- manag] Pth. ‘mind’ manhag] Pth., pres. pt./adj., ‘resembling, like’; m’nh’g ... cw’gwn ‘like ... as’; m’nh’g ... °w ‘like to” mansarar] Pe. head of the house; presbyter (3rd in rank in the Man. hierarchy)’ mansardar] Pth. head of the house, presbyter (3rd in rank in the Man. hierarchy)’; misprinted, cu 28 mani] c. Semitic pr. name of the prophet; with suff. -’, m’ny’, m’ny7h; with suff. -w, m’nyw mania-xaios] Pe. ‘Manichaios, Mani’ manend] Pth., pres. pt., ‘abiding; inhabitant’ méanendag] Pth. ‘inhabitant’ manestan] c. ‘dwelling-place, house; Man. mon- astery’; in Pth. only, also an astronomical technical term ‘ten seconds’ see under m’ny see mry masyag] Pth. “fish” mayag] Pe., adj., ‘female’ [mayag] Pe. ‘substance, matter’ [mazdés}] Pe. ‘Mazda-worshipping’; an epithet of the Zor. religion, adopted for Manichaeism *mazman| Pe., adj. for the 6th earth mad] Pe., pp., ‘came, went’; inf. mdn [madan] *madram] Pe. ‘joyful (2) [madyan] Pth., prep., ‘among, amid, between’; ’e mdy’n, compound prep., ‘from among’ [madinta] Syriac word in Pe. ‘town (?)° | { mgbyd mgwnyft mgyn mgynd mbhr mbr’spnd’n mhrn’mg mbrsr’y mhy mhystg mn mn’st’r mnbyc” mnwhmyd, mnhmyd mnysn mr! mr? mrd mrdwhm mrdwhmg mrdyft mrdyhng mrg! mrg mrg? mrkywn mn mrnyn mrw 2 mry, mr, m’ry, mr mrym mgbyd — mrym 37 maybed] Pth. ‘mobed, Zor. priest’ *may6nift] Pth. ‘brutishness’ maginn] Pe. ‘shield’ magind] Pth. ‘shield’ mahr] Pe. ‘hymn, short hymn’ see ’mhr’spnd'n [mahrnamag] Pe. ‘hymn-book’ mahrsray] Pe. ‘hymn-singer, cantor’ (an office- holder among the Elect) mahy] Pe. ‘bigger’ mahistag] Pe. ‘elder, presbyter’ (3rd in rank in the Man. hierarchy, a synonym of m’ns’r’r) man] c. ‘me’; with suff. -c, mnye, mne; with suff. -’, mn’ man-] Pe. ‘think, reflect” mandn] Pth. ‘mine, my’, in verse only [man-astar] Pth., two words written as one, “my sin(s)" man-béz-a] Pe. ‘but by me’ *manohmed] c. ‘mind, intelligence’; mnwhmyd wzrg, Pth. only, ‘the Great Nous’ manisn] Pe. ‘thought, intention’ {mar] Pe. ‘number’ see mry mard] Pth., occasionally also Pe., ‘man’ mardohm] c. ‘mankind, men, people’; also sg. man’, pl. mrdwhm’n ‘men, people’ mardohmag] Pth. ‘man’ (mardift] Pth. ‘manliness’ 9] Pe., subst., a person with some evil quality marg] Pe. ‘death’ mary] place name in Pth. ‘Marg, Marv’ mary] Pth. ‘wood, meadow’ marky6n] foreign pr. name in Pe. ‘Marcion’ maran] Pth. ‘death’ maranén] Pth. ‘of death’ imarw] Pe. ‘herbage, grass’ mar] c., Semitic honorific, ‘my lord, lord’; written before, and sometimes combined with, a proper name [miryam] c., Semitic pr. name, ‘Miriam’ 58 mrysysynyg mrz mrz- mrzynyd mrzysn. ms’dr mst mstgrg mstwbryy mstyft mstyy msySt méyh” mwhr mwhrg mwidg mwjdgd’g mwqrnyg mwmyyn mwrd* mwrd? mwrd’hyz mwrd’xyz mwrdg mwrdy "ng mwrg mwrg’ryd mwrgw’g mrt mwrw mwrwh mwrzydg mwrzyh- mwxs mwxiyg mwy- mrysysynyg — mwy- mar-sisinig] Pe. ‘of the Lord Sisinnios’ marz] Pth. ‘boundary, border’ fmarz-] Pe. ‘mate, co-habit’ {marzénid] Pe., secondary pp., caus., ‘having caused to mate’ marzisn] Pe. ‘mating, coition’ mas] Pth. ‘further, furthermore, yet’ imasadar] Pth. ‘greater, older, of higher rank’ mast] c. ‘drunk, intoxicated” *mastayrag] Pth. ‘brain, skull (?)° *mastubari] Pe. ‘tyranny’ mastift] Pth. “drunkenness” masti] Pe. ‘drunkenness” fmasist] Pth. “greatest, highest’ (masiha] c. ‘Messiah’ muhr] c, ‘seal’ muhrag] Pth. ‘vertebra’ muzdag] Pth. ‘(good) news, message’ muzdagdag] Pth. ‘messenger’ 7] Pth., title of a group of hymns *mdmin] Pe. ‘exorcism (2)', see dr 2, notes (murd] c., pp./adj., only in pl. mwrd’n ‘the dead’ see under myr- imurdahéz] c. ‘raiser of the dead, redeemer’ murdaxéz] c. ‘raiser of the dead, redeemer’ [murdag] c. ‘dead’ Imurdiyanag] Pe., pr. name of the first woman, “Eve” mury] Pth. ‘bird’ moryarid] Pth. ‘pearl’ murywag] Pth. ‘daybreak, dawn’ murt} Pth. ‘death’ imurw] Pe. ‘bird’ [murwah] Pe. ‘omen’ murzidag] Pe. “persecuted” murzih-] Pe., pres. pass., ‘be persecuted’; secondary pp. mwrzyd [murzid] {mox8] Pth. ‘salvation’ mOxSig] Pth. ‘of salvation’ [mGy-] Pe. ‘mourn’ mwy"g my, myy myn my ng myerym myg mygdyyn myh myh’yl myhg’r myhm’n myhr? myhr? myhrb"n mybrs"h myhryzd' myhryzd? myVd mylysg myn mynwgyh myr- myrd mys mysg myswn mytr mytr’gr mytrg myw myx myx’yl myzd myzdg mwy’g - myzdg 9 méyag] Pe. ‘mourning, bewailing’ [may] c. ‘wine’ mayan] Pe. ‘among, in the middle of, between’ mayanag] Pe. ‘middle, waist” migrém] place name in Pth., ‘Egypt’ (used as a metaphor for the material world) Iméy] Pth. ‘cloud’ [miySén] Pth. ‘of fruit’ meh] Pe. ‘greater’ mihaél] Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Michael’ *mehgar] Pth. ‘harm, damage’ imehman] Pth. ‘guest’ ihr] c. ‘Mihr’; myhr m’h, the 7th month mihr] Pth. ‘sun’ mihrban] Pth. “kind, kindly’ mihrSah] Pe. proper name in Pth. mihryazd] c. ‘the divine being Mithra’; used for two Man. divinities, in Pe. the Living Spirit, in Pth. the Third Messenger mihcyazd] Pth. ‘the sun’ *milad] Pe. ‘mantle (?)" [2] Pe. ? mén] Pe. ‘vengeance’ méndgih] Pe. ‘spirit’ mir-] c. ‘die’; pp. mwrd [murd] merd] Pe. ‘man’ més] Pth. ‘sheep’ méSag] c. ‘always’ [mé&iin] Semitic place name in Pth. ‘Mesene’ maitr] c. ‘Maitreya, the coming Buddha’, used of Mani [maitragar] Pe., incantational variant on mytr, qu. maitrag] c. ‘Maitreya, the coming Buddha’, used of Mani mew] Pe. ‘fruit’ méx] Pth. ‘nail, rivet’ mixaél] Semitic pr. name in Pe. ‘Michael’ mizd] Pe. ‘reward’ mizdag] Pe. ‘(good) news, message’ 60 myzdgt’c myzdgt’cyh mzn mzndr mer’y wf, wp n’fg, n°pg wirz’ptg wg om mdr n’mgyn vn n’pzyndg nw nw wy n’ypzd wz n'z- n'7g nzwg n’zwey‘zd w’zysn n‘y- nb’m nb’st nbdmn nbrd’d nbrdg nby” nbyg myzdgt’c ~ nbyg, mizdagtaz] Pe. ‘messenger’; myzdgt’c yzd ‘Messenger God’, a name for the divinity Call (cf. Pth. xrwstg) mizdagtazih] Pe. ‘(good) news, gospel” [mazan] Pe., adj., ‘monstrous’; subst. ‘giant demon, monster’ mazandar] Pe. ‘more monstrous’ naéray] Pth. ‘Nazarene’ [naf] Pe. ‘family’; pl. n’f'n ‘peoples’ nafag] c. ‘centre, middle’ {nafrazaftag] Pe. ‘unfinished’ nag] Pth. ‘sinless, free from sin’ nam] c. ‘name, fame’; n’m br- ‘speak of, mention’ namdar] Pe. ‘famous’ Inamgen] c. ‘famous’ nan] Pe. ‘bread, food’; n’n xwrdn ‘to eat’ inafzindag] Pe. ‘the living family’, ic. the Man. community naw] c. ‘ship’ nawaz] c. ‘helmsman, pilot’ nay] Pe. ‘pipe, drain; flute’ ‘ndypazd] Pe. ‘flute-player’ [naz] Pth. ‘pleasure, delight’ naz-] c. ‘take pleasure, delight; exult, triumph’ inzig] Pe. ‘triumphant’ *nazog] c. ‘graceful, delicate (?)’ (unless ‘proud, triumphant (?)") [*nazdgyazd] pr. name of a Teacher of the eastern patriarchate Pe. ‘coquetry, blandishment” Inay-] Pe. ‘lead’; pp. nyyd [nid]; inf. nyydn *nifam] Pth. ‘dull (2)° inibiist] Pe., pp., ‘cast down’ *nibadman] Pth. ‘couch (?)° nibardad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘fought’ Inibardag] Pth. ‘warlike, contentious’ nabiya] pr. name in Pe. inibég] c. ‘writing, book’ nbyg’n-ng’r nbyn nbys- nbys’g. neyd neyh- neyh’g *neyh’n neyn- neyst nd nfryn ng’d ng’h ng’n ng’r ng’r- ng’rgr ng’y- ngn ngnd ngwe- ngwnd- ngws’r ngws- ngws’g nh’y- nheyhr nhrysyd nhwm nhwm-, nhwmb- nhwmb’g nhwn nhwptgyh’n nbyg’n-ng’r — nhwptgyh’n 61 nibégan-nigar] Pe. ‘painter of books, book- illuminator’ *nabén] Pth. ‘malicious, cunning’ nibés-] c. ‘write’; pp. nbySt [nibi&t]; inf. nbyStn inibésag] Pe. ‘writer’ see under neyn- Inizéh-, Pe., niZéh-, Pth.] c. ‘teach’; pp. neyst nizist] Pe. only nizéhag] Pe. ‘teacher’ nizéhan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘teaching’ inizin-, Pe., niZin-, Pth. c. ‘pile up, heap together’; pp. neyd [nizid] Pe. only see under neyh- nad] Pth. ‘pipe, flute; cane, rod” [nifrin] Pe. ‘curse’ Iniyad] Pth. ‘prayer; obeisance” nigah] Pth. ‘heed, attention’ nigdn] Pth. ‘treasure’ {nigar] Pe. ‘painting, picture” nigar-] c. ‘paint, draw’; pp. ng’rd [nigard] Pe. nigargar] Pe. ‘painter’ niyay-] Pth. ‘pray, supplicate’ nayn] Pth. ‘bread’ [nigand] c., pp., “buried” nigdz-] Pe. ‘bend, bow’; secondary pp. ngweyd niyund-] Pth. ‘cover, veil, clothe, hide’; pp. ngwst [niyust] nigtsar) Pth. ‘downwards, down” [niy: Pth. ‘hear’ niyOSig] Pth. ‘Hearer, Auditor’ nihay-] Pe. *harry, cut to pieces’ nahéihr] Pe. ‘hunting’ *nihrisid] Pe., secondary pp., “formed, shaped’ nahom] Pth. ‘ninth’ nihumm-, nihumb-] Pe. ‘cover, guard; hide, conceal’; pp. nhwpt [nihuft] nihumbag] Pe. ‘guardian’ *nihdn] Pe. ‘creation, blending together (?)° nihuftagihan] Pe. ‘secret things” 62 nhwyn nhxt nhym’ng nhwyn — ns’w *nahwén] Pe, ‘first meal (of the day), breakfast’ see under nhynj- *nahemanag] Pth. ‘turning away, withdrawing ay nhynj- (Pth.), nhynz- (Pe.) [nihénj-, Pth., nihénz-, Pe] c. ‘hold back, nm’c nm’y- ambr- nmr omryft nmstyg nmwd nmwst nmwy- nmyzysn nng nps’ or nrdys org’n oh nrhyg arjmyg, arm arsws mrwyyr nrym’n refrain; retain, keep’; pp. nhxt {nihaxt] c. namaz, Pe., namaz, Pth.] c. ‘bow, obeisance’ inimay-] c. ‘show’; pp. nm’d [nimad] Pth., nmwd {nimid] Pe.; short inf. nm’d, Pth. inambar-] Pe. ‘honour, revere’ inamr] Pth. ‘pliable, humble, meek” namrift] Pth. ‘meekness, docility’ nimastig] Pth. ‘supplication’ see under nm’y- nimust] Pth., pp., ‘made smooth’ Inamoy-] Pth. ‘honour’ nimézisn] c. ‘incitement, provocation, urging’ nang] Pth. ‘shame’ *naf$a] pr. name in Pe. nar] c. ‘male’ inardés] Pe. ‘of male form’ *naragan] pr. name of Indian yaksa in Pth. {narah} Pth. ‘hell’ narahig] Pth. ‘hellish’ narjamig] Pe. ‘male twin’ narm] Pe. ‘humble, meek’ *narsus] pr. name of angel in Pe. narwir] Pe. ‘man’ naréman] Pe. ‘of manly mind, brave’ nrysf (Pth.), mrysh (Pe.) _ {narisaf, Pth., narisah, Pe.]c., pr. name of a nrysfyzdyg nrysh ns. ns’h ns’hyn as°w Zor. divinity, “NairySsanha’, used for the Man. Third Messenger narisafyazdig} Pth. ‘of the Third Messenger’ see nrysf nas] Pe. ‘impurity, pollution’ Inasah] Pe. ‘corpse’ (used as a term for the body) inasahén] Pe. ‘corporeal’ Inasaw] Pth. ‘corpse’ (used as a term for the body) nstykws nsyh nB°y- nyd- niyl- néym nyy- “aw nw- nw’c- nw’cysn nw’g! nw’? nw gyft nw awe nwem’h nwgshr’ pwr yzd nwh nwhz’dg nwm nwm’h nwn nwn- nwnysn nwrd nws nwwm, nwm nwx nwxwyr nstykws — nwxwyr 63 nastikiis}] pr. name of angel in Pe. *nasih] Pe. ‘destroyed, aborted (2)° ] Pe. ‘place, set, put; establish, found’; pp. n¥st [niSast] , Pe., nisié-, Pth.] c. ‘sit, settle oneself ; pp. nist [niSast]; short inf. nist ] Pth. ‘set, settle, place’ nisém] Pe. ‘seat’ ] Pe. ‘sit, settle oneself” nd] Pe. ‘nine* naw-] Pth. ‘move, go’ Iniwaz-] Pth. ‘speak kindly to, treat kindly, honour’ Iniwazisn] Pe. ‘kindly utterance’ or ‘honouring? nawag] Pth. ‘new’; nw’g nw’g ‘ever new’ niwag] c. ‘melody, tune’; pd ... nw’g ‘to the tune of ...” niwagift] Pth. “kindly speech, kindliness, gen- tleness” ] Pth., ? Indg] Pe. ‘new’; nwg nwg, nwgnwg ‘ever new" indgmah] Pe. ‘new moon’ Indgsahrafur yazd] Pe. ‘the god creating the New Aeon’, i.c. the Great Builder InSb] Pe. ‘nine” Inithzadag] pr. name in Pe. ‘Bar-Nih’ see nwwm [ndmah] Pe. ‘new moon’ niin] Pe. ‘now’; *c nwn prwn ‘from now on- wards, henceforth’; d? ’w nwn ‘till now’ iniwinn-] Pe. ‘begin’; pp. nwyst [niwist]. Regu- larly construed with pres. pt. in -’n, excep- tionally, in late text, with inf. niwannisn] Pe. ‘binding, tie, connexion’ niward] Pth., pp., ‘sunk, set (of the sun) nds] Pth. ‘ambrosia’ nowom] Pe. ‘ninth, ninthly’ nox] c. ‘beginning, origin’; *¢ nwx ‘in the beginning’ Inoxwir] Pe. ‘the first man, Adam’ 64 nwxz"d nwyst nxrwh-, nyxrwh- axig nxwryg maxwrygrwsn nxwst, nxwyst nxwstyn, nxwystyn axwit nxwyn ny ny"bg ny’g nym nyn ny’z ny"zxwndyy nybr’n nyc nyd’mg nydf'r nydfr- nydfwrdg nydfwrdystr nydrxt nyh’dg nyjd’d nyk nykyh nymm’h nymrwe! nymrwe? nymwé nyr’m-! nwxz"d — nyr’m-! noxzad] Pth. ‘first-born’ see under mwn- nixrdh-] Pe. ‘reproach’; pp. nyxrwst [nixrdst]; secondary pp. nxrwhyd naxSag] Pth. ‘good, fine, splendid; well’ naxurég] Pe. ‘first-born’ naxurégr8n] pr. name in Pe. ‘First-Born of the Lights” Inaxwist] Pe. ‘first’; °c nxwst ‘at first, in the beginning” naxwistén] Pe. ‘first, original” naxwist] Pth. ‘first; at first” naxwén] c. ‘first, original’ né] c., neg. particle, ‘not’; with suff. -c, nye, nyye niyabag] c. ‘fitting, suitable’ niyag] c. ‘ancestor’ see nyy’m niyan] Pe. “treasure, store’ niyaz] c. ‘want, need” niyazxwandi] Pe. ‘neediness, beggary’ niBran] Pth. ‘Nirvana’ see under ny niSdmag] Pth. ‘sheath, covering’ nidfar] Pth. “haste” nidfar-] Pth. ‘hasten, hurry’; pp. nydfwrd nidfurd) nidfurdag] Pth. ‘hastening, swift” nidfurdestar] Pth. “swifter’ nidraxt] Pth., pp., ‘oppressed, subdued’ inihadag] Pe. ‘put down, set down” nijdad] Pe. ‘unjust’ nek] Pe. ‘good, pretty, fair; well” inékih] Pe. ‘goodness’ [némmah] Pe. ‘mid-moon, full moon’ Inémroz] Pe. ‘midday’ Inémr6Z] Pth. ‘south’ 9] Pe. ‘gentle (2° niram-] Pe. ‘cast down, throw down’; pp. nyr’pt [niraft] nyr’m-? nyr’mysn *nyr’mysnbyd nyr’pt nyrd nyrwg nyrwg’wynd nyrwg’yn- nys*g, nys’gyft nys’gyn nys'r'd nys”: nysdyl nyspwrd nyspy- nyst *nysyhyst nym nysn nydyd nyw! nyw? nyw’gyrdy nywbxt nywbxtyy nywer nyw-mwrw’h nywn’m nywr- nywé-, nyywe- nywé"g nyw3°gbyd nyws’ge"n nyr’m-? — nyw5"ge"n 65 niram-] Pth. “hold back, restrain, suppress’ niramisn} Pe. ‘layer’ (attested only for the 4 lower earths) niramisnbed] Pe. ‘lord of the layers’ see under nyr’m-! *nerd] Pth., adv., ‘thither’; prep. ‘near’ nérdg] Pe. ‘strength’ nérdgawend] Pe. ‘strong’ nérdgayén-] Pe. ‘strengthen’ nisag] Pth. ‘bright, splendid’ nisdgift] Pth. “brightness, splendour’ nisdgén] Pth. ‘bright, brilliant, splendid’ nisarad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘begun’ -] Pth. ‘prepare, make ready” nisadél] Semitic pr. name of angel in Pth. nispurd] Pe., pp., "downtrodden’ nispay-] Pth. ‘bend, bow’; z’nwg nyspy- ‘bend the knee’; pp. nysp’d [nispad] [nést] Pe. ‘is not’ nisthist] Pe., secondary pp. from pass. stem, ‘set down, placed’ *nisam] Pth. ‘obscurity, darkness (2 niSan] c. ‘sign; banner, standard’; Pe. only, in the phrase pd ny8’n ‘y ‘in the manner of, like’ see under nyys- new] c., adj., ‘good; brave, valiant’ ; adv. ‘very, very much’ inéw] pr. name of Turkish Manichaean néwagirdi] Pe. ‘beneficence’ néwbaxt] c. ‘of good fortune, fortunate’ néwbaxti] Pe. ‘good fortune’ [néwgar] Pth. ‘acting well, beneficent’; pl. as subst. ‘the beneficent’ néw-murwa] Pe. ‘of good omen, fortunate’ néwnam] Pe. ‘of good name, fair-famed’ niwar-] Pth. ‘think, reflect’ niyd8-] Pe. ‘listen, hear” IniyOSag] Pe. ‘Hearer, Auditor’ niyOSagbed] Pe. ‘master of Hearers’ niydsagéan] Pe. ‘woman Hearer, Auditrix’ 66 nywyh’h nyxrwh- myxrwst *nyxrwst’r nyxw’r- nyy’m, ny’m nyye nyyd, nyydn nyykq’mg nyys- nyys- nyyws- nyz’wr nyz’y- nyz’ysn nyzg, nyzm’n nyzwa’n nyzwm’nyh azr nzd nzdyk nywyh’h ~ p’dgyrb inéwiha] Pe. ‘well’ see nxrwh- inixrdst] Pe. ‘reproach, reproaches’ nixrdstar] Pe. ‘one who reproaches, rebukes” inixwar-] Pe. ‘hasten, hurry; incite, urge’ niyam] Pe. ‘sheath, covering’ see under ny see under n'y- inékkamag] Pe. ‘well-wisher, friend” nis-] Pe. ‘set, place, put; lay up, store uy secondary pp. nyys’d; in the phrase n’m nyys’d “named” ini8-] Pe. ‘look, gaze’; secondary pp. nyy8yd see nyws- inizawar] Pth. weak” inizay-] c. ‘honour, reverence’; secondary pp., Pth. only, nyz’y"'d nizayisn] Pe. ‘reverence’ nézag] c. ‘lance, spear’ nizman] Pth. ‘fog’ nézuman] c. ‘skilful’ Inézumanih] Pe. ‘skill, craftsmanship” inizar] Pe. ‘weakness’ nazd] c., prep., ‘near’; in Pth. compounded with ‘w, nzd °w; in Pth. also adj., adv. nazdik] Pe., adj., ‘near’; as subst. “one who is near, attendant’ -] Pe., pass., “be purified” [pad] Pth. ‘foot’ see under p’y- padar] Pe. ‘protector’ padasin] Pe. ‘reward, recompense” padbarag] Pth. ‘payment for services, bribe’ padyahig] Pth. ‘enthroned’ [padiyraw] Pth. ‘reception’ padgos] Pth. in form, but also in Pe., ‘region, district, quarter; diocese of a Teacher’; ’w °yrg p’dgws rwn ‘towards the quarter of the south” padgirb] Pth. “form, figure, shape’ p’drweg p’dSnwhr, p’dygnwhr p’dSnwhryd p’dypr’h p’dys’gyh p'dyxS’nyft pdyx3’yh pdyz phr p’hrbyd p’brgbyd pk p'kdr p’kyh png pnzdh pr’y- prysn prg P’rgyn prs P'rsyg prwd p’sb’n p’sb’nyh p'wlys p'drweg — pd 67 padrdzag, Pe., padrdzag, Pth.] c. ‘day by day, daily’ padisnohr] Pth. ‘recompense, satisfaction’ padi8ndhrid] mixed form in mixed text, sec- ondary pp., ‘recompensed” padifrah] Pe. ‘punishment’ *padésagih] Pe. ‘contempt, scorn’ padixsanift] Pth. ‘rulership, rule, sovereignty’ padixsayih] Pe. ‘rulership, rule, sovereignty’ padéz] Pe. ‘autumn’ pahr] Pe. ‘watch-post” pahrbed] Pe. ‘master of the watch-post’ pahragbed] Pe. ‘master of the watch-post’ pak] Pe. ‘clean, pure; free (from, *e)’ pakdar] Pe. ‘cleaner, purer’ pakih] Pe. ‘cleanliness, purity’ panag] c. ‘guardian, guard” panzdab] Pe. ‘fifteen’ {paray-] Pe. ‘purify’; pp. p’rwd [parad] [parayisn] Pe. ‘purification; purified substance” pirag] Pe. ‘present, bribe” pargén] c. ‘moat™ [pars] place name in Pth. ‘Persia’ parsig] Pe. ‘Persian’ see under p’r’y- pasban] Pe. in form, but also in Pth., ‘protector, guardian’ [pasbanih] Pe. ‘protection’ {paulis] pr. name in Pe. ‘Paul’ pay] Pe. ‘foot’ pay] Pe. “protector (2° pay-] c. “stand, wait’ pay-] c. ‘protect, guard’; pp. p’d [pad] paygos] Pe. ‘region, district, quarter; diocese of a Teacher’ *paz] Pe., contraction of pd and enclitic -¢ ? pad] c., ‘in, at, on, along, among, through, with, upon, on account of’; pd nw’g ... ‘to the tune’; pd n’m ‘by name, named’; with suff. pronouns, Pe. only, sg. 1 pm [pam]; 3. pdys (see further under pdys) 68 pays pdbnd pdbst pdbws pdbws- pdbwswr pdfwrs- pdg’m pdgryft pdgs pdgwm’n pdgyrw- pdhynj- pdk’r- pdkySg pdm’dg pdm’n pdm’s pdms’g pdmwe- pdmwen pdmwg pdmwxtg pdr’m par’st par’stg’n par’st pdr’y- pdr’z- pd’n — pdr’z- *pidan] Pe. ‘our father, father (?)’ (only nom. or voc.) see pdys padfand] Pth. ‘connexion, clamp’ padBast] Pth., pp., ‘joined, joined together’ padBds] Pth. ‘longing, yearning’ padBs-] Pth. ‘long for, yearn’ padBdswar] Pth., adj., ‘yearning, longing” padfurs-] Pth. ‘read’ padyam] Pth. ‘message’ see under pdgyrw- padgas] Pth. ‘look, countenance, face” [padguman] Pe. ‘with suspicion, suspicious’ padyirw-] Pth. ‘take, receive, accept’; pp. pdgryft [padyrift] padhenj-] Pth. ‘weigh’ padkar-] Pth. ‘contend, strive’ *padkéSag] Pth. ‘account, reckoning (?)° [padmadag] Pth. ‘measured, apportioned, ap- pointed (?)’ padman] Pth. ‘measure; appointed number or place’ padmas] Pth. ‘reason, judgment, understanding” padmasag] Pth. ‘reasonable’ padmdz-] Pth. ‘put on’ (of clothes, and figu- ratively); pdmwxt [padmuxt]; secondary pp. pdmwe’d; inf. pdmwxtn padmd¢an] Pth. ‘garment, clothes’ padmdg] Pth. ‘garment, clothes’ padmuxtag] Pth. ‘put on, worn’ see pydr padram] Pe. ‘in peace’ see under pdr’y- padrastagan] Pth. ‘well prepared’ see under pdr’z- padray-] Pth. in form, but c., ‘prepare, make ready’; pp. pdr’st [padrast]; secondary pp. par’y'd padriz-] Pth. ‘raise up, lift up"; pp. pdr’st parf- parwb- parz- pdw’g pdw’xtg yzd pdw’z pdwh- pdwhn pdwz pdxi"h- pdxér pdxér’wnd pdxwn’d pdy’b pdye pdycg pdycyhr, pdychr pdyn pdyr- pdyrg pdyrw’g pdys’y pdyst *pdyst’'w pdyst’we pdystwd pdy8, pd°yS pdysfr’wnd pdyst pdrf- — pdyst 69 padrast] ‘raised up; rose up’; secondary pp. pdr’z'd ‘raised up’ padraf-] c. ‘attack’ padrdb-] c. ‘throw into confusion, rout’; pp. pdrwft [padruft] padraz-] Pth. ‘rise up; run, rush (upon, “bry padwag] Pth. ‘reply, response’ padwaxtag yazd] Pth. ‘the Answer God’ (cf. Pe. “zdygr yzd) padwaz] Pth. ‘adherence, following; retinue (2)° padwah-] Pth. ‘pray, entreat’; secondary pp. pdwh’d padwahan] Pth. ‘supplication, prayer” *padwaz] Pe. ‘might (?)’ see pdyx*h- see pdyxsr see pdyxsr’wynd padxunad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘played, sounded’ (of musical instruments) padyab] Pth. ‘counterthrust, opposition’ [padiz] Pth., prep., ‘towards, to; opposed to’ padizag] Pth., prep., ‘according to (2)° padizihr] Pth. ‘instead of, in (his) stead (27° pidén] Pth. ‘fleshy, corporeal, physical’ padir-] Pe. ‘take, receive, accept’ ; pass. pdyryh- padirih-] ‘be received’; pp. pdyryft [padirift]; inf. pdyryftn padirag] Pe. ‘towards, against’ padirwag] Pe. ‘one who receives, receiver’ padisay] Pe., prep., ‘according to, because of; following, after’ padist] Pth. ‘promise’ padistaw] c. ‘promise’ padistawag] Pe. ‘promise’ padistad] Pth., pp., ‘promised’ padi] Pe. ‘to him/it’ etc. (cf. pd); postp. ‘at, by’ padisfarawand] Pth. ‘honoured’ padist] Pth. ‘place, home’ (used of Paradise as the true home of the spirit); pl. ‘places, 10 pdyxS"h-, pdx3"h- pdyxér, pdxsr pdyxs*h- — pn’h stations’ (used of the prophets and fathers of the faith, as ‘stations’ in the progress of divine revelation) padixsah-] Pth. ‘have power, rule, reign’ padixSar] Pe. ‘honour’ pdyxdr’wynd, pdxSr’wnd [padixSardwend] Pe. ‘honoured, worthy of pdyxr’yyn- pdyyz- *phiw’nyg phiwm phrbr phrg phrgb’n phryz-! phryz-? phryz- phryz’n phryzyn- phryzyn’g phryzysn phybwrs- *phybwst phyk’r phykn- phykr phykym- phykyrb phyp’r- phypwrs- pm pn’h honour’ padixSarayén-] Pe. ‘show honour to, honour’ padiz-] Pe. ‘chase away, drive of” pahlawanig] Pe. ‘Parthian’ fpahlom] Pe. ‘foremost, chief” pahraBar] Pth. ‘watchman, guardian’ pahrag] c. ‘watch-post’ pahragban] Pth. “keeper of a watch-post’ pahréz-] Pe. ‘stand around, care for, protect; exist, be’; pp. phryst [pahrist] fpahréz-] Pe. ‘keep away (from, ce)’ [pahiréz-] Pe. ‘flow’ pahrézin} Pe., pres. pt., ‘existing, being; turning around, revolving? pahrézén-] Pe. ‘care for, protect, guard” 2] Pe. ‘one who cares for, protector’ Pe, ‘moving around, cycle, revo- lution; protection’ pahiburs-] Pe. ‘recite, say aloud’ *pahibust] Pe., pp., ‘desired, longed for (2° pahikar] Pe. ‘strife, battle” pahikan-] Pe. ‘pierce, penetrate, fill’; pp. phyknd [pahikand] pahikar] Pe. ‘painting, image’ pahikem-] Pe. ‘shape, build’; secondary pp. phyqym’d pahikirb] Pe. ‘form, figure’; with suff. pro. sg. 2, phykyrbwd pahipar-] Pe. ‘fill (trans. pahipurs-] Pe. ‘recite aloud’; secondary pp. phypwrsyd see under pd [panah] Pe. ‘refuge’ po’hgryptg pne pneyxz’n pnd* pnd? pnd’n pndp’y pndwrg pnj pnj’st pnjwm pnjwyst pnz, pne pnzg’h pnzwm pr pr- pr°dng, pr’dnng pr’gnd prr’z- prt pr'whr pr’whryn pr’yd°’nySnyg pr’yst pr'zyst *prbys- pre’r pre’r- (c.), prz’r- (Pe.) pret preyn pn*hgryptg — preyn 7 panahgriftag] Pe. ‘having taken refuge, seeker of refuge” see pnz *panzixazan] Pe. ‘having five strong notes (2 (used of a melody) pand] Pe. ‘path’ pand] c. ‘counsel’ pandan] Pth. ‘path’ pandpay] Pe. ‘one who waits, attends” pandirag] Pth. ‘lute (2Y panj] Pth. ‘five’; pl. pnjn’n [panjast] Pth. ‘fifty’ panjom] Pth. ‘fifth’ panjwist] Pth. ‘twenty-five’ panz] Pe. ‘five’ panzgah] Pe. ‘the five Gatha (days) panzom] Pe. ‘fifth’ parr] Pe. ‘feather, wing” see in many cases under fr- fradang] Pe. ‘furtherance, advancement” paragand] Pth., pp., ‘scattered, sown’ fraraz-] Pe. ‘stretch out’; pp. pr’r’st [frarast] frat] river name in Pe. ‘Euphrates’ frawahr] Pe. ‘ether (as the ‘spirit’ of the five Light Elements); air” frawahrén] Pe, ‘of ether’ fraydanisnig] Pe. ‘greater knowledge’ (with -yg by scribal error for -yh) frayist] Pe. ‘most’ frazist] Pe. ‘afar off, to a distance, for ever’. Only in phrases with j’yd’n, e.g. °w pr’zy8t °wd jyd°n ‘for ever and eternally’ [frabés-] Pe. ‘be harmed, afflicted’ parzar] Pth. ‘prohibition’ parzir, Pe., parZir-, Pth.] c. ‘withhold, keep back; withhold oneself, keep oneself back; refrain’ parZat] Pth., pp., ‘gave up, sacrificed (?)° [parzin] Pe. ‘fence, wall” 72 prdxt prdwz Pre prg’c- prg’m- prg’mysn pre'r pre’w- Prgn- prgst *prewdg prh’nsrygr prm’d prm’ng prm’ngyn yzd prm’w prm’y-' prm’y-* prm’ysn prmws- prmyn prmyn- prng’n prnybr’d proybr’n prnybr’nyg prsrwd priynz- prtwmyn prw’n prw’ng prwdg prwj prdxt — prwj pardaxt] Pe., pp., ‘overpowered, defeated” z 18, misprint for pdwz, q.v. [parrag] Pth. ‘fin’ [pargaz-] Pth. ‘imprison, incarcerate’; pp. prgst pargast] *fragm-] Pe. ‘strive towards, desire (2° *fragami8n] Pe. ‘desire’ fragar] Pe. ‘defeat’ paryaw-] Pth. ‘lack’ pargan-] Pe. ‘scatter, sow’ see under prg’c- [paryiidag] Pth. ‘deprived, bereft’ farrahansrigar] Pe., pr. name, ‘the Female of the Glories (?)’, used for Eve see under prm’y- parmanag] Pth. ‘thought’; pnj prm’ng ‘the five Thoughts’ i.e. the five limbs of the Soul parmanagén yazd] Pe. ‘the Thought God’ ie. Atlas parmaw] Pth. ‘terror’ parmay-] c. ‘think’; pp. prm’d [parmad] see frm’y parmayisn] Pe. ‘thought, idea” parmus-] c., inchoat. as pass., ‘be terrified’ framén] Pe. ‘happy, fortunate’ see frmyn [parnagin] Pe. ‘many-coloured damask’ parnifrad] Pth., pp., ‘freed from rebirth, died and gone to Paradise’ parnifran] Pth. ‘blessed death, death in a state of holiness” parniBranig] Pth. ‘concerning blessed death’ see under frsr’y- {parsinz-] Pe. ‘flow’ [fratomén] Pe. ‘first’ parwan] Pth., adv., ‘before, forward’; prep. and postp. ‘in front of, before’ parwanag] Pe. ‘leader’ 2] Pe. ‘belly (2° [*farrdj] Pe. ‘lucky (?)° prwn prwnd- prwr prwr- prwr’g, prwryén prwrz prwrz- prwrzg, prwxyd’r prwyry8n, prwry8n prx’st prxnyd prxwdn prxyz prxyz- pry’b- pry’d- pry’d’g pry’dygn pryg' pryg? pryh pryhyn pryng prysp pryst-" pryst-? *prystr prystrdys prysm’r prwn ~ prym’r B *parron] Pe. ‘beyond’, of place (with *c); of time, in the phrase *c nwn prwn ‘from now onwards, henceforth’ parwand-] Pth. ‘beseech, implore’ parrwar] Pe. ‘winged’ parwar-] Pe. ‘nurture, care for’; pass. prwryh- [parwarih-]; pp. prwrd [parward] parwardg] Pe. ‘one who nurtures, cares for, tends’ see prwyrysn parwarz] Pth. ‘nourishment, food’ parwarz-] Pth. ‘nurture, care for’; secondary pp. prwrz°d parwarzag] Pth. ‘one who nurtures, cares for; guardian’ farroxidar] Pe. ‘possessor of fortune, fortunate” parwerisn] Pe. ‘nourishment, food’ see under prxyz- 2] Pth., possibly not a complete word *parxiidan] Pth. ‘scorn, abuse’ [parxéz] Pth. ‘service’ parxéz-] Pth. ‘stand around, attend, serve; be, exist; dwell in, occupy’; pp. prx8t [parxast] paryab-] Pth. ‘attain, reach; overtake, come upon’; secondary pp. pry’b’d frayad-] Pe. ‘help’ frayadag] Pe. ‘helper’ frayadi’n] Pe. ‘help’ parig] Pe. ‘she-devil’ *frég] Pe. ‘shoulder’ see fryh and fiyyh frihén] Pe. ‘loving’ pring] Pe. ‘monochrome damask’ [parisp] c. ‘wall? parist-] Pe. ‘serve; serve through worship, worship’ see fryst- frestar] Pe. ‘noxious creature, reptile’ frestardés] Pe. ‘reptile-shaped’ parismar] Pe. ‘reckoning, accounting’ 74 prywy prywj prywj’n prywxt prz’r- prayd przyr- przyw- przywysn ps ps’ ps’c- ps’cySn pS’gryw ps’nyg, ps’s ps’xt pseg pswx ps pg pigwn’w *pSqsg pSqwe pitg psym’n pSyn’nyg Prywy ~ pSym’nyg, paryoy] Pth. ‘victory’ pary6z] Pth. ‘victory’ [pary6zZan] Pth. ‘victory’; used of the symbol of victory given to the saved soul [parydxt] Pth., pp., ‘overcome, conquered” see pre’r- parzid] Pe., pp., ‘shut in, imprisoned; fixed in, fastened in’ parzir-] Pe. ‘keep away (from, ’e)’ fraziw-] Pe. ‘live on, survive, propagate one- self” fraziwisn] Pe. “propagation, generation’ [pas] Pe. ‘after, then’; ’c ps ‘from behind, from the rear’; ps °c ‘after’ pas] Pe. ‘then, afterwards’; only with enclitic -c, ps’e [pasaz], or suff. pro. sg. 3, ps’S [pasas] [passaz-, Pe., pass Pth.] c. ‘make, prepare, fashion, arrange’; pp. ps’xt [passaxt] Pe.; secondary pp. ps’e’d, Pth. [passazisn] Pe. ‘preparation, arrangement’ asagriw] Pe. ‘deputy, representative’ (used of Mani’s successor, the head of the Man. com- munity) {pasanig] Pe. ‘follower, attendant, courtier’ see under ps” see under ps’e- [passazag, Pe., passazag, Pth.] c. ‘proper, suitable, fitting’, used regularly with copula understood, ‘it is fitting’ passox] ¢. ‘answer’ pag] Pth. ‘then, after’; °c p8 ‘after’ pasag] Pth. ‘following, pursuing (with intent to steal) (?)° *pasyOnaw] Pth. ‘unruly, obstinate (2) ?] Pth. ‘sliced, in slices (?)’. Or possibly two words, pS qsg paskiiz] Pe. ‘winged monster, griffin’ pastag] Pth. ‘bound, fettered’ paséman] c. ‘penitent, regretful’ pasémanig] Pe. ‘penitent’ pt pt’b- pty- ptbg ptwd pty’r ptyg pw'e- pw’cysn pws, pw’gyft pw'gyn pwhr pwlwd pwn pwnw'r pwnwnd, pwnwynd pwr! pwr? pwrm’h pwrs- pwrsysn pws pwsg pwsr pwst pwstg pwékwr pwst pwstb’n pwwd *pwxt pxs- px8'n PY, PYY pyd* pt - pyd! 75 see pd pattab-] Pth. ‘burn (into, pd)’ pattay-] Pe. ‘endure, last, remain’ pattabag] Pth. ‘splendour, radiance’ pattiid] Pth., pp., ‘having endured, suffered’ patyar] Pe. ‘assault, misfortune, mishap” *pattég] c., pr. name, ‘Patecius’ pawaz-] Pth. ‘purify’; short inf. pwe'd (pawazisn] Pth. ‘purification’ [pawag] Pth. ‘pure, holy” pawagift] Pth. ‘purity’ pawgén] Pth. ‘pure’ puhr] Pth. ‘son’ polawad] Pe. ‘steel’ pun] Pth. ‘service, meritorious act’ jpunwar] Pth. ‘charitable food-offering, food given as alms’ punwend] Pth. ‘meritorious, dutiful’ [purr] c. ‘full; full of” [pur] Pth. ‘much, very; completely, wholly” [purrmah] c. ‘full moon’ (used figuratively as term of praise); with double invocatory -d, pwrm’h’y” purs-] Pe. ‘ask; ask about, inquire about’; secondary pp. pwrsyd pursign] Pe. ‘questioning’ {pus} Pe. ‘son’, usually nom. or voc. pusag] c. ‘garland’ pusar] Pe. ‘son’, oblique post] Pe. ‘skin’ postag] Pth. ‘parchment, book’ *puskawur] place name in Pth. ‘Peshawar (2)° pust] c. “back; backing, support, protection’ pustban] Pe. ‘protector’ [pod] Pth. ‘boat, ferry’ poxt] Pth., pp., ‘cooked’; inf. pwxtn [poxtan] paxs-] Pe. ‘grow ripe; wither, fade” paxSan] Pe., v.n., ‘ripening, withering” [pay] Pe. ‘nerve, sinew’ pid]. ‘father’, nom. or voc., in Pth. occasionally also oblique 76 pyd? pyd’g pyd°gyh pyd’gynyd pydr, pdr pyg’m pyl pyle pyltys pym’n pymwe- pymwen pymwg pymwxt pyr'mwn pyr'r pyr’y- *pyryg pyrwg pyrwz pyrwzyh pyrwzyn- pysws py8 pysr pyS'ryy pySwb’y! pyswb’y? pySyh, pySyy pySyn pyd* ~ pySyn pid] Pth. ‘flesh’ [paydag] c. ‘manifest, apparent’ paydagih] Pe. ‘manifestation’ paydagénid] Pe., secondary pp., ‘made to appear, shown’ pidar] c. ‘father’ oblique, in Pth. occasionally also voc. paygam] Pe. ‘message’ pil] c. ‘elephant’ *pillag] c. ‘stepped altar, altar’ pilatis] pr. name in Pth. ‘Pilate’ payman] Pe. ‘measure, stature’ payméz-] Pe. ‘put on, clothé’; pp. pymwxt paymoxt] paymézan] Pe. ‘clothes, garment’ paymog] Pe. ‘clothes, garment” see under pymwe- [péramon] Pe., adv., ‘around, round about’; prep. ‘round’ ‘7 Pe., 2, cb 1 payray-] Pe. ‘adorn, prepare” [payrayag] Pe. ‘ornament’ payrdg] Pe. ‘brightness, splendour’ (pérdz] Pe. ‘victorious, victor’ pérdzih} Pe. ‘victory’ pérdzén-] Pe., caus., ‘make victorious’ pésiis) Pth., pr. name of the she-beast who bears the first human pair pe] c., prep., ‘before (of place)’; °w py8 ‘to the presence of, before” pear] Pe. ‘leader, guide’ [pesari] Pe. ‘guidance’ pesobay] Pe. ‘leader’ ‘Ayi] Pe. ‘leadership’ [pesi(h)} Pe., adv., ‘before’; ’e py8yh ‘from before, from (his) presence’; with verbs of utterance, ‘audibly, aloud’; by confusion with py5, prep. and postp. ‘before (of place)’ pésén] Pe. ‘earlier, former’ pySyng pyt pyw'e- pyw'h- pywh’n pywhn pywhysn pywn Pyws- pywst pywyn- pyys pyyser pzd rb rd' rd ra wdyy rh rhomwd’r rhywnyg rm r’myn- r'mysn r’mysngr rr rst rstw'n r’stygr rstyh rstyh’ rst r’Stwan pysyng — r°Stwzn ae péSénag} Pe. ‘earlier, former’; as subst., ‘the ancients, men of old” pit] Pe. ‘flesh, meat’ paywaz-] Pe. ‘answer’ paywah-] Pe. ‘implore, entreat’ paywahan] Pe., pres. pt., ‘imploring, entreating’ paywahan] Pe. ‘entreaty, supplication’ {paywahi&n] Pe. ‘entreaty, supplication’ paywann] Pe. ‘connection, tie’ [payds-] Pe. ‘long for, desire’ see under pywyn- paywinn-] Pe. ‘bind, join’; pp. pywst [paywast] payés] Pe. ‘order, instruction” payésgar] Pe. ‘teacher’ pazd] Pth. ‘scaring away, persecuting, perse- cution’ rab] Pe. ‘entreaty, supplication’ 138] Pth., postp., ‘on account of, for the sake of, because of, for’; “yd rd “because of this’ 148] Pth. ‘understanding, intelligence’ rad] Pth. ‘liberal, generous’ radi] Pe. ‘liberality, generosity” rah] c. ‘road” rahnimadar] Pe. ‘guide’ ] Pe., laudatory adj., dt 3 |] c. “peace” mén-] Pe. “give peace’ Jc. ‘peace’ ramisngar] Pe. ‘peacemaker’ | Pe. ‘valley’ t} Pe. ‘true, right” rastwan] Pe. ‘revolution, rotation (of the sun), (hence) the twenty-four-hour day” 1d 7 tigar] Pe. ‘truthful, righteous” rastih] Pe. ‘righteousness, truth’ tiha] Pe., adv., ‘rightly, fitly’ aSt] Pth. ‘true, right; straight” Stwazan} Pth. ‘revolution, rotation (of the sun), (hence) the twenty-four-hour day’ 8 rstyft rStygr rstyn ry! ry? ry? r’ymst rymstyy ryng rynyd’ryy rz! rz re rzmyrd rwyn rbyh rdn rf rfydgyh rfyl rg! 2 th rgystr rhngwh thy, rh rhyg ™ rmnyg mg mgs mj mz rpt, rptn Pstyft - cpt rastift] Pth. ‘righteousness, truth’ rastigar] Pth. ‘truthful, righteous’ rastén] pr. name in Pth. [ray] Pe., postp., on account of, for the sake of, because of, for’; ey r’y ‘on account of what, why’; eym ry “for what cause, why’; ’yd r’y ey “because’; “ym r’y “because of this, therefore’ ray] Pe. ‘understanding, intelligence’ ray] Pe. ‘wealth, treasure, riches” *raymast] Pe. ‘wise (?)’ *raymasti] Pe. ‘wisdom (? rayénag] Pe. ‘leader, controller, guide’ rayénidari] Pe. ‘guidance’ rz] c. ‘secret, mystery” raz] Pe. ‘symbol, pattern, type’; pd .. ‘in the pattern of, like’ riz] Pe. “building” [rzmerd] Pe. ‘builder, architect” rdyén] Pe. ‘of copper’ rabih] Pe. ‘noon, midday’ *radan] Pth. ‘jewel’ (used as laudatory term for a divine being); pl. rdnyn [*radanin] raf-] Pth. ‘attack’; pp. rft [raft] c. *rafidagih] Pe. ‘attacking, attacks (2)” rafél] Semitic pr. name of angel in Pth. rag] Pe. ‘vein’ ray] Pth. ‘quick, swift’ jrah-] Pe. ‘escape’ rayéstar] Pth. ‘quicker, swifter’ *rahnigiih] Pe., ?, epithet of a Man. god rahy, rah] Pe. ‘chariot’ irahig] Pe. ‘child; servant” ram] c. ‘flock’ (used for the Man. community) ramanig] Pth. ‘delightful, sweet’ rang] Pe. ‘colour’ rangas] Pth. ‘small, short, brief” ranj] Pth. ‘toil, labour, trouble’ ranz] Pe. ‘toil, labour, trouble’; mz *w'm bwrdn ‘enduring of toil (and) trouble’ see under rw- rz. rs- rsk rw- wn rw'neyn rw'neynyh rwng’n rw'nyn rwb’s rwbysn rwe (c.), rwz (Pe.), rwi rwe- rwe’g rwenyg rweg rwes'd rweyn- rweyn’g, rweyst rwd! rwd? rwd- rwdwr rwdyst’g, mwfyl rwmb rwn rrz — rwsn 9 rarz] Pe. ‘shivering, ague’ ras-] Pe. ‘arrive, reach, come’; "br rs- ‘come upon, attack’; secondary pp. rsyd; short inf. rsyd rask] Pth. ‘envy’ raw-] Pe. ‘go; act, behave’; pp. rpt [raft]; inf. rptn ruwan] c. ‘soul’ ruwandin] Pe. ‘soul-gathering; charitable’ ruwandinih] Pe. ‘gathering of souls, redemption’ ruwanagin] c. ‘“soul-work”, ie. gifts (of food etc.) by Hearers to the Elect, alms’ [ruwanén] c. ‘of the soul, spiritual’ Pth. ‘fox’ *robisn] Pth. ‘movement’ (Pth.) — [rdz, Pe., rd%, Pth.] c. ‘day’; rwe rwe “day by day, daily’ r6z-] Pe. ‘shine’; secondary pp. rweyst [rézist] rOzag] Pe. ‘shining, light-giving” rdZnig] Pth, ‘bright-faced’ [rdézag, Pe., rOzag, Pth.] c. ‘fast-day, fast’; rweg p’y- ‘keep a fast, fast’ hacer |] pr. name with Pth. text rzén-] Pe. ‘make bright, make light” rdzénag] Pe. ‘illuminator’ see under rwe- rd] c. ‘river’ [rod] Pth. ‘sympathy, compassion’ r63-] Pth. *grow’; pp. rwst [rust] rSdwar] c. ‘sympathetic, compassionate” rddestag] Pth. ‘province’ rufaél] c., Semitic pr. name of archangel, ‘Raphael’ (rumb] Pth. ‘mouth’ [ron] Pe., postp., sometimes enclitic, ‘towards’; °w ... p’dgwsrwn ‘towards the ... region” see under rwd-, rwy- rdSn] c., adj., ‘light, bright’; in Pe. also ‘clear, plain’ rdSn] c., subst., ‘light’ 80. rwsn’gr rwin’xw rwanshr yzd rwsnyft rwSnygr rwinyh rwényt’h rwnyn rvnystr rwy! rwy? rwy- rwyn rwyysn wz rwzd rwadyst *rxis rxtrnj ryh rym rymg rymn ryst rysthyz rystgygyh rysk *rySkyn ryxt ryzysn Z mm rzm"h ram hyg ramg’h rwsn"gr — rzmg"h rSnagar] Pth, ‘illumining, light-bringing; illu- minator’ [rosnaxw] Pe. ‘world of light” rosnSahr yazd] c. ‘god of the Aeon of Light’, ie. the Third Messenger frOSnift) Pth. ‘light’ rosnigar] Pe. ‘illumining, light-bringing; illu- minator’ jrSsnih] Pe. ‘light’ rdsniha] Pe., adv., ‘brightly, illuminingly’ rd8nén] c. ‘light, of light’ rdsnestar] Pth. ‘lighter, more light’ roy] Pe. ‘face” roy] Pe. ‘copper’ rdy-] Pe. ‘grow’; pp. rwst [rust] [rdyén] Pe. ‘of copper” royiSn] Pe. ‘growing, growth’ see rwe ruzd] Pe. “greedy, desirous’ ruzdist] Pe., secondary pp., ‘desired, coveted’ *raxSas] Pth. ‘raksasa, class of demons (?)° raxtranj] Pth. form in Pe. ‘toil, labour’ rh] Pth. ‘chariot’ rém] c. ‘dirt, filth’ rémag] Pth. ‘dirt, filth” [réman] Pth. “dirty, filthy’ rist] Pth. ‘correctly, duly, truly” ristahéz] Pe. ‘resurrection’, a Zor. term applied in Man. to the release of spirit from matter, hence ‘redemption’ ristagigih] Pe. ‘mortality (?)" resk] Pe. ‘envy’ reskén] Pe. “envious” fréxt] Pth., pp.. ‘poured” rézisn] Pe. ‘torrent, flood” raz] Pe. ‘vineyard’ razm] c. “fight, battle’ [razmah] Pe. ‘fight, battle’ razmahig] Pe. in Pth. text ‘warlike’ razmyah] Pth. ‘fight, battle’ rzmg’hyg rzmywz rzwr! rzwr? rawrgr rawryft sc sg s’gwmnd s’m’nwmnd sn- svn sr srr srt srw s’st’r sta sys sy- se- (c.), sz- (Pe.) sd‘ sd2 sdf sdwys sdyg sfsyr sg sgn sh shmyn shyk’ rzmg’hyg — shyk” 81 razmyahig] Pth. ‘warlike’ razmy6z] Pth. ‘battle-rousing, battle-seeking, battle-seeker’ (used chiefly of the redeeming gods) razwar] Pth. ‘right, just’ razwar] Pth. ‘judge’ razwargar] Pth. ‘righteous’ razwarift] Pth. ‘righteousness, justice’ sa J Pth. ‘prepare, make’; secondary pp. s’e’d ig] c. ‘number’ isagOmand] Pe. ‘numbered, with number’ mandmand] Pe. ‘bounded, limited” sin-] Pth. ‘lead up, take up’; secondary pp. snd [sindn] Pe., pres. pt., ‘raising up” ar] Pe. ‘year’; *br s’r ‘in the year” sdrar] Pe. ‘leader, chief? srt] Pth. ‘caravan’ sdrwar] Pe. ‘helmet’ ir) c. “commander” [satan] Pth. ‘Satan, the Devil’ sdyag] Pe. ‘shade’ see sy- saz-, Pe., saz-, Pth.] c. ‘be fitting, becoming, necessary, due” [sad] c. “hundred’ see under sn- (sadf] Pth. “being, creature” sadwés] pr. name in Pth. ‘Satavaésa’, used for the Maiden of Light sidig) Pe. ‘third? safser] Pth. “sword” [sag] Pe. ‘dog’ [sagan] pr. name in Pe. ‘the Sakas’; sg’n b’nbySn “queen of the Sakas’ se] Pe. ‘three’; sh sh “by threes’; pl. sn’n *senan]} [sahmén] Pe. ‘terrible’ *sahika] Pe. ‘timid, fearful (?)° 82 shyn shynyh’h shynyy smyl smyt kwf swe sn’n st sr’m’dg srw sr’wg sP’xiyn- sr’y- sryl! sr’yP srd’g sthng, srhnng srtw” srwbr srwd srw8’w srwS’hr’y srygr srygrkyrb sry8y8n_ sryys swe’gyn sweyn- shyn ~ sweyn- [sahén] Pe, ‘apparent; prominent, splendid (2° [sahéniha] Pe. ‘in striking fashion, splendidly (2° [sahéni] Pe. ‘showiness, fine appearance’ [sammaél] Semitic pr. name in Pth., used for the Devil [sumér k6f] Indian place name in Pth. ‘the Sumeru mountain’ [san-] c. ‘ascend, go up’; “br sn- ‘ascend up; overcome’; pp. sd [sad] [snaz-] Pth. ‘swim’ see under sh {sar] c. ‘head; chief, principal, head, leader; beginning, end’; pd sr ‘y “ymyn wysp’n ‘as the chief of all these things’; pd mwrgw’g sr ‘at the beginning of dawn, at first dawn’; sr °w sr ‘from beginning to end, completely’; as prep., ‘above, over’; st bwyst’n ‘above the garden’; with suff. pro. sg. 3, sryyé [saris] sarimadag] Pe. ‘distinguished, prominent’ sraw-] Pth. ‘sing’ ?] Pth. ‘young; a youth’ *srZxién-] Pe. ‘shame, put to shame (?)° sray-] Pe. ‘sing’ [sraél] Pth. “Israel? [sara@l] c., Semitic pr. name of archangel sardag] Pe. ‘cold, coldness’ sarhang] c. ‘leader, captain’ sartwa] Pth. ‘caravan-leader’ srobar] Pe. ‘teacher’ sréd] c. ‘song, hymn’ ‘srO8aw] Pth., used as pr. name for the Father of Greatness srdSahray] Pe. ‘the righteous Sraoga’, used as pr. name for the Column of Glory srigar] Pe. ‘female’ (srigarkirb] Pe. ‘of female shape’ sréSisn] Pth. ‘mixture’ see under sr [sOzigen] Pe., adj., ‘burning’ [s6zén-] Pe., caus., ‘set on fire” sweyndg sweysn swd swgb’ryg swylyy swend swew'r swhySn swnd’g swr swst swxrg swyg sxt? sxt? sxwn sxwnyn Sy-, S'y- sy’ryn sy’w sy’we sygyn syh symws syn- synjyn syryd syryn syst systg sysyn sytwg sywg syzd syzdh sweyndg ~ syzdh 83 sdzendag] Pe., pres. pt./adj., ‘burning’ [sOzisn] Pe., v.n., ‘burning’ sid] Pe. ‘profit, benefit” siigBarig] Pth. ‘sad’ isugli] Pe. ‘Sogdian’ sOgand] c. ‘oath’; swend dy-, Pe., “administer an oath’; swgnd xwr-, Pe., ‘swear an oath’ siigwar] Pe. ‘sad’ *swahisn] Pth. ‘sighing’ sundag] Pth. ‘slanderer’ sir] Pe. ‘food, meal; banquet’ isust] Pe. ‘soft, slack, lax” suxrag] Pth. ‘purple’ isuyag] Pe. *hungry’ saxt] c. ‘passed’, used with cardinal numbers in dating formulas, e.g. pd cfr sxt ‘on the fourth passed’ i.e. ‘on the fourth day’ saxt] Pth. ‘compressed, pressed together (?)’ isaxwan] c. ‘word, saying, utterance; the Word (ie. the Man. gospel)” [saxwanén] Pth. ‘of the Word” say-] Pth. ‘lie, lie down; be, exist” siyarén] Pth. ‘decaying, rotting” [syaw] Pth. “black” syawag] Pth. ‘black’ segén] Pe. ‘stony, of stone’ sih] Pe. ‘thirty’ see under brsymws sén-] Pe. ‘cause to ascend, raise up’ [*sinjén] Pth. ‘salvation (?)° *sérid] Pe., pp., ‘angered (2) *sérisn] Pe. ‘anger, pride (?)’ sist] Pe., pp., ‘broken (?)° ‘sistag] Pth. ‘broken’ sisin] c., pr. name ‘Sisinnius’ sitdg] Pe. ‘small counterfeit coin (of copper or iron, overlaid with gold or silvery [swag] Pth. ‘orphan’ 'sézd] Pth. ‘mighty, powerful’ [sizdah] Pe. ‘thirteen’ 84 syzdyft syzdyn St 3 Sbwhr od S'd'whrmyzd, Sd-wrmyzd | S'den Sgr Sdm’ng Sayte ¥dyh Sdyh” sh Shw'r Shyg’n S’qmn sn Srs- Sy- Syh- Szdh Sb sbnyg Sfrrs- afiyr Ser Sgrkyrbnd syzdyft ~ shrShr’n sézdift] Pth. ‘might, power’ [sézdén] Pth. ‘mighty, tyrannous* see sc- -(i)§] c., suff. pro. sg. 3, ‘him, her, it” Sabuhr] c., pr. name “Shabuhr, Shapur’ Sad] c. happy’ id-ohrmez4d, -drmezd] c., pr. name Sadgar] Pth. ‘giving happiness: happy’ dmanag] Pth. ‘glad of mind, happy” Sadift] Pth. “happiness? ih] Pe. ‘happiness’ S@higan] c. ‘palace’ kman] Indian pr. name in Pth. ‘Sakyamuni’ Pth. ‘evening, eve, dusk’ I¢., suff. pro. pl. 3, ‘them’ uSan] Pth., so written for "win (see under *wd), ac 5 -] Pe. ‘be ashamed’ -] Pe. ‘rule, have power; be able (with inf.) ] Pe., pass., ‘be made happy’ Sazdah] Pe. ‘sixteen’ Sab] c. ‘night’; Sb’n rwe’n ‘by night and day’ Sabiinig] Pth. ‘of the night’ [Sfars-] Pth. ‘be ashamed” [Saf8ér] Pe. “sword” Sagr] Pe. ‘lion; the zodiacal sign Leo’ Sagrkirband] Pe. ‘of lion form, lion-shaped’ Sagrzadag] Pe. ‘lion-cub* Sah-] Pth. ‘be able (with inf.) Sahr] c. ‘land, country, region; town; world, the world; world of the hereafter, heaven ; acon’ Sahrdar] Pth. ‘lord, king’ [Sahrdarift] Pth. ‘kingdom ; dominion; kingship, sovereignty’ [SahrSahran] Pth. ‘Aeons of Aeons’ a Shry’r Shry’ryh Shryg Shryst’n Shrywr Shwm, Swhwm Siwm Smbt Sung &r’syn’d 8r'syn’g org argz'dg sm Srmgyft Srmjd Sst St sswm Swe Swb'n Swd, Swdn Swh wi Swiyft Swryn Swst Swy- Sybh SyfSd’n ayft Syftyn syfwr Symwn Sypsyr Syr Syrg'mg Syryn Shry’r — Syryn 85 Sahriyar] Pe. ‘lord, king’ Sahriyarih] Pe. ‘kingdom; dominion’ *Sahrig] Pe. ‘citizen, burgher (?)° Sahrestdn] Pe. ‘city, provincial capital’ Sahrewar] c., name of the sixth month of the Zor. calendar, and the fourth day of each month Sohom] Pth. ‘sixth’ Saldm] Semitic pr. name in Pth. “Salome” [Sambat] Pth. ‘Sabbath, Saturday’ [Sang] Pth. ‘harp’ §rasénad] Pe., pp., ‘having been shamed’ Srasénag] Pe. ‘one who shames” Sary] Pth. ‘lion’ Saryzadag] Pth. ‘lion-cub’ Sarm] Pth. ‘shame” Sarmagift] Pth. ‘shame, decency’ SarmZad] Pth. ‘ashamed’ Sast] Pe. * [Sast] Pth. ‘SaSom] Pth. form in Pe. “sixth” Saw-] c. ‘go’; pp. Swd [Sud]; inf. Swdn Suban] c. see under Soh] Pth, ] Pth. “holy” {S02ift] Pth. *holiness’ €n] Pth. ‘salty’ see under Swy- -] Pe. ‘wi [Sibah] Pth. ‘path’ SifSSan] Pth. ‘grain of mustard, mustard-seed” Sift] Pth. ‘milk’ én] Pth. ‘of milk’ ‘SifOr] Pth. ‘trumpet’ simon] Semitic pr. name in Pth. ‘Simon’ [SifSér] Pe. ‘sword” Sir] Pe. ‘milk’ Sirgamag] Pth. ‘friend’ Sirin] Pe. “sweet? pp. Swst [Sust] 86 t tb- *eb'g tbr thyl te- (c.), tz- (Pe.) ter tftg tgnbnd thm thm’tr thmyh’ thmyn- thmyy tl'2wg thw'r tm t-tm -(i)t, -(u)t] c., suff. pro. sg. 2 you” ta] Pth. ‘tau, the last letter of the Man. alphabet’ tab] Pth. ‘shine’; secondary pp. tb'd tabag] Pe., pres. pt., ‘burning’ (taZ] Pth, ‘swiftly (2)" taZ-] Pth. ‘pour’ tag] Pe. ‘arch’ tamadag] Pth., adj./pp., ‘choking’ -(i)tan, -(u)tan] c., suff. pro. pl. 2, ‘you" tar] c., adj., ‘dark’ [tar] c. “darkness, the dark? trig] c. ‘dark’; as subst., ‘the Dark One’, ie. the Devil {tarén] Pe. ‘dark? tast] Pth. ‘cup’ tastag] Pth. ‘cup’ [tawag] Pth. ‘strong, powerful’ [tay] Pe. ‘thief’ tayi} Pe. ‘thieving, theft’ [tab] Pe. ‘fever’ tabag] Pth. ‘burning, blaze’; *dwr tg ‘the blaze of fire” itabar] Pe. ‘axe, hatchet’ *tabil] Pth. ‘tambourin, drum (?)’ taz-, Pe., taz-, Pth.] c. ‘flow, run” tazar] Pth. ‘palace, dwelling’; as an astro- nomical term, ‘double hour, period of two hours” taftag] Pth. ‘burning hot, red hot’ tagniband] Pth. ‘swift’ tahm] c. ‘strong’ tahmatar] Pe., in late texts, ‘stronger, strongest, very strong’ tahmiha] Pe. ‘strongly’ tahmén-] Pe. ‘give strength to, strengthen’ tahmi] Pe. ‘strength’ {talazig] Pth. ‘balance, scales’ talawar] Pth. ‘hall, tabernacle’ tam] c. ‘blackness, darkness” tmyg tmyn tn tnb’r tnb’ryn tneyy tnd tng, tnng ingryy tngy’nyg tnw’r thw’ryn tnygyrd tnygyrdyh tnyh’ tr, try trkwm’n trnys trs trs- trw- try tryxs- tryxt tryxtg tsb’y tskyrb tswm tk ty, Byy tw twn? twn? tmyg — tw'n? 87 tamig] Pth. ‘dark’; pl. as subst., ‘creatures of darkness’ itamén] Pe. ‘dark’ tan] c. ‘body: person’ ; Pe. xwy8 tn ‘own person, oneself” tanbar] Pth. ‘body’ tanbarén] Pth. ‘bodily’ *tanéay] Pe. ‘grieving for the body, concerned with material things (?)’ tand] Pth. ‘faint, languishing’ tang] Pth. ‘suffering, distress’ tengri] Turkish pr. name in Pe. tangyanig] c. ‘of body and soul’ tanwar] Pe. ‘body; trunk (of tree)” tanwarén] Pe. ‘bodily’ tanigird] Pe. ‘bodily, corporeal’ tanigirdih] Pe. ‘corporeality’ taniha] Pe., adv., bodily” tar, tare] Pe. ‘across, over’ tarkuman] c. ‘interpreter’ *tarnis] Pth. ‘throne’ tars] c. ‘fear’ see tyrs- tarw-] Pe. ‘overcome, conquer’ see tr [trixs-] Pth., inchoat. as pass., ‘be oppressed’ trixt] Pth. ‘oppressive, stern” {trixtag] Pth. “oppressed” tasbay] Pe. ‘four-footed; four-footed animal, quadruped’ [taskirb] Pe. ‘four-formed, four-shaped; square” [tasom] Pe. ‘fourth’ *taSk] Pe. ‘thistles (?)° [&] Pth., variant spelling of cy, q.v. tii/t6] c. ‘you (sg.)’; with enclitic -c, twye, twyye; with suff. pro. sg. 1, twm,; pl. 1, twm’n *tawan] c. ‘your’ [tuwan] Pe. ‘might, power’; used as equivalent of an impersonal vb., with inf., ‘be possible’ 88 tw? tw'ngr twgryst’n twhm twhmg’n twhyg twm, twm’n twr’n twsyg tww twxm twxmg’n twxmn twxs- twxdy8n twxdyst twye, twyye twz- twzysn txl txtyh’h tyd’r tygr tyj tylyst tym’r tyr tyrg tyrgystr tw’n} — tyrgystr tuwan] Pe. ‘mighty, powerful’ tuwdngar] Pe. ‘powerful, rich’ tugristan] place name in Pe. t6hm] Pe. ‘seed; family” [tOhmagan] Pe. ‘family’ tuhig] Pe. ‘empty; vain, illusory; barren’ see under rw [tiiran] place name in Pth. {tusig] Pth. “empty” tau] Pe. ‘tau, the last letter of the Man. alphabet’ t6xm] Pth. ‘seed; line, race’; hw’mwjd twxm ‘of compassionate race’ [tOxmagan] Pth. ‘family” tOxman] Pth. ‘seed-grain’ tuxs-]c. *be diligent, be zealous; strive, labour’ ; secondary pp. twxyst, twxS‘yst tux8dg] c. ‘diligent’ Sagi] Pe. ‘diligence’ ‘tuxsénidan] Pe., inf., ‘to make zealous, make to strive’ tuxsign] Pe. “diligence, zeal’ see under fw-5- see under tw 1t6z-] Pe. ‘expiate, pay for’ [t6zi8n] Pe. ‘expiation, penance’ taxl] Pth. ‘bitter, sharp’ taxtiha] Pe. ‘swiftly’; with suff. pro. sg. 3, txtyh’yws 2] Pe. ‘sullenness (2)’ tigr] river name in Pth. ‘Tigris’ tj] Pe. ‘sharp’ tilést] Pe. ‘three hundred’ temar] Pe. ‘grief, care’ tir] Pe., name of the fourth month of the Zor. calendar, and the thirteenth day of each month; *tyr rwe ‘y wzrg, the chief i.e. second day of the feast of Tiragan tiry] Pth. ‘fast, swift’ tiryestar] Pth. ‘swifter’ tyrm’ tyrs-, trs- tyryst tys *tyspwn tySng tytytnw” tyzyh’ tr wor wbryg’n wbryy w’e (c.), wz (Pe.) we wre'fryd! we'fryd? we’prydyy werg’n wd w'd'g w@hr'm yzd wdyn whs wn- wn’g wing wrnysn wr wr-! wr tyrm? — w'r- 89 tirma] Pe. ‘the month of Tir’ (cf. or) tirs-] c. ‘be afraid, fear’; secondary pp. tyrs’d ‘tirést] Pe. ‘three hundred’ tis] Pe. ‘thing’; with suff. -c, tyswe, tysye; with suff. pro. sg. 1, tyswm tespon] place name in Pth. “Ctesiphon’ ti8nag] Pe. ‘thirsty’ *tititniwa] Pe. ‘the tune (called) *Titit” téziha] Pe. ‘swiftly’ see tc- fwabar] Pe. “true” wabarigan] Pe. ‘true’ wabari] Pe. ‘truthfulness” Pe., , Pth.] c. ‘word, speech” waz-] Pth. ‘speak, say; evoke, create by word’; pp. w°xt [waxt]; secondary pp. we'd; inf. w*xtn wazafrid, Pe., wazafrid, Pth.] c. ‘created by word, spiritual, ghostly’; pd w’e’fryd ‘spiritually” azafrid] Pth. ‘divine command” wazafridi] Pe. ‘creation by word, spiritual creation’; w°x w’e’prydyy ‘spiritual creation by word” wazirgan, Pe., wazargan, Pth.] c. ‘merchant’ ] c. ; wind; spirit; breath’; wjyd wd (lit. ‘chosen Spirit’) ‘the Holy Ghost’; wd jiywndg ‘Living Spirit’ |wadag] Pth. ‘leader’ *wadahraim yazd] Pe. ‘the Air-raising God’, ie. the King of Glory wadén] c. ‘of air; of the spirit, spiritual’ wahs] Pe. ‘spirit’ (cf. wx) wan-] Pe. ‘conquer, attack’; pass. w’nyh- wanih-] tbe conquered’; secondary pp. w’nyst wandg] Pe. ‘conqueror’ wang] Pe. ‘voice, call, cry’; pd w'ng ‘at a call’ wanign] Pe. ‘conquest’ war] Pth. ‘flower’ war-] c. rejoice’; secondary pp. w’r'd war-] c. ‘rain’ 90 wr'n wryn- wrysn w'st w'wr wewryft wd wxiyg w'xt, w'xtn wy a wy wywg wz wyrwr we'r we'rmm’n we'ryén wen weyd (c.), wiyd (Pth.) wn — wdbrhm waran] c. ‘rain, raindrop’ warén-] Pe. ‘make happy, gladden’ warisn] Pe. ‘rejoicing’ see under w’y-! wawar] Pth. “belief” wawarift] Pth. “belief” [wax] c. ‘spirit, ghost’; in pl., ‘tutelary spirits’ Iwaxsig] Pe. ‘spiritual’ see under w"c- [way] c. “woe” way-] Pth. ‘lead’; pp. w’st [wast] way-] Pe. ‘fly, soar (?)’ (unless *hunt (?)’) waydg] Pe. ‘hunter’ see we wirwar] Pe. ‘bearing the male, phallophoric’ see wye’r see under wye’r- see wyerysn [wazan] Pth. ‘voice, word” (wizid, Pe., wizid, Pth.] c., pp., ‘chosen’ weydd’dyst’n, wzydd’dyst’n [wiziddadestan] Pe. ‘judging wisely, dis- criminating” weydg (c.), wiydg (Pth.) [wizidag, Pe., wizidag, Pth.] c. ‘Chosen, Elect’ weydgyft, wiydgyft weydgyh weydgyyerg weyh weyh- weyh’g weyhrg weyst wd wd'n wd’nm’n wd'r-, wyd’r- wdbrhm wizidagift] Pth. ‘The Elect’ (abstract as coll.) wizidagih] Pe. ‘The Elect’ (abstract as coll.) wizidagi¢arag] Pe. ‘flock, community of the Elect” *wizih] Pe. ‘dawn’ wizéh-, Pe., wizéh-, Pth.] c. ‘teach’; pp. weyst |wizist] Pe.; secondary pp. weyh’d Pth. |wizéhag] Pe. ‘teacher’ wizihrag] Pe. ‘a double hour’ see under weyh- wad] Pe. ‘bad’ [widan] Pth. ‘tent’ [widanman] Pth. ‘tent-dweller, nomad” widar-] c. ‘let pass, cause to pass; lead; pass, transgress; suffer, experience’; secondary pp. ward; inf. wd’r'dn [wadbrahm] Pe. ‘of bad behaviour, scandalising’ wde- wadyl wdmwst wang, wdnng war war’y, wydr’y ward, wydrd waxtg waxtn wdyb *wdyfs- wayftgyft wdymwst, wdmwst wdymwstyh wdyr- wayrysnyg waysg’r wdysn’sgyft wi! wh? wir, wpr wir’s- werd wh'g wh’ng wh’r whm whmn' whmn? whmn-xwrxdyd whwr'g wde- ~ whwe'g 91 widaz-, Pe., widaz-, Pth.] c. ‘melt (intrans.)’; inf. wdxtn [widaxtan] Pth |waddil] Pe. ‘faint-hearted” see wdymwst widang] c. ‘distress, trouble” (widar] c. ‘path’ *widray] c. ‘wretched’ [*widard] Pth., adj., ? {widaxtag] Pth. ‘molten’ see under wdc- *wideb] Pe. ‘deception’ *widefs-] Pth., inchoat. as pass., ‘be deceived’ *wideftagift] Pth. ‘deception’ *widimuSt] Pe. ‘astonished’ *widimuStih] Pe. ‘miracle, miraculousness” wider-] Pe. ‘pass, pass by’ widerisnig] Pe. ‘passing, transient” *widesgar] Pth. ‘deluding, deceiving” wadi8nasagift] Pth. ‘evil knowledge’ jwaf-] Pth. ‘weave’ iwaf-] Pth. ‘spit’ waft] c. ‘snow? wifrds -] Pth. ‘teach, show’; pp. wyfr’St [wifrast]; inf, wyfr’stn see wygr’d- wahag] Pe. ‘price, purchase’; pd wh’g ‘at a price, by purchase” wihdnag] Pe. ‘cause’; pd wh’ng ‘y ‘for the cause of, for the sake of” wahar] Pe. ‘spring’ [wahn] c. ‘prayer, supplication” {wahman] Pe., pr. name of the Zor. divinity “Vohu Manah’, used for the Man. divinity ‘the Great Nous’; also in the pl., with uncertain significance wahman] Pe., name of the eleventh month in the Zor. calendar [wahman-xwarxséd] pr. name of a Teacher in Pe. [*wihurag] Pe. ‘confuser, disturber’ 92 whwryd why whybg’r, whybgr whybg’ryh whydyn whyg whyg’r whyh, wyhyh whynj- whyrd whyst whyst'w whyywn whyz- wiyd, wiydg wiydgyft whrz’d wm'd wmyh- wmys, wymys wmyxt wn’h, wyn"h wn’hgr wihgryy wrrg wn’st wnd- wndysn wnst, wynst wnwh wnwhg *wny wnyr-, wynyr- wnywd wnywdyh whwryd — wnywdyh *wihurid] Pe., pp., ‘confused’; inf. whwrydn wahy] Pe. ‘better’ *wahébgar, -gar] Pe. ‘making better, helping, helper (?)" {*wahebgarih] Pe. ‘help (?)° wahedén] Pe. ‘of the best religion’, a Zor. term applied to themselves by the Manichaeans [wahig] Pe. ‘goat; the zodiacal sign Capricorn’ wahegar] c. ‘helpful, beneficent” wihih] Pe. ‘wisdom’ wihenj-] Pth. ‘lead up, draw up’ *wihird] Pth., pp., ‘confused’ (wahi8t] c, ‘Paradise’ [wahistaw] c. “Paradise” ‘*waheyOn] Pth. ‘betterment, improvement’ wih@z-] Pe. ‘move’ see wepdgyft (wilarzid] Pth., secondary pp., “having trembled’ [wimad] Pth., pp., ‘having experienced, suffered” wimeh-] Pe. “shape, form, fashion’; secondary pp. wymyhyd [*wimés] Pe. ‘mirage” wimixt] Pth., pp., ‘mixed’ [winah] Pe. ‘sin, offence; harm, injury’ [winahgar] Pe. ‘sinner, wrongdoer’ winahgari) Pe. ‘sinfulness, wrongdoing’ see wyn'r’g windst] Pe., pp., ‘injured, harmed’ see wynd- see wyndyin [winast] Pe., pp., ‘injured, harmed” windh] Pth. ‘behold, lo, see!” windhag] Pth. ‘trembling, shaking” wany] Pe. ‘overcome, defeated’ winner-] Pe. ‘be arranged, established, ordered; prosper’; with “br, ‘be established for; be set over, dominate’; pp. wynyrd [winnird] *wanytd] Pe. “destruction, ruin’ *wanyiidih] Pe. ‘destruction, ruin’ wpr wpr’yhyst wed wre (c.), wrz (Pe.) *wre’wynd wrd- (c.), wrt- (Pth.) wrdg wrdygn wrdywn wrg wrm wrt- wrw- wrwe wrwe’n wrwptn wrwyst wrwysn wrwysnyg wrye- wryh"d wryhr wryhr’wnd wryslyym wryxs- Wrz wrm wrzyer ws wsn’d wsrd wstmbg wpr — wstmbg 93 see wfr see under wyfr’yh- *warad] Pth. ‘captive (?)° warz, Pe., warZ, Pth.] c. ‘miraculous power; miracle” warzawend] Pe. ‘having miraculous power, powerful’ ward-] c. ‘turn; twist, writhe’ wardag] c. ‘captive, slave’ wardisn] Pe. ‘turning, going; metempsychosis’ wardyiin] c. ‘chariot’ warrag] c. ‘lamb; the zodiacal sign Aries’ warm] Pth. ‘wave’ see wrd- [wurraw-] c. ‘believe’; secondary pp. wrwyst; with suff. pro. sg. 3, wrwystwwS wirdz] Pth. ‘lightning’ wariiéan] Pth. ‘of Warué’; wrwé’n 3°h ‘the king of Warué’ lwiruftan] Pe., inf., ‘to sweep down, away’ see under wrw- [wurrawisn] Pe. ‘belief, faith’ wurrawisnig] Pe. ‘believing, devout’ wiréz-] Pe. ‘run away, flee’; pp. wryxt [wiréxt] wirihad] Pth., secondary pp., ‘thrown into confusion (?)° [2] Pe. ‘beautiful, comely (2)” (2] Pe. ‘beautiful, comely (2)° wuriglem] place name in Pth., ‘Jerusalem’ (wiréxs-] Pth. ‘run away, flee, depart” see wre [wirazan] Pe. ‘fading, withering’ warzigar] c. ‘labouring, industrious; farmer’ Iwas] c. ‘much, many; enough, sufficient” [wasnad] Pth. ‘on account of, concerning, for, about’ (occasionally prep., generally post- posited); ey wsn’d ‘on account of what, why ”; hw wsn’d cy ‘on account of that, because’ (wisard] Pth., pp., ‘poured’ see wystmbg

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