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May 2018


KIP 2017 Awards for

personalized services
and products
Life celebrations created
by Pray Funeral Home
and Mountain View
Funeral Home
Also in this issue:
• Future of funeral service
• Spiritual but not religious
• Paying salespeople
• Doing a better job of
selling markers and urns

Inside: Check out the college programs for ICCFA University, July 20-25, 2018

Leveraging permanent memorialization

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M AY 2 0 1 8 Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association ®:
Promoting consumer choices, prearrangement and open competition

Providing exceptional education, networking and legislative guidance and support

to progressive cemetery, funeral and cremation professionals worldwide

Spiritual but not religious: Courtney’s death rites
Crafting a service that honors the life and memory of each individual
takes careful thought and sometimes the willingness to do something a bit
different. by Paul Boardman
Top, Pray Funeral Home brought 12 SALES: MARKERS & URNS
in a pool table to a service to help Cemetery Impossible: Figuring out a better way to sell
friends and family remember and memorialization When you start to talk to a family about buying a
celebrate the life of a loved one. marker or urn, do you often hear, “We don’t have much money”? Do you
Bottom, Mountain View Funeral have a trouble getting families to select a replacement for the “temporary”
Home planned a princess-themed life urn you provide? It’s time for a new approach.
celebration for a 3-month-old girl. by Dan Isard, MSFS
The 2017 Keeping it Personal
Awards drew 51 entries. The awards,
The more things change, the more they stay the same
begun by the ICCFA Personaliza-
Think that funeral celebrants are cutting-edge? How about living funeral
tion Subcomittee in 2001, recognize
emcees, who will officiate at a funeral while the guest of honor is still alive
personalization in funeral, cemetery
to enjoy it? As funeral rituals continue to evolve, we have to wonder what
and cremation products and services.
the future will bring. by Nathan Nardi
The grand prize winner each year
receives one free registration to the 20 PRE-NEED SALES SUCCESS
ICCFA Annual Convention. Addi- Cutting compensation for salespeople is shortsighted
tional 2017 KIP Award winners will Are commissioned salespeople overpaid? Or are they crucial to the
be featured in future issues of ICCFA long-term success of your cemetery? by Ed Horn, CCE
8 Washington report Grand Prize Winner: Pray’s used pool table, putting green to help
Funeral service again at the family & friends celebrate life How do you create a life celebration that
bottom of FTC’s list of consumer ends in applause? Pray’s Funeral Home does it by listening to the family
complaints and then going above-and-beyond to help them honor their loved one.
by Robert M. Fells, Esq. Pray Funeral Home, Charlotte, Michigan
40 Update
26 Mountain View helped family give Kaia a celebration fit for the
42 Supply Line
princess she was The shortest life can have a huge impact on others.
48 New Members Mountain View Funeral Home helped a grieving family celebrate the life
49 Calendar of and say goodbye to a little girl who died much too young.
50 Classifieds Mountain View Funeral Home, Lakewood, Washington
Heaven’s Maid offers to care for graves when the family can’t be there
to do it When family members want to care for graves or bring flowers but
can’t do so, Heaven’s Maid offers to step in.
Heaven’s Maid, Hazel Park, Michigan

4 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
32 Reef balls encase cremated
39 ICCFA University, July 20-25, 2018
remains, build coral reefs to help
An invitation from Chancellor Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE
marine life Memorial Reefs Interna-
tional allows eco-minded consumers 39 College of Hospitality & Event Planning Dean John Bolton, CCE
to spend eternity helping to preserve 40 College of 21st Century Services
ocean life. Includes celebrant training by Dean Glenda Stansbury, CC
Memorial Reefs International LLC, 40 College of Cremation Services Dean Jim Starks, CFuE, CCrE
Hamilton Parrish, Bermuda 42 College of Funeral Home Management Dean Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE
48 ICCFA Q&A 42 College of International Studies Dean Jim Hammond
“Do you separate your sales team
42 College of Land Management & Grounds Operations
into pre-need and at-need special-
Dean Gino Merendino
ists?” Christine Toson Hentges, CCE
44 College of Leadership, Administration & Management
Dean Gary Freytag, CCFE
44 J. Asher Neel College of Sales & Marketing
Dean Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE
46 2019 Annual Convention Call for presentations:
Deadline July 10, 2018
To support the 46 Cremation training Sessions in Indiana and Ohio
ICCFA 46 PLPA College: Save the date: August 22-24, 2018
goal of ICCFA calendar
raising go to for program, registration & scholarship information
money to
fight lung 2018 ICCFA University
cancer, today’s #1 killer of women, July 20-25, Fogelman Conference Center,
go to http:/ University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
Chancellor: Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE

2018 Cremation Certification Training

Catch the WIRELESS newsletter in your
inbox for industry news, stories about colleagues
ICCFA Cremation Program Coordinator Poul Lemasters, Esq.
making headlines and updates on ICCFA May 9, Cremation Operator Training, Mid-America College of
educational events & conferences Funeral Service, Jeffersonville, Indiana
May 29-30, Cremation Arranger & Operator Training, Cincinnati
Follow the ICCFA’s LinkedIn
College of Mortuary Science, Cincinnati, Ohio
page to read breaking news about
colleagues, the profession and the July 18, Cremation Operator Training, Dallas Institute of Funeral Service,
association Dallas, Texas December 11, Live stream: Cremation Arranger Training, The Wilbert Group,
Broadview, Illinois
Follow the ICCFA on Twitter
December 12, Live stream: Cremation Operator Training, The Wilbert Group,
to receive instant updates on the
association’s educational events
Broadview, Illinois
& conferences 2018 PLPA College August 22-24, Embassy Suites by Hilton Cincinnati RiverCenter, Covington,
Like and follow the ICCFA 2018 ICCFA Fall Management
to read up-to-date news on the Conference
industry, ICCFA members making July 20-25, Fogelman Conference Center,
headlines and ICCFA events & University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
promotions Co-chairs Andrés Aguilar & Lauren Blevins, CCFE

6 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Washington Report
by ICCFA General Counsel
Robert M. Fells, Esq. FTC annual report show continued
drop in funeral consumer complaints
ext. 1212 n early March, the Federal Trade The report ranks 30 categories
direct line: 703.391.8401 Commission (FTC) published its annual
“Consumer Sentinel Network Data based on the volume of
➤Fells is ICCFA general Book 2017” that tallies the number of
counsel, responsible for
complaints. Funeral-related
consumer complaints filed with dozens of
maintaining and improv-
federal, state and local agencies. In addition, complaints come in at number
ing relationships with
federal and state govern-
all of the U.S. and Canadian-based offices 29; only buyers club complaints
ment agencies, the news of the Better Business Bureau contribute
media and consumer organizations. their data to the FTC report. are ranked lower, at number 30.
The total number of consumer Among the categories ranked
➤ Fells has worked on behalf of the ceme-
tery and funeral service profession on legal
complaints for 2017 is nearly 2.7 million,
which is slightly down from 2016. Some higher are banks and lenders
and legislative issues since 1975 and joined
the ICCFA staff in 1983. He is retired from 42 percent of the complaints were related (#5), health care (#14) and tax
his position as the association’s executive to fraud, 14 percent dealt with identity
director, which he held for six years. theft and everything else totaled nearly preparers (#27).
➤ He has published 44 percent. Debt collection, identity theft
a number of books. and imposter claims were the top three were 1,109. In each of the three years, the
His latest, “The Curse categories. percentage of funeral-related complaints
of the Tomb,” brings The report ranks 30 categories based on remained at 0.04 percent.
back Maj. Alexander the volume of complaints. Funeral-related It should be noted that for the first
Armstrong, who featured complaints come in at number 29; only time, the FTC report states that the term
in two previous books. buyers club complaints are ranked lower, at “consumer reports” is used instead of
The discovery of the number 30. Among the categories ranked “consumer complaints.”
royal tomb of King higher are banks and lenders (#5), health The report explains: “Often, people
Tutankhamen creates a
care (#14) and tax preparers (#27). make these reports after they have
huge black market in forgeries of antiquties
where the stakes include murder, and the
Funeral-related complaints amounted experienced something problematic in the
British government seeks assistance from to 1,109, or 0.04 percent of the total 2.7 marketplace, avoided a loss, and decided to
the Americans. million complaints. Funeral complaints alert others.”
categorized specifically as fraud amounted In other words, there may be no actual
to 14 complaints of the total 2.7 million. loss involved, only some difficulty in the
The nature of funeral-related complaints transaction that was resolved before it
is described as “quality, services, price reached the level of a loss.
or price disclosures of funeral service This acknowledgement by FTC suggests
providers.” that the numbers of complaints cited
For comparison purposes, total funeral- may be overstated because some of them
related complaints for 2015 were 1,245; for never reached the level of a loss on which
2016 they were 1,264, and for 2017 they ➤to page 9

ICCFA officers March-April and August-September. Periodicals

May 2018 postage paid at Sterling, VA, and other offices.
Christine Toson Hentges, CCE,
VOLUME 78/NUMBER 4 Copyright 2017 by the International Cemetery,
Andrés Aguilar, vice president Cremation and Funeral Association. Subscription
Jay D. Dodds, CFSP, vice president rates: In the United States, $39.95; in Canada,
Paul Goldstein, vice president Katherine Devins, communications manager; & association liaison;; $45.95; overseas: $75.95. One subscription is
Mitch Rose, vice president; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1224 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1214 included in annual membership dues. POST-
Gary M. Freytag, CCFE, treasurer MASTER: Send address changes to ICCFA
Jason Brown, communications assistant Daniel Osorio, subscription coordinator Magazine, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100,
Robbie L. Pape, secretary; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1218 (habla español) Sterling, VA 20164-4468. Individual written
Nadira Baddeliyanage, executive director
Robert M. Fells, Esq., general counsel Nadira Baddeliyanage, executive director; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1215 contributions, commentary and advertisements
& publisher appearing in ICCFA Magazine do not necessarily
Magazine staff ; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1225 ICCFA Magazine (ISSN 1936-2099) is published reflect either the opinion or the endorsement
Susan Loving, managing editor by the International Cemetery, Cremation and of the International Cemetery, Cremation and Robert M. Fells, Esq., general counsel Funeral Association®.
Funeral Association®, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite; 1.800.645.7700, ext.
Rick Platter, supplier relations manager 100, Sterling, VA 20164-4468; 703.391.8400;
1212; 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1213 FAX 703.391.8416; Published
Brenda Clough, office administrator 10 times per year, with combined issues in

8 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
LED Lighting Solutions
➤from page 8 for Memorial Products
complaints are typically based.
For questions or comments about the E N E R G Y S AV E R
report, contact ICCFA General Counsel Bob
Fells at LED light bulb for Crypt
The entire 95-page report can be & Niche Fronts
viewed at Warm color for Bronzes
network-data-book-2017/consumer_ E A SY TO
sentinel_data_book_2017.pdf. r
1 877 515-4672
Court: Funeral home
should not have fired
transgender employee
A lso in March, the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

issued an opinion in Stephens v. R.G. and

G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc., a case
involving a transgender funeral director
who was terminated shortly after she
disclosed her intention to transition from
male to female and dress as a woman
while at work.
The federal district court that originally
handled the case ruled in favor of the
funeral home and dismissed the case, but
the Sixth Circuit reversed the dismissal and
allowed the case to continue. The appeals
court rejected the funeral home owner’s
argument that his decision to terminate
the employee should have been protected
because it was motivated by his religious
beliefs. The Court of Appeals reasoned
that the compelling governmental interest
in eradicating employment discrimination
against transgender persons under Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 trumps
business owners’ theological convictions.
Funeral homes, particularly those in Best Practice/Personal Touch
states covered by the Sixth Circuit (MI, OH, Honorable Mention Winner
KY, TN) should ensure that they are not
making decisions based on whole or in part
on transgender status. Beautifully designed products with 24-Hr Turnaround in time for services is just
A funeral home’s fear that customers
part of the Legacy Touch advantage. Our superior eCommerce platform allows
would be distracted or upset by encoun­
families to order when they are ready, and funeral homes earn commission on
tering a transgender person is not a valid
consideration. Funeral homes in other every sale. Provide premium fingerprint keepsakes for the families you serve
states may be subject to state or local laws while gaining a proven new revenue source, only with Legacy Touch.
prohibiting discrimination based on sexual
orientation or transgender status.
For questions, our members can Become a Partner!
contact ICCFA labor law attorney Michael
Pepperman at 215.665.3032 or michael. 855.802.6800 through the
ICCFA telephone retainer for employment
advice, a major membership benefit. r

Visit the new and improved May 2018 9

by Paul Boardman
ICCFA Magazine
➤Boardman grew up as a
missionary kid in Japan and
earned a Master of Divinity
degree from Princeton
Theological Seminary. He
works full-time at Evergreen-
Washelli, one of the oldest
funeral homes in Seattle,
Washington, officiating at
funerals and memorial
➤His enduring thematic
obsessions include what
constitutes a good life in the
face of death and loss, and
yearning, even greed, for love.
His work has been feaured in
The Good Men Project and in
the anthologies “Just a Little
More Time,” “We Came To
Say” and “We Came Back to
Say.” He is working on publish-
ing a memoir.
Paul Boardman at the wheel of a hearse.

How to become a celebrant Crafting a service that honors the life and memory
• Attend ICCFA Univer- of each individual takes careful thought and sometimes
sity’s College of 21st
Century Services, led by the willingness to do something a bit different.
Dean Glenda Stansbury,
CC. ICCFAU 2018 will
be held July 20-25 at the
University of Memphis
Spiritual but not religious:
Fogelman Executive Center, Memphis, Tennes-
Courtney’s death rites
• Contact Stansbury (
or go to, the In-Sight am in-house celebrant at Evergreen service that best honors their “person.”
Books website, for information about celebrant Washelli Funeral Home in Seattle, Then, we get to the content and elements
training sessions scheduled around North America.
Washington. Although I have a Master of their service—the rites and form of how
of Divinity degree from a Christian to say their goodbyes.
seminary and training as a pastor in the I conducted a ceremony right after
Protestant tradition, the families I serve are Thanksgiving in 2017 that I’d like to
often, but not all, unchurched. tell you about. Courtney—we will call
Some of my families are those who her Courtney—came from a traditional
consider themselves spiritual but not Greek family. She had just turned 21
religious. Others are religious but unaffili- years old a week prior. She lived with her
ated with a church. Some are cross-over grandmother and was estranged from her
hybrid folks, such as a Native American- parents.
Catholic, who don’t align themselves with The day after Thanksgiving, after an
one denomination or tradition. They might argument with her boyfriend, she took an
have been “burned” by religion. electrical cord and hung herself from a tree
So, one of my tasks is to determine the in her backyard.
level of religious language—the bent or She was what you might call a free
tone the family feels comfortable with—to spirit. She was a dancer. She would have
get the language and spirit right for the nothing to do with the Greek Orthodox

10 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

faith of her grandmother and other family Almost all religions stress this connection smiling on you as she is surrounded by her
members. Her guardian grandmother or some future heavenly meet-up with our gods of mercy, by the swirling energies she
was fairly sure she wanted to honor her person. knew and believed in.
granddaughter in a 21-year-old Courtney Courtney’s paradigm of energy, her “She’s dancing sweetly, that dance
way, but was a bit uncertain because journals, very much embraced an afterlife. of hers. And the heavenly beings, the
the Greek relatives who would be in So, I went with that for my homily or beautiful gods of her most magnificent
attendance might feel lost. sermon, “Words of Comfort,” which the energies, are dancing with her. They are
We agreed we would just go for the family requested. It was unlike any homily rejoicing to be together. She’s in their
tone of “New Age Courtney.” Half of those I have ever given light, they are in hers and it’s beautiful. It’s
in attendance would be Courtney’s grief- My first task was to say that it was pure joy. She’s taking it all in.
stricken young friends. The grandmother absolutely OK to grieve freely—it was “She’s taking selfies right now, too.
felt anxious about the fact that there would okay to feel absolutely wrecked. It’s the She’d share them with you if she could
be no scripture readings, but we were blessed formula I stressed: Grief = Love. find a way. But she wants you to know
committed to Courtney. From viewing the later posts on her joy. She wants you to know of her
Grandma gave me a journal from Courtney Facebook page, it was obvious love of you. She wants you to know she’s
which to glean Courtney’s cosmology. that there was a lot of anger and conflict. smiling. She’s smiling in the way that you
Her Facebook page was still up. And in There was blame. remember. In that very way.
the service, in place of scripture, in front So, for the second part of my message, “May the gods of Courtney bless you
of many Greek Orthodox relatives, I read I called upon Courtney and her cosmology and keep you always.”
from Courtney’s good life Pinterest quotes, to allay the guilt and the blaming. I called Risky? Yes, it was. Heretical? Perhaps.
which were also still up. It was 100 percent upon the presence of Courtney from the Nevertheless, that was my sermon.
Courtney: beyond to be among us. Lest you assume there were no
I said: “The gods of Courtney are the traditional elements to this funeral, I
“Everything is energy and that’s all gods of mercy. Yes, the gods of Courtney, should tell you that Courtney was in an
there is to it. Match the frequency of the her very gods, are the gods of mercy. open casket. She was stunning.
reality you want and you cannot help but The energies of the gods of Courtney are If you ever doubt the power of an
get that reality. It can be no other way. descending now in forgiveness. They open casket, go to the funeral of a young
This is not philosophy. This is physics. extend their hand gently to us, these person lost to suicide. Courtney’s friends
—Albert Einstein compassionate gods of hers, and they kept vigil around her casket for 10 hours,
offer us their comfort. They are willing us, playing her music, singing, weeping.
“It is better to be absolutely ridiculous they’re wishing us, as much peace as we And yes, her boyfriend was there,
than absolutely boring.” can afford to take on right now. too—the one with whom she had had the
—Marilyn Monroe “So, take the manna of these gods of inciting argument. He might be the greatest
Courtney. Say thank you! Be extravagantly mess of a human I have ever seen. But
There is no greater comfort in death, blessed, take more comfort than you think there were so many people with their arms
expressed through our death rites, than you deserve. And then take some more. around him, holding him up as they all
when we still feel assured of our connec- Because Courtney wants you to have that grieved together. r
tion to our deceased loved one, our person. comfort and to know it and to feel it. She’s

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Visit the new and improved May 2018 11

by Daniel M. Isard, MSFS
1.800.426.0165 SALES: MARKERS AND URNS
When you start to talk to a family about buying a marker or urn,
Magazine do you often hear, “We don’t have much money”?
spotlight Do you have a trouble getting families to select a replacement for
➤Isard is president of
The Foresight Compa- the “temporary” urn you provide? It’s time for a new approach.

Cemetery Impossible
nies LLC, a Phoenix-
based business and
management consulting firm specializing
in mergers and acquisitions, valuations,
accounting, financing and customer
surveys. Figuring out a better way to sell memorialization
➤He is the author of several books, Dear Dan, enter into cemetery decisions six to 10 years
and frequently speaks at industry conven-
I have trouble selling markers to families. before they enter into funeral decisions.
During a sales conference, at need or in I conclude from your letter you are not
More from this author advance of need, my first emphasis is the sale promoting advance sales. This is the biggest
➤Educational information, including of the interment right. Then, I focus on the mistake you are making,
copies of this article, can be found at vault, if they haven’t pre-purchased it from We have followed successful cemeteries the funeral home. for 30+ years and found that a well-run
➤You can follow Isard on Twitter at Lastly, I try to sell the marker. Of course, cemetery has advance sales that are double
@f4sight, LinkedIn and “like” The Fore- many have pre-purchased it from the funeral the amount of at-need sales. Stated another
sight Companies on Facebook. home, but those that haven’t tell me they way, if a cemetery is well run and has
“don’t have much money” and I tell them we $1 million in revenue, about $650,000
Editor’s note can put up a temporary marker for them until to $700,000 of that revenue comes from
they can make the commitment. advance sales.
I have a similar problem with cremation The ability to talk first with a family via
families. We own our own crematory so we advance sales gives you first crack at their
have a great advantage in our market. We budget for funeral and memorial needs. By
have built two columbaria. One is a granite- promoting pre-need sales, you can make the
The Cemetery Impossible column is written
front and one is a glass-front. Everyone tells sale of the interment right and the protective
by the staff of The Foresight Companies.
me glass-front niches sell rapidly, but I do not vault as well as the memorial.
If you have a question you want to be
featured in this column, please send it find that to be the case in my market. If a family spends all their money at the
to Dan Isard or When we talk to a cremation family we funeral home on the casket and a service,
a member of his staff will call you to get show them the 40 urns we display and yet they won’t be able to fund the interment and
more information and a recommendation more than 80 percent choose the temporary permanent memorialization.
will be provided via this column, helping urn we use to return the cremated remains. You mentioned often hearing “we don’t
not only you but also others who are Recently I spent the money to buy an have much money.” How much is “not
facing similar challenges. engraving machine to engrave photos, names much”? To me, that is a sales phrase.
and dates onto the temporary urn, which In an arrangement conference, there are
families really appreciate. sales being made by consumers and the sales
I suspect there is something we are counselor. This phrase, when used by the
doing to cause us to have a result which is consumer, is simply an attempt to position the
inconsistent with other cemeteries. arrangement counselor in a corner.
Tired of Temporary in Topeka Families have choices. Would the family
rather spend the money on a memorial or on a
Dear Tired, grave opening? They can certainly, with your
Yes, your technique is not effective for selling supervision, open their own grave and close
markers, vaults, interment rights, merchan- it up. However, they have chosen to employ
dise and memorials for cremation consumers. you to do that work for them.
Let me break it down for you. Families make choices with their money.
The average advance cemetery sale takes They choose to spend based on where they
place when the consumer is 68 to 72 years perceive value.
old. The average advance funeral sale takes A memorial marker can cost from $500
place when the consumer is 78 to 82 years to the going price of a pyramid. This marker
old. is the symbol of the memorial point. A
Therefore, on average, a consumer will marker is a modern-day stele. A stele was the

12 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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These plastic vessels in which the cremated remains are encased when being returned to a family are
actually “transfer urns.” They have a limited purpose, that of taking the cremated remains from the retort
to the point of permanent interment or transfer to a permanent urn. They are not “temporary urns.”

engraved story of achievements the deceased confuses the families into thinking these are providing clients that they track which
would prepare to argue they are worthy of full-fledged, permanent urns. families do not purchase an urn at need and
going to “the underworld.” It evolved into a They are not intended to be on display continue to market to them. You can do this
gravestone and memorial. in a household, let alone in a glass-front by letter and email.
There are many types of memorial niche. You can place them in a granite niche, Generally, 2 percent to 5 percent of people
available, including upright and flat markers because no one will see them. You could contacted post-need will purchase an urn.
as well as benches and other columns. Not place a plastic bag containing cremated re- The key to selling glass-front niches is
everyone needs or wants columns. It is a mains in a granite-front niche, for that matter. positioning the price relative to a granite
matter of the family choosing what is proper Customizing or decorating these transfer niche. Assuming a granite niche costs $500,
to their sensibilities. urns simply serves to interfere with a family’s the same size, same position of a glass-front
The grave is a functional object, the place choice of an urn. niche would be about $1,000. If you set your
where a person’s body is laid to rest, while Scripting is important on Broadway, but price for glass-front niches too low, they
the marker is the memorial to that person’s it is also critical in an arrangement. Too often don’t have value. You might sell them out too
life. Today, we use substantial materials such arrangers learn a script of their own device quickly.
as granite and bronze to mark the grave to and stay with it even if it results in poor Glass-front niches are often chosen
protect against weather and erosion that can communication. because they can be personalized easily. This
alter the condition of these items, as anyone A family has at least two decisions to starts with the selection of the urn itself. A
going through an old church cemetery can make in the choice of merchandise for a more personalized and possibly more high-
attest. cremation service: Is the purpose of the end urn will be purchased for a glass-front
That is why a “temporary” marker is not container to hold the body for transfer, care niche than a granite-front niche, since it can
proper. In fact, it is a misnomer. A temporary and maybe display for a service? Will the be seen.
marker is usually paper on a metal insert. The vessel chosen to hold the cremated remains I remember seeing a bank of glass-front
paper eventually deteriorates, leaving only be permanent? niches where only about three out of 40 had
the metal insert. Over time, the insert may be We use euphemisms because we are been sold. The owner wanted uniformity and
moved by grounds crews and put back in the so accustomed to this discussion, but for decreed that “everyone using one of these
wrong place or not at all. a family that has never made a cremation must use this particular urn.”
A temporary marker can possibly set you arrangement, this adds to confusion. Those niches didn’t sell because of that
up for litigation, as these are not markers The script should be, “In a moment, we cemetery owner’s rule. To the consumer,
meant for the public. They are generally for are going to review two product choices you “glass-front” means “custom.”
the work crew or setting companies, but they need to make in dealing with your loved Glass-front niches appeal to families
are not intended to be relied upon by the one’s body. First, what do we want to use who want to be more expressive. The layout
public. to hold their body between now and the within the niche is important to them. They
cremation? This will be used to care and will pay to rearrange and reset the niche
Cremation sales protect the body and be a way to display the interior every few years.
Your issue for cremation families is just body for the visitation and service. We will The urn is a part of this staging. To
as problematic, but since you caused the use this to protect the body as we move it tell people who want the niche contents
problem you can correct the problem. A from the point of the service to the crematory. to express who their loved one was as
temporary urn is not temporary. It is usually “Secondly, we need to place the cremated an individual that their niche must look
made out of plastic or some simple wood. remains into a vessel that you can use to like everyone else’s is to operate at cross
If left unprotected in a field, sun, wind and protect the remnants of the body, which purposes.
elements might break it down in 50 to 70 may be for the display in your home or for People who buy glass-front niches will
years. Something that lasts that long is inurnment in a permanent place such as a buy more ornate and personalized urns.
certainly not temporary! cemetery.” You need to encourage this to promote the
These plastic vessels in which the crema- Then you lead them into the display area complete sale of the glass-front niche.
ted remains are encased when being returned to make their choices. Why else would people be willing to
to a family are actually “transfer urns.” Selling urns is different from selling buy larger niches, niches that are taller or
They have a limited purpose, that of taking caskets in many respects. The biggest differ- wider than average? These options appeal to
the cremated remains from the retort to the ence is timing. A casket is almost always some people because they allow them to use
point of permanent interment or transfer to purchased within 48 hours of death in an decorations that are of different sizes.
a permanent urn. They are not “temporary at-need arrangement. However, an urn can be I recommend you look at all you are doing
urns.” purchased at-need or post-need. in light of this article and change a few things
Lasering images and words on these Post-need is any time after the service. at a time. r
transfer items gives them too much respect. It I strongly recommend to our cremation-

14 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
If crypt flies don’t keep you
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Visit the new and improved May 2018 15

by Nathan Nardi FUTURE STUDIES
Magazine Think that funeral celebrants are cutting-edge?
➤ Nardi is director of How about living funeral emcees, who will officiate at a funeral
cemetery operations while the guest of honor is still alive to enjoy it? As funeral rituals
for the Archdiocese of
Baltimore, supporting continue to evolve, we have to wonder what the future will bring.
the 50+ Catholic

The more things change,

parish cemeteries,
writing policies that guide cemetery
operations, performing market research
and in general supporting cemetery
operations, sales and new project man-
the more they stay the same
agement. He is also the director of the
New Cathedral Cemetery in Baltimore. efore dinner last night, in a ritual of burial with no service. This tells us that
➤In 2015, when he was executive direc- we practice nightly, we allowed the benefits of such services are universal.
tor of Rose Hill Cemetery, Hagerstown, our daughter to watch a little TV. Whether full-body burial or cremation
Maryland, he won a KIP Award for a She typically selects a cartoon with bright disposition is chosen, the funeral or
memorial urn cover developed to cover colorful figures whose movements are memorial service brings out something
“temporary” cremation containers for a punctuated by a low rumble typically that satisfies families beyond their expecta-
more pleasing presentation at services.
shared with the likes of the latest full- tions. This tradition stands the test of time.
➤In 2018, he will be returning to ICCFA featured action movie. So when these Funeral rituals, for many, are about
University as a junior. rumbles were replaced with a funeral celebrating someone’s life. Whether a
dirge, I turned my attention to the screen. birthday or a funeral, the goal is the same:
More from this author
She was watching something from Taking time to celebrate someone’s life.
➤Nardi writes a blog, which can be read my youth, “Little House on the Prairie.” The biggest difference between the two is
I don’t know if it was the horses or the that the person being celebrated doesn’t
frilly dresses that caught her attention, but usually attend the latter.
she paused and in a way that only 6-year- I say “usually” because that may
olds do, she stood mesmerized before the be changing. According to an article
projected square image from my youth, published by the Neptune Society, “living
taking it all in. funerals” offer an opportunity for you to
As it turns out, it was the episode in celebrate the life of a loved one with them.
which the climax was the “funeral” for I recently asked Michelle Jewels-Parsons,
Amy Hearn, an octogenarian who misses a funeral celebrant and living funeral
her children and grandchildren so much she emcee, a few questions regarding the
convinces Doc Baker and the Ingalls family living funeral ceremonies she facilitates.
to help fake her death. Mrs. Hearn’s family “The clients I have assisted have been
comes home and everyone celebrates her a mixture of elderly and terminally ill,”
80th birthday at her funeral wake. Jewels-Parsons said. “The clients I assisted
While an overused plot point indicative wanted to be completely in control of their
of 1970’s TV, this episode did remind me send-off, and felt it a burden to leave the
just how much some things have changed planning to family.”
and how, at the same time, nothing has Jewels-Parsons says that most of these
changed. families do not have an additional service
Cremation has become more popular after the death. She describes her typical
than traditional full-body burial, but what’s client as atheist or having no religious
really changed? According to a report preference. “All were between 50 and 85
published by Johnson Consulting Group in age. All were women and all went on to
in 2017, cremation families who hold a be cremated upon passing.” Most of her
memorial service at a funeral home are clients have families of their own and use
more satisfied by their experience than are the service to facilitate a “send-off.”
their direct cremation counterparts. Attendees at these living funeral
In addition, among those opting for ceremonies are encouraged to bring a
traditional full-body burial, families testimonial of their relationship to share
selecting services were more satisfied than at the event or to give privately to the
those who chose to forgo a service in favor honoree. “There are plenty of tears but

16 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Make it

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Successful funeral professionals have adapted and will continue to adapt to meet
the growing needs of their clients. As younger generations begin to identify which funeral rituals
are important to them, funerals may begin to look a lot different than they do today.

also many, many laughs,” Jewels- service is religious self-identification.

Parsons said, “and, as one would Generations* According to the 2015 Wall Street
expect, lots of love and hugs.” Silent generation 1925-1945 Journal article, “Why the Future of
In the “Little House” episode, Baby boomers 1946-1964 Religion is Bleak,” nearly 80 percent
Mrs. Hearn enlisted the help of a of the U.S. population identifies as
funeral professional with the many Gen X 1965-1979 Christian, but only about 65 percent
details of her celebration. Had a Millennials (Gen Y) 1980-1994 will do so by 2050. Twenty-five
real woman of that time planned Gen Z 1995- percent of the U.S. population is
a living-funeral-turned-birthday- projected to identify as “unaffiliated”
celebration in a funeral home, she Homeland generation 2005- by 2050.
would certainly have been ahead of *There is no standard definition of the various genera- In an ever-changing world full of
tions. The Forbes article Nardi refers to lists the home-
her time. limitless ideas, funeral service and
land generation as beginning at 2005.
Today’s funeral professionals are memorialization are sure to continue
called upon to provide venues and to change over time. I may not be able
amenities never thought of in the As new technologies were introduced, to predict what the future of death-
past. Funeral chapels are being converted they were put to the test. As cremation care looks like, but if the past has taught
to event centers and funeral directors are has become the disposition of choice for us anything, it’s that while some things
expanding their range of services to include most people, a new alternative, alkaline may change over time, the most important
food preparation and equipment rentals. hydrolysis has been introduced and is elements will always remain the same.
Funeral directors emceeing events at being increasingly offered. A funeral may not always be held at a
their locations has become a more common Industry leaders are testing the future of funeral home or a church; it may not feature
occurrence, and why not? Funeral directors memorialization with new cell phone apps a casket or a hearse or end at a cemetery.
are supremely organized, detail-oriented and virtual cemeteries. High-rise cemeteries Nevertheless, I do know that people in
professionals who are comfortable with the are literally taking above-ground entomb- generation after generation have been
multitasking responsibilities of an event ment to new heights around the world. bonded together by a shared human exper-
planner. Funeral directors have always What will funerals be like in another ience. That experience is the story of our
shown a predisposition for these skills. 60 years? What has been dubbed by some lives.
Successful funeral professionals have the homeland generation (those born We’ve been celebrating life through
adapted and will continue to adapt to approximately since 2005), are still children storytelling since the beginning of human-
meet the growing needs of their clients. (as opposed to millennials, some of whom kind, and those stories will continue to
As younger generations begin to identify are now approaching 40!), but we can still be told forever, regardless of location or
which funeral rituals are important to speculate about the future of funerals. disposition type.
them, funerals may begin to look a lot Will the members of the homeland
different than they do today. generation bring back the traditional References:
As generations age, they experience funeral? According to an article written by “Little House on the Prairie” (NBC),
life differently than the generations that Neil Howe for Forbes Magazine, young episode “If I Should Wake Before I Die.”
came before them. The impact of their homeland generation children are being Johnson Consulting Group
upbringing, societal norms, economic raised with more traditional values than the 2017, trends and insights article,
conditions and religious values will generation before them. http://47b0uy2xnaw62nfr9r5oh99u.
ultimately guide the final wishes of each According to Howe, these 21st-century
generation. children will grow up with more traditional uploads/2017/11/2017-Trends-Insights-
Between the silent generation and bedtimes, have set meal times and spend Article-102717-High-Res-Graphs-002.pdf
millennials, there has been a huge shift more time with their parents, translating Michelle Jewels-Parsons, funeral cele-
in the kinds of services death-care to closer relationships with their parents. brant,
professional have been providing. As a They are on track to receive better educa- Forbes article, “Introducing the Homeland
profession, we have adapted in many ways tions than previous generations and will be Generation,”
over the last several generations. focused on achievement while being risk- neilhowe/2014/10/27/introducing-the-
Since the Civil War, when embalming adverse in their career and life choices. homeland-generation-part-1-of-
services came into existence, funeral Though many of these traits are also 2/#72d279752bd6
directors have been developing their craft. ones we would identify as belonging to the The Wall Street Journal article, “Why
They have been enhancing the services purchaser of traditional funerals, one of the future of Religion is Bleak,” https://
they provide to better meet the needs of the biggest determining factor in whether
their communities. or not someone will select a traditional religion-is-bleak-1430104785 r

18 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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by Ed Horn, CCE

ehorn@stmichaels PRE-NEED SALES SUCCESS
ICCFA Magazine Are commissioned salespeople overpaid?
➤Horn is director of Or are they crucial to the long-term success of your cemetery?

Cutting compensation for

sales and marketing and
of community relations
at St. Michael’s Cem-

salespeople is shortsighted
etery, East Elmhurst,
New York.

➤He is a member of the ICCFA Board of here was a time when I would hear Sales of property made today result in a
Directors and the Government and Legal from owners and managers that portion of the money being invested in trust
Affairs Committee.
opportunities for sale represen- accounts designed to grow so they can meet
➤ The 9/11 Queens Firefighters Memorial tatives were too generous. As a result, the future needs of cemeteries. If money
and observance he spearheaded in honor territories were carved up, additional sales earned currently from sales is invested in
of Queens firefighters killed on September reps were hired and/or commissions were developing new memorial properties, that
11, 2001, received the grand prize in the cut. It was open warfare that confirmed will result in trust funds growing.
ICCFA’s 2005 KIP (Keeping It Personal)
the belief held by some employers that As inventory goes down (due to sales
Awards contest.
commissioned sales reps earned too much. success), pricing of remaining memorial
But if commissions are based on pricing property can be increased, especially when
that reflects cost of product, administrative the economy is doing well, resulting in more
and operational fees and commission money deposited in the trust fund.
(built into the sales price), how could a Commissioned sales reps are the best
commissioned sales rep earn too much? salespeople in the marketplace. Their
I think this belief was based on owners/ earnings are determined by their ingenuity,
managers feeling, either overtly or uncon- personality, perseverance and ambition.
sciously, that their sales reps might (or did) Limiting their income ensures their departure.
make more money than they themselves did. Who will their replacements be? What will be
Many commissioned sales reps don’t the consequences to the cemetery?
earn anything unless they sell. Restricting A sales organization that celebrates a
their income can result in fewer sales, which good-to-exceptional reputation has earned
negatively impacts the organization’s bottom that recognition as a result of its employees,
line, meaning that those who insist on the services provided to its clients and the
limiting their sales reps’ incomes were more devotion of its sales force.
concerned about doing that than about the A commissioned sales rep understands
overall economic health of the organization. this three-legged stool on which rests their
Recently, I’ve seen a resurgence in the economic wellbeing. The first leg is that their
idea of limiting sales reps’ earnings, this own self-interest can only be ensured by the
time at cemeteries with a limited amount success of the institution (the second leg) they
of inventory left to sell. Directors wonder work for.
whether it’s rational to continue pushing sales The third leg is that it’s never a one-and-
rather than prolonging the cemetery’s active done encounter with clients. The cemetery-
life by selling at a slower pace. client relationship is a long-term one, and
We all realize that landlocked cemeteries continuing to serve the needs of each client
will eventually (in some cases soon) sell often leads to additional sales, to the client’s
their last interment, entombment and friends and family members.
inurnment. After the last of the land is sold, Driving away your best salespeople by
institutional income (beyond what comes cutting compensation and then making do
from endowment funds) will be restricted with a subpar sales force can damage the
to openings and closings, monument sales cemetery’s reputation.
and the introduction of new memorialization To create the circumstances under which a
options. cemetery can grow and enlarge its trust funds,
Without property sales, these other income the cemetery must have properly motivated
streams may be significant, at least for a and compensated sales reps. They are the
while, but most of the burden of maintaining people who will make sure the cemetery can
these cemeteries in perpetuity will rest on be financially secure and fulfill its promises to
trust funds/endowment care. its client families. r

20 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved May 2018 21

K I P 2 0 1 7 A WA R D S :

How do you create a life celebration that ends in applause?

Pray’s Funeral Home does it by listening to the family and then
➤2017 First Place going above-and-beyond to help them honor their loved one.
Winner & Grand Prize
Winner: Pray Funeral
Home, Charlotte, Michigan


n A most unusual touch that
seems like it really captured
the young man. Ended in ap-
n Effective use of sports
themes to connect service
attendees to the personality of
the deceased.

Joseph Pray,
director and
life celebration

The pool table was brought from Joseph Pray Sr.’s house as a surprise to the
family. It encouraged friends, family members and pool league buddies to recre-
ate Drew’s memorable shots and relive the debate about whether they were due
to his skill or luck.

Pray’s used pool table, putting green

to help family & friends celebrate life
ray’s Funeral Home strives to bring an for family, work and sports in spite ofthe many
aspect of creativity to each service we health challenges he faced. A member of golf,
direct for the families of our community. bowling and pool leagues over the years, Drew
In some cases, it may be coordinating our staff to also collected beer cans, Tiggers, puppets and
A puppet similar to Drew’s fa- be dressed in bib overalls in honor of the grandpa anything related to Michigan State University.
vorite puppet was displayed at who always wore bib overalls for everything, Family and friends celebrated his life by
the head of the casket, evoking setting up displays or vignettes of personal and participating in Drew’s favorite sports and
memories of the many times hobby items or using our collection of antique hobbies, which featured prominently during his
he entertained family and cars for a car aficionado. visitation and life celebration.
friends with his antics. This is what we did for the life celebration of Tigger, a puppet, beer collections and MSU
Evan Drew Adams. memorabilia were featured in vignettes displayed
Drew was a “true overcomer.” He maintained throughout the room.
his interests and goals, keeping his enthusiasm

22 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

To recall the stories of Drew’s many

visits to the local casinos with friends,
Pray’s secured a slot machine to in-
clude in the vignettes.

The first invitation to celebrate Drew’s life
as guests entered the visitation room was a
full-sized pool table set up in the middle,
complete with balls racked and cues
chalked and ready.
The pool table was brought from Joseph
Pray Sr.’s house as a surprise to the family.
Throughout the visitation numerous
friends, family members, and pool league
buddies took shots on the table.
They even recreated Drew’s memorable How do You Respond?
shots and relived the debate about whether Don’t lower your prices. Help families understand the value you
they involved Drew’s skill or luck. deliver. Cremation with Confidence was created to give you and
your staff the tools to defend your price.
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As guests passed the pool table headed to Confidence provider, and exclusively license your county today.
the front of the chapel to support Drew’s
family, they noticed Pray Funeral Home’s
@2018 Cremation with Confidence

golf course backdrop hung behind the

casket. This life-size image depicted a
green at the local golf course that Drew
had played many times.
As they neared the casket, they walked
across a putting green spread across the
front of the chapel. Drew’s putter stood (855) 890-3456 • CREMATIONWITHCONFIDENCE.COM
ready in a stand, teasing guests to try their

Visit the new and improved May 2018 23


Screenshots from one of Joseph Pray’s Instagram videos showing the funeral setup, including a bowling area.
Drew’s bowling ball, hand sinking a golfball into the cup at
along with pins bor- the foot of the casket. Again, friends and
rowed from the local league buddies recalled some of the games
bowling alley, were set they had shared with Drew.
up at the head of the
casket. At the close Bowling
of the service, Drew’s As they passed the casket, they came
brother Kyle stepped to across Drew’s bowling ball, along with
the head of the aisle and bowling pins borrowed from the local alley
rolled a perfect strike for
by our staff member Nate Lovaas, The pins
Drew—Drew’s last strike.
As the pins fell, family were set up at the head of the casket.
and friends erupted into Family album memorial video
long-lasting applause Pray’s video team created a personalized
and cheers.
video memorial using the family’s pictures
Some of Drew’s beer
collection and MUS that captured Drew’s favorite times in
memorabilia were placed living color.
throughout the room. It was enjoyed by friends and family
during their visitation, as well as shared
on Drew’s tribute page on Pray’s website,
where friends could share their memories
and pictures of Drew.
Rolling the last strike
At the close of the service, Drew’s brother
Kyle stepped to the head of the aisle and
rolled a perfect strike for Drew—Drew’s
last strike. As the pins fell, family and
friends erupted into long-lasting applause
and cheers.
The service encouraged guests to
remember, celebrate and carry Drew’s
memory forward. Many guests com-
mented, “we are glad to be here.”
Drew’s sister Dawn said afterward,
“My brother’s funeral was full of tears but
more importantly lots of laughter, as well.
Pray Funeral Home was amazing and Joey
Pray’s accoutrements were outstanding. ...
A putting green was spread across the front of the chapel. Drew’s putter stood Can’t say I’ve ever been to a funeral that
ready in a stand, teasing guests to try their hand at sinking a golf ball into the cup ended in applause. Great send-off to one
at the foot of the casket and encouraging friends and league buddies to recall the of the sweetest, kindest, most life-loving
games they had shared with Drew. persons I know.” r

24 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved May 2018 25

K I P AWA R D S 2 0 1 7 :
The shortest life can have a huge impact on others.
Mountain View Funeral Home helped a grieving family celebrate
➤Honorable mention:
the life of and say goodbye to a little girl who died much too young.
Mountain View Funeral
Lakewood, Washington


n Beautiful.
n Very touching tribute for a
tragic loss of an infant.
n Nice memory card.


Three-month-old Kaia was remembered at a princess-themed celebration of life that the

funeral home recorded so her twin would be able to watch it someday and learn about his
sister and how loved she was during her short life.

Mountain View helped family give Kaia

a celebration fit for the princess she was
hen I first heard less nights and around-
of 1-month-old the-clock care, it was
Kaia, she was finally time to let Kaia go.
fighting for her life at Mary I was called upon to
Bridge Children’s Hospital help create a memorable
after being subjected to service for Kaia, and was
unspeakable acts of abuse. determined to do just that.
Her twin, Zeke, was also But how do you create
hospitalized; their mother a celebration of life for
had already lost her life. someone who was barely
It was impossible to not given a chance to live?
be affected by their tragedy. Though this tiny Oh, how wrong I was! Kaia lived more in her
little girl had lost the ability to communicate, she three short months than many do in a lifetime.
won the hearts of all she came into contact with. After meeting with her grandparents and
It was clear she was a fighter. members of the police department, Kaia’s impact
Officers from the Tacoma Police Department was clear. I made it my mission to tell her story.
diligently kept vigil by her side, praying she Kaia will never have a birthday, go to prom,
would recover. However, after months of sleep- or experience the joy of walking down the aisle.

26 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved May 2018 27


Among the signs on display was this

one: “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, do you
know how loved you are?”

This was my one chance to give Kaia her

very own party, and I had to get it right.
I asked her grandfather to give me a
word that described her, and he simply
said, “princess.” From there, we took off
I enlisted the help of my staff to
give Princess Kaia her dream party. Above, the
Our Celebration of Life Center was pink and
transformed with pink decorations, white prin-
balloons, stuffed animals and, of course, cess theme
was reflected
glitter. Guests were greeted with bedazzled
princess programs and pink ribbon pins the Celebra-
with strategically placed jewels to honor tion of Life
Kaia. Center.
The service itself contained a message
of hope, which we recorded as a gift Left, at the
for her twin, Zeke, to look back on to tea party that
remember his sister. followed the
Though we were all mourning the loss service, a
table for
of a brave little princess, it was important
young atten-
to focus on how she touched the lives dees featured
of everyone who attended. The memory a princess
of her strength radiated throughout the art kit.
At the end of the service, we released
balloons in various shades of pink
signifying the freedom Kaia finally had.
Afterward, guests enjoyed a tea party,
complete with pink cookies, glitter cake
pops and finger sandwiches (peanut butter
and jelly, of course).
We even had a table set up for the
little ones on which there was a massive
princess art kit, donated by the staff at
Mary Bridge. I have no doubt Kaia would
have loved her party.
Kaia was accompanied to the crematory
by the officers who had spent countless
hours at her side. The traveled in a coach
decorated with pink tulle.
I continue to visit with her family
and love my playdates with Zeke. I will
be forever changed by the opportunity
to honor Kaia’s life with a party fit for a Food at the tea party that followed the service included pink cookies, finger sand-
princess. r wiches and pink glitter cake pops.

28 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Bringing the casket to the crematory.

Above, police officers help carry the casket into the crematory. Below, family mem-
bers, officers and funeral director Caitlin Baranko hold hands around Kaia’s casket
and pray at the crematory.

Above and below, the pink and white

theme was carried over to the hearse
that carried the casket to the crematory.

Visit the new and improved May 2018 29

K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 7 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

When family members want to care for graves or

bring flowers but can’t do so, Heaven’s Maid can step in.

➤First Place Winner:

Heaven’s Maid,
Hazel Park, Michigan
Heaven’s Maid offers to care for graves when the family can’t be there to do it
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID eaven’s Maid is an online platform
n Very innovative! Great use allowing families to order flowers and/or
of technology wih portability to grave-cleaning services for any cemetery
mobile use. in the United States.
n Can offer long peace of The company saw that family members may
mind options for survivors to face a number of problems when trying to take
honor their deceased family care of a loved one’s final resting place:
members. • They live out of state.
n Very interesting and innova- • They don’t have time to make regular visits.
tive. Excellent before-and-after • They are unable to make frequent visits due
examples. to age or illness.
n Apparently a much-needed Heaven’s Maid allows family members to:
service. • Schedule the delivery of fresh or silk flowers
to their loved one’s resting place.
• Arrange for scheduled cleaning services.
• Design a profile to commemorate their loved
one and invite family members and friends to
Heaven’s share their photos, stories and memories.
The company sends the family confirmation
COO and
Director of
photos documenting every cleaning and flower
Sales Ryan delivery.
Penny. The cleanings involve trimming of overgrown
grass; gently scrubbing off of dirt, moss and
pollution on the stone; removal of weeds and
unwanted plants on the lawn and around the Flowers in place after a memorial site has
stone; and applying fertilizer to help the grass been trimmed and cleaned.

Sabah and

A page from the Heaven’s Maid website demonstrating the flower-ordering process.

30 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 7 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

Above left and right, a memorial before and after trimming, respectively.

Above and below, before and after shots

showing how memorials can be cleaned
by the Heaven’s Maid service.
around the stone stay green and healthy.
The work is done once, twice or three times
a year, depending on the package the family
A variety of flower arrangements
are available for puchase, including
arrangements suitable for different seasons
and occasions. r

Visit the new and improved May 2018 31

K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 7 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

Memorial Reefs International allows eco-minded consumers

to spend eternity helping to preserve ocean life.

➤Honorable Mention:
Memorial Reefs Interna-
tional LLC,
Hamilton Parrish, Bermuda


n Very smart idea; lots of tar-
get mailing ideas come to mind
with this product.
n Nice product; price options
for those on a lower budget.
n An incredible idea and
n An incredible idea and ser-
vice—a bigger purpose. Allows
loved ones to feel their family
member is part of “something
bigger” now.
n Unusual, fulfills a need, eco- A reef ball on the ocean floor, where the process of coral growth has begun.

Reef balls encase cremated remains,

build coral reefs to help marine life
emorial Reefs International provides an
alternative to traditional burial while at
the same time helping build artificial reefs
that aid vital ecological habitats across the globe.
Steve The company provides families and their
Berkoff and loved ones with a resting place that creates and
Bennett perpetuates coral reefs. Coral reefs are essential to
Berkoff facilitating fish biomass restoration, coral generation
Jr. are co- and recreation for diving, fishing and boating.
founders of These artificial reefs are formed using structures
and partners
known as reef balls. Cast from a specially
in Memorial
Reefs Inter- formulated concrete designed to foster the growth
national. of new reef systems, the company’s reef balls can
serve as the final resting place for a loved ones
cremated remains.
Cremated remains are placed in a compact
urn which is placed inside the precast reef ball, in
a secured chamber. A custom bronze or ceramic A stack of reef balls awaiting anchoring.
plaque inscribed with the deceased’s information is from an anchoring vessel, family and friends can
affixed to the reef ball to help divers locate specific choose to watch from a separate boat or stay on the
Dorrance Jr.
reef balls in the future. beach. Fresh flowers can be tossed into the sea and
Family members and friends can view the any rites or rituals the family wants performed can
completed reef ball and say their goodbyes before take place.
the final anchoring ceremony. As the company Family members receive a certificate and the
secures the reef ball to the ocean floor, working GPS coordinates of their reef ball. Updates on the

32 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
K I P A WA R D S 2 0 1 7 : P E R S O N A L I Z E D P R O D U C T

Reef balls after more time in the ocean, showing the growth of marine life on the structures over time.
growth and development of marine life on the texturized to ensure coral polyps have an This intuitive design allows for the
reef balls are shared twice a year through the ideal landing pad for propagation. natural growth of new corals and will be
company’s social media pages. Reef balls are constructed without metal supplemented by polyps harvested from coral
In additional to individual reef balls, rebar, so they do not collapse when the metal nurseries.
couple, family and community reef balls are disintegrates over time. The hollow inverted Memorial Reefs International is working
offered, as well as custom designs. dome shape and holes serve several purposes. alongside marine biologists and local
The goal of Memorial Reefs International First, this design allows currents to pass scientists to study the progression of coral
is to help families, the community and the through and around the ball, keeping it from growth on our reef balls.
environment through construction of artificial tumbling around the ocean floor. Depending The company wants to provide not just a
reefs designed to enhance coral generation, on ocean conditions, different types of memorial, but a living specimen for marine
increase marine biomass and provide an eco- anchors are sometimes used. biologists to use in their quest to remedy our
friendly alternative to traditional burial. Second, the hollow and open nature of the global climate crisis.
Reef balls are patented structures ball allows marine life to take shelter, which The company’s initial marine memorial
engineered to withstand current and wave is essential for maintaining fish populations in parks are in Bermuda, where the company is
action, facilitate new coral growth and house coral colonies. headquartered, and Cancun. New locations
an array of marine life. The concrete used These holes additionally serve as a vault are scheduled for opening in 2018 in Tonga,
in their construction is specially formulated for cremared remains to be encased for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands and
to have the same PH as sea water and is eternity. Goleta and Baja California. r

Flexible Urn Vault

The EAS-24 offers affordable, lightweight and retreivable cremains
protection. Puncture resistant nylon poly-foil material and our
standard non-degrading acrylic tape create a high performance
and waterproof enclosure.

800 864 4174 Learn more at

Visit the new and improved May 2018 33

Update Send in news about your cemetery, funeral home, crematory or association to If you publish a newsletter,
please email a copy to or mail to: Susan Loving, ICCFA, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164.

n Wayne Cavender has

been promoted to presi-
SERVICE, Dallas, Texas.
He has been with Dal-
las Institute for 24 years
in various instructional
Cavender and administrative capaci-
ties, most recently serving as dean of the
college for the last 10 years. A licensed
funeral director and embalmer, Caven-
der began his career in funeral service in
1987 after receiving his associate’s degree
in funeral service from Dallas Institute.
He worked in the Kansas City area and
then as an embalmer for the SCI Dallas
metro embalming service. Joining Dallas Above left, Cheryl DeBruhl, Volunteer of the Year, receives her award from Flanner
Institute in 1994 as an instructor, he has Buchanan Vice President of Marketing Maureen Lindley. Above right, Jassah Kab-
taught chemistry, pathology, funeral ser- bah, Caregiver of the Year, with some of her coworkers.
vice ethics, general psychology, embalm-
ing lab, written communications, funeral n FLANNER BUCHANAN, Indianapo- owns. Both states have a cremation rate
directing, psychology of grief and funeral lis, Indiana, recently participated in the above 70 percent. Phaneuf serves more
service microbiology. He also served as the fifth annual Hospice Awards Banquet. than 2,000 families each year.
director of the clinical program for over 15 Cheryl DeBruhl of Indianapolis, a volun- n LEGACY FUNERAL GROUP,
years. Cavender earned his master’s degree teer at Premier Hospice, was selected as Houston, Texas, recently acquired seven
at Amber University and is a Certified Volunteer of the Year, and Jassah Kabbah, funeral homes and two cemeteries.
Funeral Service Practitioner. He has also also of Indianapolis, a certified nurs- The acquisitions are Marrs-Jones-Newby
served on committees with the accrediting ing assistant with Kindred Hospice, was Funeral Homes, Bastro and Smithville,
agency for schools of mortuary science, selected as Caregiver of the Year. Flanner Texas; Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park,
the American Board of Funeral Service Buchanan, along with Legacy Cremation New Braunfels, Texas; Goetz Funeral
Education. & Funeral Services, both headquartered in Home, Seguin, Texas; Lathan Funeral
Cavender replaces James Indianapolis, honored all 2017 Caregivers Homes, Grove Hill, Jackson and Chatom,
Shoemake, who is retiring and Volunteers of the Month at the Flanner Alabama; Magnolia Lawn Cemetery,
in May 2018. He joined Buchanan Geist Event Center. Grove Hill, Alabama; and Fuqua Bankston
the college in 1980 as an n PHANEUF FUNERAL HOMES Funeral Home, Ozark, Alabama. Legacy,
instructor and has served AND CREMATORIUM, Manchester, founded in 1998, has more than 100 prop-
as president since 1992. New Hampshire, has acquired Ker West- erties in nine states.
He was a 1976 graduate of erlund Funeral Home. Ker Westerlund, n THE JOURNEY GROUP, New
Dallas Institute. He worked which was a publicly-owned funeral home,
Shoemake as a manager and embalmer Orleans, Louisiana, has acquired two
has served the Brattleboro, Vermont, firms in the greater Birminham, Ala-
at Dallas Morticians Service region for more than 150 years. Phaneuf bama, area. Both companies have funeral
until taking the position at Dallas Institute. plans to make Ker Westerlund the first Ver- homes located on cemeteries. The Journey
He is being honored at a retirement open mont location of The Cremation Society Group’s holdings in Alabama now total
house at Dallas Institute May 6, 2-5 p.m. of New Hampshire, which Phaneuf also

n TODD W. VAN BECK has published the first bi- City; his contentious relationship with another funeral
ography of famed funeral director Frank E. Camp- director, the Rev. Stephen Merritt; his establishment of
bell. “The Genius of Frank E. Campbell” is available “The Funeral Church”; his innovations in embalming
on Campbell is probably the most famous education for female embalmers; his devotion to good
and familiar name in the history of the funeral profes- works; and his participation in possibly the most famous
sion. The firm’s clientele still includes the rich and fa- funeral he ever conducted, that of silent movie star Ru-
mous from pop culture, politics and business. The book dolph Valentino, whose funeral launched the notion of
covers the story of how Campbell came to New York the celebrity movie star in American popular culture. r

34 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

four cemeteries and five funeral homes. 28-30, 2018. The symposium will be in San camps, therapeutic activities, grief in urban
Nationally, the company has 13 locations. Antonio, Texas. The NAGC Symposium is areas, fundraising, trauma in children, current
n SERVICE CORPORATION INTER- the longest-running and most comprehensive research, community partnering, teen grief,
NATIONAL, Houston, Texas, has received childhood bereavement symposium offered online outreach, program growth and man-
Great Place to Work certification. The in the United States, drawing professionals agement, traiing and retaining voluneers and
certification was done by the independent and volunteers. The opening session will specific population needs. The local host for
analysts at Great Place to Work, which feature Patti Wood speaking about “To the the event will be the Children’s Bereavement
surveyed a random selection of employees. Heart: Body Language Insights for Working Center of South Texas. Sponsorship oppor-
More than 90 percent of respondees said their with Grieving Children.” Workshops will tunities are available at the organization’s
work is not just a job but has special meaning. address a number of topics, including grief website, r
Eighty-six percent said that they are proud to
tell people where they work and that they feel
they make a difference.
will host its 22nd annual symposium June

➤from page 38
Cleveland, Ohio, has been chosen as
the preferred travel plan provider by
lastown, Pennsylvania.


cago, Illinois, has expanded its search
options to include pets. Families may
now use the platform
to search for cemeteries and scattering
services that will lay to rest the remains
of family pets. While several states are
examining the question of whether pet
remains may be interred directly with
human remains or at a cemetery that also TAP INTO the dynamic
inters human remains, most cemeteries and
online supplier network
Optimized. of the ICCFA with the
scattering services on the EternityGardens. ICCFA Supply Link.
com platform do offer an option to lay to Powered by MultiView,
rest the remains of pets. the ICCFA Supply Link
312.259.4125; is the premier search tool; for your industry. All the
products and services you need, all within the
n LEXI TRANSLATIONS & SERVIC- supplier network of the
ES, New York, New York, offers profes- associaton you trust.
sional translation services for shipping
Start your search at
a deceased person or cremated remains our homepage
to the Ukraine. They provide a complete
documents package and help with comply-
ing with legal requirements. r

Visit the new and improved May 2018 35

Supply Line
n BASS-MOLLETT PUBLISHERS, in marketing from St. Joseph’s College,
Greenville, Illinois, has named John Indiana. 1.866.419.3010;
Boyle as a sales representative. He will
cover Massachusetts, New Hampshire and n SECURITY NATION-
Main. He is a second generation funeral AL LIFE INSURANCE
professional who has represented the com- CO., Salt Lake City, Utah,
pany for 20 years in Connecticut and Ver- has hired Jeanne Keene
mont, adding western Massachusetts four and Carl Dunlap as team
years ago. He replaces Dave Chiampa, sales leaders. Keene, who
who resigned his position as an indepen- is leading the New Orleans,
dent sales professional with Bass-Mollett Louisiana, area, has more
to focus exclusively on his funeral home, Keene
than 30 years of experience
Chiampa Funerl Home in Shrewsbury, in the deathcare industry.
Bass-Mollett President Dan Sheehan
Massachusetts. Her experience crosses the
and Vice President Tadd Flower and
marketing associate Jeanna Haag Also, Bass-Mollett executives recently spectrum of insurance prod-
after taking the ALS Hot Pepper Chal- participated in the ALS Hot Pepper uct training to marketing
lenge. Challenge. At a staff meeting, President support, as well as working
Dan Sheehan and Vice President Tadd as a market sales director
Flower completed the challenge and for one of the largest funeral
each donated $500 to fight ALS, with the home-cemetery combos in
company matching their donations. They Dunlap
the United States. Dunlap is
then passed the challenge on to Jon Renfro leading the Houston, Texas, area. He previ-
from NorthStar, Jeff Parker from Carriage ously worked several years in the family
Services, Colby Hitchcock from Baue, service department as a pre-need coun-
Jan Smith from Flanner Buchanan, Curtis selor and sales manager with a number of
Funk from Tukios, Jeanna Haag from funeral homes and cemeteries.
Bass-Mollett (who completed the chal- 1.800.574.7117;
lenge during the meeting) and Sheehan’s
son, Jack. n PIERCE CHEMICAL, Broadview, Illinois, has
promoted David Hicks to
n CHURCH & CHAPEL METAL national sales manager.
ARTS, Chicago, Illinois, has introduced A licensed funeral director
three new preparation room items to its and embalmer since 1995,
Angelus Plastics Division. The company he joined Pierce in 2011
now manufactures its own line of polyeth- as a sales representative
ylene body positioners, available in large Hicks for Kentucky, Ohio and
and small sizes, as well as a polyethylene West Virginia. Iin 2014, he earned the
head block. Body positioners raise the Bill Pierce Award for a sales representa-
Church & Chapel Metal Arts new poly- body above the prep table, allowing fluid tives who demonstrates professionalism
ethylene body positioners. and other material to eaily flush away. and above-and-beyond efforts. He has
They are easily cleaned, chemically resis- a bachelor’s degree in mortuary science
tant, durable and reusable. 1.800.992.1234; from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary
READERS: To find the products and servic-;
es you need online, go to www. Science and a master’s degree in education from Capella University. He worked as a for the Supply Link
Search Engine, the fastest way n SAUDER FUNERAL funeral director/embalmer at two Cincin-
to find the products and services PRODUCTS, Archibold, nati funeral homes, and then worked as
you need at your funeral home, cemetery or Ohio, has hired Mark Klin- clinical lab manager at CCMS in 2002. He
crematory. genberger as director of chaired embalming sciences CCMS, and
SUPPLIERS: Send your press releases sales and marketing. Klin- was an editorial consultant to Rober G.
about your new products and services, and genberger previously served Mayer Jr. on the 5th edition of “Embalm-
about awards, personnel changes and other Wilbert Funeral Services as ing: History, Theory and Practice.” He was
news to for inclusion in a vice president in a num- an adjunct faculty member at Mid-Amer-
Supply Line. ber of sales and marketing ica College of Funeral Service in 2013.
roles. He was general manager for Pre- 1.800.527.6419;
mier Preneed, division vice president for
Messenger Corp. and regional director for
The Forethought Group. He has a degree

36 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Douglas R. “Dutch” Nie II (third from

left), president and CEO of Nie Funeral
Home, presents a check to Brad Chick,
cofounder and president of Fisher
House Michigan. Also shown are Karen
Kerry (left), co-founder and inspirational
leader, Fisher House Michigan, and Sha-
ron Engleman (right), regional business
consultant for Private Label Caskets.

n PRIVATE LABEL, Indianapolis,

Indiana, resently presented a check to
Fisher House Michigan. The donation
was the result of the company giving its
distributors the opportunity to nominate
a project or nonprofit organization it sup-
ports. Nie Funeral Homes nominated this
organization since it provides the families
of service members with food, lodging and
support while their service member loved
ones are recuperating following service-
related injuries. Fisher House is in the
process of building the first one in Michi-
gan. It will be located on the campus of the
VA Medical Center in Ann Arbor, which
serves over 640,000 Michigan veterans
and their families annually.
n BATESVILLE, Batesville, Indiana,
is offering free educational webinars.
On May 8 at 1 p.m., the session will be
“Bridging the Digital Divide—Using
Technology to Drive Consumer Value,”
presented by Rob Shane, director of
technology solutions for Batesville. He
will tak about how digital tools and mobile
solutions can be combined with human
processes to attract and educate families
and make the funeral planning process
more convenient and comforting. On
August 28 at 1 p.m., Troy Turner, senior
vice president of sales and marketing
for Batesville, will talk about “Staying
Relevant in an evolving Marketplace.” He
will talk about some of the key trends that

Visit the new and improved May 2018 37


are changing consumers’ expectations and

about how they engage in funeral plan-
ning and carry out end-of-life ceremonies,
and what funeral directors can do to stay
relevant with families.
Harbor, Washington has released their Above, Terrybear’s dragonfly pendant,
new personalized comfort charms. These back and front. Below, pieces from the
keepsakes, made from precious metals, company’s textured and embossed line.
New Memorials Direct comfort stone are customizable with fingerprints, photos,
with a fingerprint engraving. handwriting and more. 1.877.995.8767;;
n UPD URNS, Three Rivers, California,
has launched a new version of its urn
store. The ecommerce website allows fu-
neral homes to offer the company’s catalog
to families at retail prices so they can make (bronze), stainless finish (pewter) or rose
purchases at home. Funeral home users gold-plated (rose). The jewelry can hold a
can log in and see sales and commission nominal amount of remains and includes a
reports. Also, the funeral home can request threaded compartment for secure closure.
pricing changes so that prices online match Each piece comes with a matching 19-inch
what is in their showroom. The site also chain and fill kit.
includes product demonstration videos and Also, Terrybear has added a new drag-
includes a chat feature. 1.800.590.4133; onfly pendant design to its Memory of a; Lifetime jewelry line. The piece features
a simple dragonfly design and is made
n HOWARD MILLER CO., Zeeland, with 316 stainless steel. It’s available in
UPD Urns’ ecommerce site. Michigan, has introduced memorial re- 14k gold-plated (bronze) or stainless finish
flections series chest urns. These locking (pewter) with alternating color combina-
wood chests feature inland burl on the lid tions available. Each piece includes a glass
and a high-gloss finish, brass hinges, brass front, hinged design with magnetic closure
feet and brass-finished key with decorative and with a 19-inch chain (14k gold-plated
tassel. Large-capacity chests hold standard or stainless finish) and fill kit. A threaded
containers for storage of cremated remains. compartment for cremated remains is lo-
A bronze-finshed insert can also be used. cated on the back. Personalized engraving
Free engraved personalization plates are is available as well.
also available. Chests are available in a 1.888.588.8767;
rosewood hall, Windsor cherry and oak
Yorkshire finish and have a felt-lined inte- n FUNERAL DIRECTORS LIFE
rior. 616.772.9131; INSURANCE CO., Abilene, Texas, was named to Fortune magazine’s 2018
Howard Miller’s rosewood hall finish
Best Workplaces in Financial Services
chest urn. n CHATEAU URNS, Wellington, & Insurance. The ranking considered
Florida, has added photo keepsake urns employee pride in the organization’s com-
to its Society line. The urns are available munity impact, belief that their work makes
in cherry, burl, rustic oak and coastal gray a difference and feeling their work has
Cha- and feature a separate sliding photo com- special meaning. FDLIC took the fifth spot
teau partment to make changing photos easy.
Urns’ on the national list for small and medium-
1.888.536.5450; sized companies. FDLIC was also named
brown n TERRYBEAR, St. Paul, Minnesota, as one of the top 10 medium-sized compa-
photo has introduced textured and embossed nies on the 100 Best Companies to Work
keep- jewelry. The texured collection features a for in Texas for 2018 published by Texas
sake rippled design that mimics the movement Monthly. the awards program is a project
urn. of water flowing over pebbles. It’s made of the magazine, the Texas Association of
with 316 stainless steel and is available in Business, Texas SHRM and Best Compa-
14k gold-plated (bronze), stainless finish nies Group.
➤to page 35
38 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

Enroll in the 2018 Session of ICCFAU

JULY 20-25, 2018  FOGELMAN

ear prospective students,
I am honored to serve as your ICCFA University chancellor. I was raised
in the funeral service industry, with my family owning a cemetery and
funeral homes in the Philippines, and me personally working for memorial design
companies for numerous years. I thought I had a pretty good grasp of what was go-
ing on in the profession until I was encouraged to attend ICCFA University back in
1992. After I attended, my career really began.
ICCFA University boasts eight colleges in tune with our profession today:
• 21st Century Services
• Cremation Services
• Funeral Home Management
• International Studies
• Land Management & Grounds Operations
• Leadership, Management & Administration
• J. Asher Neel College of Sales & Marketing
• *NEW* Hospitality & Event Planning
The success that ICCFA University enjoys is the result of the dedication and hard work
of our eight remarkable deans and the numerous professors who have amassed a wealth of
real-world experience in their fields. They continually fine-tune their curricula throughout
the year to present you with the most relevant and current information to take back and ap-
ply as soon as you get home.
ICCFA University I encourage you to enroll in the 2018 session of “the U” to begin, or continue, your jour-
Chancellor Jeff Kidwiler, ney of professional development today.
Sincerely yours,

Here is a sneak peak of some college sessions happening at the U. Find complete program
details, hotel reservation and registration information at

Dean John Bolton, CCE, CCrE, CSE
NEW to the ICCFAU! This college is designed to give students a foundation in funeral home/cemetery hospitality
and catering management. Classes will cover topics ranging from basic event planning and the essentials of the
hospitality and catering markets to interpreting financial budgets, leadership and catering team management.
Taking Your Hospitality Program to Another Level: Mark McCrocklin
If you want a true understanding of the event and hospitality business, this class is for you. McCrocklin will take you on the journey
the Buchanan Group embarked on 16 years ago. From inception to implementation, brand to rebrand, this class will shorten your jour-
ney in obtaining the necessary tools to make your event business a success. q

Visit the new and improved May 2018 39


stories, songs and experiences that defined the deceased.

COLLEGE OF Celebrants schedule a special “family time” meeting
when the family can share memories, anecdotes and defining
21ST CENTURY moments in the loved one’s life. They then base the essence
of the service on the remembrances of the family, and family
SERVICES and friends are encouraged to participate.
Celebrants develop a library of resources available for
Dean Glenda Stansbury, CC readings, music, ceremonies and personal touches. They con-
sult with the family to help them choose elements of the service
How do you respond to a family who says, “We don’t that reflect their loved one. They are bound by a code of ethics
want a traditional funeral”? You’ll learn how to go for complete confidentiality in all dealings with the family.
beyond tradition with innovative offerings and become
certified as a funeral celebrant trained to provide Becoming a Certified Celebrant
meaningful alternatives to clergy-led services. After completing this college, students will be certified as cel-
ebrants. The training for celebrants as established by the In-Sight
Classes include: Institute seeks to provide the most comprehensive and sensi-
Celebrant Training: Glenda Stansbury and Kathy Burns tive training available for people who wish to develop this as a
Celebrants offer an alternative to services provided by clergy profession or to add to their current job description. It is impor-
for families who are not affiliated with a church or who do not tant that a family knows they are being served by someone who
wish to have a traditional religious funeral service. They design understands the process and is prepared to offer the very best
services that are completely personal, incorporating the unique funeral possible. q

wish to attend only the Certified Crematory Operator program.

COLLEGE OF Administrator Curriculum: Zoning/NIMBY/Equipment -
C Real and Imagined Issues: Ron Salvatore
One of the highest-rated portions of the College of Cremation
S Services, this curriculum covers:
• adding a crematory to your operation
• municipality zoning hurdles to installation
Dean Jim Starks, CFuE, CCrE • timing, from ordering to being fully operational
• costs to purchase/maintain equipment
Cremation doesn’t have to mean “no service” or “no
• facility requirements
memorialization.” You’ll discover how to better serve • considerations in selecting a crematory supplier
families, improve cremation operations and increase
Arranging More Than a Cremation: Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE
your company’s cremation-related revenues. You’ll
Too many times, funeral homes and cemeteries don’t have a
also earn three types of certifications: operator, systematic process through which they help families consider the
administrator and arranger. power and value of cremation memorialization. The beliefs and
behaviors of how these options are approached, both pre-need
Classes include:
and at-need, have a lasting impact on both the family and the
Crematory Operator Curriculum (sponsored by Matthews
firm. In this session, you will be challenged and enlightened on
Cremation Division): Ron Salvatore and Richard Thomas
how to make your cremation memorialization options more than
You will receive an extensive operations manual and training on:
a passive phrase.
• professional terminology
• incinerator terminology Arranger Curriculum: Reducing Your Liability to Add to
• principles of combustion Your Bottom Line: Poul Lemasters, Esq.
• cremation and the environment This seminar will focus on the Cremation Authorization Form,
• incinerator criteria and design and educate the arranger on why each section is critical. Partici-
• basics of operating cremation equipment pants will not only learn the importance of each section, they
• general maintenance and troubleshooting also will learn how to explain the sections to the family. There
• forms and record-keeping also will be examples of lawsuits that have cost providers mil-
• handling and exposure control lions. q
Please note: This college includes a one-day option for those who

40 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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Visit the new and improved May 2018 41


Train the Trainer: A Program for Managers

COLLEGE OF One of Dr. Deming’s favorite sayings was, “Train, train, and
train.” Having a dependable, consistent and meaningful internal
FUNERAL HOME training program has proven to reduce the legal liabilities that

MANAGEMENT funeral homes and cemeteries can face, and is also an excellent
way for managers to communicate their expectations, procedures
and policies to their staff. Surveys consistently show that manag-
Dean Todd Van Beck, CFuE ers who themselves know how to train can keep staff longer, have
fewer human resource headaches and generally have a more pro-
Too many managers consider “creativity” someone
ductive and pleasant work environment. This session will explore
else’s department. In funeral service, creative the principles of adult learning, the fundamentals of communicat-
management is the key to differentiation. You’ll learn ing expectations, how to establish orientation programs for new
Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s creative service management hires and the importance and benefits of a properly designed
system and its specific applications to our profession. job-training program. q

Chinese Funeral Practices and Customs: Bob Yount

COLLEGE OF The burial of the dead is a matter taken very seriously in Chinese
societies. Improper funeral arrangements can wreak ill fortune
INTERNATIONAL and disaster upon the family of the deceased. To a certain degree,

STUDIES Chinese funeral rites and burial customs are determined by the
age of the deceased, the manner of his/her death, his/her status
and position in society and his/her marital status. Chinese funer-
Dean Jim Hammond als will be discussed with an emphasis on how American funeral
and cemetery customs have been absorbed into burial traditions
Globalization is making the world a much smaller place
dating back thousands of years.
to live in. Are you sure that you know how to serve Mormon Beliefs on Death & Burial:
families of all nationalities and religious backgrounds Heather Barney, CCFE, CPC
in your community? Learn about the funeral customs of When it comes to death and burial, members of The Church of
all major religions and population groups from around Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly called Mormons,
the world. believe that it’s simply a temporary separation of body and spirit.
By understanding their general beliefs on family, death and
burial, you’ll be better prepared to serve the LDS families in your
community and give them a funeral service that respects their
funeral customs and burial methods. q


Dean Gino Merendino
Exceptional cemetery service starts with the grounds and operations department. Without
effective land management and a commitment to an attractive, well-maintained property, there will be no sales
or service. You’ll learn how your grounds management team can succeed and continuously improve interments,
landscaping, buildings, grounds maintenance and exceptional client experience and satisfaction.

Creating a Committal Service that Everybody Talks About: John Gouch Jr.
Successful cemeteries create great community events that bring visitors into the cemetery and have them leaving in awe. John Gouch’s
cemetery has that experience designed into every committal service performed. He will share his step-by-step process so you can
exceed customer expectations and create a buzz in your community for every funeral you service. q

42 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

H E Y, I T ’ S Y O U R F U N E R A L .



Talk about an offer to die for... get a 5 year subscription to our

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Dean Gary Freytag, CCFE
The cemetery, cremation and funeral service profession is changing, and so are the skills
needed to manage and lead effectively. You’ll receive solid, relevant, results-focused training targeted at today’s
required core competencies.

Principals of Effective Leadership: Steven Tidwell techniques, tools and templates for conducting effective employee
If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effec- reviews and appraisals. In addition, you’ll walk away with ideas
tive leader. Good leaders develop through a never-ending process for incentives and company programs that help employee morale,
of self-study, education, training and experience. Learn how retention and enthusiasm while increasing workforce engagement
to develop the leader within you by exploring various facets of and productivity.
leadership, including attitude, motivation, vision, self discipline,
Business Law: Funeral Home and Cemetery Legal Outlook:
character and handling change. This course will enable you to
Poul Lemasters, Esq.
benchmark your leadership effectiveness and help you develop
When was the last time you reviewed your cemetery bylaws? Do
your leadership ability.
they provide a foundation for consistent management? Do your
Employee Reviews, Evaluations, Incentives and Effective rules and regulations support the management and appeal of
Morale-Boosting Programs & Events: your cemetery?
Christine Toson Hentges, CCE Is your funeral home federally compliant and shielded against
Ever wonder how you can involve all your employees in helping liability by good quality management practices? Are you using
your business grow? It can be done effectively and objectively by sound human resource practices to protect both management and
motivating staff through performance reviews that make an im- staff? Learn the legal basics to help prepare you in all facets of
pact and through programs that boost morale. This course teaches cemetery and funeral home management so you can effectively
you how to create an employee review process that management communicate, manage and interact with your staff and today’s
and employees will cherish rather than dread. It offers effective consumers.  q

lable, predictable and repeatable.

J. ASHER Understanding the Power of Your CRM: Aaron Shipper
NEEL COLLEGE CRM is one of today’s most power and supportive resources that
any sales manager or sales professional can have, yet few people
OF SALES are clear on the value and help it can provide. In this interac-
tive session, you will learn how, when properly used, CRM can
MARKETING almost become your personal assistant, assuring you that no lead
is ever lost, every call-back is made on time and that you capture
and use important information about families to help you build
strong relationships. This is just the beginning of how the proper
Dean Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE use of any CRM tool can change your sales effectiveness imme-
The principles of sales and marketing don’t change, only
technique and application do. Learn how to take the Why Making a Systematic and Compelling Pre-Need
Presentation is Critical to Influence Today’s Consumer:
tried-and-true principles of cemetery and funeral sales
Linda Jankowski, CCE
and apply them within today’s highly mobile, multi- Do you have an effective pre-need presentation or do you just
cultural, high-tech, information-driven marketplace. wing it? When dealing with today’s savvy consumer, winging it
You Don’t Need to Be a Superstar for Success, You Simply is no longer effective. Customers want you to explain your selling
Need an Effective Selling System: Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE proposition in a methodical and logical method. If you don’t have
Good sales managers focus on volume, great sales managers fo- a systematic process by which to accomplish this, you will after
cus the daily activities that create the volume. In this session you this session. You will learn the critical elements and the tools you
will learn why selling is not voodoo but rather what a systematic need to make a compelling and convincing pre-need presentation
selling process can do. You will learn the foundational principles that will help you make more sales.  q
of activity and outcomes needed to make your sales more control-

44 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”

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Visit the new and improved May 2018 45


Call for presentations: 2019 Annual Convention in Charlotte

o-chairs Mat Forastiere and John Gouch Jr. are looking • Include a brief bio regarding your experience and qualifications
for presentations for the ICCFA 2019 Annual Conven- within the industry as well as any speaking experience you may
tion, April 2-6, 2019, at the Charlotte Convention Center have.
in Charlotte, North Carolina. • Include information on which areas of our profession are the
If you have expertise in a particular area of cemetery, crema- intended audience, e.g., cemetery owners and managers, funeral
tion or funeral service, we would like to hear from you! We are home owners, funeral directors, sales managers, etc.
also interested in sessions on marketing, human resources, time
• Include a list of anticipated handouts.
management and the 21st-century workplace. Guidelines for
these proposals are as follows: • Note that we ask that speakers refrain from speaking about
prices or other issues subject to antitrust legislation. In addition,
• Include your name, title, company name, address, phone, fax
we ask that speakers refrain from any type of promotional
and email address.
marketing or selling of any product or service.
• Include the title and description of your session (approximately
• Any requests for compensation must be included in your
100 words). Session descriptions should name at least two or three
proposal or it will not be granted.
specific skills, techniques or ideas the attendee will take away
from the session. We are most interested in sessions that share We typically receive many more proposals than we can fit
concrete, proven techniques and programs, as opposed to theory into the program, so please be sure to follow the guidelines and
or opinion. Presentation length should be 50 minutes. clearly explain the value proposition for attendees.

Submit your convention proposal by Tuesday, July 10, 2018,

to Kirsten Kase at Questions? Call Kirsten at 703.391.8402.

Cremation training dates set for May in Indiana and Ohio

o you need to earn or renew your cremation certifica- regulations and the ethics of conducting the most effective cre-
tions? For the month of May, the ICCFA is offering mation arrangement. Finally, you will learn about pricing versus
two training dates and venues. Cremation Operator value and how to market cremation for your business.
Certification will be held May 9 at the Mid-America College of In the Crematory Operator Certification Program, you will
Funeral Service in Jeffersonville, Indiania. On May 29, Crema- learn all the components of cremation and how to properly
tion Arranger Certification will be held at the Cincinnati College operate and maintain a retort machine and how to properly and
of Mortuary Science in Cincinnati, Ohio, followed on May 30 by consistently track remains, and be provided with an update on
Crematory Operator Certification. applicable laws.
In the Cremation Arranger Certification Program, you will To learn more about the ICCFA Cremation Certification Pro-
learn the history of cremation and why it is critical in under- gram and to see more dates and venues in the program schedule,
standing its increase in demand. You will learn the laws and visit q

Registration and details

for PLPA College 2018
are coming soon! Visit

46 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
A S S O C I AT I O N Q & A

Questions from a new member to a hypothetical room full of ICCFA members:

“Do you separate your sales team into pre-need and at-need specialists?”
Christine Toson Hentges, CCE, president need functions of the position. If this person would
and CEO, The Tribute Companies, Hartland, rather not have that responsibility, we are happy to
Wisconsin; president-elect, ICCFA support them to achieve success through pre-need
We used to do that but now combine the functions only.
as one position. The reverse would not be supported: someone
However, there may be a need to separate these only wants to work in an at-need function without
functions, particularly if we have a significantly any pre-need responsibilities.
strong sales person that feels restricted by the at- Pre-need is our lifeline to the future. r

New Members
Providing exceptional education, networking MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS
and legislative guidance and support to Admission to ICCFA membership normally requires a majority vote of
progressive cemetery, funeral and cremation those present and voting at any meeting of the executive committee.
professionals worldwide The names of all applicants must be published in this magazine. IC-
FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE ICCFA AND MEMBERSHIP CFA members objecting to an application must do so in writing to the
• Go to to download a benefits ICCFA executive director within 45 days of publication. In the event of
brochure and an application form. an objection, the executive committee will conduct an inquiry. If an ap-
plicant is rejected, they will be granted an appeal upon written request.
• Call 1.800.645.7700 to have membership information faxed or
The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
mailed to you.

Regular Porterville Funeral and Cremation Center Professional/Supplier

Army National Military Cemeteries Porterville, California Commemorative Cremation Urns
Arlington, Virginia Rainbow Bridge Pet Crematory Grayslake, Illinois
Barron’s Funeral Chapel & Crematorium* Yorktown Heights, New York Crematorium SA DE CV
Tisdale, Saskatchewan Ridge Hill Memorial Park* Mexicali , Baja California, Mexico
Bob Brooks Amherst, Ohio F Theriault Inc.
West Des Moines, Iowa Roberts of Ocala, Funerals & Cremations Joliette, Quebec
Brewer & Sons Funeral Homes and Ocala, Florida
Cremation Services* Sandra Clark Funeral Directors LLC Carson, California
Brooksville, Florida Dallas, Texas Funeralocity Inc.
Calvary Cemetery Siempre SA New Orleans, Louisiana
Sacramento, California Guatemala City, Guatemala Gayosso Network
Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors* Sociedad Funeraria Nacional El Paso, Texas
McDonough, Georgia Quito, Ecuador Incol Co. SA
Carl J Mowell & Son Inc. Sunset Memorial Gardens Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fayetteville, Georgia Missoula, Montana Lending USA
Chandler Funeral Home Walker Funeral Home Sherman Oaks, California
Hockessin, Delaware Cincinnati, Ohio MedPro Disposal
Denco Holdings Inc. DBA Green Naperville, Illinois
Mountain Cemetery* Allied
Boulder, Colorado Alliance Safety Council* Berlin, Connecticut
Funeraria Gaviria SA Baton Rouge, Louisiana North American Urns and Memorials
Bogota, Colombia St Paul, Minnesota
Direct Cremation Services of Virginia Professional: Pet Loss Services Regan Agency Inc.
Chantilly, Virginia Pet Memorial Keepsake Babylon, New York
La Auxiliadora-Brillat S.A de C.V Bloomingdale, Illinois Regional Pathology and Autopsy Services
San Salvador, El Salvador Precious Creature San Leandro, California
Parque de La Paz Yucaipa, California *rejoined r
Tucuman, Argentina

48 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
➤E-mail calendar listings and additions or corrections ➤For continually updated meeting listings and direct links to websites for associations,
to and go to, click on Events and then go to View Full Calendar of Events.

May 8: Batesville webinar, “Bridging the Certification Program, Wheeling, Illinois. Resort, Hot Springs.
Digital Divide— Using Technology to Drive
Consumer Value.” June 2-5: Louisiana Funeral Directors June 8-10: Montana Funeral Directors
May 8: CANA Cremation Operations Assn. & Mississippi Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Convention, Great Falls.
Certification Program, Vancouver, British Assn. Joint Convention, Golden Nugget,
Columbia. Biloxi, Mississippi. June 8-10: Granite Fest, Barre Vermont.
May 8-10: Nebraska Funeral Directors
Assn. Annual Convention, Lincoln. June 3-6: Georgia Funeral Directors Assn. June 10-12-5: North Carolina Cemetery Summer Convention, King and Prince Assn. & South Carolina Cemetery Assn.
May 9: ICCFA Cremation Operator Beach Resort, St. Simons Island. 23rd Annual Joint Convention, Kingston
Training, Mid-America College of Funeral Plantation-Embassy Suites Hotel, North
Service, Jeffersonville, Indiana. June 3-6: Jewish Cemetery Assn. of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. www. North America 10th Annual Conf., Boston,
May 10-12: BEFA Forum, Düsseldorf Massachusetts. June 9-12: Virginia Funeral Directors
Exhibition Grounds, Düsseldorf, Germany. June 3-5: Louisiana Funeral Directors Assn. Annual Convention, Charlottesville. Assn. & Mississippi Funeral Directors
May 11-13: Independent Funeral Directors Assn. Joint Convention, Golden Nugget, June 12-13: Maine Funeral Directors
of Texas Assn. Annual Convention, Dallas. Biloxi, Mississippi.; Assn. Summer Convention, Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport.
May 14-17: Indiana Funeral Directors June 3-5: Tennessee Funeral Directors
Assn. Annual Convention, Florence. Assn. Annual Convention, Embassy Suites June 13: Wisconsin Funeral Directors Hotel & Conf. Center, Murfreesboro. Assn. Annual Convention, Blue Harbor Resort, Sheboygan.
May 14-16: South Carolina Morticians
Assn. 93rd Annual Convention, Charleston. June 3-6: Pennsylvania Funeral Directors June 13: Wisconsin Cemetery & Assn. Annual Convention, Kalahari Cremation Assn.Cemetery Mgmt. Course,
Resorts, Mount Pocono. Comfort Suites, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
May 15-17: Iowa Funeral Directors Assn.
Annual Convention, Altoona. June 4-5: Missouri Funeral Directors &
Embalmers Assn. Annual Convention, St. June 17-20: Alabama Funeral Directors
May 21-22: Minnesota Funeral Directors
Louis Union Station. Assn. 132nd Annual Convention, Point
Assn. Annual Convention, Doubletree
Minneapolis South. June 5-7: Arizona Funeral, Cemetery & Clear.
Cremation Assn. Annual Convention, Wes­ June 17-20: Florida Morticians Assn. 94th
May 21-22: North Carolina Funeral
tin La Paloma, Tucson. Annual Convention, Hilton St. Petersburg
Directors Assn. Annual Convention,
Carolina Hotel, Pinehurst. June 5-7: Funeral Directors Assn. of Carillon.
Kentucky Annual Convention, Crowne June 18-20: Dr. Alan Wolfelt’s training
May 22: Ohio Funeral Directors Assn.
Plaza Hotel & Kentucky Fair & Expo Ctr., session for funeral directos, “Opening
138th Annual Convention, HIlton Columbus
Louisville. Your Community’s Eyes to WHY We Need
at Easton.
June 7-10: Virginia Cemetery Assn. Funerals,” Ford Collins, Colorado.
May 25: CANA Cremation Operations
Annual Convention, The Homestead r

Subscribe to ICCFA Magazine

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* These rates for U.S. subscriptions only. In Canada: $45.95 U.S. per year; outside U.S. and Canada: $75.95 U.S. per year.
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Visit the new and improved March-April 2018 49


15 3 Global Bronze 21 PlotBox

23 American Cemetery/Mortuary 51 IMSA 11 RBC Wealth Management
Consultants 45 International Mortuary Shipping 27 Regions Bank Funeral & Cemetery
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Directors 27 Kryprotek 9 SEP Technologies
45 C&J Financial. 9 Legacy Touch 25 SongPods of Solace
31 Cave Co. 31 Madelyn Co. 35 Supply Link
2 Coldspring 43 Matthews Environmental Solutions 35 The Key Chain Urn Co.
7 Continental Computer Corp. 41 Meadow Hill Corp. 41 THE SYSTEM
23 Cremation With Confidence 47 Merendino Cemetery Care 21 Triple H Co.
21 Eickhof Columbaria Inc. 19 MKJ Marketing 5 U.S. Metalcraft
33 Ensure-A-Seal 25 Nomis Publications 17 Wilbert Funeral Services
45 Flowers for Cemeteries 37 Northeast Mausoleum 25 WithumSmith + Brown
41 Funeral Call Answering Service 37 Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & 15 Zontec Ozone r
52 funeralOne Hippel

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Letum Inc. is a privately-owned experience is preferred but not |800|426.5973
company with multiple cemetery required. Qualified leaders must
and funeral home locations, which have a proven track record of
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kets with growing populations. We and success with building and
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Submit your news to ICCFA Magazine

Have you held a groundbreaking or grand n Write it down. It doesn’t have to be written perfectly (that’s why we have editors)
opening for a new facility? Hired or promoted —it just needs to include the facts. Remember the basics: Who, What, Where, When &
someone? Is your company offering a new or How (and sometimes Why).
updated product to cemeteries and/or funeral
homes? Have you recently held an unusual n Send it in:
service or a successful seminar at your loca- ➤ Email your Word document as an attachment to, or write
tion? Added a grief therapy dog to your staff? your release in the body of your email. Please include your full name and title
Share your news with colleagues all over the and the company’s name and location in the body of your email.
world—send it in to ICCFA Magazine! It’s a
simple way to receive some well-deserved ➤ Photos—high-resolution jpgs—can be emailed. Remember you must adjust
publicity for you and your staff and to share digital camera settings to take high-resolution images before taking the photos!
ideas with peers. Here’s how to get your news Check the owner’s manual for instructions. (If you’re scanning in glossies, they
in ICCFA Magazine: must be scanned in at a minimum of 300 dpi at the size they are to be printed.)

Questions? Need some guidance? Email ICCFA Magazine Managing Editor Susan Loving at

50 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Who Supplies
the Suppliers?
For funeral and cemetery suppliers, business
has never been more isolating. Often ideas
are done in a vacuum. What you know is only
what you know, which limits how far you can
go. IMSA membership can change that. We’ve
brought together some of the top industry
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legal issues and more. We also bring to
our members insightful business-boosting
webinars, meaningful industry resources and
networking with other IMSA members. All this
for just $175 a year. We’re the only association
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Because what’s good for the suppliers is
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