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Full Bibliographic Reference

Karapetyan, A., Reymers, A., Giorgio, S., Fauquet. C., Sajti, L., Nitsche, S., Nersesyan, M.,
Gevorgyan, V., Marine, W. 2014. Cuprous oxide thin films prepared by thermal oxidation of
copper layer. Morphological and optical properties, Journal of Luminescence 159 (2015), 325 –

2. Introduction

The main objective of the article is to determine the effect of oxidation temperature on the

morphological and optical properties of thermal evaporation synthesized Cu2O thin films

and whether or not the synthesized thin films have the required qualities needed for

semiconductor device research. The main domain for this article is photoluminescence,

Exciton, Optical Properties, Two-photon excitation, Cu2O, nanostructured thin films, and

thermal evaporation. The audience would need to have background on electronic materials

and semiconductor materials. The journal is appropriate for the article and it is an empirical


3. Brief Summary

Cu2O thin film photovoltaic devices have only received growing attention in recent years. Due to

lack of clear understanding of the electrical and crystalline properties of this material, further

optimization of Cu2O solar cells have been slowed down. Although Cu2O has many potential

applications in solar energy conversion devices, the major obstacle in technical perspective is

the difficult synthesis of thin films with high reproducibility without CuO phase contamination.

Several deposition methods have been used to obtain thin films such as thermal evaporation,

pulsed laser deposition, cathodic arc evaporation. Among these, thermal evaporation has been

reported to have the highest phase-pure Cu2O film formation.

Cu2O thin films were synthesized by thermal oxidation under controlled conditions. The effect of

oxidation temperature on the structural and optical characterizations of these thin films were

investigated. X-ray diffraction, SEM, and HRTEM microscopy were used to study these


4. Results

In summary, high phase-purity Cu2O thin films were successfully synthesized on Al2O3 substrate

with good structural and optical properties through thermal oxidation of thick copper films

under controlled conditions. The characterization techniques such as XRD, SEM, and HRTEM

showed that the synthesized films consist of a single Cu2O phase, formed from nearly spherical

nanocrystals with an average size of 20 – 30 nm. The morphology and nanoparticle size are also

observed to be dependent on the oxidation temperature. The Visible-NIR spectra was also

recorded and the energy band gap of Cu2O was found to be 2.11 eV. All of these parameters

have shown that the synthesized Cu2O films have the required quality to be used in

semiconductor research.

5. Contributions

The parameters such as oxidation temperature, morphology, energy band gap and other optical

properties can be used as a well-defined criterion characterizing the electrical and optical

stability of Cu2O thin films. Thermal oxidation technique to produce Cu2O thin films have also

been confirmed to be an attractive method to produce high purity single-phase Cu2O thin film.

The oxidation temperature was also found to have no significant effect on the morphology and

optical properties of the thin film.

6. Foundation

[1] J.M. Zuo, M. Kim, M. O’Keeffe, JC.H. Spence, Nature 401 (1999) 49.

[2] J.L. Link, J.P. Wolfie, Phys. Rev. Lett 71 (1993) 1222.

[3] V.T. Agekyan, Phys. Status Solidi A 43 (1977) 11.

[4] D.W. Snoke, A.J. Shields, M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B 45 (1992) 11693.

[5] D.W. Snoke, Science 273 (1996) 1351.

References [1 – 5] discusses the existing studies on the electronic properties of Cu2O crystal

structure. It also discusses a few applications for Cu2O due to these electronic and optical


[22] A. Mittiga, E. Salza, F. Sarto, M. Tucci, R. Vasanti, Appl. Phys. Lett 88 (2006) 163502.

[23] J.-W. Chen, D.-Ch Perng, J.-F. Fang, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 95 (2011) 2471.

[24] P. Lv, W. Zheng, L. Lin, F. Peng Z., Huang, F. Lai, Physica B 406 (2011) 1253.

[25] T. Minami, Y. Nishi, T. Miyata, J.I., Nomoto, Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 062301.

References [22 – 25] discusses the existing experimentations regarding the conversion efficiency

in Cu2O solar cells. In summary, even though the theoretical conversion efficiency of Cu2O is very

high, the experimental results only reach on average a 3% conversion efficiency. This is due to

lack of clear understanding of the electrical and crystalline properties of the material.

7. Synthesis with Concepts

The main concepts from this article is the crystal structure of Cu2O and how it’s structure affects

it’s electronic and optical properties. Cu2O based on the references is a p-type semiconductor,
with cubic crystal structure, having a band gap of 2.17 eV. This information tells us that Cu2O can

be a good conductor, when supplied with just little energy. Energy, which can be in the form of

light or heat will excite electrons in the valence band and make them jump to the conduction

band. With the small band gap of Cu2O, only small amount of energy is needed. This small band

gap is due to it being a semiconductor. Being an extrinsic semiconductor also helps it conduct

more easily due to its impurities and vacancies. If the material conducts easily, then it will be

able to convert energy more efficiently, especially in solar cell applications.

8. Analysis

Nothing has changed since the article was written. The same concepts and theories still apply to

the crystal structure, electronic properties, and optical properties of Cu2O.

9. General Critique

The titled research was complete and well presented. It successfully builds upon the concepts,

theories, and past findings discussed in the introduction. The experimentation and

characterization were well presented and easy to understand, allowing for reproducibility. The

results presented were complete and supported with graphs and images which made it easier to

understand/interpret. The article did throw upon a new exclusive idea which was about the

minimal effect of oxidation temperature on the properties of Cu2O thin film. Although not all

aspects of the domain were covered. The conversion efficiency of a Cu2O solar cell which was

mentioned in the introduction was not tested in the experimentation itself. That aspect can be

considered as a limitation also. The research in a whole, was complete and easy to follow even

though it has some limitations in characterization.

10. Critics

Based on the introduction, the article presented all theories and concepts beforehand and was

able to help the reader understand the basic concepts and information needed to comprehend

the nature of Cu2O thin film, and its developmental history in research and development. The

theories and concepts presented were also often referenced in the results and discussion which

made all of the arguments and interpretation of results in that part valid. The sequencing of the

ideas, concepts, and theories were in correct and easy to follow. The graphs and results

presented were easy to understand and were backed up by valid explanations with their

corresponding theories. The article did not stray away from its main objectives and domain. All

of the information leading to the conclusion produced a well written, consistent, and coherent

research paper. Most of the references in the research are up to date and can still be considered


11. Issues (as listed by author)

There were no issues listed by the author.

12. Issues (as per your opinion)

The only issue I had was the authors not testing the energy conversion efficiency of the

synthesized Cu2O thin films on solar cell substrates. This was the intended application for the

thin films as stated in the introduction, yet they did not perform any characterization for the

determination of its energy conversion efficiency. I suggest focus on further research and

characterization on the efficiency of Cu2O thin film as a solar cell coating. This will further help

give more information on whether or not Cu2O thin films can become a viable option for solar

cell coatings.
13. Relevance/Impact

Again, based on Reference [1 – 5], the article has high relevance in the semiconductor industry,

especially in the solar cell manufacturing industry. Finding new materials for thin films that can

be used to harness energy from light more efficiently can help the environment. One of the

main focus of scientists right now is finding renewable energy, and this study is a part of it.

14. Questions

1.) Which one is the better semiconductor in terms of electrical properties, Cu2O or CuO?

2.) Can the energy conversion efficiency of Cu2O surpass the that of current thin film solar cells?

3.) Can the Cu2O structure be modified to further enhance its electrical properties?

15. References

Young, A.P., Schwartz, C.M. 1969. Electrical conductivity and thermal electric power of Cu2O,

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 30 (2), 249 – 52.

Johansson, K. 2011. Literature review on the properties of cuprous oxide Cu2O and the process

of copper oxidation, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of


Brahms, S., Nikitine, S., Dahl, J.P. 1966. On the band structure and the absorption spectrum of

Cu2O, Physics Letters 22 (1), 31 – 33.

Akimoto, K., Ishizuka, S., Yanagita, M., Nawa, Y., Goutam, P., Sakurai, T. 2006. Thin film

deposition of Cu2O and application for solar cells, Solar Energy 80 (6), 715 – 722.

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