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Indian Journal ofChernical Technology

Vol. 6, lanuary 1999, pp. 38-42

Chromato-spectrophotometric determination of cobalt with preliminary

separation from nickel on tributyl phosphate impregnated layers prepared from
silica gel and stannic arsenate gel mixture
Ali Mohammad, P A Mohamed Najar & Eram Iraqi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim Universit y,
Aligarh 202 002, India
Received 3 March 1998; accepted 25 September 1998
Thin layer chromatography in combination with spectrophotometry has been used for the separation and determination
of cobalt after its separation /Tom ni ckel in aq ueous samples. A chromatographic system consisting of a mixture containing
stannic arsenate gel and silica gel G in \0: I, w/w ratio and impregnated with 0.2M tri-n-butyl phosphate(TBP) as stationary
phase and I M aq ueous potassium thi ocyanate as mobile phase has been used to separate cobalt from nickel. Effects of
ac idity and alkalinity of sample so lution on the separation of C0 2+ from Ni 2+ have been examined . Microgram separatio n of
cobalt from variable amo unts of nickel has been achieved after pre-concentration of metal ions from aqueo us so lutions by.
sulphide preci pitation. Determination of cobalt after TLC separati on provides a recovery of 92%.

Separation of cobalt from nickel ;s important from s ilica ge l and stannic arsenate gel. This
ana lytical point of view as it form s many complexes com munication reports a su itab le support for TBP
similar to nickel. Nickel sa lts form a bright red w hich can be utilized in qualitati ve as well as
inso luble inner complex with dimethylglyoxime quantitative analysis of inorganic ions.
(DMGO) and thi s colour reaction provides a quite
Experimental Set-up
se lective method for sensitive detection o f nickel.
Apparatus - A TLC app li cator (Toshn iwa l,
However, th e presence of cobalt which forms brown
India); g lass plates (20 x 3cm), g lass jars (24 x 6cm ),
compounds with DMGO interferes in the detecti o n of
di gital pH meter CP 901 and spectronic 20
nickel at mi crogram level. Since the so lubility of the
spectrophotometer (Bausch and Lomb) were used .
reagent is limited, enough DMGO may not be
Reagents - Stan nic chloride pentahyd rate, sodium
available to react w ith nickel in the presence of cobalt
arsenate, silica gel G, tri-n··butyl phosphate (TBP),
in so lution . T hus, the sepa rat ion of cobalt from nicke l
acetone, potassi um thiocyanate were obtained fro m
assumes sign ificance in co lourim etric ana lysis of a
C DH , Indi a and dimethyl glyoxime was from
variety of samples containin g nicke l.
Q ualigen s, India. All other chemicals lI sed were a lso
Amongst the method s avai lable for the analysi s of of anal ytical grade reagents.
inorganic ions, thin layer chromatography (TLC) is Test solutions - I % standard so luti ons of nic:kel
the most useful technique due to (i) low cost, ( ii) chloride and cobalt nitrate we re used fo r all
minimal sample clean up, (i ii) wide choice of mobile chromatographic and quantitati ve studi es.
phases, (iv) flexibility in sampl e detection , (v) hi gh Delection reagents -Both cobalt and nicke l were
sample loading capacity and (v i) easy handling. Metal detected on the plates by spraying with I% al coholic
ions have been analyzed on si lica gel layers dimethylglyox ime.
impregnated with high molecular weight amines "'o, Chromatographic system - The chro mato-gra ph ic
ll 13
organo-phosphorous compounds includin g TBp . , system used comprises of I M potassi um thiocyanate
dimethylsulphoxide ' 4, and a mixture of alizarin red S (KSCN) as mobile phase and a mixture of stanni c
and aliquat 336 . Thin layers of unimpregn ated arsenate ge l and silica gel G in the rati o 10: I w/w as
stannic arsenate .Ion exc hanger 16· IR an dmixture
. ' 0
stati onary phase.
' 9
silica gel and ion exchange gels have also been
utilized for ach ieving new separation of meta l ions.
Synthesis of Stannic Arsenate Ion-Exchanger Gel
However, no work is reported on the use of TBP Stannic arsenate ion-exchanger ge l was prepared
impregnated mixed layers prepared from mixture of by mixing 0. 1 M sol uti ons of stannic chl oride and

sodium arsenate in the volume ratio of 3:2 and nickel ion on the plates was identified by spraying
digesting the resulting precipitate at room temperature TLC plate with alcoholic dimethylglyoxime (I %).
for 24 h. The gel so obtained was washed. several The presenca of cobalt ion on the plates was noticed
times with demineralized water and allowed to settle visually as blue coloured spot. The well resolved and
for some hours. The excess water was drained off. brightly coloured single spots of cobalt (RF ~O. 10) and
The ion-exchanger gel was used after mixing with nickel (RF~0.96) were stable enough on the layer for a
silica gel G in suitable weight ratio as mixed sorbent long period at room temperature.
phase. The following studies were carried out to identify
optimum experimental conditions for realizing the
Chromatography best separation of cobalt from nickel.
Preparation of thin layer plates (a) To study the effect of alkalinity and acidity of
Stannic arsenate gel was mixed with silica gel G in sample on the separation of cobalt from nickel, the pH
10: I ratio (w/w) to make a homogeneous slurry in a of the standard solutions of the concerned metals or
mortar. The slurry so obtained was coated on a clean their mixture (1 : 1, v/v) was brought in the basic or
glass plate (20 x3cm) by means of TLC applicator to acidic range by adding required volumes of 1M
produce layer of 0.25 mm thickness. The plate was air ammonium hydroxide or 10% HCI. The resulting
dried at room temperature (30°C) and activated by sample solution (0 .0 I mL) was loaded on the TLC
heating at 100±5°C for 1 h in an electrically plates with a micropipette and the chromatography
controlled oven followed by cooling at room was performed as described above.
temperature and stored in a closed chamber until used . (b) To observe the effect of surfactants on the
The layers prepared from a mixture of silica gel and separation, sample solution was prepared by mixing
stannic arsenate containing silica gel exceeding 10% standard solutions of cobalt and nickel with aqueous
were of inferior quality. The coated plates were sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) or N-cetyl-N,N,N-
impregnated with 0.1-0.5 M TBP solution in acetone trimethyl ammonium bromide (CT AB) in the volume
by developing ' the plates with TBP solution of ratio of I: I: I. 0.01 mL of this solution was loaded on
required concentration . The impregnation with 0 .2M the chromatoplates for chromatography.
TBP was found most suitable.
(c) The possibi Iity of pre-concentration and
Sample Preparation microgram separation of cobalt from nickel (from
Spiked lap water - 10 mL of tap water was spiked water samples) were investigated as follows . 20 mL
with 10 mL of I%C0 2+ and 5 mL of 1% Ni 2+ distilled water was spiked with 100 ppm of Ni 2+ and
solutions. 0.0 I mL of this spiked solution was applied 50 ppm of C0 2+. The resulting solution was mixed
on TLC plates . with excess ammonium sulphide. Metal ions present
Spiked sea water - 10 mL of sea water collected in the solution are concentrated as black precipitate.
from Kovalam Beach , Kerala, India, was spiked with The precipitate was collected after centrifugation and
5 mL of 1% CoCI 2 and 3 mL of 1% NiCI 2 solutions, washed with distilled water, dried and dissolved in
O.OJ mL of this spiked solution was applied on TLC minimum volume of aqua regia. The solution was
plate. then evaporated to dryness and the precipitate so
obtained was dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid
Experimental Procedure (10%, I mL). This solution (10 ilL) was subjected for
Thin layer chromatography was performed on TLC chromatographic separation of cobalt from nickel.
plates coated with TBP (0.2M in acetone)
impregnated sorbent layers in 24 x6cm glass jars. 10 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt
mL standard solutions of Ni and Co were loaded Spectrophotometry of cobalt after TLC separation
separately on the plates at a distance of 3cm above from nickel was carried out. A sample of cobalt
from the lower edge of the plate with the help of a solution containing 49.4 to 345.8 Ilg of cobalt was
micropipette . After drying the spots at room treated with 0.1 mL of 1M KSCN and the volume was
temperature, the plates were developed in the solvent made up to 25 mL with dimethyl-formamide (DMF) .
system (1 M KSCN) by keeping the solvent ascent as After thorough mixing the solution was left for about
10 cm from the point of sample applica-tion . After 5 min for complete colour development. The
deve lopment the plates were dried and the position of absorption spectra of this soJution against reagent

blank over 360-700 nm gave a maximum absorbance recovery of cobalt after its separation from nickel was
peak at 630 nm (Amax). The colour produced with then determined from the recovery curve obtained by
cobalt was stable and proportional to the cobalt plotting absorbance against amount of cobalt.
concentration. The recovery of cobalt after separation Percentage recovery was calculated using the
from nickel was determined. Different volumes (7 following relationship.
samples), 0.02-0.14 mL of the sample solution Percentage recovery = 100 - K
containing 49.4 to 345 Ilg cobalt were mixed with -25
Relative error (K) =
x-xI t X 100
Ilg of nickel (in each sample) and loaded on to Xt
chromatoplates. The sPqts were dried at toom
where Xi is the amount of cobalt obtained after
temperature and developed. in 1M KSCN system.
extraction and X; is the amount of cobalt loaded on the
After development, the plates were dried at room
TLC plate.
temperature. The upper half of the TLC plate was
sprayed with I % dimethyl glyoxime to detect Ni 2+
Results and Discussion
near the solvent front and the area covering the spot
of cobalt thiocyanate comp-Iex near the point of Stannic arsenate has been used in column
application was scraped off from the plate into a clean chromatographlO and normal planar chromatography
beaker. This p<;>rtion of adsorbent was washed several for the analysis of metal ions I6- 18 . However, its use in
times with diethylether to remove tributyl phosphate reversed phase TLC has not been examined yet. The
followed by complete removal of ether by papers reported on planar chromatography with
evaporation. The solute was then extracted from the stannic arsenate layers did not mention the separation
sorbent into 10-15 mL DMF and the total volume was of C0 2+ from Ni 2+ because of their very similar
made up to 25 mLby adding DMF. The absorbance chemical properties. In this case, C0 2+ (R r O.05) could
of this solution was measured at 630 nm against be very well-separated from Ni 2+ (R r O.96) only on
reagent blank using I cm cell. The measurement was TBP impregnated layers (i.e. reversed phase TLC)
repeated at different time intervals. The percentage whereas both the ions co-migrate on unimpregnated

Table I - Effect of acid ity, alkalinity and presence of surfactants in the sample on the chromatographic behavi our of C0 2+ and
Ni 2+

Sample used Separation (RL -RT values) Remark s

(a) Effect of acidity

1% aqueous so lutions of Co and Ni Co (0.31-0.0)-Ni (0.93-0.89) Presence of acid in the sample hinders
with 10% HCI in the ratio I : I: I by the detection ofNi

(b) Effect of alkalinity

1% aqueous solutions of Co and Ni Co (O.O-O.O)-Ni (0.99-0.93) Blue coloured cobalt sol ution turned
with 1M NH 4 0H in the ratio I: I : I by golden yellow and green coloured Ni
volume so lution turn ed blue by the ad diti on of

( c) Effect of surfactants Co gave elongated spots instead of

1% solutions of Co and Ni with 0.5% circular spots in presence of surfactants
aqueous surfactant solution in I : I : I
ratio by volume
(i) SDS Co (O.18-0.0)-Ni (0.99- 0.88)
(ii) CTAB Co (0.23-0.0)- Ni (0.98- 0.79)

(d) 1% solutions of Co and Ni with 1% Higher concentration of surfactant

aqueous solutions of SDS' or CTABb Co (O.90-0.0)'-Ni (0.99-0.88), results in tail ed spots for cobalt and th e
in the ratio Co (0.89-0.0)b-Ni (0.99-0.90)b separati on ofNi from Co is ve ry poor
(i) \: \: I v/ v Co (O.90-0.0)'-Ni (0.98-0.88)'
(ii) ) : 1:2 v/ v Co (O.89-0.0)b-N i (0.98-0.88)b
All readings 'Ire taken as average of three observations.

layers (i.e. nonnal TLC) when developed in aqueous the samples is below 1%.
potassium thiocyanates. Blue coloured Co-thiocyanate Another important aspect of the present study is the
complex is strongly extracted in TBP and remained at microgram level separation of cobalt from nickel after
the point of application whereas nickel is not pre-concentration of metal ions by precipitation with
extracted by TBP from aqueous solutions or from ammonium sulphide. The results were satisfactory
thiocyanate solution and migrates with the solvent and the developed method can be used for the
front. separation of cobalt and nickel from water samples at
Results of the present study established a useful ppm levels. For quantitative spectrophotometric
combination of TBP impregnated mixed sorbent detennination a recovery curve for cobalt was
layer, i.e., stannic arsenate gel-silica gel G (10: I constructed . (Fig. I) using optimum conditions
w/w), with aqueous potassium thiocyanate solution as described in the-procedure. The absorbance is linearly
mobi"le phase for the selective separation of nickel dependent on concentration of C02+ in the range 49-
from cobalt. Ni 2+ moves with the solvent front giving 345 Ilg. The maximum recovery of cobalt after TLC
RF?0.96 irrespective of the concen-tration of TBP separation from Ni 2+ was 92% and the standard
used. C0 2+ remained almost at the point of application deviation was 0.0432.
(RF~O.I 0). The optimum impregnant concentration The hi'ghest !1RF value obtained for the separation
was found in the range 0.1-0.5 M with the best results of nickel from cobalt by present method is indicative
at 0.2 M. The system comprising of stannic arsenate of well-separated spots of components from their
gel-silica gel G (10: I w/w) impregnated with 0.2 M mixtur.e (Table 2). Thus, the proposed method is the
TBP as stationary phase and 1.0 M KSCN as mobile best available TLC method for resolving a mi xture
phase is selected for detailed study. containing nickel and cobalt.
The chromatographic behaviour of cobalt and
nickel in presence of different concentration levels of
surfactants and effect of acidity and alkalinity of the 0 · 21r----~-------,

sample are shown in Table I. From Table I, it is clear 0 ·18

that C0 2+ is well separated from Ni 2+ in the presence 0« 0 '15
of HCI and N~OH , i.e., in the acidic and basic pH ~ 012
range . However, the detection of nickel becomes ~o 009
trivial in the presence of HC!. <II
1i 0·06
Presence of higher concentration of surfactants
adversely affect the separation . A concentration of 1%
aqueous SDS or CTAB in the sample gave tailed spot o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
}J 9 of Cobalt
for cobalt (RF ? 0.45 ) and hindered its separation from
nickel. However, the separation could be safely
achieved "if the concentration of added surfactant in Fig. I - Recovery curve fo r cobalt

Table 2 - TLC methods used for the mutual separation of nickel ' from cobalt

Stationary phase Mobile phase Reference

Maize starch· Butanol-pyridine 21

- diethylaniline
- SN HCI (S: I :2:2)
Cellulose Acetone-conc. HCI 0.24 22
-H 20 (86:8: 70)
Silica gel impregnated with 0.1 M pyrazo le 8NHC I 0.35 23
Silica gel G Formic acid-propanol- 0.48 24*
2-acetone or 1,4-dioxane
in variou s proportion s
Stannic arsenate 1M Potass ium thiocyanate 0.9 1 Present Study
gel-silica ge l (10: I)
impregnated by 0.2MTBP
*Mutual separation of nickel and cobalt as their chlorosulphate compl exes
fiR r Difference between RF values ofNi and Co .

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