Lo1 and Lo2 - Jonny

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Unit 10 Feedback

Jonathan Joensen Feedback. 23/04/2018


Current Grade for LO1: Pass

Pass is the highest grade you can achieve for this learning outcome. You have investigated a
range of media adaptations (3). commenting on the success of this.
For P2, the adaptation ideas for a creative product, you have commenting on the feasibility,
constraints and target audience.
However: Can you please ensure that you add in the audience terminology (demographics,
psychographics and socio-economic groups) and cover who the primary and secondary
audiences would be for each adaptation idea.

Grade for LO2 Part A (Treatment): P (the highest grade you can achieve is a Merit)
Grade for LO2 Part B (Storyboard): M (the highest grade you can achieve is a Distinction)
Overall Current Grade for LO2: Pass

Treatment Feedback:
 It doesn’t feel that the work has followed the handout. It consists of very separate
paragraphs and doesn’t ‘flow’.
 Research composers for the media form and genre similar to what you are adapting
and add some to the soundtrack section, commenting on the work they have made
and relevance to your work.
 Add more detail to the target audience profile, add primary and secondary audience
and also the audience terminology.

Storyboard Feedback:
Unit 10 Feedback

 Please use an app such as Cam Scanner, to photograph the storyboards, this will
increase the contrast and make the images easier to see. Otherwise, scan the photos
and correct in Photoshop.
 Add in more detail on the written parts of the storyboard. detail mise en scene.
 Please add action, edits and sound track.

The resubmission deadline for both learning outcomes is: 18th May 2018

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