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Term Definition

Characteristics of

reflexive Instinctive, involuntary, automatic, as in responses

grasp To pick up or hold

deliberately On purpose

vocalize To use sounds/words to express something

distress A state of being upset, troubled

volume The loudness or softness of a sounc

pitch The highness or lowness of a sound

babble To make unintelligible sounds --- sounds that are not easily understood

imitate To copy

gesture To use the hands or fingers to communicate a message

recognizable Able to be understood

sibling A brother or sister

symbolic Representing something

mimic To copy

imaginary Make-believe, or pretend; as an imaginary friend

empathy The ability to feel what another person is experiencing

resilience The ability to “bounce back”

seriation The ability to organize objects according to increasing or decreasing


conservation Being able to understand that an object remains the same even when it
disappears or changes appearance

reversibility The ability to be reversed, changed back

multiple classification The ability to be classified in more than one way

egocentric Self-centered; seeing oneself as the center of everything

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