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Finish the following dialogue:

1- Faris wants to buy a return train ticket. He is talking to the assistant.
Faris : Can I book a ticket to Alexandria, please?
Assistant : Of course. …(1)………………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Faris : A return, please. I'm coming back on Saturday.
Assistant : …(2)……………………………………………………………..………………………………………………..
Faris : …(3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Assistant : It's 100 pounds. The next train leaves in fifteen minutes.
Faris : Could you tell me which platform the train leaves from?
Assistant : …(4)…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Faris : Platform 4? Thank you very much.

2- Menna was absent because she was ill.

Fatma : I missed you, Menna. Why were you absent yesterday ?
Menna : Thank you. (1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Fatma : Oh, I'm sorry. (2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Menna : Yes. I did.
Fatma : (3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Menna : He told me I had the flu and I should take a rest.
Fatma : I wish you a speedy recovery.
Menna : (4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3-Zeyad and Omar are talking about visiting the desert.

Zeyad : I'd like to visit the desert. Would you like to come with me ?
Omar : Ok. (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Zeyad : We can go next Friday. (2) ……………………………………………………………………….?
Omar : Yes, I'm ready. What can we see there ?
Zeyad : (3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Omar : Only birds? What else?
Zeyad : (4) ……………………………….. But be careful because some snakes are dangerous.
Omar : Don't worry. I'm careful.

4- Ayman talks to a famous footballer.

Ayman : I'm happy to meet a famous footballer like you. I'd like to ask you some questions.
Footballer : Hello. (1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Ayman : I want to ask you about football of course. (2) ……………………………………….?
Footballer : I started playing it when I was 5.
Ayman : Where did you start playing it?
Footballer : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ayman :When did you join a club ?
Footballer : (4)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5-Alaa is telling Ahmed about his father's job.

Ahmed : I'm doing a research about jobs. What's your father's job ?
Alaa : That's great. (1)……………………………………………………………………………………………

Ahmed : Astronomer !.(2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………?
Alaa : He works in an observatory.
Ahmed : (3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Alaa : Yes, his work is hard. but(4) ………………………………………………………………………..
Ahmed : Thanks. See you later.
Alaa : Okay. Goodbye.

6-Mona and Salma are talking about a technical school.

Mona : I'd like to go to a technical school. What about you ?
Salma : Me, too. (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Mona : I'd like to go to a nursing school.
Salma : (2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Mona : To learn more about health and take care of ill people.
Salma : Does it last for 3 years ?
Mona : (3) ……………………………………………………….. Would you like to join it with me ?
Salma : (4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7-Tamer is telling Ahmed about his new smartphone.

Ahmed : Is this wonderful smartphone new ?
Tamer : Yes, it is. (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ahmed : When did your father buy it for you ?
Tamer : (2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ahmed : On your birthday! (3) ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
Tamer : It was last Sunday.
Ahmed : (4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Tamer : I'm fourteen now.

8-Amr tells Samir about spending the weekend.

Samir : I spent last weekend at home. Did you do so ?
Amr : No, I didn't, (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Samir : (2) ………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Amr : I enjoyed the scenery by the Nile so much.
Samir : (3) ……………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Amr : I spent about 7 hours by the Nile.
Samir : Did you go on a boat there ?
Amr : (4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9-Samy and his father are talking about computers and smartphones.
Samy : Would you buy me a computer. Dad ?
Father : Of course. (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………?
Samy : I need it to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet ?
Samy : (2) ………………………………………………….We use computers at school.
Father : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Samy : Great. I think a smartphone is more useful than a computer.

Father : Ok. Tomorrow, (4) ………………………………………………………………………………………..

10- Hanan has just met Suzan, a girl from England visiting Egypt.
Hanan : It's nice to meet you. How long are you going to stay in Cairo ?
Suzan : Nice to meet you too. (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………
Hanan : (2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Suzan : I'm going to visit the Cairo Tower.
Hanan : Where are you going to go next ?
Suzan : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Hanan : Alexandria is very beautiful. (4) ……………………………………………………………………….?
Suzan : We're going to visit Qaitbey Citadel and all the museums. I'll send you postcards.

11- Nevine is at the ticket office of a museum.

Assistant : Unfortunately, the museum is closed today.
Nevine :0h no! (1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Assistant : Didn't you look at the website ? It has all the times there.
Nevine : I 'll look next time. (2) ………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Assistant :You can come any other day, but I don't recommend Saturday,
Nevine : (3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Assistant : Because it is difficult to see things since there are so many people. What about
Sunday ?
Nevine : (4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

12-Yasmine and Heba who has got a new Chinese pen friend.
Yasmine : I heard you've got a new pen friend. Where is she from ?
Heba : I have got a lovely one. (1) ………………………………………………………………………………
Yasmine : (2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Heba : Her English is quite perfect. Her mother is British,
Yasmine : I see. And what does she do in her free time ? ,
Heba : (3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Yasmine : (4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Heba : Yes, I always communicate with her through emails.

13-Taqwa is going to the supermarket but Arwa thinks that it's closed.
Taqwa :…(1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Arwa : yes, I want to go with you but I think the supermarket is closed now.
Taqwa :…(2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Arwa : It closes at 7:00 on Fridays.
Taqwa : :…(3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Arwa : Don't worry, we can go tomorrow morning. It opens at 8:00.
Taqwa : What do you want to do now?
Arwa : :…(4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

14-Hassan and Ali are talking about a holiday.

Hassan : Ali, have you decided where you are going on holiday this summer?

Ali : My parents have looked at some interesting destinations. It will be Aswan.
Hassan :..(1)…………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………..?
Ali : We can't decide how to get there from Cairo.
Hassan :….(2)………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………?
Ali : We are planning to drive to Aswan.
Hassan :…(3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Ali : It takes about twelve hours.
Hassan : Have a great time! •
Ali :..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15-Johnson is from England. He is coming to Egypt. He is phoning his Egyptian pen friend Ramzy.
Johnson : Hi! I am phoning to tell you that I am coming to Egypt for a holiday.
Ramzy : (1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Johnson : I am coming next week.
Ramzy : (2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Johnson : Two or three weeks?
Ramzy : Where will you stay?
Johnson : (3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ramzy : Welcome to Egypt.
Johnson : (4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

16-Akram and Samy are talking about Akram's trip.

Samy : Hello Akram! I haven't seen you tor a long time!
Akram : No. I've been away on holiday. I've only just come back.
Samy : How was the trip?
Akram : (1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Samy : (2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Akram : On our first day, we decided to go to the zoo, but we found out that it had closed an
hour before we got there,
Samy : (3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Akram : Because a snake had escaped and nobody knew where it was.
Samy : What happened at the end?
Akram : (4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17-Ali and Mazen are talking about a present Ali has got for his birthday.
Mazen : Hello! How are you, Ali?
Ali :..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Mazen : What a nice watch!
Ali :..(2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Mazen :…(3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Ali : I didn't buy it. My uncle gave me that watch on my birthday.
Mazen : …(4)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Ali : Yes. I can know the time through it. I am never late.

18-Nabil is at a bookshop. He wants to buy a dictionary,
Assistant : What can I do for you, sir?
Nabil :..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Assistant :..(2)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Nabil : An English-English dictionary, please.
Assistant : Why do you think of this dictionary?
Nabil : :..(3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Assistant You are right; it can help look up new words with examples.
Nabil : :..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Assistant : It's 300 pounds.

19-Hager and Bothayna are talking about the future.

Hager : I see you're studying hard.
Bothayna : Yes, I study hard to go to university.
Hager : :..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Bothayna : I'd like to be an engineer.
Hager : Great! But why do you want to be an engineer?
Bothayna : :..(2)…………………………………………………………………………………… What about you?
Hager : I want to be a doctor.
Bothayna :..(3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Hager : To look after sick people.
Bothayna : :..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

20-Mona has found a watch but she doesn't know who it belongs to.
Huda : Good morning, How are you, Mono?
Mona : Good morning, I'm fine, thank you.
Huda : ..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Mona : No, it isn't my watch. ..(2)……………………………………………………………………………………
Huda : .(1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Mona : In the playground.
Huda : What will you do with it?
Mona : ..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Huda : That's right. The headmaster can find its owner.

21-Omar and Khaled are talking about sports.

Khaled : What's your favourite sport, Omor?
Omar : My favourite sport is football.
Khaled : ..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Omar : I play it twice a week, in the club near our house.
Khaled : Why do you prefer it?
Omar :..(2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Khaled :..(3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Omar : No, I don't like tennis. What about you?
Khaled : ..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

22-"A tourist is asking the airport officer at Cairo Airport"
Tourist : Excuse me! I want to go to the Red Sea.
Airport officer : OK. You can take the train, but it will be very far.
Tourist : (1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Airport officer : Well! You can take the plane to Marsa Alam Airport.
Tourist : Is it near the Red Sea?
Airport officer : (2) ……………………………………….And you can take a taxi to the hotel after that.
Tourist : Is it a local airport?
Airport officer : (3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Tourist : (4)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Airport officer : The next flight will be at 5 pm.

23-"A tourist wants to go to the Pyramids."

Ayman : Hello. How can I help you?
Tourist : (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Ayman : Sure. Go along Al Haram Street. You will find the Pyramids at its end.
Tourist : But I don't know this street very well.
Ayman : (2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tourist : That's a great idea. (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Ayman : I think you should pay 50 pounds for the taxi driver.
Tourist : This is very cheap. Thanks a lot.
Ayman : (4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

24-"Adel is at the doctor's."

The doctor : What's wrong with you, Mr Adel?
Adel : I can't breathe well and I cough all the time.
The doctor : (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Adel : Yes, I'm a heavy smoker.
The doctor : Unfortunately smoking has made you a lung disease.
Adel : (2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
The doctor : You should stop smoking right now.
Adel : So If I stopped smoking, would I be better?
The doctor : (3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Adel : What else should I do?
The doctor : (4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Adel : OK. I will start from tomorrow. Sport will make me stronger.

Can I book a single / return (ticket to Alexandria), please? Sure , go on.
Would you like first or second class? I'd like the first class.
How long does (the express train) take? It takes two hours .
How much is that, please? It's twenty six pounds.
What time is the next train? It is at 3 o'clock.
Could you tell me which platform the train leaves from? It leaves from platform 3
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You want to book a ticket to Aswan.
2.You are taking a bus from Cairo to Alexandria. You want to know how long you will spend on the bus.
3. You ask about the time of the Aswan's train.
4. You want to buy a return ticket. You .want to know the price of that.
5. You are at a train station. You want to know from which platform the train leaves.
6- You want to book a single ticket to another city.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You want to book a train ticket to Alexandria.
2. You ask about the platform the train to Alexandria leaves from.
3. Ask the railway station clerk to book you a return ticket to Luxor.
4. You want to book a ticket from Cairo to Luxor and you are coming back on Tuesday.
5- You want to buy a return ticket to another city. Ask the assistant for help.
6. You ask about the price of a second class train ticket to Aswan.
7. You want to know which platform the train leaves from.
8- You are at a hotel. You want to book a room for 2 nights.

I think you should have + P.P ‫التصريف الثالث‬

I think you should have tried the pizza last night
You shouldn't have + P.P ‫التصريف الثالث‬
You shouldn't have stayed up late last night.

I really didn't want to + ‫المصدر‬

I really didn't want to eat pizza. It isn't healthy.
I wasn't interested , thanks.

I really shouldn't have + P.P ‫ التصريف الثالث‬because …..
I really shouldn't have bought this mobile because it is very expensive.

I really think that you should try this.

Why don’t you play this (computer game)?
Go on! You’ll enjoy it!
No thanks, I really don’t want to.
I think it’s better if I don’t.
I’m not interested, thanks.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Last night, your brother stayed up late, so he missed the bus. Blame him.
2. Someone offers you some cheese pizza. You don't like it.
3. You got low marks in the exam. Express your regret.
4. You regret that you stopped doing exercises.
5. Your friend didn't do well in the exam. He didn't study well. You blame him.
6- You warn your brother not to run very fast.
7- Your sister is very ill because of eating too much rice.
8- You are angry as your sister has spilt some coffee on your book.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You borrowed your friend's laptop and you broke it,
2- You have missed the bus.
3- Your little brother has eaten a lot of sweets and now feels ill.
4- You came late for an interesting show. Express regret.
5- Your brother's lungs were damaged because of too much smoking. Advise him.
6- Your friend thinks you should have tried the chocolate you bought last night. Explain your choice.
7. You show your regret as you lost your friend's dictionary.
8. Your friend did very badly in the exam.
9. Regret that you arrived late.

What do you think of ………………………… ? ‫مارأيك فى‬

What is your opinion about ………………? ‫مارأيك فى‬
Could you give me your opinion of …? ‫هل ممكن تعطينى رأيك فى‬

quite ‫الى حدما‬ very ‫جدا‬ really ‫حقا‬ extremely ‫للغاية‬
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Ask your friend's opinion about Mohamed Salah, the famous footballer.
2.You show that the lesson is extremely difficult.
3. You give your opinion of your friend's T-shirt.
4. You express your strong opinion of yesterday's match.
5. You ask your friend about his opinion of his visit to the pyramids.
6. You give your strong opinion of the internet.
7-You want to know your friend's opinion of the High Dam.
8- Your friend thinks that chess is a very hard game. Express a strong opinion.
9- You want to tell your brother about your opinion of Mohamed Salah.
10- You want to know what your friend thinks of a lesson you have just had.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You want to know your friends opinion about the Wadi El Rayyan waterfalls.
2- Someone asks you about a firefighter's job. You think it's very important.
3- You're asked about a cleaner's job. Give a strong opinion.
4- You ask someone's opinion about a film they have watched,
5- Your friend wants to know your opinion about visiting a museum during the holiday.
7. You think that the film was boring. You want to know what your brother thinks of it.
8. A friend asks you about the weather in the desert in July, Give your opinion.

Could you please explain to me …………….? ‫؟‬

Could you please explain to me why I can't feel the earth turn ?
I wonder if you could tell me what …………………. ..........
I wonder if you could tell me what a star is made of?
I'd like to know if ……………..?
I'd like to know if you like your job?
Do you think we could ……………………?
Do you think we could come and see the observatory one day ?
Will/Would/Could you..., please?

-Sure. - Certainly, - Yes, of course,

- Well, I'm afraid, - Well, the problem is ...... -Sorry, but.......
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You want your teacher to explain something you don't know.
2. Ask your friend politely to lend you some money.
3. Ask your friend politely about the job he'd like to do.
4. Ask your friend politely to tell you about earthquakes.
5- Your neighbour asks you to lend him some money. You agree.
6- You ask your teacher about the meaning of an English word.
7- You want to ask your teacher about lions.
8- You want your brother to help you with your homework.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You would like to ask a teacher to explain why it is colder in winter than in summer.
2- You ask your teacher politely to help you understand a lesson.
3. You ask your teacher why the earth goes round the sun.
4. You ask your friend if he likes his new job.
5. You ask your friend to tell you how to use the new camera.
6. You ask your friend to tell you about the kinds of technical schools.
7- You need to borrow your friend's phone.
8- You ask your classmate to open the window.

What do you think of........ ?

What do you think of the Sphinx?
How do you feel about....... ?
How do you fee! about the Cairo Tower ?
Do you agree ?
Egypt has the best football team. Do you agree ?

1. I couldn't agree with you more.

2. That's (exactly) how I feel.
3. You have a point there.

1. I'm afraid I (totally) disagree.

2. I feel completely the opposite,

. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your friend thinks that English is difficult. You have another opinion.
2. Your friend tells you that he's travelling abroad. You agree strongly.
3. You tell your brother / sister that the hotel you all stayed in was very nice. You want to know if he /
she thinks the same.
4. Your friend thinks that English is very difficult. You have another opinion.
5. A friend asks you to go diving with him, but you disagree.
6.A friend tells you that city life is not easy. Express your disagreement.
7- Your friend says that maths is very difficult. You agree.
8- You are in Luxor and you meet a tourist. Ask him what he/she thinks of Luxor.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend showed you his new T-shirt. Express your opinion.
2- Your friend thinks that a firefighter's job is difficult. You agree.
3- Your friend thinks that the Pyramids aren't wonderful. Express disagreement.
4- Your friend think that the computer is a great invention. Express agreement.
5- You disagree about your cousin's opinion that the Suez Canal is a wonder.
6- Your cousin said that English is more difficult them maths. You agree.
7- You tell your brother that the hotel you both stayed in was very nice. You want to know his opinion.
8- Your friend says that the film you both watched was very boring. You have the same opinion.
9- Your friend thinks that Al Ahly is better than Zamalik. You have another opinion.

Great! What else does it say ?

Really ? Go on.

How wonderful! Tell me more.

Then what happened ?

What happened after that ?

. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your friend told you that he went to the countryside. Then he stopped.
2. Your friend reads the first sentence of a long text message, then he stops. You want to hear more.
3. You want to know more information about the thief your friend tells you about.
4- You heard that your friend Rania is in hospital. You want to know more.
5- Your friend tells you good news then stops talking.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your younger brother wants you to go with him to the beach one day. Ask for more information.
2-Your sister tells you that she has watched an interesting film. Encourage her to continue speaking.
3- A friend tells you that his/her brother is studying computer programming. Ask for more information.
4- Your friend reads only the first sentence of a long text message, then stops reading.
5. You encourage your friend who is answering well.
6. Salma is talking about an accident she saw. You want to know more.

Good news

Really ? I can't believe it!

How wonderful!

Bad news

Oh dear! Oh , no !

How terrible!
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your friend's father is in the hospital.
2. Your friend's aunt died.
3. The teacher told you that you have passed your speaking tests.
4. Your brother has lost his bicycle.
5. Your parents say that they are taking you to the beach tomorrow. You are very excited.
6- Your friend tells you that he passed the final exam. Show excitement.
7- You hear that scientists have found a new medicine which will help many people. Show relief.
8. A friend tells you that he lost his mobile phone.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You heard that your friend's father is in hospital.
2. Your father tells you he is taking you to Cairo International Stadium tomorrow.
3. You hear that, scientists found a new medicine which will help many people.
4. Someone told you a wonderful news.
5- Your father has bought a new car. You show your excitement.
6.A teacher tells you that you have come first. You are so happy.
7 Your friend tells you some very bad news.
8- Your mother tells you that your friend can come to your family's next party.

………………………….. about …………………. ago

Dinsaurs lived about 65 million years ago.
………………………….. may be …………………. ago
We think that people first lived may be 250 000 years ago.
………………………….. almost …………………. ago
I'm going to talk to you about some people who lived almost 8000 years ago
………………………….. approximately …………………. ago
The Stone Age was approximately 8000 years ago.
In around ……………………….

In around 8000 BCE , people began farming in North Africa.
It was perhaps ……………………………. When …….
It was perhaps 400 BCE when people started making pots and pans of clay.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. A friend asked you when the Stone Age was. You are not sure.
2. Your friend asks you when your father was born. You aren't sure, but you give an answer.
3. You're asked about your uncle's date of birth. You aren't sure.
4. Someone asks you about Karim You think he was ill. You are not sure.
5- Your are asked about the time of the World Cup. You answered but you aren't sure.
6- Your sister asks you about the first time that people began reclaiming the desert
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend asks you when the first train was invented.
2- Your teacher asks you about the age of the oldest part of your town. This was built around 800 BC.
3. You don't know exactly when that building was built.
4. You tell your friend when your house was nearly built.
5. Someone asks you when your father was born. Your aren't sure of the date.
6. Your cousin asks you when the library of Alex was built.
7- You want to tell your brother about the time that people first lived but you are not sure.
. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You wanted to go to the beach today, but your parents say that it is windy.
2- Your mother asks you how the test was. You think it was extremely difficult.
3- You regret not catching the bus because you didn't run quickly.
4- You visited Alexandria in the winter. It was very cold. A friend asks you what the weather was like.
5- You tried a new game online but you did not enjoy it because it was too difficult.
6- Your mother asks if you read about zoo animals. You haven't read about them before.
7- You are asked about the biggest city in Asia. You are uncertain.
8- Your are asked about your friend Ayman but you are not sure where he was.
9- Your mother asks you to help in the house, but you are meeting a friend at the park in 30 minutes.
10- You see people leaving rubbish by the River. You want to know the reason,
11. You make it sure that the lesson is easy.
12. You invite your friend to your birthday party.
13. You give a tourist some information about Cairo Museum.
14. You ask someone when dinosaurs lived.
15. Your friend tells you that his father has recovered.
16.You suggest buying souvenirs from Khan Elkhalili.
17. You advise your brother to revise the lesson again.
18. You read an exciting story and you recommend it to your friend.
19. Your recommend a new mobile to your friend.
20. You tell a tourist where he can buy a map.
21. Someone recommends a book to read and you like it very much.
22. You want to ask your teacher what a star is made of.
23. You hope you will win the match.

24. You want to ask the train conductor when the train arrives in Alexandria.
25. You want to know when dinosaurs first lived.
26. You tell your friend why you like playing tennis.
27. Someone advises you to go on a diet.
28. Adel was absent. You try to deduce why.
29- You are with your brother on a train when you find a key on the floor.
. Read the following, then answer the questions:
1- What is the most important and the dearest thing in life ? "Water", simply is the answer. Water
is the secret of life that God granted us. Imagine what we can do if there is no water ? How can we
drink ? How can we grow plants or keep animals ? The world will be nothing but ruin ^s. It is God's will
that makes salty water evaporates from seas and oceans and rises to the sky to be condensed and
formed into clouds, then it turns back to the earth in the form of rains and rivers to give life to
everything on earth. Water is used to give us energy. Turbines are set up in rivers flows, so electricity
is generated. Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen. This made scientists think of a way that makes
cars and other means of transport run on water using the oxygen in the water. This will be useful as it
will save a great amount of oil products, and it will help, largely, to keep the environment clean.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. What does water consist of ?
2. How are rivers formed ?
3. How can fuels taken from water be useful ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. The underlined word "generated" means ………………………..
a. used b. taken c. produced d. planted
5. Turbines are ………………………..
a. factories b. machines c. engines d. means of transport

2- In 1805 in Odense, Denmark, a boy who was called Anderson was born. His father who was a
shoemaker died when Anderson was only eleven years old. Anderson had a difficult time growing up.
Teachers and students made fun of him. The reason why they laughed at him was because he was ugly
and didn't do well at school. In fact, he didn't learn to read and write well until he was nearly twenty
years old. However, Anderson, who was quiet and shy boy, he was very talented in other areas. At
fourteen, he decided to move to a big city, Copenhagen. There he finished school and later began to
write plays, novels and children's stories which according to Anderson himself are based on his life and
made him well known all over the world. Just like the ugly duckling in his history, he too turned into a
swan since the whole world admired him for his wonderful stories. His stories which are some of the
most famous fairy tales, have been turned into films today.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. What was Anderson's father ?
2. Why did teachers and students make fun of Anderson ?
3. What are Anderson's children's stories based on ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. Anderson became well known all over the world for his ………………………..
a. father's death b. slow learning c. wonderful stories d. childhood
5. His most famous fairy tales have been turned into ………………………..
a. plays b. films c. poems d. novels

3- It was a rainy day in January. The farmers were in their fields. A boy ran towards them shouting
for help. He told them that the river was coming up and they were in danger. They did not believe him
because he was just a little boy. An hour later, the high water in the river came over the land. The
farmers now knew that the boy's words were true. They tried to save their fields and houses, but they
could not control the water of the river. They had to run away. They were very sad because they lost
both their crops and houses In the afternoon, some engineers came with a number of machines and dug
a canal from the river. Some machines were also used to pump the water out of the village.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the boy shouting ?
2. Which season was it ?
3. Why did the engineers come to the village ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4.The underlined word "They" refers to the ………………………
a. fields b. machines c. engineers d. farmers
5. The farmers were sad because they lost their ………………………
a. crops only b. houses onlyc. machines only . d. both crops and houses

4- On the fifteenth of January, Hussam went to visit his uncle in Aswan. The journey took about
fourteen hours. He left Alexandria at seven o'clock in the morning. The journey was tiring for him. His
cousins Ahmed and Moustafa met him at the railway station. The weather there was warm. Hussam
visited the High Dam which produces electricity and stores water for times of need. He also went to the
desert where he saw many people working hard on the land. They do their best to change the desert into
green land and produce more food. Hussam travelled to Luxor where he stayed at a hotel. He visited the
Valley of the Kings. He saw many monuments there. He talked with many tourists
and told them a lot about most ancient Egyptian monuments. At the end of January, he came back to
a. Answer the following questions:
1. Where does Hussam live ?
2. Why is the High Dam useful ?
3. Why do you think that men do their best in the desert ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
4. When Hussam reached Aswan, he was …………………….
a. tired b. hungry c. thirsty d. angry
5.The pronoun "them" refer to …………………….
a. monuments b. kings c. Luxor and Aswan d. tourists

5- Uncle Ahmed used to travel abroad by ship. He never used to travel by plane, because he hated
these machines. He always said, "I enjoy the sea more". But my uncle changed his mind. Now he uses
planes. He no longer uses ships. He says, "Planes are faster. I can travel quickly and return quickly. This
costs a lot more but saves time". Last month uncle Ahmed decided to visit his son, Sherif, who lives and
works in London. He has a small family there. My uncle said to me, "You're lucky, Omar. I'll take you
with me. Get ready, we'll take the plane which leaves at 6 o'clock tomorrow. You'll see your cousin". I
was very pleased, but I was afraid of the plane. Uncle Ahmed said, "Don't be afraid." When you sit in
your seat, you'll feel at home. It is like sitting in your chair here.

a. Answer the following questions:
1. How did uncle Ahmed use to travel ?
2. What does the underlined word "This" refer to ?
3.DoyouthinkOmarislucky?Why/Why not?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. Uncle Ahmed will travel to London to ……………………………. b. visit his son c. have a small family d. buy machines
5. Sherif lives in England because …………………………….
a. he works there b. he liked England c. he is British d. it is his mother land

6- Once, I invited some of my friends to have a light meal and some drinks. They agreed to my
idea as all of us were hungry. We went into the nearest cafeteria. Each of us had some sandwiches and
a cool drink. Then came the time of payment. To my surprise, I found no money in my pockets. 1 had
changed my trousers and forgot to take the money. My face turned red. I didn't know what to do. I
asked my friends if they had any money but the money they had was not enough to pay the bill. The
waiter became angry and wanted to take us to the police. To our good luck, my cousin came in to
have a cup of coffee. I told him about our bad situation. He smiled and paid the waiter who thought
that we were thieves.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the writer and his friends get into the cafeteria ?
2. What does the underlined word "they" refer to ?
3. Why do you think that the writer's cousin came to the cafeteria ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
4. The waiter wanted to take them to the police because ……………………….
a.they didn't play when they ate sandwiches b. they ate sandwiches,
c. they had a coo! Drink d.they didn't pay for the sandwiches and the drinks
5. At first, the writer couldn't pay the bill because he forgot the money
a. at the cafeteria home c. with his cousin d. with his friends

7- Is winter your favourite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at the Ice
Hotel in Canada. But, you can only check in to this hotel during the winter. This hotel is made entirely of
ice and snow! This amazing hotel is built every December. It has thirty two rooms, and eighty people can
stay there each night. The hotel has a movie theatre, an art gallery, and a church. Of course, all of these
parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art lights, and even plates and drinking
glasses are made of ice. This hotel is so unusual. It has become very popular. People from all over the
world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designer ice dishes.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why can you only check in to this hotel during winter?
2. When is the Ice Hotel built?
3. Why do you think people from all over the world visit this hotel?
B .Choose the correct answer:
4. The underlined word "it" refers to ……………………….
a. the ice b. the rooms c. the hotel d. the winter
5. ………………………. people can stay in this hotel each night,
a.32 b.80 0.18 d.800

8- Tiger Woods started playing golf when he was two years old. Now, he is one of the most famous
professional golfers in the world. Tiger is from the United States. His father is African-American and
his mother is Thai. His real name is Eldrick, but everyone knows him as Tiger, the nickname his father
gave him. He started playing golf professionally in 1996, and won all four of the World Gold
Championships before he turned 25. He holds the record as the youngest player ever to win all four of
these championships. Although he has played on many great golf courses, one of Tiger's favourite
places to play is Pebble Beach.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What record does Tiger hold?
2. Where does Tiger like to play golf?
3. What is the main idea of this passage?
B .Choose the correct answer:
4. Which is true about Tiger's parents?
a. Both of them are Asian, b. His father is famous.
c. One of them is not from America, a. Neither of them plays golf.
5. The underlined word "he" refers to …………………………
a. the brother b. the uncle c. Tiger a. the father

9- In Japan, many people like to collect beetles. The beetles hove lost their homes in many parts of
Japan. They are very rare these days. A Japanese company started selling these beetles in vending
machines. The company says that they want to help people own the beetles. However, some people
disagree with the company. They think that beetles should only live in nature. Even so, it was a clever
idea to sell beetles.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What do many people in Japan like to do?
2. Why did the company start selling beetles in vending machines?
3. Why do you think that some people in Japan disagree with the company?
B .Choose the correct answer:
4. Selling beetles in vending machines is a ………………….. idea.
a. stupid b. silly c.bad d. clever
5. The beetles have lost their ………………….. in many parts of Japan,
a. schools b. homes c. company d. machines

10- Reading is a useful and important habit in our modern life. We read books when we are alone or
have free time. A lot of people prefer watching television but I like reading because it widens my mind.
I can find new ideas and a lot of information which help me to make my life better. Reading gives me
the chance to think and dream. Although we live in the age of computer and the internet, there is a
television set in every house. We need to read books which are easier to carry and move with us
everywhere and every time. Try to read a book in the shade of a tree in a garden or a field and I am
sure you will enjoy it very much.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. When can you read books?
2. Where can you read a book?
3. Do you think that reading is useful? Why?

B .Choose the correct answer:
4. …………………….. people prefer watching TV.
a. Not many b. Few c. Much d. A lot of
5. The underlined word "it" refers to ……………………..
a. the computer b.the television c.the internet d. reading

11-The most difficult thing for me is to sit in a place that is full of people who smoke. When you visit
an internet cafe, the first thing you see is this big cloud of smoke and the bad smell of cigarettes. It's
not healthy to stay in such a bad place. Smokers fill the air with their smoke. In the past, people used
to smoke only in cafes, but nowadays people smoke everywhere, in the restaurant, offices, streets,
parks and even in halts of hospitals. We should all stop smoking, especially in public places.
The most important thing is to find a way to persuade and help people to stay away from smoking. If
you smoke, try to give it up. If you don't, never try it.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What is the article talking about?
2- Is smoking a healthy habit? Why? Why not?
3- Do you think it is healthy to stay in places full of smokers? Why? Why not?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The smell of cigarettes is ……………………….
a. delicious b. good c. useful d. harmful
5- In the past, people smoked ……………………….
a. everywhere b. nowhere c. only in cafes d. only at clubs

12- I bought a new computer last Tuesday, As soon as I had received it, I opened the box. Inside,
there were a screen, a keyboard, a printer, a mouse and a lot of wires. After I had spent an hour trying
to put the parts together, it still didn't work. I phoned the shop and a very nice man came round to my
house. He showed me where the on / off switches were. He also showed me how to use it. By the time
my wife came home, I had learned to use the new machine. I was also using the internet to write an
email to a friend.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How long did the writer spend to put all the parts together?
2- When did the writer buy a new computer?
3" Why do you think that the internet was very useful for the writer?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The writer phoned the shop because ……………………….
o- the man was very nice b. the computer worked well
c- the computer was expensive d. the computer didn't work
5- The underlined word "machine" refers to the ……………………….
a. mouse b- internet c- keyboard d- computer

13-Computers are the most important invention of the modern time. They can store huge amounts of
information. You can play computer games which are funny but this is not all that a computer can do.
Today computers are used in banks to store information about people's money. They are also used to
work out difficult scientific problems. Factories use computers in robots that can do some of the work
that people did in the past. Most books, newspapers and magazines are now made with the help of

computers. These days computers are used to help planes to take off and land. They are also used by
doctors to Look inside their patients' bodies.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Where are computers used?
2- What do computers do in factories?
3- How do you think computers help in learning about new things?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or a:
4- Robots can do …………………..that people did in the past
a. all the work b. most of the work c. some of the work a. no work
5- The underlined word "They" refers to …………………..
a. doctors b. patients c. bodies d. computers

14- Egypt is a famous and great country. It lies in the north east of Africa. Egypt has two seas, the
Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. There are a lot of monuments in Egypt. So it is called the mother
of the world. Many tourists come to visit Egypt. They visit the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Giza, the
Citadel in Cairo and Luxor temples. They enjoy the fine weather, Tourists also like going on boat trips
to enjoy the wonderful view of the Nile. They feel that Egypt is a safe country. The Egyptian people
are very kind and friendly. They know that tourist industry is very important to their
country. So, they welcome visitors and have fun with them.
A-Answer the following questions:
1- Where does Egypt lie?
2- How many seas does Egypt have?
3- Why do you think that Egypt is called the mother of the world?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The underlined word "they" refers to ……………………
a. Egyptian people b. tourists c. the seas in Egypt d. visitors
5- The Egyptian people are very ……………………
a. bad b. silly c. nervous d. kind and friendly

15- Metro Station are different from a country to another. When you take the metro to work in
London, you walk up to a ticket machine, choose your destination by pressing a button on the machine,
insert the correct money, and press another button to buy a ticket. When the ticket comes out, you
take it and go through the gate to the train platform. At some stations, there is a ticket office where
you can buy o ticket and then go through the gate to the train platform. While you are waiting for the
train. Smoking is not allowed on the platform to protect everyone's health. When the train comes,
people start waiting up behind the yellow line. If the train is very crowded, you sometimes wait for the
next train. When the train arrives, you get on and find a seat. Often, the train is full of passengers,
so you just have to stand.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How can a passenger go to work in London?
2- How can a passenger get a ticket?
3- Why do you think people wait up behind the yellow Line?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The writer gets to the platform throw a/an ……………………..
a. office b. gate c. seat d. line

5- The underlined word "insert" means ……………….
a. put inside b. take out c. look after d. keep out

16- Modern technology is changing the way we live our lives. It makes everyday activities easier and
enable people to use their time effectively. A hundred years ago, however, things were very
different. Everyday jobs, like doing the laundry, would take a whole day, and the telephone was a new
invention! Nowadays, almost every house has a washing machine and a dishwasher, and there are more
than 30 million mobile phones in use in Egypt alone. Young people spend too much time online and don't
spend enough time with their friends. Years ago, when people wanted to stay in touch with their
friends and family, they wrote letters. These days, however, E-mail communication and social
networking sites, such as Fccebook, allow free international communication. There are many
benefits of using technology but we need to be responsible in the choices we make.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How does modern technology help us?
2- What did people do in the past to communicate with each other?
3- How do you think we can use the modem technology correctly?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- There are more than …………………… million mobile phones in use in Egypt.
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50
5- The underlined words "use their time effectively" means ……………………
a. using time well b. making things worse c. find a reason d. wasting time

17- King Charles the Twelfth lived two hundred years ago in Sweden and was famous for his courage
in defending his country. One day he was in the middle of a great war. He and his soldiers were in a
small house which he had taken as a shelter. The king asked one of his soldiers to write a short letter
for him. The soldier began to write, but just as he finished the first word, a bomb came through the
roof of the house and hit the floor close by him. He dropped the pen and came to his feet. He was very
frightened. "What is the matter?" asked the king. "Oh, sir," he answered, "the bomb! the bomb! "Yes, I
see," said the king. "But what has the bomb to do with what I wish you to write? Sit down, and take
your pen. When your country is in danger, you should forget your own safety."
A) Answer the following questions:
1. How do you know that King Charles was brave?
2. Why did the soldier drop the pen?
3. What do you think the King is trying to teach the soldier?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. The underlined word "shelter" refers to a place ………………………………
a) to hide in b) to eat in c) to watch films d) buy guns
5. King Charles was the ruler of………………………………
a) England b) Egypt c) Sweden d) France

18- Lisa Lucas loved growing new plants. One day her father sent her some seeds of the indigo
plant . She planted some of them in March, but ice came and her plants all died. However, Lisa did not
lose hope. She planted some more seeds in April. This time, they grew very well until a worm ate the
indigo plants. But Lisa was one of the people who try and try again. Once more she planted some of the
seeds. This time the plants grew very well. Lisa's father then sent her a man who helped her get the

indigo colour out of the plant. The man did not want her to learn how to make it. So, he did not explain
how it was done but Lisa watched him closely and could know how the indigo could be made.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Why do you think the man Lisa's father sent didn't help her?
3. What does the underlined word "them" refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Lisa planted the indigo plants ……………………. before she could finally grow them well.
a) once b) twice c) three times d) four times
5. When the man didn't want to help Lisa, she …………………….
a) left him and went home b) asked another one to help her
c) asked her father to send another one d) watched him to learn

19- One morning, the fox said to his children, "I will find some eggs for breakfast." Then he went
to the woods. The fox saw an eagle's nest at the top of a tree. "How can I reach those eggs?" He
thought. The fox put some grass stalks into his ears and knocked on the tree with them. "Throw an
egg to me," cried the fox. "If you do not throw an egg to me, I will knock this great tree over with
these grass stalks."The eagle was terribly frightened, but she said "I shall not throw down any
eggs.""Throw another egg to me, or I shall knock the tree over with these grass stalks and take all of
your eggs," said the fox. This time the eagle was very, very angry. She flew down from her nest and
grasped the fox with her legs and threw it into the sea.
a.Answer the following questions:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. What did the eagle do when the fox asked for eggs again?
3. What do you think of the eagle? Why?
b.Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. The eagle's nest was …………………………
a) beside a tree b) behind a tree c) at the top of a tree d) in front of a tree
5. The underlined word "grasped" means ………………………….
a) left suddenly b) hold strongly c) smiled happily d) carried happily

20- Billy is twelve years old. Billy's father gave him fifty pounds. There is a big tree over the river
near Billy's home. Billy climbed it and sat on it. Then Billy looked at his fifty pounds and said,
"I'm going to buy some seeds with this money. Then I'm going to plant them under this tree.
I'm going to have a lot of flowers, fruit and plants, and I'm going to sell them". "A lot of people
are going to come to my garden every day, and they're going to buy my nice flowers, fruit and
plants, and in the end I'm really going to have a lot of money. The sky was blue, the weather
was hot and Billy was tired after that, so he slept in the tree. But then he fell out of the tree and
lost his money in the river.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What did Billy want to do with the seeds?
2. Why did he want to grow flowers near the tree?
3. How can you describe Billy?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Billy fell out of the tree because ………………………………….

a) he was tired b) he slept c) it was hot d) it was cold
5. The underlined word "them" refers to …………………………
a) the flowers b) the fruits c) the money d) the seeds

21- Bees live in a house that is called a hive . There are three kinds of bees: workers, male bees and
queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their
work. Bees are very wise and busy little insects. They all work together to build cells of wax for their
honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the
flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. The cells which they build are all of one shape
and size, and they have six sides. But the male bees do not work. Before winter comes, all of them are
driven from the hive so that they don't eat the honey which they did not gather.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What happens to male bees in winter? Why?
2. How do you know that bees are wise and busy?
3. Why do you think bees stop their work when the queen dies?
B) Choose the correct answer from a/ b, c or d:
4. The underlined word "proper" means ………………………………
a) wrong b) correct c)far d)near
5. Which word best describes bees?
a) Hard-working b) Lazy c) Stupid d) Noisy

22- Yasser's father bought him a small shop. In this shop, Yasser sold milk, butter, cheese, eggs and
other things. His shop was in a small town, and it was open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, but it was shut on Sunday and Monday. Yasser went to some farms on Monday and
bought their best butter and cheese and eggs from the farmers, but he bought his milk from the town.
A fat woman came into the shop on Saturday. She bought some eggs and some butter, and then she
said to Yasser, "Your eggs and your butter are expensive today. Why are Saturday and Sunday more
expensive than Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ?"Then Yasser smiled and said, "Our food is
not more expensive on Saturday and Sundayl It is cheaper on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What did Yasser's shop sell?
2. What is the main idea of the passage?
3. How do you know that Yasser sold the best things?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Yasser's shop is open ………………………..
a) five days a week b) every day c) four days a week d) in the week end
5. Yasser was………………………..
a) greedy b) careful c) clever d) lazy

23- Mrs Adam's small house was in a village, but her children's houses were in a town. When Mrs
Adam's husband died, her children asked her to live with them in the town, but Mrs Adam refused. Her
children were not happy. They said, "This is dangerous. There are a lot of thieves here now." One day
one of her daughters went to Mrs Adam's house. She saw a key on the ground at the front door.
"Mother!" she said, "You mustn't put your key there. Thieves can see it and open the doorl" Mrs Adam

smiled. "Try to open the door with the key." she said. Her daughter did this. The key made a lot of
noise, but it did not open the door. Then Mrs Adam said, "I hear the key in the lock, and then I get my
gun and catch the thief"
A) Answer the following questions:
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. Why did Mrs Adam put the key on the ground at the front door?
3. Why do you think Mrs Adam didn't want to leave her house?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Mrs Adam was a …………………. lady.
a) clever b) careless c) funny d) boring
5. Mrs Adam's children were……………………. about their mother.
a) happy b) worried c) careful d)late

24- William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He was born on 26 April 1564.
Shakespeare's parents were poor; however, his father was once a successful local businessman.
Shakespeare is widely known as the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote about 38
plays and 154 poems. A lot of his plays have been translated into all languages. Shakespeare married
Anne Hathaway at the age of 18-They had three children: Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith.
Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer and part-owner of
a theatre known as the King's Men. Around 1613, at the age of 49, he retired to Stratford, where he
died three years later. Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Shakespeare known as the greatest English writer?
2. How old was Shakespeare when he died?
3. Why do you think Shakespeare's plays were translated into all languages?
B) Choose the correct answer from a/ b, c or d:
4. Shakespeare stayed in London for………………………. years.
a) three b) four c) two d) seven
5. The underlined word "part-owner" means ……………………….
a) he is the only owner b) different people owns the theatre
c) he isn't the owner of the theatre d) he pays a lot of money

25- Horses are beautiful animals. They can be of different colours and can run quickly. People
like to watch horses because they are strong and powerful. The mother horse generally has one baby in
the spring and feeds the baby milk. Horses have long legs and big eyes that can see almost all the way
around them. Horses can live up to 20 or 25 years. Sometimes people can tell how old a horse is by
looking at its teeth! They generally sleep standing up, so that if an animal attacks them, they can run
away quickly. They only need about three hours of sleep per day! As for food, horses eat foods such as
grass, hay, oats, corn, apples and carrots. When these , strong creatures are treated with care, they
make wonderful friends.
A) Answer the following questions:
1. How long can horses live?
2. What does the underlined word "strong creatures" refer to?
3. Why do you think horses make good friends?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. People like to watch horses because they are ……………………
a) lazy and tired b) strong c) of different colours d) sleep much
5. Horses sleep standing up so that they can ……………………
a) run quickly b) get more food c) see well d) run away faster

Revision on The Reader

Chapter 4
1 -What happened to Black Beauty's food ? ‫ماذا حدث لطعام بيوتى؟‬
- Filcher gave it to his rabbits. .‫اعطاه فيلتشر لالرانب الخاصة به‬
2.Why did Mr Barry sell Black Beauty ? ‫لماذا باع بارى بيوتى؟‬
- Because he felt bad after Black Beauty didn't ‫النه اح بوو بعد عدم حصو بيوتى على الطعام الاافى و‬
have enough to eat and after the police arrested ‫بعد ان قبضت الشرطة على فيلتشر‬
3.Why is it important to look after working animals ‫لماذا من المهم ان نهتم بالحيوانات العاملة بعناية؟‬
carefully ?
- Because they work much better when they are ‫النهم يعملون بشا افض عندما يعطوا طعاما و يعتنى بهم‬
given food and are looked after well. ‫جيدا‬
4-What happened to Ginger and Beauty after Ginger ‫ماذا حدث لجينجر و بيوتى بعد ان بدات جينجر فى الرا ؟‬
began to kick ?
- They fell to the ground and had to be cut from .‫وقطت على االرض و اان عليهما ان ينفصال عن العربة‬
the carriage.
5-Why did the Earl Smythe decide to sell the horses ? ‫لماذا قرر بيع الخيو ؟‬
-Because they were hurt and couldn't pull carriages anymore. ‫النهم اصيبوا و لن يوتطيعوا جر العربات ثانيا‬
6-Do you think that Black Beauty was angry with Ginger ‫ه تعتقد ان بيوتى غضب من جينجر النه‬
after the accident ?Why / Why not? ‫اصيب؟‬
No, because he realised that Ginger only did this because the ‫ال النه ادرك ان جينجر فعلت ذلك الن اللجام اان‬
reins were uncomfortable, ‫غير مريح‬
7.Why did Mr Barry's doctor advise him to ride a horse ? ‫لماذا نصحه طبيبه ان يراب حصان؟‬
-To keep him healthy. .‫ليحافظ على صحته‬
8-Do you think Filcher deserved to be arrested? Why? ‫ه تعتقد ان فيلتشر اان يوتحق القبض عليه؟ و لماذا؟‬
Yes, I do. Because he was not a good man and only thought ‫نعم النه لم يان رجال طيبا و فار فقط فى نفوه و‬
about himself and his family, not about Black Beauty. ‫اورته و لي فى بيوتى‬
9-In what ways was Earshall Park better than Birtwick Park? ‫الى اى مدى اانت ايرشا بارك افض من‬
‫بيرتويك بارك؟‬
-It was bigger and more modern ‫اانت اابر و احدث‬
10. Why did Lady Smythe use special reins to keep horses ‫لماذا اوتخدمت الويدة ويمذ اللجام الخاص‬
heads held high ? ‫لتجع رؤ الخيو عالية؟‬
- Because it was the latest fashion ‫النها اانت احدث الموضات‬
11-Why was it difficult for the horses to pull a carriage up a ‫ه اان من الصعب على الخيو ان تجر العربة‬
hill ? ‫اعلى الت ؟‬
-Because they couldn't put their heads down when they were ‫النهم اان ال يمانهم ان ينزلوا رؤوهم اثنا‬
.‫ارتدائهم للجام‬

wearing the reins.
12- Do you think that Ginger was right to start to kick? Why ‫ه تعتقد ان جينجر اانت محقة فى الرا ؟‬
/Why not?
Yes, because she was very uncomfortable ‫نعم النها اانت غير مرتاحة‬
No, she should have worked hard like Black Beauty. ‫ال اان يجب ان تعم بجد مث بيوتى‬
13. How do we know that York cared about Ginger and ‫ايف عرفنا ان يورك اان معتم بجنيجر ة بيوتى؟‬
Beauty ?
- He was angry about these reins .‫اان غاضبا بشان اللجام‬
-He washed their wounds with hot water. .‫نظف جرحهم بالما الواخن‬
14-What was the problem with the reins that Lady Smythe ‫ما مشالة اللجام الذى ارادت الويدة وميذ ان‬
wanted the horses to wear ? ‫ترتديه الخيو‬
They were very uncomfortable and it was difficult to pull a ‫اانوا غير مريحين و اان من الصعب جر العربة‬
carriage up a hill with them on. ‫اع ت اثنا ارتدائهم‬
15-How did Ginger and Beauty become hurt? ‫ماذا حدث لجينجر و بيوتى بعد ان بدات جينجر‬
‫فى الرا ؟‬
- when Ginger kicked , they fell to the ground and hurt .‫وقطت على االرض و اان عليهما ان ينفصال عن العربة‬
16-Do you think that Black Beauty was angry with ‫ه تعتقد ان بيوتى غضب من جينجر النه اصيب؟‬
Ginger because he was hurt?Why / Why not?
No, because he realised that Ginger only did this ‫ال النه ادرك ان جينجر فعلت ذلك الن اللجام اان غير مريح‬
because the reins were uncomfortable,
17- Why do you think that Eart Smythe said that he ‫لماذا تعتقد ان اير وميذ قا انه ربما ال يحص على مبلغ‬
might not get much money for Ginger? ‫مناوب مقاب جينجر؟‬
Because Ginger was hurt. She also does not always do ‫الن جينجر اانت مصابة و اانت التفع دائما مايريده اصحابها‬
what her owners want.

Chapter 5
1.How do we know that Jerry cares about ‫ميف عرفنا ان جيرى يهتم بخيوله؟‬
- He gave them good food and enough rest. ‫اان يقدم لهم طعام جيد و راحة اافية‬
- He refused to go fast because he didn't want ‫رفض ان يورع حتى ال يرهق بيوتى‬
to make Beauty tired. ‫لم يان يعم وبعة ايام اوبوعيا‬
- He didn't work for seven days a week.
2-What did Harry and Dolly do to help look ‫ماذا فع هارى و دوللى ليعتنوا ببيوتى؟‬
after Black Beauty ?
-Harry always helped to look after him and ‫هارى اان يواعد فى االعتنا به و دوللى تاتى لرؤيته دائما‬
Dolly came to see him Often,
3.What did Black Beauty find difficult about ‫ماذا وجد بيوتى من صعوبات فى لندن؟‬
living in London ?
4-How easy do you think it was for people to ‫كيف كانت سهولة التنقل للناس فى كل انحاء لندن فى ذلك الوقت؟‬
travel around london at this time?
It was probably quite difficult because there ‫اان امر صعب الى حد ما حيث لم يان هناك ويارات او‬
were no cars or buses. Only wealthy people ‫اوتوبيوات و اان االغنيا فقط القادرين على اخذ حنطور اجرة‬
could take a taxi or carriage because they were
probably expensive.

5. Why didn't Jerry want to go fast? ‫لماذا لم يرد جيرى ان يذهب بورعة؟‬
- Because he loves his horse and won't make his .‫النه احب حصانه و ال يرد للحصان ان يشعر بالتعب‬
horse get tired.
6. Why do you think that one of the taxi ‫لماذا قا احد الوائقين ان بيوتى اان جميال على ان يعم هذا‬
drivers said that Black Beauty was too handsome ‫العم ؟‬
to do that job?
He can see that Black Beauty is a strong, ‫اان يرى ان بيوتى قوى و بصحة جيدة و ربما اعتقد انه حصان‬
healthy horse. Perhaps thinks that he is too ‫الصعب‬ ‫جيد ال يناوبه القيام بمث هذا العم الشاق و‬
good to do hard, difficult work.
7. Why did Black Beauty feel sorry for some of ‫لماذا اان يشعر بيوتى بالحزن تجاه بعض الوائقين و خيولهم؟‬
the taxi drivers and their horses ?
- Because they had to work for very long hours ‫النهم اانوا مضطرين للعم لواعات طويلة ليحصلوا على الما‬
to get enough money. ‫الاافى‬
8-What did Black Beauty fnd diffcult about his frst few days in London?
-There was a lot of noise and a lot of people and it was diffcult for him to fnd his way between
the carriages
9-Why did Black Beauty think that Jerry was the best owner he had had?
-Because he gave Black Beauty good food and fresh water, he was kind to him and he was a good driver.
10-Why did Black Beauty feel sorry for some of the taxi drivers and their horses
Because they had to work for very long hours to get enough money.
11-Why do you think that each of Ginger’s owners paid less money for her
Because she was becoming weaker and weaker, so she could not work very well.
12 Do you think that people were always happy to have Jerry as a taxi driver? Why? / Why not?
He was probably not popular with everyone, because he did not always do what people asked him to do.
13-How did Jerry describe Black Beauty to his daughter?
He said that he was as gentle as she was
14-Why did Black Beauty stop fnding it diffcult to pull a taxi in London?
because he began to trust Jerry.
15-Why do you think that Jerry took Captain to work on Black Beauty’s frst morning in
London? I think he did not want Black Beauty to have a diffcult frst day.
16- Why did Ginger stop kicking people who weren’t good to her?
because she was not strong enough to kick any more.
17- How do we know that Jerry was a kind man?
We know that Jerry is kind because he took the woman to hospital when he saw that she needed help

Chapter 6
1- Why do you think that Skinner makes Black Beauty ‫لماذا جعل سكينربيوتى يعمل بقوة؟‬
work so hard?
He was very poor and had to work hard to get enough money ‫النه اان فقير و اان يجب ان يعم بقوة‬
to five.He probably did not think that the health of his horse ‫من‬ ‫ليحص على اموا تاقيه للعيش النه‬
was important. ‫المحتم لم يعتقد ان صحة حصانه اانت‬
2- At the station, do you think that Skinner knew that Black ‫ه اان يعلم واينر ان يوتى اان ضعيفا‬
Beauty was too weak to carry the family and their bags? ‫لحم اورة و حقا\بهم فى المحطة؟‬

Why? /Why not?
I think that he knew, although he told the girl that Black ‫اعتقد انه اان يعرف و بالرغم من ذلك اخبر‬
Beauty was OK. However, he needed to take the family to ‫الفتاة ان بيوتى اان بخيرو مع ذلك اان يريد‬
get more money. ‫توصي االورة للحصو على المزيد من‬
. ‫الما‬
3- Why do you think the rich man did not apologise to Jerry ‫لماذا لم يعتذر الرج الثرى لجيرى عندما‬
when he had to wait for him in the cold? ‫انتظره؟‬
The rich man probably thought that it was Jerry's job to ‫النه اعتقد ان االنتظار جز من عم جيرى‬
wait for him. He did not think that this might be difficult ‫و لم يان يعتقد ان االنتظار وياون مرهق‬
for Jerry and Black Beauty.
4-Do you think that the man should pay Jerry for the time ‫ه اان يجب على الرج الثرى ان يدفع‬
he waited outside the house? Why /Why not? ‫لجيرى‬
‫مقاب انتظاره خارج المنز ؟‬
Yes, he should pay him. If Jerry did not wait, he could take ‫نعم اان يجب عليه الن جيرى اان من‬
other passengers to places and get more money. ‫الممان ان يقوم بتوصي رااب الى اماان‬
.‫اخرى و يحص على اموا ااثر‬
5. Why wasn't Black Beauty put into a carriage for two days ‫لماذا لم يوضع بيوتى فى العربة لمدة يومين؟‬
- Because Jerry was too ill to take him out for work. ‫الن جيرى اان مريضا جدا لدرجة ال تجعله‬
‫يخرج للعم‬
8. Why did a vet look at Black Beauty ? ‫لماذا نظر الطبيب البيطرى الى بيوتى؟‬
- Because Beauty felt down on the street and he saw that ‫الن بيوتى وقط فى الشارع و راى ان بيوتى‬
Black Beauty needed food and rest. .‫يحتاج طعاما و راحة‬
9-Why were holidays not always an easy time for taxi drivers?
because they had a lot of work taking people from house to house
10- What happened to Jerry when he had to wait outside the house of a rich man?
He became ill because it was very cold.
11- Why did Polly write to Mrs Fowler? Jerry could not drive taxis any more, so Polly wanted to
fnd work for him.
12- Why do you think that Skinner told the girl not to worry after she said that Black
Beauty looked too weak to carry their bags?
think Skinner told the girl not to worry because he didn't want to lose money. He had to work
for seven days a week to get enough money, even when his horses were weak or ill.
13- Why do you think that Black Beauty was sold at the part of the market where the
horses were old or ill-looking?
because Black Beauty had been ill and now he looked old
14- Why do you think that Jerry became ill?
He had to wait outside the house of a rich man and it was very cold.
15- Why do you think that Black Beauty was worried when Jerry found work with Mrs Fowler?
Because he was becoming old and he knew that he might have more diffcult work to do in the future.
16- Who was Skinner and why was he a bad owner?
He was a taxi driver . He was a bad owner because he worked seven days a week and never
gave his horses a good rest or enough to eat
17- What happened when Black Beauty tried to pull the carriage up a hill?
e fell onto the ground and thought that he was going to die.

18- Why didn’t Black Beauty recognise Joe Green at first?
because he was now a tall, strong man


1- Will (won't)+
• We use will to predict the future or to make quick decisions and promises:
think / expect / predict will

I think it will rain tomorrow. I think it will be hot in Aswan.

I’ll call you when I arrive at the hotel.

It is cold. I will close the window.

I will be 16 next year. I will give you a present. Will you open the door? I will call the police.
If you study hard , you will pass the exam.

2- (am-is-are + going to )+
• We use am / is / are + going to + infnitive to make a prediction based on present reality:

There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It’s going to rain.

He is intelligent. He will answer the questions easily.

intend – intention- plan to

We are going to travel by car. We have intended. I'm going to play football tomorrow.

3- present simple
• We can use the present simple to talk or ask about future events which are on a timetable:

arrive-take off- leave- begin- end- finish- land

The train leaves at 9 p.m. What time does your bus arrive on Saturday?
We leave Damietta at 9 and arrive at Mansura at 10.
The train stops at Luxor early tomorrow morning.
4- present continuous(am-is-are + v+ing
• We can also use the present continuous to talk about things that we have already arranged
to do in the future:

arranged- prepared

I’ m doing a test next Monday. Our class is visiting a museum tomorrow

We’ re taking the sleeper train to Aswan tonight.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The library ……………….. at four o'clock, so please choose a book quickly.
a. closes b. is closing c is closed d. closed
2………………. the men climbing that mountain tomorrow ?
a. Do b.Are c.Will d.Can
3. We………………. on holiday next week. I've already bought the tickets.
a. go b. are going c will go d. have gone
4. There are dark clouds in the sky. It …………………….
a. is raining b. is going to rain c. will rain d. rains
5. I'm hungry. I think I ………………………. a sandwich.
a. buy b. am buying c, am going to buy d, will buy
6. The train to Luxor ………………………….. at 2 p.m.
a.will leave b.leaves leaving d. would leave
7- Mustafa is clever. He …………………………… an engineer.
a. is going to be b. will be c. going to be d. is being
8- Don't touch that dog. It ……………………. you.
a. bites b. is going to bite c. should bite d. will bite
9- I ………………… dinner with my friends. We have arranged that.
a. am going to have b. will have c. am having d. have
10 - It's windy and full of black clouds. It ………………………
a. is raining b. will rain c. rains d. is going to rain
11- They …………………… to Alex next week. They have got the tickets.
a- are travelling b. will travel c. going to travel d. travel
12- Her birthday is next week. She …………………..a party.
a. will have b. is having c. is going to have d. won't have
13- There are too many people waiting for the train so it ………………… busy.
a. will have b. is not going to be c. is going to be d. won't be
14-The wind is getting stronger. There ………………… a sand storm.
a. will be b. is going to c- is d. is going to be

15- I expect that our team ………………… the next match.
a. is going to win b. win c. is winning d. will win
16- We are sure that Hamdy ………………… by taxi.
a. will come b. are coming c. going to come '} d.come
17. My mother thinks it…………………….. tomorrow. going to rain b. is rain c. will rain d. rains

. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. Ali has intended to travel by train. . (going)
2. I promise to buy you a camera if you get high marks, (will)
3. I've arranged to meet him tomorrow. (I'm)
4. We have decided to make a journey to Luxor next week. (making)
5. He plans to spend the summer holiday in Alex. (going to)
6. I quickly decided to watch a film on TV. (will)
7. I've arranged to play the next match, (playing)
8- My father is saving up to buy a new flat. (going to)
9- I have made a decision to visit the museum, (going to)
10- We have already arranged to do a test next Tuesday, (doing)
11- I a m hungry. I have just decided to have a sandwich, (will)
12- We have arranged to have a party next week. (having)
13- I have saved a lot of money to buy a new car. (am going to)
14. Omnya prepared to travel to America tonight, (travelling)
15. Israa decided to buy a wedding dress, (going)
16. Rana is going to travel by train, (intends)
17. She promised to give me a present on my birthday party, (will)
18. There are many clouds in sky. ( going)
19. The time of the train leaving is at 9:00 p.m. ( leaves)

may / might / could / should / must (not) have

may / might / could + have + P.P ‫( ربما – قد ) التصريف الثالث‬

• We use may / might / could + have + P.P ‫ تصريف ثالث‬to talk about possibility in the past:

I may have seen this film already. I can’t remember.

Ali’s arm hurts. He might / could have broken it.
I thought my answer was correct, but I may have been wrong.

I'm not sure /not certain ‫ لست متأكد‬- It's probable ‫ – من المحتمل‬Perhaps ‫ ربما‬- it is likely
‫ من المحتمل‬- It's possible ‫ من الممكن‬- I don't think ‫ ال اعتقد ان‬- I don't know ‫ لست اعلم‬- I
have no idea ‫ليس لدي فكرة‬

must + have + P.P ‫(من المؤكد ان ) التصريف الثالث‬

• We use must + have + P.P ‫ تصريف ثالث‬to talk about things that we are sure happened in the

I must have left my notebook at home. (= I’m sure that I left it at home.)
There is no trains to Karim's village. He must have taken the bus.

can't / couldn't + have + P.P ‫(ال يمكن ان يكون ) التصريف الثالث‬

• To talk about things that we are sure did not happen in the past, we use could not (couldn’t)
+ have + P.P ‫تصريف ثالث‬

I couldn’t have left it on the table. (= I’m sure it is not there.)

I feel sure /I feel certain ‫ –اننى متاكد‬certainly/ surely /definitely ‫بتالتاكيد‬

- impossible ‫مستحيل‬

should / shouldn't + have + P.P ‫ كان من المفترض ) التصريف الثالث‬-‫( كان ينبغى‬

• We use should / shouldn’t + have + P.P ‫ تصريف ثالث‬to express a regret about a past situation:

I should have booked a seat on the train and now there are no seats left.
You shouldn’t have gone to bed late last night. Now you are very tired!
- You shouldn't have gone to bed late last night. Now you are very tired! |
= You went to bed late.
- Hasnaa got very bad marks. She shouldn't have wasted her time.
= She wasted her time.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 .The tourists …………………….. have brought their coats to Egypt. They won't need them in summer.
a. couldn't b. shouldn't c. might not d. may not
2. I think my grandfather…………………….. have visited England in the 1960s, but I'm not sure.
a. must b.might c.should d. can't
3. I …………………….. have left my notebook at home. I'm sure.
a. must b. might c. could d should

4. The streets are wet. It …………………….. have rained yesterday.
a. must b. mustn't c. might d. couldn't
5. The meal was really delicious. You…………………….. it.
a.should try b.will try c.can try d.should have tried
6. Many people were at the park. The weather…………………….. have been bad.
a.must b. mustn't c.can't d.would
7. I think you…………………….. so much sugar as it's bad for your teeth.
a. should add b. shouldn't have added c. will add d. might add
8- You …………………….. have put more sugar in your tea. It's not healthy.
a. shouldn't b. should c. might d. must
9- You …………………….. have practised a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good.
a. should b. might c. couldn't d. must
10- He …………………….. his brother but he didn't.
a. should have help b. might have helped c. must have helped d. should have helped.
11- Kareem …………………….. have been very tired. He fell asleep on the train.
a. ought to b. must c. should d. mustn't
12- Mona looks very sad. She …………………….. passed her exam.
a. can't have b. shouldn't have c. must have d. might have
13- He got full marks; he …………………….. have studied hard.
a. might b. should c. must d. can't
14- She can't find her bag. Someone…………………….. have stolen it.
a. should b.can c. can't d. must
15- I should have…………………….. harder when I was young,
a. study b. studying c. to study d. studied
16- Taha…………………….. have been in Cairo last week. Look, he's in the photo there.
a. might b. can't c. should d. must
17- Hala …………………….. much chocolate yesterday.
a. should eat b. should have eaten c. shouldn't eat d. shouldn't have eaten
18- I might have …………………….. this film already. I can't remember.
a. see b. saw c. seen d. seeing
19. You arrived late. You …………………….. arrived early.
a) must have b) should have c) shouldn't have d) had
20. Wael ……………………. have left the house, he is lying in bed.
a) must b) can't c) should d) would
21. Gamal…………………….. lost his money; he was careless. •
a) can't have b) must have c) would have d) have
22. The weather…………………….. have been bad! Lots of people were at the park.
a) wouldn't b) mustn't c) can't d) shouldn't
23. Eman hasn't arrived yet. She…………………….. missed the train. Who knows?
a) mustn't have b) must have c) should have d) might have
24. Nobody answered the phone at the clinic. It…………………….. closed early.
a) must have b) should have c) might have d) would have
25. I ……………………… watched much TV yesterday. I had a lot of lessons to study. Oh! I'm sorry,
a) can't have b) shouldn't have c) must have d) mustn't have

. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. Ali's arm hurts. Perhaps he broke it. ( might)
2. I can't remember if I saw that film or not. ( might)
3. Sara fell asleep on the bus home. I'm sure she was tired. ( must)
4. Mona didn't clean her teeth, (should)
5. The streets are wet It rained a lot yesterday, (must)
6. It's possible that he caught the train, (might)
7. It was important for him not to play in the street, (shouldn't)
8. I'm sure that Nada won a prize, (must)
9. It is possible that Ola didn't catch the bus. (couldn't)
10. I blame you for annoying your teacher yesterday, (shouldn't have)
11. I 'm sorry that I didn't tell you what happened. (should)
12. It was better to take your umbrella, (should)
13. If I meet Hany, perhaps I'll ask him about his father, (might)
14- He went to bed late last night, so he is tired now. (shouldn't)
15- It's probable that he broke his leg. It hurts him. (might)
16- He drank a lot of water, (must)
17- My teacher was absent yesterday. I'm sure he was ill. (must)
18- I am not sure that I left my phone at home. (might)
19- Mostafa is studying hard. Perhaps he will get high marks, (might)
20-I am uncertain where Ali is. Perhaps he is in the club. (might)
21- He didn't pass the exam because he didn't study well. (should)
22- He drove his car very fast so he had an accident, (shouldn't)
23-I must have left my notebook at home. (I'm sure)
24- Sami was wearing a heavy coat last night, (must)
25. Mai was perhaps in the library, (might)
26. It's impossible that Adel solved the problem, (can't)
27. I bought this mobile and I really regret buying it. (shouldn't)

Amira said ,"I'm going to school."

Amira said that she was going to school.

Statements ‫الجمل الخبرية‬

said said said to told (1)
“that” (2)

(Say, says tell, tells) (4)

: (said-told) (5)

‫ مضارع بسيط‬Present simple ‫ ماضى بسيط‬Past simple

I study Arabic at school" said Ali. Ali said that he studied Arabic at school.
Hana said , " I don't want to watch TV." Hana said that she didn't want to watch TV.

‫ مضارع مستمر‬Present continuous ‫ ماضى مستمر‬Past continuous

" I am playing football" said Ahmed. Ahmed said that he was playing football

‫ مضارع تام‬Present perfect ‫ ماضى تام‬Past perfect

Nehal said ," I have finished my work." Nehal said that she had finished her work.

‫ االفعال الناقصة‬Model verbs ‫ االفعال الناقصة‬Model verbs

Can / will/ must / may / shall Could / would/ had to / might / should

Samy said , " I can play tennis on Friday." Samy said that he could play tennis on Friday.

- He told me that the sun rises in the east.

Say (said ))‫ال ياتى بعدها مفعول (شخص‬
Say to (said to) ‫ياتى بعدها مفعول و تاتى دائما فى الكالم المباشر‬
Tell (told) ‫ياتى بعدها دائما مفعول و تاتى دائما فى غير المباشر‬

The imperative ‫الجمل االمرية‬

said , said to told , ordered , asked (1)
to (2)
not to (3)

Could you , Can you (5)
Please (6)
" Breathe in." the doctor said. The doctor told me to breathe in.
" Tidy your room." said my mother. My mother ordered me to tidy my room.
" Don't eat too many sweets," said the doctor.
The doctor told me not to eat too many sweets.
" Please, don't be late" said the teacher. The teacher advised us not to be late.

said, said to asked , wanted to know , wondered (1)

do , does, did 2
1- “Where do you spend your weekend,Ali?” , said Yasser.
Yasser asked Ali where he spent his weekend.
2- “How much is your new dress, Hanan?” , said Sarah.
Sarah asked Hanan how much her new dress was.
3- “Why are you late?”, the teacher said to me.
The teacher asked me why I was late.
4- Father said me “Where did you go?”
Father asked me where I had gone.

said, said to asked , wanted to know (1)

do , does, did if , whether 2
“Do you speak English well, Marwa?”, said Yasmine.
Yasmine asked Marwa if she spoke English well.
“Can you repair the window, Ahmed?”, said Hany.
Hany asked Ahmed if he could repair the window.

The teacher said to me “Is the bag heavy?”
The teacher asked me if the bag was heavy.
“Have you ever been to Japan, Ayah?”, said Alaa.
Alaa asked Ayah if she had ever been to Japan.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The manager ordered me…………………… a helmet and boots.
a.wear b.wearing wear d.don't wear
2. Mai warned Ola not …………………… the snake,
a.touch b. to touch c.touching d.touched
3. My mother ordered me…………………… my room.
a.tidy tidy c.tidying d.tidied
4. Tarek …………………… that he was learning how to swim.
a.told b. asked c.ordered d. said
5. My mother…………………… me what my geography project was about.
a. said b.told c. asked d. ordered
6. Naira asked Sara…………………… she could play the guitar.
a. that c.if a. what
7. Our teacher asked us what book we …………………… to read.
a. want b. wants c. wanted d. will want
8. The poor man …………………… his neighbour to lend him 10 pounds.
a. asked b. tell c. said d. ordered
9. Mariam asked Haneen where ……………………
a. did she go b. does she go c. she goes d. she went
10. The doctor told her…………………… eat much bread as it is bad for her.
a, that b. if c. to d. not to
11. The teacher asked me why…………………… late for the first lesson.
a. am I b. I am c. was I d. I was
12. She wanted to know when …………………… arrive back.
a.he will b.will he c.would he d.he would
13. My brother asked me …………………… I played yesterday's match.
a. if b. that c. to a. which
14. My father advised me…………………… stay up late at night.
a. to b. not to c. don't d.if
15. "Don't be late again". My father……………………
a.said b.told c.told me d.advised me
16." …………………… walk on the road." said Hatem's mother.
a.Not b.Don't c.Not to d.Didn't
17- The manager …………………… me that I could have a rest that day.
a. said b. say to c. told d. tell
18- My mother advised me…………………… Hana my books.
a. to lending b. not to lend c. don't lend d. not lending
19- He wanted to know if …………………… English well.
a. spoke b.did I spoke c. do I speak d.I spoke
20- My brother asked me which exam ……………………

a. had I passed b. did I passed c. I had passed d. I am passing
30- The teacher asked what ……………………
a. was my name b. was my name c. my name d. my name was
31- Tarek said that he …………………… learning to swim.
a. is b. will c. was d. been
32- Israa asked me why …………………… early.
a. I had left b. had I left c. did I Leave d. I'm leaving
33- Aya said that she…………………… from Aswan.
a. come b. came c. will come d. has come
34- Noha asked …………………… she could join me to the park.
a. if b.because c.but d. so
35-" …………………… sit on that wall!" the tour guide said to Doha.
a. Not b. Doesn't c. Won't d. Don't
36- I encouraged my younger brother…………………… hard.
a. not to work b. works c. to work d. working
37- Aya asked ---------- whether I enjoyed holidays.
a. I b. mine c. my d. me
38- She asked me ……………………
a. where was the book b. where the book is
c. where the book was d. where is the book
39. Hatim……………………. that he was ready for the exam.
a) said b) told c) asked d) wanted
40. Dalia told me that she …………………… her homework then.
a) is doing b) was doing c) will do d) has to do
41. She…………………… me why I had arrived late..
a) told b)said c) asked d) inquired
42. My father told me that I …………………………follow his advice.
a) must b) will c) can d) had to
43. My uncle…………………….. why I was in a hurry.
a) advised b) asked c) said to d) said
44. My father…………………….. me not to eat too much meat.
a) advised b) inquired c) said to d) said
45. Asil asked if the museum …………………….. open on Fridays.
a) is b) have been c) was d) will be
46. Ahmed……………………..when the party would be.
a) wondered b)told c) ordered d) advised
47. My father asked me why…………………….. home late.
a) did I return b) had I returned c )had returned d)will I return
48. I asked Ali what ……………………. then.
a) he was doing b) was he doing c) he has done d) he will do
49. Could you tell me how many stars…………………… in our solar system ?
a. are there b. there are c. there d. there's
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. "Breathe in", the doctor said. ( told )
2. "Learn how to cook." Leila's mother said. ( Leila' s mother told her…)

3. "Turn off your phones!" the teacher said to the students, (ordered)
4. "Look out, Ahmed" Nabil said. (warned)
5. "Don't be late again" Ali said to me. (asked)
6. "Clean the room now, Nona." said mother. (Mother told)
7- "Don't be late, Sandra." (Sandra's father ordered)
8- "Don't spend too much money," my father said. (warned)
9- "Make your bed!" said my mother. (My mother ordered me)
10- Mr Muhammad said to the students, "Sit down." (told)
11- "Watch out, Nehal! A bus is coming," Shaimaa said. (warned)
12- The dentist advised Hadeer to stop eating sweets, (said to)
13- The teacher said to the pupils, "Write it carefully" (ordered)
14. Aya said, "Don't neglect your work, Hagar." (advised)
15. "I work in an office". ( The cleaner told me ….)
16- "I don't like this film," Ayman said. (said that)
17- He said, "I will see you tomorrow." (said that)
18- They said to me, "We have Just heard the good news." (told)
19- Salwa said to me, "I live in a big house." (told)
20. She told me that she was a good driver, (said to)
21. Heba said to Adel," I'm going to Alexandria with my family." (told)
22. Nermin said, "I'm writing an email now." (was writing)
23. Mother said to me,"You are making a lot of noise." (told)
24. "Are you an astronomer ?" The students asked the professor. ( if)
25. "Where are you going on holiday in the summer ?" I asked Maher. (he)
26. "What are you doing ?" I asked Rofaida. ( was)
27. "When were the pyramids built?" said Hesham. (wondered)
28. "Where are you from ?". (Hany asked)
29. "When are you coming to Egypt ?" Shady said to his friend, (asked)
30. Mohamed said to Sara, "What does your father do?" (asked)
31. Mother said to me, "Will you travel to Aswan by air ?". (asked)
32. "Where's your pen friend from?" (Sally asked me...)
33. "Where do you live, Assem ?" (Hatem asked..)
34. "When did you invite your friends to the party ?" (She asked me...)
35- She said, "Did you phone your mother, Shahd? (if)
36- My teacher said, "Which book will you take?" (asked)
37- My friend said, "What is the time?" (wanted to know)
38- "Have you hurt yourself. Amany?" she asked. (She asked Amany)
39- Sara told us that the new shop would open in two weeks' time. (said to)
40- Ramy said,"Will they play the match tomorrow?" (asked)
41- He asked me if we hadn't gone to work the day before, (said)
42- Sherif said to Omar, "How long have you studied English?" (asked)
43.Yasser said to me, "What is your favourite subject?" (asked)
44. Hala said to Ali, "Where did you go yesterday?" (asked....)
45. He asked me why I had arrived late. (said to)
46. The teacher said to us, "You should read this novel." (advised)
47. "Why are you late?" said the teacher, (wanted to know)

have / has + been + P.P 
Karim has written a story.
A story has been written by Karim.
haven't / hasn't + been + P.P 
She hasn't washed the dishes yet.
The dishes haven't been washed yet.
Have / has + ‫ نائب الفاعل‬+ been + P.P 

Have you read the story yet?

Has the story been read yet?

‫ اداة استفهام‬+ Have / has + ‫ الفاعل‬+ been + P.P

Where have you bought the book?

Where have the book been bought?
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The dishes ………………….. been washed yet.
a. aren't b. haven't c. weren't d. didn't
2. The prize has been………………….. by a fifteen-year-old boy.
a. win b. won c. winning d. wins
3. The building………………….. again.
a. has painted b. is painting c. has been painted d. paints
4. Some beautiful flowers………………….. planted outside the school.
a. been b. was c, have been d. have
5.The students ………………….. about the exam yet.
a. told b- have told c have been told d. haven't been told
6. My bedroom has ………………….. again.
a. been painted b. painted c. been painting d. be painted
7. I've finished my English homework, but the maths homework………………….. yet.
a. didn't finish b. was finished c. hasn't been finished d. has been finished
8. Students in our class ………………….. to speak English very well.
a. taught b. had taught c, have been taught d. have taught
9- The sports competition…………………...won by my brother's school.
a. have been b. has c. have d. has been
10- The sandwiches ………………….. by the students at the break.
a. has been eaten b. have eaten c. have been eaten d. are eating
11- An ancient building has ………………….. by archaeologists in the desert.
a. find b. finds c. been found d. found
12. More schools………………….. since 2013.

a) were built b) have been built c) has been built d) have built
13. Has the building………………….. painted again?
a) be b) being c) been d) were
14. A new list of the wonders…………………………. since 1999.
a) has written b) was written c) have been written d) has been written
15. The city……………………..damaged by the earthquake.
a) has already b) already has c) has already been d) have already been
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1 .They have planted trees along the river. ( Trees)
2. We have collected a lot of money for the charity. ( A lot of money..)
3. Our school has won the competition. ( by)
4. The government has built new cities in the desert, (been)
5. The teacher's invited us to the school party, (been)
6. Ahmed has written a letter to Ali. (A letter)
7. Youssef has won the race. (The race)
8. Dina hasn't washed the dishes yet. (The dishes)
9. My brother has studied all the English lessons, (been)
10. She hasn't cooked lunch yet (Lunch..)
11- Has the surgeon performed the operations? (Have)
12- Someone has given him a lot of money. (He)
13- The meeting has been cancelled by them. (They)
14- Has he invited all the students in the school? (Have)
15- A seven-year-old boy has won the prize, (been)
16- Mera has bought a ticket to Luxor. (A ticket)
17- Shahd has made a cake for the family party. (A cake)
18- Someone has met him by the river. (He has......)
19- Have you booked your flight? (Has)
20- When have they bought the new car? (has)
21.Rami has invited us to his birthday party. (We have....)
22. Have you tidied your room? (been)
23. Our school has won the competition. (The competition..... )

If Past simple
would / could / might +

If they were taller, they ’d be good at basketball
If I went to England, I would visit London

If I were you , I 'd go to the doctor.
If I were a bird, I' d fly all over the world.
We can use might instead of would. Might = would perhaps

would might
If you learned Japanese, you might get a job in Tokyo
If you learned Japanese, you would perhaps get a job in Tokyo
We can use could instead of would. Could = would be able to
would could
If we went to the beach, we could go swimming
In the negative, might not shows possibility, but could not shows impossibility

would not might not

If you went to the museum now, it might not be very busy

If you visited the palace, you couldn’t go in the gardens because they’re closed.

he I were
if unless 
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. If we had friends or family in London, we ……………….. there.
a. would go b. will go c. can go d. may go
2. Unless I had enough money, I ……………….. a new car.
a. buy b. will buy c. wouldn't buy d. wouldn't have bought
3. If we all loved each other, the world.................. a wonderful place to live in.
a.can be b.will be c.may be d.could be
4. If I found something,.................. look for its owner.
a. I'll b. I'd c. I 've d. I'm
5- We……………….. go to England if we had friends there.
a. will b. would c. won't d. were
6- It would not surprise me if he ………………...the answer.
a. did not know b. hadn't known c. knows d. known
7- If I won o trip to anywhere in the world, I ………………………. go to Japan.
a. might b. will c. may d. would have
8- It would be easy to travel to China if you ……………….. to speak Chinese.
a. know b. knows c. knew d. had know
9- If somebody wanted to have the latest technology, they ……………….. a smartphone.
a. bought b. could buy c. will buy d. would have bought

10. If I were busy, I............................. go to the party.
a) don't b) wouldn't c) didn't d) won't
11. Would you help her if she……………….. in trouble?
a) had been b) was c) is d) has been
12. If I......................... a mobile phone, I'd telephone you.
a) had been b) had c) had had d) have
13. If he had more money, he……………………….perhaps lend you some.
a) can b) might c) would d) will
14. If Tarek used the internet, he…………………….. like it. I don't know.
a) might b) would c) should d) will
16. If my father……………………. more time, he would read that book.
a) has b) had c) has had d) had had
17. If you ……………………… English well, you would travel to England.
a) knows b) known c) knew d) know
18. If I went to England, I …………………. London.
a. visit b. will visit c. visited d. would visit
19 We ………………….. go to England if we had friends or family there.
a. would b. will c. won't d. were
20. If Hassan ………………….. older, he could learn to drive a car.
a. is b. was c. would be d. had been
21. If he read really carefully, he ………………….. understand the book.
a. can't b. don't c. would d. won't
22. If we ………………….. to the sports club tomorrow, we will phone you.
a. went b. go c. had gone d. would go
23. If they visited the farm, they………………….. see lots of lambs.
a. can b. could c. could have d. will
24. If Hassan ………………….. older, he could learn to drive a car.
a. is b. was c. would be d. had been
25. If I ………………….. you, I'd see a doctor at once,
a. am b. was c. were d. had
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-You should sleep early. (If)
2. I advise you to stop smoking to be in good health. (If)
3. Study your lessons and you'll get high marks. (If)
4. I don't know French so I can't understand the film. (If)
5. Eat healthy food to keep fit. (If)
6. If Sama doesn't study hard, she won't succeed. (Unless)
7- He doesn't earn as much as I do as he doesn't work overtime, (if)
8- He's very weak. That's why he falls ill easily. (If)
9- She doesn't enjoy parties because she is very shy, (If)
10-I don't know his phone number, so I can't phone him. (if)
11-He is polite, so we like him. (If)
12-I go to bed late so I can't get up early. (If)
13-- Marwa doesn't have a new dress so she won't go to the party, (if)
14- This book is too expensive, so I can't buy it. (If)

15. Ali is too short to play basketball. (If)
16. Dalia is ill, so she will stay in bed. (If)
17. She can't walk fast because her leg hurts . (If)
18. I'm not rich enough to buy this car. (If)

had (not)+ P.P

after before
as soon as by the time
until / till when

After Past perfect tense Past simple tense

As soon as

Past simple tense After Past perfect tense

As soon as

* After he had finished his work, he went home.

*He had breakfast as soon as he had washed his face.
* Ali watched TV, after he had done his homework.

By the time Past simple tense Past perfect tense

Past perfect tense Past simple tense
By the time

* Before he arrived, his uncle had left the house.
* He had visited his friend by the time he wrote the letter.
* When he arrived at the station, the train had left. before after

After reading the letter, he felt happy.
Before buying a car, she had learnt how to drive.

By ‫ قبل – بحلول‬/ before ‫ قبل‬+ ) ‫ ( ( وقت محدد فى الماضى‬2008 / my last birthday) + ‫ماضى تام‬
By 2006, I had built this house.
Before my last visit to Cairo , I had bought new clothes.

Past simple tense

until Past perfect tense
Didn't + ‫مصدر‬
Wasn't + P.P
Weren't + P.P

* I didn't play football until I had finished my homework.

* The car wasn't sold till he had repaired it.

Past simple tense because

Past perfect tense


Past perfect tense

Past simple tense
that's why

* I was very tired because / as I had worked hard.

* They had trained hard that's why / so they won the cup.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. What's the cheapest thing that you ………………… before you came ?
a. have bought b. buy c. had bought d. are buying
2. We couldn't go into the cinema because we ………………… tickets.
a. booked b. wouldn't book c. hadn't booked d. don't book
3. What................... before you went to sleep last night?
a. you did b. you do c. do you do d. had you done
4. I wrote the important notes after I ………………… the lesson.

a. reading b. 've read c. 'll read d. 'd read
5- After they ………………… the shellfish, they began to feel sick.
a. eat b. had eaten c. will eat d. eating
6- Which schools had you ………………… to before you started this school?
a. be b. being c. going d. went
7- ………………… they studied English before they went to the USA?
a. Will b. Has c. Did d. Had
8- I ………………………. TV before I went to bed.
a. watch b. had watched c. am watching d. have watched
9- After ………………… the letter, he posted it.
a. had written b. wrote c. writing d. to write
10- As soon as she ………………… the prize, she left the hall.
a. gets b. had got c. has got d. getting
11- By the time Habeba arrived at the station, the train…………………
a. have left b. leaves c, had left d. leave
12- The workers ………………… done any work before they had breakfast.
a. isn't b. wasn't c. haven't d. hadn't
13- I ………………… the station before the train left.
a. will reached b. had reached c. has reached d. was reached
14. I went to the club after I......................... work.
a) finish b) have finished c) finishing d) had finished
15. I had had lunch in a restaurant before …………………… home.
a) return b) have returned c) returning d) had returned
16. I had lunch in a restaurant……………………….finishing work.
a) after b) until c) as soon as d) by the time
17. By the time he was 12, he…………………………how to speak English.
a) has learnt b) had learnt c) was learning d) will learn
18. Before …………………….. the exam, Ali had studied hard.
a) pass b) passed c) passing d) had passed
19. He was happy because he…………………….. his exams
a) will pass b) has passed c) had passed d) passes
20. After …………………….. TV, I went to bed.
a) watched b) had watched c) watching d) will watch
21. Reem ………………….. upset because her friend hadn't phoned her.
a. had been b. was c. Is d. is being
22. Before our teacher………………….. to school, she had taught in another school.
a, had come b. came c comes d, is coming
23. No body knew about the site because everyone………………….. about it.
a. had forgotten b. forgot c, forgets d. forgetting
24. He did not eat ………………….. he had washed his hands well.
a. after b. while c. when d. until
25. She called the police ………………….. she had seen the thief.
a-by the time b. as soon as c. before d. until
26. By the time I ………………….. ten years old, I had learned to ride a bike. b.were c.was d.had been

27. She………………….. TV after she had done her homework.
a. watches b. watched c. has watched d. had watched
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. When the winter came, ants had found enough food to eat. ( before)
2. I didn't try Chinese food before going to that restaurant. ( had never tried)
3. First, Sally typed an email. Then, she sent it. . (Before)
4. Ramy did his homework. Then he watched TV. (After)
5. After watching TV, I went out (until)
6. Salwa didn't go out until she had finished her homework. (After)
7. First, my mother cooked us food. Then, I arrived. (As soon as)
8. After Salma had finish her homework, Rawda visited her. (till)
9. After chasing the thief, the police arrested him. (had)
10. Samya went to the shops. Then, she phoned her mother. (By the time..)
11- First, she cleaned the house. Then, she had a shower, (after)
12- Maha heard the news. She started to cry. (as soon as)
13- My father left home. Then, it started to rain. (leaving)
14- Our teacher had tested us before she Left the classroom, (after)
3- First, Hassan cleaned his room. Then, he went out. (After)
1- After getting his visa, he travelled to Russia. (Before)
3- I studied my lessons. Then, Ali returned from school. (After)
2- They entered the restaurant- They were served. (After)
3. First, Amal cooked food, then she had some rest. (After)
1. First, I revised the lesson, then, I did the exercise. (By the time)
1. The friends left the house after finishing studying, (before)
1. First he met his friends in the club. Then he went home (Before)


If + past perfect (had + P.P) could + have + P.P


* If they had studied hard, they would have succeeded.

* The team might have won if they had played well.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. If I ………………….. the answer, I'd have told you.
a. know b. knew c. had known d. 'd have known
2. If he had been here yesterday, he ………………….. me.
a. helped b. could have helped c. help d. couldn't help
3. If your mother had been ill at the weekend, what…………………..?
a, would you do b. will you do c. will you have done d. would you have done
4. If you had practised well, you ………………….. won the race,
a.would b.will c.would have d.will have
5. If I ………………….. a lot of money, I would have built a villa.
a. have b. had c. had had d. have had
6- If I had had more money , I …………………… that expensive car.
a. will buy b. would buy c. would have bought d. could buy
7- If we had listened to the radio, we ………………. the news.
a. will know b. knew c. knows d. would have known
8- If you …………………. some money yesterday, what would you have done with it?
a. found b. find c. had found d. finds
9- If I hadn't taken my special camera, I……………………….any photos.
a. would have taken b. wouldn't take c. will take d. wouldn't have taken
10- What would have happened if you …………………. London?
a. visited b, visit c. had visited d. visits
11- If he had phoned me, I would have …………………. him about the accident.
a. tells b. tell c. told d. telling
12- If we …………………. to the park, we wouldn't have seen the children playing.
a. go b. have gone c. went d. hadn't gone
13- Unless he …………………. patient, he wouldn't have waited.
a. had been b. hadn't been c. were d. weren't
14. If I......................... your address, I'd have visited you.
a) had been b) had c) had had d) have
15. If he has another chance, he…………………… behave well; I'm not sure.
a) can b) have to c) may d) will
16. If I had known you were ill, I'd have…………………… you.
a) to visit b) visiting c) been visited d) visited
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. His parents help him when he tells them about his problem, ( If)
2. I'm not taller so I'm not good at basketball, ( If)
3. I didn't have much money, so 1 didn't buy that expensive toy. ( If)
4. I was tired, so I didn't watch the documentary about dinosaurs. ( If)
5. Because my father drove me to school, I arrived on time. ( If)
6. If he had studied hard, he would have succeeded, (didn't)
7. Marwa didn't come to the party because I didn't invite her. (If)
8. I was ill so I stayed at bed. (If)
9. Mona felt ill, so she didn't do her homework. (If)
10. I was tired. I didn't watch the film. (If)

11- I forgot my library card. I couldn't borrow a book. (If)
12- Aya didn't come to the party because you didn't invite her. (If)
13- Sally didn't see the Eiffel Tower because she didn't go to Paris. (If)
14- She wanted to get high marks but she didn't study hard. (If)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The students asked the professor ………………. an astronomer.
a. if she is b.she was c. if she was d. if was she
2.If I see Ali, I ………………. him.
a. might blame b. would blame c. might have blamed d. should have blamed
3. New statues, ………………. in the desert by an archaeologist.
a. found b. nave found c.had found d. have been found
4. Do you encourage your younger brother.................. hard ?
a. work b. working c, to work d. to working
5. You................... abroad if you don't have a passport.
a. won't travel b. will travel c. would travel d. wouldn't travel
6. What do you think …………… that new house ?
a. at c.of d.for
7. I'd help you if you …………….. me.
a. asked b.ask c. will ask d. had asked
8. They asked me ……………… them soon. b. calling call calling
9- There are many people waiting, so the train ………………… busy.
a has been b. is c. be d. is going to be
10- He enjoyed ……………… port of a team although it was very tiring.
a. to be b. being c. to being d. be
12- I …………………… a lot of money if I get that job.
a. could b. would earn c. would have earned d. will earn
13- The train ………………… at twelve o'clock.
a. leave b. Leaves c. is going to Leave d. leaving
14- The ticket inspector asked me ………………… I had got a ticket.
a. whether b. not to c. to d. weather
15- If we revise for the test, we …………………… get 100 percent.
a. would b. had c. might d. could
16- The bike of Hossam ………………………..
a. has sold b. has been sold c. is selling d. was selling
17- Ola has just said that she ………………….. tomorrow.
a. is travelling b. travelled c. has travelled d. had travelled
18. I …………………….. the weekend in the country as planned.
a) will spend b) going to spend c) am going to spend d) am spending
19. Manal told me that she…………………….. her old friend the day before.
a) was meeting b) would meet c) had met d) is meeting
20. Adel asked me......................... I was ready for the final exam.
a) that b) weather c) if d) unless

21. If I have free time, I......................... tennis,
a) will play b) would play c) would have played d) had to
22. We……………………… the summer holiday in Ras Sedr as we decided.
a) will spend b) going to spend c) are going to spend d) are spending
23. My brother……………………… Alexandria Airport at 4 pm.
a) got b) went c) reached d) arrived
24. Faten planned to visit Luxor. She…………………….. Luxor.
a) goes to b) will go to c) is going to go d) is going to
25. Who are you……………………..?
a) waiting for b)waiting c) waiting at d) waiting in
26. I phone my friends instead................. visiting them.
a. on b. at c. of d. off
. Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. I promise to buy you a camera if you get high marks, (will)
2. I quickly decided to watch a film on TV. (will)
3- I've booked a ticket to travel to Suez with my brother, (travelling)
4- He has arranged everything to fly to Russia in June. (flying)
5- My plane is at 10 a.m. (takes off)
6- Hana said, "Is mother making a cake now?" (whether)
7- He went to the club because he finished his work early. (If)
8- What hove they called the new baby? (been)
9- He soys. "I will travel abroad nex^ month." (that)
10. I'm sure Ahmad solved the problem, (must)
11. Reda planned to travel to France, (going)
12. Marwa said, "You should come to my party." (invited)
13. I was sick, so I didn't go to work. (if)
14. I didn't catch the train because I didn't run fast (Unless)
15. I didn't have enough money, so I didn't buy the book I needed. (If)
16. I helped the old man as he was ill. ( Unless)
17. Do a lot of exercise and you will be fit (If)
18. Adel was perhaps at home (might)
19. I'm sure Rami had a new job. (must)
20. Father said to me, "It is useful to work to a plan." (told)
21. I did not continue working as I felt ill. (If)
22. I didn't invite Ali to my birthday party, so he didn't come. (If)
23. I want to be an engineer, (look forward)
24. I realized that my handwriting is not clear, so I decided to write the composition again. (rewrite)
25. Perhaps, Hani was in the party, (might)
26. I didn't know you were ill, so I didn't visit you. (if)

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Mayar's cousin is going to live in Cairo, so she has bought a/an ………………. ticket.
a. single b.only c. express d. return
2. It's hot today, but the hotel room is cool because it has air……………….
a. communication b. condensation c. conditioning d. cleaning
3. We love to watch the beautiful………………. from the train windows.
a. tickets b.journey c. station d. scenery
4. We took a………………. to cross from one side of the Nile to the other.
a. train b. bicycle c. ferry d. car
5. Do you want to catch the stopping train or the ………………. train
a. express b. platform c. carriage d. pavement
6. I'm going to take the …………………….. train to Aswan.
a) sleeper b) slept c) sleeping d) asleep
7.The …………………….. is an organ which helps you breathe.
a. foot b. lung c. heart d. brain
8.When a doctor cuts into your body to help you get better, then you have a/an ……………………..
a addiction b. operation c. breath d. trip
9. Do people …………………….. angry if you have done something good or something bad ?
a. make b. give c. take d. get
10. You become …………………….. to something when you are unable to stop doing it.
a. addicted b. bored c. sad d. angry
11. Mona was…………………….. when she said those unkind things to her sister.
a. boring b. polite c. rude d. difficult
12. The ticket …………………… works at a bus station.
a. manager b. cleaner c- inspector d. waiter
13. We asked the …………………… to bring us some water at the restaurant.
mechanic b. baker c.waiter d. doctor
14. The …………………… advised the driver to take care of his car.
a. doctor b. mechanic c.waiter d.inspector
15. If you are…………………… of something, you are pleased because it's good.
c afraid b, angry c. proud d.fond
16. A …………………… is where you get on and off a train.
a. pavement b. platform c. carriage d. theatre
17. A/An …………………. is a building from which scientists watch space.
a. skyscraper b. observatory c. hospital d. post office
18. When you make something easy to understand, then you ……………… it.
a. freeze b. explain c.turn d.wonder
19. Earth is one of eight................... in the solar system.
a. stars b. planets c. moons d, shooting stars
20. Hassan is very interested in space and wants to be an ……………………..
a. engineer b. astronomer c. accountant d. actor
21. A …………………… star is a piece of rock that moves quickly through space.
a. flying b. shooting c. hitting d. picking
22. Is lake Nasser natural or is it.......................?

a. modern b, traditional c. man-made d, personal
23. There's a big ……………….. where the river goes over a cliff.
a. fall b. waterfall c. water drop d. water cycle
24. I ……………………. his name and thought he was called Tim instead of Tom.
a. misread b. misprinted c. redid d. reread
25. The top of a building that is in the shape of half a ball is called ………………….
a. minaret b. dome c. marble d. monument
26. A new.................. of wonders has been written.
a. menu b.list c. article d. message
27." ……………………. " means to move someone or something from one place to another.
a Transfer b. Require c. Advertise d. Interview
28. I ……………………. his name and thought he was called Tim instead of Tom.
a. misread b. misprinted c. redid d. reread
29. We saw some famous paintings in the new art ……………………. b. hospital c. bakery d. post office
30.The Sphinx is a famous ……………………. that many people visit.
a.tower b. monument c. museum d. gallery
31. Ramy's bike is broken. How can we ……………………. it ?
a. repaint b. repair c. repeat d. rearrange
32.We need a computer to send …………………….
a telegram b. an email c. a letter d. a message
33 .The …………………. is a common white water bird.
a. grasshopper b. goose c. hen d. ant
34. It's a good idea to ask a wise person for.....................
a. food b. wonders c. money d. advice
35. If you have enough water, you are.....................
a. thirsty b. not thirsty c. hungry d. not hungry
35. If you feel content, you are .....................
a. sad b. angry c. scared d. happy
36. A story with a moral has a ...................
a. message b. sad ending c. happy ending ending
37. What was the ………………………… of the accident?
a, building b. reason c. cause d. ambulance
38. We need to protect many of our animals if we don't want them to………………………… out.
a. give b, take c. die d. live
39. ……………………. are ideas we are not sure about.
a, Novels b. Threats c. Theories d. Stories
40. The fishermen keep their equipment in small wooden................... on the beach.
a. caves b. huts c. cars d. gardens
41. The hotel is the tallest................... in the city.
a.tower b. building c. pyramid d, castle
42. Manual workers always wear a …………………… and boots.
a. hat b. shirt c.cap d. helmet
43. The heart is the …………………… that pumps blood around the body.
a. member b. organ c. number d. skull

44. What is the…………………… of this train ? - Sohag.
a. position b. location c situation d. destination
45. Rahma …………………… a lot of money on clothes.
a. sends b. presents c. spends d. starts
46.The pyramids are one of the …………………… of the ancient world.
a. wanders b. wonders c. statues d. temples
47. Ifs hot today, but the hotel room is cool because it has air....................
a. communication b. condensation c. conditioning d. cleaning
48. A/An................. was shown on TV yesterday. It gave me information about animals in the past.
a. Comedy b. Documentary c. Adventure d. Competition
49. Most youth know how to use................. sites.
a. social media b. advertisement c. development d. arrangement
50. I had a/an................. to fix my broken leg.
a. accident b. operation c. process d. exam
51. It's bad to.................. most of our time watching football matches.
a. save b. make c. give d. waste
52. I'm very …………………. to be Egyptian. I love Egypt very much.
a. proud b. afraid c. angry d. bored
53. Rahma sent me a text…………………. on my computer.
a. book b. page c. message d. email
54. Look at the train ………….. to know when the train leaves.
a. station b. platform c. office d. timetable
55 …………………. are rocks that come from space.
a. Meteorites b. Fossils c. Lizards d. Satellites
56.My brother . …………………. going to the zoo on Friday. I think it is a good idea.
a.asked b.suggested c.wanted d.decided
57. The train leaves from …………………. No 3,
a. platform b. pavement c. station d. carriage
58. Hurry up, or you will …………………. the bus.
a.give b.have c.miss d.catch
59. Ramy is a/an................... He studies the stars.
a. astronomer b. astrologer c. astronaut d. soldier
60. Volcanoes produce dust and gas when they ………………….
a.interrupt b.fall c.erupt d. enter
61. A/An................. told the workers in the factory to finish their work on time.
a. baker b. waiter c. manager d. officer
62.Alexandria is the final.................. of this train.
a-scenery c.destination d.location
63. Sherif went to Helwan …………………. to watch the planets.
a.station b.factory c.observatory
64. On the train, you can eat in the restaurant...................
a. car b. carriage c. part d. truck
65. The terrible smoke from the fire made me................... a lot.
a. continue b. practise c. cough d. start
66. The................. show that there were more than 700 kinds of dinosaurs.

a. activities b. volcanoes c. gases d. fossils
67. What's the ................ of Black Beauty ?
a. moral b. mean c. test d. title
68. The................. is the biggest object in our solar system.
a. moon b. sun c. earth d. meteorite
69. Travelling by train is a great way to see the................. of a country.
a. journey b. scenery c. opinion d. shops
70. My father has a/an …………………. disease from smoking too much.
a. eye b. stomach c. arm d. lung
71. "Natural is the opposite of ".…………………..".
a. made b. man-made c cultural d. normal
72 .The Taj Mahal is a white marble................. in India.
a. dome b. tower c. monument d. minaret
73. My elder brother is.................. to work as a professor at university. What a wonderful it is!
a. proud b. bored c. sad d. troubled
74. A…………………. ticket is for a journey to a place and back again.
a. single b. return c. double d. second class
75. When something is …………………. it's done with hands.
a. manual b. technical c. electrical d. electronic
76. We don't like.................. people as they want more money, food,... etc.Than they need.
a. lazy b. greedy c. active d. brave
77. Today, Mona has a lot of work to................... in the office.
a. do b. make c. take d. give
78. The workers used …………………. to build the palace for the King. It looks wonderful.
a papyrus b.soil c.dome d. marbles
79. A …………………. Is a tall, thin tower.
a. minaret b.dome c. monument d. marble
80. Our …………………. was at the front of the train.
a. carriage b. station c. destination d. ticket
81. The science museum has................ of rock from the moon.
a. degrees b. planets c. shooting stars d pieces
82. Our football team is................. We could win all the matches.
a. careless b.successful c. useful d. lazy
83.Canada is…………………. cold in winter.
a. locally b. special c. specially d. sometimes
84................... is the study of stars.
a. Astronomy b. Chemistry c. Biology d.Technology
85. We always see …………………. when there is a lot of sugar on the ground.
a. ants b. oxen c. hens d. ducks
86…………………. a decision to stop smoking is great.
a.Having b.Making c.Doing d.Moving
87. A................... checks that you have paid when you get on a bus or train.
a.electrician b. manager c. mechanic d.ticket inspector
88. Scientists say that dinosaurs died................. 65 million years ago.
a. in b.of d.out

89. The................... of Alexandria is very famous.
a. Marble b. Minaret c. Lighthouse d. Pyramid
90. Astronomers work at the………………….
a. observatory b. laboratory c. station d. library
91- It's cheaper if you …………………. your train ticket before the time of travelling.
a. book b. make c. clean d. do
92- We usually get …………………. the train ten minutes before it leaves.
a. off b. out of c. on d. into
93- Fifty million Americans are addicted …………………. smoking.
a. with b. into c. off d. to
94- My sister …………………. an operation last Monday. She is better now.
a. made b. did c. had d. took
95- I …………………. my driving test so I was happy.
a. passed b. succeeded c. failed d. takes
96- While walking in these hills, you must look …………………. snakes. They are dangerous.
a. out for b. after c. up d. for
97- My father…………………. us not to go near the fire.
a. suggested b. said c. warned d. tell
98- If a car or machine breaks …………………. it stops working.
a. out b. into c. down d. in
99- Could you please …………………. to me why I can't feel the earth turn?
a. explained b. explain c. explaining d. explains
100-You should be careful when anyone says that something is free …………………. the internet.
a. on b. at c. over d. in
101- It is cold today. It must be about twenty ………………….
a. dots b. degrees c. metres d. marks
102- When he arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken …………………
a. of b. away c. after a. off
103- The farmer puts all the farm ………………….. in o large bin.
a. animals b. money c. refuse d. trees
104- People have used …………………. to make pots for hundreds of years.
a. clay b. paper c. sticks d. cotton
105- Sharm El-Sheikh is a very popular holiday ……………………….
a. destination b. description c. station d. correction
106- Social networking ……………………….allow you to send messages to many people at the same time.
a. sights b. sides c. sites d. cities
107- ……………………….can look at the planets and stars through a telescope.
a. Astronomers b. Travellers c. Doctors d. Farmers
108- The ………………………. came from space and landed in the sea.
a. minaret b. meteorite c. monument d. mountain
109- lhab's knee is very painful and he needs a/an ………………….
a. addiction b. intention c. pollution d. operation
110- Osoma is coughing all the time, I think he has a problem with his………………….
a. head b. eyes c. lungs d.knees
111- There are eight planets in our………………….,. system.

a. taller b. solar c. bigger d. older
112 - Ahmed and Osman are addicted …………………. computer games.
a. in b. into c. for d. to
113- The earth's moon is round, but many of the other moons are different …………………. and sizes.
a. ships b. chips c. shapes d. sheep
114- Smoking is probably the major factor causing heart ………………….
a. resources b. increase c. degrees d. diseases
115- I want to thank everyone who has …………………. me to win the prize.
a. encouraged b. punished c. hit d. discouraged
116- I am working …………………. a project for a big new building in the middle of Cairo.
a. as b. on c. in d. with
117- The food in the restaurant is usually …………………. good.
a. quit b. quite c. quiet d. quietly
118 - Businessmen from different countries like to ---------- their money in Egypt.
a. invest b. encourage c. accept d. decide
119- This email asks for my computer password. It must be a ………………. . b. scan c.scam d. score
120- I try to be very ………….. when I visit my grandparents. I clean their kitchen and sweep the floor.
a. helpful b. hopeful c. lazy d. careless
121- What would have happened if a lot of volcanoes had …………………. at the same time?
a. printed b. erupted c. addicted d. caused
122- This mobile phone is very ……………….. It can send emails and take photos.
a. painful b. useful c. careful d. cheerful
123- Some of the most beautiful animals on our ……………… are in danger.
a. planet b. plant c. plane a. plate
124- A/An …………………. is travelling from one place to another, especially over a long distance.
a. trip b. journey c. holiday d. picnic
125- Football is a ………………… game, you need to be fit to play it.
a. psychological b. physical c. electrical d. mechanical
126- He asked me to tell him about my work …………………..
a. experiment b. experience c. operation d. movement
127- The Sphinx is a famous …………………. that many tourists visit.
a. movement b. moon c. mountain d. monument
128- I …………………. if you could tell me what o star is made of.
a. wonder b. wonderful c. wander d. winter
130- It is important to be polite …………………. people.
a. of b. to c. for d. at
131- Students at technical schools learn …………………. that they can use in the world of work.
a. falls b. hobbies c, sights d. skills
132- No one likes him; he is always …………………. to others.
a. polite b. helpful c. rude d. honest
134- We didn't have much money so we bought…………………. class tickets.
a. economy b. express c. stopping d. first
135- It is very bad to smoke a…………………. in a hospital.
a. drink b. cigarette c. fire d. game

136- The little boy was very …………………. after his brother broke his toy.
a. hungry b. angry c. happy d. pleased
137- Some scientists suggested a/an …………………. that a meteorite hit the earth.
a. theatre b. theory c. information d. treasure
138- We can use our phones to …………………. money to or from a bank or even to pay for things in shops.
a. develop b. transfer c. increase d. advertise
139- The beginning of the book was …………………. but the end was very exciting.
a. boring b. fantastic c. interesting d. amazing
140-You ask for a/an. …………………. when a car or machine breaks down.
a. manager b. electrician c. cleaner a. mechanic.
141- You should never be…………………. to people. Always talk nicely.
a. polite b. helpful c. rude d. nice
142- It is easy to become …………………. to games on your phone.
a. rude b. addicted c. physical d. greedy
143- We can't publish the report like this - it's full of -----.
a. prints b. printing c. printers d. misprints
144- A/An …………………. is a building where paintings are shown to the public.
a. art gallery b. museum c. school d. temple
145--------- - work is done by hands without the help of machines.
a. Automatic b. Manual c. Used d. Fast
146. Samir is very good …………………….. English.
a) on b) with c)-in d) at
147. Engineers wear…………………….. to protect their heads in working sites.
a) gloves b) helmets c) jackets d) shoes
148. I enjoyed the journey. It was…………………….
a) comfortable b) noisy c) tired d) tiring
149. Sameh is a ……………………. worker.
a) successfully b) success c) succeed d) successful
150. ……………………. work is tiring as we work with our hands.
a) Easy b) Man c) Manual d) Mental
151. It's harmful to be............................ to smoking.
a) addicted b) addiction c) addict d) addictive
152. We should follow the................................ technology.
a) least b) latest c)list d)last
153. Two of the world ................................ are in Egypt.
wonders b) wanders c) winders d) lenders
154. The ancient Greeks wrote a list of seven ......................... wonders.
a) amazingly b) amazement c) amazed d) amazing
155. The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the …………………. wonders of the ancient world.
a) original b) journal c) usual d) normal
156. Many jobs......................... you to know how to use social media.
a) acquire b) require c) inquire d) secure
157. Now, we can …………………. for things using mobile phones.
a) fine b)pay c)speak d) send
158. Some companies use social media to......................... jobs.

a) delete b) arrange c) advertise d) buy
159. Ants usually......................... food for winter.
a) collect b) connect c) select d) reflect
160. Scientists have worked......................... that dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
a) out b) at c) in d) about
161. Hippos spend about 16 hours a day in ……………………
a) hills b) forests c) rivers d) deserts
162. Why did dinosaurs …………………… ?
a) appeal b) disappear c) reappear d) appear
163. You say Adel had a bad accident, how ……………………….
a) wonderful b) good c) terrible d) well
164. The ……………………….Age was about 8,000 years ago.
a) Ice b) Stone c) Atom d) Internet
165. Children usually …………………………. lots of money on sweets.
a) send b)take c)give d) spend
166. We always see …………………………. when there is a lot of sugar on the floor.
a) mice b) ants c) geese d) ducks
167. My father works hard to ……………………… more money.
a) win b) gain c) lose d) earn
168. The money I have is enough only for a/an ……………………… ticket to Aswan.
a) economy b) free c) express d) first class
169…………………….. work in dangerous places.
a) Nurses b) Firefighters c) Teachers d) Writers
170. No one can believe this. This man is…………………….. tall; 220 cm.
a) simply b) incredibly c) simple d) incredible
171. The heart is the…………………….. that pumps blood around the body.
a) part b) couple c) member d) organ
172. Today, I have a lot of work to…………………….. in the office.
a) make b) have c) do d) take
173. Weather…………………….. from summer to winter.
a) invites b) moves c) changes d) runs
174. You should wear a…………………….. on your head when you ride a bike.
a) boot b) helmet c) hat d) cap
175. Baghdad is a big city in ……………………..
a) Greece b) Iraq c) Egypt d) England
17. A…………………… a machine which astronomers use to look at planets and stars,
a) telescope b) camera c) microscope d) thermometer
177. The teacher asked me to……………………..the notebooks and take them to the teachers 'room.
a) add b) collect c)find d) meet
178 …………………….. my brother had a terrible accident.
a) Luckily b) Hopefully c) Fortunately d) Unfortunately
179. We are pleased to…………………….. you to our sister's wedding.
a) invite b) invent c) miss d)lose
180. How many eggs do your chickens ……………………. every day?
a) buy b) put c) lie d) lay

Some useful advice a teacher or friend has given you
My teachers are very helpful. I like them all .The teacher of English is very kind. He gave us
some useful advice last week. He advised us not to waste our time. He also advised us to study
hard. He advisd us to read a lot to widen our minds. Finally, He told us to obey our parents . I
will follow his advice .
The importance of technical schools
Technical schools are very important. About 60 % of students in Egypt go to technical secondary
schools. They learn skills to use in the world of work. These skills are important for the future of the
country. Courses at technical mschools are for three or for five years.Students who do very well at
technical schools can study at university. All technical jobs are important .
A train journey you had
Last week, we went to Aswan. We went there by train. It was a good journey. My father booked us
tickets in the sleeper train. It had comfortable beds. It’s exciting to sleep in a place and wake up
in another place. We had a good time .
One of the ancient or modern wonders of the world
The Great Pyramid is one of the ancient and great wonders of the world. It's in Giza. It took
twenty years to build. It's 137 metres high. It has many secrets in the way of building and
designing. It contains many monuments. These monuments were taken to the Egyptian Museum.
Social media
Many people use social media nowadays. Many jobs require you to know how to use social media.
Some companies use social media to advertise jobs.We can send texts or emails through social
media. Smartphones help us do that. However, many people waste their time using social
networking sites. We should be careful when we use social networking sites
Your plan about your mid-year holiday
My name’s ............. .I’m a student at a preparatory school. In the mid-year holiday, we are going to visit
Luxor. We will go by train. It's more comfortable than driving. We are going to visit the temples
and ancient sites. We will stay in a hotel. I think I will spend a nice time.
The solar system
Our solar system includes the sun and some planets. There are eight planets. They are all different
sizes. The biggest planet is Jupiter. Three of the planets are smaller than earth. Two planets don’t
have any moons. We live on earth. The earth’s moon is round.
A visit to Bibliotheca Alexandrina
I visited Bibliotheca Alexandrina last week. It was designed by a group of international architects.
It is very modern. It is full of light from the sun during the day. Many people visit it every day. I had a
great time there. I hope I will visit it again.
Astronomy is the study of planets and stars. It is a great science. Astronomers tell us about our
solar system. They use telescopes to see the planets and stars. They can do that at observatories.
They help study the space. I hope I will be an astronomer.
A visit to a wonder of the world
Last year, I visited India. I decided to visit the Taj Mahal. It's a white marble monument. It was
built by the ruler of India in 1932. It has a beautiful dome and four minarets. It has been visited by

millions of people. Unfortunately, it has been damaged by pollution.
The earth
The earth is a planet in the solar system. We can’t feel the earth moving. The earth turns
around itself and around the sun.The earth has one moon. It's the only planet which has water.
It’s the planet where we all live. We must take care of it.
An interview with an astronomer
Last week, I interviewed an astronomer.I asked him about the nature of his work. His work isn't
easy. He has too much information about space. He explained much information about our solar
system. He knows a lot about planets and stars. He also told me about some new discoveries.
A visit to the Egyptian Observatory
Last week, I visited the Egyptian Observatory. I went there with my friends. One of the
scientists welcomed us. We asked him about his work at the observatory. We asked him how he
looked at and study our solar system. He gave us very useful information about the planets and
stars. He let us look through the huge telescope. We enjoyed the visit so much.

Changes to your city or village over the last ten years

Many changes have happened to our village. Two schools have been built. A new hospital has been
opened. Also, a sports club has been opened. The streets have been cleaned. Life in our village is
easier and more comfortable now. I like my village very much .
A story with a moral
One day, a farmer found that his goose had laid a yellow egg. When he picked it up, it was heavy. He
found that it was a golden egg. The farmer soon became very rich. He sold all the golden eggs in the
market. He decided to kill the goose get more golden eggs but he found nothing. We learn that we
shouldn't be greedy.

A job that you like or know about

The job of a station manager is very important. The station manager keeps everyone safe in the
railway station. He helps people to get onto the right train. He also helps people who lose something or
take the wrong train. He encourages workers to do their work well. He likes both trains and people. He
makes work successful.
The changes in your school over the last five years
My school is very old. It was built 60 years ago. Some changes have happened to my school. Two
buildings have been added to the school. In the past, there were 20 classrooms. Now, there are 30
classrooms. Many trees have been planted in the school garden. I like my school very much.
A cleaner 's job
The job of a cleaner is very important in our life. A cleaner does a good job. He cleans places we live
in. He also cleans the streets. In addition, he cleans parks. He helps make our life be healthy. We can't
do without him. We respect the cleaner.

Travelling for work

Travelling for work is either easy or tiring. A lot of people travel for work every day. Some people
use buses or trains. Others use their own cars. Now many people use the metro. It is cheap. They can
arrive at work in a short time.

The advantages of working as a part of a team
There are many advantages of working as a part of a team. I learn a lot of things. I learn many skills.
I do my best to achieve success in my work. I'm always careful and helpful at the same time. I gain
work experience. Working as a part of a team makes work easy.
An animal that you like
The camel is the animal I like most. It is called the ship of the desert. It is very patient. It can store
too much water in its body. It can walk for many days without drinking. It is a very useful animal.
People in deserts can't do without it.
A situation when someone tried to persuade you to do something bad but you refused
Last week, my friend tried to persuade me to play some computer games. He said they were very
interesting. I didn't agree with him. I had alot of schoolwork. I had to do it. I didn't want to make my
parents and teachers be angry with me. I promised him to play them another time.
The dangers of smoking
Smoking is a harmful habit. It damages health .It causes lung diseases. People who smoke can't
run or breathe well. Also, they can't do many jobs. They should do some sports. We should
help them give up smoking .
A journey you plan to go on
Today, I'm going to visit Tihna el-Jebel. It will be hot, so we must take lots of water. On our
journey, we are going to find out about the ancient site. We will visit the statues today. I think I will
enjoy visiting them. The bus leaves at 8 o'clock and arrives at 10 o'clock. I expect I will have a great
time there .
An animal that lived in the past
The pterosaur is an animal that lived in the past. It is a kind of dinosaurs. It looked like large birds. It
lived around one hundred million years ago. It had a big wing and a long neck. It was able to catch fish
by using its long neck .People have found fossils of ptersaurs .
Social networking sites addiction
Using social networking sites has become popular nowadays. I like using them. However, I'm worried
that I'm addicted to that. I think this is not useful for me. Doing that for a long time might make me
ill. I should play a sport. I shouldn't be addicted to social networking sites.
A firefighter's job
The firefighter's job is very important in our life. A firefighter helps people when there is a fire.
He does his best to put out fires. He uses much water and ladders to do that. He saves people and
their buildings such as houses, factories and hotels.The firefighter's job is very dangerous.We are
grateful to firefighters.
The latest technology
Our life is going fast now because of the latest technology. A lot of people do their businesses
online. Others use smartphones. They communicate with each other using social media. Technology
helps us get information easily. You can find out about the latest technology online. It's important
to learn about the latest developments.
Dinosaurs lived on earth for more than 150 million years. Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years
ago. there were more than 700 kinds of dinosaurs. Some of today’s animals come from dinosaurs, such

as lizards and birds. Some Scientists think that dinosaurs disappear because the weather became too
hot or too cold. Others think that the dinosaurs caught a terrible disease and died out.Some scientists
think that the dinosaurs disappeared slowly.
Ajourney I plan to go on
To :.............
From :............
About :Ajourney I plan to go on
Hi ...........,
I’d like to tell you about the journey I plan to go on. I plan to go to Dahab in Sharm el Shiekh. It’s
very beautiful. I decided to go there next summer. I intend to book a room in a good hotel.
I will dive and swim in the sea. Would you like to come with me?
All the best.
Internet scams
To : .................
From : ....................
Subject : Internet scams
Dear ...............,
How are you? I want to warn you against internet scams. A person may send you a message to be your
friend. They may be the same age as you. They say they want to practiceEnglish with you. Be careful
because that person may want information about you. You should use privacy settings.
You were planning to meet your friends an hour ago, but they haven't arrived. What do
you think might have happened?
To : ...............
From : ............
About : A reason for being late
Dear ...............,
I'm happy to write this email to you. How are you? I waited two of my friends to visit me athome. I
waited them at the station for three hours. They didn't come. Their train didn't come on time. It
might have broken down.
Kinds of trains
To :...........
From : ..............
About : Kinds of trains
Hello ...........,
Yesterday’s English class was about kinds of trains. It was exciting. We got lots of information.
There are many kinds of trains. The stopping train, this kind is quite slow. The express train, it’s very
fast but its ticket is quite expensive. You can get a cheaper ticket if you have a railcard.
See you.

A shooting star falling onto the earth
To :Sama
From :Aya
About : A shooting star falling onto the earth
Dear Sama,
Yesterday was an amazing day. I saw a shooting star falling onto the earth. I didn’t know where it
fell. It was fantastic. It was lighting like a star. I think you would enjoy if you saw it.
All the best,
................. .
A right choice you have made
To : ..................
From : ............
About : Making a right choice
Hi .............,
I'm happy to write this email to you. Howare you? I'd like to tell you that I have made a right choice.
I decided to use social networking sites for an hour a day. This will save time. I'll be able to talk to my
parents and play a sport. I'm happy that I'm not addicted to social networking sites any more.
All the best,

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Ooaa and Ola are talking about playing tennis.
: Where are you going?
Ola : (1) ………………………………………………….………………………………………………….
Doaa : (2) ………………………………………………….………………………………………………….?
Ola : To play tennis. It's my favourite sport.
Doaa : (3) ………………………………………………….………………………………………………….?
Ola : With my friends.
Doaa : Can I come with you? ,
Ola : (4) ………………………………………………….………………………………………………….
Doaa : Thank you. It will be nice.
2-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You want to ask the assistant when the next train to Cairo leaves.
2-Your favourite football player scored two goals in the final match.
3- Your friend is sitting on a wall. Warn him.
3-Read the following, then answer the questions:
I was invited to a wedding party. It was at a very fine hotel. A lot ofpeople had been invited, too. I
sat at a table next to a fot man. I expected I would have a nice talk with him. But, soon, dinner was
served. Differentkinds of food were put in front of us. In a few minutes, the man was busyeating. He
kept looking at the dishes while eating. His mouth was so fullof food that he could say no word. He was
eating Just like a hungry lion.He raised his head only to ask for a glass of water. I was really afraid to
get closer, I could neither eat nor speak. I waited for him to stop eating and talk, but he didn't. As
soon as I saw my friend, I asked him to show me the way out.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Where was the wedding party?
2- What did the writer expect?
3- What do you think of the hungry man?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The writer sat next to a ……………………..
a. hungry Lion b. fat man c. glass of water d. table
5- The writer had …………………… the wedding party.
a. a lot of food b. good food c. much food d. no food
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Skinner a- took Beauty to a wide street
2- Jerry b- began to kick so hard that she fell to the ground
3- Lizzie c- was his grandson
4- Ginger d- Qwas a young horse at Earlshall Park
e- was a bad driver
B- Answer the following questions:
1- What was the problem with the reins that l.ady Smythe wanted the horses to wear?
2- How do we know that Jerry care about horses?

3- Who was Skinner and why he was a bad person?
4- Do you think that Black Beauty was angry with Ginger after the accident? Why / Why not?
5- Is it important to look after working animals? Why?
5 -Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The building from which scientists watch space is called a/an ………………….
a. theatre b. observatory c. factory d. museum
2- The Bibliotheca was designed by a group of international ………………….
a. teachers b. archaeologists c. programmers d. architects
3- Travelling by train is a great way to see the ………………….of a country.
a. scan b. scenery c. review d. rhyme
4- As soon as Soha had cleaned her room, she ………………….out.
a. go b goes c. had gone d. went
5- Tourists come to Luxor to watch many ………………….of the ancient world.
a. causes b. Laptops c wonders d. watches
6- The building ………………….again by the workers.
a. has painted b. has been painted c. has been painting d. is painting
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He does not understand English so he won't work in England. (If)
2- First, they entered the restaurant Then. they were served, (after)
3- He drank much water because he was really thirsty, (must have)
7-Write a paragraph ofseven (7) sentences about one ofthe following:
- Technical schools - Dinosaurs

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Hala is at a train station with her friend Nesma.
: When did you arrive at the station?
Nesma : At 5 p.m.
Hala : ..(1)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Nesma : I am waiting for the express train.
Hala : What time does it leave?
Nesma : ..(2)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Hala : ..(3)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Nesma : Yes, I hove booked two tickets for me and my brother.
Hala : Which platform does the train leave from?
Nesma : ..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1-Your friend did very badly in the exams.
2- You ask your teacher to tell you more facts about the Sphinx.
3- You want to know if your friend ordered food online.
3-Read the following, then answer the questions:
Dear Salah,
I was pleased to get your letter yesterday. I really should have written to you. It was my turn, I know
but I have been busy. The children seem to take up all my time. I am thinking of sending Malak to a
nursery school.She'll be four next month. I'm afraid we can't come over to see you nextSunday as you

hove suggested. Ali's mother is coming to spend the daywith us. What about Friday? We are free that
day. We want to see yournew house. Let me know, then, if the next Friday suits you.
Love from us all.
A-Answer the following questions:
1- Why has the writer been busy?
2- Why does the writer want to visit his friend?
3- Why do you think that the writer suggests Friday to see his friend?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The underlined word "you" refers to ……………….
a. Mahmoud b. Salah c. the children d. the mother
5- The underlined word "pleased" means ……………….
a. sad b. frightened c. afraid d. happy
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Captain a- was taken away from the field and said a quick goodbye to Ginger
2- Black Beauty b- owned a taxi carriage and another horse called Captain.
3- The farmer c- The horse who works with Beauty driving taxis.
4- Jerry d- wasn't sad because of the reins.
e- advised Mr Barry to watch his helper
B- Answer the following questions:
1 - How did York help the horses after the fall?
2- What did the two young men want Jerry to do?
3- Why did the wealthy man sell Ginger quickly?
4- Why do you think the rich man did not apologise to Jerry when he hadto wait for him in the cold?
5-Do you think that Ginger was right to kick?Why?Why not?
5 -Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-You can …………………. online or buy tickets at a station.
a.sail b. plan c. book d.kill
2- My friend has …………………. an operation and he is healthy now.
a.had b. made c. done d.taken
3- If a lot of volcanoes had …………………. at the same time, there would have been lots of dust and gas in
the atmosphere.
a.thrown b. moved c. erupted d. carried
4- It might be difficult …………………. him to find a good job. b. at c. with d.for
5- Mr Hassan is a famous doctor. He…………………. have been a clever student.
a. must b. can't c. might d.will
6- He …………………. out until he had finished his homework-
a. had gone b.gone c. didn't go d. won't go
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The bus left, then we arrived at the station. (By the lime)

2-1 can't buy that expensive mobile os I don't have enough money, (if)
3- My sister said, "When was your wife born?" (asked)
7-Write an email of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- To your friend telling him about the Cairo Tower.
- To your sister to invite her to your daughter's birthday party. Your name is Mahdy

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Samy asks Ramy about the laptop he has.
: What a wonderful laptop you have!
Ramy : Thank you, Samy!
Samy : ..(1) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Ramy My father bought it for me.
Samy When did he buy it?
Ramy : ..(2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Samy : ..(3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Ramy Because it was my birthday.
Samy : Oh! Happy birthday, Ramy.
Ramy : ..(4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend tells you that he has found his lost mobile.
2- There's a new cinema in your area. You want to know what your friend thinks about it.
3- You tell your friend why you didn't eat fried potatoes in a restaurant
3-Read the following, then answer the questions:
Hala lived with her father and her younger brother. Her mother died when Hala was young. Her
father works on his nearby farm. One summerevening, while she was cooking some food in the kitchen,
a big wolf jumped through the open window into the room and began to eat the food. To keep her
brother safe, Hala quickly put her brother into o room and shut the door. Then, she picked a stick and
tried to drive the wolf away. But it was too big for her. She hurried outside the house and shouted for
help. Many people came and killed the wolf. The lesson here is clear. If we have a problem, we must
face it ourselves, then ask others to help us.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How did Halo keep her brother safe?
2- What is the lesson from this story?
3- What do you think of Hola?
B- Choose the correct answer from a.b, c or a:
4- Halo's father was a ………………………
a. farmer b. teacher c. doctor d. businessman
5- The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to the ………………………
a. house b. stick c. wolf d. Lesson

The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:

1- Lady Anne a- wrote to Mrs Fowler and asked if she had any work for Jerry
2- Jerry b- was happy to see Joe again
3- Polly c- liked to ride Beauty around the park
4- Black Beauty d- didn't remember Joe at all.
e- was a good driver and was very kind to Black Beauty
B- Answer the following questions:
1- Who was Miss BLomefield?
2- Why did Lady Smythe use special reins to keep the horses' heads held high?
3- Why did the police arrest Richer?
4- Do you think that Black Beauty was ;angry with Ginger because he was hurt? Why/ Why not?
5- Do you think Polly was a good wife? Why/ Why not?
5 -Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The ticket that allows someone to travel to a place ond back again is a ………………………ticket.
a. single b. first c. second d. return
2- You can………………………money to or from a bank using your smart phone.
a. transfer b. save c. develop d. carry
3- I ………………………have booked a seat on that train. Now there are no seats left.
a. must b. should c. will d. might
4- The manager ordered me……………………….wear my helmet and boots.
a. don't b. to not c. not to d. to
5- How long ago did dinosaurs die ………………………?
a. out b. on c. of d. from
6- The Eiffel Tower ………………………by people from all over the world.
a. has visited b. have visited c. has been visited d. have been visited
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. Hamdy scored a goal. I'm sure he did. (must)
2. Emy said to me, "Did you watch the match yesterday?" (asked)
3. If they didn't come early, they wouldn't catch the train. (Unless)
7- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- Hippos - Alexandria library

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Salah and Mohsen are talking about travelling.
: I'm travelling to Luxor, but I can't decide how to go.
Mohsen : You can go by car, It'scomfortable.(1) ………………………………………………………… ?
Salah : Yes, I know, because I can stop at different places.
Mohsen :(2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Salah : It's also good because you can take a lot of bags with you.
Mohsen : Why do you think people prefer travelling by train ?
Salah :(3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Mohsen : Yes, it's faster but(4) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

2-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. A friend starts to tell you about an interesting story in the news, then he stops. You ask him to continue.
2. Express your opinion about the station manager's job.
3. Your brother tells you about the exciting match today evening.
3-Read the following, then answer the questions:
Qasem is a poor farmer who lives with his wife and two youngchildren in a small house in his village.
He works hard every day to getmoney for his family, but that was not enough. His wife wanted to help
so she worked with a dressmaker five hours a day.One day, the owner of Qasem's house asked him to
leave the house as his son is going to be married the following month. Qasem felt worried and searched
for another home to live in but that was so difficult. One evening, he met an old friend who asked him
to leave his home and stay in his own home as he is travelling abroad for long. Qasem thanked him
a lot as he solved his big problem.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. How did Qasem's old friend help him ?
2. How many people are there in Casern's family ?
3. Why did Qasem's house owner ask him to leave his house ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a . b . c or d:
4. Qasem's wife worked with a dressmaker to ………………………..
a. stay at their old house b. help her fa.mily
c. leave her old house d. stay at the new house
5. The underlined pronoun "his" refers to ………………………...
a.Qasem b.Qasem's friend c. Qasem's house owner d. Qasem's wife
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Two men a- met Ginger outside a park
2- The poor woman b- asked Jerry how to find the market.
3- Black Beauty c- got into Jerry's taxi in front of the poor woman
4- Ginger d- told Beauty about her difficult life.
e- asked Jerry how to find the hospital.
b. Answer the following questions:
1. How did York feel about the reins ?
2. How did Jerry describe Beauty to his daughter ?
3. Why were holidays not always an easy time for taxi drivers ?
4. Do you think Beauty felt sorry for Ginger ? Why ?
5. Give an example that explains how kind Jerry was.
5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Adel loves to watch the beautiful ………………………...from the train windows.
a. tickets b. journey c. scenery d. station
2. Ashraf asked Ali why………………………...early.
a. he is leaving b. had he left c. did he leave d. he had left
3. If you feel content, you are………………………...
a. sad b. angry c. scared d. happy

4. After ………………………...his homework, he went out,
a. had done b. do c. doing d. has done
5.The book is 35 centimetres ………………………...
a. tall b. big c. wide d. deep
6. Some letters have been……………………… me.
a. write b. wrote c. writing d. written
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. I'm sure Rodina won the race. She was the fastest, (must)
2. Mohamed didnt train well, so he didn't win the match. (If)
3. Ayman has arranged to have a party next Sunday. (having)
7. Write a paragraph of SEVEN (7) sentences about one of the following:
a. the school subject you like most b. the Pyramids at Giza

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Ramadan and Ashour are talking about the latest technology.
: I'm interested in using the internet. What about you ?
Ashour : Me, too. Do you know why companies use social media ?
Ramadan : (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ashour : (2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Ramadan : I can send emails on my mobile phone.
Ashour : (3) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Ramadan : I also use it to know the latest news. Are you a member in a bookclub?
Ashour : (4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your father tells you that you can go to the theatre tomorrow.
2. A friend starts to tell you about his fast journey, then he stops.
3. Express your opinion about the engineer's job.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
Money is very important for everyone, but some of us think that it's the main aim in their life.
They try to get as much money as they can whatever the way. They spend their time searching for
earning more money. No one can ignore its importance, but life is not money only. Those people who are
greedy, don't care about their family life, relatives, neighbours or friends. When one of those has a
healthy problem, he doesn't find who cares for him as he didn't do this for them. On the other side,
there are many people who want money just to eat. Those poor ones should be helped by us all.
Charities carry out this role in a wonderful way. They give the poor money, food and sometimes
shelter to help them live.
a. Answer the following questions :
1. Why don't greedy people get care when they are ill ?
2. What is the charities' role for the poor ?
3. How do the greedy people deal with their relatives, neighbours... etc ?
b. Choose the correct answer from a . b . c or d :
4. The underlined word "those" refers to…………………….. .
a.relatives b.neighbours c.the poor d.the greedy
5. Money is the main aim in life for…………………….. b.greedy c. relatives d. charities

The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Polly a- was given food before walking a lot.
2- Jerry and his family b- could recognise Beauty from his white foot
3- Black Beauty c- . moved to a cottage to work for Mrs Flower.
4- Joe Green d- was Jerry's wife.
e- stopped working because the vet said he broke his leg
b. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the special reins pain the horses ?
2. Were holidays common for taxi drivers ? Why ?
3. Why did the Earl decide to sell the horses ?
4. Why do you think the rich man did not apologise to Jerry when he had to wait for him in the cold ?
5. Do you think that Beauty was lucky in Bath ?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1. People are usually angry with ………………. ones.
a. active b. polite c.rude d. quiet
2. When students who do well at technical schools ………………. they can join the university. '
a. learn b. graduate c. practise d. enter
3. Passengers pay less for ………………. class tickets.
a. single b. booking c. first d. economy
4. I'm sure your teacher………………. you if you ask him.
a. must help b. should help c. will help d. would help
5. After coming back home, I………………. lunch. It was so delicious.
a. had b. have c. had had d. 'd have
6. The message………………. already. Don't worry.
a. has sent b. have sent c. has been.sent d. had been sent
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. My father promises to buy me a computer tomorrow, (will)
2. I'm sorry, I forgot my book. (shouldn't)
3. "Don't be late again". (The teacher warned me)
7. Write an email of SEVEN (7) sentences about one of the following :
a. the last football match you watched b. why you visited the doctor a week ago

1. Finish the following dialogue:

A presenter is talking to Or Hamdi about addiction.
: What is the meaning of addiction?
Dr Hamdi : Addiction means to like something so much that you don't want to stop doing it.
Presenter : ..(1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Dr Hamdi : There are two ways that people can become addicted to something
Presenter : What are these ways?
Or Hamdi : …(2)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Presenter : …(3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………?

Dr Hamdi : It is when your body thinks that it needs something.
Presenter : What is the psychological addiction?
Dr Hamdi : ..(4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend tells you that he has won a gold medal.
2- You visited Aswan in the winter. It was fine there. A friend asks you what the weather was Like.
3- An assistant asks you whether you want first or economy class.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
Hassan is a preparatory school student. He is 13 years old. He lives in a small town in the north of
Cairo. Every morning, he gets up at eight o'clock, puts on his uniform and walks to school. The lessons
start at eight. The students usually study maths, English, history and geography in the morning. They
usually study music and drawing and they play sports after Lunch. They also spend a Long time in the
school library. Hassan doesn't like the food that the school serves. So, he often brings a packed lunch
from home. He likes his school very much. His favourite subjects are English and geography, but he
doesn't like maths because he is not good at it.' At weekends, he always goes out with his friends,
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Where does Hassan live?
2- Why does Hassan bring a packed lunch to school?
3- Do you think Hassan is a good boy? Why / Why not?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- Hassan goes to school before …………………. o'clock.
a. seven b. eight c. five d. four
5- Students at Hassan's school have …………………. subjects in the morning.
a. three b. two c. five d. four
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Ginger a- stopped to look at Black Beauty in the market outside London.
2- Harry b- complained that he had hired a bad horse
3- One driver c- owned a taxi carriage and another horse called Captain
4- An old farmer and his grandson d- began to kick so hard that she fell to the ground.
e- helped to look after Black Beauty and worked as hard a
much as older boy.
B- Answer the following questions:
1- Who was Skinner? ;
2- How did Jerry describe Black Beauty to his daughter?
3- Why did Mr Barry sell Black Beauty?
4- Do you think that Black Beauty was angry with Ginger after the accident? Why? / Why not?
5- Why do you think the rich man did not apologise to Jerry when he had to wait for him in the cold?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1- If I ………………………, I'd stop smoking.
a. am b. were c. had been d. has been
2- It must have ………………………..yesterday. All the streets are wet.

a. rain b. raining c. rained d. rains
3- My father ordered me ……………………… homework-
a. not to do b. to do c. to do not d. to not do
4- Our company pays a lot of money to ……………………… jobs.
a. tell b. advise c. transfer d. advertise
5- He is a/an. ………………………..His Job is to repair electrical equipment.
a. mechanic b. cleaner c. teacher d. electrician
6- ………………………..are animals that looked like crocodiles.
a. Monkeys b. Elephants c. Lizards d. Insects
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1 - It was important for her to ask for help. (should)
2- Hassan would pass his driving test unless he drove too fast. (if)
3- Osman had a shower. Then, he had lunch. (After)
7 -Write an email of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- To your friend telling him about the planets.
- To your friend to tell him about dinosaurs.. Your name is Ramzy

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Hassan is talking to Amgad about the summer holiday. 7
Hassan : Hello, Amgad!
Amgad : Hello, Hassan! What are you going to do this summer holiday?
Hassan : ….(1)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Amgad : Alexis a good place! …(2)……………………………………………………………………………… ?
Hassan : I intend to go by bus.
Amgad : Will you travel alone?
Hassan : ..(3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Amgad : …(4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Hassan : I will stay there for two weeks.
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You usually go to the cinema with your friend on Friday, but last week your friend did not come.
2- You express your strong opinion of a teacher's job.
3- Your sister has just hod o baby boy.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
Nine thousand years ago, people didn't have money. They traded animals for things they wanted. A
little later, people traded crops for what they wanted. In China, in about 1200 B.C., people used shells
for money. Chinese people also traded metal tools for things they wanted. For example, they traded
metal knives for what they wanted. Later in China, people made metal money. In about 100 B.C.. the
Chinese made money of animal skin. The first banknotes were white deer skin. The first paper money
came from China about 900 years later. In about 700 B.C. people made round metal coins. The coins
were made of gold and silver. The first coins came from Lydia. Lydia is in today's Turkey. Money makes
trading easier.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What were the first banknotes made of?
2- Where did the first metal coins come from?
3- According to the passage, why do you think money is important?

B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- A deer is a kind of …………………………..
a. people b. knives c. paper d. animals
5- The underlined pronoun "they" refers to …………………………..
a. coins b. Chinese people c. money d. silver and gold
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- York a- began to give Black Beauty less food each week
2- The poor woman's son b- asked Skinner to take them home with their luggage
3- A family of four c- was angry about the special reins
4- Filcher d- he was a taxi driver who made Captain so weak and sad.
e- was ill so she wanted to go to the hospital,
B- Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Black Beauty feel sorry for some of the taxi drivers and their horses?
2- What happened when Lady Smythe started to tighten the reins more?
3- What did Mrs Fowler do when she received Jerry's wife's letter?
4- Do you think that people were always happy to have Jerry as a taxi driver? Why / Why not?
5- Why do you think that Black Beauty was worried when Jerry found work with Mrs Fowler?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1-My neighbours ………………….. to a new house next month. Everything is arranged.
a. will move b. are going to move c. are moving d. move
2- He ………………….. have studied hard as he answered all the questions in the exam. I am sure.
a. should b. must c. might d. cant
3- They phone their friends instead ………………….. them messages.
a. send b.sent c. of sending send
4- It is a good idea to ………………….. ony books that you are studying at school to understand them better.
a redo b. misprint c. reread d. misread
5- He said, "I ………………….. this picture tomorrow."
a would finished b. finished c will finish d have finished
6- The ………………….. checked my ticket and marked it so that it can't be used again.
a. visitor b cleaner c passenger d. inspector
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The rooms have been cleaned. (Someone)
2- I am busy so I dont have enough time to go to the supermarket, (unless)
3- She put her children to bed. Then, she watched the film. (As soon as)
7 -Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- a job you like to do. - a story with a moral.

1. Finish the following dialogue:
Mona and Zahra are in a shop. They want to buy a new table.
Mono : This table is very good.
Zahra : Yes, I think its wood is beautiful. 8
Mona : …(1)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?
Zahra : It looks very good, but I think it is expensive.
Mona : …(2)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Zahra : Yes, it has a price on it. It says it costs 2.000.
Mona : …(3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Zahra : I think so. We can't buy it.
Mona : …(4)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Zahra : We should go to another shop.
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your little brother got up late this morning and missed the school bus.
2- You want to know if your father likes his job.
3- Your teacher tells you that you came first. Express your excitement.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
The Egyptian national football team known as the Pharaohs represents Egypt in men's International
association football and is governed by the Egyptian Football Association. Egypt is the most successful
national team in Africa, having won the Africa Cup of Nations on a record seven occasions. The Egyptian
national team was the first African and Middle Eastern team to qualify for the World Cup. Egypt has
qualified for the FIFA World Cup three times. They are 1934, 1990 and 2018. On October 8,2017, Egypt
qualified for the 2018 FIFA World Cup after a 2-1 win over Congo. The two goals were scored by Mohamed
Salah with the second one in a dramatic Last minute penalty. The Egyptian team is in Group Awith Russia,
Uruguay and Saudi Arabia, The first match is between Egypt and Uruguay on 15th June 2018 at 2:00 pm.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why is the Pharaohs the most successful national team in Africa?
2- Why was the second goal dramatic?
3- Do you think Mohomed Salah is an important player? Why?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4- The first match is between Egypt and ………………………
a. Russia b. Uruguay c. Saudi Arabia a. the Pharaohs
5- Egypt has qualified for the FIFA World Cup ………………………times.
a. 13 b.30 c.3 d.2
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- York a- advised him to watch Filcher.
2- The people b- said that Jerry's family could move to a small cottage near her house.
3- Mrs Fowler c- told the women that Black Beauty was once Squire Gordon's favourite horse
4- Mr Barry's friend d- who looked at Black Beauty wanted to buy a horse for little money
e- washed the horses' wounds with hot water and it took a long time before
they recovered

B- Answer the following questions:
1- What was the old farmer's opinion when he looked at Block Beauty? •
2- What did the drivers have to do to get more money for their families?
3- Who was Lady Anne?
4- Why do you think that each of Ginger's owners paid less money for her?
5- Why do you think that Skinner makes Black Beauty work so hard?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1- Mono looks very happy. She …………………….. have done well in the exam.
a. can't b. should c. must d. might not
2- When we travel to Alex by train, we usually eat in the restaurant ……………………..
a. carriage b. bus c. taxi d. plane
3- She asked him what …………………….. decided to do.
a. had he b. has he c. he has d. he had
4- …………………….. lived on earth for more than 150 million years but they died out.
a. Dinosaurs b. Lizards c. Sharks d. Zebras
5- It is very expensive to…………………….. something on television.
a. advertise b. sail c. change d. wash
6- On Sunday at 8 o'clock I …………………….. my friend. I've already called him.
a- going to meet b. will meet c. am meeting d. meet
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-1 didn't know Sarah was in town that's why I didn't call her. (If)
2- Has a poem been written by him? (he)
3- First, we got to the station. Then, it started to rain. (starting)
7-Write an email of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
-To your friend telling him about addiction to social networking sites.
- To your mother to tell her about the importance of protecting wildlife. Your name is Samir.

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Ali and Samy are talking about Sameh who become addicted to smoking.
: What happened to your friend Sameh?
Samy : …(1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ali : He stopped studying! …(2)………………………………………………………………………………….?
Samy : I don't know for sure what changed him.
Ali : Tell me more about him.
Samy : He smoked all the time. He might have become addicted to smoking. However, he coughed all
the time and he became very ill.
Ali :..(3)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Samy : The doctors told Sameh that he had lung disease from too much smoking.
Ali : ..(4)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your little sister ate a lot of ice cream and now feels ilt
2- You want to ask a doctor when he / she started working at the hospital.
3- You see someone dropping rubbish by the Nile.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:

It was my wife's first birthday after marriage. I thought of inviting her to the theatre. She liked
the idea. We still didn't have children. We had dinner at a fine restaurant, then went to the theatre. I
hoped we'd spend a lovely evening as it was a romantic play. When I asked the girl at the ticket office
for two tickets, she said all tickets were sold. She added that we had to book tickets two days before.
The play was very interesting and many people want to see it. It was disappointing. I looked at my wife
and neither of us could say a word. Suddenly, a young man came and returned two tickets. I hurried to
the girl asking for the tickets the man had returned. The girl said I could take them. but they were for
next week's performance.
A-Answer the following questions:
1- Why were the writer and his wife disappointed at the ticket office?
2- How many children did they have?
3- What do you think of romantic plays?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or a:
4- The underlined pronoun, "them" refers to the ………………..
a. children b. tickets c. writer and his wife d. people
5- The writer and his wife ……………….. the play that night.
a. watched b. enjoyed c.didn't watch d. didn't want to watch
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:
1- Miss Blomefield a- worked with Black Beauty driving taxis.
2- Black Beauty b- wrote to Mrs Fowler and asked if she had any work for Jerry
3- Captain c- was a businessman who had little exercise.
4- Mr Barry d- was a woman who lives in the country with her two sisters
e- was taken in a train to the town of Bath
B- Answer the following questions:
1- How was Mr Thoroughgood when he took Black Beauty for a drive?
2- Why did Black Beauty always feel safe with Jerry?
3- What happened to Jerry when he had to wait outside the house of the rich man? Why?
4- How do we know thot Jerry wos a kind man?
5- Why do you think that one of the taxi drivers said that Black Beauty was too handsome to do the job?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1- Listen! There's someone at the door. I ………………. the door,
a. will open b. am opening c. am going to open d. open
2- At the beginning of the Stone Age, people learnt to ………………. fire.
a. do b. have c. take d. make
3- I ………………. have left my notebook at home. I'm not exactly sure.
a. must b. can't c. might d. should
4- Some companies now use social media to ………………. jobs.
a. device b. advice c. advertise d. rice
5- We couldn't go to the concert because we ………………. tickets.
a. haven't booked b. hasn't booked c. hadn't booked d. don't booked
6- Astronomers can look at the planets and stars through a ……………….

a. telephone b. smartphone c. telescope d. sunglasses
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The man with the gun said to us, "Don't move!" (warned)
2- Ahmed has taken q nice photo, (been)
3- It is necessary to leave home early or you will miss the flight. (If)
7- Write an email of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- To your friend telling him about animal life in the past.
- To your uncle to tell her about a railway station manager's job. Your name is Hisham.

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Esraa and Basant are talking about technical schools.
: When can students join technical schools?
Basant : After finishing preparatory schools.
Esraa : …(1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Basant : Some students choose to stay in general education, but about sixty percent of students go to
technical schools.
Bsraa : ..(2)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Basant : They learn skills that they can use in the world of work.
Esraa : Are these skills important for the future of the country?
Basant : …(3)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Esraa : Can technical school students who do very well continue to study at university?
Basant : …(4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You friend thinks that the film was interesting but you think the opposite.
2- Your friend regrets smoking a cigarette yesterday.
3- You want to ask about the price of the train ticket to Giza.
3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
Last summer, Ali wanted to spend a nice holiday. He decided to spend a week on his uncle's farm and
another week on the seaside. First, he travelled with his parents to Alexandria where they stayed at a
nice hotel overlooking the sea. The weather was fine. Every morning, they went swimming and enjoyed
sitting on the beach. In the evening, they used to go shopping. After this week, Ali left his parents in
Alexandria and travelled by bus to his uncle's farm. There he spent a very good time. In the evening,
he enjoyed singing and dancing with the farmers. In fact it was the best holiday Ali had ever spent-
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How long was All's holiday?
2- What was the weather like in Alexandria?
3- Do you think Alexandria is a good place for holidays?
B- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c or d:
4-The underlined word "they" refers to ………………..
a. Ali and his parents b. All and his cousins c. Ali's cousins d. the farmers
5- Ali travelled to his uncle's farm by ………………..
a. car b. bus c. train d. plane
The Reader
4. a. Match column A with column B:

1- Black Beauty a- was a very good driver
2- Polly b- told the women that Black Beauty was once Squire Gordon's favourite horse
3- Jerry c- couldn't walk very fast because of the stone in his foot
4- Joe d- she wanted to go to the hospital though her son wasn't ill
e- wrote to Mrs Fowler and asked if she had any work for Jerry
B- Answer the following questions:
1- What happened to Black Beauty and Ginger after the fall?
2" What did Mr Grant do when he saw Black Beauty?
3- Why did the woman ask Jerry about the way to the hospital?
4- Why do you think that Black Beauty was sold at the part of the market where the horses were old
and ill-looking?
5- How do you think that Jerry became ill?
5. Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1- We ……………….the sleeper train to Aswan tonight. We have arranged that.
a. take b. will take c. are taking d. going to take
2- My father had an important ……………….at work. They talked about future plans.
a. minute b. swimming c. meeting d. lunch
3- What ……………….by seven o'clock yesterday?
a. did Salem do b. had done Salem c. had Salem done d. did Salem
4- Students at ………………. schools learn skills that they can use in the world of work.
a. usual b. general c. private d. technical
5- Dina ……………….Rona that she needed to leave then.
a. told b. says c. said d. told to
6- There is a big ………………. where the river goes over a cliff.
a. fall b. waterfall c. water drop d. water cycle
6. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I'm sure that my friend had en operation yesterday, (must have)
2- They have not caught the thief, (by)
3- It rained therefore we couldn't go for a walk. (unless)
7 -Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about one of the following:
- Astronomy,
- Ancient Thebes,


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