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2018 Sheriff Candidate Questionnaire

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Question 1
Do you seek the endorsement of the Charles County Fraternal Order of Police for your position and why?
Troy Berry
Yes, I am seeking the endorsement of the members of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) for the Office of Sheriff.
The Office of Sheriff and FOP should work consistently to create a harmonious relationship to equitably and
peacefully resolve work-related concerns that are subject to collective bargaining under Maryland Law. In my
opinion, we can accomplish more together than as individual entities. As Sheriff, I will continue to respect and
support the FOP Board and membership.

Mike DePaulo
Yes, I seek the endorsement of the Charles County Fraternal Order of Police. If elected Sheriff, I will work hand in
hand with the F.O.P. board and the rank and file to bring the best work practices and equipment to the men and
women serving the Sheriff’s Office. I want the men and women to know that I will put their needs first and work
tirelessly to promote their ideas and address their frustrations.

Question 2
Will you continue to utilize the current patrol schedule for the next four years and if you do, how do you plan
to maintain it?
Troy Berry
Yes, I will continue to utilize the current patrol schedule, unless the FOP and the Executive Command Staff can
develop an agreed upon schedule to meet the needs of both concerned parties. I will encourage the newly elected
Board of County Commissioners to attend regularly scheduled seminars, trainings and meetings hosted by this
agency to give them an overview of the duties, responsibilities and challenges facing law enforcement on a national
level. These events will spark conversations regarding funding, staffing, increasing population and criminal activity.

Mike DePaulo
Yes, I intend to utilize the current patrol schedule. Having worked the previous schedule and the current one, I
understand the importance of maintaining the current schedule. Using recruitment efforts in the Southern Maryland
region, I will bring in new hires to grow and expand our sworn officers. Maintaining the current schedule addresses
two concerns, recruiting and retention, which both are necessary to maintain the schedule. The schedule affords
officers the opportunity to have time away from the stresses of on duty time, providing them the time to pursue
quality of life activities within the community. With an increased quality of life comes higher retention levels. A
positive quality of life in turn will draw top candidates to the Sheriff’s Office addressing recruitment issues.

Question 3
Please give us your assessment of the current working conditions of the Sheriff’s Office?
Troy Berry
I would describe the current working conditions of this agency as improving. Over the last four (4) years, the
Executive Command Staff has authorized new uniforms and web gear. This agency has upgraded technology for
staff members such as the armed personnel carrier (APC), body scanners in the detention center and annex, Tru-
Narc drug detector, and the drone program for search, rescue and evidence collection. In addition, sworn and
correctional officers will receive compensation for FIT testing and title compensation for the ranks of Master
Sergeant and Master Corporal. Also, office renovations have occurred at the District III Station, and renovations for
the new District II Station will be completed by the fall of 2018. Finally, the Executive Command Staff has re-
allocated funding to establish a Digital Forensic Science Unit to capture and analyze data from electronic and digital
equipment seized as evidence.

Mike DePaulo
Law Enforcement nationwide operates in a state of constant change and often in a reactionary fashion to trends and
social pressure. Currently, the Sheriff’s Office working conditions are in an ever present state of change. However,
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we need to go from an agency always in flux and change to an evolving partner within our community. Within this
partnership we must strive to find the common ground with our stake holders and strive to get back to a crime
prevention standard versus the current react and report umbrella in use today.
I plan to bring a fresh approach to the Patrol Division in coordination with the Criminal Investigations Division. I
plan to expand the SRO Unit and create a Neighborhood Enforcement Team. This will allow for future transfers
and training to increase morale among the ranks. Ideas from the F.O.P members will be taken into consideration
and their implementation will be evaluated after gathering input from all effected stakeholders. I am committed to
fostering a creative atmosphere to achieve the mission of the Sheriff’s Office.

Question 4
Are you committed to filling future positions with current sworn members of the Sheriff’s Office?
Troy Berry
This agency has very talented staff members with different and diverse skills and abilities. The Executive
Commanders and I will assess the experience and performance of all command level positions, and these promotions
will occur within current staffing.

Mike DePaulo
Yes. There is no reason to bring someone into the Sheriff’s Office whom is not already a current sworn member.
By providing opportunities for growth among our officers who have been dedicated to serving Charles County we
retain those officers and benefit from the investment made in their careers by the tax payers of the county they serve.
I will eliminate the Lt. Colonel position, as it is a financial burden as stated to the F.O.P in 2014. This will allow
more sworn officers to be a part of units that have insufficient numbers.

Question 5
Do you support the concept of what is known to or referred to as a citizen review board? If yes, describe the
compensation, function, power and responsibility. If no, why?
Troy Berry
No, I do not support a citizen review board for two (2) reasons. First, Charles County Government currently has a
committee or group to review incidents involving police, corrections and emergency services. This review
committee or group is entitled “the Board of Public Safety.” This provision is outlined in County Code and
governed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Secondly, House Bill 1016 passed the Maryland General Assembly in 2016. This bill was created to promote
transparency and uniformity within Maryland’s Law Enforcement. Effective October 1, 2016, this bill required
administrative hearing boards to be open to the public, standardized the reporting of serious officer-involved
incidents, required complainants of alleged misconduct to be informed of the final disposition of complaints, called
for imposed discipline to be posted on agency’s website, rescinded the requirement that complaints of brutality be
sworn to under oath, changed the time period for an officer to obtain an attorney before interrogation to five (5)
business days as opposed to the previous ten (10) day period, established the Maryland Police Training and
Standards Commission, ordered the incorporation of antidiscrimination and use of force de-escalation training
during entry level and in-service courses, and mandated law enforcement to post all official policies on the agency’s
In conclusion, the current County Code and Maryland Law are available to address any issues, questions and
concerns that may surface in our community.

Mike DePaulo
Transparency with the public we serve is the cornerstone I wish to build the agency upon. As Sheriff, I would
support an open dialogue with citizens. If a citizen review board were to be formed under my administration, it
would allow this dialogue to occur between the Sheriff’s Office and the community. The citizen review board will
allow the community voices to be heard in critical instances. In other review boards, members must be MPCTC
certified to sit at the table. This would allow citizens committee members to have a better understanding of proper
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police practices. However, at this time, I do not support the review board to have power in recommending discipline
to an employee.

Question 6
What are the short-term and long-term goals of the agency and what is your plan to achieve them?
Troy Berry
The short-term goals of this agency are implementing the new uniforms and web gear to all staff members, installing
the new in-car cameras in designated vehicles, completing the District II Station renovation project, and working
with the newly elected Board of County Commissioners to overturn the eighth voting member (County Attorney) on
the SORP Committee.
The long-term goals of this agency are working toward re-accreditation from CALEA in 2019, developing a
budgetary means to quantify law enforcement services in Charles County to grow staffing to address crime trends,
and improving the working conditions at the District I Station with a comprehensive renovation project.
I will actively work with staff members to implement a plan to roll out projects on schedule to enhance the day to
day operations. Equally, I am committed to partnering with county officials to securing funding for capital
improvement projects (CIPs) and use local and state legislation to improve the working conditions for all staff

Mike DePaulo
As Sheriff, here are a few goals, I would like to see implemented.
Short-term goals include equipment changes; (MOLLE vests) to relieve officers the weight bearing health problems
from a belted weapons system. Rifle rated armor will be issued as either as everyday wear (MOLLE) or for critical
incident gear. Incident Report handling between Patrol and CID will be modified to allow patrol to be more readily
available. I will re-distribute some of the tag readers to stationary cameras in the county and allow all patrol officers
to have readily available access to this information for investigative purposes and enforcement. I will direct an audit
of vehicles in the fleet and eliminate all front-wheel drive vehicles for safety reasons as stated by the F.O.P.
Long-term goals include an SRO in every school. This will be achieved by hiring officers to work and train
primarily in those positions. I will also create a Neighborhood Enforcement Team (under cover) to attack statistical
crime data. This will be filled by using sworn officers who wish to transfer divisions. In the near future, the
METRO rail will reach our county. I will research and create a response of enforcement to this situation. Body
Cameras will be issued to patrol officers and eventually expand to other units.
All goals will be funded by utilizing sound financial practices to ensure that these goals are met. Grants will be
sought to fill gaps in funding and help implement these plans.

Question 7
What is your position in regards to publicly releasing an officer’s name after a critical incident? An incident
such as an officer involved shooting, fatal motor vehicle collision or use of force.
Troy Berry
I support the current agreed upon language in the FOP contract, Section 14.1 entitled “Officers Involved in Critical
Incidents” which states:
“Whenever an officer is 1) seriously injured and/or killed as a result of an accident or assault, or 2) is involved in an
incident where another person is seriously injured and/or killed, the Agency shall:
1. Where the officer’s radio and/or duty weapon is retained by the Agency, as soon as practical the Agency will
provide the officer with a replacement radio and/or weapon, unless his police powers are suspended; and
2. As soon as it is practical, the Agency will notify the designated representative of the FOP about the incident; and
3. Release only the officer’s last name, rank, tenure and duty assignment to the public within the first 48 hours of
the critical incident. In determining the timing of the release of the officer’s information, the Agency will take into
account the circumstances involved in the critical incident and the safety of the officer. Where practical, the Agency
will also notify the officer and the designated representative of the FOP about the release of information.
Notwithstanding the above, where the officer is injured or killed in the line of duty, the Agency would have full
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discretion in regard to releasing additional information about the officer.”

Mike DePaulo
As Sheriff, I will follow the guidelines as set forth by the Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights. I will not release
any information that may jeopardize an officer or an investigation.

Question 8
What are your short-term and long-term plans to recruit new officers?
Troy Berry
The short-term and long-term plans for recruiting new officers are in the process of being executed within this
Agency’s Pre-employment and Recruitment Unit. In 2015, this Agency applied for and received a grant to complete
a series of recruiting videos to be displayed on television, social media and at local entertainment venues. Also, this
agency secured local and regional airtime on syndicated radio stations promoting employment opportunities. In
2016, I created an annual eleven (11) week Citizen Police Academy to elevate the law enforcement profile in the
county. In 2017, I hired a Pre-employment Recruiter to attend job fairs and special events to highlight the benefits
and rewarding career at this law enforcement agency. In the FY2019 budget, the Executive Command Staff
upgraded several positions within the Pre-employment and Recruitment Unit with the goal to process employment
applications in a timely manner. Finally, I look forward to working side-by-side with the FOP during the Collective
Bargaining Process to enhance salary and benefits which assists me with recruiting and retaining officers in the
metropolitan area.

Mike DePaulo
As Sheriff, short-term, I will start recruiting efforts by targeting military personnel separating from the service.
Veterans bring a wealth of life lessons and experience that can’t be taught in a classroom. Charles County is
fortunate to not only be home to a military base but to have several bases in surrounding jurisdictions. For too many
years this has been a resource that has been ignored and Charles County has struggled to recruit because of a narrow
focus. The Maryland State Police 147th Trooper class graduated February 23rd with 47 graduates. They started with
48 recruits, with only one drop out, which is their fewest dropouts ever. This was due to their recruitment of military
veterans across our area. In an effort to bolster recruitment locally I will enhance efforts at our college campuses in
the Southern Maryland region.

Long-term solutions to recruitment will involve the new elementary SRO’s in conjunction with the middle and high
schools. SRO’s will be fundamental in implementing seed planting efforts with students, teaching classes that
reinforce the need for police from our own community. Building rapport and continually fostering partnerships with
our schools and students will allow us to augment our recruitment efforts in Charles County, to be realized in future
generations of law enforcement officers.

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