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ormal Clinical Teacher Evaluation

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Observ ation Regular Midterm Final Start Time Time L* .Duration 5: Am
Lesson Observer: Coo erating Teacher University Supervisor Clinic l Teacher

Qiiiical Teacher MC fa t U R bil Year

« 0 Semester Fan Spring

Date Ob ervation Start Time J2',3S End Time Duration

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po.t-tate«,Dtoj s&aTlme fe!nd
Districe_ s( f\/|/ S ____ School t hoti f laryie -f e i,
CooperetmgTead.erBQtt niyl HU / SobjecVGrede K-McL rn /lU ti P.
B aluat cI Itano) Sifinature

ensure clinical teachers have the knowledge and skills to teach in Texas DuhHp .hnP?nSral ltieS'17,6 Pimensions within eac domain

SCALE: *1=Needs Improvement 2=Developing Proficient

SpeCifyinS °bserved- shared orreco evidence if scoring 1 or 2.

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DOMAI I: PLAN ING- Evr nce is pparent in he lesson olan

analyzes student data to inform instruction.

ffie »»*-*
All lessons connect to student prior
. ivMvvtigu p no ied.qeC
gnu and experiences
gfiunces /
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Jessons adjust
, ; :foi dgntsfrgngthsand
q iuung nowieage, gaps in background
lire nowledge, life experiences
exoenences andand skills
\ctiviues. The teacher Dans enaaamn fiaYth * ..
en9a9ln9 feX fc/e fessons thatencouraoe hi her-order .1 ,
.Questions encourage ail students to engage in complex, higher order rhin r u acmevement.
Insiruc ional groups based on studentnm needs ne* _j I 1

. students : -understand
--¦ . ¦~' •individual
t«w »«i roles within
« at »w instructional
WvUwliai VJIgrouos
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A fhnflck® i. t A«_ . 7~ TT1 • ¦• •
Aetojges, resources, technology, instruction l m terials aligned to instructionaT r

CJinioal Tdaohing Handbook - Fall 2017

N - Evidence is apparent in instruction and classroom.
Achieving Expectation : The teacher support all learners in their pursuit of high level ofacadernicand soc/al
motional success.
-vidence that most students demonstrate mastery of objective
* Addresses stu ents istakes an follows through to ensure stu ent mastery
Provides student opportunity to take initiati e of their own learning ~
Conveys accurate content knowledge
Integrates learning objectives with other disciplines z
Anticipates possible student misunderstandings
Accurately reflects how lesson fits within structure of discipline and TEKS
* Provides opportunities for students to use different types of thinking (e.g., analytical, practical, creative &
research-based) V
Uses probing questions to clarity, elaborate learning
Recognizes possible student isunderstandings and responds with an array of teaching techniques to clarify
con cspts
» Asks re ember, understand and apply level questions focusing on lesson objective and rovokinn niiRsfinng
« Pro ides a A _ _ J.t ±.
explanations that are clear * * ~ v
Uses verbal and written com unication that is clear and correct
• Establishes classroom practices that provide for most students to communicate effecti ely with their teacher
and their peers
Adapts lesson to address indi idual needs of all students
* Regularly onitors quality of student participation and perfor ance
• Recognizes when students become contused or disengaged and responds to student learning or socio-
e otional needs
Provides differentiated instructional methods and content to ensure students have opportunity to aster
what is being taught
Utilizes input from student in order to monitor and adjust instruction and activities
Monitors student behavior and responses for engagement and understandin
Adjusts instruction and activities to maintain student engagement and appropriate pacing of instruction for
time anagement

comments 1 lC C -HsUs
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Cli ical Teaching Handbook - Fall 2017

DOMAIN 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Evidence is apparent in the classroom.
Classroom nvironment, Routines
- All procedures, routines and transitions are clear and efficient
Students actively participate in groups, manage supplies and equipment with very limited teacher direction ~s7
Classroom is safe and organized to support learning objectives and is accessible to most students
3.2 Managing Student Behavior: The teacher establishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations for studentb h?.
Consistently i plements the campus and/or classroom behavior management system of monitoring
positive reinforcements of ap ropriate behavior, and appropriate responses to disruptive behavior in' a
proficient manner
Most students meet expected classroom behavior standards '
3.3 Classroom Culture: The teacher leads a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively enga ed learners.
« Engages all students in relevant, meaningful lea ing T77
Students work respectfully, individually and in groups

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4.1 Professional Demeanor and Ethics: The teacher meets HBU and district expectations for attendance, professional appearance
decorum, procedural, ethical, legal and statutory responsibilities
® Behaves in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators I
j "7
• Meets aii professional standards (e.g., atten ance, professional appearance and behaviors)
Advocates suc essfully for the needs of students in the classroom
4.2 Goa! Setting: The teacher reflects on his/her ractice ~
• Sets short- and long-term professional goals based on self-assessment, reflection and supervisor feedback
• Meets all professional goals resulting in impro ement in practice and student performance
J rofessional Development: The teacher enhances the professional community - j
Collaboratively practices in all scheduled professional development acti ities, campus professional learning
communities, rade- or subject-level team membership, committee membership or other opportunities
4.4 chool ommunity involvement. The teacher demonstrates leadership with students, colleagues, and commun litymeifibers in
school, district and com unity through effective communication and outreach
Communicates the mission, vision and goals of the school to students, colleagues, parents and families
• Contacts parents/guardians regularl regarding students academic and social/emotional growth
® Actively participates in all school outreach activities
CO ENTS: L l /'T VT ,1 9 m m fA. $@ucQ(a
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Climcal Teaching Handbook - all 2017


Clinical teacher's greatest strength

(KfMiJAA L uilrl overt*. re-t
>, fri) (hCJL/ i ia hf I f ia=
= r

Cl nical teacher s greatest challenge

H l-h /A D/isPr d'P kACl U iA -
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&Q fc-fai I i-P ) KW. t f fl CrcJf £WV \J( lh

C- W- iJ irf 6/" ka h Cd CiA i'i d i i d

K&i/{J S<f , !€ rv t t f¦ ffi & f IaM - -fCO \Afi

Clinical Teacliiiig Handbook - Fall 2017 48

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Recommendations/Next Steps/Goals ¦r;i '-Jm/f -firJ t
1 l Li A) \hA%. f rit a rMHA J \Af L-»
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'tn l ftnh i frJf . o 4 fi v Am - ~tS Y ()/\-Qi \?\jL -fi / Lf < rl X A-? 3i, i
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W) I 0/y\ Ch )_ CA fv/ j W rh> i-O -S . ~V(A&, bc sO.

-tr l f /ks /'x . .LAJA ll i/ s -H a I, 6f ,r ,0f S Oai*Ar~-
\Tjj\a e/{V\\>e-'f!!r ni j - € - -frw li { s r-f-H

Clioioal Teachi g Handboo - Fall 2017 49

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