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LINES: THE EAGLES MAIN Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 38 pt


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Joan Onuzuruike Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt, Bold

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American Eagle Foundation Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt

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Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 2 Formatted ...
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Formatted ...
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Formatted ...
The Dangers of Power Poles and Power Lines ........................................................................ 4
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How Does Electrocution Happen to Eagles? .................................................................... 4
Power Line Collisions ............................................................................................................... 5 Formatted ...
Eagles are Often Electrocuted .................................................................................................. 5 Formatted ...
Signs That an Eagle Has Been Electrocuted ...................................................................... 4
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Power Line Collisions ...................................................................................................... 5
Avian-Friendly Power Poles ..................................................................................................... 5 Formatted ...
Using Avian-Friendly Power Poles .................................................................................... 6 Formatted ...
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 6 Formatted ...
Reference .................................................................................................................................. 6
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TABLE OF FIGURES Formatted ...
Figure 1 An Iberian Imperial Eagle .......................................................................................... 3 Formatted ...
Figure 2 A Bonelli’s Eagle ........................................................................................................ 3 Formatted ...
Figure 3 Cape Vulture and Egyptian Vulture ........................................................................... 4
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Figure 4 Two Eagles Perched ................................................................................................... 4
Figure 5 An Eagle’s Nest .......................................................................................................... 4 Formatted ...
Figure 6 A Safe Wiring Configuration ...................................................................................... 6 Formatted ...
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The purpose of this white paper is to explain Formatted: Justified, Indent: First line: 0"
the different types of eagles species that are Formatted ...
affected by electrocution and to help bring
awareness to readers about the many eagles getting
being electrocuted by power lines. For many
years, eEagles have been getting electrocuted
by power lines for many years without any
solutions on how to prevent this from happening.
Many eagle species are at a greater risk of
getting being electrocuted, which is also one of These eagle species can vary from different Formatted ...
the main reasons why eagles are becoming endangered.. regions around the globe. Electrocution affects
large numbers of endangered species of eagles,
A new study, conducted by researchers from particularly eagles from the Iberian Peninsula
EDM International, focuses on preventing
bird electrocution through the identification Figure 1 An Iberian Imperial Eagle from the Iberian
Peninsula. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Italic
and correction of high-risk pylons (Wiley,
2018). To help prevent eagles from getting called the Iberian Imperial Eagle (Universidad
electrocuted, these researchers have developed de Barcelona, 2010). If you look at Figure 1,
new techniques to change the power lines , so located above, you’ll get a better idea of what Formatted ...
that eagles will not be harmed when they land most Iberian Imperial Eagles look like. Since
and rest on power lines. Using this technique 1994, their population has declined drastically.
could save millions of eagles from getting being Approximately 80% of Iberian Imperial Eagles
electrocuted. killed on power lines are female, causing a
greater impact on this monogamous species Formatted: Justified, Indent: First line: 0", Space After:
0 pt
INTRODUCTION than if equal numbers of males and females
were killed (Universidad de Barcelona, 2010). Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 18 pt
Eagles being electrocuted have been a serious
Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 18 pt, Not Bold,
problem that needs to be addressed. Treating In Catalonia, Spain, the Bonelli’s Eagles are dying
Not All caps
eagles that have been electrocuted by power from a high rate because of electrocution. Figure 2
lines has proven very difficult with chances for shows an image of a Bonelli’s Eagle perched on a Formatted: Heading 1, None, Border: Top: (No
recovery and healing impossible. Many eagles select border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right:
tree trunk. In Africa, common eagle species dying
(No border), Pattern: Clear
power poles for perching, and sometimes for nesting, from electrocution include the Cape Vulture
which can be very fatal. and the Egyptian Vulture (Figure 3). These Formatted: Space After: 10 pt
figures are to show you that eagles look very Formatted: Condensed by 0.5 pt
When you think about wild-life animals getting
electrocuted, most humans don’t know how often Formatted: Space After: 10 pt
that can happen daily. The main wild-life Formatted: Condensed by 0.7 pt
animal that’t gets affecteds affected the most Formatted ...
are bald eagles and raptors, the ones from the
Eagle species but those birds . Eagle species
dying from electrocution is nothing new. In
fact, it’s a major problem across the world,
mainly in areas that uses high voltage power
lines as their main source of electricity.

Formatted ...

different and can come from different areas
around the world but are still affected by
a lot of attention from admirers, who wanted
more videos and images of the eagle. Sadly, the Formatted ...
bald eagle did not survive and left thousands of
people who witnessed his first beginnings
devastated. The single-pole structure in Decorah,
Iowa carried 69,000 volts and was not retrofitted with
avian-safe technology (Kilen, 2014). This type Figureof2
technology would have helped the bald eagle see the
power rline more clearly and avoid getting electrocuted.
Most of these electrocutions happen by accident. The
reason why these accidents happen is because but an
Figure 3 On the left is the Cape Vulture perched on top of a eagle’s line of vision is often obscured when approaching Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 11 pt, Not Italic
power line and on the right is the Egyptian Vulture; both are from power poles. still there is nothing no one is doing about it.
Africa. Formatted ...
WWithout having any avian-safe technology, these power
poles and power lines can be very harmful dangerous to Formatted: Space After: 10 pt
THE DANGERS OF wild-life birds, especially eagles, who like to perch on top Formatted: Heading 1, Left

POWER POLES AND Formatted: Font: Garamond, 18 pt

POWER LINES Formatted ...

Death by Eelectrocution wasn’t a major Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond

concerna major cause of death for wildlife Formatted: Justified, Indent: First line: 0", Space
eagleseagles until humans started to invade Before: 0 pt
their natural habitats by tearing down theeagles
Formatted ...
nesting grounds of eagles and building cities
that use electricity. Most of these eagles usually
don’t have anywhere to go, so they stay in the
same place area that they’re used to, even if it looks
different to them. Living in any city that uses of the mpowerlines. Formatted ...
electricity can be is dangerous for all many
wild-life animals, especially eagles. eagles. W According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, perching is Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, Condensed by
We fail to realize just how dangerous living in when a bird finds a resting place or vantage point and 0.8 pt
these cities are is for wildlifethem. In settle on top of an area that has height or a location that’s Formatted: Justified, Indent: First line: 0", Space After:
nNeighborhoods that have been around for precarious to the birds for nesting (Figure 1.4 & and 0 pt
many decadesa while have infrastructure that
Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, Condensed by
have is been slowly disintegrating, without
0.8 pt
anyone caring to maintain or check on the
poorly maintainedthe infrastructurebuildings.
In 2014, a bald eagle that was famous from the
internet was electrocuted in Decorah, Iowa
(Kilen, 2014). The eagle became famous when
his owner decided to video tape when he first
hatched and took his first flight. The owner
Formatted: Condensed by 0.5 pt
posted the videos on social media, which attracted
Formatted ...

Figure 1.5). If an eagle perches or nestnests, on top ofpower the line, line placement, and line size can all
poles, then electrocution can occur. contribute to these collisions (American Eagle
Figure 4 FIGURE 1.4 Two eagles perched on top of power poles. Foundation, 2018). When this occurs, then major
modifications need to be done so that this does
Figure 5 FIGURE 1.5 An eagle’s nest on top of a power pole.
not happen again.
HOW DOES ELECTROCUTION When an incidence occurs, utility companies
HAPPEN TO EAGLES? are required to keep track of how many eagles
have been electrocuted by that same power line
This Electrocution happens when a bird completes
a circuit by simultaneously touching two energized
one where there has have been a documented avian
parts or an energized part and a grounded part
collisions, electrocutions, problem nest material or
of electrical equipment on a power pole, specifically
where there is a high risk of thean avian mortality
with the span of its wings (American Eagle
rate increasing (American Eagle Foundation,
Foundation, 2018). In other words, these birds
2018). Instead of trying to mask the problem,
power utility companies can help prevent other eagles from
getting electrocuted byshould havinge a more permanent
lines can also cause power outages within the area that
was affected.

Eagles getting electrocuted from power lines
are most likely electrocuted because of the has happened all over the world. Another bald
conducting wires being placed too close eagle was electrocuted near the Marco Island
together. When a bird’s feathers, talons, or Nature Preserve and bird Sanctuary. That bird eagle
beak comes in contact with power lines, then was electrocuted because, with his long
conduction can occur. The outcome is even wingspan, hit two electrical wires at once
worsetwhen when the bird eagle is wet. The AmericanEagle (Husted, 2018). This resulted in an electrical
Foundationstatesthatthemajorityofmostof electrocutionsoccuron shock to the eagle, which and caused his untimely
medium-voltage death. And a other bald eagle was electrocuted in
spacing between conductors that are often timesoften Bradenton, Florida and did not survive as well.
narrow enough to be bridged by a bird’s The bodies of the eagles can’t be left where
wingspan. In addition to one to three they were electrocuted, so they need to be
conductors, these harmful power poles may moved to a new location. What happens to the
also carry ground wires, transformers, or bodies of the deceased, electrocuted eagles?
grounded metal braces (Thomas, 2018). According to Eubanks (2017), the U.S. Fish
and Wild-life Service reports that there are
POWER LINE COLLISIONS more than 4,000 requests on the waiting list to
Anotherfearfactorterrifying outcome foreagles are is when receive the approximately 900 eagles received recovered
they sometimes collide with power lines because of them by the repository each year (2017). That number is
havinglimitedsight;theyareo,inwhichtheyareoftenelectrocuted extremely high for eagles to be electrocuted,
because of this. Bird size, agility, experience, flocking, because since there are numerous ways to prevent this
territorial activities, or courtship activities, weather, time from happening. Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt
of day, human activities, configuration, and location of Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt

SIGNS THAT AN EAGLE HAS into consideration safe electrical power pole
and power line configurations or by managing
eagles who perch on top of power poles. By
Spotting an eagle that has been electrocuted is using safe wiring configurations to separate the
very apparent. The main thing to look for when wires and the grounded metal parts, eagles
an eagle has been electrocuted are burn marks. won’t be able to touch both parts at the same
A deceased eagle that has only severe burns time (Figure 6).
and no other form of diseases that can can cause
death,istheresultofgettingelectrocuted.isaneaglethathasbeenelectrocuted. Figure 6 Blueprint of a safe wiring configuration that separates
the conductors and other energized hardware.
Hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue and
internal organs suggest cardiovascular injury
and can support the theory of death by USING AVIAN-FRIENDLY
electrocution (Thomas, 2018). Also seeing the POWER POLES
deceased eagles laying near power poles can To ensure that eagles are not harmed, utility
also be a clue but not one of importance. companies should can make sure that there is a safe
distance between the wires and the grounded
AVIAN-FRIENDLY parts when constructing the new power poles.
POWER POLES (APLIC) is recommends that utility companies
A new study, conducted by researchers from to providecanretrofittheirpowerpolesbyaddingaminimum
EDM International, focuses on preventing 60-inch minimum horizontalseparationbetweenenergized
bird electrocution through the identification conductors and/or energized conductors and
and correction of high-risk pylons (Wiley, grounded hardware (American Eagle Foundation,
2018). To help prevent eagles from getting 2018). APLIC funds research projects that further the
electrocuted, these researchers have developed knowledge of avian/power line interactions, including
new techniques to change the power lines, so causes and solutions to avian mortalities due to power
that eagles will not be harmed when they land lineelectrocutionsandcolisionsY
. oucanfindtheirwebsitesitehereformoreinformationh: tp://
and rest on the power poles and
Using this technique could save millions of InordertoTopreventeaglesfromgettingelectrocuted
eagles from getting electrocuted. from pre-existing power poles and power liness,
using a 10-foot cross-arm may can allow 60-inch
Utility companies can reduce the numbers of separation between each conductor (American
eagle electrocutions, if they are willing to take Eagle Foundation, 2018). But that is not always
the case. Some power poles may need to be
occurred. Replacing the entire power pole will be ais a
better option because having minorsafe modifications will
not help reduce the numbers withof eagles
getting electrocuted ifthey are otherthe powerpolehasother
possible dangerous conditions. This will also
affect the safety of eagles.

backgrounds. Many people believe that eagles
aresacredcaredandshouldbeprotectedatallcost.withnumerouswaystoprotect Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt
them. Eagles don’t have a voice, so it is up to
Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt

those in charge to help them survive and Eubanks, Pam. “Bradenton bald eagle electrocuted | East
prosper. Using avian-friendly power poles can County.” Your Observer, Your Observer, 20 Dec. 2017,
help many different eagle species survive and
live a longer life. They can avoid these electrocuted
dangerous power lines and rest in appreciate locations
The American Eagle Foundation is about
helping these eagles perch safely on top of
avian friendly power poles. Research has
proven the different ways to prevent eagles
different species can live up to their normal
lifespan and thrive in a healthy environment..

Universidad de Barcelona. "Electrocution of birds
and collision with power lines: Solutions to a global
problem." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 4 December
Kilen, Mike. “Internet famous eagle in Iowa
gets electrocuted, dies.” USA Today, Gannett
Satellite Information Network, 10 July 2014,
Wiley. "Mitigation techniques fall short of
preventing electrocution of golden eagles on power
poles." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 January 2018.
Thomas, Nancy J.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, Condensed by 0.8 pt
Field Code Changed
“Promote Avian-Friendly Power Lines.” American Eagle
Foundation, Formatted: Hyperlink, Font: (Default) Garamond, 10 pt,
power-lines/ No underline, Font color: Auto, Condensed by 0.8 pt,
Pattern: Clear
Husted, Samantha. “Bald Eagle 'Paleo' Appears to Have Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, Condensed by
Been Electrocuted.” Coastal Breeze News, 27 Feb. 2018, 0.8 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: (Default) Garamond, 12 pt

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