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Royal University and Medicine Hat College

Bachelor of Education

Journey To Iqaluit
Lesson 3: Days 6-7

Outcome of Lesson: (Blooms or I can statement)
2.1.2 • I can explain and demonstrate how the physical geography of Iqaluit shapes its identity.

Language Arts: General Outcome 1, Specific Outcome 1.2
Extend understanding: find more information about new ideas and topics

Hook: 5 minutes
• Students will all come into the classroom and find a seat. I will have pictures of igloos on the
smart board. When the students are seated and quiet I will explain each center and then tell
them which center their team is at and where that center will take place. One student from each
group (I will choose) will go get their team box with all of their materials. On ‘go’ 2A class will go
to their center, when they arrive I will invite 2B to go to their center, and when they arrive I will
invite 2C to go to their center. Once everyone is settled, they may begin

Learning Opportunities:
Time Learning Opportunity Connection to outcome
50min. Centers: 8 teams = 2 of each center

1) Teacher Based: Guided reading of page 20-23 in 1) will explain why the
“Looking at Places.” After the reading, the students Inuit settled up North,
will discuss the questions found in their Early Days in and what it was like in
Iqaluit question sheet and come up with the answers the early settlement
as a team. They will fill it out and glue it into their days
travel journal 2) Students will have to
2) Students will build an igloo. They will have be innovative and
marshmallows, glue, Styrofoam cups, toothpicks, creative while trying to
and cotton balls to use. Pictures of igloos will be on build an igloo (which is
their table as well as on the board, but no example what the Inuit used to
of a marshmallow igloo will be given. This will urge live in)
the student’s creativity and innovation. STEM 3) The video will explain
challenge. Students will work with a partner in their the science behind
team to create this. Students will pick their partner Igloos. It will inspire
on their own but if it is causes trouble, teacher will their critical thinking
choose. during their journal
3) Students at this center will be at the response.
computers/iPads. They will watch 4) This center not only
https://ed.ted.com/featured/NUUkZ7N3. This is a teaches the students
Ted-Ed video on how igloos work. They will then about different
write in their travel journal following the prompt aspects of Iqaluit, but
“Can you imagine what it would be like living in an also requires them to
igloo? Explain what you think it would be like.” The take it a step further
response has to be MINIMUM 5 sentences. If time, by researching,
students will then draw and colour an illustration of inquiring, and thinking
an igloo that they would design to live in. critically. Also fits
4) Pick one of the following: Why are their colourful language arts outcome
houses in Iqaluit? Why are there no trees in Iqaluit? by finding more
Why are houses in Iqaluit on stilts? Where did the information about
Inuit of the past live in the summer? Inquire and something they do not
respond in their travel journal. Can use iPads and know about
any open computers to research. Can work with a
partner if they want, but they EACH have to write it
in their journals. MINIMUM 6 sentences. When
done, share with another partner at the table. If
finished early, they can illustrate their inquiry.

- These centers will take 25 minutes each. When there

is 5 minutes left, the students will get a 5-minute
warning. At the 25 minute mark, students will give me
5. (Look at teacher, be quiet, be still, free hands, ready
to listen). We will do a movement break (10 jumping
jacks, on the spot running, stretches, noodle legs and
arms, etc. Choose one or two, dependent on student
engagement and fidgeting) Give me 5 again and I will
read out loud which center each team is transitioning
to next. They have two minutes to get to their next
center calmly, and quietly. If they disrupt the class then
our behaviour management tool will come into play,
and they will owe a token.

- Once they are at their next center, all of the same
rules and structure apply as the first set of centers.

- These centers will take 25 minutes each. When there
is 5 minutes left, the students will get a 5-minute
warning. At the 25 minute mark, students will give me
5. (Look at teacher, be quiet, be still, free hands, ready
to listen). They will have 2 minutes to clean up, put
their travel journals in either the “not done” or the
“done” bin, and go back to their own classroom.

- This whole lesson will repeat the next day, until each
team has went through all 4 centers.

How do I check for understanding? Materials Needed
- Teacher led centers allow for observation of Early Days In - Computers
Iqaluit sheet - IPads
- Each student will put his or her travel journal in the “done” - Looking at Places, pg.
bin. Before it gets placed back into their team supplies, a 20-23 photocopies
teacher will look it through. If student is struggling, the topic - Travel journals
will be re investigated - Early Days In Iqaluit
- Marshmallows
What will I accept as evidence of understanding? - Cotton balls
- Students understand the task in the center they are doing and - Glue
complete it - Styrofoam or solo cups
- Students inquire and are creative in their travel journal - Headphones
- Students knowledge of the subject will come through in their
journal responses, it will be relatively easy to see if they
understand the subject or not

How am I differentiating the learning opportunity?
- Different expectations for different students
- Some students may have short sentences, whereas some
students will be expected to write more in depth
- Guided reading center, some students may require more
teacher guidance to fill out their sheet
- Students may need a scribe
- Students may need a reader

TRANSITION: (what will students do when they are finished? How will we move to the next
learning opportunity?)
• If done early, students will go to the “not done” bin and catch up on any work that is not
• If they are finished this, they may ask if anyone at their table needs any assistance.
REMEMBER: they are not DOING for the other student, they are ASSISTING when needed
• If no one wants assistance, they may look through the books about Iqaluit and the Inuit
- Some students may need an EA to scribe the travel journal responses,
Accommodations OR if they are writing, their response may be shorter
- Some students will use floor desk or standing desk.
- Some students may have to take movement breaks more often than
assigned. This is up to child and teacher discretion
- If students are really struggling with their research, they may always
work with a partner and do it together, BUT they both have to write it
down in their journal or on their sheet
- Students can work at their tables, on the floor, carpet, etc. As long as
they are in the same room that their center is in.
- Students may use a text to read app for researching

Cooperative - Guided reading group work when answering questions

Learning Strategies - STEM partner task (igloo building)
used - Partner research and inquiry travel journal

Movement Breaks - Movement break in between centers (10 jumping jacks, on the spot
running, stretches, noodle legs and arms)
- Other movement breaks as needed

Modes of Learning - Kinesthetic: building igloos

(Differentiation) - Visual: Ted-Ed igloo video, photos of igloos
- Auditory: Guided reading, using a reader for any of the researching,
igloo Ted-Ed video
- Verbal: Guided reading and research
- Interpersonal: group work centers
- Intrapersonal: centers with the option to work alone
- Logical: Ted-Ed igloo video (shows how igloo’s work)

Higher Order Can you create an igloo out of the materials provided?
Question(s) Can you imagine what it would be like to live in an igloo? Expand on this.
Can you justify why the Inuit settled in what is now Nunavut?

Reflection and Revisions:


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