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Monday, February 12, 2018 10:06 AM

Action Points
• Every time used, you roll xd6 and add it towards your D20 roll. When you level up, you will be able
to roll more than 1 six sided die at a time.
• Only replenish when you level up.
• Can be taken before or after the d20 roll, but must be decided before the GM says, "pass or fail".
• Action points are used to trigger talents, but you don't get a d6 bonus roll.
• Cannot use action with taking 10 or taking 20.
• You can only take 1 action point per turn.

• Only rolled by the GM, and will roll when needed.
• Done by rolling d20, adding character reputation bonus Modifier and NPC's Int Bonus Modifier,
trying to beat a target number of DC 25.
• Knowledge checks may apply.
• The results can be fame or infamy, which will influence charisma based checks (+4 bonus or –4

• Money is in flux, thus it's in a number format and will change often.
• Starting occupation +2d4 and represents your purchasing power.
• Can never go below zero and can increase forever.
• When purchasing something, if you pass the d20 roll, you buy it, if you fail, you don't have the
funds to purchase it at this time and must wait.
• Anything you want to buy that is below your wealth bonus, you don’t have to roll, you just buy it.
• If its above your wealth bonus modifier, you need to make a roll and succeed you buy it, but you
must reduce your wealth bonus by 1.
• When purchasing, if the wealth value is 1 to 10 points is above your wealth bonus score, you only
lose 1 point. Should it be above your wealth score of 11 to 15 points higher you lose 1d6 points. 16
or high you lose 2d6 points.
• If you have a wealth bonus of zero, you can purchase things listed as 10 or below only.
• You can gain wealth when you level up, by making a profession check (or wisdom check if no
profession). The DC is equal to your wealth score bonus. Exceeding that number you gain a point,
if you exceed it by 5 or more, you gain +2 to your wealth score.

• When you level up you can continue alone with the class you are currently in or pick a new class.
Should you pick a new class, you will gain the benefits from the class as if you were level 2, not the
starting benefits.

• You can skill points based on every level
• You can spend them on your class skills, class skills cost 1 for 1 point, cross class skills (the ones not
in your class) are 2 points spent for 1 rank.
• The maximum rank you can have per level in class skills is 3 plus your current level. Cross skill is ½
the amount.
• When making a skill check, take your number and add it towards your roll.
• When you level up and take a new class, you do not get the first level skill points that your start
with during character creation. For example you start with your points x4 as a new character, you
don’t get that when you start a new class.
• A natural 20 is not an automatic success.
• Some skills allow you try again, some will not allow, see description.
• Some skills are considered trained, which means you cannot roll to see if you can attempt it,
untrained ones you only use your attribute bonus modifier.
• Based on the situation, you can get a modifier (negative or positive).
• Some skills may require a tool for certain tasks, see skill description.
• Taking a 10 means if you are not threatened, you can take 10 on the die roll, and add your bonus
towards it for a result number. Some skills do not allow take 20, see description.
• Taking 20 means taking a lot of extra time, not threatened, you can take as much time as needed
to get the best possible result there can be. Some skills do not allow take 20, see description.
• Aide Another action - Players (sometimes can only be 1 person) can aide one another in skill

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checks, using the same skill and need to beat DC 10. If successful, it adds a +2 bonus to the person
attempting the task roll.
• Skill Synergy – We will not be using this rule.
• If you have skills cross from class and occupation you get a +1 in the misc. Column.

• You get one for levels and one for class pretty simple.
• Some feats have perquisites before you can take them.

• Licensing maybe needed for certain items.
• Black market items have a higher DC to purchase it.
○ Knowledge Streetwise check is needed to find black-market.
• You can sell things at –3 off the wealth bonus listed in the book.
• Weapons can be concealed, attack action is required to withdraw it. Items can be concealed in an
easy to draw location foregoing the attack action to draw it, but anyone looking at you will gain a
bonus to spot or search.
• Armor, Concealed is a DC 30 to spot it.

• Housing
• Meals and eating
• Services, auto repair, bail bonds, lawyer and medical services.

• Crew – how many people needed to use it properly, but you may only need one to pilot or drive it.
• Passengers – the amount of people you can cram into it at one time, excluding cargo space.
• Cargo space – the amount of space you can use to carry things safely.
• Initiative – how your initiative is modified
• Maneuverability – what checks needed for using the vehicle.
• Hardness – the amount of hits it absorbs without damaging the vehicle.

• Everything in the combat is included.
• Everyone starts flat footed, but once you act, you are ready and flat footed goes away.
• Highest initiative goes first and initiative is rolled once, not every round.
• -4 to any weapon/item you don’t know how to use.
• Damage can never go below 1, so no negatives.
• 1 attack action, 1 move action, 1 free action or 1 full round attack action.
○ You can forego attack action and take two move actions.
○ Using a skill or feat that requires an attack action.
○ Full round attack action, you make all attacks, cannot move. Only used if you have more than
1 attack.
○ Non-lethal damage
▪ if it equals the targets con score, they must make a FORT save DC 15,
• if pass, they are stunned for 1 round
• If fail, knocked out for 1d4+1 rounds
• Only 1 attack of opportunity per round per target.
• You withdraw one square, without drawing attack of opportunity, but you can't take any actions
that involve dice rolling.
• 0 HP is still conscious, but you are basically disabled, you can only make a minor action or
movement action.
• Dying – 1 to –9 is bleeding out unable to take actions. Every round, must make FORT Save DC 20 to
stabilize but you are not awake, (fail, take –1 damage and can try again next round) -10 you are
• After stabilizing if no one has helped you, after an hour, you can make a FORT Save DC 20 to bring
you to 0 HP. Fail, nothing happens, you just don’t regain consciousness.
• Treat injury skill can be used to stabilize another PC, DC 15
• Resting 8 hours, 1 Hit point per level, resting 24 hours, you gain double the amount (1 hp/level x2)
• Critical damage follows standard roll method used. No confirming used, its Lame.
• Flat footed means, no DEX bonus to AC.

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