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a twscnys Eee ae First Semester M.Tech. Degree Examination, January 2011 Advanced Digital Communication i ae Dox Masts.60 : Note Ane any FIVE fal quar | ee eee ae gb {i SRR See cSteretnet a trea red ifm, wh example # arg q Let g(x)=2? +x 41, Consider the information sequence 1001. i Onde eienrd omrenin peeing nr ce : Bh Support conn! has wmsion eon fg Br Wht dows i ee eee ood £42 « eohintestpsinahatiabedgiltenmisonstindaphionl, ordi ‘Suppose a signal has atplitudes uniformly distributed between =V end V. iy. Whats the SNR ofa uniform quantizer thet is speiielly designed for this source? ii) the enor takes on values between ~9Q and 94, show that the averay* power of errors given by (3, and hence showthat, e8Gh additional bt, used inthe quantize, will increase the SNR by 62, co atars) 3) a. Suppose that @ lowpass communication system has 1 MHz bandwidth. What bit rate is attainable using 8 level pulses? Whit the Shannon capacity of his channel, ifthe SNR is 40dB? (eentarts) '. Avoice grade channel ofthe telephone network has a bandwidth of 3.4 KHz 4) Caleulate the cine capacity of the telephone channel fora signal to noise ratio of m8. i) Caleuai@)the nin signal to noise ratio required to support information ‘wansmissionthidugh the telephone chanel at the rate of 4800 bis/second. (OS Marks) Discuss the dscrete memoryless channels. (oars) 4 « Déing binary symmetric channel. Draw the transition probability diagrem of a binary symuoetre chann Mer be Diseuss the properties of i Pe ce Delfin the terms) Entropy 1 6 compleng your anon, compulioriy da diagorl es 2. Arp rewallngot Weteation, ppl o evar afr eqaons ite eg #2250, ii) Conditieal entropy ii) White noise, Explain the basic sigal processing operations involved in PCM, 1 A subband coding stheme volves otal of 7 subbands. The ‘nat signal i 6 He andthe average number 3b 2 Caleulate: 3) The sampling rat for eos int: a _ 1OSENIy “The binary data 001101001 is applied t the input of a ducbinary syste D Consmuct the duobinary coder utput and conesponding receiver CupMt With = precoder. iy Suppose due to eor during transmission, te level at the receiver input prodused by the second digit is reduoed to zero, Construct the new receiver cufpttiy, (08 Marks) ‘what is corelative coding? Explain the duobinary signaling, with/pretoding and without yescodig canta) Explain the folowing Inersyrbolnerfrence smarts Byepatem (os Man) [Nyquist criterion for distotionless baseband trafsmission. (0 Marks) »” ‘ \

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