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Market Leader Pre Intermediate

Unit 11 – New business

1. Economic terms _________________________ pg 2

2. Time clauses _________________________ pg 3


a. Match the economic terms to their definition.

a. bureaucracy 1. the price at which the currency unit of

one country may be exchanged for that
of another

b. exchange rate 2. the rate of increase of prices

c. inflation rate 3. the total value of all goods and services

produced domestically by a nation
during a year. It is equivalent to gross
national product minus net investment
incomes from foreign nations
Abbreviation: GDP

d. interest rate 4. business or commercial dealings

e. investment 5. the number of unemployed workers,

often as a percentage of the total
labour force
f. labour force 6. a charge for the use of credit or
borrowed money
g. gross domestic product 7. a motivating influence or stimulus for a
company by decreasing or eliminating
the mount of financial contribution to a
h. trade 8. people who work for wages

i. unemployment rate 9. the amount of money invested

j. tax incentives 10. official procedures and red tape

Handout 1: Adverbial Clauses of Time

Adverbs of time are such words as ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘when’, ‘while’,

‘until’ and ‘as soon as’ used to show the time link between two actions.

1. Complete the gaps with the time clauses

This morning, I got up __________ the alarm clock rang at 6:10 a.m. I had
breakfast __________ I had brushed my teeth. I got dressed __________ I
left home. I waited in the MTR station __________ the train arrived. I read a
book __________ I was travelling on the train. I went to the library
__________ I arrived at school.

2. Complete these sentences with the appropriate adverb of time.

1. He cleaned his teeth __________ he went to bed.

2. The ambulance arrived at the scene five minutes __________ the accident
had happened.
3. __________ I am older, I want to start my own business.
4. I went straight to the hospital __________ I heard about your accident.
5. They watched the programme __________ the end even though it was
not very
6. They took short breaks every half an hour __________ they were playing
7. Rebecca went to bed __________ she got home because she was so tired.
8. People should be very careful __________ they cross busy roads.
9. We cannot light the barbecue __________ the rain stops.
10. Paul found somebody’s wallet on the ground __________ he was walking
to the bus stop.

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