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Conversation 1

Susana: Hi Selena!
Selena: Hi there! How are you?
Susana: Not so good, last night I dreamed about my biggest fear
Selena: Oh no, How come? What did you dream about?
Susana: As you know I´m afraid of ghosts, and I had a nightmare with lots of
them, so scary!
Selena: Really? Do you still believe in them?
Susana: Yes, still. I believe in them since I was a child and blame my brother
for it.
Selena: Ha ha ha, but you have to get rid of your fears, Susana. Is now or
Susana: It´s so easy to say it but don´t you have fears?
Selena: Well, yeah…but it consists in something more real and serious. I kind
of hide from the future.
Susana: So mature! Now you have to apologize for mocking of me, this is
equally immature.
Selena: Hey! It´s just that I want to succeed in my life so much that I hate
waiting for it and see how everything is going to end after we can not depend
on our parents. What if we fail?
Susana: Ok, it´s a good point and i´m also very impatient but with things like
waiting for my my food or my grades ha ha. But seriously you just have to carry
on as everybody, work really hard for what you want, search for opportunities,
apply for good jobs and concentrate on your goals.
Selena: God, you´re so right! We shouldn't depend on anybody or anything,
and stare at the future without doing nothing, knowing of that´s not how it works.
Susana: Exactly! You get it. Glad to have been of help.
Selena: I wasn't expecting an advice today but thank you, you´re so wise that
you even remind me of my mother.
Susana: Ok, thank you for that comparison, I suppose…
Selena: You know what I mean ha ha.
Susana: Yes, yes I know. Listen I´ve got to go now but take care of you, ok?
Selena: Of course, you too. See you, bye.
Susan: I´m already looking forward to meeting us again, bye!

Selena Valverde Rojas.

TEACHER: Elvis Bailón.



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