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Outlines for lessons not writing a full detail or summary lesson plan for:

Class 8 (Friday): Confronting and Overcoming Stereotypes

• Purpose: Students will be able to see how people are more than their single/story
stereotype by reading personal narratives and will begin to learn how to craft their own
personal story that shows how multifaceted they are.
• Essential question: How do we confront and overcome stereotypes? How do I express
my unique story?
• Lesson plan requirement met: writing instruction and grammar instruction
• Objectives:
4.Students will be able to tell a personal story that shows how multifaceted they are.
a) Students will be able to express through writing about what makes them them.
b) Students will understand that personal narratives reflect on a significant event,
moment, or experiences in an individual’s life and are written in first person.
c) Students will understand that a powerful personal narrative includes a so what or
d) Students will be able see how specific diction helps craft unique voice in writing

6. Students will be able to reflect on the value of other people’s stories

a) Students will write a written reflection on the value of reading about other people’s
7.Students will reflect on the value of other people's’ stories.
a) Students will reflect what they learned and/or how their mindset changed after reading a

• Agenda:
• Do now - written reflection on homework personal narrative reading - reflect on
the value of reading about other people’s stories
• Mini Lesson on editing – quotation marks and punctuation for dialogue
• Writing workshop for 60 minutes
• Homework – finish draft of My Story summative assessment over the weekend to
turn in on Tuesday

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