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Class 9 (Tuesday): Diversity, Community and Respect

• Purpose: Students will understand that diversity is a natural and positive part of our
community and how to show respect.
• Essential question: Does diversity strengthen our community? How do I show respect
and empathy for others?
• Lesson plan requirement met: n/a
• Objectives:
2. Students will understand that if they only see people through stereotypes, they don’t get to see
how multifaceted people are.
a) Students will understand that diversity is a natural and positive part our community.

6.Students will be able to reflect on the value of other people’s stories

a. Students will write a reflection about how diversity strengths our community
7.Students will be able to show respect for other people’s stories.
a. Students will know that displaying genuine empathy can be a way to show respect for
other people’s stories.

3. Agenda:
• Assessment draft due for feedback
• Video about difference between sympathy and empathy and discussion
• Written reflection about how diversity strengthens our community based on
readings and experiences so far in class as well as outside of class
• Community building activity - mindfulness gratitude exercise in base groups –
students will share what they are thankful for in their base groups as a whole
and/or individual members
• More detail and examples of letter essays about literature for choice books

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