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PVWatts: AC Energy report 0 Page 1 of 5

Station and Model info

Lat Lon Elevation (m) TZ City Country Resource file
Station -22.900000 -43.169998 3,00 -3.0 Santos_Dumont/Rio BRA 837550.tm3
Model -20.859238 -41.100594 73,45 -3.0 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, ES BRA
Distance (km) 311.580

Faces global results

P. power P.weight DC r. Energy Yield Shading L.
Solar panels NºP.
(Wp) (kg) (kWp) (kWh) (kWh/kWp) (%)
Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 222 330,00 22,40 73,26 100491,54 1371,71 3,27

Results for solar modules in each face

P. Shading
DC r. Weight Relative Energy Yield ∑Hm
Face Model NºP. power Azimuth Tilt 2 L.
(kWp) (kg) tilt (kWh) (kWh/kWp) (kWh/m /year)
(Wp) (%)
1 Solar:CS6U- 45 330,00 14,85 1008,00 90,00 4,84 0,00 20820,84 1402,08 1844,58 1,79
2 Solar:CS6U- 60 330,00 19,80 1344,00 270,00 4,36 0,00 27494,30 1388,60 1847,88 2,98
3 Solar:CS6U- 45 330,00 14,85 1008,00 270,00 4,82 0,00 21039,09 1416,77 1847,54 1,02
4 Solar:CS6U- 36 330,00 11,88 806,40 180,00 4,68 0,00 15568,65 1310,49 1800,82 5,77
5 Solar:CS6U- 36 330,00 11,88 806,40 180,00 4,68 0,00 15568,65 1310,49 1800,82 6,04

Monthly Shading Losses (%)

Face Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
10,56 1,45 1,54 4,26 1,20 1,28 1,31 1,58 1,20 0,46 3,35 2,82
20,33 1,03 1,30 5,02 8,49 9,98 8,01 6,71 0,79 0,64 0,78 0,57
30,39 0,88 1,16 1,28 1,47 1,98 1,40 1,32 0,80 0,78 0,94 0,68
45,48 6,99 6,14 5,84 4,34 4,09 4,63 5,43 4,34 6,37 6,63 6,70
55,14 6,74 6,50 5,98 5,41 4,32 4,79 5,57 7,23 6,75 7,14 5,65
Mean 2,38 3,42 3,33 4,48 4,18 4,33 4,03 4,12 2,87 3,00 3,77 3,28

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PVWatts: AC Energy report 0 Page 2 of 5

Ed (kWh/day)
Face Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 71,99 72,58 59,58 53,13 42,64 40,36 41,34 48,91 53,31 61,75 70,15 69,92
2 94,46 95,41 78,88 69,76 56,85 53,64 54,60 64,57 71,10 81,34 93,18 91,66
3 72,26 72,99 60,37 53,37 43,53 41,07 41,79 49,41 54,43 62,23 71,31 70,10
4 55,36 55,26 44,75 38,68 30,61 28,55 29,39 35,47 39,90 46,79 54,13 53,86
5 55,36 55,26 44,75 38,68 30,61 28,55 29,39 35,47 39,90 46,79 54,13 53,86
∑ 349,42 351,50 288,33 253,62 204,24 192,16 196,50 233,83 258,64 298,90 342,90 339,41

Em (kWh/month)
Face Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2231,75 2032,26 1847,09 1593,86 1321,80 1210,93 1281,46 1516,26 1599,22 1914,27 2104,35 2167,59
2 2928,33 2671,53 2445,28 2092,66 1762,23 1609,13 1692,46 2001,55 2132,99 2521,43 2795,36 2841,35
3 2239,92 2043,64 1871,34 1601,09 1349,38 1231,98 1295,35 1531,78 1632,95 1929,05 2139,40 2173,24
4 1716,06 1547,34 1387,28 1160,54 948,94 856,40 911,13 1099,57 1197,00 1450,62 1624,01 1669,78
5 1716,06 1547,34 1387,28 1160,54 948,94 856,40 911,13 1099,57 1197,00 1450,62 1624,01 1669,78
∑ 10832,11 9842,11 8938,27 7608,68 6331,30 5764,83 6091,52 7248,73 7759,15 9265,98 10287,14 10521,72

Hd (kWh/m2/day)
Face Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 6,47 6,53 5,31 4,68 3,77 3,50 3,62 4,28 4,66 5,40 6,21 6,21
2 6,44 6,51 5,33 4,67 3,81 3,53 3,63 4,29 4,72 5,40 6,25 6,17
3 6,44 6,51 5,33 4,66 3,82 3,53 3,63 4,28 4,72 5,40 6,25 6,17
4 6,49 6,48 5,20 4,46 3,55 3,25 3,38 4,05 4,55 5,34 6,24 6,23
5 6,49 6,48 5,20 4,46 3,55 3,25 3,38 4,05 4,55 5,34 6,24 6,23
Mean 6,46 6,50 5,27 4,59 3,70 3,41 3,53 4,19 4,64 5,37 6,24 6,20

Hm (kWh/m2/month)
Face Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 200,63 182,88 164,55 140,55 116,92 105,04 112,27 132,56 139,88 167,46 186,20 192,36
2 199,66 182,37 165,28 140,01 118,26 105,89 112,58 132,84 141,46 167,33 187,60 191,32
3 199,55 182,29 165,27 139,95 118,31 105,92 112,58 132,82 141,50 167,27 187,61 191,21
4 201,08 181,45 161,13 133,70 109,90 97,50 104,63 125,67 136,44 165,40 187,29 193,22
5 201,08 181,45 161,13 133,70 109,90 97,50 104,63 125,67 136,44 165,40 187,29 193,22
Mean 200,40 182,09 163,47 137,58 114,66 102,37 109,34 129,91 139,14 166,57 187,19 192,27

Yearly average
Edy Emy Hdy Hmy
(kWh/day) (kWh/month) (kWh/m2/day) (kWh/m2/month)
1 57,04 1735,07 5,05 153,71
2 75,33 2291,19 5,06 153,99
3 57,64 1753,26 5,06 153,96
4 42,65 1297,39 4,93 150,07
5 42,65 1297,39 4,93 150,07
∑ or Mean 275,32 8374,30 5,01 152,36

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Groups global results

P. power DC r. Energy Yield Shading L.
Solar panels NºP.
(Wp) (kWp) (kWh) (kWh/kWp) (%)
Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 222 330,00 73,26 100491,54 1371,71 3,27

Results for solar modules in each group (grouped by same tilt, azimuth and panel model)
P. power DC r. Energy Yield ∑Hm Shading L.
Group Model NºP. Azimuth Tilt
(Wp) (kWp) (kWh) (kWh/kWp) (kWh/m2/year) (%)
1 Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 45 330,00 14,85 90,00 4,84 20820,84 1402,08 1844,58 1,79
2 Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 60 330,00 19,80 270,00 4,36 27494,30 1388,60 1847,88 2,98
3 Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 45 330,00 14,85 270,00 4,82 21039,09 1416,77 1847,54 1,02
4 Canadian Solar:CS6U-330P 72 330,00 23,76 180,00 4,68 31137,30 1310,49 1800,82 5,90

Estimated system losses

Group Soiling Shading Snow Mismatch Wiring Connections LID Nameplate r. Age Syst. avai. ESL
1 2,00 1,79 0,00 2,00 2,00 0,50 1,50 1,00 0,00 3,00 13,01
2 2,00 2,98 0,00 2,00 2,00 0,50 1,50 1,00 0,00 3,00 14,06
3 2,00 1,02 0,00 2,00 2,00 0,50 1,50 1,00 0,00 3,00 12,32
4 2,00 5,90 0,00 2,00 2,00 0,50 1,50 1,00 0,00 3,00 16,65
Default 2,00 3,00 0,00 2,00 2,00 0,50 1,50 1,00 0,00 3,00 14,08

Provided data
Group Database Module Type Array Type dc_ac_ratio inv_eff gcr
1 intl Standard Fixed - Open Rack 1.1 96
2 intl Standard Fixed - Open Rack 1.1 96
3 intl Standard Fixed - Open Rack 1.1 96
4 intl Standard Fixed - Open Rack 1.1 96

Monthly Shading Losses (%)

Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
10,56 1,45 1,54 4,26 1,20 1,28 1,31 1,58 1,20 0,46 3,35 2,82
20,33 1,03 1,30 5,02 8,49 9,98 8,01 6,71 0,79 0,64 0,78 0,57
30,39 0,88 1,16 1,28 1,47 1,98 1,40 1,32 0,80 0,78 0,94 0,68
45,31 6,86 6,32 5,91 4,87 4,21 4,71 5,50 5,79 6,56 6,89 6,17
Mean 1,65 2,55 2,58 4,12 4,01 4,36 3,85 3,78 2,15 2,11 2,99 2,56

Ed (kWh/day)
Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 71,99 72,58 59,58 53,13 42,64 40,36 41,34 48,91 53,31 61,75 70,15 69,92
2 94,46 95,41 78,88 69,76 56,85 53,64 54,60 64,57 71,10 81,34 93,18 91,66
3 72,26 72,99 60,37 53,37 43,53 41,07 41,79 49,41 54,43 62,23 71,31 70,10
4 110,71 110,52 89,50 77,37 61,22 57,09 58,78 70,94 79,80 93,59 108,27 107,73
∑ 349,42 351,50 288,33 253,62 204,24 192,16 196,50 233,83 258,64 298,90 342,90 339,41

Em (kWh/month)
Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2231,75 2032,26 1847,09 1593,86 1321,80 1210,93 1281,46 1516,26 1599,22 1914,27 2104,35 2167,59
2 2928,33 2671,53 2445,28 2092,66 1762,23 1609,13 1692,46 2001,55 2132,99 2521,43 2795,36 2841,35
3 2239,92 2043,64 1871,34 1601,09 1349,38 1231,98 1295,35 1531,78 1632,95 1929,05 2139,40 2173,24
4 3432,11 3094,68 2774,55 2321,07 1897,88 1712,79 1822,26 2199,14 2393,99 2901,23 3248,02 3339,55
∑ 10832,11 9842,11 8938,27 7608,68 6331,30 5764,83 6091,52 7248,73 7759,15 9265,98 10287,14 10521,72

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Hd (kWh/m2/day)
Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 6,47 6,53 5,31 4,68 3,77 3,50 3,62 4,28 4,66 5,40 6,21 6,21
2 6,44 6,51 5,33 4,67 3,81 3,53 3,63 4,29 4,72 5,40 6,25 6,17
3 6,44 6,51 5,33 4,66 3,82 3,53 3,63 4,28 4,72 5,40 6,25 6,17
4 6,49 6,48 5,20 4,46 3,55 3,25 3,38 4,05 4,55 5,34 6,24 6,23
Mean 6,46 6,51 5,29 4,62 3,74 3,45 3,56 4,22 4,66 5,38 6,24 6,19

Hm (kWh/m2/month)
Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 200,63 182,88 164,55 140,55 116,92 105,04 112,27 132,56 139,88 167,46 186,20 192,36
2 199,66 182,37 165,28 140,01 118,26 105,89 112,58 132,84 141,46 167,33 187,60 191,32
3 199,55 182,29 165,27 139,95 118,31 105,92 112,58 132,82 141,50 167,27 187,61 191,21
4 201,08 181,45 161,13 133,70 109,90 97,50 104,63 125,67 136,44 165,40 187,29 193,22
Mean 200,23 182,25 164,06 138,55 115,85 103,59 110,51 130,97 139,82 166,86 187,17 192,03

Yearly average
Edy Emy Hdy Hmy
(kWh/day) (kWh/month) (kWh/m2/day) (kWh/m2/month)
1 57,04 1735,07 5,05 153,71
2 75,33 2291,19 5,06 153,99
3 57,64 1753,26 5,06 153,96
4 85,31 2594,78 4,93 150,07
∑ or Mean 275,32 8374,30 5,03 152,93

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NºP.: Number of panels.
P.power: Power of the solar panel (Wp).
DC r.: DC rating (kWp).
Energy (∑Em): Electricity production from the given system in one year (AC energy) (kWh).
Yield: Ratio between power and energy (kWh/kWp).
Face: Number assigned to the face with the solar array. (Activate layer TX:Face_names to see what it is).
Group: Number of the group of solar panels with same tilt, azimuth and model. Azimuth: Solar panel azimuth in grades.
Tilt: Solar panel tilt in grades.
Relative tilt: Angle between solar panel and roof in grades.
ESL: Estimated system losses.
Shading losses = 100*(1 - solar energy that is potentially available at model site divided by the solar energy really receives solar panel due to shadows).
LID: Light-Induced Degradation.
Em: Average monthly electricity production from the given system (kWh/month).
Ed: Average daily electricity production from the given system (kWh/day). Ed= Em/(month days).
Hd: Average daily sum of global irradiation per square meter received by the modules of the given system (kWh/m2/day).
Hm: Average monthly sum of global irradiation per square meter received by the modules of the given system (kWh/m2/month). Hm = Hd*(monthly days)
Edy: Yearly average of Ed(kWh/day). Edy= ∑Em/(year days)
Emy: Yearly average of Em (kWh/month). Emy=∑Em/12
Hdy: Yearly average of Hd (kWh/m2/day).
Hmy: Yearly Average of Hm (kWh/m2/month). Hmy=Hdy*365/12
∑Hm: Yearly sum of Hm (kWh/m2/year). ∑Hm=Hdy*(year days)

Caution: Photovoltaic system performance predictions calculated by PVWatts® include many inherent
assumptions and uncertainties and do not reflect variations between PV technologies nor site-specific
characteristics except as represented by PVWatts® inputs. For example, PV modules with better performance
are not differentiated within PVWatts® from lesser performing modules.

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