Organizing For Change

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Organizing  for  Change  
The  assessment  for  the  Civil  Rights  unit  will  be  a  presentation  on  one  organized  movement  of  the  last  40-­‐50  
years.  Your  group  will  pick  one  of  ten  movements  from  this  time  period  and  teach  the  class  about  the  
movement  and  its  history.  The  majority  of  the  reading,  research,  and  production  of  your  presentation  will  
have  to  be  done  outside  of  class.  
•   Artifact  for  bulletin  board  due  May  3rd  (Block  1)  and  May  4th  (Block  6)  time  in  class  provided.  
•   Participation:  All  members  must  participate  in  preparation  and  presentation  of  the  project.  
•   Time:  The  presentation  must  be  a  minimum  of  10  minutes  long  and  a  maximum  of  15  minutes  long.  
•   Your  presentation  must  include  lots  of  visuals:  photos,  graphs,  artwork,  etc.  Suggestions  for  your  
presentation  include  PowerPoint,  Prezi,  or  even  a  video  that  you’ve  filmed  and  edited.  I  encourage  you  
to  be  creative!    
•   You  must  turn  in  a  bibliography  of  at  least  5  sources  you’ve  used  for  your  research.  This  can  be  a  slide  
at  the  end  of  your  presentation,  or  a  printed  page.    
o   You  must  use  valid,  reputable  sources  for  your  research.  Talk  to  Jeri  for  guidance  in  performing  
your  research  and  how  to  find  valid  sources.  
o   Please  note  that  the  following  sources  are  not  acceptable  on  a  bibliography:  Wikipedia,  Google,  
Yahoo  answers,  Quora,  or  similar.    
•   Detailed  Outline:  Each  member  of  the  group  will  be  required  to  turn  in  a  detailed  outline  of  about  1  
page.  This  is  intended  to  give  you  an  overview  of  the  movement  you  are  researching,  and  to  keep  you  
from  putting  the  whole  project  off  until  the  last  minute.  
•   Reflection:  Each  group  member  will  be  required  to  write  and  turn  in  a  350-­‐word  typed  reflection  
answering  the  following  questions:  
o   Has  this  movement  affected  your  life?  If  so,  how?  
o   How  has  your  perspective  on  this  movement  changed  by  doing  this  project?  
o   What  strengths  did  you  bring  to  the  group  for  this  project?  What  were  your  contributions  to  the  
o   What  do  you  feel  you  did  well?  What  do  you  feel  you  could  do  better  in  the  future?    
Your  research  and  presentation  must  answer  the  following  questions:  
•   Why  was  this  movement  necessary?  
•   What  were  some  of  the  objectives  of  the  movement?    
•   What  were  the  key  successes  and  shortcomings  of  the  movement?  
•   What  were  the  key  events  and  turning  points  of  the  movement?  
•   Who  were  some  of  the  leaders  of  the  movement?  To  what  degree  were  their  lives  at  risk  through  
their  activism?  
•   How  has  the  movement  changed  over  time?  How  is  this  movement  still  happening  today?  What  
form  is  it  currently  taking?  You  must  trace  your  movement  all  the  way  through  to  today.    
Spring  2017  
Due  Dates:  

Artifact  for  the  bulletin  board  (5  points):     May  3rd  (Block  1)    
            May  4th  (Block  6)  
Detailed  Outline  (15  points):         May  15th  (Block  1)  
            May  16th  (Block  6)  
Presentations  (50  points):         May  22nd  and  24th  (Block  1)  
              May  23rd  and  25th  (Block  6)  
  You  must  also  share  your  presentation  with  me  on  the  day  that  it’s  due.  
Bibliography  (10  points):         The  day  of  presentation  
Reflection  (20  points):         May  30th  (Block  6)  
May  31st  (Block  1)  
Groups  will  be  determined  in  class  by  lottery.    
•   Black  Panthers  
•   American  Indian  Movement  
•   Asian-­‐American  Movement  
•   Women’s  Movement  
•   Gay  Liberation  Movement  
•   Students  for  a  Democratic  Society  (SDS)  
•   United  Farm  Workers  and  Chicano  Youth  Movement  
•   Anti-­‐War  Movement  
•   Environmental  Movement  
•   Disabled  Rights  Movement  

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