Final Typeface Poster-Ssaville

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Based on the sans-serif
typeface U ivers, which
was created in 1954 by
Adri n Frutiger, whi e
orking at the Bauer
Type Fou dry in 1966, he
created a new variation
th a t is called Serifa.
Al t h o u h it i l o ose l y
based on a s ans-ser i f
typeface, Serifa is a font
that is commonly referred
to as a “slab-serif” or
“Egyptian” typef c , which are
generally distinguished by their
b oad and bl cky serifs. S rifa
sa some marginal popularity,
eing sed as the primary logo
for the retail store Montgomery
Ward, used du ing the 1992
presidential candidate Ross Perot,
and used in some CBS news

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