Burns Resume 2018

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Nicholas Burns

2426 Canada Blvd. #7 310.428.5760

Glendale, CA 91208 betweenlemontrees@gmail.com

Accounts/Partners specialist focusing on content marketing and digital advertising. U.S. & int’l partner mgmt.
Team lead experience; ad ops skills; cross-dept campaigns mgmt with creative, technical, and sales teams.
Collaborations: Marketing (authoring B2B messaging) and Product (UI & UX feature development).


Nativo (Los Angeles) a native advertising platform at the forefront of brand content distribution technology
Senior Account Manager, April 2018 – Present [Account Manager, 2014-18]
• Manage 360-degree workflow for brand content ad campaigns (distributed programmatically and
displayed natively on publisher sites): Consult with client on content strategy, manage deliverables,
and analyze reports (turning data to information). [Simultaneously manage 20-30 campaigns (B2B,
Auto, Entertainment, Tech, CPG, Food & Drink, Pharma, H&G).]
• Collaborate with content creation partners and ad operations specialists to assemble high-
performing content marketing executions (editorial, video, etc.) with social media integrations.
• Authored byline (“When Is a Native Ad Not Native? Understanding It’s All About Context”)
published in Marketing Land. A collaboration with Nativo’s Marketing team and PR firm.
• Lead international partner relationships (UK, Can). Train and oversee 3rd party use of Nativo’s
platform. Consult on creative to boost user engagement performance.
• Mentor junior team (Account Coordinators): Guide client communications, advise on content.
• Projects: Headline Creation Tool: A Nativo dashboard tool programmed with best-practice headline
syntax and grammar features. Article Evaluation Algorithm: A combination of rules (regarding
diction and voice) used to evaluate the editorial value of a native article and images.

Interpolls (Los Angeles) a rich media advertising company

Director, Accounts, January 2012 – March 2014
• Managed a team of five Account Mangers.
• Managed partnerships (incl. rates, contract terms) and campaigns (Entertainment, Auto, CPG).
Senior Account Manager, February 2009 – January 2012
• Managed ad campaigns and strategic partnerships.
Account Manager, January 2006 – February 2009
• Managed rich media ad campaigns.

EDUCATION – B.A., Tufts University, Philosophy major, English minor (Jr. Year: Univ. College London)

SKILLS – Messaging, account management, project management, team management, partner

development (including international partner training), product thinking, Mac/PC, MS Office (advanced
XLS), Salesforce, Ad Ops (DBM, The Trade Desk, DCM, Sizmek), HTML, Logic Pro, iMovie, Photoshop

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