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(Cách lái xe an toàn)

1. Drowsiness (n) /ˈdraʊzinəs/ the state of being tired and almost asleep - tình
trạng ngủ gà ngủ gật; tình trạng buồn ngủ, uể oải
This medicine may cause drowsiness.
(Thuốc này có thể gây buồn ngủ.)
My drowsiness has gone away because of the lively atmosphere here.
(Không khí sôi nổi ở đây làm cơn buồn ngủ của tôi biến mất.)

2. Mechanical (adj) /məˈkænɪkl/ connected with machines and engines -

(thuộc) máy móc
He uses a mechanical wheelchair.
(Anh ta sử dụng một chiếc xe lăn có động cơ.)
The mechanical problem has been fixed.
(Sự cố máy móc đã được sửa chữa xong.)

3. Wary (adj) /ˈweri/ careful when dealing with somebody/something because

you think that there may be a danger or problem - thận trọng, cảnh giác, đề
Customers are very wary of the obvious sales pitch.
(Khách hàng rất cảnh giác với những lời chào hàng lộ liễu.)
He is wary of putting too much trust in her.
(Anh ta rất thận trọng khi đặt quá nhiều niềm tin nơi cô ấy.)

4. Indicator (n) /ˈɪndɪkeɪtər/ a device on a machine that shows speed,

pressure, etc. - đồng hồ báo cho biết
Power indicator
(đồng hồ chỉ công suất)
His left - hand indicator is flashing.
(Đèn báo bên trái của nó đang nhảy.)

5. Rush (v) /rʌʃ/ to move or to do something with great speed, often too fast -
vội vàng, gấp
We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush.
(Chúng ta có nhiều thời gian; Không cần phải vội vàng.)
I've been rushing around all day trying to get everything done.
(Tôi đã vội vã chạy suốt ngày để cố gắng hoàn thành mọi việc.)

6. Attentiveness (n) /əˈtentɪvnəs/ the quality of listening or watching carefully

and with interest - sự chú ý, sự lưu tâm
A polite American tends to stare at their partner to show his attentiveness.
(Người Mỹ lịch thiệp hay nhìn chằm chằm vào người đối diện để tỏ ý quan tâm.)
According to Buddhist teaching, in a marriage, the husband can expect the
following qualities from his wife : Love, attentiveness, family obligations,
faithfulness, child - care, thrift, the provision of meals, to calm him down when he
is upset, sweetness in everything
(Theo lời dạy của Ðức Phật, trong hôn nhân, người chồng có thể mong đợi những phẩm
chất sau đây từ người vợ: Tình yêu thương, ân cần, bổn phận trong gia đình, chung
thủy, chăm sóc con cái, tiết kiệm, lo việc ăn uống, an ủi chồng khi chồng buồn bực, vui
vẻ với tất cả mọi điều)


+ On the safe side: being especially careful; taking no risks - cho chắc chắn
Just to be on the safe side, take an umbrella.
(Để cho chắc ăn, hãy lấy một cây dù đi.)
I'll just go and check whether the gas is off, just to be on the safe side.
(Tôi sẽ đi kiểm tra xem là gas đã dùng hết chưa, chỉ là để cho chắc chắn thôi.)

+ Go slow (on something): to show less enthusiasm for achieving something -

làm việc gì đó một cách chậm chạp
The government is going slow on tax reforms.
(Chính phủ đang tiến hành cải cách thuế một cách chậm chạp.)
She seem to be going slow in this project.
(Cô ta dường như đang tiến hành dự án này một cách trì trệ.)

S + to be fed up with + something/doing something. - Ai đó chán ngấy/phát chán
với cái gì.
Are you fed up with going to school ?
(Anh có chán đi học hay không?)
In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
(Cuối cùng, tôi đã chán với những lời phàn nàn liên tục của anh ta.)


Link nghe tham khảo:

--The end--

1. Speed limit (n): the fastest rate at which you are allowed to drive in a particular
area -> break/go over the speed limit
2. Rush hour (n): one of the busy parts of the day, either when people are
traveling to work or when they are traveling home from work
3. Indicator = turn signal/blinker (n): one of the lights at the front and back of a
road vehicle that flash to show which way the vehicle is turning
4. Headlight (n): a light on the front of a vehicle, usually one of a pair of lights
5. Crosswalk (n): a marked place in a street where traffic must stop to allow
people to walk across
6. Pedestrian (n): a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles

1. Jump the lights (v): continue driving when the traffic lights
turn red
2. Road rage (n): aggressive driving habits sometimes
resulting in violence against other drivers
3. Hit and run (n): a road accident in which the driver who
caused the accident drives away without helping the other
people involved
S + be fed up with/be sick of/be irritated by +
something/doing something
LINKING/TRANSITION WORDS:Usually these phrases are
placed at the beginning of the sentence to connect one idea
to the next and show relationships between sentences.
Structure: (Transition words), S + V+ …
1. Stating your opinion: In my opinion, From my point of
view, In my perspective, I think, I believe, etc.
2. Giving examples: For example, For instance, To illustrate,
3. Contrasting: However, Nevertheless, But, On the other
hand, etc.
4. Adding information: Furthermore, In addition, Additionally,
Also, etc.
5. Concluding: In conclusion, Finally, To summarize, In short,
Lastly, etc.
6. Marking order: Firstly = First of all = First, Secondly =
Second,…, Finally = Lastly.
Example: One of my favorite things about living in Vietnam is the madness that
runs wild in the streets, for instance, scooters, motorbikes, motorcycles, and
electric bikes. On the other hand, driving in Vietnam is sometimes the most
frustrating thing about living here.
Road, vehicle, roadside, ring road, pedestrian crossing, one-way street, T-
junction, speeding fine, signpost, etc
1. Be sure you can see
2. Be sure you can be seen
3. Keep two hands on the wheel
4. Be prepared for strong winds
5. Be patient
6. Stop if you need to
7. Turn your lights on
8. Give other vehicles more space
9. Be Slow
KEEP LEFT to allow the traffic to pass on a two-lane road coming from an
opposite direction on the right side
SLOW DOWN your speed at pedestrian crossings, road corners, intersections
and road junctions and wait there till the passage ahead gets cleared
DO NOT PARK near or at any road crossing, on a walking footpath or on the hill
top, near pedestrian crossing or traffic light, road having heavy traffic or on main
road, opposite or in the front of another vehicle parked to cause any obstruction
DO NOT CROSS THE STOP LINEDO NOT DRIVE if you have any sickness or not
well or taking any medications
Driving skills
Wear your seatbelt low, flat and firm.
keep both hands on the outside of the steering wheel
Slow down before turning and wait until your car starts to straighten before

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