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Issue 1, Vol.



It gives us great pleasure

to launch Parivartan, a
quarterly newsletter
dedicated to bring you latest activities of
the Art of Living (AOL) Foundation in pris-
ons across India. Prison inmates often feel
“down in the dumps” with emotions of
guilt, despair, frustration, anger, mistrust UDAIPUR JAIL: A SPIRITUAL ABODE
and depression running high within them.
To free them from such negative emotions Imagine a place where you start your day with a
and bring back in them that long lost smile, morning ritual of Sudarshan Kriya and Padma Sad-
twinkle in their eyes, and zing in their hana with 100 others. Later in the day you get to
stride, and to fill up their hearts with love, showcase your talents through various activity
has been AOL’s earnest mission. clubs, listen to Guruji’s knowledge sessions on a
It is indeed heart-warming to note that Home Theatre , go for a nature walk into a serene
over 120,000 inmates across India’s Jails Rock Garden. Well, this sounds like an ideal stay in
have already benefited from AOL courses. the Bangalore Ashram, but it isn’t …!
They have demonstrated a transformation
of their stay in prisons! A dreary outlook Central Jail, Udaipur in Rajasthan (house to 1000 inmates)
towards life has been replaced by a produc- is fast becoming a model AOL village, thanks to concerted
tive usage of their time. They are now in- efforts of some very dedicated teachers and the support of
volved in writing books, making innovative the Jail staff members. It is a place where AOL courses
products for sales, and inspiring fellow in- have been institutionalized with regular introductory and
mates to take to the positive path. Some of advanced courses, knowledge sessions and Satsangs. The
them have become AOL teachers them- positive impact of this has been that the Jail has become a
selves. Kudos to the tireless efforts of AOL bedrock for implementation of new inmate welfare
prison teachers and volunteers who have schemes. Around 18-20 activity clubs have been formed, a
brought this much needed-transformation beautiful rock Garden now adorns the Jail premises and
in this oft-ignored area of society. We dental check-ups are a regular feature. As many as 18 Yu-
would love to get your comments and feed- vacharyas (from the Youth Leadership Training Pragams)
back. Reach us on are determined to keep this positive spirit alive.
Issue 1, Vol. 1 Page 2

“This was Computer training is also being provided in batches

not always and recently 20 new computers have been in-
the case. We used stalled.
to take a few
courses with a A Dental college and Hospital staff is providing
handful of partici- weekly dental services in Jail. More than 150 den-
pants and the Jail tures have been replaced.
authorities were
reluctant to give Besides, medical camps de-addiction camp, cloth
permission”, ex- distribution are also held from time to time.
plains Giridhar
Garg, the man A large hall named by Guruji as “Athreya Kutir” was
instrumental in developed within the Jail premises as a center where
bringing the programs and camps are organized. Agnihotra is being
change. Though conducted regularly and some useful medicines are
UDAIPUR PRISON AOL activities had also being formed out of its ash which are used to treat
started within the Jail inmates. An exotic Rock Garden has been developed
as early as 1999, it was only when the Jail Superin- with almost 1600 plants (including rare species).
tendent and the staff members did the AOL intro-
ductory course in 2007, when things began to take The AOL team has ensured that the element of fun and
a new turn. To begin with, most disputes within entertainment is maintained in the Ashram. All festivals
the 100-strong staff force got settled and a positive and birthdays of inmates and staff members are cele-
team spirit was generated. Enthused, the Jail staff brated with lot of gaiety. In such an environment, new
began encouraging the inmates to do the course. welfare ideas are emanating from the inmates them-
selves. The 18 new Yuvacharyas have practically taken
In January 2008, when the first advance course over from AOL teachers and are holding regular
was to be held, a surge of positive emotion swept “Navchetna Shivirs” for new convicts. The released pris
through the Jail. The Jail Band played wonderful oners are in touch with AOL fraternity and are
live music and the Advance Course teacher, often assisted in finding jobs.
Meghalji, received a grand reception through a
shower of flowers. Inmates expressed their happi-
ness and gratitude in this way. “The last day of this
course when experiences were shared, the I.G., of
the police too was moved to tears,” remembers
Garg. Since then, several advance courses and
YLTPs have taken place in this Jail complex. In
2009-2010, the Women’s Cell in the Jail also
started organizing AOL courses for female inmates.

As AOL courses picked up momentum, new ideas

for the welfare of the inmates began to surface.
Numerous activity clubs for learning painting, pot-
tery, writing, calligraphy and astrology classes GIRDHARI JI WITH Ex-DIRECTOR GENERAL
were formed as a means to vent prisoners’ energy OF RAJASTHAN PRISON, MR PK TIWARI
in a productive way. Some inmates are seriously
pursuing writing. Mahaveer Modi (age 27) is writ- Garg, a scientist with a government department, was
ing his autobiography highlighting the life transfor- recognized by Guruji for his efforts. He has inspired
mational experience in the Jail titled “Panchava many a teachers, volunteers and philanthropists to get
Dham Hai Jail”. involved with the Jail activities. “This project is a dream
To see a video about this story,go to: come true. Things happen on their own,” he says,
humbly. Always bubbling with new ideas, Garg has
proposed a Teacher’s Training Course for inmates
across some 20 jails in Rajasthan. He is also pitching
A Painting institute is being run by a renowned art- for a videoconferencing facility within Udaipur Jail so
ist Dr. Meena Baya at the Jail premises. More than that inmates could interact with Guruji. Garg is now
40 prisoners are learning painting keen to work in rural development to find linkages be-
tween Jail improvement and rural upliftment.
The Jail’s library has also been enriched and en-
hanced. Comic books and magazines have been Where there is a will, there is a way.The Udaipur Jail’s
added in the library. success story clearly exemplifies this famous saying.
Issue 1, Vol. 1 Page 3

Says another teacher, Rohit Ranjan about the prison-

ers, “Initially, it was quite challenging to hold their at-
tention. But after the Sudarshan Kriya, it became easy
to connect with them”.

One participant Ajay (name changed) shares, “I never

felt my breath this light before in my whole life. Today,
I am feeling so much peace and silence than I never
felt before”. Another 22 year old participant, Sayeed
(name changed) who was in Tihar for the third time,
was found smoking during the course. To relieve him
of his habit the teacher challenged the ego in him and
asked “ Are you so weak that you cannot quit smok-
ing”?. This worked! He quit smoking from that very
day. The various processes of our program are so cus-
tomized that they work in every situation. Sayeed also
initially expressed that he wanted to be a notorious
person since his childhood, but later during the course,
he vouched to leave criminal life.


AOL’s Stress Management and Rehabilitation Train-

ing (SMART) program was introduced in Tihar jail in
1999. In Tihar Jail alone, 48,000 prison inmates have
benefited from the program. Special courses have
also been conducted for the prison staff to cope with
the stress owing to the nature of their job. Every
year two courses are conducted for the prison staff
and almost 130 staff members have done the Art of
Living Introductory Course.

A recently conducted course that has made tremen-

dous impact on the youngsters in the Jail No 5 of
Tihar Jail Complex is the Youth Empowerment & An 18 year old boy, Jolly (name changed) in the Jail for
Skills (Yes+) course. Spread over five days, the the fourth time, did not participate in the processes of
course was conducted by 12 teachers in May, 2010. the course and would do his own thing when the ses-
The participant strength was 200. Of the 9 jails in sions would be on. On the last day of the course, how-
Tihar complex, Jail No 5 inmates are youngsters be- ever, he volunteered to organize the next course in
tween the age group pf 16 to 25. They are infamous Jail. Jolly also went on to convince his friend in another
for being adamant, rude and non-complaint. ward of the Jail to do the course as it was life transfor-
Though initially reluctant, the participants started
exhibiting tangible changes from Day 3 onwards. The jail staff also felt that the course had a tremen-
They slowly began enjoying the course so much that dous positive impact. S C Bharadwaj, the Superinten-
they started offering themselves for volunteer work dent of Jail No 5, complimented the AOL team by say-
during the course. On the last day, they cried whole- ing that it was a well-organised course which has
heartedly, opening themselves and sharing their per- benefited the inmates immensely. He said: “The
sonal experience without any hesitation. breathing techniques helped the inmates to release all
their negative emotions and start life afresh. All hidden
Says Karan Nijhawan, a “Yes Plus” teacher present talents of the inmates were exposed especially during
during the course, “Initially, it was difficult to ask the last day,”
them to do anything but with passage of time and
after experiencing Sudarshan Kriya they exhibited Indeed. Especially designed for the youth, the Yes Plus
tangible change. The experiences shared by them course came across as a breath of fresh air for the
can make one cry.” young participants of Tihar jail.
Issue 1, Vol. 1 Page 4

Picture Gallery



Guruji’s Inspiring Words



SUDHAR GRAH, JUVENILE HOME, INDORE Inside every culprit, there is a
WITH SHRESHTHA TIWARI. victim crying for help. That person
is also a victim of ignorance, small-
mindedness and lack of awareness.
It’s the stress, lack of broad vision
about life, lack of understanding,
and bad communication that leads
to violence in society.

AOL and IAHV Founder

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