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My Personal Characteristics

Working with People

You are greatly interested in people and you probably reach better conclusions about others
because you are alert to body language and vocal tone. With your excellent motivation to
work with people, tasks that require social interaction will make the best use of your
aptitude. Work that requires frequent, direct contact with others will satisfy you, but you will
have more scope for your interest if there are occasionally more complex, social tasks such
as negotiation or persuasion.

Working with Data

You really like working with data. Given a choice, you will readily do tasks involving figures,
statistics, or symbols because these duties are the most satisfying for you. Working with
information systems, technical documents, or contracts would make good use of your
extraordinary interest in data. If your career choice does not provide plenty of opportunity
to work with data, you might want to consider a professional hobby or a course of academic
study to satisfy your interest in data.

Working with Things

When it comes to tools, equipment, and machinery, you are really eager to get to work. You
enjoy using inanimate objects and any job that requires physical tools will suit your positive
motivation. If your career choice does not offer ample opportunity to work with equipment,
you could consider professional hobbies such as carpentry, car mechanics, antique
restoration, etc. as a creative outlet for your great interest in tools.

My Personal Characteristics

With nearly balanced desires for both collaboration and competition, you can function
equally well as either a team member or a leader. You will be tactful and considerate if a
warm, fuzzy attitude is called for, but you can also be determined and even a little
hardheaded to get a job done. Intellectually, you are well equipped to coordinate team
efforts and you won't back away from controversy.


Serious competition may discourage some, but you like a good contest. You play to win yet
you are still attentive and obliging to others. Although most of your energy and enthusiasm
is directed toward achievement, you rarely neglect lesser teamwork issues and you strive to
be considerate of your co-workers.


You like to avoid conflict and controversy as much as possible, and you prefer compromise
and persuasion rather than dynamic argument to resolve disagreements. However, if the
occasion warrants a more forceful approach, you will speak out and you can present your
views with some vehemence. Your generally reasonable nature and tactful approach will be
especially worthwhile for any service-oriented tasks. In teamwork, you can function as a
leader but you will really shine as a peace-maker or mediator.


With specific guidelines in a predictable environment, you can do some of your best work
because you are strongly inclined to be conscientious, reliable, and systematic. With your
attention to detail and preference for set plans, you are most likely to be proficient at
crafting and maintaining schedules and protocols. You will occasionally help to develop new
solutions, but you prefer to adapt proven methods for problem solving.


Although you balance innovation with respect for traditional methods, you have a slight
preference for the conventional, orderly workplace and clearly defined responsibilities. Given
your moderate flexibility, you can also cope with disruptions and ambiguous direction.
Overall you like stability more than change, yet you are adaptable enough to solve problems
as they arise.


As an extremely well-organized person, you likely prefer to work in a controlled manner in a
rational environment. You plan ahead and think before acting so you will resent being
caught off-guard by unexpected disruptions. Because you are generally well prepared, you
may be less tolerant of people who lack your appreciation for order.


While your positive outlook and sociable nature are the hallmarks of an extrovert, you also
have a quiet, reflective streak. You might enjoy being the center of attention, but you can
also stay in the background and work alone. Others will admire your cheerful energy and
you could work well in a boisterous atmosphere with simultaneous activities.

Group Oriented

Because you are so congenial, the ideal workplace for you is a lively setting full of people.
You usually prefer group projects and teamwork over solitary tasks, and you will do your
best when you have the support and approval of others. You would not enjoy tasks that
could make you unpopular with your co-workers and you put a high value on


Although you will tolerate repetitious tasks and some monotony in your work, you prefer
moderate challenge and excitement. You are open to new people and new ideas but only
minimally inclined to take risks. As a fairly outgoing person, you like being the center of
attention but you don't need to hog the spotlight. You can be quite comfortable working
behind the scenes, too. Similarly, you enjoy the company of others more for the stimulation
they provide rather than the support and approval they might give.


As a basically stable person, you strive to deal competently with change and you generally
accept people at face value. You take criticism quite well and setbacks rarely defeat you.
You are secure and emotionally hardy, and can remain calm even under considerable stress.


Exceptionally poised, you usually cope well with criticism, rejection, and problems, and you
have a rational view of life in general. You seldom get upset or irritated because you realize
that few things in life proceed without challenge or setback.


As a moderately relaxed person, you cope well with the majority of life's pressures. You
tend to accept others readily and you usually have a positive outlook. For the most part,
you are able to keep your troubles in proportion and you do not worry unduly.

My Personal Feedback
Your personal feedback, as follows, provides an overview of your personality characteristics
and interests:

Ma. Cristina, please keep in mind that the following report on you as a total person is based
on all the information taken from your careerXact assessment. This report is intended to
help you understand more about yourself and your career options. Although based on
objective, detailed assessments, no single report can sum up your full, distinctive character.
The goal here is to provide you with valuable and unique insight into yourself and the
careers that best suit your motivations, interests, and personality traits.

Starting with motivations, your assessment shows that you are positively and equally
attracted to working with people, data, and things. With your intense, balanced interests,
you could work well in social situations, with information processing, or using tools and
equipment. You need not confine yourself to one area of endeavor and you will be
productive and fully engaged by many types of work. Your versatile interests mean that you
are likely to achieve excellence in information technology. Hands-on use of the Internet,
communications, detailed paperwork, and computer-generated reports would all draw on
your combined motivations.

Summing up your overall mindset, you have great potential for social or academic activities
and you are extremely motivated to use physical tools, manual equipment, and machinery.
With your interests all being at such a high level, if your work downplays one or more of
your interests, you might want to ensure that your hobbies allow scope for these under-
used motivations. Your career options are wide open and, with roughly equal drives to work
with people, data, and things, you could base your choice for a career path almost
exclusively on your personality traits. Whatever you decide to do, you will be motivated to
do well.

Regarding your personality and how that fits with the opportunities you might consider, you
probably already know that you are reasonably obliging yet you do not hold back from
competition, but that is just the beginning. Ma. Cristina, your scores show that you are
equally ready to be either a team member or a team leader __ as long as you still get
individual recognition. Although you are adaptable and willing to play whatever "role gets
the goal," you function better if your personal contribution is recognized. This doesn't mean
that you will thrust yourself into the limelight at the expense of others. In fact, you prefer to
avoid conflict and aggression. This shows in your leadership style, too. If you are called
upon to resolve a dispute, you will rely more on persuasion than force. You can be
outspoken and will promote your own ideas, but you prefer to encourage rather than

So how do you deal with both the humdrum of daily routine and the sudden impact of a
crisis? Your personality traits are absolutely right for the technicalities of contemporary
work: your assessment results show that you are extremely organized and conscientious,
with enough creativity to deal with some challenge. You value order and you have no
trouble following established guidelines with close attention to details. Although you are
methodical and systematic, you are sufficiently innovative to respond to unexpected
demands. What employers will value most is your efficiency and your prudence. If possible,
you want to avoid unstructured environments as you function best with a predictable
workflow in an orderly workspace. You probably take pride in good time management, and
may resent tardiness in others or unexpected changes in the schedule. For optimal
performance, you will probably elect to set your own schedule so that you can manage the
details carefully.

Your attention to detail also shows in your approach to planning. Whenever you can, you
prefer to follow the old military credo, "Think twice, act once" and you like to be fully
prepared. Consequently, you might have to grit your teeth and really exert your self-control
if less-prepared people react haphazardly to change or want to argue about what to do
next. You will, no doubt, have a reliable strategy for dealing with a variety of problems and,
while you don't like to change your plans, you can usually modify your tactics as situations
develop. The gist of the careerXact appraisal of your character is that you are systematic
and well-grounded as well as resourceful and able to react to abrupt demands. This
combination of traits makes for an outstanding performance in a stable environment with
random challenge.
You know how you react to most workplace issues, but what is the best environment for you
to do your best work? Most often you will achieve your highest productivity when working
with a group in a lively setting. You could also function in a noisy, chaotic environment but
not for a prolonged period. Because you are friendly and outgoing, Ma. Cristina, working in
isolation would be an even worse hardship for you. In a group situation, you participate well
because you have the ability to present your ideas with enthusiasm, while at the same time
listening for feedback and casual debate. Your instinct may be to be the one doing the
talking, but you will yield the spotlight to others because you are not driven to be the center
of everyone's attention.

In general, you are open to new acquaintances and fresh views, but you examine both new
people and new ideas carefully before accepting them. While you enjoy change and new
input, you are able to tolerate some monotony. Consequently, ideal work for you should
require frequent interaction with groups, the development of new protocols along with some
support of established procedures, and variable contact with newcomers. Long-term
assignments should include a range of tasks and opportunity for growth. Challenging
assignments and purpose-built solutions will all appeal to you, partly because they involve
change but also because they provide a forum for you to prove your worth.

Finally, work often creates stress and how you deal with stress is crucial not only for job
achievement but also for job satisfaction. The best job in the world is no good to you if it
makes you sick with anxiety. You will be glad to know that your personality profile reveals
that is usually relaxed and rational and well able to cope with pressure. You almost never
"lose your cool" and you find adversity stimulating. No doubt you think that few worthwhile
goals can be achieved without challenges or setbacks. Consequently, you can usually
remain positive and rational in any circumstances. Your objectivity also helps you to take
criticism well. Even when the criticism is personal or unjustified, you will normally control
your irritation or embarrassment.

With your ability to manage stress, you can do your best work on demanding, high-pressure
projects. If you must manage a heavy workload in tiresome conditions with unreasonable
deadlines, you are not likely to break down but you will need to exert yourself to maintain
your focus and objectivity. However, because you take criticism well and strive to be
objective, you will ordinarily be able to shrug off rejection and continue with your work. On
the whole, whether you are required to give a fast response to a crisis or methodical
attention to a routine task, you will work well under pressure. You are balanced and able in
your approach to stress management.

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