03-07 Worksheet - Final Test Review

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BAIN 058-2017
TA Juan Coliñir
July 3rd

1. Simple present. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps, using the correct form of the verb.
a. Jill _______________ two children. (have)
b. The kids _____________________ songs in the classroom. (sing)
c. Julie’s brother ______________________ in an office. (not / work)
d. She _____________________ my sister. (not / to be)
e. ____________ you ___________ English? (speak)
f. _________ babies _________ during the day? (sleep)
g. My brothers ____________________ computer games. (not / play)
h. I usually ____________________ to the cinema. (go)
i. ________________ she ______________ cats? (like)
j. John ________________ e-mails. (not / write)
k. She ___________________ to Santiago every month. (travel)
2. Form questions in the simple present tense.
a. Francis / read / comics / in the evening
b. What / they / eat / for breakfast
c. Whan / his father / come / home
d. Be / Peter / from Uruguay
e. Claude and George / like / homework
f. You / walk / to school
g. Where / she / live
h. Why / you / ride / your bike
i. How / Betty / go / to the park
j. How many cats / she / have
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
a. John and Richard ______________ (play/plays) basketball.
b. They ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) study after school.
c. We _______________ (take/takes) the train to the office every day.
d. What ___________ (do/does) you want to study?
e. On Tuesdays, I _________ (go/goes) to the shopping centre.
f. Terry ___________ (play/plays) soccer and _________________ (studys/studies) every day.
g. ____________ (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or ___________ (do/does) she take the
h. On Sunday, he ____________ (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper.

4. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position.
a. He listens to the radio. (often)
b. They read a book. (sometimes)
c. Pete gets angry. (never)
d. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
e. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
f. Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
g. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
h. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
i. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
j. Christine smokes. (never)

Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns

I My Me
He His Him
She Her Her
It Its It
We Our Us
You Your You
They Their Them

5. Read the text, Circle the correct pronoun and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
a. Dear Jesse,
Hi! My/me name is Mike! I _____________ (to be) 10 years old. I/me have got a big family.
Our/us family is friendly and caring. My mother’s name is Helen. She/Her is 35 years old.
She/Her ______________ (to be) a doctor. I really love she/her. My father’s name is David.
He/him _______________ (to be) a teacher. He always helps me/my with my/me
homework. He ___________ (to be) really kind and I love his/him so much! I have got a little
brother. Him/His name is Kevin. He ________________ (to be) 5 years old. I always tell
his/him scary stories at night. He _______________ (to be) the best little brother in the
world!. I have also got a cat and a dog. Their/them names are Tom and Spike. I love
their/them a lot!
I must go now. My/me mum calls me/my. Write back and tell me about you/your family!
6. Choose between the Subject pronouns, Possessive adjetives and the object pronouns below, for
each of the short conversations.
a. A: Where is (you, your) car?
B: I don’t have it anymore. This is (I, my) new car. Do (you, your) like it?
b. A: Is this John’s watch?
B: No, that isn’t John’s watch. (His, Her, Your, Their) watch is black.
c. A: What is Mike’s family’s last name? Is (it, its, their, they) Heller or Hitler?
B: No, but (your, you’re) right that (it, its) starts with H. (Its, His, Her, My) last name is
d. A: Can (you, your) tell me (you, your) phone number?
B: Sure. (it’s, its) 9999-666. Call (me, my, I) later if you want.
e. A: Do (you, your) know Martha’s brother?
B: No, I don’t know (he, him, his).
f. A: Amanda and Ashley, you have class now, right?
B: No, (it’s, its) only 9:20. (our, we) class starts at 10. (our, we) have forty mminutes left.
g. A: Bob has a pet iguana.
B: Are (you, your) kidding?
A: No, (he, his, she, her) really has a pet iguana. (Its, it, his) name is Gato.
h. A: (You, your) are such a good student. What did you get on yesterday’s test?
B: (You, Your, My, I) test score was 99 / 100. (Me, I, He) usually score over 90.
7. Listening comprehension: Restaurant conversation. Listen to dialogues and complete with the
phrases in the boxes.
a. A: One Grand Slam breakfast for you!

B: Thanks. You know, I just noticed that these eggs are fried, _________________________.

A: _______________________________. I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast.

B: Not a problem. I can just trade my plate with his.

A: ___________________ of banana pancakes for you!

B: Pancakes? I don't like pancakes. I ordered waffles.

A: I am so sorry, sir!

B: __________________________________________ while you are exchanging my pancakes

for waffles.

A: I will go trade those pancakes for waffles right now.

B: _____________________________________, thank you.

a. That would take care of it

b. Thank you for pointing that out
c. A special order
d. and I ordered scrambled
e. I can eat my bacon and eggs
b. A: Are you ready to order?

B: I think that we have a pretty good idea of what _________________________________.

A: Let me tell you about the specials of the day, which are
____________________________________, and grilled garlic shrimp.

B: I was wondering if the chef could leave off the sauce.

A: The chef ______________________________________ your special requests.

B: ___________________________. Do you have any vegetarian selections?

A: You could choose the roasted vegetable and garlic pizza or the goat cheese and candied
walnut salad.

B: I think that we will split the roasted vegetable and garlic pizza.

A: That is a good selection, and ________________________ or serve them with your entree.

B: You can bring us our salads when you bring us our entree.

a. I am a vegetarian
b. I can bring your salads now
c. chicken in a wine sauce with capers
d. we would like to order
e. would be happy to accommodate

c. A: ___________________________________ more coffee?

B: No thanks. I'm full. _____________________________________ and get our bill.

A: Good luck finding the waitress!

B: The service this evening has kind of sucked. Is that our server over there?

A: I'll go get the check, since our server doesn't seem to be headed this way.

B: Good. I'll just stay here ____________________________.

A: So the total is $36.00 for our dinner.

B: How much of a tip ______________________________________?

A: I wonder if no tip would be appropriate in light of the service.

B: I __________________________, but they may have just been really short-staffed tonight.

A: I think that we should leave 10%.

B: $3.60 will be the right amount for the tip.

a. do you think our waitress deserves

b. We need to find our waitress
c. Would you like some
d. until you get back
e. kind of feel the same way

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