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Write a list of vocabulary, expressions, Questions and answers for each topic.

Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1-) Legal reserve: Is a reserve Financial institutions , held in 1- The income statement reflects the value of legal reserve 1- What is the banking system? Is a set of institutions,
the central bank in proportion to deposits and other financial institutions saving banks, credit institutions that
obligations that are responsible, in order to have a backup 2- The prudential rules meet a series of requirements that aim to channel the savings of lenders and provide
for deposits. institutions must meet. security.
3- Credit risk is synonymous with uncertainly.
2-) Prudential Rules: Set a provisions issued by the 2- What is the purpose of the bank? This allows the
regulatory body in order to a backup development of all those transactions between people,
companies and organizations that involve the use of
3-) Credit Risk: Is the probability that the debtor bank fails money.
meet its obligations under the agreed terms
3- What´s banking accounting? It’s to provide the banks with
the technical instrument that allows them to register
uniform accounting of transactions.
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Insured: Strictly speaking. It’s the persons itself or its 1- The guiding principle of insurance is that within the group 1- What´s insurance accounting? It’s one that studies the
assets or economic interest is at risk. of insured persons are distributed the risk. financial statements of those institutions aimed at
insuring risk by subscribing to an insurance contract.
2- Insurer: It’s the person who by entering into an insurance 2- With the collection of premiums of the collective are paid 2- What’s insurance premium? The insurance premium is the
contract assumes the harmful consequences caused by the particular incidents. price that the insured pays for the coverage they receive
the realization of the event. from the insured risk to their insurance company
3- The types of insurance are: of life, accident, and disease. 3- What´s insurance policy? The insurance policy is a
3- Payment of indemnities: It’s the main obligation of the contract between insured and insurance company, which
insurer, motivated by the occurrence of a claim establishes the rigths and obligations of both, in relation
compensable and notified by the insured. to the insurance contract.
Vocabulary Expressions. Q&A
1- Agricultural exploitation: Technical-economic unit of 1- A biological assets is a living animal or plant 1- What do you mean by the agriculture? Set of knowledge
the primary sector base, equivalent to the enterprise in 2- The agricultural activity is a management by the company to develop by the man destined to cultivate the crop and
other economic sectors, whose production is carry out transformations a biological assets whose purpose is obtain vegetal products.
agricultural products. 3- The types of agriculture can be divided according to different 2- What´s the importance of agriculture and live stock today
2- Harvest: The process of gathering a ripe crop from the criteria; dependence of water and production and it´s relation in Salvadorian families? Since these two factors are those
fields to the market that main in the economy of their families although their
3- Agronomy: Science of crop production and soil currently generate income.
management. 3- What´s the importance of internal control in an
agricultural enterprise? It´s to obtain the accounting
information about the environment that involves the
production process.
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Government: Set of people and bodies that govern or 1- Any institutions or fund created by law or decree that 1- What is government accounting? It is the set of principles,
direct a political-administrative division. manages resources and obligations of the public sector. standards and technical procedures for collecting and
2- Financial administration: The set of objectives, policies systematically record public sector transactions.
agencies, principals, functions, procedures, records and 2- Government account will recognize equality between 2- What is the importance of government accounting? To
information that interact through a common bond, available resources and the sources of financing the same provide, in form Timely, financial information required by
which is the public budget government administrators, To assist them in executing
3- Public budget: Is the instrument through which the 3- Produce the necessary financial statements to shows the public sector plans, programs, projects and activities in
legislative branch established the maximum levels of results of the public budgetary and economic management. the most efficient, effective and cost-effective manner.
expenses that the executive power. 3- What are the characteristics of government accounting? It
is based on the decentralization of accounting records at
the level of institutions or funds created by law.
Commercial legislation
Vocabulary. Expressions Q&A
1- Trader: Is a person or entity, in, finance that buys and 1- The code of commerce is one that governs every trader. 1- What´s legislation? A set of laws regulation a
sells financial instrument such and stock, bands, 2- Natural’s persons holding trading company which are called particular state or activity
commodities, derivations and mutual funds in the individual trader. 2- What´s commercial law? The set of rules relating to
capacity of agent hedger arbitrage. 3- The merchants is the main foundation of commercial law traders in the exercise of their professions
2- Limited company: The liability of members or 3- What´s code of commerce? Set of unitary, ordered and
subscribes of the company is limited to what they have systematized elements of commercial law, that is a
invested or Guaranteed to the company. legal body whose purpose is to regulate relations.
3- Law: Is a system of rules that are created and enforced
through social or governmental institution to regulate
the behavior
Labor legislation
Vocabulary. Expressions Q&A
1- Employee: a person employed for wages or salary, 1- An obligations of the employer are pay the work his 1- What´s labor legislation? Set of norms relating to the
especially at nonexecutive level. salary relations that directly or indirectly derive from the
2- Employer: a person or business that employs one or 2- The labor code governs both the worker and the free subordinated.
more people, especially for wages or salary employers 2- What are principles of labor law? They´re the tools of
3- Contract: Names the agreement, whether oral or 3- Some duties of the worker are obey the instructions. formation of the norms that regulate or fundamental,
written between partiers and accept certain of indirect form and indirect form.
obligations and rigths on a particular subject 3- What’s working code? Is the labor legal document that
regulates the rigths and obligations of employers and
Customer legislation
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Land: They are places authorized by the national 1- Generate transparent information on imports and 1- What´s customs legislation? Is responsible for
customs legislation, whose offices are located in exports of goods. regulation the traffics of goods, whether in the case of
different areas of the border line 2- Eliminate tax evasion implementing the correct imports or exports.
2- Maritime: The customs are located in different ports legislation 2- What are the customs in El Salvador? Customs Border,
of the republic and contribute to expedite and 3- Improve the systematization of customs process Internal, maritime, air customs
control the loading a unloading of goods 3- What´s a customs? Is governmental and fiscal
3- Aerial: They´re those that control the movement of institution that represents the part that regulates and
goods transported by aircraft at an airport. controls any activity
Selection process of suitable staff
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Staff: The group of individuals who work in the 1- Depending on the position and the company, the 1- What´s the process of selection of staff? Consist of a
same corporation procedures may be shorter or larger, it may be for the series of steps to choose the ideal candidate and who
2- Planning: The efforts that are made in order to fulfill purpose of the company. is better prepared to fill the positions.
objectives and to realize various purposes are 2- The interview with the administrative area in some cases 2- What is planning of the selection staff? Is a process by
framed within a planning is carried out by several heads of different areas. which the companies hire a suitable staff to occupy a
3- Human resources: Set of workers or employees who 3- Once verified all the results the professional in charge place
are part of a company or institution and who are issues an aptitude report for the position. 3-
characterized for develop of specific sector.
Staffing requirements
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Job profile: A description of a particular work 1- The recruitment and selection of personal are 1- What is the basic component of human resources
function that includes the elements deemed organization requires within its area should always competition? 1. Skills, 2. Attitudes, 3. Tasks, 4.
necessary to perform the post effectively. conform to the rules of the entity. Personal traits, 5. Motivation, 6. Knowledge, 7.
2- Recruitment: The process of finding and hiring the 2- Human resources has consisted of the planning, Contexts. 8. Emotions.
best-qualified candidate for a job opening, in a organization to promote the efficient of the staff 2- What is the importance of the selection staff? Clarity
timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment 3- The identification of a job post profile its basic tool for all and choose suitable candidates who will also meet the
process includes analyzing the requirements of a human resources. needs of the organization.
job. 3- What are the basic requirements for a job? Academic
3- Curriculum vitae: summary of a job applicant's level, knowledge in language, knowledge is computer
professional experience and educational science, professional experience.
background, along with other relevant information
regarding the candidate's qualifications
Market research
Vocabulary Expressions. Q&A
1- Market: An actual or nominal place where forces of 1- Understanding the competition is fundamental part of 1- What are market research techniques? Methods or
demand and supply operate and where buyers and business plan ways of collecting data or information necessary to
sellers 2- Market segmentation divides a market in smaller parts conduct market research.
2- Surveys: By means of brief and simple 3- The customers do not buy product or services, customers 2- What´s a survey? Procedure within the designs of a
questionnaires buy feelings and emotions descriptive research in which the researcher in which
3- Customer profile: A customer´s descriptions that can the researcher collects data through a previously
include demographic, geographical characteristics. design questionnaire

Product distribution procedure

Vocabulary. Expressions Q&A
1- Product: An article or substance that is 1- Before product is ready to introduce it to market, 1- What´s the distribution of the product? Refers to the
manufactured or refined for sale managers should determine methods and means to get it way the products are distributed to the place or point
2- Price The amount of money, required or given in to customers of sale where they´ll be available offered or sold to
payment for something 2- One of the main distribution strategies is so called customers.
3- Transport: Take or carry (People or goods) from distribution channel 2- What´s the indirect channel of distributions? Using
one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft 3- The distribution decisions have strategic character for directly to the end consumer without the use of
or ship the company, since it’s not easy to interne diaries
3- What´s Indirect channel?: involves selling our
products to intermediaries who will then sell them to
the final consumer or, in any case, to the other
Initial investment, working capital and financing
Vocabulary. Expressions. Q&A
1- Initial investment: It is called the initial investment 1- It is the investment of money made by the 1- What to consider when making the initial investment?
to the amount of money that is necessary to invest company or business to carry out its economic and Borrowing capacity: One of the most important things
to start up a business project. to consider before getting a debt. If we apply for
2- Working capital: The most basic definition of
financial management
working capital considers it as those resources that 2- The working capital is calculated for total current financing, before we ask for it we have to calculate
the company requires in order to operate. In this liabilities from total current assets. how much we can pay, that is, what our indebtedness
sense, working capital is what we commonly known 3- The working capital is distributed to shareholders. is. It all depends on the type of business.
as current assets Differentiate between what you need to buy and
3- Current liabilities: rent: In some cases, the company does not need to
buy certain items and less at the start of the activity.
For example instead of buying a local, you can rent one
at the beginning of the business
Vocabulary Expressions Q&A
1- EVALUATION: The identification of costs and 1- Types of evaluation: Financial, economic and social. 1- What are the components of the feasibility study of a
benefits results from Generated by a project with project? The components of this study deepen
the objectives that are intended to be achieved with
2- The financial assessment varies according to the research by means of technical and financial market
its execution and commissioning. entity concerned. analyses, which are the basis by which investors are
2- THE INVESTMENT PROJECT: Is constituted by a 3- Evaluation of a single project, or alternative, from supported to make a decision.
certain set of material and human resources that several points of view: 2- What is the study of market? It is intended to
produces goods and services and contributes to the 1. Point of view of the beneficiaries. determine whether or not there is a demand that
achievement of the objective. justifies, under certain conditions, the setting up of a
3- PROFILE: is the one that is made from the existing 2. Point of view of the executing entity (s). programmed of production of certain goods or
information, the common judgment and the opinion 3. Point of view of donors. services in a time-space.
that gives the experience. 3- What is the administrative study? it is the
administrative structuring of the new entity so that it
can function and be able to fulfill its objective.
Vocabulary: Expressions. 1- What is the cycle of life of a project?
1. Business Plan: is a written document that basically 1. Strategic vision provides guidance about which  Identification
includes the objectives of your company, the  Formulation
strategies to achieve them, the organizational nucleus to preserve and to what future to
 Execution
structure, the amount of investment you need to stimulate progress  Operation
finance your project and solutions to solve future 2. The most enduring contribution of those who build
problems. visionary companies is the fundamental ideology. 2- What are the elements of the ideological structure?
2. Mission: Commission or power that a government Includes the name of the company, as well as the
3. The first step will always be to rethink your vision
gives to a person, especially a diplomat, to go to mission, vision, values and a description of the
perform a job or a certain function somewhere. or mission in an effective context to build a
competitive advantages of the business
3. Vision: is the ability to see beyond, in time and visionary company
space, and above others, means to visualize, to see 3- What are the elements of the financial structure? This
with the eyes of the imagination, in terms of the final point is essential as it tests-based on calculations and
result that is intended to be achieved. projections of scenarios-the viability of the idea,
speaking in economic terms, and if it will generate an
attractive margin of usefulness.

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