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Contoh Motion


¨ That we would give tax holiday for large-scale industries
¨ That this house regrets the cutting of the subsidy
¨ That this house would increase the tax
¨ That we should stop privatizing the state companies
¨ That small economic business scales should get easier bank loan procedures from both
government and private banks.
¨ That central government should tightly control the finance of the local governments.
¨ That the economic measurement to judge the economic growths of the country is the only
way to know the country’s prosperity.
¨ This house believes that the government is not pro the poor
¨ That we would make military service compulsory for citizen
¨ That top government executives should not have executive position in any political parties
¨ This house would give self-rule to GAM
¨ That politicians should only be allowed to serve in office for a limited period of time
¨ That government should not restrict freedom of speech
¨ That national security concerns justify the restriction of civil liberties
¨ This house supports General Election in Iraq
¨ That feminism has gone too far
¨ That the press violates public figures privacy
¨ That we should give no room for polygamy
¨ That Malaysia should be a model in dealing with gambling
¨ This house disapprove cloning
¨ This house would ban surrogate motherhood
¨ That this house would not use National Examination for graduation standard
¨ That we should stop commercialization in education
¨ That education is the responsibility of the government
¨ That this house would apply credit system in schools
¨ That high quality education gives no room for gratis education
¨ This house give no room for gratis education
¨ That religious lesson should not be taught in school
¨ That reality shows bring more harm
¨ That we should control the press
¨ That we should control access to the internet
¨ This house would put ban on teenage films
¨ That TV commercial exploit children
¨ That tourism exploits our nature
¨ That forestation would be utopia
¨ That nuclear is the solution for our energy problem
¨ That we would give trade sanction to protect our environment
¨ This house believes that severe punishment diminishes illegal logging
¨ That this house would run national lotteries for developing sports
¨ That cigarette advertisements must be banned from sport events
¨ This house believes that equal prize money should be given to woman athletes
¨ The government should give pension to athletes
¨ That we should give severe punishment to sport club upon racism done by supporters.
¨ That professionalism has ruined the Olympic Games
¨ That this house supports the death penalty for corruptors
¨ That we should ban the possession of fire weapons to civilians
¨ That this house believes death penalty is a step ahead
¨ This house supports the use of death penalty
¨ This house would make an independent body to control constitutional court
¨ That gambling of all forms should be made illegal
¨ That we should stop sending immigrant labors
¨ That we should let children work
¨ That we should use HIV Testing Result as a requirement for a job recruitment
¨ That this house support special treatment for woman
¨ That this house would give equal opportunity to transsexual workers

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