OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide

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OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and
Correspondence Reviewer
User Guide
Rev B
OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide
Rev B

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About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer ............................ 5

Scenarios............................................................................................................................ 6
On-demand scenario – Creating a letter .................................................................... 7
On-demand scenario – Reviewing the letter .............................................................. 8
Batch scenario – Reviewing an invoice...................................................................... 9
Batch scenario – Editing the invoice ........................................................................ 10
Technical overview ........................................................................................................... 11
Processing states in the Message storage .............................................................. 12
User documentation.......................................................................................................... 14
Implementation and configuration tasks ........................................................................... 15
Design Center configurations ................................................................................... 17
Resource set configuration ............................................................................................... 18
Enabling the Message context for a metadata......................................................... 19
Configuring exception rules...................................................................................... 20
Adding a rule resource ..................................................................................... 21
Configuring a rule function................................................................................ 22
Importing fonts to be used in the Ad Hoc text editor ................................................ 24
Runtime configuration....................................................................................................... 25
Service-enabling a Message.................................................................................... 25
Platform configuration....................................................................................................... 27
Using default preview output connectors ................................................................. 28
Configuring preview output connectors manually .................................................... 29
Configuring input and output queues ....................................................................... 32
Configuring an expiry time for documents................................................................ 32
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence ........................ 33
Selecting the appropriate process type ............................................................................ 34
Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence....................................... 35
Making a text editable in Ad Hoc Correspondence .................................................. 35
Attaching text fragments to a document definition ................................................... 35
Categorizing text fragments ..................................................................................... 36
Adding, renaming and deleting categories ....................................................... 37
Assigning categories to text fragments............................................................. 37
Write protecting text attachments............................................................................. 39
Attaching stories to a document definition ........................................................................ 40
Applying rules to document definitions ............................................................................. 41
Modifying the Design Center Project ....................................................................... 43
Service versioning concept............................................................................................... 44
Redeploying the existing version of the Project................................................................ 45
Deploying a new version of the Project ............................................................................ 47

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

About Ad Hoc Correspondence and

Correspondence Reviewer

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer are included in the

StreamServe Correspondence Management solution.
These two web applications are plug-ins, integrated into an existing business
workflow to enhance its correspondence capabilities. For example, an SAP
document collaboration workflow. The business workflow owns the
correspondence process and invokes the web applications using web service

Ad Hoc Correspondence
Ad Hoc Correspondence enables an organization to create ad hoc customer
correspondence. The application is used to write new personalized documents to
specific customers, or to edit existing documents before they are formatted and
distributed to customers. The document templates used in Ad Hoc
Correspondence are document definitions published in Composition Center.
A typical Ad Hoc user is a business user at a department with frequent customer
interaction that requires documents to be created on an unplanned basis. For
example, a business user at a bank, at a call center, or in a claims department.

Correspondence Reviewer
Correspondence Reviewer helps an organization to create quality assured
correspondence. The application is used to review documents before they are
formatted and distributed to customers. Reviewed documents can be approved,
rejected, edited, or deleted.
An example of a Reviewer user is a business manager at a department with
frequent customer interaction. The business manager can review customer
correspondence and approve or reject the documents involved.

In this section
• Scenarios on page 6
• Technical overview on page 11
• User documentation on page 14
• Implementation and configuration tasks on page 15

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
6 Scenarios
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

There are two main business scenarios for Ad Hoc Correspondence and
Correspondence Reviewer – the on-demand scenario and the batch scenario.
In both scenarios, the web applications are integrated into the business workflow
of the customer. The final documents are formatted and distributed by a
StreamServer application according to the configuration made in Design Center.

On-demand scenario
In Ad Hoc Correspondence, a new personalized document is created for a
specific customer. Correspondence Reviewer can be used to review the document
before it is formatted and distributed to the customer.

Batch scenario
A document is created from a batch of input data sent to a StreamServer
application. In Correspondence Reviewer, the document is reviewed before it is
formatted and distributed to the customer. Ad Hoc Correspondence can be used
to edit the document before it is approved.

One end-user at a time

The Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications support one end-user at a time accessing
a specific document.

In this section
• On-demand scenario – Creating a letter on page 7
• On-demand scenario – Reviewing the letter on page 8
• Batch scenario – Reviewing an invoice on page 9
• Batch scenario – Editing the invoice on page 10

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Scenarios 7
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

On-demand scenario – Creating a letter

A call center company has integrated Ad Hoc Correspondence into the business

The letter is created in Ad Hoc Correspondence

Liza, who works at a call center company, receives a call from a customer with a
complaint. As a standard procedure, a letter is sent to the customer.
In her call center application, Liza selects the name of the customer and a letter
template. A pre-filled, pre-formatted letter with mandatory texts, logotypes, etc,
opens in Ad Hoc Correspondence. Liza modifies some texts and adds a personal
note stating the arrangement she and the customer agreed upon.

The letter is submitted in Ad Hoc Correspondence

When Liza has completed the letter, she submits it for distribution. A final letter
is formatted and distributed to the customer.

Figure 1 On-demand scenario

If Correspondence Reviewer is integrated into the business workflow, the

document can be reviewed before it is distributed to the customer. See On-demand
scenario – Reviewing the letter.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
8 Scenarios
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

On-demand scenario – Reviewing the letter

This scenario is an extension of the On-demand scenario – Creating a letter scenario.
The company has integrated both the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications into the
business workflow.
When Liza submits a letter from Ad Hoc Correspondence, and the addressee is
not a premium customer, the letter is formatted and distributed to the customer.

The letter is reviewed in Correspondence Reviewer

However, if the letter submitted by Liza is intended for a premium customer, the
letter is paused before being formatted and distributed.
Carl is the business manager at the call center. When a letter is paused, Carl is
notified. Carl opens Correspondence Reviewer in his call center application. In
Correspondence Reviewer, a list with documents awaiting approval is updated
with Liza’s letter. Carl reviews the letter and has some comments regarding the
personal note. He rejects the letter and adds a comment about the changes that
should be made.

The letter is edited in Ad Hoc Correspondence

Liza re-opens the letter in Ad Hoc Correspondence and updates the personal
note before she once again submits the letter.

The letter is approved in Correspondence Reviewer

Carl reviews the updated letter. He is pleased with the results and approves the
letter. The processing is resumed and a final letter is formatted and distributed to
the customer.

Figure 2 On-demand scenario with reviewing

Note: Any notifications mentioned in this scenario (for example, about a letter
being ready for review) are handled within the business workflow of the
company, using the OpenText StreamServe Notifications SDK (Software
Development Kit).

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Scenarios 9
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Batch scenario – Reviewing an invoice

A manufacturing company has integrated Correspondence Reviewer into the
business workflow.
The company uses the StreamServe software to create invoices. If the invoice
amount is lower than $100 000, invoices are automatically formatted and
distributed to the customer.

The invoice is reviewed in Correspondence Reviewer

However, if the amount exceeds $100 000, the invoice is paused before being
formatted and distributed.
Steve, who is the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the manufacturing company,
opens Correspondence Reviewer from his business application. In
Correspondence Reviewer, the invoice is added to the list of documents awaiting
approval. Steve reviews the invoice and double-checks that the invoice amount
corresponds to the goods actually delivered to the customer.

The invoice is approved in Correspondence Reviewer

Since the invoice amount is correct, Steve approves the invoice. The processing is
resumed and a final invoice is formatted and distributed to the customer.
If the invoice amount would have been incorrect, Steve would have to delete the
invoice in Correspondence Reviewer and adjust the input data in the business
application. The corrected input data is once again sent to the StreamServer
application, now creating the correct invoice.

Figure 3 Batch scenario

If Ad Hoc Correspondence is integrated into the business workflow, Steve can

edit the invoice before he approves it. See Batch scenario – Editing the invoice.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
10 Scenarios
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Batch scenario – Editing the invoice

This scenario is an extension of the Batch scenario – Reviewing an invoice scenario.
The manufacturing company has integrated both the Ad Hoc and Reviewer
applications into the business workflow.
When Steve has reviewed the paused invoice, he can edit the invoice before he
approves it. For example, he can add a personal greeting to the customer or adjust
an incorrect value.

The invoice is edited in Ad Hoc Correspondence

In Correspondence Reviewer, Steve chooses to edit the invoice. The invoice opens
in Ad Hoc Correspondence where Steve edits the invoice. When the invoice is
completed, Steve closes the invoice. Correspondence Reviewer automatically re-

The invoice is approved in Correspondence Reviewer

In Correspondence Reviewer, Steve finally approves the invoice. The processing
is resumed and a final invoice is formatted and distributed to the customer.

Figure 4 Batch scenario with editing

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Technical overview 11
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Technical overview

Figure 5 Overview, components and connections

Client – Server solution

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer are web clients, making
web service requests to an SSSP (StreamServe Service Provider) application. The
SSSP application is the server part of the solution, containing all business logic.
The communication between the web clients and the SSSP application is made via
a web service API that conforms to the Representational State Transfer
constraints (REST API).
The SSSP application accesses the runtime repository using web services, hosted
by the service gateway. The communication between the SSSP application and
the service gateway goes through a web service API (WS API).

Documents are StreamServe Messages

A document displayed in the Ad Hoc or Reviewer application is actually a
StreamServe Message, paused by an exception rule before being formatted and
A paused Message is stored in a Message storage in the runtime repository. In the
storage, each Message is identified by a unique Message ID. When displaying a
document, the Message ID is used to identify and retrieve the corresponding
Message from the storage.

User interface in hosting system

The Ad Hoc, Reviewer, and SSSP applications are accessed from a user interface
in the hosting system. For example, a user interface in a business application or a
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
12 Technical overview
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Processing states in the Message storage

The Messages in the Message storage can have different processing states.
Processing states control how and when the corresponding documents are
processed. For example, if the processing state is Waiting, the document remains
in the Message storage. If the processing state is Approved, the document is ready
to be released.
The processing state also controls which documents are available in a web
application. For example, in Correspondence Reviewer, documents with the
processing states Submitted, Rejected and Failed are available.
The processing states below are available. See also Figure 6 on page 13.

Processing state Description

Waiting A draft version of the document is under development in

Ad Hoc Correspondence and has yet not been paused by
an exception rule.
Submitted A document, submitted in Ad Hoc Correspondence or
created from a batch of input data, has been paused by an
exception rule. The document is ready for approval and
must be attended to in Correspondence Reviewer.
If the document is submitted in Ad Hoc Correspondence
but is not paused, the document is formatted and
distributed according to the Design Center
configuration. The processing state is then set to
If the document is re-opened for editing in Ad Hoc
Correspondence after being paused by an exception rule,
the state remains Submitted.
Rejected The document has been rejected in Correspondence
Reviewer. After being rejected, the document can be
edited, deleted, or approved.
If the document is opened for editing in Ad Hoc
Correspondence after being rejected, the state remains

Approved The document has been approved in Correspondence

After being approved, the document is formatted and
distributed according to the Design Center
configuration. Any exception rules are not re-evaluated.
Released The document has been delivered to the output
After the document is released, the corresponding
Message is ready to be deleted, and an expiry time is set.
At the expiry time, the Message and all its related
resources and metadata are deleted from the Message

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Technical overview 13
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Processing state Description

Failed The release of an approved document failed due to an

After the error has been attended to, the document must
once again be approved in Correspondence Reviewer.

Figure 6 Processing state (on-demand scenario with review)

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
14 User documentation
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

User documentation
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide
The user guide gives an overview of the scenarios (on-demand and batch), the
technical solution and the configurations required in Design Center and
StreamStudio Composition Center. You also find information on how to use the
Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications.
The user guide is intended for developers, such as StreamServe consultants.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s

The administrator’s guide describes how to install, deploy and access the Ad Hoc
and Reviewer applications. You also find information on how to customize the
The administrator’s guide is intended for developers, such as StreamServe
consultants. The guide also contains information for system administrators and
programmers at the customer.

Programming guide for the OpenText StreamServe web service SDK

OpenText provides a web service SDK (Software Development Kit), which
includes a programming guide for the Web Service API and the REST Service
Using the SDK, programmers can integrate Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications
into the business workflow of the company. Programmers can also develop their
own customized web applications.
The required configurations in Design Center and Composition Center described
in the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide above also
apply for customized web applications developed using the SDK.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Implementation and configuration tasks 15
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Implementation and configuration tasks

This section gives an overview of the tasks to implement, configure and use
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer.
Step 4 and 5 also apply to customized web applications developed using the
OpenText StreamServe web service SDK.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer tasks

1 Install and deploy the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications. See the Ad Hoc
Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide.
2 Customize the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications (optional). See the
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide.
3 Access the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications. See the Ad Hoc
Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide.
4 Configure the Project in Design Center.
See Design Center configurations on page 17.
5 Configure document definitions in StreamStudio Composition Center.
See Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 33.
6 Use the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications to create and quality assure
customer correspondence. See Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence
Reviewer End-user Guide.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
16 Implementation and configuration tasks
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

Design Center configurations

This section includes information on how to configure a Design Center Project for
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer.
The procedures apply to the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications, as well as to
customized web applications developed using the OpenText StreamServe web
service SDK.

• An existing Design Center Project, including at least one document type.
• For Ad Hoc Correspondence, the Project must include at least one Template
Engine or StoryTeller Process that is Composition Center enabled.

• Document definitions based on PageOUT Processes cannot be used with
Ad Hoc Correspondence.
• Document definitions based on StoryTeller and Template Engine cannot be
mixed in the same Ad Hoc document.

In this section
• Resource set configuration on page 18
• Runtime configuration on page 25
• Platform configuration on page 27

Related topics
• Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 33

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
18 Resource set configuration
Design Center configurations

Resource set configuration

To use Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer, you must
prepare certain resources in the resource sets connected to the Runtime and the
Platform configurations.

Runtime configuration resource set

In a resource set connected to the Runtime configuration, you must enable the
Message context for any metadata to be available to the web applications. For
example, to enable Correspondence Reviewer to display a metadata as a
document detail, the metadata must have the Message context.
In a resource set connected to the Runtime configuration, you must also configure
the exception rules that pause the Messages that are displayed as documents in
the web applications.

Platform resource set

In a resource set connected to the Platform, you must import any fonts that are
available in the text editor in Ad Hoc Correspondence, but are not included in the
Project configuration.

In this section
• Enabling the Message context for a metadata on page 19
• Configuring exception rules on page 20
• Importing fonts to be used in the Ad Hoc text editor on page 24

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Resource set configuration 19
Design Center configurations

Enabling the Message context for a metadata

A metadata that you define in Design Center is not automatically available to the
web applications. To make a metadata available, for example as a document
detail in Correspondence Reviewer, you must enable the Message context for the
metadata. You must also enable the Message context for any metadata to be used
in exception rules.
You configure metadata contexts in the Document Type Editor.

If you disable the Message context in a Project that is deployed, the

database column for the context remains in the Message storage in the
runtime repository, but is no longer considered by the StreamServer
Since the database column is still available to the web application, it is
recommended to drop the Message storage to avoid any conflicts. For
example, by using StreamServe Database Administration Tool. End of

Metadata used in editable or available texts in Ad Hoc Correspondence does not
require the Message context. In the Ad Hoc application, the end-user can edit text
strings containing metadata values, but cannot change the actual metadata
values in the Message storage.

The metadata is added to a document type in a resource set connected to the
Runtime configuration and is assigned a value.
Note: To save space in the repositories and improve search performance, you
should not add more metadata than required, and you should not use the
Message context unless the metadata really needs to be available.

To make metadata available

1 In Design Center, open a resource set connected to the Runtime
2 Double-click the document type. The Document Type Editor opens.
3 From the drop-down list, select the Message context.
4 In the Metadata groups list, select the metadata group.
5 In the Value assignments list, select the metadata to be made available.
6 Select File > Save to save the document type.

Related topics
• Document type contexts in the Document types and metadata documentation

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
20 Resource set configuration
Design Center configurations

Configuring exception rules

To display a document in Correspondence Reviewer, the corresponding Message
must be paused. A Message is paused when certain conditions are fulfilled. These
conditions are specified in exception rules, which are executed directly after any
retrieved scripts.

When creating a new document in Ad Hoc Correspondence (the on-demand
scenario), the corresponding Message is automatically paused and no exception
rule is required. However, to review the document in Correspondence Reviewer,
an exception rule is still required. If the exception rule is fulfilled, the document
is displayed in Correspondence Reviewer.

Rule resources, rule functions and exception rules

In Design Center, you must add a rule resource to a resource set connected to the
Runtime configuration. In the Rule editor, you create a rule function using the
StreamServe script syntax. When you export the Project, the rule function turns
into an exception rule.

Post requisites
When a rule resource is configured, you must select the resource in the Runtime
configuration. If you select several rule resources in the Runtime configuration,
the exception rules are evaluated, one by one, until one rule is fulfilled or all rules
are evaluated. The first rule that is fulfilled is displayed in Correspondence
Reviewer as the reason for review.

In this section
• Adding a rule resource on page 21
• Configuring a rule function on page 22

Related topics
• Service-enabling a Message on page 25

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Resource set configuration 21
Design Center configurations

Adding a rule resource

In Design Center, you must add a rule resource to a resource set connected to the
Runtime configuration.
You must give the rule resource a unique and descriptive name. In
Correspondence Reviewer, the name is exposed as the reason for review.

Figure 7 The rule resource name and the reason for review

If you update the name of a rule resource in a Project that is deployed,

the reason for review is updated for all documents for which the
corresponding Messages have been paused by the exception rule.
You must refresh the web browser for the changes to take effect.
Depending on web browser, you may have to clear the browser cache
before refreshing. End of warning.

To add a rule resource

1 In Design Center, open a resource set connected to the Runtime
2 Right-click in the resource set and select New > Rule. A new rule resource is
added to the resource set.
3 Give the rule resource a unique and descriptive name.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
22 Resource set configuration
Design Center configurations

Configuring a rule function

When you configure a rule function, you use the StreamServe script syntax to set
up conditions. Depending on metadata values, the conditions are either true or
Note: Since field variables may not be available when an exception rule is
evaluated, you cannot use field variables in the rule function.

If you update a rule function in an already deployed Project, the

corresponding exception rule is updated. Next time the StreamServer
application evaluates (or re-evaluates) the exception rule, the updated
rule is used. End of warning.

Retrieve metadata values

You must retrieve the metadata values using the GetMetaDataMessage scripting
function. By using the scripting function instead of referring directly to the
metadata, any external changes made to the metadata are also considered. For
example, changes made by a customized web application, developed using the
OpenText StreamServe web service SDK. See Example 1 below.

No document definitions available

You can use the IsDocDefAvailable scripting function in the exception rule to pause
a Message if no document definitions are available.

To discard a Message if no document definitions are available, you can use

the AbortMessageOnMissingDocDef scripting function. Note that we
recommend you to use this scripting function outside the exception rule.

• The rule resource is added to a resource set connected to the Runtime
• The metadata is added to the document type, and the Message context is
enabled for the metadata.

To configure a rule function

1 In the resource set, double-click the rule resource. The Rule Editor opens.
2 Replace MyEvalFunc with a unique name for the rule function.
Note: Do not use white spaces in the function name.

3 Enter the rule function in the rule view.

4 Click Check Syntax to check the rule syntax.
5 Select File > Save to save the rule function.
6 Click OK to close the Rule Editor.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Resource set configuration 23
Design Center configurations

Example 1 Using GetMetaDataMessage in a rule function

In this example, an exception rule pauses all documents with the value YOUNG for
the metadata CATEGORY. The documents can then be reviewed in Correspondence
Reviewer. Documents for other values for CATEGORY are formatted and
distributed to the output destination without being paused.
In the resource set, a new rule resource called Category is YOUNG.xml is
created. The name (Category is YOUNG) is exposed as the reason for review in
Correspondence Reviewer.
In the Rule Editor, the rule function below is created.
Note: To protect the exception rule from future changes to the metadata name,
the metadata GUID (a86199fd-5f5a-4e53-a3af-47c72ae6321f ) is used
instead of the metadata name (CATEGORY).

$Category = GetMetaDataMessage("a86199fd-5f5a-4e53-a3af-
if ($Category == "YOUNG")
return "true";
return "false";

Related topics
• Enabling the Message context for a metadata on page 19
• GetMetaDataMessage in the Scripting Reference
• IsDocDefAvailable in the Scripting Reference
• AbortMessageOnMissingDocDef in the Scripting Reference

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
24 Resource set configuration
Design Center configurations

Importing fonts to be used in the Ad Hoc text editor

All fonts used in the text editor in Ad Hoc Correspondence must be available to
the StreamServer application that formats and distributes the document.
When the Design Center Project is exported, all fonts used within the Project are
automatically included in the export file and available to the StreamServer
application. If a font is available in the Ad Hoc text editor, but not used in the
Project, you must import this font to a resource set connected to the Platform.

Default fonts in the text editor

By default, the following fonts are available in the Ad Hoc text editor and must
be available to the StreamServer application:
• Arial – Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic.
Note: If no font is selected in the Ad Hoc text editor, Arial is used by

Note: Arial Italic is also used outside the Ad Hoc text editor, in the
placeholder Drag text fragment here. This placeholder is used in
empty sections, which are configured in StoryTeller but not filled
with content in Composition Center.

• Courier New – Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic.

To import a font
1 In Design Center, open a resource set connected to the Platform.
2 Right-click the resource set, and select Import Font. The Select Fonts dialog
box opens.
3 Specify the font to import, and click OK. The new resource is added to the
resource set.

Related topics
• Adding fonts to the Ad Hoc text editor in the Ad Hoc Correspondence and
Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Runtime configuration 25
Design Center configurations

Runtime configuration
Web services are used to create, preview and release documents based on the
Runtime configuration.
To make this possible, you must enable the corresponding Messages in the
Message storage to be invoked through service requests. These settings are made
in the Runtime configuration.

In this section
• Service-enabling a Message on page 25

Service-enabling a Message
In the Runtime configuration, you must enable the Messages in the Message
storage to be invoked through service requests.

Internal service input connectors

When a Message is service-enabled, internal service input connectors are
automatically created at runtime and used for the incoming service requests.
These connectors are not visible in Design Center.
For service input connectors used at create requests, you can select an existing
input connector in the Platform configuration from which the service input
connectors inherit some settings. For example, you can select an existing input
connector and inherit a filter chain with a code page filter from this connector.
The filter chain can either be applied either directly on the existing input
connector, or can be specified per input type in the Project Export Settings dialog

Preview output connectors

When the Message is invoked through a preview service request, a preview
output connector is used to display the corresponding document.
If certain prerequisites are fulfilled, you can use default preview connectors,
which are automatically created and selected at preview service requests. If the
prerequisites are not fulfilled, you must manually create and select the preview
connectors. For more information, see:
• Using default preview output connectors on page 28
• Configuring preview output connectors manually on page 29

An exception rule is configured.
Note: If you exclusively create new documents in Ad Hoc Correspondence (the
on-demand scenario), no exception rule is required.

To service-enable a Message
1 In Design Center, open the Runtime configuration.
2 Right-click the Message and select Settings.
3 In the Runtime Message Settings dialog box, select the Service tab.
4 Select Service to service enable the Message.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
26 Runtime configuration
Design Center configurations

5 In the Enable service support for content types area, disable the preview
formats not to be available in Composition Center. For more information,
see Service-enabling the Message in the Composition Center documentation.
6 If you do not intend to use automatically created preview output
connectors, clear Use default preview connector.
7 In the Service name text box, enter a descriptive name for the service.
The name must be unique within the application domain.
8 Select the Rule resource for the exception rule.
• If you select several rule resources, the exception rules are evaluated,
one by one, until one rule is fulfilled or all rules are evaluated. The first
rule that is fulfilled is displayed in Correspondence Reviewer as the
reason for review.
• If you exclusively create new documents in Ad Hoc Correspondence,
you can leave the Rule option clear.
9 Optional – From the Base service input connector on drop-down list, select
an existing input connector in the Platform configuration from which the
service input connectors used at create requests inherit some settings.
10 Click OK.

Related topics
• Using default preview output connectors on page 28
• Configuring preview output connectors manually on page 29
• For a complete description of all the options in the dialog box, see Runtime
Message Settings dialog box in the Design Center documentation.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Platform configuration 27
Design Center configurations

Platform configuration
Preview output connector configuration
When displaying documents in web applications, preview output connectors are
used. If certain prerequisites are fulfilled, you can use default preview
connectors, which are automatically created and selected at preview service
requests. If the prerequisites are not fulfilled, you must manually create and
select the preview connectors.

Message storage configuration

Paused Messages are stored in the Message storage in the runtime repository. To
enable use of this storage, you must make sure that input and output queues are
used in the Design Center Project.
When a final document is distributed, the corresponding Message remains in the
Message storage until an expiry time has elapsed. You enable and configure the
expiry time in the Platform configuration.

Ad Hoc one to many

In an Ad Hoc one to many scenario, i.e. when an Ad Hoc document is sent to
several recipients, document definitions are published via the publish REST
method from the user interface in the hosting application. Document definitions
published via the publish REST method will have an unpublish expiry time
automatically set in order to maintain an optimal runtime environment.
Document definitions used in an Ad Hoc one to many scenario are invoked
exclusively from the jobsubmit REST API via the hosting application. To be able
to invoke document definitions using jobsubmit the corresponding
StreamServer application must be exposed as a service via a Service Request
input connector.

In this section
• Using default preview output connectors on page 28
• Configuring preview output connectors manually on page 29
• Configuring input and output queues on page 32
• Configuring an expiry time for documents on page 32

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
28 Platform configuration
Design Center configurations

Using default preview output connectors

Preview output connectors are used to display documents in web applications.

Content types required by calling applications

The preview output connectors automatically apply drivers that match the
content types required by the calling applications:
• Ad Hoc Correspondence – image/tiff for paginated preview and text/
html for unpaginated preview.
• Correspondence Reviewer – application/pdf
For information about the content types required by Composition Center,
see the Composition Center documentation.

About default preview connectors

If the prerequisites below are fulfilled, you can use default preview connectors.
The default preview connectors are automatically created and selected at
preview service requests. They are not visible in Design Center.
The drivers are pre-configured with settings that are sufficient for most preview
scenarios. You cannot modify these settings. To use other settings, you must
configure the preview output connectors manually.

Prerequisites for default preview connectors

• The content types required by the calling applications are the ones
described in Content types required by calling applications above.
Note: If you use an XMLOUT or a StreamOUT Process, you can use default
preview connectors regardless of content type.

• Use default preview connectors must be selected in the Runtime Message

settings dialog box. See Service-enabling a Message on page 25.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Platform configuration 29
Design Center configurations

Configuring preview output connectors manually

You can manually create and select the preview output connectors. For example,
if the Prerequisites for default preview connectors on page 28 are not fulfilled or if you
want to use settings other than the pre-configured ones.

Which output connectors?

If you want to use the same driver settings for previews and for the final delivery,
you can reuse the output connectors used for delivery. At a preview service
request, the actual connector is not invoked – only the driver is applied.
As an alternative, you can create output connectors dedicated for the previews.
For example, by using the connector type NULL Connector. The preview output
connectors must have the following drivers applied:
• For Ad Hoc Correspondence paginated preview – TIFF
• For Ad Hoc Correspondence unpaginated preview – HTML unpaginated
• For Correspondence Reviewer preview – PDF
For information about the drivers required by Composition Center, see
Creating output connectors for document previews (optional) in the Composition
Center documentation.

Prerequisites and recommendations

• Use default preview connectors must be cleared in the Runtime Message
settings dialog box. See Service-enabling a Message on page 25.
• In the Platform configuration, an output queue must be configured.
• The driver settings affect the performance of the service request responses.
For the PDF and TIFF drivers, we recommend the following values:

PDF driver settings Recommended value

Use Compression Yes

TIFF driver settings Recommended value

Compression LZW

Color Index color

Resolution 150 DPI (maximum)

The resolution directly affects the document size and
formatting speed, and thereby the performance.

To create a preview output connector

• Create and configure the preview connectors using standard procedures.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
30 Platform configuration
Design Center configurations

To select preview output connectors

• Use the scripting functions below to decide if an invocation is a preview
service request and select an output connector depending on content type.
For detailed information, see Preview functions in the Scripting Reference.

Scripting function Description

IsPreview() Checks if the current job is a preview job.

GetPreviewTypeEx() Returns a number, indicating whether a job is a

preview job. If the job is a preview job, the number
indicates from where the preview job is invoked.

GetRequestedPreview This function is only available for preview calls from web
ContentType() service clients.
Returns a string containing an optionally requested
content type for a response to a preview request. The
returned value can be used to select an appropriate
connector for the preview Process.
The applications requires the following content types:
• Ad Hoc Correspondence – image/tiff
• Correspondence Reviewer – application/pdf
• Composition Center:
– For print preview – application/pdf
– For email/web preview – text/html

Example 2 Selecting output connector depending on type of preview and content type

A company wants to use settings other than the ones used by the default preview
output connectors, which means they must manually create and select the
preview connectors.
The company also wants to use different driver options for the previews in
Correspondence Reviewer and in Composition Center.
The Design Center Platform includes the following output connectors in the
production layer:
• PreviewAdHoc – For the TIFF preview in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
• PreviewReviewer – For the PDF preview in Correspondence Reviewer.
• PreviewCompC – For the PDF preview in Composition Center.
• FileOUT – For the final release of the document.
In the runtime configuration, the Message is service-enabled, and the
Use default preview connector option is cleared.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Platform configuration 31
Design Center configurations

The script below is run before the Process and selects the output connector that is

if (IsPreview())
$ContentType = GetRequestedPreviewContentType();

if (GetPreviewTypeEx() == 1)
if ($ContentType == "image/tiff")
$connector = "PreviewAdHoc";
else if ($ContentType == "application/pdf")
$connector = "PreviewRviewer";
else if (GetPreviewTypeEx() == 4)
$connector = "PreviewCompC";

$connector = "FileOUT";
preproclog(0, " **** OUTCONNECTOR : " +$connector);

Related topics
• Creating output connectors for document previews (optional) in the Composition
Center documentation

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
32 Platform configuration
Design Center configurations

Configuring input and output queues

To store paused Messages in the Message storage in the runtime repository, you
must use input and output queues in the Project. The Message storage itself is
automatically created and does not require any configuration.

To configure queues
You configure input and output queues in the Manage Queues dialog box in the
Platform configuration.

Configuring an expiry time for documents

When a final document is distributed, the corresponding Message must be
deleted from the Message storage. You must configure an expiry time after which
the Message is ready to be deleted by the StreamServe job deletion process.

To configure expiry time for documents

You enable deletion and configure the expiry time in the Configure Platform
dialog box in the Platform configuration.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

Composition Center configurations for Ad

Hoc Correspondence

A document definition must be enabled for Ad Hoc Correspondence before it can

be used in Ad Hoc Correspondence. This is done in Composition Center by the
business user. As a developer, you can use the procedures described in this
section during development and testing. For detailed information on how to use
Composition Center, see the StreamStudio Online Help for Composition Center.

Publishing a document definition in Composition Center

You must publish a document definition to be able to test it, and if changes are
made to a published document definition, you must re-publish the document
definition. To publish a document definition, you must have full access rights in
Composition Center.

In this section
• Selecting the appropriate process type on page 34
• Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 35
• Attaching stories to a document definition on page 40
• Applying rules to document definitions on page 41

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
34 Selecting the appropriate process type
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Selecting the appropriate process type

To make a document definition available in Ad Hoc Correspondence, you must
select one of the following process types:
• Batch and Ad Hoc – The document definition is intended for both
automated document production, where the paused documents can be
edited in Ad Hoc Correspondence (the batch scenario), and for creating
new documents in Ad Hoc Correspondence (the on-demand scenario).
• Ad Hoc – The document definition is exclusively intended for creating new
documents in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
Note: You must have full access rights to Composition Center to be able to do

To select a process type for a document definition

1 Log in to StreamStudio.
2 Open Composition Center.
3 On the start page, click Manage document definitions. The Manage
document definitions view opens.
4 Click the document definition.
5 On the Properties tab, in the Process type drop-down list, select the
appropriate process type (Batch and Ad Hoc or Ad Hoc).

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence 35
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc

You can define whether a text fragment that is included in the document
definition should be editable in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
You can also attach text fragments to a document definition. These text fragments
are not embedded into the document definition, but the end-user can search for
the appropriate attached text fragment, and then add it to the document
definition in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

In this section
• Making a text editable in Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 35
• Attaching text fragments to a document definition on page 35
• Categorizing text fragments on page 36
• Write protecting text attachments on page 39

Making a text editable in Ad Hoc Correspondence

In Composition Center you can make text fragments included in the document
definition editable, and thus let the end-user edit the corresponding text in
Ad Hoc Correspondence. This applies to embedded texts as well as to text

To make a text editable in Ad Hoc Correspondence

1 In Composition Center, open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, click the text in the document definition
3 On the Properties tab, General area, select Ad Hoc.
4 Click Save.

Attaching text fragments to a document definition

In Composition Center you can attach text fragments (text resource or embedded
text) to a document definition. These text fragments are not embedded into the
document definition, but the end-user can search for the appropriate attached
text fragment, and then add it to the document definition in Ad Hoc

To attach a text resource to a document definition

1 In Composition Center, open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, in the Resources area, click the text
3 Drop the text resource on the Texts node in the Ad Hoc Correspondence
resources area.
4 Click Save.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
36 Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

To attach an embedded text to a document definition

1 In Composition Center, open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, in the Resources area, click the Embedded
text node.
3 Drop the embedded text on the Texts node in the Ad Hoc Correspondence
resources area.
4 In the Ad Hoc Correspondence resources area, click the text. The embedded
text editor opens.
5 Edit and save the text.
6 Click Save.

Categorizing text fragments

You can assign categories to text fragments (text resources and embedded texts)
to make it easier to locate text attachments in Ad Hoc Correspondence. There are
no default categories in Composition Center which means the categories must be
added to Composition Center before you can assign categories to text fragments.
If you have full access rights to Composition Center you can add new categories,
rename categories and delete categories.

Categories are automatically updated in Ad Hoc Correspondence

Actions applied to categories in Composition Center (create, rename, delete and
assign) are automatically updated in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

Action Impact in Ad Hoc Correspondence

Create new category The new category is added to the category filter in
Ad Hoc Correspondence when it is assigned to a
Rename category The category is renamed in the category filter in
Ad Hoc Correspondence.
Delete category The category is removed from the category filter in
Ad Hoc Correspondence.
Assign category to text The category filter in Ad Hoc Correspondence is
updated with the new category/text reference.
Remove category from text The category/text reference is removed from the
category filter in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

The actions applied to categories in Composition Center affect all versions of

published document definitions. This means the actions affect all documents
managed in Ad Hoc Correspondence, including documents created before the
action was applied.

In this section
• Adding, renaming and deleting categories on page 37
• Assigning categories to text fragments on page 37

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence 37
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Adding, renaming and deleting categories

If you have full access rights to Composition Center you can add new categories,
rename categories and delete categories.
Note: You must select a text resource before you can open the Manage
Categories dialog box where you add, rename and delete categories. The
categories you define here can be applied globally, and not only to the text
resource you select.

Impact when deleting categories

When you delete a category it is removed from all texts it is assigned to. If you
only want to remove a category from some of the texts, you must remove the
category from each text separately. See Assigning categories to text fragments on
page 37.

To open the Manage Categories dialog box

1 In the Manage resources view, click any text resource.
2 On the Categories tab, click Manage Categories.

To add a new category

1 In the Manage Categories dialog box, click New.
2 Enter the Category Name and click OK.

To rename a category
1 In the Manage Categories dialog box, select the category and click Rename.
2 Enter a new name for the category and click OK.

To delete a category
1 In the Manage Categories dialog box, select the category and click Delete.
2 Click OK to confirm.

Assigning categories to text fragments

You can assign one or several categories to text fragments (text resources and
embedded texts) to make it easier to locate text attachments in Ad Hoc

To assign categories to a text resource (Manage resources view)

1 In the Manage resources view, click the text resource.
2 On the Categories tab, select the categories to assign to the text resource.

To assign categories to a text resource (Document definition view)

1 Open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, in the Ad Hoc Correspondence resources
area, click the text resource.
3 On the Categories tab, select the categories to assign to the text resource.

To assign categories to an embedded text

1 Open the document definition.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
38 Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

2 In the Document definition view, in the Ad Hoc Correspondence resources

area, click the embedded text.
3 On the Categories tab, select the categories to assign to the text resource.

To remove a category from a text fragment

Open the Categories tab for the text and clear the check box for the category to

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Managing texts to be administered in Ad Hoc Correspondence 39
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Write protecting text attachments

When you attach a text fragment to a document definition it is by default editable
in Ad Hoc Correspondence. If you want to write protect a text attachment, you
must define it as read-only in Composition Center.

To write protect a text attachment

1 Open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, in the Ad Hoc Correspondence resources
area, click the text attachment.
3 On the Properties tab, General area, select Read-only.
4 Click Save.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
40 Attaching stories to a document definition
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Attaching stories to a document definition

In Composition Center you can attach stories (defined as Exposed stories in
StoryTeller) to a document definition. These stories are not embedded into the
document definition, but enables the end-user to add stories containing text,
graphics, etc. to the document definition in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

Description of exposed story

A story cannot be previewed in Composition Center or Ad Hoc Correspondence.
It is therefore important that the description of an exposed story contains all the
information a Composition Center user and an Ad Hoc Correspondence user
needs to find the correct story. This description must be added to the exposed
stories in StoryTeller.

To attach a story to a document definition

1 In Composition Center, open the document definition.
2 In the Document definition view, in the Resources area, click the story.
3 Drop the story on the Stories node in the Ad Hoc Correspondence resources
4 Click Save.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Applying rules to document definitions 41
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

Applying rules to document definitions

In a batch scenario, rules determine which document definitions to include in an
Ad Hoc document. If a document definition is exclusively intended for creating
new Ad Hoc documents (the on-demand scenario), no rule is required.

One paginated document can contain several document definitions

When the rules for more than one document definition are evaluated as true, the
Ad Hoc document will contain several document definitions.

• Document definitions based on different Process types, e.g. StoryTeller and
Template Engine, cannot be mixed in the same Ad Hoc document.
• Unpaginated documents may only contain one document definition.

Prerequisites for documents with several document definitions

• In Design Center, output mode Job is used for the output connector.
• In Composition Center, process type Batch and Ad Hoc is selected for the
document definition.
• To set rules on document definitions, you must have full access rights to
Composition Center.

To set rules for document definitions

For information on how to set rules on document definitions, see the StreamStudio
Online Help for Composition Center.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
42 Applying rules to document definitions
Composition Center configurations for Ad Hoc Correspondence

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

Modifying the Design Center Project

If you modify a Design Center Project that is already used in document

production, you must consider whether the updates should be applied to both
future documents and documents that correspond to already paused Messages in
the Message storage, or only to future documents.

About this section

This section describes how Project modifications affect paused Messages in the
Message storage in different deployment scenarios.

In this section
• Service versioning concept on page 44
• Redeploying the existing version of the Project on page 45
• Deploying a new version of the Project on page 47

Related topics
• For detailed information about how different Project modifications affect
published Composition Center document definitions, see Modifying the
Design Center Project in the Composition Center documentation.
• For more information about services and service versioning scenarios, see
the OpenText StreamServe Service Versioning Guidelines, available at
OpenText Knowledge Center.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
44 Service versioning concept
Modifying the Design Center Project

Service versioning concept

StreamServer application exposes service
When you deploy a Project that includes a service-enabled Message to a
StreamServer application, the StreamServer application automatically exposes a
service. The service used for creating, previewing, and releasing documents
based on the Runtime configuration.

Service version equals Project version

The service is assigned the same version as the deployed Project. The service
version is registered in a service directory in the runtime repository when the
StreamServer application is started, and is unregistered when the StreamServer
application is stopped.

Paused Messages locked to service versions

A paused Message in the Message storage is locked to the service version that
originally created the Message. To preview and release the corresponding
document, the StreamServer application that exposed the specific service version
must be running.

Several service versions can run in parallel

Several versions of the same service can run in parallel in the application domain.
This means that you can preview and release paused Messages based on one
version of the Project using one StreamServer application, and at the same time
create new documents based on a later version of the same Project using another
StreamServer application.

Document definitions tied to service versions

There can be only one published version of a document definition at a time.
When a document definition is published or republished, it is tied to the latest
available service version in the application domain. New documents can only be
created by the StreamServer application that runs the latest version of the Project.
An already paused Message can only be previewed and released by the service
version that originally created the Message. The service version will continue to
use the original document definition, based on the original StoryTeller template,
that was published by this specific service version.
Note: Because the paused Message uses the original document definition, it can
be previewed and released before the document definition is republished.

Promoting previous versions of document definitions

If several versions of the same service run in parallel in the application domain,
business users cannot view and promote all previous versions of document
definitions in StreamStudio Composition Center.
To view and promote a previous version of a document definition, both the
service version and the version of the StoryTeller template that the document
definition is based upon must remain unchanged (that is, must be the latest
service and template versions).

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Redeploying the existing version of the Project 45
Modifying the Design Center Project

Redeploying the existing version of the Project

If you want Project updates to be applied to both future documents and to already
paused Messages in the Message storage, you can redeploy the existing Project to
the same StreamServer application. For example, if you correct a spelling error in
the StoryTeller document.
Note: Applying Project changes to paused Messages in the Message storage
could affect the rendering or other logic of the output.

Note: Not all Project changes can be applied to paused Messages. For example,
if you add a new section to the StoryTeller template, this section will not
be rendered in paused Messages.

Note: Some updates are always reflected when applying Project changes to
paused Messages. For example, if you remove a section from the
StoryTeller template, this section will no longer be rendered in paused

Do not modify the Service name in the Runtime Message settings dialog
box and redeploy the Project to the same StreamServer application.
If the Service name is modified, you can no longer preview and release
the paused documents in the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications. End of

To redeploy the existing version of the Project

See Redeploying the existing version of the Project in the Composition Center

Consequences for new documents

The Project modifications are applied to all future documents.
If the Project modification results in an increased StoryTeller template version, all
document definitions based on this template are automatically unpublished.
After being republished, the document definition based on the updated
StoryTeller template is used when creating new documents.

Consequences for already paused Messages

The type of Project modification decides whether the updates are applied to
already paused Messages in the Message storage.

Event modifications not related to the template

You can delete, rename, or add fields in the Event configuration without affecting
the StoryTeller template version. The following applies:
• If you delete a field, the field is no longer used in the paused Messages.
• If you rename a field, the field is no longer used in the paused Messages.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
46 Redeploying the existing version of the Project
Modifying the Design Center Project

• If you add a field, the paused Messages are not affected. However, if you
add the new field to the StoryTeller document, the field will be empty in the
paused Messages.

If you delete or rename a field used in StoryTeller, you must open and
update the StoryTeller document accordingly. If not, the output
documents will be corrupt. End of warning

Note: If you concatenate several Events, you cannot do any Event changes
without creating a new version of the Project and thereby increase the
StoryTeller template version.

StoryTeller document modifications not related to the template

If you update the StoryTeller document in a way that does not affect the template,
the template version is not increased. For example, if you update a text in the
StoryTeller document. The changes are applied to the paused Messages in the
Message storage.

Modifications related to the template

If a Project modification results in an updated StoryTeller template version, all
document definitions based on this template are automatically unpublished. For
example, if you add a new section to the StoryTeller template.
An already paused Message is still previewed and approved using the original
document definition, based on the original StoryTeller template. Note that Event
modifications and StoryTeller document modifications not related to the
template are applied to the Message (as described above).
Note: Because the Message uses the original document definition, it can be
previewed and released before the document definition is republished.

Related topics
For information about Project modifications resulting in an updated StoryTeller
template version, see Modifications and template versions in the Composition Center

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
Deploying a new version of the Project 47
Modifying the Design Center Project

Deploying a new version of the Project

To make sure that Project modifications are not applied to any paused Messages
in the Message storage, you can create a new, modified version of the Project and
deploy this version to a separate StreamServer application in the application
domain. For example, if you update a text in the StoryTeller document, but want
already paused Messages to be completed with the original text.
You can then preview and release already paused Messages based on the original
Project version, and at the same time create new documents based on the updated
Project version.

To deploy a new version of the Project

See Deploying a new version of the Project in the Composition Center documentation.

Consequences for new documents

The Project modifications are applied to all future documents.
When increasing the Project version, the versions of all included StoryTeller
templates are also increased. After starting the new StreamServer application, all
document definitions based on these templates are automatically unpublished.
When the business user republishes a document definition, the document
definition is tied to the StreamServer application that runs the latest Project
version. This StreamServer application is the only one that can create new
documents based on the document definition.
Note: No new documents can be created via the StreamServer application that
runs the original Project version.

Note: If both the original and the new StreamServer applications scan the same
folder for input data, we recommend that you disable the input
connectors for the original StreamServer application. For more
information, see the Control Center documentation.

Consequences for already paused Messages

As long as the StreamServer application that originally created a paused Message
is running, you can preview and release the Message using the original document
definition based on the original StoryTeller template. No changes to the Project
are reflected in the output.
Note: Because the Message uses the original document definition, it can be
previewed and released before the document definition is republished.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B
48 Deploying a new version of the Project
Modifying the Design Center Project

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide Rev B

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