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The central nervous system and inflammation in hypertension

Paul J Marvar, Heinrich Lob, Antony Vinh,
Faresa Zarreen and David G Harrison

In recent years a major research effort has focused on the role stress and high salt intake. There is, however, emerging
of inflammation, and in particular adaptive immunity, in the evidence that inflammation, and in particular adaptive
genesis of hypertension. Hypertension stimulates the immunity, contributes to hypertension. This raises the
accumulation of inflammatory cells including macrophages and question of whether there is any link between the central
T lymphocytes in peripheral tissues important in blood pressure regulation of blood pressure and adaptive immunity in the
control, such as the kidney and vasculature. Angiotensin II genesis of hypertension. Considering that the central
modulates blood pressure via actions on the central nervous nervous system (CNS) exerts powerful influences on
system (CNS) and the adaptive immune system. Recent work the immune system and vice versa, it is plausible that
suggests that the central actions of angiotensin II via the CNS actions of factors such as angiotensin II, might
circumventricular organs lead to activation of circulating T-cells enhance adaptive immune responses that lead to hyper-
and vascular inflammation. The neuro-immune system plays an tension. This review provides a brief overview of the
essential role in the pathogenesis of hypertension and further neuroimmune system, the central regulation of blood
understanding of this relationship could lead to the pressure and how the neuroimmune link contributes to
development of new treatment strategies. the etiology of hypertension.

Divison of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Emory University School Interactions of the neuroimmune system and
of Medicine and the Atlanta Veteran Administration Hospital, Atlanta, immunity
GA, United States The bi-directional communication between the central
nervous system (CNS) and the immune system is well
Corresponding author: Marvar, Paul J (
known [5]. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and
hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) are two major pathways
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:156–161 that modulate this communication. The SNS innervates
both primary (thymus and bone marrow) and secondary
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cardiovascular and renal
(spleen, lymph nodes, and Peyer’s patches) lymphoid
Edited by Irving H Zucker and Matthew Zimmermann tissues while most immune cells express receptors for
neurohormones (i.e. glucocorticoids and angiotensin II)
Available online 31st December 2010 and for catecholamines (i.e. norepinephrine) [6]. Depend-
1471-4892/$ – see front matter ing on immune cell type and level of activation, factors
# 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. released from the HPA and SNS can have immunosup-
pressive and immuno-enhancing effects. Immunosuppres-
DOI 10.1016/j.coph.2010.12.001 sive effects of glucocorticoids, the end product of HPA axis
activation, are well documented [7]. On the other hand,
norepinephrine released from sympathetic nerve terminals
Introduction can both enhance and inhibit adaptive and innate immune
Despite extensive study, the etiology of most cases of cells [8]. Thus, the SNS and HPA can regulate the magni-
human hypertension continues to be heavily debated. tude of innate or adaptive immune response in multiple
Blood pressure regulation is a complex process involving ways. In reciprocal, the immune system also regulates the
renal, vascular and central mechanisms. The brain is CNS [9,10]. Pro-inflammatory cytokines produced in the
essential for processing and integrating neurohumoral periphery can feedback to the brain, passing through the
signals from the periphery to maintain pressure and fluid blood brain barrier at leaky points such as the organum
homeostasis. Several distinct nuclei in the forebrain, vasculosum lamina terminalis (OVLT) or median emi-
hypothalamus and brainstem contribute to the regulation nence [11]. Interestingly, these brain regions, referred to
of blood pressure and perturbations of these central sites as circumventricular organs (CVOs), are also essential to
contribute to the etiology of hypertension [1,2,3]. For blood pressure and fluid homeostasis. In addition, cyto-
example, human and experimental animal models of kines can be produced locally in the brain by glia and
hypertension exhibit autonomic dysfunction, elevated neurons and contribute to a neuroinflammatory response
sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) and altered barorecep- implicated in neurodegenerative diseases and more
tor sensitivity [4]. These neurogenic mechanisms are recently identified in hypertension [12,13,14]. As pro-
influenced by humoral factors such as angiotensin II and posed by Paton and colleagues [15], increased circulating
mineralcorticoids and by environmental factors such as inflammatory cells and cytokines in the brain can impair

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:156–161

The central nervous system and inflammation Marvar et al. 157

central blood pressure regulation and promote hyperten- microvasculature [15]. Overall, these studies clearly
sion. Although CNS-immune interactions have been demonstrate that inflammation in the blood vessels, kid-
extensively studied in the setting of autoimmune and neys and CNS can contribute to the development of
psychiatric disorders, the role of the neuroimmune system hypertension. In an effort to better understand inflam-
in hypertension is far less understood. mation in hypertension, our laboratory has performed
several recent studies examining the adaptive immune
The central control of blood pressure, the system in the pathophysiology of hypertension
renin–angiotensin system (RAS) and [28,29,30,31,32,33].
The neurohumoral effects of the RAS significantly con- Adaptive immunity in hypertension
tribute to the central regulation of blood pressure. Com- In 2007, Guzik et al., found that mice lacking T-lympho-
ponents of the RAS, including renin, angiotensinogen and cytes are resistant to the development of both angiotensin
angiotensin type 1 (AT1a) receptors are present in various II and DOCA-salt induced hypertension [28]. Adoptive
brain regions and cell types [16–18]. The importance of transfer of T, but not B cells restored hypertension in
the RAS and locally derived angiotensin II in the brain is these animals. More recently, Crowley et al., showed that
highlighted by numerous studies where brain manipula- SCID mice, which also lack lymphocytes, have a blunted
tions, such as lesioning of specific regions [19] and over- blood pressure response and reduced sodium retention
expression of various components of the RAS in the brain during angiotensin II-dependent hypertension [34]. In
[20] produce long term changes in blood pressure [3,21]. addition, subsequent studies have extended these find-
In addition to brain-derived angiotensin II, blood-borne ings and provide further evidence of a role for T lympho-
angiotensin peptides can enter the brain and modulate cytes in salt-sensitive and genetic forms of hypertension
blood pressure and fluid homeostasis. Circulating angio- [35–37]. Despite the growing evidence for the role of T
tensin II accesses the CNS via the CVOs, which are cells in hypertension, the mechanisms underlying T cell
hypothalamic regions around the third and fourth ven- activation and T cell infiltration into the vasculature and
tricles that have a weak blood brain barrier and contain a kidney and these effects on blood pressure remain
high density of angiotensin type 1 (AT1a) receptors. unclear.
These regions include the OVLT, the area postrema
(AP) and subfornical organ (SFO) [22], and are essential In hypertension, angiotensin II is known to contribute to
to the regulation of blood pressure and fluid balance [23]. increased sympathetic nerve activity [38,39]. The SNS, as
In particular, the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) discussed above, can also impact the adaptive immune
region, which encompasses periventricular neural struc- response in several ways. For example, T cell rich organs
tures including the OVLT and portions of the preoptic such as the spleen and lymph nodes are highly innervated
nucleus [22], has been well documented to play a role in with sympathetic nerves [40,41]. Most immune cells
various forms of hypertension [24]. The AV3V region possess adrenergic receptors, and T and B cells almost
receives input from the SFO and sends efferent projec- exclusively express the b2 subtype [42]. During increased
tions to key cardiovascular regulatory brainstem sites such sympathetic activation, norepinephrine released from the
as the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and rostral sympathetic nerve terminal has been shown to both
ventrolateral medulla (RVLM). Electrolytic lesions that inhibit and stimulate T cell activation and proliferation
disrupt the AV3V region have been shown to virtually [43]. For example, naı̈ve CD4+ lymphocytes cultured
abolish all of the central actions of angiotensin II in- under Th1-promoting conditions produces 3 to 4-fold
cluding drinking behavior, sympathetic outflow, vaso- more IFN in norepinephrine stimulated versus unstimu-
pressin release as well as preventing and/or reversing lated cells [44]. In keeping with this concept, Ganta et al.,
several forms of experimental hypertension [22,24]. showed that administration of angiotensin II in the
lateral cerebral ventricle increased mRNA expression
Angiotensin II not only has important central effects in of pro-inflammatory splenic cytokines such as IL-1 beta
regulation of blood pressure, but also contributes to key and IL-6 and splenic sympathetic denervation abrogated
events in inflammation [25]. For example, AT1a receptor these responses [45]. On the basis of these studies we
blockade or anti-inflammatory treatment can lower blood sought to further examine the role of central angiotensin
pressure and reverse renal and vascular accumulation of II signaling and T cell mediated inflammation in hyper-
inflammatory cells [26]. Moreover, angiotensin II depend- tension.
ent hypertension increases production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines within specific brain regions involved in blood Our initial studies were designed to increase the central
pressure control [2]. In addition, Zhang et al., recently effects of angiotensin II by locally increasing oxidative
reported that angiotensin II increases permeability of the stress in the brain, specifically in the SFO [30]. As
blood brain barrier and cerebral microvasculature inflam- mentioned above, the SFO is a CVO region that contains
mation [27]. Interestingly, other forms of experimental an NADPH oxidase and has direct efferent projections to
hypertension also promote inflammation in the brainstem the AV3V region. Zimmerman et al., were the first to Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:156–161

158 Cardiovascular and renal

demonstrate that angiotensin II dependent hypertension angiotensin II using the well-known AV3V ablation
is characterized by increased oxidative stress in the SFO method [32]. We then examined properties of circu-
[46]. We asked the question of whether increased oxi- lating T cells and the vascular accumulation of these
dative stress in the SFO could contribute to T cell cells in response to chronic angiotensin II infusion.
mediated hypertension. Oxidative stress was increased AV3V lesioning attenuated the rise in blood pressure
in the SFO by specifically deleting extracellular super- in response to a slow pressor dose of angiotensin II and
oxide dismutase (SOD3) via ICV injection of an adeno- completely prevented the activation and vascular infil-
virus encoding cre-recombinase. Interestingly, SOD3 tration of T cells. This striking finding demonstrated
deletion in the SFO increased sympathetic outflow and that the central-mediated effects, but not the peripheral
markedly enhanced the blood pressure response to a low effects, were responsible for the hypertension and
dose infusion of angiotensin II (140ng/kg/min). More- inflammation caused by angiotensin II. In light of these
over, SOD3 deletion also markedly increased circulating findings, T cell activation and vascular inflammation by
T cells expressing the activation markers CD69 and angiotensin II may be dependent on increased sym-
CD44high, as well as increased vascular infiltration of pathetic outflow and catecholamine release or other
inflammatory cells. central signals that were blocked by AV3V ablation.
Alternatively, increased T cell activation and vessel
To further explore the link between the CNS, T cell inflammation during angiotensin II may be secondary
activation and inflammation in hypertension, we to the rise in blood pressure, which can be blocked by
examined the effect of blocking the central actions of AV3V ablation.

Figure 1

Angiotensin II Stress ROS

Catecholamines High Salt
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
Blood brain barrier disruption
Brain Severe Hypertension

Pro-inflammatory cytokine release

ROS generation

OVLT Microglia

Sympathetic Activity
neuronal activation

Blood Vessels Kidneys Vascular and renal

T cell infiltration

Secondary Lymphoid Organs

T cell
Fornation of neoantigens
T cell

T cell activation, proliferation and migration


Current Opinion in Pharmacology

Proposed role for the circumventricular organs (CVOs) in T cell mediated inflammation in hypertension. Hypertensive stimuli such as angiotensin II, high
salt or stress act in large part on the CVOs neurocircuitry causing a modest elevation in pressure (Phase 1 — pre-hypertension). Local inflammation at the
level of the CVOs involving microglia activation and increased cytokine production may also contribute to increased sympathetic outflow. We hypothesize
that in a feed forward fashion this leads to neoantigen formation, promoting T cell activation. Activated T cells then enter the kidney and vasculature (Phase
2). T cell derived signals such as IL-17 promote the entry of other inflammatory cells, such as macrophages. These inflammatory cells release cytokines
that cause vasoconstriction and promote sodium and water absorption, ultimately causing severe hypertension (Phase 2).

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2011, 11:156–161

The central nervous system and inflammation Marvar et al. 159

To differentiate between these scenarios, we chronically tension. Given the emerging role of immunity in hyper-
infused norepinephrine as a peripherally acting hyper- tension and the role of the CNS in blood pressure
tensive stimulus, thus bypassing the effect of the central regulation, the data presented here highlight the import-
lesion and directly acting on peripheral adrenergic recep- ance of the neuroimmune interface in this disease pro-
tors in a fashion suggested by Ganta et al. [45]. We also cess. Further understanding of the neuroimmune
administered hydralazine to prevent the elevation in response in hypertension may provide additional insight
blood pressure to either angiotensin II or norepinephrine. and targeting for therapeutic intervention.
In contrast to the case with angiotensin II infusion, AV3V
lesions did not prevent the hypertension, T cell activation References and recommended reading
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