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Тaже tшeдше въ предложeніе,

ўмывaютъ рyки, глаг0люще:

мhю въ непови1нныхъ рyцэ мои2
и3 њбhду жeртвенникъ тв0й гDи,
є4же ўслhшати ми2 глaсъ хвалы2
твоеS, и3 повёдати вс‰ чудесA
тво‰. ГDи, возлюби1хъ благолёпіе
д0му твоегw2, и3 мёсто селeніz слa-
вы твоеS. Да не погуби1ши съ нече-
сти1выми дyшу мою2 и3 съ м{жи
кровeй животA моегw2: и4хже въ ру-
кaхъ беззакHніz, десни1ца и4хъ и3с-
п0лнисz мзды2. Ѓзъ же неѕл0біемъ
мои1мъ ходи1хъ, и3збaви мS гDи, и3
поми1луй мS. НогA моS стA на пра-
вотЁ, въ цeрквахъ благословлю2 тS,
Then, having gone to the Prothesis,
they wash their hands, saying:

will wash my hands in innocence
and I will compass Thine altar, O
Lord, that I may hear the voice of
Thy praise and tell of all Thy won-
drous works. O Lord, I have loved the
beauty of Thy house, and the place
where Thy glory dwelleth. Destroy not
my soul with the ungodly, nor my life
with men of blood, in whose hands are
iniquities; their right hand is full of
bribes. But as for me, in mine inno-
cence have I walked; redeem me, O
Lord, and have mercy on me. My foot
hath stood in uprightness, in the con-
gregations will I bless Thee, O Lord.
Тaже tшeдше въ предложeніе, Then, having gone to the Prothesis,
ўмывaютъ рyки, глаг0люще: they wash their hands, saying:

мhю въ непови1нныхъ рyцэ will wash my hands in innocen-
мои2 и3 њбhду жeртвенникъ ce and I will compass Thine al-
тв0й гDи, є4же ўслhшати ми2 tar, O Lord, that I may hear the
глaсъ хвалы2 твоеS, и3 повё- voice of Thy praise and tell of all
дати вс‰ чудесA тво‰. ГDи, Thy wondrous works. O Lord, I
возлюби1хъ благолёпіе д0му тво- have loved the beauty of Thy house,
егw2, и3 мёсто селeніz слaвы тво- and the place where Thy glory dwel-
еS. Да не погуби1ши съ нечести1- leth. Destroy not my soul with the
выми дyшу мою2 и3 съ м{жи ungodly, nor my life with men of
кровeй животA моегw2: и4хже въ blood, in whose hands are iniquities;
рукaхъ беззакHніz, десни1ца и4хъ their right hand is full of bribes. But
и3сп0лнисz мзды2. Ѓзъ же неѕл0- as for me, in mine innocence have I
біемъ мои1мъ ходи1хъ, и3збaви мS walked; redeem me, O Lord, and
гDи, и3 поми1луй мS. НогA моS have mercy on me. My foot hath
стA на правотЁ, въ цeрквахъ бла- stood in uprightness, in the congre-
гословлю2 тS, гDи. gations will I bless Thee, O Lord.

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