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1. A steam pipe passes through a room in which the air and walls are at 25°C. The outside diameter of the pipe is 70 mm, and
its surface temperature and emissivity are 200 °C and 0.8, respectively. If the coefficient associated with free convection
heat transfer from the surface to the air is 15 W/m2·K, what is the rate of heat loss from the surface per unit length of pipe?

2. Humans are able to control their heat production rate and heat loss rate to maintain a nearly constant core temperature of
Tc = 37°C under a wide range of environmental conditions. This process is called thermoregulation. From the perspective of
calculating heat transfer between a human body and its surroundings, we focus on a layer of skin and fat, with its outer
surface exposed to the environment and its inner surface at a temperature slightly less than the core temperature, Ti = 35
°C = 308 K. Consider a person with a skin/fat layer of thickness L = 3 mm and effective thermal conductivity k = 0.3 W/m·K.
The person has a surface area A = 1.8 m2 and is dressed in a bathing suit, whose thermal effects can be ignored. The
emissivity of the skin is ɛ = 0.95 and the temperature of the surroundings is 298 K.
a. When the person is in still air at T∞ = 297 K, what is the skin surface temperature and rate of heat loss to the
environment? Convection heat transfer to the air is characterized by a free convection coefficient of h = 2 W/m2 ·K.
b. When the person is in water at T∞ = 297 K, what is the skin surface temperature and heat loss rate? Heat transfer to
the water is characterized by a convection coefficient of h = 200 W/m2 · K.

3. The coating on a plate is cured by exposure to an infrared lamp providing a uniform irradiation of 2000W/m2. It absorbs
80% of the irradiation and has an emissivity of 0.50. It is also exposed to an airflow and large surroundings for which
temperatures are 20 °C and 30°C, respectively. If the convection coefficient between the plate and the ambient air is
15W/m2·K, what is the cure temperature of the plate?

4. The heat flux that is applied to one face of a plane wall is q = 20 W/m2. The opposite face is exposed to air at temperature
30°C, with a convection heat transfer coefficient of 20 W/m2·K. The surface temperature of the wall exposed to air is
measured and found to be 50°C. Do steady-state conditions exist? Justify your answer.

5. A steel pipe having an inside diameter of 1.88 cm and a wall thickness of 0.391 cm is subjected to inside and outside surface
temperatures of 367 and 344 K, respectively. Find the steady-state heat flow rate per meter of pipe length, and also the
heat flux based on both the inside and outside surface areas. Why are they different from each other?

6. Se deja una plancha de 800 W sobre la tabla de planchar con su base expuesta al aire. Cerca del 85% del calor generado en
la plancha se disipa a través de la base, cuya área superficial es de 150 cm2, y el 15% restante a través de otras superficies.
Suponiendo que la transferencia de calor desde la superficie es uniforme, determine: a) la cantidad de calor que la plancha
disipa durante un periodo de 2 horas, en kWh; b) el flujo de calor sobre la superficie de la base de la plancha, en W/m2, y c)
el costo total de la energía eléctrica consumida durante este periodo de 2 horas. Tome el costo unitario de la electricidad
como 0.07 dólar/kWh.

7. Considere un bombillo incandescente de 150 W. El filamento del bombillo tiene 5 cm de largo y el diámetro es de 0.5 mm.
El diámetro del bulbo de vidrio del bombillo es de 8 cm. Determine el flujo de calor, en W/m2, a) sobre la superficie del
filamento y b) sobre la superficie del bulbo de vidrio, y c) calcule cuánto costará por año mantener ese bombillo encendido
durante 8 horas al día, todos los días, si el costo unitario de la electricidad es de 0.08 dólar/kWh.

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