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Edition 2, 5 March 2008

water and maintain World Health

Harriet Mclea Organisation and South African water
quality standards: “Whether there is the
Following last year’s water crisis, competency to continue meeting these
problems surrounding the quality standards (lack of trained and competent
of Grahamstown’s water persist. An staff) is an issue which requires urgent
increasing number of Rhodes students attention”. Muller said that the water
have resorted to buying bottled water may be brown due to sediment, either
instead of drinking water from their entering the reticulation system from
taps. burst pipes or from the reservoirs.
First year student, Russel Cavé said Attempts by The Oppidan Press to get
that sometimes the water goes brown comment from the municipality proved
or has “little white particles in it.” Aazil unsuccessful.
Nazarali, a second year student, said that According to a pamphlet released
he buys bottled water every day adding by the Department of Water Affairs
up to nine litres each week. Mcebisi and Foresty (DWAF), water is not a
Heleni, manager of the Kaif said that sustainable solution for South Africa:
more water is sold than any cool drinks “A litre of bottled water purchased at a
and he restocks the fridge with 20 cases supermarket costs about R10. To fill a

99 bottles of tea on the wall

of water per day. one litre bottled from your kitchen tap
Jessica Watermeyer, an Oppidan, said costs less than one cent – a 1000 fold
that all the students in her digs either difference!”
buy bottled water or filter the water they The DWAF recommends the
drink. She said that when they arrived following if you do not have access to
proach to alcohol consumption at these about pressing social issues among their in Grahamstown all of them felt sick and clean drinking water: Filter the water
Robyn McCormick & Daneel Knoetze they blamed it on the water. However,
events”. members, it is these reports of “high through a cloth to remove suspended
pharmacists at Grahamstown Pharmacy

It is precisely this change in image levels of binge drinking and excessive al- material; boil water (for at least ten
afsoc, a society infamous for that Neal Howarth, Chairman of Rafsoc, cohol consumption” at last year’s parties and Dr Nikite Muller of the Insitute for minutes) to destroy micro-organisms
drinking, was the first society up fears will lead to a drop in member- that have encouraged her to take action. Water Research at Rhodes University, that may cause disease, adding bleach
for scrutiny as part of the Dean ship this year. More than 600 students Rafsoc’s relationship with the Centre both question whether it is fair to to remove micro-organisms (one tsp
of Students’ campaign to promote the signed up for Rafsoc, largely under the for Social Development (CSD) used to make a direct link between the water per 25 litres and allow to stand for two
responsible use of alcohol on campus. assumption that the society’s parties be beneficial, with Rafsoc donating over quality concerns and a large number of hours protected from sunlight, adding
Rafsoc, longstanding as one of the would be conducted as in the past. Now R20,000 and a bakkie of clothes towards complaints of diarrhoea. chlorine granules one tsp per 200 litres
most popular societies at Rhodes, has Howarth fears that the new regulations the end of last year. However, since the Muller said that it was the of water) and allow to stand for two
seen massive success in fundraising will disappoint students, causing them to CSD’s relationship with their chosen municipality’s responsibility to test hours protected from sunlight.
through their parties in the past. These demand refunds, which would have huge project, Ikhaya Losizo, finished at the
parties invariably involved the circula- financial consequences for the society. end of third term last year, there have
tion of alcoholic punch (lots of it) to The society has never been in finan- been no further donations. A spokes-
the guests. In a recent meeting between cial trouble before, and even went so person from the CSD said that there had
the Rafsoc Committee and the Dean far as to donate R20,000 to the SRC at been problems between the centre and
of Students Dr Vivian de Klerk, new the end of 2007 to help fund this year’s Rafsoc as it was felt that Rafsoc, despite
ground rules were outlined, specifically O-week events. Dale van der Lingen, giving substantial financial donations,
aimed at altering the focus of the parties the SRC treasurer, said that the SRC was had not been physically involved in any
to conform to the Responsible Alcohol grateful for the donation: “The money community development schemes. This
Use Policy which, according to Dr de was very much appreciated, and the lack of involvement, coupled with the
Klerk, does not introduce new policies extra funds were ploughed back into the concerns about the means by which Raf-
but is rather a summary of pre-existing societies counsel so that other societies soc raised their money, led to strained
rules. The meeting ended with Rafsoc re- could also benefit from the donation.” relationships between Rafsoc and the
luctantly agreeing to restrict the alcohol Rafsoc representatives also helped at the university, says Dani Marais, student vol-
available at their parties to four drinks O-week carnival and the business extrav- unteer co-ordinator. “Though the CSD
per person, as well as promising to have aganza by handing out free soft drinks benefits from such donations, taking
food and non-alcoholic punch available and water to students as an alternative to the money condones alcohol abuse and
alongside the alcohol. the alcohol on sale. we are therefore partially liable for the
The Committee felt that they had These efforts to ‘clean up’ Rafsoc’s dangers posed to students who choose
been “slapped in the face” with restric- image follow a tumultuous year in the to become heavily intoxicated,” she
tions that they feel are unreasonable. society. Last year, Rafsoc was under said.
Christine Pearson, the Rafsoc treasurer, scrutiny from the Dean of Students office Howarth says that this year will be one to go see. Located at the medical
is confident that a better compromise as bad reports concerning the society different. The society is willing to con- practice not so far from where this
can be reached. Rafsoc plans to focus escalated. The party held in the third form to the new alcohol restrictions, and New posters have recently appeared on picture was taken, at 120 High Street,
their efforts on creating a safe environ- term was linked to cases of sexual assault move its parties to a venue on campus trees around Grahamstown advertising she is the only doctor in town qualified
ment for students to have fun as part of and the proceeds from the fourth term for greater safety, although Pearson says quick, safe and painless abortions. to perform abortions. She is available
their attempts to reform Rafsoc’s former party were reportedly stolen from the that this will not happen “if we are being It’s unclear whether this is last year’s for consultations at her practice and
image. then-chairman’s car after the party. This second-guessed all the time”. Pearson Dr Mike (featured in the “One-day performs abortions at Settlers Hospital.
Dr de Klerk has responded with ap- led to speculations about if the society and Howarth resent their donations Abortion. 100% Pain-Free” article) in Although Dr Bull is likely more
proval: “I welcome the efforts of Rafsoc is, as it claims, a society aiming to raise being regarded as ‘dirty money’ and plan disguise or a new “doctor” offering the expensive than what may be a cheaper
in providing parties and entertainment awareness and funds. to direct their efforts towards supporting same unreliable services. option advertised here, the safety
for our students, and I also applaud their Although Dr de Klerk commends the Galela Amanzi project, an initiative If you find yourself in the position provided by the former is priceless. Her
decision to adopt a more responsible ap- Rafsoc for “genuinely ‘raising awareness’ which provides water tanks to schools. of needing an abortion, Dr Bull is the phone number is 046 636 2063.
2 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08

A video created by students of the The video has been strongly

University of the Free State (UFS) condemned by members of the
depicting UFS employees kneeling and community across the country, including
Recently Rhodes has been plagued by eating food that had been urinated on Rhodes SRC President Xolani Nyali who
the noticeable influx of cars, which have shocked the public on Tuesday last week. called the video unconstitutional: “No
been piled into parking spaces, side- According to, the video true South African - white or black -
walks, pavement, and anywhere else with was a brazen response to the university’s would accept or tolerate the behaviour
a length of over two metres. Leaving for newly adopted policies to integrate that these UFS students have shown, and
a lecture 15 minutes earlier than usual to student residences which, up until that we need to make this clear.”
find a parking space? Not ideal.

Pic: Geoff Wakefield

point, had been racially segregated.
Staff are also not exempt from park-
ing problems. They are often forced to
drive around looking for parking spaces
when their own demarcated spots have
been taken by students. hours, “ought to be given priority over
Oppidans are complaining that most the space available for parking”. On 24 February, a rally was held by the were both present as guest speakers.
of the cars taking up parking spaces Lucy Kruger, a first year from Nelson main opposition party in Zimbabwe, Chimombe said that a presence in
belong to students in residence who do Mandela Hall, says that she enjoys hav- the Movement for Democratic Change Grahamstown was important because
not need to drive to lectures. ing her car on campus because “although parking,” she said. (MDC), to drum up support for the the MDC is “setting up structures in
But what is Rhodes doing to remedy they say Rhodes is easy to walk around, But what about those who have 29 March elections taking place in the every corner of South Africa in order to
this problem? “There’s not much we life is much easier with a car”. not been given accommodation in country. make sure that all Zimbabwean citizens
can do,” says Larissa Klazinga, Rhodes Klazinga feels that some students residence? Parking spaces are available, The rally was held outside the have enough information and are able to
Student Services Officer. “At Rhodes have unreasonable expectations of the says Klazinga, and the university boasts Cathedral and was poorly attended register and vote”.
students are encouraged to walk to try university in terms of parking availabili- a parking lot outside the Barratt lecture despite the many posters around town Moyake was emphatic about the
and decrease the amount of traffic on ty. “Rhodes used to have a policy like the theatre on central campus with space and on campus. Despite this, the 20 importance of voting in his speech,
central campus.” Klazinga also said ones now in place at Tuks where no first to accommodate 240 cars. Klazinga people who did attend were enthusiastic, saying “We will not allow Mugabe to
that the majority of students on central years were allowed to bring cars to cam- expressed annoyance that students seem and repeatedly chanted “Mugabe must steal our elections again. Rise up and
campus are in residence, and that there pus. We don’t want to go back to that.” “unwilling to walk the 200 metres to go!” and other such slogans. vote!”
is no real need for residents to drive to She confirms that there are no plans in their lectures,” but prefer to park directly Roderick Chimombe, the Eastern Turn to the Politics Section for a
lectures. However, she feels that staff place to create more parking spaces on outside their lecture venues, often Cape District Chairman for the MDC, more in-depth analysis.
and Oppidans, who live further away campus. “We promise people accommo- occupying staff parking spaces. and Ringrose Moyake, Secretary of
and generally stay on campus for longer dation, we don’t promise them International Affairs for the MDC,

Nolulamo Matutu

Last year the Dean of Students’ office, in

conjunction with the Rhodes Web Unit,
organised an alcohol survey based on
the World Health Organisation’s Alcohol
Use Disorders Identification test to
assess whether or not there is a drinking
problem at Rhodes.
A third of the student body par-
ticipated and of 2,049 students, it was
discovered that ten percent of students
at Rhodes are alcohol dependant, 33
percent are in the hazardous range, nine
percent are in the harmful range and 49
percent are in the safe range.
These results informed part of the
training programme for residence
house committees and are included
as a suggested point of discussion in a
booklet for first year students.
“The results are useful in that they
give us a way of understanding the
problem…for us what’s more important
is to use them as a gauge for the problem
and to try and come up with useful in-
terventions based on that information,”
commented Larissa Klazinga, Rhodes
Student Services Officer.

We would like to take this TriVarsity is considered by many as Thanks to Christie Jacobs, a fourth A handful of people attended the While many of you were spending
opportunity to apologise for not being the most important event on the year photojournalism student, we Zimbabwean opposition party the weekend doing what students
launching our website on time. Due Rhodes calendar. Some have argued have a stunning picture slide show of (MDC) rally two weeks ago. The do best, Rhodes Athletics Club, the
to unforeseen circumstances, we had it’s all about the sporting competition, a day in the life of Sean Haydock and speakers encouraged students Health Suite and RMR held a 24
to design our website from scratch others believe that it’s about showing his quest for water conservation. Join to travel back to Zimbabwe and hour marathon to raise funds for
and it’s officially being launched your true Rhodent patriotism, but him and his son as they spend a day exercise their right to vote in the cancer. If you were not there (or
(again!) today. So check out the cool what ever purple position you may harvesting succulents for their garden. up-coming elections. Check out a even if you were), check out our
things that you missed last edition: take we can all agree that this event has video of the rally and experience first photo slideshow of this event and
Ricci Pillay’s resignation speech, got a little bit heavy-handed and out of hand as our writers begin to become enjoy the fun, laughter and exercise
a YouTube video of the Kenyan control. Agree, disagree, listen up and multi-skilled multimedia journalists. for yourself and watch how students
election violence, toe wrestling AND tune into our first ever podcast of who raised awareness around cancer.
all our new multimedia content to said what and what went down at the
complement this week’s print edition! ‘Save TriVarsity’ debate.

The Oppidan Press 05.03.08 3

stressed the value of TriVarsity and

encouraged students to focus on sport
and competition rather than excessive
The threat of TriVarsity being cancelled drinking. When asked to propose
saw members of the student body riled possible solutions to ‘Save TriVarsity’,
up and ready to battle it out at last week’s students suggested workshops be
‘Save TriVarsity’ debate. Many students held before the event and security be
see TriVarsity as one of, if not the most, increased to ease safety concerns and
important sporting and social events on keep the “few” problematic students in
the Rhodes calendar. check if needed.
The debate was held during ‘Alcohol Nyali stated that the SRC supported
Awareness Week’, a campaign promoting the continuation of TriVarsity but did
responsible drinking and highlighting not want to tarnish the name of Rhodes.
the prominent drinking culture at He said that students do not need to be
Rhodes University. Members of staff, “nannyed” and that we should know
the SRC and students were encouraged how to behave. He also commented on
to attend the debate in order to share the rising alcoholism at Rhodes and the
opinions on the issues of safety, alcohol need to shift our institutional culture
abuse and Rhodes’ participation in so that irresponsible drinking is not
the annual TriVarsity event. Speakers promoted.
included Vice Chancellor Dr Saleem
Badat, Dean of Students Dr Vivian de
Klerk, Sports Officer Kerr Rodgers and
SRC President Xolani Nyali. All of the
speakers made it clear that they did not
want to abolish TriVarsity but insisted
that changes needed to be made so that
Rhodes can continue to participate in
the annual event. Although student
views would be considered, Dr Badat While this event did provide a platform
stressed that it was not only up to the for debate, many students felt that the
students to decide, saying that the SRC was not being representative of
ultimate decision would be made by the their views and needs. Paul-Michael
Senate. Keichel, a fourth year student, likened
In light of past drunken and the doing away with TriVarsity to doing
disorderly behaviour by Rhodes away with the 2010 Soccer World Cup
students, the decision of the university’s in fear of inevitable soccer hooliganism.
throughout the campus, with a central be allowed to leave the designated area; future may not even be made here: TriVarsity was described as a unifying
control room where all campus activities the police and traffic authorities will Fort Hare and the Nelson Mandela event where all ethnicities united under
can be monitored. An 18 page safety and be working with the universities and Metropolitan University (NMMU) could the umbrella of Rhodes for a common
After ten years of being held elsewhere, security plan has been drafted. there will be road blocks to stop drunk opt to have Rhodes excluded from the cause and should be supported to this
TriVarsity will be returning to the Fort driving. Four 60-seater buses have event. end.
Hare campus this year. Dean of Students already been booked and the fee for a According to Dr Badat and Dr de Dr Badat stated that “it would be
Dr Vivian de Klerk explained that Fort return trip has been estimated at R80. Klerk, the participation of Rhodes has a great pity if TriVarsity had to be
Hare is able to host TriVarsity due to Students driving their own cars are been jeopardised by the unacceptable stopped”. He suggested that as the
their newly upgraded sports facilities, encouraged to drive in convoy. behaviour of a small portion of students problem has resulted from the behaviour
which include resurfaced courts and a De Klerk recommends driving back which has brought the university’s of only a few students, it was up to
“stunning” indoor sports centre. on Saturday although she said that they reputation into disrepute. In addition the SRC, administration and students
The TriVarsity sporting events will could arrange limited accommodation to bad behaviour, TriVarsity events to beware of those whose behaviour
be split between East London and Alice. for Rhodes students on the Fort Hare have also been the scene of numerous was bringing Rhodes into disrepute.
Rowing, hockey, tennis, athletics and campus. Ample information will be rapes, beatings, drunk driving accidents Dr Badat recognised that the kinds of
waterpolo will take place on the Friday provided closer to the time about how to and physical violence which have led behavioural problems we are dealing
afternoon in East London. The other Rhodes University will attempt to make get to Fort Hare. members of the university to question with are not exclusively related to
events will take place on Saturday at Fort TriVarsity a safe and fun event this “Fort Hare has been waiting for ten whether TriVarsity should be allowed to TriVarsity, and therefore banning
Hare. year. Aside from the intensive ‘Alcohol years for their turn to host the event and continue. TriVarsity would not solve the problem.
Fort Hare has recently enclosed Awareness Week’ and ‘Save TriVarsity’ we owe them the courtesy of travelling Dr de Klerk believes it will take the He made it clear that students needed to
their campus and will have 24 hour campaign, there will be stricter measures to their campus for a change, and giving determination of both staff and students drink responsibly and play an active role
security at the entrance to address the in place during the TriVarsity weekend them a chance to prove that they can rise to change the mindless destructive in the elimination of offensive behaviour
safety concerns of students. Surveillance to control alcohol consumption: a beer to the occasion. I feel confident that they behaviour indulged by a few. She if TriVarsity is to continue not only this
cameras have also been installed tent will be set up and no alcohol will will,” she said. has promoted responsible drinking, year, but in the years to come.

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4 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08

ble the previous initiative. On his visit to eight men, accused of prostitution, were
Africa last month, Bush was welcomed arrested and tested for HIV against their
to Benin, Liberia, Tanzania and Rwanda, will. The two men whose results came
Most of the time, when US President with supporters lining the streets waving Living in a relatively tolerant society like out positive were subsequently tortured.
George Bush comes up in conversation US flags. In Tanzania, Bush visited the South Africa, one often tends to take for These “purges” by the government
the topic turns immediately to war and Aids treatment facility that was financed granted certain rights ordained by our have led to the stigmatisation of Aids
A lot of people see Eskom as a “Lord the fact that his is a presidency that the mainly by Pepfar funds and stated that Constitution. This was made extremely as being a disease that affects solely
of the Rings” style villain sitting in a global community cannot wait to see it was possibly the best display of the clear when Egyptian police recently homosexuals and, consequently, there is
power station of evil, unleashing hordes come to an end. But for many Africans programme’s success in Africa, and began arresting men suspected of being a belief that heterosexuals are safe from
of blackouts. Well, at least I did. Sadly this is not the case. reason enough to extend it beyond his homosexual or HIV positive. Any man infection, thus misleading the popula-
the truth is more boring, but somehow While the President will leave behind presidency. who tested positive for the disease or tion about the dangers of Aids. In Egypt,
more terrifying. a legacy dominated by war and irrational Pepfar is based on the ‘network mod- who failed an extremely invasive medi- those who have contracted the virus
After the 1994 election, Eskom decisions, Africa is being described as el’ of implementation, making use of cal examination was beaten, jailed and are spurned as though they were lepers,
was given the mandate of providing one of the Bush administration’s great- various centres to distribute medication charged with “habitual debauchery”. and treatment is a long lost dream for
electricity to millions of black est successes. In 2003, President Bush and education. While it currently sup- the majority of anyone HIV positive.
South Africans who were denied established the President’s Emergency plies 1.4 million HIV/Aids patients with Indeed, some Egyptians even believe
infrastructure under the apartheid Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar), a $15 ARVs, the programme’s specifications do that the government has a right to arrest
regime. Eskom was therefore faced billion initiative that aimed to provide not stop there. Pepfar has had significant these men because they are breaking the
with two fundamental problems: treatment and care to 19 million people effects on healthcare spheres in Africa, religious laws of the country. They also
rectifying the injustices of the past and permitted Africa and other develop- providing training and equipment to the feel that it is a good solution to cease
while also building new infrastructure ing countries to override patents on impoverished countries, thereby creating the spreading of the disease by forcing
to accommodate a rapidly growing imported medication for tuberculosis, an environment conducive to sustainable These acts are just the latest in a long- homosexuals to take HIV tests and jail-
country. HIV/Aids and malaria. In Rwanda alone, HIV/Aids programmes. standing ‘war’ against the ‘sin’ of homo- ing them, rather than treat those who are
Pepfar has played a significant role in CHF International, an American sexuality in the Middle East. In fact, in infected.
increasing ARV distribution to the point group committed to social change, some Islamic countries, like the United This treatment and discrimination is
where more than 70 percent of those reports that Pepfar funding has drasti- Arab Emirates, the rape of a man is clearly unacceptable, but South Africa
who need ARVs are receiving them. cally reformed HIV/Aids treatment considered a crime of “forced homosex- should be wary of beginning to tread a
In a recent proposal to Congress, and prevention and is also funding the uality”. Therefore, the victim is treated similar path. Despite skyrocketing HIV
Bush asked that Pepfar be renewed for education of 39,000 pupils in Rwanda as a homosexual, will be convicted for rates in the country, Dr Colin Pfaff, a
the next five years, for $30 billion: dou- alone. Thanks to such funding, 6.7 mil- “criminal homosexual activity”, and doctor in KwaZulu Natal, was recently
As stressed by reports like the 1998 lion people are being cared for and over sentenced to anything from jail-time, dismissed for rolling out dual treatment
White Paper on energy, its main 152,000 infants have been protected whipping or (if he is lucky) only a hefty therapy on infected pregnant women
priority would be to build new power from pre-natal HIV/Aids infection fine. Homosexuals and male victims of and newborns. The KwaZulu Natal
plants in order to prevent a massive through the use of anti-retrovirals. rape are being punished for supposedly MEC of Health, Ms Peggy Nkonyeni
electricity shortage in, say, 2007! You But while some describe Pepfar as a disrespecting Islamic laws and morals, even went so far as to call antiretrovirals
would think that as a power utility, “revolution”, there are critics who believe and in some countries, such as Saudi “toxic” and called the decision by some
Eskom would love to build new Bush’s actions are consistent with what Arabia or Iran, this offence can cost you rural doctors to treat Aids with them
stations but that’s not how it rolls. can only be an extended ‘scramble for your life. regrettable, particularly in the case of Dr
Eskom ignored this because it’s board Africa’. Others say that in the ABC of The Egyptian atrocities first started Pfaff. While this is clearly not on a par
of directors, and ultimately our own Aids prevention, Bush’s programme fa- in May 2001, when Egyptian police went with torturing and jailing Aids patients,
government, was too busy trying to vours Abstinence and Being Faithful far on a witch hunt, raiding a “gay hang- these types of actions fulfil almost the
privatise our electricity and thus escape more than the trusty Condomise motto. out” - the Queen Boat - and arresting same function as the death sentence they
from the responsibilities of public Either way, Bush is pushing Congress 52 men who were charged for “habitual provide to the patients who are denied
service. But the money never came and to put more than $30 billion into a pro- debauchery” and “obscene behaviour”. treatment.
the situation got progressively worse at gramme to fight poverty and disease in They were beaten and tortured for days. So, instead of sitting and criticis-
the plants which keep our lights on. Africa which, we are sure you will agree, Some were acquitted and the others were ing Egypt, perhaps it’s time that South
Eskom workers have become places at least an inch of shiny white sentenced to five years of prison and Africans started making a plan to deal
demoralised under the constant threat light on the man usually associated with hard labour. Following that episode of with their own issues which may have
of being laid off and I imagine many darkness. the now infamous “Cairo 52”, last year comparable consequences.
have just stopped caring. Goodbye
safety protocols. At the same time
Eskom failed to challenge the biggest
and most wasteful users of electricity:
heavy industry, particularly the mines.
They use over half of South Africa’s
electricity and pay virtually nothing “This is the real South Africa. That is almost 16 years to the day that Nelson permanently excluded. Furthermore,
for it. Indeed, Eskom prides itself on what has shocked people about what Mandela walked free from prison, have we call on the University of Free State
providing the cheapest electricity in the happened here. The tragedy is that these revealed just how distant the former to write to all Vice Chancellors and
world. Cheap if you’re a giant industrial South Africa was disgusted last week white boys don’t even think they have president [Nelson Mandela]’s dream of a Registrars of Universities and ask them
complex, that is. with the release of a racist video. Not done anything wrong.” Rainbow Nation remains from reality.” to not accept these students should they
Although the company has only has the South African public been - The Times Online, United Kingdom. - TIME magazine, USA. seek to register there, nor accept their
connected millions of users since repulsed by this, but the international credits.”
1994, it has subsequently disconnected community has also responded to the “South Africans across the spectrum “Watch over the next few days as the - Rhodes University Student
thousands who cannot pay due to degrading material. Read below for local have been unanimous in their rejection victims get blamed. For being the Representative Council, South Africa.
crippling poverty. But apart from and international media reactions: of the racist video as former president “collateral damage” of “racial tensions”
helping to impede social and economic F.W. de Klerk said the actions of the on the campus, or the result of too much And last but by no means least:
justice it does have one substantive “I can deny that there were any human students were “despicable” for the integration of the university’s residences “…………………”
achievement which cannot be taken rights abuses at all. The whole thing is a overwhelming majority of white South by “pushy” black students. There will be - Rhodes University Administration,
away. Thanks to the constant and farce…This was supposed to have been Africans and Afrikaners who shared in calls for the situation to calm down so who have so far refused to comment
unchecked use of coal, recent studies shown at a ‘cultural evening’ a satire in the understandable rage of black South we can get things back to normal.” on these heinous actions due to their
show that the Eskom is the second which a multi-racial audience would Africans over the incident.” - The Guardian, United Kingdom. respect for “institutional autonomy”.
highest polluting power company in have laughed at themselves. It was a - Thaindian News, Thailand.
the world, producing over 214 million Leon Schuster move gone wrong.” – “In our view, these students ought not
tons of CO2 a year. That’s only 78 Nico Naude, Attorney representing the “The riots that broke out in South Africa simply be suspended by the University
million tons behind China’s notoriously perpetrators, Cape Argus, South Africa. in protest of racial abuse on Wednesday, of the Free State; instead they should be Collated on 29 February 2008
dirty Huaneng Power International.
This is totally impressive when you
consider that China has one and a half
billion people and is the most rapidly
industrialising country in the world.
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The Oppidan Press 05.03.08

blamed on the “fear and intimidation” Mugabe to places as far away as China,
the students face. However, Chimombe America and England. He continued
seemed surprised to hear of the alleged to say, “they are not tourists, they
A recent rally organised by the intimidation when interviewed by are running from the government in
Movement for Democratic Change The Oppidan Press and condemned it, Zimbabwe, an oppressive regime. They
(MDC) held in Grahamstown was stating that he hoped the renewed MDC are a suffering people whose dignity
enough to make one wonder if anybody presence would diffuse the situation. has been removed.” He added that it is
still cares about Zimbabwe. With barely What about the apathy Rhodes time to “stand up and be counted, fight
20 supporters showing up at the widely students are famous for? This may have together, white or black”.
publicised rally and press conference been the case for South Africans, but A final speech was given by Rodrick
held a couple of weeks ago, it seems as organisers of the rally made it clear that Chimombe. He wanted his comrades
though most people were either too they believed the Zimbabwean turnout to know that Morgan Tsvangirai had
scared or apathetic to show up. was low due to fear, as many students’ sent him. His message was clear:
Because South Africa is unable to “bread is being buttered by the Mugabe Zimbabweans need to stand together. He
assist in allowing Zimbabweans to government”, so they couldn’t protest said that certain structures were in place,
vote for their country from this side even if they wanted to. Annoyance at so that even if the elections were rigged,
of the border, the MDC has organised their posters being ripped down was also Zimbabwe would still be freed.
16 rallies to take place in various parts high, although one can never be sure These comments were interesting,
of South Africa to try and encourage whether this was due to political rivalry especially alongside those of Moyake,
Zimbabweans to vote in the upcoming or CPU simply doing their job. who promised the rally that “what
elections in Zimbabwe. To their credit, the MDC made the happened in Kenya will be a picnic
According to guest speaker Rodrick best of a rather disappointing situation. compared to Zimbabwe.” Is it possible
Chimombe, Eastern Cape District Their dedication and sincerity were that the MDC is reaching breaking
Chairman for the MDC, there have inspiring and their point was clear point? Comments during the rally
been at least “223 cases of torture” and from the get-go, with phrases like “to certainly seem to point that way,
“152 unlawful detainees” under the save Zimbabwe, Mugabe must go” although Chimombe refused to specify
current Zimbabwean government so far. being chanted eagerly for the handful when interviewed. He merely stated that
A fear of similar fates for Zimbabwean of supporters to hear. Indeed, the most “it’s up to the Zimbabwean people. If
students at Rhodes seemed evident in popular phrase of the day was “Chinji! Mugabe plays his tricks again, the people
the low turnout, which the organisers Maitiro!”, “Change is the way forward!” will make a plan.”
According to other guest speaker Rodrick Chimombe is going back to
Ringrose Moyake, Secretary of Zimbabwe to cast his vote. He believes
International Affairs for the MDC, “it is better to die at the election, than to
Zimbabweans are fleeing from Robert die of hunger.”

British Army Commanders had serve with his unit.

to scramble frantically earlier this We’re not sure who the blunder
week to evacuate Prince Harry from award should go to in this mess…
and most feel that the word is still an Afghanistan after an American website, the commanders who sent a prince to
insult and that the use of it should not be The Drudge Report, blew his cover. war, the prince who insisted on it, or
encouraged. The South African Human The Prince had been serving on the the stupid people who decided to blow
As one of South Africa’s most histori- Rights Commission (SAHRC) has con- frontline in the country in total secrecy the lid on it all, endangering everyone
cally degrading words, the K-word still demned the use of the word regardless since December after threatening to involved!
has the power to cause great controversy of the context saying that it is “an insult quit the army if he was not allowed to >> Claire Waterhouse
14 years after apartheid. The word was to all South Africans and undermines
recently uttered by none other than Irvin efforts of building a non-racial society”.
Khoza, Chairperson of the local organis-
ing committee of the 2010 Soccer World
Cup, when he lashed out at a journalist
over the phone and told him to “stop
thinking like a k*****”.
To add insult to injury, he then
proceeded to repeat the word several
times at a press conference while
attempting to explain why he had used
it. Interestingly, the use of the derogatory
term has received mixed reactions. Some
black intellectuals have defended the use
of the term, reasoning that coming from The SAHRC has demanded a formal
a black man the term did not have the apology from Khoza but he remains
same colonial or racial connotations as it defiant, claiming that his use of the word
once did. Indeed, some have even argued
that the use of the term by a black
was acceptable because the word is still
regularly used in the townships. The Nestle Ricoffy 750g No Name UHT Milk
R29 89
person is a form of empowerment. SAHRC does not see this as any reason

R6 89
Fikile-Ntsikelelo Moya of the Mail for such an insult to be acceptable and
& Guardian had similar sentiments. is threatening Khoza with charges in the
He argued that there was a difference Equality Court. each per litre
between being a k***** and behaving No matter how regularly the word
may be used, Khoza should be reminded
Pick ‘n Pay Choice
like one. According to Moya, since
Khoza used the word to describe
someone behaving in a manner which
that he holds an extremely public
position. This means that both national
Pick ‘n Pay Choice
Spaghetti 500g Chips (assorted) 150g
perpetuates black stereotypes, it was and international eyes are on him and
permissible. However, such a defence his behaviour as he organises an event
does not come with high regard in a which is supposed to be uniting our
country that is working to abolish such
Despite these arguments in defence
of Khoza, he has received much criticism
country. Using words with such negative
connotations is not conducive to nation-
building, regardless of the skin colour of
the person using it.
R4 99 each R4 99 each

This week’s oddest theory is an idea popular

in the Arab world. Apparently, the US mili-
tary purposely caused the Indian Ocean Tsu-
nami in 2004. The Americans did so using
electromagnetic pulse technology to try and
gain more control over oil and gas interests
on the Asian continent. Say what?
>> Claire Waterhouse
6 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08


Make sure to bring an extra five bucks to

lectures this week, as Give 5 collection
points will be situated around campus.
For those of a more active inclination,
the Makana Brick 8km night race will be
held tonight. Registration costs R10, and

Pics: Sarah Mills

all finishers receive medals. Proceeds
from the event will go to charity.


The Rhodes University Truth and

Reconciliation Commission will be held
tonight at 19:00 in Eden Grove as part
of Human Rights Week. This forum will
allow students to voice any human rights garde tradition of disruption as a means with the idea of ownership, refusing the perfect example. At the time, people
)BZMFZ.VFMMFS of social rebellion and awareness. If one to be restricted by hierarchical power were dissatisfied with what the Berlin
violations in front of a panel of judges,
including VC Dr Badat. then tries to put an expensive frame structures. Although private property Wall stood for, so they used graffiti
Type “graffiti” into a Google search bar around graffiti, it seems to defeat the may be sacrosanct, intellectual property to subvert the very ownership which
and the first page will display one to purpose entirely. Pamela Allara, visiting is not and thus graffiti uses this tool to underpinned it.
ten of about 52,700,000 results. Clearly lecturer to the Department of Fine Arts gently chip away at the idea of ownership Graffiti is not a stagnant force,
Dan Patlansky, South Africa’s favourite this practice is a popular one, but does describes private property as the “sacred over people. however, and has morphed with the
blues guitarist, will be playing at De it have the status of an art form? This cow” in our capitalist society, thus But this is also a problematic notion. times, becoming increasingly varied and
Taphuijs on Thursday this week. Cover is a question more heavily loaded than making it the perfect canvas on which to Everyone has the right to freedom of elaborate as new tools are developed.
charge is R15 for Live Music Society it may initially seem. Although graffiti rebel against capitalist ideology. expression but should graffiti artists be The medium of choice has also changed,
members and R20 for non-members. clearly has artistic merit, the idea of Dubb, on the other hand, argues able to exercise this right on public and ranging from public buildings to cars
categorising it as an art form may negate against classifying graffiti as an anti- private property? Historically speaking, to subway trains to internet property.
its very function. authoritarian tradition. “I think that the morality of the practice seems to Yes, not only can artists now post their
But firstly how we define art is a it is oft forgotten that public property matter very little as “graffiting” has been graffiti online, but the practice of it is no
A trance party is happening at the question that provokes a variety of is just that, public. Thus graffitti in going on for centuries with no centre longer restricted to the tangible. Today,
monument. There will be cold drinks responses. Alex Dubb, a fourth year ‘public’ space is not about breaking of power successfully abolishing it. there are many online sites where a user
and water on sale, as well as boerie rolls. student with an interest in the politics from constraint in any overt sense… Graffiti started in Ancient Greece and is able to create his or her own virtual
The entrance fee will be R10 at the door of power, argues for a wide definition of but simply creatively using what belongs Rome, usually taking the form of scratch graffiti – in a completely legal manner.
for all, and proceeds from the event will art that goes against what he considers to you”. He continues by making a marks on public buildings or inside It is clear, then, that true graffiti
go to the Masincedane Soup Kitchen. an elitist academic conception of it, comparison to advertisements that also tombs. This is what lent graffiti its name, artists find themselves in a quandary
saying that it is “at the core of any form occupy public space: “The absolute which comes from the Italian graffiato, as to whether their work should be
of creative self expression, and that is deluge of ads that we are subjected to on meaning ‘scratched’: the form it took considered art or not. They cannot term
common to humanity. Some art is more a daily basis are renting and therefore pre-aerosol can. it “art” because this would not be graffiti
The French Film festival continues. profound perhaps than others…but you commodifying public not private space, Throughout history, graffiti might as they intend it. Yet, at the same time,
This week’s film is L’Homme Qui Aimait and I and everyone else commits ‘art’ space which at the end of the day does be seen as a social barometer, providing its indulgence in the creative cries out to
Les Femmes / The Man Who Loved every day of our lives, no matter what not belong to them, or me, it belongs to useful insight into the political climate be art. Allara attempts to strike a balance
Women, showing at 20:00 in Eden anyone tells you”. us, the general public”. of the time. Allara cites the Berlin Wall, between the two: she feels graffiti should
Grove Red. This comedy by François Graffiti originated out of the avant Either way, graffiti deftly plays which is saturated in various musings, as be thought of as “public art” or a “gift to
Truffaut appreciates women in their vast society”.
variety and understands who they are For Dubb it is more straightforward
up against, breaking many conventions than that: “graffiti is…of course art,
of cinematic narrative. L’Homme Qui and in its medium is quite a profound
Aimait Les Femmes is the final movie in type too. In utilising of public space, the
the series of French comedies selected use of pseudonyms and other forms of
by Ward Jones of the Philosophy anonymity, it is an affront to those forces
department. Everyone is welcome to attempting to commodify you and your
attend and admission is free. creativity.”
If history is anything to go by, the
only certainty in this issue is that there
5IF+PMt.BSDI will be no swansong for the aerosol cans
Celebrate the end of term with Van of the world. Instead, they will fill the
Coke Kartel at De Taphuijs. These musical bars of property everywhere
ex-Fokofpolisiekar members, Francois with their notes of discord.
van Coke, Wynand Myburgh and Justin
Kruger, released their self-titled debut
album at the end of November last year.
Fokofpolisiekar decided to take a break
in 2007, providing an opportunity for
Van Coke and Myburgh to express their
mutual musical interests. The two started
writing songs together with Van Coke on
guitar and Myburgh on bass.

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency was In this new addition to The No.1 Ladies Alexander McCall Smith was born in
the first novel in a series of the same Detective Agency series, Precious Rhodesia, which is known today as Zim-
name by Alexander McCall Smith. Ramotswe is faced with many difficult babwe. He went to school very close to
Published in 1998, the events evolve challenges. Botswana in a town called Bulawayo.
Compiled by Jaquie Arkins, Emilie Gilbert and Shea Karssing

around Precious Ramotswe, the first As Mma Ramotswe’s fame for This is where his love for Botswana
female detective of her kind whose being the best female detective in originated. He attended the University
agency is located in modern-day Botswana increases, she has to deal with of Edinburgh where he later became a
Gaborone, Botswana. threatening anonymous letters. professor in medical law. He returned
The novel reached amazing and Furthermore, she tries to help find to Africa and particularly Botswana to
somewhat surprising success, making the identity of an adopted girl’s parents, teach law at the University of Botswana.
way for two Booker citations and while Mr J. L. B. Matekoni desperately The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency
the achievement of securing a spot goes in search of a miracle for his foster series came from Smith’s love for what
on the Times Literary Supplement’s daughter. the people of Botswana meant to him
International Books of the Year and the This book will undoubtedly have the and the qualities that they portrayed.
Millennium list. There are eight others same exquisite writing as his previous Although McCall Smith lived in
in the series, which has sold over 14 novels and will definitely be a page- Botswana for many years, he and his
million copies and been translated into turner. wife now reside in Edinburgh, where he
39 different languages. continues to write novels.

For the braver set, high-waist jeans Fashion trends come and go, so
are all the rage with Hollywood’s hottest rather than blindly following the masses,
celebrities. The ‘office’ look, with tailored try experimenting with your own style
The words fashion and Grahamstown pants and waistcoats, paired with a by simply blending it with whatever
may not seem synonymous, but with all sleeveless vest or crisp white shirt, is trends are in season.
the trendy new shops that have recently ideal for those with a more conservative Those of you who are indulging in the
opened, students now find themselves sense of style. Here are the top ten fashion must-haves fantastic pastime of sex will probably
presented with more options with which If you are wondering where you for your wardrobe: agree that the act itself can get very
to get trendy, and fewer excuses for might discover these fabulous items in 1. Bold earrings and chunky bracelets boring very quickly if there isn’t any
being out of vogue. Grahamstown; Elixir and Artichoke, 2. Peep-toe shoes variety. By variety, I don’t mean a
Though Grahamstown’s bizarre both located in Peppergrove Mall, will 3. Clutch-bags different partner every night, but rather
weather patterns make stylish dressing serve as an excellent starting point. 4. Sunglasses with prominent frames the interesting and strange things people
somewhat tricky, bright and bold colours If you’re looking for something 5. Corset belts think of, such as props and costumes,
remain ‘in’ this summer. Turquoise, slightly more affordable, however, 6. Big, colourful bags which add a little zest and zing to the

Pic: Geoff Wakefield

electric blue, bright pinks and all shades Mr Price and Foschini also warrant 7. Spaghetti-strapped summer dresses bedroom. Occasionally, however, things
of green are the colours to watch out for, a browse. For funky accessories and 8. Chunky heels don’t go according to plan and can go
while metallic colours continue to be original T-shirts, the stalls around the 9. Bubble dresses horribly wrong with highly embarrassing
popular. arch are worth visiting. 10. High-waist jeans effects.
A male friend of mine wanted to add
a little spice to his love life and asked
his very conservative girlfriend to dress
up for him so that they could indulge
able choices available on the menu. It brilliant cup of coffee, 137 also offers a in a little role playing. She went out
must be added, however, that most of selection of cakes, tarts and puddings, Food and bought a naughty nurse outfit and
the decently priced dishes are limited to although the puddings they had on offer added ruby-red lipstick to her alter ego’s
137 High Street is not exactly an undis- either the specials on offer or the toasted were only served as part of the evening Décor look. The next day my friend woke up
covered venue, but I was very excited sandwiches, which are served with crisps menu. with a nasty rash on his gold member
to hear that the visit would no longer instead of delectably deep fried chips All in all, despite the misconcep- and asked his mother to take him to the
require my parents’ credit card. Rumour Vibe doctor. Clearly the pain messed with his
that one might expect, making it a far tion that our long-standing 137 High
had it that a brand spanking new stu- lighter, more sophisticated meal. As far Street had finally caught on and created thought processes, because the silly boy
dent menu had surfaced. I need to get a as toasted sandwiches go anyway. a long-awaited student menu, the meal Booze took his mother into the examination
new source, as this was not the case. Apart from the daily menu and was highly enjoyable, as was the coffee, room with him where the doctor went
Although not as student-friendly as evening specials, 137 High Street also although my very shallow pockets did on to tell him, in front of his mother,
the elusive student menu might have
serves a mean cappuccino, apparently throw a bit of a tantrum on the way out that the rash and mild inflammation
been, 137 still has some decent, afford- the best in Grahamstown. To go with the (as did the parking meter attendant). on his penis were caused by an allergic
reaction to lipstick!
Although my friend’s problem was

Albany Jewellers
solved with some medical cream, other
kinky sexual practices can have serious
results, should anything go wrong. Auto
number five on the Billboard Singles Erotic Asphyxiation (AEA) is one that
charts and Back of My ’Lac also peaked springs to mind that can literally kill you.

Engraving, Watch at number five on the Billboard 200 AEA is when one suffocates themselves
R&B crooner J. Holiday joins R&B’s charts. or their partner just before they reach
new crew with his debut effort Back of Back Of My ’Lac is not a ground- orgasm. When the blood supply to the

& Jewellery Repairs My ’Lac. Many reviewers describe it as

“a breath of fresh air” when compared
with the music of many of today’s R&B
breaking album and there are certainly
many artists who have succeeded where
J. Holiday makes mistakes but it is,
brain is cut off, it creates a feeling of
being light-headed which apparently
intensifies orgasms. I don’t know why
posers who tend to jump through musi- nevertheless, a highly enjoyable listen. I’d anyone would want to die for their “big

(046) 622 3115 cal hoops for a quick buck. Influenced

by the likes of R Kelly and Boyz II
give it a six out of ten. O” and, as open-minded as I would
like to think I am, I would certainly not
Men, Holiday’s satin vocals have been CD giveaway: What is the name of J. recommend it to anyone. The risks seem
produced by the best to create a full- Holiday’s debut album? to far outweigh the benefits.
bodied album that takes R&B back to its Send in your answer to entertain- Engaging in fantasies or something
soulful roots. The album describes life The winner that you wouldn’t usually do to bring
while growing up in the ghetto as well as will be chosen at random. Catch the sexy back into the bedroom is fine, as
Holiday’s love for women. RMR Top 40 on Saturdays from 15:00- long as you remember to proceed with
Holiday’s single “Bed” peaked at 18:00. caution. Always have a safe word that
you and your partner agree on which
you can call out when your lover cracks
that whip just a little too hard or things
become uncomfortable. Using handcuffs
can be fun but remember to keep the
key in a place that is easily accessible for
One foot in the grave both of you. And if you’re going to use
edible ingredients in all the festivities,
basic hygiene should be your main
priority. Sex in any situation should be
pleasurable, not painful,
and your safety and
Repeat after me

Complete security should

the grid always come first,
by placing regardless of what
digits one you decide to do.
nine in
each cell in
such a way
that only
one of each
digit is
present in
every row,
and box.
Puzzler Media 2008

8 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08

“Chill out!” – That’s my message to the

Dean of Students Division.
The crack-down on societies and
any person who whispers the word
‘alcohol’ has got to stop. I find the
motivation behind Dr Vivian de Klerk’s
actions commendable, don’t get me
wrong. Her sudden and severe re-
sponse is in reaction to the recent rapes
on campus. I am not making light of
them, but if Dr de Klerk continues to
take such an unforgiving stance on
alcohol consumption, she will alienate
herself from the student body.
Most of the people (and I really
mean most) who I have broached the
topic with in conversation has been
badmouthing Dr de Klerk and the
way she has been man-handling the
Alcohol Misuse Policy. Anyone who
took part in the annual Botha Mud
Olympics this year will have felt a little
bit self-conscious as Dr de Klerk’s
assistant, Larissa Klazinga, stood on
the sidelines and recorded the event on
camera. I doubt Dr de Klerk wants that
film for a promotional video.
Her recent findings on alcohol
(mis)use have been published on
her division’s website and it makes
some sweeping generalisations about
drinking habits. Amongst other things,
a survey concluded that 49 percent of
students are in the safe range of not
becoming alcohol-dependant. Half the
student body is being herded in the
same direction as the other half: an
alcohol-free zone.
Societies have really had the rough
side of the deal. Rafsoc is a case in
point. However, societies such as
French Soc and Greek Soc are all Dear Editor Editor’s response
about wining and dining in order to discouraged homosexuality. It cannot
experience other cultures. I wouldn’t Last week I couldn’t believe my eyes Thank you for your letter Mzoxolo. Our
be blamed on young boys listening to
dare to attempt to speak fluent French when I saw a copy of The Oppidan Press township distribution plan has changed
Celine Dion. Or, as a priest once told me
until I’ve had a couple of glasses of in my letter box in Extension 7 (of all this year - we now post to all digs in East Watching a Rugby World Cup game back when I was 14 years old: “Listening to
wine. Why has Dr de Klerk suddenly places!). That seemingly small thing Grahamstown. in 2007, a student from a neighbouring Queen will make you gay”.
clamped down on societies? This is the means a lot. It shows that you care Unfortunately, we haven’t perfected country flung a derogatory comment Secondly, this idea that the Bible is
same woman who told a society whose about your readers, no matter the art of distribution and there are digs regarding the South African team’s some transcendental point of reference
members funnelled beer at an awards where they stay in this town. that do not get a copy of the newspaper inability to score tries. A patriotic that should be obeyed when it comes
ceremony last year that the whole thing These are small things that make every two weeks. If you are one of supporter retorted: “At least we don’t to moral issues is misguided. Firstly,
will “blow over”. Dr de Klerk should your newspaper the best student these people, please go to our website have to stand in endless queues for many people, including some Christians,
rather organise free shuttle services and publication. Keep it up! ( and fill in an sugar!” The response? “Well, at least we believe that the Bible cannot be regarded
more regulations on the booze to juice online complaints form. You will receive don’t have faggots in our country!” A as entirely factual. It is by faith – and
ratio rather than worrying about how Mzoxolo Budaza the next edition. friendly exchange. not fact – that we are saved. However,
much alcohol students imbibe. This bothers me. We are at an many people don’t even believe in what
We are supposed to be maturing to academic institution where we ought to the Bible says at all, so why should they
responsible young adults. Feeling like think critically and reassess things we be judged by what it says? Furthermore,
a dragon is breathing down your neck have been told by our parents, teachers, there is no precedent for the translation
is not the way to foster this maturity. Dear Editor, agree with the Editor’s view on Bianca- peers, church and even the state. of biblical principles into legislation. It
Everyone makes mistakes. We all live Maree. “Personal reasons” just aren’t One of my favourite quotes from is not illegal to dishonour your parents,
and learn. I learned my rather harsh Thanks for providing a great good enough when you’re dealing the drama series The West Wing goes work on a Sunday, commit adultery and
lesson in first year – shouldn’t this newspaper! Usually, I couldn’t agree with the well-being of 6,000 students. as follows: “In a free society, we do not perv over your neighbour’s wife and car.
year’s first years make their mistakes more with what is said in the Editor’s Potential SRC candidates should really need a reason to make something legal. The Catholic Church has no right to
now, rather than at their first office column each edition, but not this time. start looking at themselves before We need a reason to make it illegal!” interfere with government legislation
party? I really do not think that Ricci is a hero making the decision to run. Wanting The argument that homosexuality is and be consulted as a stakeholder when
So I repeat: Chill out! Most of all, at all! He should never have run for to create change, but being unable to unnatural and against the Bible is simply it comes to homosexual legislation (as it
don’t spoil the fun for the other 49 president if there had been even the handle the academic pressure means and inexcusably wrong. happens in the good ol’ USA).
percent of us. slightest indication that he would have DON’T RUN. Wanting to organise a Firstly, the idea that homosexuality I am not calling for gay acceptance. I
to leave for academic reasons. Instead great O-week, but also wanting to duck is unnatural is erroneous. Scientists am not imposing my view of homosex-
of being responsible enough to not run out as soon as life gets tough means have observed over 400 different species ual marriage on anyone. I am scared at
in the first place, he has merely left the DON’T RUN. Hopefully next we’ll of animals that exhibit homosexual the prospect that tomorrow’s leaders still
students in the lurch and we are now have a president who actually manages tendencies. As many as one in ten bulls hold such unfounded and archaic views
Ines Schumacher having a reshuffle for the second year to stay the whole year! do not mate with female cattle, but will and show no sign of changing. Religion
072 461 3174 in a row! attempt to get it on with other bulls. and politics are not interdependent enti- On the other hand, I completely Anonymous If anything, social factors have ties; in fact, they are not even friends.

Editor: Ines Schumacher Business Editor: Mbali Sikakana News Editor: Anja Müller-Deibicht
Letters to the Editor:
Managing Editor: Lionel Faull Chief Designer: Stefania Origgi News Editor: Kelly Adami
Advertising Manager: Masixole Mdingane Chief Sub-Editor: Emilie Gilbert Opinion Editor: Sivuziwe Mzamo
Editorial complaints:
Marketing Manager: Andrew Lynch Chief Sub-Editor: Shea Karssing Pictures Editor: Geoffrey Wakefield
Advertising details:
Financial Manager: Solomon Moyo Entertainment Editor: Takondwa Nyasulu Pictures Editor: Sarah Schäfer
Content Editor: Jade Fernley Features Editor: Nimi Hoffman Political Editor: Claire Waterhouse
Distribution queries:
Arts Editor: Amanda Strydom Health Editor: Applications open SciTech Editor: Andrew Slaughter
Assistant Chief Designer: Ashleigh Swaile Multimedia Editor: Daniel Calderwood Sports Editor: Siphosethu Stuurman

Pics: Supplied
our fists to their faces is going to change taught it at home and through our they were never looking for black role poor reflection on us, their parents, their
anything. Although it will provide us communities. models. teachers, their lecturers and the UFS
with an outlet for our frustration, shock I also believe that this hatred has not administration.
Having witnessed the wide spectrum of and disgust. gone undetected. Their opinions were The fact that a university in South
reactions to the recent racist row on the While I feel slightly guilty for not tolerated, or (even worse) shared by their Africa, 13 years after liberation, still
University of Free State campus, I found feeling the urge to give these racist peers, parents and teachers. How can had segregated residences means that
myself taking a step back and looking retards free reconstructive surgery, I they go through life without having to we were asleep. The price of liberty is
inwardly. can’t help but feel like we, as a society, interact with black people, an interface constant vigilance and we, as a society,
While half my friends are planning a have let them down in some way. The that would shatter their preconceived were caught napping. So before we think
road trip to the UFS to beat the hell out fact that people who harbour such notions of what a black person is? Is Either way, these racist retards are, for of grabbing our pitch forks, remember
of anyone who looks like their surname opinions managed to slip through the it because they were so secluded from all intent and purposes, part of the new darkness cannot drive out darkness, only
starts with a ‘van’ and has Kurt Darren cracks is scary. We are not born with the real South Africa they never got apartheid-free generation and for them light can do that. Hate cannot drive out
on their iPod, I don’t think introducing hatred of this nature; rather, we are the required culture shock? Or maybe to exist and thrive in our backyard is a hate, only love can do that.

us of sacrifices made for the free society

floor of either House or having to accept They should be cleaning the floor with that we supposedly enjoy today.
Republican representatives making Republicans butts and sucker punching The exclusion of people who had
adjustments to your bill just so they’ll them on every issue imaginable! I pray for the week in which Jacob Zuma such a prominent role to play in our
While I was considering most news net- vote with you to pass it. It allows you Instead, they have two candidates that does not find his way into the news liberation is short-sighted. Countless
works’ obsession with the United States to fill empty Supreme Court seats with will make the more conservative liberals limelight. Alas, that week is not this one. white journalists sought to bring about
electoral nomination primaries and, your nominations and to put your own and moderate conservatives sleep a The ANC President held an exclu- transformation in South Africa. Many of
more specifically, the media’s romantic budget together without worrying about little uneasy. I’m not saying that the sive meeting for black journalists in them paid dearly for their efforts. Head
infatuation with the Democratic nomi- it being rejected. Basically, dominating Democrats are going to lose the election. Joburg two weeks ago. White journalists of Rhodes’ School of Journalism, Guy
nation race, the implications of either the election allows you a heck of a lot On the contrary, I still believe they will were barred entrance and when black Berger, was on a shortlist of ‘Enemies of
Barrack or Hillary winning suddenly hit more freedom than a narrow election win. I just think that by running such journalists such as Yusuf Abramjee from the State’ because of his courage to act
me. victory. ‘unorthodox’ nominees, they are going Primedia Broadcasting Group and Radio upon his political beliefs.
Despite welcoming the distraction While on the topic of narrow to make the race a lot closer than it need 702/567 talk show host Kieno Kammies Having our country’s potential leader
from everything else going wrong in the things, let us not forget that the dif- be. Whist many Republicans may be walked out in solidarity with their white linked to such racial bias is beyond me.
world, I couldn’t help thinking that the ference between the Democratic and dissatisfied with their party, I fear those colleagues, they were promptly labelled Already, the international community is
Democrats are running the wrong presi- the Republican Party is as thick as the disgruntled voters may turn out on “coconuts”: black on the outside, but wary of Zuma’s understanding of HIV/
dential candidates. I’m not saying that skin on my teeth. They both agree that Election Day, purely because they don’t white on the inside. Aids, his flagrant disrespect for woman
a woman or a black guy can’t run the abortion should be legalised, they just want a woman or a black guy in the Oval An exclusive gathering that and lack of formal education. Now,
country, because they can. What I am disagree under which circumstances, Office. discriminates on a racial basis is he may even be racist! If he continues
saying is that they are the wrong people and to whom it should be allowed. They The time for Barrack and Hillary is unacceptable, especially in a country to make his name synonymous with
to run now. both agree that tax cuts are good for the after the Democratic Party has been in with a history of racial prejudice; a scandal, he may as well make himself at
Contrary to common belief, the economy, disagreeing only about who the White House for at least a term of country where many leaders still remind home in news headlines.
election isn’t only about winning. Whilst should benefit from them. Both sides governance, not when they’re trying to
the gold medal is the primary goal, the feel pretty much the same way about the win it back. Many Republicans are still
‘Grand Prix’ for the Democratic Party war in Iraq and that the education sys- having trouble trusting Democrats (Bill
should be to win with as large a majority tem needs an extreme makeover; merely Clinton certainly did them no favours)
as possible, and to stack the seats in disagreeing on what measures should to lead the country, and now their nomi-
the House of Representatives and the be taken to correct the situation. With nee may be a woman or a black guy!
Senate with as many Democrats as only miniscule differences between the They are turning it into a fair fight, when
possible. A strong majority allows you parties, it is easy to win votes, but also all it really should not be.
to dominate the national agenda with too easy to lose them.
your party’s manifesto for your terms in The 2008 Presidential Election is the
office. It allows you to pass legislation best chance the Democrats are going to
without fear of it being blocked on the have at taking back the White House.
Pic: Supplied
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Although the Water Wise Landscaping

and Gardening nursery café could easily
be nestled in the heart of the Karoo
with its stone surroundings, and a light
layer of dust covering the grounds in a
space that invokes a sense of calmness
as soon as you pass through the gate.
The entrance consists of a hand painted
sign, a rusted Victorian gate and a stoep
that borders Sean Haydock’s home and
business. Amidst the slow creaking of
tin windmills that have been randomly
placed in the garden, strange and
unusual plants, some of which appear
almost prehistoric, are arranged in
containers of all shapes and sizes.
This one of a kind nursery in
Grahamstown is a sight to behold
but has received little interest so far.
Understandably, Haydock finds it
difficult to make sense of the scarce
attention paid to his seven month-old
venture. If his business was merely about
the selling of unusual plants, perhaps
Haydock would find the drought of
consumers more understandable.
Referring to the ‘hosepipe’ mentality,
Haydock claims that while most
gardeners lavish about 45 percent of Since then, his initial project the not too distant future. as long. The strong likelihood of an

Pics: Sarah Schäfer

their monthly water on their flower beds has expanded into a business that “In ten years gardens will be dead and environmental Holocaust can no more
and lawns, his entire nursery absorbs aims to use succulents as a means of water restrictions will be put in place,” he be relegated to the ever expanding
less than ten percent of his monthly changing existing gardens and raising says with the frankness of a person who swamp of Hollywood B-grade movies,
water costs in comparison. Pointing environmental awareness amongst has thought about an unpleasant fact it is a real issue that is being taken up by
excitedly to one particular succulent and the Grahamstown public. Haydock is repeatedly. serious committed artists.
its profusion of water-swollen nodes, he critical of the leafy gardens that have At the end of his novel The Road,
makes me note the arid patch of scrabbly become a commonplace affair in our Cormac McCarthy writes what could
earth that sustains it. “This one requires small town. He is adamant that people well serve as a motto for Sean and the
almost nothing, and just look at it,” he can only sustain these sub-tropical millions of other like-minded people
says. bubbles through the selfish presumption who also fear for the future of our
Herein lies the crux of Haydock’s that they have some special privileged environment.
message. Before opening the nursery ‘right’ to an abundance of water. For Once there were brook trout in the
streams in the mountains. You could see .
Haydock ran a recycling business in Haydock, the general population is
Grahamstown for four years which has ignoring the inconvenient reality that them standing in the amber current where
given him an advantage over others: water is becoming an increasingly scarce the white edges of their fins whimpled
first-hand knowledge of waste and commodity. softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in
the inordinate lengths that it takes to In response to my question your hand. Polished and muscular and
combat it. The business gave Haydock an of whether he is afraid of being torsional. On their backs were vermiculate
idea for his following initiative and his characterised as yet another quasi- These environmental tremors are patterns that were maps of the world in
relationship with succulents first began environmentalist hippie, he remains only the signs of a greater catastrophe it’s becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing
when he noticed them “just thrown away oddly unperturbed. His advertising that both scientists and committed that could not be put back. Not be made
on dumps”. It was in rescuing and then flyers consist of dire, post-apocalyptic conservationists have been warning right again. In the deep glens where they
replanting them that he began a ‘green’ warnings about what we stand to lose us about for decades – warnings that lived all things were older than man and
form of recycling. and the dust-bowl gardens that loom in have mostly gone unnoticed for just they hummed of mystery.

1 Corra Terrace Backpackers Lodge, PE

1 Corra Terrace Backpackers Lodge, is positioned in the
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Buddy’s Liquor
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We are a small backpackers, and offer a more intimate relaxed 14 New Street
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table, pool and braai area.
Jack Daniels Limited Edition &
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12 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08

measurements from base to summit Black holes are cosmic vacuum only within the event horizon (which lies
show that the Hawaiian volcano Mauna cleaners at a distance less than the star’s original
Kea and Mount Kilimanjaro are both A black hole is formed from a star that radius) that the force of gravity becomes
Everyone knows that you only use ten much taller than Everest. has gone supernova. As a result of matter much greater.
Scientists studying the flow of seismic percent of your brain, a duck’s quack being ejected from a supernova, a black Objects can settle into orbit around
waves through the earth’s core noted doesn’t echo and that there is a ‘Ten The Sahara is the world’s largest hole will actually have less mass and less a black hole just as they would around a
something strange: the waves pass more Second Rule’. There are plenty of these desert gravity than the star it formed from. It is normal star.
rapidly through the core when they are false “facts” floating around in popular It might be the world’s largest hot desert,
parallel to the earth’s axis of rotation. culture today. but Antarctica is much larger than the
At the high temperatures in the core, all Here are a few popular myths that Sahara and even dryer. The Antarctic has
waves should pass through the core at are, in fact, fictitious: almost no rain, very little vegetation or
the same speed regardless of direction. animal life and is therefore classified as
The surprised scientists suggested You can only use ten percent of your a desert.
that the reason for this anomaly is that brain
the earth’s core is not liquid (or hexago- You use far more than ten percent
Later, photographers of
nal crystalline as previously thought), of your brain everyday. This “fact”
seems to have sprung either from a these migrations simply
but rather a cubic crystalline structure.
Recently, simulations have shown that misunderstanding of the discovery of a pushed lemmings off a cliff
this is the only likely explanation for the particular type of brain cell, or may have using a broom.
difference in wave speed. simply arisen from speculation by self-
Because the earth’s heat balance and help gurus eager to sell a way to “enable
magnetic field are dependant on the you to utilise your full potential”. Water spins down the drain in the
properties of the inner core, this discov- You may not use all of your brain opposite direction in the Northern
ery may prompt a re-evaluation of what at once, but over the course of a day, Hemisphere
is known about the cooling of the earth just about all of the brain is used for all The Coriolis Effect that determines
and the stability of its magnetic field. your various activities. See http://www. which way ocean currents circulate does not have any effect on the rotation of
water draining from sinks or toilets. For
A duck’s quack doesn’t echo the Coriolis Effect to influence water
This myth seems to have sprung from flow, the water would have to be moving
the acoustic qualities of a duck’s quack slower than one rotation per 24 hours.
that make echoes hard to hear. Ducks’
quacks do echo, and you can listen Lemmings jump off cliffs
In late 2006 Pluto’s planet-status was to this at the University of Salford’s Lemmings do not commit mass suicide
revoked, leaving our solar system with Acoustics department website: http:// by cliff-diving during migrations.
eight official planets. The decision caused This misconception can be traced to
an international uproar and changed our info/duck/. the Disney film “White Wilderness”.
conceptions of the solar system. The migration scenes were shot on a
The solar system has been reduced to Everest is the tallest mountain in the large turntable in a studio and later,
eight planets amongst literally billions world photographers of these migrations
of other objects ranging from the size of While the tip of Everest might be the simply pushed lemmings off a cliff using
pebbles to, well, Pluto. highest point of land above sea level, a broom.
If that shakes the conception of
Earth’s place in the universe, consider
the fact that to date 273 planets have

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The Oppidan Press 05.03.08 13

full-time chairman. What keeps me consider modernising the brand. The corporate stores as well as the franchise
going is ensuring that the way Pick ’n response was tremendously positive. stores. We have 220 franchise stores
Pick ’n Pay’s Chairman Raymond Pay was when it started – in terms of its We have seen Pick ’n Pay branch around the country, including Graha-
Ackerman officially opened the newly- principles – is kept by my successors. into banking with the creation of mstown. We also have an academy that
expanded Grahamstown Pick ’n Pay on The spirit must be kept and not die with GoBanking. Should we expect a greater trains young people and twins them with
Tuesday 19 February. The Oppidan Press’ me. involvement in financial services? successful franchises to get them started.
business reporters managed to secure an What prompted the change of im- Basically, GoBanking was created for What are your hopes for South
exclusive interview with him to find out age and branding for Pick ’n Pay in the the convenience of customers, to create Africa’s future?
more about the Pick ’n Pay brand and last year? value, for the payment of accounts and Unemployment, poverty and educa-
where it is heading. No one likes change. Only a baby in so forth. We are not trying to be involved tion are critical issues that need to be
You are still so closely linked to nappies that doesn’t know anything likes in the banking industry as such. What is addressed. We should concentrate on
change. As an old guy, I didn’t want to your vision for the Pick ’n Pay brand in improving those and remaining positive
Pic: Supplied

Pick ’n Pay after all these years. What

keeps you going? change. However, business is evolving the future? about our country. We have come a long
Well, I’m 77 in March, but I’m still the and overseas trends prompted us to To continue with the growth of the way.

share of the market segment. A nearby their businesses. But there are a few However, according to the store
manifestation of this is Grahamstown’s exceptions. Grahamstown Pick ’n Pay’s manager, Elmarie Vos, those sweetie tubs
own Pick ’n Pay. The store is a franchise change in branding and expansion has will not escape us for much longer as
Tiger, Easy-Off Bang, Dolcé and owned by Mark Shelton and Jon seen the local store capture 50 percent Woolworths Grahamstown has plans to
Gabbana, Shoprite and Sunlight; in the Campbell. It was their capital and of the market segment and increase include a food court within the next two Ford SA has announced an investment
business environment, a lot depends on creative entrepreneurial initiative that revenue. Other big brands, such as to three years. plan of R1.5billion to expand operations,
the creation of a good brand name for a instigated them to extend their store to Woolworths and Fruit and Veg City, As far as the introduction of a further increasing the growth prospects
particular product or service. In many include a clothing section. The Pick ’n should be noticing a similar opportunity Food Lovers Market is concerned, of the Eastern Cape.
respects, the brand name created by a Pay brand in general is expanding to for expansion. Grahamstown’s Fruit and Veg City faces Port Elizabeth’s Struandale assembly
business will determine its success. keep up with global trends. space limitations. However, co-owner plant will be benefiting from half of this
Branding is the external Change and improvement are Dudley Sparg did say that there are plans investment, set to begin in 2009. The
communication by the business to important to maintain a healthy to expand the store and further develop other half will be going to the Silverton
influence current and prospective customer association with the name. the brand. assembly plant in Pretoria. The plant
customers in the market. The branding Brands such as Woolworths have Whatever the name or the game, will increase annual production to
creates an association with the business, incorporated a coffee shop into some of branding in any business is king 180,000 units, with the majority being
which has an impact on the buyer’s their stores and Fruit and Veg City has and future successes depend on the exported. To prepare for the launch of
views, and ultimately their purchasing expanded their brand to include Food The long and short of it is that continued positive association created the investment, Ford SA will continue
decisions. Lovers’ Markets. the logistics don’t seem to allow in the business and keeping ahead of the to work with the government to
In the past couple of years, South Grahamstown seems stuck in a for a Woolworths food court in competition. But seriously Woolworths, accelerate human resource training and
African retailers have seen the time-warp. Our stores keep the same Grahamstown, as there is no depot in we’re desperate for your butternut soup, development. This will allow the auto
importance of branding and the impact branding, whilst their counterparts Port Elizabeth that would allow for chocolate muffins, prawn chips…the list industry’s current and future workforce
it has on revenue and capturing a large in other parts of the country diversify the local store to have a food court. continues. to acquire the skills necessary to
support the investment. Job creation is a
component of the investment, with the
hiring of over 500 additional employees
by 2011.
Local suppliers will benefit from
increasing demon are hardly discussed. rol. Because crude oil and international dependence on imported crude oil, such increased local content that will be
Petrol prices are driven by supply and petrol prices are dollar-based, any weak- as Sasol and PetroSA. Currently they needed due to expanded capacity. Ford
demand in a given market. Crude oil ening of the exchange rate will increase meet about 30 percent of South Africa’s SA currently sources 35 percent of its
On 6 February, the petrol price went up prices also have a major effect on oil the petrol price in South Africa. demand for petroleum products. content locally, a figure that will improve
by 17 cents and is expected to reach R8 prices. For the refineries to make a profit, The petrol retail price is regulated by With petrol prices rising, oil compa- to 60 percent when production begins.
per litre later this year. If you’re living in the price of petrol must be higher than the government and is based on both nies are cashing in. Exxon Mobile, one
digs and have a car, chances are there’ll the price of crude oil. Since the price of domestic and international elements; the of the world’s major oil companies made
be a new pinch to your pocket this year. crude oil has been increasing in the past most significant of which is the price of $4.6 million an hour and $40.6 billion in
There is always talk of the oil price number of months, the knock-on effect crude oil. The government has backed 2007’s final quarter. These are the largest
going up, but the intricacies of the ever- has been an increase in the price of pet- initiatives to reduce South Africa’s recorded profits for a company. Ever.

Video Spot
‘Brain drain’ is still a problem for South
Africa as our financial services sector,
in particular, is targeted by global
recruitment companies.
For the widest selection of DVD’s in According to Jocelyn Rowe, a
recruitment company in London, job
Town. Including Series’ such as opportunities are increasing, while the
number of applicants for those jobs is
Heroes, Lost, Prison Break, declining. The general consensus is that
South Africans have a working culture
and professional qualifications which
and The OC. are suitable to the British employment
sector. Australians and New Zealanders
Specials every day of the week are also highly sought-after.
Shop 13 every
Peppergrove Mall day of the
Tel: week
046-6224652 Recruitment drives by foreign
companies in South Africa are
happening against a backdrop of
huge skills shortages, where even the
presidency is experiencing a vacancy
rate of 25 percent and a turnover rate of
However, South Africa operates in a
global market and should be working to
remain competitive on an international
scale if it is going to stem the tide.
An expanding global market is
a reality, and foreign recruitment
companies suggest that South Africa
should broaden its scope of candidates,
not purely concentrating on attracting
Europeans to our shores as our own
qualified minds migrate to Sterling
14 The Oppidan Press 05.03.08


that 60 percent of 18 to 19 year olds had

noise-induced hearing loss.
Hearing loss is not the only
Anyone who has tried to pick up a girl consequence of loud music. It can also
or a guy in a club will know that it’s a cause headaches, irritability, insomnia,
challenge to speak over the loud music and a decrease in sexual desire. Students
- especially when Gummi Bears is the should be concerned that noise can
Preparation time: 30 minutes
song playing and everyone on the dance cause poor academic performance.
Cooking time: 35 minutes
floor is bouncing around like a flea. Studies note an increase in tension,
Serves 6
Frequent clubbers who dance the uncertainty, faster talking and increased
night away are likely damaging their ears blood pressure. Sound familiar? INGREDIENTS:
because of noise pollution. It is classified So what does the law say about noise? 300 g scone dough
as ‘pollution’ when it is unwelcoming Some cities require all nightclubs to be 10 ml olive oil
or causes annoyance, sleepless nights, soundproofed. The Provincial Noise 500 ml mozzarella cheese
fright, or any other stress-related Regulations of 1998, which fall under the 125 ml Parmesan cheese
reaction. Music in nightclubs falls under Environment Conservation Act 1989, 250 g spinach, cooked and chopped
the category of ‘community noise’. say that “no person shall make, produce 3 large eggs
Ever left a club with a ringing in your or cause a disturbing noise, or allow it 45 ml fresh basil, chopped
ears? That is because the sound pressure to be made, produced or caused by any 1 clove garlic, crushed
from the loud music is too high. Sound person, animal, machine, device or appa- 1 red pepper, cut into strips
pressure (or sound waves) is measured ratus or any combination thereof; where 125 g ham, thinly sliced
in decibels (dB). It is damaging at about a disturbing noise means a noise level
75 dBA, becomes painful or tickling at that exceeds the ambient sound level METHOD:
around 120 dBA, and can even kill you measured continuously at the same mea- Preheat oven to 200°C and grease
at 180 dBA. However, different people suring point by 7 dBA or more (above a deep, round 25 cm pie dish. On a
can endure different ranges of noise, and the background noise)”. If a disturbing lightly floured board, roll dough into
the definition of noise is very subjective. noise is coming from a building, the af- a 25 cm circle. Press the dough into
It all depends on how long you are at fected citizens can complain to the local the dish so that it covers the bottom
the nightclub and how loud the music authorities. The authorities will then and comes up the sides. Combine
is. The Department of Environmental write to the owner of the building or the 250 ml mozzarella and Parmesan
Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) says that person responsible to stop or lower the cheeses, spinach, eggs, basil, garlic
permanent hearing damage starts after noise. People can complain to the police, and red pepper in a large bowl.
eight hours of listening to music at 85 but they usually offer no help. Cover the crust with the mixture and
dBA. A typical nightclub has music So should you modify your clubbing top with the remaining mozzarella
playing at 110 dBA, which can cause behaviour? Maybe. But a simple gesture cheese. Bake, uncovered, for 30 to 35
permanent damage after only four to the DJ to turn the music down slightly minutes, or until the filling is set and
minutes. Teenagers are known for their is all it takes. It’s up to them to decide the crust is crisp. Allow to cool to
nightclub activity, and one study found whether or not to honour your request. room temperature.

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Also available: cocktail platters, which should be ordered a day in advance; wood fire pizza as
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The Oppidan Press 05.03.08 15


“Obviously I wasn’t in the top gym. “I’m shedding weight,” he says with my needs.”
100…I’m not concerned about time or a smile. This way he will have less bulk Bailie believes God will guide him in
position,” he says casually. “What was to carry, thus increasing endurance and his future plans. “I think things are only
The Iron Man Triathlon is an intense great about this Iron Man – and any reducing knee strain. going to happen if God’s willing. I’d like
sporting challenge that demands seri- debut event – is the experience you gain Bailie, who has been studying for to get into politics as a career, but God
ous training and determination. Craig from it.” Indeed, Bailie plans to run seven years now, is currently complet- knows when that will be. Sport is never Crucify me - butcher me if you will -
Bailie, however, makes it seem easy as he the half-Iron Man again next year as a ing his Masters degree in Politics. Last going to be my career. I don’t think I’m but I say: let TriVarsity be scrapped!
entered the gruelling competition whilst prelude to the full marathon. year he tutored Politics students and this skilled or talented enough to make it a It’s hugely over-rated, a gluttonous
writing his Politics thesis and fulfilling Apart from the triathlon, Bailie also year he is a teaching assistant, a job that career.” booze-up, an excuse for the dazed to
his duties as a teaching assistant. has his mind set on future events. “I’m keeps him extremely busy. “It’s difficult Nevertheless, Bailie is planning to venture into purple absurdity and it is
On 13 January of this year, Bailie was currently training for the Two Oceans balancing work and training,” he says. stay active. “Why not use what we have an embarrassment! It sounds quite harsh
one of 900 athletes who took part in the half marathon on 22 March,” he says. As “But as long as I allow God to guide me, been given?” he asks. “We’ve been put but my opinion is rooted in the fact that
Iron Man 70.3 triathlon in East London. a result, he is not lifting weights at the His grace is sufficient to take care of all on this Earth to live, so let’s live.” TriVarsity destroys Rhodes sports, as
“I was just keen for the challenge,” he opposed to building them. Allow me to
says. “It was the first half-Iron Man to explain.
be held in South Africa,” Bailie explains. I have observed TriVarsity like an
Athletes had to complete a gruelling 1.9 anthropologist critically surveying the
km sea swim, a 90 km cycle and a 21.1 purple Rhodent and how it behaves in
km half marathon. the high-pressured environment of this
Bailie’s motivation for the event event. What one notes is the significant
stems from a dedication to sport: “Since role alcohol plays in determining the
I stopped rugby I’ve been trying to do behaviour (what’s new?) of the Rhodent.
cycling and swimming. I was up for the Alcohol disrupts, hinders and almost
challenge of combining the three,” he castrates sportsmanship; the spirit of
says. “I’ve always enjoyed endurance sport dissipates in the vapour of drunken
events.” chants and disruptive behaviour. How
are players supposed to concentrate,
when bottles and unruly spectators
invade the pitch?
Sport is a social event and spectators
bring fun to the game. However, when
the Rhodent deems it acceptable to get
pissed to the point of no return and as-
sault referees, that’s where my reserva-
tion comes in to play. The last time I
checked, chundering and piss-offs were
not part of the TriVarsity programme.
Unless Rhodes students acknowledge
and recognise that all of this has been
brought upon themselves, I have no
sympathy for those crying foul play,
because they know they can’t get pissed
without avoiding judgement.
The violence that is associated with
excessive drinking is so characteristic of
TriVarsity. During my time at Rhodes,
brutal stories have emerged in the wake
of TriVarsity. I have heard horror stories
of girls being sexually assaulted and
raped because they were too inebriated.
There are always wolves on the prowl
and TriVarsity disguises the wolf in a
purple riding hood suit.
TriVarsity is supposed to facilitate a
relationship between Rhodes and other
institutions. However, the majority of
students that go and revere it like a god
are Rhodents. I think Rhodes should
have its own sports parade in its back
garden, instead of further tarnishing our
reputation and having our VC embar-
players who, according to Cindy White, rassed when dignitaries express “disgust”
Chairperson of Rhodes Netball, were towards the way Rhodes students
incredibly gifted. This meant that the behave. It all seems to gravitate around
Last year a talented crop of male club was forced to charge the players the selfish purple Rhodent and this was
players attempted to join the Rhodes a membership fee that the men were further confirmed by the massive disap-
Netball Club, an addition which would unable to afford. As a result, the players proval of TriVarsity being hosted by Fort
have created the first all-male netball were forced to withdraw. Hare. Is TriVarsity not about facilitating
team in the university’s history. The Perhaps an increase in outreach pro- relationships with other institutions? If
problem? They weren’t Rhodes students. grammes is the solution to incorporating we cannot pay respect to our peers then
According to university policy all outside talent into Rhodes clubs. Alter- why further interact?
athletes participating in sports clubs natively, clubs could subsidise member- The fact that NMMU and Fort Hare
must subscribe; in other words, they ship fees for athletes who demonstrate have threatened to exclude Rhodes from
have to pay the membership fee. incredible ability in a particular sport, TriVarsity is embarrassing enough. Let
Herein lay the problem for the new but lack the finances to participate in it. us bow out now, gracefully. Show interest
in upholding the integrity of TriVarsity.
In the quest to maintain the Rhodes

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signing up for the marathon. “Everyone show support but lacked the stamina to
has been incredible, we estimate that we run for 24 hours. Instead, they could be
have raised R10,000 for cancer,” said a involved by shaving or spray-painting
In an attempt to raise cancer jubilant Kean. their hair in rainbow colours.
awareness the Rhodes Athletics Club, The starting gun for the marathon “I think it’s good to see a sports club dominant University of Stellenbosch was
in partnership with the Health Suite went off at noon at the Rhodes Athletics involved in social matters. I really think too much of a task for NMMU as they
and RMR, challenged the Rhodes track field. A few individuals donned this a great cause. However, I will not be lost by a score of 40-24. “It was a tight
community to participate in a gruelling funky, colourful gear - that was probably participating in the 24 hour marathon game, we could have played better, we
24 hour marathon last Friday. not very comfortable to run in - but it but I’ll shave my hair to show support,” made a lot of mistakes but we are going
“CANSA has been the Athletics was worth the chance to compete for the said Richard Mutasa, a second year to learn from them and try to advance in
Club’s main cause for the past four years, prize for best dressed. BPharm student. the competition,” said Mr Kolie Brandt,
so many of us have either dealt with it The participants were provided with A few brave students managed to NMMU Rugby Manager.
or have someone close to us who suffers all sorts of entertainment: RMR was finish the exhausting 24 hour run and Siphosethu Stuurman The eight teams that are taking part
from cancer. It is such a universal matter pumping music to keep everyone awake some were awarded prizes such as food are; NMMU, University of Pretoria
affecting all ages, races and cultures,” and the Sports Bar was open to all those vouchers and aromatherapy to sweeten University rugby in South Africa (Tukkies), University of Johannesburg
said Helen Kean, the Development Of- who wanted a bit more than a energy the deal and ease the ache. has reached a new level with the (UJ), University of Free State (Shimlas),
ficer of the Rhodes Athletics club. drink to quench their thirst. introduction of the FNB Varsity Cup. Tshwane University of Technology
The call was well-supported by In the build up to the marathon the The inaugural tournament kicked off in (TUT), University of Stellenbosch
enthusiastic students and staff, with up Athletics Club set up a stand in the fine style in Joburg on 18 February. (Maties), University of Cape Town
to 15 teams and a number of individuals library quad for students who wanted to The country’s top eight universities (UCT) and North West University
will clash in a number of fixtures until (PUK).
31 March, where the four teams with the
most points will advance to the semi-
One of the games will be televised
on Supersport every Monday night, a
concept that is derived from the very
successful American “Monday Night
Football” and with the R10 million help
from FNB, the idea is guaranteed to be
Rhodes University is not participating
in the tournament, as they failed to The competition’s firm favourites are
qualify. Maties, although it has not been a
The selection of the top eight teams smooth ride for them as they went from
was based on their performances at the a 31-5 lead at half time against Tukkies
SASSU rugby tournament in July last to a 31-31 draw at the end of the match.
year. The Varsity Cup is also subjected
“Rhodes finished tenth in the to the new Super 14 Rugby rules,
tournament last year and so missed out something that the players are not
by two universities,” said Sports Officer pleased about. “The new rules will give
Kerr Rogers. new challenges and the players will
TriVarsity archrivals NMMU made have to figure it out for themselves,’’
the top eight and have already faced said North West University coach Matt
Maties on their home ground, but the Proudfoot.

over the mantle of those who had gone. offers great entertainment with some the New Zealand top order with a string
Anesu Chingono
Veteran South African fast bowler powerful hitting towards the end of the of impressive performances.
Shaun Pollock is now among a large innings. His emergence for the Proteas There is certainly no shortage of
The 2005-2006 Ashes series between number of international cricketers who has been so rapid that some media have talent in world cricket. In South Africa,
England and Australia will probably go have recently retired, along with Stephen dubbed him the “New Lance Klusener”. Pacey Dale Steyn is beginning to be
down in history as the most exhilarating Fleming, Adam Gilchrist and Brad Gilchrist’s powerful hitting will be recognised in international cricket;
test series ever played in world cricket. Hogg. Will the departure of these senior sorely missed and he will certainly and, in Australia, James Hopes is part
Many expected the Australians to places leave irreplaceable gaps in their be remembered as one of the greatest of a new generation of all-rounders
triumph easily, but the English were respective teams? wicket-keepers/batsmen ever. But with breaking into the international scene.
determined and refused to roll over and Polly is arguably one of South Africa’s Brad Haddin, Australia have a suitable These young cricketers have a lot to
be beaten. Many analysts thought it was greatest cricketers. His accuracy with deputy. He averages over 50 in domestic prove in international cricket as talent
the end of an era for Australian cricket, the new ball and his ability to generate cricket and many fans are hoping he and potential must manifest themselves
with legendary bowlers such as Glen swing is certainly a unique trait which can transfer his domestic form onto into consistency and good all-round
McGrath and Shane Warne deciding many cricketers do not possess. He the international stage and become displays. There have been many
to hang up their boots. But what began was no slouch with the bat either, often the Aussie’s next great wicket-keeper/ talented cricketers to represent their
from there was to be a world record of contributing vital runs for the lower batsman. countries but few have left with the
16 undefeated test matches in favour order. Many South Africans hope the Stephen Fleming’s absence will be great impressions of Adam Gilchrist,
of the Aussies, and the emergence of talented Albie Morkel can fill his big also felt in the batting department; Stephen Fleming and Shaun Pollock.
talented fast bowlers such as Stuart Clark shoes: tall, strong and athletic, Morkel although a young Ross Taylor is The challenge to the new generation is to
and Mitchell Johnson who would take hits the deck hard with the ball and beginning to make a name for himself in emulate these great cricketers.

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