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la) area MICHIGAN ECCE ALL STAR EXTRA DIANE FLANEL PINIARIS Eee usee st cerry Cea Ree Mac Ce ee ace eng Extensive exam tips and strategies throughout ERMC Re Mua mee CAM Rng See a Re eee Reet ec auch ce eed og NEW EDITIONS Peer earer enc Practice Test 1 Listening 30 minutes 6. wit near short conversations Mer you hear each conversation, you wil be asked a question about what you heard. The answer choiogs are shown as pictures (A, B, and C). Circle the letter ofthe correct answer. You will har each conversation only once. 1 2 3 4 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes A B c 3o300a0 5 ooo o2aL (* joo -@ 008 et ee s “Cc 2% 1.5% 0.5% A 13 14 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 ° > ° 28 29 30 Imagine you are listening to the radio, You are going to hear someone from a radio station interviewing three people at a local air guitar competition. + First, you will hear about alr guitars, the U.S. Air Guitar organization, and its ro ‘Championship Network. + Next, you will hear about the alr guitar tournament that is about to take place. ‘© Finally, you will hear about some of the things you can buy at the air guitar festival. You wil hear the interviews in several parts, After each part, you will hear some questions, There are three answer choices for each question. You should select, from the three answer choices, the best answer to the question. If you want to, you may take notes in your book as you listen. Now you will hear the beginning ofthe irs interview. For this part, there will not be any actual test questions, The questions, that follow this part are examples only in the great Air Guitar World Example 1: a. at a radio station Example 2: a. a football player b. ata football game be the event's organizer at an air guitar tournament ‘c. a. competitor in the event ‘The answer is c, at an air guitar tournament. ‘The answer is b, the event's organizer. Now we will continue this interview. Remember, after each section of the interview you will hear some questions. The sections are separated by double lines. You will have 12 seconds to mark your answer to each question. There will be 20 questions. Are there any questions before we begin? You may write notes here. # 31. a. musical skill b. anelectric guitar cc. imagination 32. a. famous rock stars b. karaoke singers ©. music teachers 33. a. to play loud music 'b. to put on a wild show ‘c. to show how well you sing 34. a. in their bedrooms 'b. at a regional competition . al parties and dance clubs, 85. a. to over 20 cities around the USA b. tothe US. Air Guitar National Final ¢. to the Air Guitar World Championship 96. a. the United States b, Canada . Finland 37, a, 20 b. 18 © 8 38, a, Antarctica . Europe fe. North America 4 38. a, aserious music video b. acomic event at a music video festival c. an international media event 40. a, the United Kingdom b. the USA ¢. Finland 41. a. Canadian b. American ¢. Dutch 42. a. I's a regional championship. Ws the national final. ©. I's a pre-season warm-up 43. a, at Giants Stadium b. in Washington, D.C. . in 25 regions across the country 44, a, Awesome b. Airisol ©. Ricky Stickyfingers 45. a. They're from different parts of the USA. bb. They've never performed in public. ‘Thay all live near Giants Stadium. 46, a. $0 b, $18 ce. $30 ‘a. They're about the same price. 'b, They're much more expensive. fc. They're a good deal cheaper. 48, a, They are completely sold out. b, They are widely available. ¢. They haven't gone on sale yet. 49. a, since 1996 bs. since the 1950s, . since the 19708, 50. a. an official U.S. Air Guitar T-shirt air guitar strings an air guitar made of pure oxygen an, e You may write notes here. # Grammar - Vocabulary - Reading —_80 minutes Grammar ‘Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence or the conversation. 51. Ho calls his parants once a week, no matter 57. “Didmt anyone tell you? — “itseems Im always a. isbusy or not knowing last b. he's busy . the last knowing © what he's busy ©. the last to know d, how busy he is d. known last 52. The boss wants everything finished by the 58. He's hoping to buy a phone __ Internet time we leave tonight in camera a. tobe b. willbe being d. mustbe 553. She's not sure who broke the window, but she 59, “Ihnear there's a new restaurant atthe mall to ind out. Let's ty it," a. determined a. wontwe basi determined b. aren't we ©. is determined c. shall we 4. is determining a. dowe 54. Many people don't ike living atone because they 60. Excuse me, __ tell me how long the meeting find do everything by themselves. will bo? 2. itdiffcult to a. can >. cifficltyin b. when you the citficuly of ©. do,you please that’s dificult d. could you 55. loan see you're tired, sol suggest _ the 61. The tour guide wamed ___ in the park evening at home for a change. atter sunset ‘a. usto.spend thom not walking b. spending thom not to walk ©. we'llspend . about them not walking 4. tospend , them don't walk 56. Dad just called to say hell bea litle late, but 62. Itwasn't hard to see that___in the garden he's __ the way. ail morning outot a. he'd been digging bon b. ho’ digging ein ©. hell have been digging a. over 4. he would dig 16 63, 85. 66. 67. 68. 69. ‘Since this Friday is a holiday, she thinks __ better to go away next weekend. a is b. shehad e.itwould be d. would be ___he's working on the weekends, he hardly has any free time. a. Once b. Inthe event ce. Bythe time d. Now that She said that she would ___ as soon as he got home, a. give to him the message b. give him the message . give the message him a. to him the message give When the old man’s wife died, he felt___ in the world. the lonely one b. alllonely ©. allalone d. tone She is more efficient _ secretary he's, ever had a. than any other b. of the other . from another d. than other the truth, | have no idea whether or not he's dating anyone now. a. Telling b. Totell you fe. ltold d. According to ‘She told him that he needed ___ the grass. a. cutting Bb. tohave cut c. tobecut d. tocut ‘The teacher predicted that _ students would pass ‘the exam. a. most of the b, the most of the c. more of a. most of 73. 74, 7. 7. The adults on the could keep _ a. with them up b. up with them them up with d. up them with ‘2 walked slowly so the children Earning a living is more difficult nowadays than __ a. the past was b, it wasin the past c. was in the past d. used to be had he opened the door than the phone rang, No sooner Hardly ever ©. Only when d, As soon as "What's this shoe doing here?” "Ldon't know. | wonder” a. whyitis b. whose itis c. whatitis which itis From ___, John's parents won't let him go to the concert. a. that! heard b. hearing it c. what | hear d. something heard Would you like __help you with these heavy packages? a ifl b. meto ©. that! 4 to “I hear John had an accident.” call him and see how he Is’ a. Why not b. Should c. How about to 4. Arewe 7 78. He broke his leg and __ to the hospital in an ambulance. a. taken b. took him chad to be taken d. took 78. By 12 o'clock, the secretary had __ typed more than twenty otters. a. always b. already ©. altogether d. almost 80. “Could you do me a favor, please?” course, you wish." whatover b. whoever ©. whichever 4, however 1, Its clear that his parents dont approve his new friends. a. about b.trom © wth a of Vocabulary 82. 84, Tom and Mary are pleased that their children have grown up to be so__. a. dependent b. depending ©. dependence d. dependable He wishes he were taller__on the basketball team next year. so he could play enough to play that he can play d. while playing the terrible weather, we took a ride in the ‘county. Because b. inspite of . Nomatler d. However “Lthink | saw Jane yesterday.” “She's away on business so you__.” a. mustn't have b. shouldn't . can'thave d. wouldn't Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence. 86. She's upset because she thinks her friends make of her when she's not around. fun b. comedy &. Joke 4. amusement 87. These books aren't mine. | wonder who they __10? a. apply b. belong © own d. relate 88. I'm shocked that he lied to us, because by nature he's not a(n) __person. ‘a. apathetic, b. impolite c. dishonest d. confident 18 89. 90. The band has really improved. | guess all that hard work has really paid __ out back up a. off ‘She wore her favorite jeans in hopes of making a good __ on her new classmates. a. effort b, impression opinion reaction I's clear that his parents don't ___of him staying out so late. appreciate b. approve admire a. agree. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 7. 99. She broke up with her boyfriend because she felt she couldn't __on him, a. communicate b. account believe 4. rely ‘The problem with being eo tall is that i's hard to find jeans that are the right. a. height b.length e. width 4. depth \her parents increase her __, she'll be able to buy more music online. a. permission b. allowance ce. privilege d. authority She couldn't call her parents because she forgot her cell phone, a. load b. electrify charge 4. empower ‘Tim's father lost his job last month, so the family has, to___ their spending. ‘a. watch b. increase c. supplement d. caution Students are not allowed to send text messages in class. I's school a. law b. rule ce. policy d. conduct Bullies are _, but their bark is usually worse than their bite. a. passive b. intimidating fe. encouraging a. timid Mike listens to music when he studies because he claims it improves his __ @. appearance b. concentration ©. popularity d. intensity 100. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. {W's not unusual for parents to question their teenager's __ in music. a, appetite b. choice taste 4. flavor The ___ of that new song makes it easy 10 dance to. a. volume b. lyrics pace d. beat ‘There's ice on those steps! You'd better hold onto ‘the __ so you don't fll. a ailing b. sidewalk ce. celling d. iron It's natural to worry about how you will _ in when ‘you move to a new neighborhood. a. break be ft e tum 6. give Her parents have no ___to her going to the party as ong as she comes home on time. ‘a objection b. intention ©. concem d. idea Do you ___ believe that listening to loud music can damage your hearing? a. really b. obviously c. frequently 4. eventually His parents will be furious if he comes home after his ___ requirement b. schedule ce. curfew d. restriction 19 107, 108. 109. 110. 1m. 12, 113, 20 Gary is planning on ___a big party when he tums 18 next month, a. performing b. throwing ©. creating d. celebrating With over 20 million copies sold, Guitar Hero is the most ____ video game ever produced, a common b. public ©. popular 4. affordable Frankly, |___ to see why she is so attracted to someone with such a negative attitude. a. fall b. wonder e hae degre: Her parents looked _when she told them she had decided not to dye her hair purple. a. concerned b. insecure ¢. depressed d. relieved She says she likes to hang out in a group because there's _ in numbers. a. comfort b. safety friendship d. absence Our school is organizing a rock concert in__ of the now children's hospital, a. support b. honor esearch a. memory ‘She spends a lot of money on jewelry, shoes, and other _ a. dressings b. accessories ©. gadgets d. utensils 14, 18. 116, 17, 118. 119. 120. Don't you hate it when people talk about you __ your back? beneath b. around eto d. behind My litle sister says that her MP3 player is her favorite__. a. subject b. possession ownership d. objective {you're not sure you'l tke that online gaming site, you can sign up for a 10-day free__. a. attempt b. tral c. sample contest According to an article he read, “hip hop music" and “rap music” are _ the same thing. a. basically b. deeply cc. similarly d.significanty | hope you'te not thirsty! The __ machine outside the gym is broken again. a. vending b. purchasing selling d. drinking ‘The hot new band has been offered a contract to —— their very frst aloum next year. a write b. publish ©. record d. reproduce Could |___ you in front-row tickets to the Air Guitar ‘Championship next weekend? a. offer b. treat cc. interest tempt This article is taken from a music magazine for teenagers. Read the text, and then use the information to answer the questions that follow “Musics a huge part of teenager’ life, and most of us can't imagine life withoue it. Hip-hop, rock, rap, country, jazz, heavy metal, and ingenious combinations of various styles draw countless young fans. But teens do more than listen, Some three million American teens study music in school, ehrough private lessons, or simply on their own, and thousands participate in informal “garage bands,” practicing and creating songs in the garages of their own or theit friends’ homes. High school can be a very stressful time. Thae’s why music is so important to many teens, Ie helps us cope with the daily stresses of school and helps us avoid pressure from our parents and peers. Ie gives us an outlet to express our emotions and comforts us when we feel no one understands us. The beauty of music is that there are so many kinds and so many ways to connect to it, My personal passion is for music that tells a story. I also love music that has a new sound or something that sounds classic and raw like live performances using acoustic instruments. A girl I know fell in love with music when she was 12. She was going through a loc with her family, and her dad helped her through it by showing her the power of music before he passed away. She says music lets her escape from her problems and helps keep her sane when her world is falling apart. Everyone has his or her own personal connection to music, Personally speaking, I find that music fills me wich something wonderful that I can't even begin to explain, What's your connection? 421. What is the article's main theme? 124. Why does the write fel so connected to music? @. popular forms of music a. Itmakes her life worth living, b. the beauty of music b. She likes the way it makes her feel. ©. the rice of garage bands €. _Ithelps her avoid her problems. . the place of music in a teen's tite d. She doesnt realy say. 122. What isthe writer's pointin para, 1? 425. Whats the writer's favorite kind of music? ‘Teens play music as well as listen to it. a. heavy metal Music is more popular than ever. b. anything live More teens listen to music than play it. © classical music “Music ike hip-hop will never go out of style. d. music that tells a story 4123, What did music help the gil in para. cope with? 126. Judging from evidence in the text, who is the weiter? a. aromantic disappointment ‘@_amember of a garage band b. her parents’ divorce b. well-known music crc the death of her father ©. ateenage music lover d. running away from home d. ateenager's parent 21 22 NTBALL (ages 9 & up) A paintball party just for kids. Includes one round of Laser Shock Tag and one round of Paintball. Participants should Safety gear provided (face mask, neck guard, chest & back protector), Package includes: *+ Use of private party room, video ‘game room, parents’ lounge 2 + DJ with music system and hi-tech light show + 2sslices of pizza or hot dogs per kid, beverages, cake & candles : Mon-Thurs $30/child Fri-Sun $40/chile, 15-child minimum LAST-MINUTE SPECIAL: Book within one week of the event and your minimum drops to 10 kids. BLACK LIGHT CLUB PARTY (13 & up) Brand new and glowin’ with fun, this cool event is for TEEN GIRLS only! FEATURING: + DJ with non-stop music plus UV light show with bubble, smoke, and snow machines! * Dance-off competition with prizes for al! * Black Light Stations with glow-in-the-dark face Paint, nail polish, tattoos, and fabulous UV ink pens so you can draw all over yourselves and ‘your friends! (Relax! Once the black lights turn Off, no one will know what you've been up to!) + And the grand finale: Silly String spray fight! Mon-Thurs $25/child Fri-Sun $30/child 10-child minimum Light snacks + cake - $5 extra per Throwing a party? Take Ne ONL UR ae UE ee tee Ca amt AR LL McLee YE VET & WILD (ages 9 & up) a messy game show is what you crave, ook no further! Split into teams and compete in al sorts of gooey, sticky stunts with fun stuff like whipped cream, slime, chocolate syrup, marshmallows, and more. Prizes for the team who stays the cleanest! Light party snacks + cake included, Optional all-you-can eat upgrade! Let us host it in our Wet & Wild Party Room, or take the fun with you and opt fora “party 2 go"! ONSITE: Mon-Thurs only $30/child 15-child minimum PARTY 2 GO: $900 for first hour; $200 for each additional 30 minutes. if you lke, add DJ and full sound system for just $100 more. EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL: Book 3 months ahead of time and get 10% off your total price. EXTREMETEENZ (1s & up) Talk about extremes! It doesn't get better than this three-room UNFORGETTABLE mega-party! + Action Game Room - Blast your /* way through rounds of Laser Shock Tag, BB Blowout, and Paintball while rocking with our best Dus. + Extreme Video Game Room - 12 stations with Guitar Hero and other hot games. + TV room - 2 giant screens: one showing Action Game Room, the other with movie of your choice! PLUS all the pizza, hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, and ice cream cake that you can eat! Mon-Sun S60/child Minimums: Mon-Thurs -§ kids Fri-Sun - 10 kids ASER 01 (ages 60) Ge Bing the fun home! Wow your young pany (goers with Laser Tag and other great games in the AMAZING MAZE inside our inflatable domed UFO. Base price: $200. Wide range of optional extras: your choice of games, Endless Bday Barbecue, DJ und system, tent, face painting, Silly String ight, and more! Call for customized estimates. minimums! Available 7 days a week! ree | | | | 127, 128. 128, 130, 131 192. 199, 134, ‘You and your friends are tired of doing “the same old thing” for your birthdays. You come across this age in a local teen magazine. Read the questions, and then look at the advertisements to find the answers. Which is not offered over the weekend? 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 Which offers you the freedom to design the party yoursel!? 1 b 2 a 4 a5 Which would be suitable for your best friend's brother who is turning 8 in July? a 2 b 3 a 4 45 ‘Which would appeal to a girl who loves dancing and makeup, but is too shy to have a boy-girl party for her Sweet 16? a b 2 «3 a4 Which offers a special price advantage it you make arrangements several months in advance? ao b 3 a 4 a8 \Which includes an unlimited amount of food for each ‘quest in the basic price? aod b 2 a 4 a5 For her 13th birthday, Tina wants to throw a party where hher guests can win prizes, Which should she consider? a. 2and3 b. Sanda c 4ands a tand3 Your trend has a soon-to-be 12-year-old sister who hates the idea of dressing up and having @ “squeaky clean party! Wich might be suitable? a tand2 b. tand3. c 2and3 d. 3ands 135. 136. 137. John's parents have OK'd the idea of a weeknight party {as long as their soon-to-be 15-year old limits his guests 10 keep the price down. What are his best options? (HINT: Youll need to do the math on this one!) a tand2 b, tand4 c. Sanda a. Soniy Mike loves commando movies. His 11th birthday is, ‘coming up, and his parents want to surprise him with a real-life action party he'll never forget. Which might be suitable? 1,3, and 4 b. 1 and only Sand 4only d. tonly Which would you be able to arrange at home at any time of the year? a 3,4,and5 b. 4and5 only ©. Sand 5 only a. 3only k and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum ie eer eeeaet art CoP AReN Tees tes Since we opened our doors in 1995, more than seven milion visitors have toured the Rock Hall. Ours is a museum in the traditional sense, but i's not a traditional museum at all. From the wide-open architecture and eye-popping displays to the sing-along soundtrack of continuously streaming rock and roll hits, this is one museum experience that will really get your heart pumping! HouRS Open: Mon-Sun, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 o.m, Wed. 10:00 am. - 9:00 p.m. Closed: Thanksgiving and Christmas ADMISSION Adults $22, Kids (ages 9.12) $13 Seniors (60+) $17 Kids (@ and under) FREE 25% off on groups of 20 or more. Become a member! Visit aé often as you like, FREE, for a whole year, and much, much more. Individual Rocker $50 Family Rocker (2 adults + kids) $140 EXPLORING THE MUSEUM: Main Exhibits . check out: Lobby Plaza Level (L) + Right Here, Right Now: Today's hot artists Lower Level (G) - Main Exhibit Hall * Rockin’ All Over the World: Memphis, Detroit, Liverpool, LA, New York, London, and others! + Legends of Rock and Roll + The Roots of Rock and Roll: Blues, Gospel, Rhythm and Blues, Country, and Folk + Rave On: Rock and Rol’s Early Years + Hang On Sloopy: The Music of Ohio Love 2 + Respect: The Sound of Soul + Listen to the Music: Rock and Roll and the Evolution of Audio Technology + Live Sound Technology: A Collection of Early Concert Sound Equipment Level 3 * Hall of Fame Wing: Continuous mult-media show starting Hall of Fame members old and new! Lovels 4-5 * Pink Floyd The Wall + Special Exhibition Area Level 6 + Alan Freed Radio Studio: Watch anc listen to SIRIUS. Dds live from our state-of-the-art studio. SPOTLIGHT ARTIFACTS Here's a taste of just afew of the “hot rock” objects we think ‘every visitor should see, ‘Jim Mortison Cub Scout Shirt ‘Main Exhibit Hall - Jim Morrison Exhibit ‘Though best known as the sexy “Lizard King,” as a child Doors leader Jim Mortison was a class leader, a member of the swim team, and a Cub Scout. John Lennon Jacket, 1967 ‘Main Exhibit Hall - Beatles Exhibit John Lennon wore this jacket on the cover of Sgt: Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Paul, George, and Ringo wore ‘simiar uniforms. Sgt. Pepper is widely regarded as ‘one of the greatest rock and roll albums of alltime. Jeff Beck Vardbirds Guitar ‘Main Exhibit Hall - Rockin’ All Over the World Beck purchased this guitar in 1964 and played it while with the Yardbirds, one of Englands first guitar-oriented, biues-based rock bands. The group was the proving ‘ground for three of rock's greatest guitarists: Eric Clapton, Jetf Beck, and Jimmy Page. Otis Redding Plane Parts, 1967 2nd Floor - Respect Redding was one of the oreatest soul singers, responsible {for numerous hits tke “Try a Little Tenderness” end “(Sittin’ ‘on) The Dock of the Bay" On December 10, 1967, en route to.a concert in Madison, Wisconsin, Redding's chartered ppiane crashed, king him and four members of his band, the Bar-Kays, These remains were taken from the crash site, Eddie Cochran Guitar, 1955 Gretsch 6120 ‘Main Exhibit Hall - Rave On ‘Though he died at oniy 21, Cochran left alasting = mark with his twangy guitar sound and the ofiant attitude of his songs. This was Cochran's main instrument from about 1955 through 1960. Taken from the f wreckage of the car accident that ended Cochran's ife, the guitar was keptina police station in Bath, England, fortwo months before it was returned to f his fami. 24 On the opposite page is a brochure advertising a famous museum in Cleveland, Ohio. Read the ‘questions below, and then skim through the brochure to find the answers to the questions. 198. Where could you find an exhibit about the ‘music forms that influenced rock and roll? a. Plaza Level b. Lower Level c. Level2 d. Level 199. According to the brochure, which rock star was amodel child? ‘a. Eddie Cochran b. Eric Clapton e. John Lennon 4. Jim Morrison 140. Your uncle is a sound engineer for a recording studio, Which exhibit might interest him professionally? a. Respect . Hang On Sloopy c. Right Here, Right Now 4. Listen to the Music 146. 141. On what day is the museum open in the evening? a. Monday b. Christmas Wednesday a. Saturday 147, 142, Which level would you visit to see a radio station in operation? a. Lower Level b. Level2 c. Level d, Level 148. 143. Janice and Jim are 65. They visit the museum 3-4 times. ‘a year. What is their best option? become Individual Rockers b. pay admission for each visit © buya Family Rocker membership d. ask about the group discount 149, 144. Which exhibit pays trioute to soul music? ‘a. The Roots of Rock and Rll b, Listen to the Music ©. Hang On Sloopy a. Respect 150. 145. Which object is NOT on display in the Main Exhibit Hall? a. John Lennon Jacket 1b. Jeff Bock Yardbird Guitar ¢. Otts Reading Plane Parts d. Jim Mortison Cub Scout shirt What did Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page have in common? a. They were inspired by the Beatles. b. They became farnous while in the same group. ©. They owned the same guitar 4, They wore uniforms on a famous album cover. ‘Which group made what many consider to be one of the greatest rock and roll albums of al time? a, The Yardbirds b. The Barkays @. The Doors d. The Beatles ‘What did Eddie Cochran and Otis Redding have ‘common? ‘They died in tragic accidents. b, They wore great guitarists. ©. They started out in the Yardbirds. d. They were both soul musicians, Upon entering the museum, visitors will encounter an exhibit featuring ‘a. the history of the museum b. Spotight Artifacts. €. contemporary stars d. now Hail of Fame members ‘According to the brochure, how does the Rock and Roll Museum differ from other museums? a. It's cheaper. b. Its more exciting c.Itsbigger. d. Its more traditional Writing 30 minutes ‘+ You wil first read a short artcie. After you read the artiste, you ‘can choose Task 1 or Task 2. For Task 1 you wil write a lelter. For Task 2 you will write an essay. Do only ONE of these tasks. ‘+ You will have 30 minutes to write your letter or essay. You should write about one page. + You will not be grated on the appearance of your paper, but your handwriting must be readable. You may change or ‘correct your writing, but you should not recopy your work. ‘+ Try hot to copy from the article below. Use your own words as ouch as possible. + Your letter or essay will be judged on how clearly you express your ideas. Use the appropriate format fora later or essay, THE CITY TIMES Report finds gadget-happy teens may not be sleeping enough 1 Australian study has shown that over $0 percent of high school ZA testament eb playing video games, watching TY, listening to their MP3 players, othe night, According to one ressareher, “A lot of kids are reporting that they're tied when they wake up, and there are aqite afew reporting they're sleepy during the day, wich i affecting their performance a school” ‘or talking on the phone late Concerned about the results of the study, a local resident and mother of two teenagers had this to say: “Maybe it's time for us parents to take away such tech toys at bedtime so that better sleep habits can be learned early in life and extended into theit adult years,” ELT News Service eae hg meet Task 1: Letter Do you think teens are hurting themselves by spending too much time using gadgets late at night? Do you think parents should limita teen's use of these gadgets? Write a letter to the editor of The City Times reacting to both of the issues raised in the article, Start your letter: “Dear Editor.” Task 2: Essay Ityou had to leave your house in an emergency and could only take one electronic device with you, which would it be? Explain why you would chose this device over the others you own, supporting your ideas with reasons and examples. For help with Tasks 1 and 2, see Writing Tutorial, page 197. 26 Grammar Energizer 1 Testing Verbs onthe ECE - Below are some ofthe Key waysin which your knowledge of verbs may be tested on he exam. Read through the tps, and then answer the tems, ready to explain your answers. Tense of Missing Verb Form: For this type of item, the choices are typically subject + verb phrases in different tenses or forms. Study the stem for time exoressions and other clues thet tell you whether the missing action is in the past, present, or future. If a range of simple, continuous, and perfect forms are included, look at the sentence again and think carefully about the function of the missing verb form. 1. "Do they know each other well?” 2. Well get to the concert on time if we leave "Well, __ for a year now." ‘as soon as _ home. a. they date a. you're coming b. they'lhave dated b. youll come c. they've been dating © you came d. thoy dated d. you come ‘Missing Time Marker: Study the verb forms in the stem and think carefully about the overall meaning of the sentence. Then consider each choice. Ask: Does it suit the meaning? Does it fit into the structure of the sentence? 3. His friends had already finished eating —_ 4. t've____seen him at the opera before. This hhe got to the restaurant. must be his first time. a. until never b. bythe time sometimes c. since: rarely d. whenever often Active Voice vs. Passive Voice: Choices may be in the same or different time frames, and one or more may contain a form of the verb f0 be plus a present or past participle. Ifthe stem includes the subject of the gapped clause, ask if itis performing an action (active voice needed) or receiving an action (passive voice needed). If the choices include subjects, make sure the one you choose makes sense in context. 6. From what | heard, the drummer of the group 8. Tickets for the concert are already on sale wasn't very reliable, so __. They __ online or at any ticket agoncy. he replaced them ‘can be buying b. they replaced him b. willbe bought . they were replacing him © canbe bought 4. he was replacing them 4. wilbuy Missing Modals: When the choices contain a range of modals (can, could, should, would, etc), always think carefully about factors like time frame, form, function, and meaning. 7. | went to the supermarket yesterday, so you You ___ something wrong for her to be so this afternoon, angry with you now. hhave to 90 a. might do b. must have gone b. should have done ©. can'tgo & canitdo d. needn't go must have done See — Vocabulary Energizer 1 Common Cotlocations - Use the correct form of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Then use the bare inniive form ofeach phrase in bold to label tho photo that ikistates it (Several of the words inthe box ro used move than once) do draw = have hold «make pay take throw 1. Tom's decided to__a party for his 1ath bitncay. 'm sure everyone wil really fun, 2. The events commites is _— @ meeting later to discuss plans for the big rock concert, 3. She knows she’s not good enough to become a rock star, but playing “air guitar” lets her believe she is. 4. Hi, Mom! I'm having a great time at college. You won't believe all the nice kids I've friends with here. I's a relief not to have to put up with the bullies who usedto fun of me all the time at school 5. The new rock group has quite a following, They ___ a crowd wherever they play, 6. If my history teacher wasnt so boring, it would be easier to___ attention in class. ‘know | should __ntes, but 'm so bored most of the time that | can hardly kegp my eyes open! @ Verbs with Dependent Prepositions - For each group, take careful note ofthe bold prepostione, and! then iin the blanks withthe corret form ofthe verbs the box. belong ‘count disapprove object owe treat 1. Believe it or not, these old Etvis albums: to my grandmother. Apparently, her parents — to her taste in music, just like mine do now. My grandmother's relly cool, so in my view her ion —foralot!!____ ito her that music is my passion in lfe. This year she’s___meto concert tickets for my birthday! At first my parents of the idea, but eventually they changed their mind, account agree (x2) approve communicate. ~—« count —_—interest. 2 Could! you In an extra ticket to the rack festival next weekend? 3. t's rare that his parents with each other, but this time neither of them of the way he behaved toward his teacher, They're finding it more and more dfficultto___———————_with the rebellious teenager. Now if they could only ‘on a suitable punishment! 4. W’seasy to__ for the success of the band. Their music is fresh, they've got lots of talent, and they all have great stage presence! You can always ‘on them to give an exciting performance, 28 1nd Look - Below are some of the groups of word choices that you encountered in the Vocabulary section of tice Test 1. For each group, use the words to complete the sentences. (For verbs, use the correct form) 1 tail 1 wy he Keeps asking her out. She has no intention of dating him, | hate b. He studied for weeks, 80 1 _ to understand why he did so poorly on the test, Feast ce He toadmitit, buthe now _______not telling her the truth. wonder | a1 if she's realy comfortable n those high heels she always wears. 2, accessory His grandmother says she can't understand why all teenagers seem to walk around with those dressing silly music________siin their ears? gadget How often does the doctor want yout change the ______on that cut? aan c. The wide red leather belt she always wears is her favorite } 4. This shor fst apartment, so she'l need to buy all new eating 3 mpeiedaic} a twne____ or you nt aed ri ask yo ws | confident b. I'm that you'll pass the exam. Look at how hard you've studied! | Soha ©. He says he's bored, but the tuthis that he's too_____to getinvolved in anything. | impol I 4. Tm not sure you should trust him. He's gota reputation for being i | | 4. beat ‘4, My parents don't care what music | sten to, as long as | keep the down! | lyrics 'b. Could you write down the___to that new song for me? | ee Songs wih asco are great exercising ta. | 4. Cel phone technology has changed so fast over the last few years that W's hard to keep | up withthe 5. curfew She's got such a busy__that i's a wonder she everfinds time to doher > requirement homework. Somehow she manages, though, which is why her parents don't put many } restriction 's on her, Their only. ato that she eats dinner with them | schedule: ‘every night and, it she goes out on a school night, she has to be home by 10pm, Onthe | weekends they extend her_____to. 12 midnight, which seems reasonable. } eels i Souseyyourpanin heme efleting you gototepary.0oyou | aes avaany___‘vhry thay walgd eorey? I objection B: Wal i's not like them to raise __ sto my plans, but this time they have | intention ___ $ about who's going to be there. There was some trouble at the. last party, so maybe they have a point. break in (x2) 1. No wonder he's overweight. Every time someone offers him dessert, he loses his will fitin ower and give in 2. She says she's unhappy at school because she doesn't____with the other turn in (x2) kids. For one thing, she always ther work early, which causes her classmates to make fun of her. 3. His parents had just {or the night when they heard a loud noise in the yard. Their firs thought was that a burglar was trying to_______, but then a voice shouted, “Mom! Dad! Let me in! | forgot my key! 4, Her feet hurt her because she hasn't managed toe new boots yet. Practice Test 2 Listening 30 minutes ‘You will hear short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a {question about what you heard. The answer choices are shown as pictures (A, B, and C).. Circle the letter of the correct answer. You will hear each conversation only once, 1 2 3 Breakfast Lunch Dinner: A B c 4 B 5 (oS A B c 30 Studley Fridley Busdey, 16 7 18 19 20 25 26 27 30 35 {Imagine you are listening tothe radio, You are going to hear someone from a radio station interviewing three people at a women's fitness festival ‘+ First, you will learn something about the background of the festival. ‘+ Next, you will hear from someone describing what happens on the final day ofthe festival ‘+ Finally, you will hear from one of the volunteers at the festival. ‘You will hear the interviews in several parts. After each part, you will hear some questions. There are three answer choices {for each question. You should select, from the three answer choices, the best answer to the question. If you want to, you may take notes in your book as you listen. Now you will hear the beginning of the frst interview. For thi part, there will not be any actual test questions. The questions that follow this part are examples only. Example 1: a. in a public square Example 2: a. the owner of a convention center , ata convention center b. a radio reporter from Boise, Idaho ¢. ata radio station ©. a publicity director The answer is b, at a convention center. The answer isc, a publicity director. ‘Now we will continue this interview. Remember, after each section of the interview you will hear some questions. The sections are separated by double lines. You will have 12 seconds to mark your answer to each question. There will be 20 questions. Are there any questions before we begin? You may write notes here. A 31. a, just one day two days all three days ‘Thursday Friday Saturday an area hospital the Boise Center a local fitness center 34. a. 1993 b, 2001 fe. 2003, 8 erp poe 35. a. over 150 afew thousand ‘more than 25,000, 36. a limited range of health and fitness products mostly running shoes and spor's equipment a huge variety of products and services anyone who wants to attend b. female participants in the 5K event €. females from the Boise area pose ose 38. a. winners of the celebration's first SK event 'b, founders of the fitness celebration 6. a grandmother and granddaughter team |. ordinary women of all ages. b. elite female athletes grandmothers only 39. Section continues ... 36 40. a ‘a. Yes, it's much more competitive. bb. Yes, i's a shorter course now. c. No, i's pretty much the same, ‘a, They are not the only focus of the Sk event. b. They usually fnish the course in just over an hour. ¢. They were not a part of the original event. 42, 43. 44, a. cool, clear, and dry 'b. stormy with lots of lightning c. nasty, wet, and cold a. amazed b. worried . relieved ‘a. The event had to be canceled. b. Only a few people turned up. . Thousands turned out despite the rain 45, 48. 47. a. to sponsor a fun-filled, reasonably priced event b. to raise money for specific local charities ©. to provide entrants with a free T-shirt $20 . $24 $18 timing chip an event number an event T-shirt 48, 49. 50, the S-mile mark Tuxedo Row cc. the Finish Line ‘a, the 70-Years-Old and Older group b. the Elite Women’s Runners and Walkers ¢. the Elite Wheelchair Division ‘a, The men look silly in tuxedo jackets and shorts, The man cheer too enthusiastically. 6. The women object to men wearing shorts. 37 Grammar - Vocabulary - Reading Grammar 80 minutes Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence or the conversation, 51. ‘a member of the Art Museum, you need to fill ‘out an application. a, Youcan become b. Becoming To become d. Sothat you become ‘Anna's been feeling down lately, so__to invite, her to the party, & good b. good for you ‘e was good you d. _itwas good of you ‘The two friends spend hours talking to__on the phone. a. themselves b. another one each other d. the other one We decided to stay home __of going to the movies. a. because b. instead ©. onaccount 4. inspite “Who's the better player, Joe or Tim?" *__ are fantastic.” a. Both ball Two d. Each of them ‘You can go to John’s house tonight __ you've finished all your homework, a unless b. supposing © provided a. incase 87. 59. 60. 61. 62. Ityou haven't bought tickets for the game on Saturday, __you did, a. the time is now that b. itstime c. there's time d. itwasa time “Do you think hell get the job?” a. Idoubtit b, Idoubt so ¢. —Idoubt not d. Sol doubtit When the coach comes in, can you see me, please? a. him calling b. thathe calls him to call d. him call She said she thought that __students had already arrived. the most of more of ¢. most of the . the more How dare you _ my favorite sweater without asking me frst are borrowing b. borrow ¢. have borrowed 4. toborrow ‘The coach called ___ congratulated him on making the team, a to b. and efor d. about 56, 67, 70. The teacher is upset with him because he ___ comes prepared. almost always b. usually © seldom 4. occasionally ‘She's lonely sometimes because she has. close friends. a few bitte ce. afew de any “Did you enjoy the party?" "Yes, everyone was nice to me.” a such b. 100 ce 80 d. enough | wonder how long _before he writes me again. a. willitbe b. willbe ©. tobe 4. itwill be They say he resembles his father, but I'm not really sure a, ifhe looks tke b. who he looks like @. — what ne’s looking like d. how he looks like Doing your best is__ important than winning the game. a, justas b. even more c notas 4. thesame This is the neighborhood __ your parents grew upin. a. where b. that e. inwhich 4. who ‘She ___ for getting such bad grades. a. forced him to punish b. forced to punishing him ‘@. _was forced to punish him @. forced to punish him m1. 73. 74. 78. 76. 77. SShe said she would have the report finished by tomorrow morning a. oflate b. atthe latest ce. lately date That outfit needs ___if you're going to wear ito. the wedding a. toclean b. you toclean c. being cleaned d. cleaning She couldn't find tresh peas, so she bought some ones a, freezer b. freezing «frozen d. froze Vid rather not tell him myself because I'm afraid __ 8. toget angry b. hellget angry ©. of getting angry . that he's getting angry “Nothing interests me anymore.” __isarice, long vacation.” a. That you need b. You're in need of ©. Your need d. What you need They promised __ as soon as the bank opened in the morning, @, money to send him b. tosend him money ©. him sending money d, money would send to him ‘The suspect confessed to__ his wife. a. murdering b. murdered ©. the murder 4. being murdered by 39 78. His parents won't let ___ until all his homework is finished, a b. c a. him to go out him go out that he goes out him going out 79. “Why don't you go on without me?” “Ws OK. [Ml wait_ finish. . till you are b. you have ©. foryouto d. youto 80. Everyone says he's very good _ whatever, he does. a for b. to con dat 81, ___ get going or we'll miss the last bus back to town, @ Wed better b. It would better . We'd rather that d. It would rather Vocabulary 82. 83. 85. Hehas money lett by the end of the month, a. very fow b. almost none ©. not many 4. hardly any ‘The boy was saved, ___ the lifeguards quick thinking, ‘according to thanks to asa result 4. on account By this time next week, we ___ to be sunning ‘ourselves on a beach, a. will have hoped b. will be hoping ©. hope dd. willnope ‘The woman described the bank robber _in his earty thirties. a. being b, asbeing ©, as though was d. which was ‘Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence. 86. Everyone was surprised that a(n) _ had teken the beautiful photographs. a b e a. professional instructor amateur expert 87. She was a good student but did not have enough ___in herself reassurance confidence insurance courage ‘88. The news __has won several awards for excellence in journalism. a b. ©. a. 40 commentator observer author spectator 89. 91. The soldiers managed to_ the village against the enemy attack a. defeat b. support defend 4. oppose ‘She liked the new job because it was much ‘more than her last one. a. challenging b. tiring ce. strenuous d. stressful To get to the cottage, they had to walk through the forest along a dirt a, track b. field court a. course

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