Skipper A Gram+voc Test

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1) (1)

a. speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people – b______

b. behaving too confidently and speaking too loudly – b______
c. cruel and heartless – c______
d. bad-tempered and arguing with people for insignificant things – c_______
e. using very few words in a way that seems rude – c_____
f. not faithful or loyal to their friends – f_____
g. asking too many questions and trying to find out too many details about something or
someone – i_______
h. not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions –
i. cruel and cold, having no mercy or feelings for others – r______
j. easily shocked or upset by seeing unpleasant things (blood, needles) – s_______
k. angry and silent – s______
l. behaving in an unfair or dishonest way to get what they want – u________
m. losing temper very quickly and very easily – v______
n. very shy and quiet, and concerned only about your own thoughts – w________

1. The hotel bar was full of ________, noisy journalists.

2. After her husband died Priscilla became very __________ and seldom left her home.
3. These men are ________ terrorists and will kill anyone who tries to stop them.
4. I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem _________.
5. The company showed ________ disregard for the safety of their employees.
6. Maria can be very _______ and sometimes shocks people who don't know her well.
7. Morgan admitted that some of his actions may have been _________, but he denied
doing anything illegal.
8. This horror film is not for people who are ___________.
9. Her story was sent back with a __________ rejection note.
10. Teenagers are ________ and switch brands frequently.
11. The driver of the car was arrested for ________ driving.
12. Dick just sat there with a _________ expression on his face, refusing to speak.
13. You’d better don’t mention about that to James; he’s too ________ and who knows
what his reaction might be.
14. I don’t like being around Paula; she’s too ___________.

2) (2)

a. very enthusiastic (for people) – a_______

b. very obvious, done without shame or embarrassment – b________
c. very exciting and interesting (films, books) – g________
d. very frightening or shocking and making you feel very upset – h_________
e. not strict or careful enough about standards of behaviour, work, safety – l_______
f. not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard you expect – l_______

g. happening very suddenly and quickly – m_______
h. high, sharp, and unpleasant (of sounds) – p_______
i. very loyal – s_______
j. large and affecting everyone (for changes, reforms) – s________
k. impossible to prove wrong or argue against – w_______

1. The company's refusal to hire him was a __________ act of discrimination.

2. The film tells the story of Lee's _________ rise from North Dakota radio singer to
jazz legend.
3. He was totally absorbed in a ________ detective story.
4. As a keen writer and _________ newspaper reader, Jenny had always wanted to be a
5. Maggie let out a _________ scream as she saw the truck speeding toward her.
6. The film contained _________ scenes of starving children.
7. I think the school has been too __________ about bad behaviour in the past.
8. Lucky for him, his alibi is _________.
9. Some police officers have criticized judges for being too __________ with car thieves
and burglars.
10. The US has been a __________ ally of ours for many years now.
11. They want to make __________ changes to education policies.

3) (2)

1. boring and depressing – d_______
2. boring, without life, excitement or colour – d______
3. ordinary, giving little satisfaction – m_______
4. boring and frustrating – t_______

1. extremely bad – a________
2. very bad – d________
3. very bad (informal) – l______

1. perfect, with no faults – f______
2. perfect, faultless – i_______
3. smth that has not been spoilt or harmed – u________

1. tiring and involving a lot of effort – a_______
2. tiring and lasting for a long time – g________
3. needing a lot of physical effort – s_________

1. untidy, dirty and wet (for people) – b_________

2. untidy, about clothes, hair, appearance – d__________
3. untidy (for people, places), old and worn out (for clothes) – s_________

1. clever at understanding people and situations – a________
2. clever and good at using deception to achieve success – c________
3. clever and showing good judgement of other people and situations – s________
4. clever, experienced at deceiving people and not easily deceived – w_______

1. ordinary, normal – c_________
2. conventional, neither strange, nor extreme – m_________
3. ordinary, not extreme – m_____ of the ______
4. ordinary, nothing special – r_____ of the ______

4) (2) Match the nouns with the adjectives:

1. a breathtaking a. view
2. a blatant b. fighting
3. a prolific c. documentaries on animal experiments
4. a gripping d. judge
5. a misleading e. lie
6. a piercing f. novelist
7. sporadic g. reader
8. a sweeping h. security
9. a staunch i. republican
10. a watertight j. information
11. harrowing k. generalisation
12. a lenient l. rise
13. a meteoric m. alibi
14. an avid n. film
15. lax o. scream

5) (3)

a. showing or saying that you are sorry that something has happened – a_________
b. debatable, may be questioned – a_________
c. well-informed – k________
d. clear enough to read – l_________
e. fully grown, ready to eat – r________
f. very careful to be completely honest and fair – s_________

1. Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely __________.

2. Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is _________.
3. The manager was extremely _________ for our inconveniences.
4. Don't pick the apples until they're really ________.
5. The investigation was carried out with _________ fairness.
6. Gradually the band became more ___________ about the business dealings in the
music industry.

6) (4)

1. to arrive/turn up/leave in _____ and _____ a. to arrive in small numbers and at regular
2. _____ and e____ intervals
3. _____ and l_____ b. get up/leave early in the morning
4. to be ____ and ____ between c. generally
5. to _____ and _____ it d. not to be very common
6. ____ and o_____ e. to accept an unpleasant situation without
7. to make a _____ and _____ about complaining
8. ____ and e_____ f. the details of a complicated problem
9. one’s own ____ and ____ g. to complain too much about smth
10. an ____-and-____ lie h. small unimportant objects
11. to be ____ and p____ of i. a relative
12. _____ and joy j. a complete lie
13. _____ and proper k. a basic part of sth
14. pushing and _____ l. sb/sth that a person is very proud of
15. ____ and span m. very conservative; easily offended
16. up-and-____ n. pushing
17. to have ____ and d____ o. very clean
18. wear and ____ p. sb who shows a lot of promise
19. well and _____ q. to have both good and bad times
20. to win ____ and ____ r. damage caused by daily wear
s. completely
t. to win fairly

1. He was up ……………………….. , keen to get started.
2. Occasional unemployment is ………………………. of being an actor.
3. We have our …………………… like all couples.
4. He went out and got ………………………… drunk.
5. I’d like someone to explain me all the ………………………. of this matter.
6. His first year as President was, ……………………. , regarded as a success.
7. I get bored while waiting for the guests arrived in ………………………..
8. People were …………………… at the barriers to get a better view.
9. Many ……………………… young players have trials for the national football team.
10. He constantly made rude comments, and I was expected to ………………………...
11. We packed just about everything, but probably left some ……………………….
12. That is an ………………………………. ! You’ve made it all up!
13. Good jobs are ………………………… these days.
14. I was only ten minutes late. Why are you …………………………….. it?
15. What do you mean I cheated? I ………………………………., and you know it.
16. Christina was an only child, her parents'………………………………….
17. How can he treat his ……………………….. that way?
18. She’s far too ……………………….. to have written anything as scandalous as that.
19. Mum’s coming home tonight; we should get the house …………………………..
20. Having a large family obviously increases the ………………………. on your

7) (5)

1. a ______ row a. an argument in which people are angry
2. to b_____ your ____ b. to lose your temper
3. to be c_____ c. to be a little angry
4. to be c_____ d. bad-tempered; easily made angry
5. to ____ sb up the ____ e. to annoy sb
6. g_____ f. sth that is annoying because it seems unfair
7. a _____ argument g. a bad argument in which people are angry
8. to ____ the r____ h. to lose your temper
9. to be _____ i. to be angry because sth is unfair
10. i______ j. make angry
11. i______ k. very angry
12. to be l_____ l. to be very angry
13. to be in no _____ to m. to be angry and not want to
14. an _____ n. a sudden explosion of anger
15. a quick _____ o. to lose your temper easily
16. to be s____ and ____ of sth/sb p. to be fed up with sth/sb
17. to throw a _____ q. to start kicking, crying and throwing
18. to be t_____ r. bad tempered and easily made angry
19. to be ____ in a____ about sth s. to be ready to protest

1. Kramer's stubborn refusal to answer any questions ……………………. the officers.
2. Corbin apologized for his ………………………. at the meeting.
3. You know how it is: one minute you're talking, the next there's a …………………...
4. We’ve been inundated with complaint phone calls and letters from ………………
5. My father ………………………... when I told him I was quitting medical school.
6. Mum will be ……………………… when she finds out about the broken vase.
7. I know I shouldn't have spoken to Suzanne like that, but I was absolutely
8. I’m always a bit …………………….. when I wake up early in the morning.
9. If you have red hair some employers might associate that with a ……………………..
before they even meet you.
10. Pine Valley residents ………………………… about plans to build a prison in the
11. The president, rejuvenated by victory, ……………………… compromise.
12. That noise is ……………………. Where does it come from?
13. I'm ……………………… of your excuses.
14. She ………………………. when she can't have the toy she wants.
15. The most ……………………… thing is that the guy who got promoted is less
qualified than me.
16. By the second year of the business, frayed nerves exploded into……………………..
17. He ……………………. when he heard his son wanted to quit school.
18. Try not to look at his scars - he can be really ……………………………….about it.
19. Eric was …………………….. at being told he would have to wait two weeks for an

8) (5)

1. the black _____ of the family a. sb considered a failure by relatives
2. to be as ____ as a ____ b. to have poor eyesight
3. you can… till the ____ ____ home, but it c. you can do sth for a long time, it won’t
won’t change anything
4. a dark _____ d. sb who people know very little about
5. to be d_____ by sth e. sth bad keeps causing you trouble
6. for _____ years f. for a very long time
7. to d____ g. to avoid sth which is going to hit you
8. it is like water ___ a d____ back for sb h. sth does not affect you
9. f____ i. suspicious
10. to h____ sb j. to persistently follow sb
11. the ____ s____ k. the biggest part
12. to r____ on l. to talk for a long time in a boring way
13. r____ m. easily made angry
14. to have a w____ of a ____ n. to really enjoy yourself
15. a ____ ____ chase o. a search for sth that one is unlikely to find
16. to _____ your way ____ of sth p. to avoid doing sth

1. You can sit here and wait for him ……………………., but I’m sure he won’t come.
2. I forgot to …………………. and hit my head on the branch.
3. I was always considered ……………………. , the weirdo in the group, right?
4. I’ve been ……………………. by ill health ever sine I left university.
5. I feel guilty about getting ………………………. with the children.
6. Somehow Ben ………………………. mowing the lawn.
7. Frank said there was nothing to worry about, but it all sounded very …………………
to me.
8. Didn't you see me coming? You must be …………………………..!
9. The firm has captured the ……………………….. of the UK market.
10. She's a …………………………. I didn't know she'd written a novel.
11. How come I haven’t seen you so far? I’ve been part of this organization
12. The weather was wonderful and we all …………………………….. on the trip.
13. She never listens to my advice; it’s …………………………...
14. After the court case Lee was ……………………….relentlessly by the press.
15. He kept ……………………. on about agriculture and I started to worry that he would
never stop.
16. There’s no sign of Robert. It looks like they've sent us on …………………………….

9) (6)
 (by) far and away, given, granted, in accordance, in all, in opposition, in the event
of, in the light of, largely, much as, notwithstanding, on top of

1. …………….., the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy
of the piece.
2. ……………… differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions.
3. We analyzed that data ………………. history and published the results for all to see.
4. We received £1550 in cash and promises of another £650, making £2200 …………...
5. Coolness is ………………… the most important feature of a car these days.
6. It had been a tiring day, ………………. because of all the tedious waiting.
7. ……………… everything else, I now have to go to work next Saturday!
8. Each group acted …………………. with its own set of objectives.
9. Workers found themselves …………………. to local interests.
10. ………………. the number of people we invited, I'm surprised so few came.
11. He left a letter for me to read ………………….. his death.
12. …………………. I like Bob, I wouldn't want to live with him.

10) (7)

1. blood______ (scream) a. very frightening
2. eye-_______ b. so attractive that you can’t help noticing it
3. first-_______ (experience) c. sth you have experienced personally
4. hair-_______ d. very frightening
5. head-______ e. a collision between 2 vehicles
6. light-______ f. funny and not very serious
7. mouth-_______ g. food that lookks very good
8. nail-______ h. exciting and dramatic
9. narrow-______ i. not accepting anything new/different
10. well-______ j. a book that has been read so much that the
corners of the pages are in poor condition

1. He used to wear yellow ties and trendily-cut suits in ……………….. colours.
2. The waitress came round with a tray of ………………… cream cakes.
3. On a treacherous curve, both vehicles went out of control and met in a ……………..
4. Clara knew from ……………… experience that living in a foreign country would be
5. They heard a ………………….. scream coming from upstairs.
6. It was a tight game, full of ………………… moments.
7. She’s always reading or browsing through some book; especially Hemingway’s
novels look pretty …………………...
8. Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home
with ………………….. stories.
9. The film takes a ………………… look at life in prison.
10. Bob was too ………………….. and prejudiced; it was just impossible to work with

11) (8)

1. at the bottom of – at the f______ of

2. to be very expensive – to cost an _____ and a _____
3. to cry a lot – to cry your _____ _____
4. to fall madly in love – to fall _____ over _____ in love
5. to pay the bill at a restaurant– to _____ the bill
6. to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do sth important – to ____ cold
7. to tell sb sth that has been worrying you – to take sth _____ your _____
8. to annoy sb – to get _____ sb’s _____
9. to be happy when sb leaves or when sth is finished– to be glad to _____ the _____ of
10. to be obssesed by sth – to have sth on the _____
11. to have/give sb an advantage over a competitor/other people have - give sb a ______
12. I couldn’t stop laughing – I couldn’t keep a ______ _____
13. I can’t answer until I have checked first – I don’t know _____-_____
14. I would really like to – I’d give my right _____ to
15. legally – in the _____ of the l_____
16. to know a particular place very well – to know somewhere like the ____ of your ____
17. to learn not to depend on others – to learn to _____ on one’s own two _____
18. to rapidly make or lose large sums of money – to make/lose money ____ _____ ____
19. information given immediately without full knowledge of the facts –____ the top of
one’s ____
20. sth is in very bad condition – sth is ____ its last ____
21. to become strict and tell sb that they can’t do sth – to put your ____ ____
22. to really want sth – to set your _____ ____ sth

23. to interfere in situations which do not concern you – to stick your _____ ____ other
people’s business/affairs
24. to be able to give good answers to unexpected questions – to think ____ your _____
25. in order to – with an ____ ____
26. to show by the expression of your face how you really feel – it’s _____ all over your
27. you have to admire and respect sb (for sth they have done) – you have to _____ it to

12) (9)

a. to be ____ with a _____ of winning

b. to ____ an opportunity/chance (with both hands)
c. to ____ your chnaces
d. ___ the ____-chance
e. there’s every _____ to suggest that sth will happen
f. the odds are _____ sth happening
g. to ____ up a chance
h. the chances of sth happening are very _____
i. there’s every _____ of sth happening

1. I felt that my running was improving as the season progressed and that I
2. I was afraid I’d ………………… , but she agreed to go out again on Saturday night.
3. It may be the last time he offers you the job, so ………………………. while you can.
4. I called ……………………….. that Patty might be home.
5. I don't think you should ………………………. to go to university.
6. After their performance in the first half of the match, their ………………… of
winning are now ……………..
7. ………………….. her passing the exam, as so few people get through the first time.
8. ………………….. that this figure will more than double by the end of the year.
9. …………………. that the number of college places will go up this year.

13) (10)

a. to be in a q_____
b. to be in two ____ _____
c. to be _____ for choice
d. hand-_____
e. to s_____ sb/sth out
f. to s____ on the f____

1. His teacher was always ……………… him …………… , calling on him when his
hand wasn’t even raised.
2. The weakness of the book is that it ………………… on important issues.

3. I am ………………. about changing the engine or repairing it.
4. Consumers these days are ……………………...
5. I was …………………– I didn’t know whether to tell the police or not.
6. The school is staffed with …………………… educators and psychiatric specialists.

14) (10)

 fetching, flared, garish, grubby, sturdy

1. He’s always wearing ………….. jeans and large T-shirts.

2. Mrs Harding herself was thin and frail but her son was a ……………. sixteen-year-
3. Your sister looks very ………………. in that dress.
4. Her coat was ………………. and one of the sleeves was torn.
5. Many of the rugs are too ……………… for my taste.

15) (12)

a. not to be a _____ on g. to be nothing ____ as … as

b. to be at ____ with h. to be _____ near as … as
c. to be by ____ (and ____) i. to be on a different _____
d. to be every ____ as j. to be _____ ahead
e. to be in a _____ of one’s own k. to ____ in comparison
f. not to be _____ as … as l. there is a _____ of difference

1. She gave him a sweet smile, totally …………………. the look of dislike in her eyes.
2. Shop-bought pasta sauces ……………….. home-made.
3. Twenty years ago travel …………………. easy ………….. it is now.
4. Unfortunately the resemblance ends there as his songs are ………………….. good
…………. the master's.
5. Barbara was …………………. good as she sounded.
6. …………………… between home-made bread and the tasteless substance that many
people buy today.
7. James is ………………….. of the rest of the class at reading.
8. Watching sport was …………………. the most popular activity on Saturday
9. When it comes to modern dance, The Chemicals are ………………………...
10. He’s ………………………. good-looking as his brother.
11. My dad doesn’t understand me – he’s on a completely ……………………….
12. Today's economic problems ………………………… with those of the 1930s.

16) (13)

1. You g____ cheese

2. You b____ a turkey/meat

3. You s____ a turkey
4. You g____ coffee beans
5. You b____ eggs
6. You k____ dough
7. You p____ a turkey
8. You w____ cream
9. You s____ sugar
10. You t____ a sauce
11. You s____ prawns
12. You d____ a frozen chicken
13. You r____ a turkey/meat
14. You i____ a cake

17) (13)
 baste, butter up, dress, grill, grind, knead, peanuts, pluck, rinse, rustle up, season,
sizzle, soak, sprinkle

1. I'll …………….. a couple of steaks on the barbecue.

2. …………… the salad with lemon, olive oil, and a little black pepper.
3. …………… the beans overnight before cooking.
4. …………… the potatoes occasionally.
5. …………… the fish with lemon juice and herbs.
6. Could you …………. up some coffee for me?
7. She …………. the dough and shaped it into loaves.
8. Grandma was ……………. the chicken she was going to cook.
9. ……………. the vegetables under a cold tap.
10. Add the strawberry jelly and ……………. to taste with salt and sugar.
11. Bacon was ……………… in the frying pan.
12. I stood in the hall and listened as the interviewers ………………. the next candidate.
13. It’s no use trying to …………… me ………… – I’m not going to change my mind.
14. The hotel workers get paid ……………...

18) (13)

1. go ____ a. to become very angry
2. as different as ____ and ____ b. very different
3. sth is not my ____ of ____ c. I don’t particularly like sth
4. to take sth with a ___ of ____ d. not to believe that sth is completely true
5. to ____ down (of feelings) e. to calm down
1. Jazz just ……………….. - I prefer classical music.
2. She’ll ……………… when she finds out that you’ve lost her watch.
3. We decided she needed some time to ………………...
4. It's best to ……………. what he says ……………….. - he's always exaggerating.
5. It’s hard to believe that they’re brothers – they are ……………………!

19) (14)
1. to act ____ a ____-off a. (about the police) to use information they’ve been given to
2. to break ____ of jail try to prevent a crime
3. to ____ (an area/building) off b. to escape from prison
4. to ____ ____ with sth c. to place a barrier around an area
5. to ____ sb/sth up d. to do sth wrong and not be punished
6. to ____ off with sth e. to rob a person/place using an arm
7. to be on the ____ f. to steal and escape with sth
8. to rule ____ (the possibility of) sth g. to have escaped from prison and not been captured by the
9. to ____ sb off police
h. to say that sth isn’t possible
i. to tell the police where and when a crime will be
20) (15)

 cache, criminal record, quash, spate

1. The High Court later ……………… his conviction for murder.

2. Judge Stevens noted that Osborn had no ………………… and no history of violence.
3. An alarming ………………. of bombings has caused widespread panic.
4. Police found a ……………… of weapons in a warehouse.

21) (15)
1. a ____ with the law a. dealings with the police for a minor crime
2. to ____ down a sentence b. to announce in a court of law what a sentence a
3. a law-____ citizen criminal will receive
4. not a ____ of evidence c. a person who does not break the law
5. to ____ sentence d. not a single piece of evidence
6. to ____ charges ____ sb e. to tell a court what punishment a convicted person
7. to ____ trial will receive
8. to trace the _____ of sb f. to make an official accusation against sb
g. to go to a court of law and be judged
h. to look for sb (police language)
1. These men are all decent, tax-paying, ……………….. people.
2. The police have been trying to trace the ……………….. of the suspect.
3. He's in trouble this time. The police have said they're going to ………………...
4. It was one of the longest prison sentences ever ………………….. in an American
court of law.
5. The men are due to ………………… on a drugs charge.
6. The judge will …………………. tomorrow after looking at all the reports.
7. There is ……………………. to support the theory.
8. His first ……………….. came when he was 16.

22) (16)

 bruised, chipped, dented, filthy, frayed, grimy, grubby, mouldy, rickety, rip, stained,
stale, threadbare

1. It was difficult to see through the _______ windows of the cafe.

2. She stood shivering in her ______ dress.
3. Mom fell on the ice and ______ the side of her leg.
4. This pizza's so old it's gone ______!
5. I ______ my skirt on a broken chair.
6. Don't use that plate - it's ______.
7. They sat around the card table on _______ old chairs.
8. He accidentally _______ the garage door, trying to reverse in.
9. Her fingers were ______ yellow from years of smoking.
10. You ought to wash that sweatshirt - it's absolutely _______.
11. Put the biscuits back in the tin or they'll go ______.
12. The jacket was a little ______ at the cuffs.
13. Her coat was ______ and one of the sleeves was torn.

23) (17)

a. to go to any _____ to do sth

b. to be h____-____ on doing sth
c. to be _____ with sb
d. to go _____ sth/sb
e. to hate the _____ of
f. to have a s____ ____ for sb
g. to have no _____ for sb
h. not to be _____ k____ on sth
i. to ____ an _____ dislike to sb
j. to take a _____ to sb
k. to think the _____ of sb

1. I used to think he was really funny, but now I’ve ………………. him.
2. He ………………. people who talk too much.
3. I didn’t particularly want to go to Africa, but Tom seemed ……………….. going on
with the idea.
4. I like all my classes, but I’ve ……………………… for my proficiency group.
5. The sergeant knew the men ………………………. him for the way he treated them.
6. Some firms will …………………… , including spying, to obtain information about
their competitors.
7. They …………………….. to each other.
8. She’s a remarkable teacher; the children ……………………. her.
9. It’s clear that the coach has ………………… a real ………………… to the new
10. She was too ………………………. Jack to see how he really was.
11. I’m ………………………… horror movies, to tell you the truth. Let’s go and see a
comedy instead.

24) (18)
1. a ____ corner a. a corner around which you cannot see
2. ____ barrier b. strong low fence built along the side of a road
3. ____ a car c. to damage the metal of a car
4. draw ____ d. to stop in a vehicle
5. on ____ beam e. car headlights shining very brightly and straight ahead
6. a ____ bend f. sharp bend in the road
7. ____ traffic g. lots of traffic
8. to ____ on the brakes h. to break quickly
9. the lights _____ i. the traffic lights turned green or red
10. to _____ the pavement j. to go up on the pavement while driving
11. to pull ____ k. to start driving
12. to pull ____ l. to leave the road in order to stop somewhere
13. to pull ____ m. to join the traffic, having stopped previously
14. to pull ____ n. to stop at the side of a road
15. to pull ____ o. to stop in a vehicle
16. to put a car into ____ p. to change into reverse gear
1. I …………………, skidding to a stop.
2. A taxi ………………… at the gate.
3. He ………………….. and crashed into a fence.
4. He ………………….. in front of the gates.
5. And suddenly there was action - the van roared into reverse, rushing away from them,
its headlights ………………….
6. They blame his death on a faulty motorway …………………..
7. He waved as he ……………………..
8. Some idiot ……………….. my car door last night.
9. We were stuck in …………………. for more than an hour.
10. A combination of ……………………., and high-speed frustrations has created a
string of accident black spots.
11. Don't ………………….! There's something coming.
12. He’s always losing his patience when waiting for ……………………….
13. When the road turns sharply left in a ……………………, take the footpath ahead into
the woodland.
14. He ………………………. and backed into the drive.
15. A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signalling to me to
16. Finally the bus ……………………., forty minutes late.

25) (18)

 skid, stall, swerve, tow, windscreen, write-off

1. An inexperienced pilot may easily ……………… a plane.

2. She glanced at the ………………. of the other car but she could see nothing through
the darkened glass.
3. The driver …………….. to avoid a child, and crashed into a signpost.
4. He was fine, but the car was a ……………..
5. The police had ………………. his car away because it was blocking the road.
6. Nineteen people were injured today when a bus ……………. off the road into a ditch.

26) (19)
1. to _____ sth down a. to eat very quickly
2. I could eat a ____ b. I’m very hungry
3. dig ____ c. start eating
4. to eat sb out of ____ and ____ d. they eat all the food in the house
5. to be f____/s____ e. to be very hungry
6. to ____ a bite to eat f. to quickly have sth to eat
7. to be/feel ____ g. to be a little hungry
8. to ____ at your food h. to eat your food very slowly/without enthusiasm
9. to ____ sth down i. to eat sth very quickly because you’re hungry
10. to ____ ____ an apetite j. to do sth which makes you hungry
11. to be ____ ____ a drink k. to be extremely thirsty
12. to be ____ l. to be very thirsty
13. to ____ your thirst m. to satisfy your thirst
1. Dinner’s ready everyone!…………….!
2. What do we have for dinner? I’m so hungry ………………….
3. I was ………………….., having had no food for thirty hours.
4. I'm feeling a bit ………………….. What's in the fridge?
5. I ……………….. my breakfast and was out the door by 8:00.
6. We stopped at McDonalds to ……………………...
7. You can ………………….. by exercising.
8. Paige could only ………………… her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two.
9. It was hot and I was ………………………..
10. He raised the water bottle to his ……………………. lips.
11. My nephews came to stay with me for a week and they …………………………..
12. After exercising, fruit juices are excellent because they …………………………..
13. I …………………… my breakfast, but still felt hungry.


 borderline candidate, edutainment, lenient, mock exam, play truant

1. Students who do well in the …………………. are more confident about passing the
real tests.
2. She’s a ………………….; she might fail the exam.
3. A good film or computer game can be seen as …………………….
4. Billy was caught …………………. and has been given extra homework for a month.
5. The younger teachers generally had a more ……………………. attitude towards
their students.

28) (21)

1. d_____ very tasty

2. d_____ very bad
3. d_____/s_____ very wet
4. d_____ very upset
5. f______ very hungry
6. f______ very dirty
7. f______ very surprised
8. h______ very funny
9. l______ very angry
10. p______ very crowded
11. p______ very thirsty
12. r_______ very interesting


1. to sit/stand bolt _____ 3. crystal _____

2. _____ idle 4. _____ cheap
5. _____-black/dark very transparent/clean/clear
6. _____-sharp very cheap
7. _____/____ asleep completely dark
8. _____ cold very sharp
9. _____ deaf completely asleep
10. stuck _____ completely cold
to sit/stand with a straight back totally deaf
very lazy stuck very firmly

1. I want to make one thing ……………………. - I do not agree with these proposals.
2. He moved slowly and cautiously across the …………………… room until his knees
touched the edge of the bed.
3. Such cheap goods obviously rely on ………………… labor.
4. Over millions of years, some of the reptiles developed ………………….. teeth.
5. That husband of her is ………………….; no wonder the house is in such a mess.
6. Dinner was …………………. by the time I got home.
7. The boat was ………………….. in the mud.
8. I would have wakened you earlier but you were ……………………...
9. We found her …………………….. in bed with all the lights on.
10. He won’t hear you; he’s ……………………………..

30) (22) Give the English equivalent:

1. in culise =
2. film de succes =
3. casa de bilete =
4. distributia =
5. genericul =
6. a fi dublat (un film) =
7. un esec total (film) =
8. intriga, subiectul =
9. recenzie =
10. scenariul =
11. coloana sonora =
12. cascadorie =
13. titrarea =
14. reclama pt un film =
15. rasturnare de situatie =

31) (22)
1. a______ very bad
2. c______ sth you have no respect for
3. d______ boring, without life
4. e______ very exciting
5. f______ perfect, without mistakes
6. g______ unnecessary
7. g______ exciting
8. l______ without life or energy
9. l______ bad (informal)
10. m______ average in quality
11. m______ very good
12. o_______ stupid, senseless
13. p_______ deserving to be admired and respected
14. s_______ superficial
15. s_______ attractive, cleverly made, well produced
16. s_______ full of life and energy
17. t______ boring, frustrating
18. w______ without life, energy or passion
19. u_______ acting acting you do not believe in

32) (23)

1. a clipi =
2. a rosi =
3. a te incrunta =
4. a ranji =
5. a scrasni din dinti =
6. a te stramba de durere =
7. a face cu ochiul =
8. a casca =

33) .
1. to keep/have an ____ to the ____ to be attentive to what is happening
2. to lie through your ____ to tell an outright lie
3. to lose ____ to lose the respect of the others
4. to play it ____ ____ to decide what to do according to how a situation develops
5. to do sth by the ____ of your ____ to only just manage to do sth
6. to see ____ to ____ on sth to agree about sth
7. to turn a ____ ____ to sth to deliberately ignore sth
8. to turn your _____ ____ at sth to think sth isn’t good enough for you
9. not to be able to get one’s tongue ____ to find a phrase difficult to pronounce
10. sth catches your _____ you notice sth because it is attractive or unusual
11. I’m all _____ I can’t wait to hear
12. my lips are ____ I will not tell anyone
1. The leaders need to find a way of compromising without ……………. among their supporters.
2. My children …………………… home cooking.
3. My wife and I could never …………………… the business of living.
4. I looked at her face and just knew she was ……………………….
5. We've booked the flight, but not the accommodation - we'll ………………….. when we get
6. Your secret is safe with me; …………………...
7. I was walking through the market when a beautiful dress ……………………..
8. I couldn't …………………….. the names of the villages we'd visited.
9. The car broke down on the way to the airport and they just caught the ………………………..
10. I haven't heard any more news, but I'll ………………………..
11. Teachers were …………………………smoking in school.
12. Tell me exactly what happened. ……………………………

34) (25) Give the English equivalent:

1. un ciorchine de strugure =
2. un strop de lapte =
3. un triunghi de branza =
4. o radacina de telina =
5. un catel de usturoi =
6. un cub de zahar =
7. un pic de sare =
8. un picior de miel =
9. o paine (o franzela) =
10. un cubulet/ o felie de unt =
11. un platou de sandwiches =
12. o lingura de gem =

35) (25)

1. butter a. mature
2. chicken b. drumstick
3. apples c. seedless
4. strong cheese d. rancid
5. meat that is easy to cut e. plain
6. grapes f. tender
7. oranges g. pips
8. lemonade h. sour
9. chocolate or yoghurt i. tough
10. meat that is difficult to cut j. unripe
11. meat that is not fatty k. lean
12. fruit that is not ready to eat l. tough

36) (26)
 bed, chewy, chop, course, crusty, garnish, grind, lashings, mouth-watering, piping hot, season,
in season, smothered, stodgy, stringy, succulent, topped

1. This part of the country is famous for its fine wines and ………………… peaches.
2. ………………. some black pepper over the salad.
3. The waitress came round with a tray of …………….. cream cakes.
4. She brought ……………. of food in a picnic basket.
5. For the main ……………… we had roast turkey with vegetables.
6. The cake can be ………………… with fresh fruit.
7. ……………. the salad with tropical fruits and sautéed wild mushrooms.
8. There was a ……………… ring around the rim of the ketchup bottle.
9. Steak becomes tough and ……………….. when it is cooked too long.
10. Can you ……………… up some carrots for me?
11. The food in Suzie's Cafe tends to be …………….. rather than fresh and light.
12. My steak arrived, ……………… in onions and gravy.
13. ……………. the chicken with pepper.
14. The chicken was dry and ………………….
15. Our pasta salad is served on a ……………… of lettuce.
16. Heat the fish under a grill and serve …………….
17. Vine tomatoes are ………………….. from April to October.

37) (27)

 cling, clingy (x2), fumble, grab, pat, smack, stroke, tickle, twiddle

1. She dressed, her cold fingers ________ with the buttons.

2. "Don't worry," he said, ______ her hand gently.
3. If you don’t stop that, I’ll _______ you!
4. Jimmy is a very shy, _______ child.
5. Her mother sat beside her and _______ her forehead until she fell asleep again.
6. When I was little my older brother would _______ me till tears ran down my face.
7. He kept _______ the knobs on the radio trying to get a signal.
8. Passengers ________ desperately onto the lifeboats.
9. She wore a ________ red dress.
10. Why don't you go and _______ some sleep?

38) (27)

 clutch, grab, grasp, manhandle, seize, shove, snatch, tug, tow, wrench, yank

1. A young boy pushed her over and _______ her purse as she fell.
2. I'm going to run downstairs and _______ some books and stuff - I'll be right back.
3. I ______ his arm firmly and led him away.
4. Rivera claimed he was kicked and _______ by police.
5. Police ______ 53 weapons and made 42 arrests.
6. The little girl was _______ her mother's sleeve, trying to get her attention.
7. “Ah!” he cried, _______ his stomach.
8. The other girls surrounded her, calling her names and ______ her hair.
9. Everyone was pushing and _______ to see the prince.
10. The police had ________ his car away because it was blocking the road.
11. His hands were tied, but he managed to _______ himself free.

39) (27)

1. Arizona is in the g_____ of one of its most severe dry spells of the past century.
2. Someone has t_____ with the lock on my door.
3. Cordell had an e_____ _____ of military issues. (understanding)
4. If you don't start pulling your w______ around here, you're fired.

40) (28)

1. You can't cure a common cold, but you can al_______ the symptoms. (ease)
2. Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have c_______ the disease in her area.
(fallen ill)
3. Anyone can start g______ blood as long as they are between 18 and 60 years old and in good
health. (donate)
4. Thomas is m_____ a good r_____, although he is still weak. (getting better)
5. They found an injured cat and carefully n_____ it back to health. (looked after it until it was
well again)
6. A hospital spokesman said the surgeons who p_______ the operation were extremely distressed.
(did the operation)
7. Put your foot into clod water to r_____ the swelling. (make it smaller)
8. She could faintly hear voices as she began to r______ consciousness. (became conscious)
9. For patients who do not r______ to treatment, surgery is a possible option. (do not get better
when treated)
10. It will be a few minutes before the drugs start to take e_____. (start to produce results)
11. Before u_______ surgery, patients should discuss the various options with their doctor. (being
operated on)
12. Patients were d______ from hospital because the beds were needed by other people. (allowed to
leave/told to leave)
13. She was in critical condition and was being treated in i_____ care. (being given a continuous
and thorough treatment)
14. Kathy's been quite ill with flu, but I think she's ______ the ______ now. (getting better)
15. An ambulance was called and the boy was rushed to hospital.
16. Single mothers are always under a lot of s______. (strain, worry, anxiety)
17. Older people are more s______ to infections. (likely to suffer from a particular illness)
18. He is still in hospital, his life h_____ by a t______. (close to losing his life)
19. Years of smoking have t_____ their t_____ on his health. (had a bad effect)


1. You won’t be able to go swimming tomorrow if your cold doesn’t _____ up.
2. If I eat eggs, I c_____ out in a r_____ all over my body.
3. When she came ______ her mother was sitting by her bed.
4. Half of Martha’s class has g____ d____ with flu. (contracted)
5. I was hit on the head and _____ out.
6. His injuries are severe but he's expected to pull ______.
7. I can't seem to ______ off this cold.
8. Most patients find that the numbness from the injection ______ off after about an hour.

42) (29)

1. We were planning to go out last night, but Marcia had a s_______ headache.
2. The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B which is a h______ i_______ disease.
3. My father is quite old and now he’s increasingly h_____ of hearing.
4. Robin has a sore throat and a r_____ nose.
5. A number of these patients are s______ ill.
6. I get sh______ pains up my spine whenever I try to move.
7. The singer complained of a s______ throat after Wednesday's show.
8. Don’t come near me – I’ve got a s______ cold.
9. The cold symptoms, the stomach u______, the fevers all pointed to flu.

43) (31)
 airy-fairy, bug, bung, chuck, daft, dodgy, flog, hammer, nip, scrounge

1. Just sign the card, ……………… it in an envelope and send it off.

2. Don't let him ……………. you his car -- he's had endless trouble with it.
3. It really …………….. me when I can't remember someone's name.
4. I managed to s……………. some money off my dad.
5. Do we have time to …………….. down the pub for a quick drink?
6. She’s talking about selling her house and buying an old castle in Ireland. It all sounds a bit
…………….. to me.
7. Don't be ……………….! Of course you're not too old to go clubbing.
8. Chicago ……………… Boston in an away game on Saturday.
9. She took off her shoes and ………………. them on the floor.
10. Don't buy a car from him, he's a real ………………. character.

44) (31)
 chock-a-block, gross, hush-hush, knock, lousy, mucky, nippy, posh, pop, scoff, tacky, tatty

1. Critics ………………… his latest film for its portrayal of women.

2. ………………… it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
3. I'm going indoors. It's a little ………………. out here.
4. The room was decorated to look like a cartoon Swiss village, but managed to be
5. I left three pies in the fridge and someone's …………………. the lot!
6. His death was really ………………. It was so covered up that you wondered if it wasn't a
7. Don't come in here with those ……………….. boots on.
8. Best of all were the three libraries, which were ……………….. with rare and ancient books.
9. Ooh, ……………! I hate spinach!
10. At the window of the cottage hang ……………., faded curtains.
11. I'm such a ……………. cook that I usually eat out.
12. When I'm famous I'm going to stay in a ……………….. hotel and drink champagne all day.

45) (31)

1. Our car c_____ out on the way home and we had to call a taxi.
2. Knowing both of them, I knew they would ______ it off when they got to know one another
3. Of course the carpet's a mess - all we've got is a c______-out old vacuum cleaner. (no longer
functioning properly)
4. I was supposed to make the introductory speech but I c_____ out at the last minute.
5. Go on, you kids! _____ it! Now!
6. I’ve c______ out all my old clothes. I didn’t need them anymore.
7. It really w_____ me up when he goes on about teachers having an easy life.
8. He's always s______ her off behind her back. (criticising)
9. You owe me twenty pounds. Come on, c_____ up!
10. The trip was far too expensive. The agency really ______ us off.
11. This jacket _____ me back over £1000.

46) (33)

1. “_____ assured, Mrs. Copper” said the police officer. “We will find your son for you.”
2. She's his niece, from what I can g_____.
3. By the s_____ of it, things are worse than we thought.
4. I g_______ you've had some problems with our sales department. (understand)
5. I think we might have a j_____ parking in town. (find it difficult)
6. After five years with the company she hadn’t been promoted – small w______ then that she
decided to quit her job.
7. It’s _____ very well to want to want to get rich quickly, but don’t expect any sympathy from me
if things go wrong.
8. With all _____ respect, Minister, I cannot agree with your last statement.
9. They're going to regret firing me, you m_____ my words.
10. Whatever p______ you to leave home like that?

47) (35)

1. At the end of the ______, this is what you’ll have to remember.

2. I'm a____ for giving people more freedom.
3. Meredith c_____ herself lucky to catch a space in the car park behind the supermarket as some
other shopper pulled out.
4. You can apologise without ______ a big thing out of it.
5. Look, we're all tired - let's c_____ it a d_____.
6. The girl _____ me in mind of my own daughter.
7. Jennifer knew what a difficult time I was having, and went out of her ______ to be friendly.
8. When are the library books d____ back?
9. I never vote - I feel my vote doesn't c_____ for anything.
10. No woman in her r_____ mind would go out with a man like him.
11. All t____, 28 people died and 100 were wounded.
12. Further details will be announced in ____ course.
13. Politicians and the media have had a f_____ day with the incident.
14. Guests were t_____ to wine and caviar at the reception.
15. You've got your T-shirt on the wrong way ______.
16. Jane has got a r____ t____ about her hair. She’s always changing her style. (she has an
17. It's ____ as well I took the train today - I heard the traffic was really bad.
18. I don't know why he stays with her - she treats him like _____. (she treats him badly)

48) (39)
 browse, gape, gaze, glance, glare, peek, peer, peruse, stare, view, witness

1. She leant forward to _______ the document more closely.

2. Shut your eyes and don't ______!
3. She adjusted her glasses and _______ at the man.
4. _______ into Neil's room, she noticed that his suitcase was packed.
5. A small boy pressed his face against the window and ________ in awe.
6. Police are appealing for information from anyone who _______ the attack.
7. "You can go if you want, but I'm staying," Denise said _______ at him.
8. I lay back on the sand and _______ at the stars above.
9. A few journalists were allowed to _______ the art exhibition the day before it opened.
10. ________ the net one afternoon, I came across Tom's homepage.
11. She _______ at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.

49) (39)

1. Mellor c____ an eye over the draft for inaccuracies.

2. It's a bit like being colour-_____, only it's not colours I get mixed up, it's objects.
3. Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a g_____ of their idol.
4. I gave him such a b____ look that the smile froze on his face.
5. The lady behind the counter looked d_____ at me. (looked angrily)
6. Stop s_____ at the screen - put your glasses on.
7. He could just m_____ out a dark shape moving towards him.
8. I loved that house from the moment I s____ eyes on it.
9. He was stitting at his desk p____ over old maps of the area. (reading carefully)

50) (40)

1. Cliff's family worked in the cotton fields to e____ ____ a living. (manage to live with little
2. Police have warned stores to look out for c_____ money. (fake)
3. Many people are living in a____ poverty because of the poll tax. (extreme poverty)
4. After losing his job, he fell ____ with his mortgage payments.
5. We lived from ____ to _____, never knowing where the next meal was coming from.
6. She wasn't used to living in the l____ of luxury.
7. With the car repairs, I just don't see how we're going to make _____ meet this month.
8. Shareholders want to see a better r_____ on their investment.
9. After all, this man was a tycoon as well as a doctor; he must be r_____ in it. (have a lot of
10. My parents s_____ and saved to pay for my education.
11. Most people have to t_____ their belts a little when they retire.
12. He was known to have made a fortune on the stock market, but was nonetheless notoriously
tight-_____. (not generous with money)
13. Educational facilities are best in the more ____-to-do residential areas. (prosperous)
14. Every member of the family can now t____ away either £9 or £18 a month in one of these
savings plans. (store)
15. John, of course, had long since lost his northern accent and took delight in his appearance as the
well-h____ businessman. (rich)

51) (40)
 economic, economical, exclusive, extravagant, finance, invoice, overdrawn, pittance, royalties,

1. The bank wrote us to tell we were 500 $ _______.

2. They expect their staff to work hard, but the wages they pay are a _______.
3. $400 on a dress! That's a bit ________, isn't it?
4. I'm trying to be more ________ when I go shopping, and only buying what I really need.
5. Simon's _______ for the book will go to charity.
6. We have received an _________ for $250.
7. They live in Bel Air, an ________ suburb of Los Angeles.
8. In this kind of _________ climate, employees prefer a lower salary in a job that is secure.
9. The next step was to obtain ________ to develop the project.
10. Recently the company has been trying to increase its _______ by diversifying into other fields.

52) (41)

1. This property has a______ in value during the last ten years. (has become more valuable)
2. Travellers on a t____ budget might prefer to camp. (small)
3. This is a flexible, well-designed machine which produces quality prints and doesn't cost the
e_____ to print them.
4. Do you want to go h_____ on a pizza? (share it)
5. You can pay me in i_____ if you can't afford to give me all the money back in one go.
6. The cost of the plan would be in the r_____ of $40 to $60 billion.
7. Since it’s a bit damaged, I'll k_____ off £10. (reduce the price)
8. Cheques should be made payable to the National Trust.
9. He made _____ a cheque for $100.
10. I joined the company in 1985, _____ a salary of 22,000$ a year.
11. She had already put down a d_____ on a ship ticket for the two of us. (a part of its cost)
12. Universities have suffered a d_____ reduction in student numbers. (great and sudden)
13. The books r_____ for $ 22. 95 each and are available at major Bay Area bookstores and
discount outlets. (are sold for)
14. He spent 3 months there, r_____ up bills of £30,000, as yet unpaid.
15. I'm a bit s______ for cash myself at the moment, but I'll see what I can do. (I have little money)
16. After my surgery, we were up to our _____ in debt with doctor bills.

53) (42)

1. I meant to be open with him but when it came to it I beat about the _____.
2. Coca Cola's prize-winning advertising campaign has put all others in the ______. (made them
look less interesting)
3. The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass _____. (the
ordinary people in the organization)
4. The cost of the project was enormous, but it was not the r_____ cause of its failure. (main
5. There had been signs that their marriage was on the r_____ for years. (having a lot of problems)
6. Many of my patients’ anxieties s_____ from childhood experiences.
7. Could you lend me £10 to t____ me over till next week? (help me through a difficult period)
8. We do have procedures in place to w____ out individuals who are corrupt. (get rid of)
9. It may seem logical, but his argument doesn't hold w_____.
10. You're b_____ up the wrong t____ if you think Sam can help you.

54) (42)
 bleep, clatter, creak, hiss, howl, patter, rustle, screech, shriek, sizzle, thud, tick

1. It sounded as though gas was _______ out of a pipe.

2. The tray slipped and _______ to the floor.
3. I find it impossible to sleep if there's a clock ________ in the room.
4. The children began _______ with hysterical laughter.
5. Raindrops were _______ on the car roof.
6. The floorboards ________ as she walked across the room.
7. It was so hot that the water just ________ and evaporated.
8. Strong winds ______ across the region.
9. The timer on the cooker started to _______.
10. The stone _______ to the ground.
11. The plane's tires ________ as it touched down on the runway.
12. Leaves _______ in the summer breeze.

55) (43)
 chatter, chew, gargle, gasp, groan, gulp down, hum, moan, mumble, puff, sigh, sip, snore, yawn,

1. She ………………… softly to herself as she worked.

2. He …………………. a few words and lost consciousness.
3. "That's life, I suppose,'' she ………………..
4. If you ……………….., it's better not to sleep on your back.
5. I'm fed up with hearing you ………………… the whole time!
6. ……………… with salt water may help your sore throat.
7. She ……………. her breakfast and ran for the bus.
8. This meat's so tough I can hardly …………….. it!
9. Fred stood up, ……………… and stretched.
10. Everyone ……………….. as Scott began to tell another one of his stupid jokes.
11. His mother was coughing and ……………… for breath.
12. She ……………. away happily until she noticed I wasn't listening.
13. You could see her ………………. as she carried the heavy washing basket.
14. She was sitting at the table ………………. her coffee.

56) (43)
 in the aftermath of, brainwave, catch, clout, craze, fiasco, flair, gibberish, hitch, hunch, might,
scoop, scruples, slur, snag, squalor, stalemate

1. The first lecture I ever gave was a complete ………………..

2. He had no ……………….. about selling faulty goods to people.
3. He swung the axe again with all his ………………….
4. The case hit a ………………. in October when the judge handling it had to be replaced.
5. The parade went off without a ………………., despite concern about protestors.
6. The ……………….. is that you can't enter the competition unless you've spent $100 in the
7. If you have a ………………… for languages, there are some good career opportunities in
8. The danger of disease is greater …………………. an earthquake.
9. Your accusation of bribe-taking is a …………………… which I shall never forgive.
10. Unless someone comes up with a ………………… soon, I can't see how we can possible get
out of this mess.
11. It looks like the long-running dispute could end in …………………..
12. I am by nature a messy person, unimpressed with orderliness and free of guilt over
13. A new fitness …………………. from Australia is rapidly catching on.
14. "How did you know the answer?" "I just had a ………………… about it."
15. While we walked there, the kid just followed, talking ………………...
16. CNN quickly recognised the opportunity for a ………………...
17. The banks do not carry quite as much ……………… as they used to.

57) (44)

 brawl, brim, clash, crust, forgery, hoax, rim, scuffle, skirmish, smokescreen

1. The administration's emphasis on the drop in inflation is just a ……………… to divert attention
from rising unemployment.
2. Jimmy only eats sandwiches with the ………………. cut off.
3. The painting, believed to be by Renoir, turned out to be a very clever ……………..
4. To everybody's great relief, the bomb scare turned out to be a ……………...
5. Sandison bought a very fine pale grey hat with a wide, flat ……………. and a white hatband.
6. John's glasses had small lenses and steel …………………
7. He got his face cut in a …………….. outside a nightclub.
8. In the last two months, there have been numerous border ……………….
9. Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a ……………. followed.
10. …………….. broke out between rival supporters during the match.

58) (44)

 appendix, aroma, blunder, cockpit, cuffs, foreword, index, misprint, oversight, reek, scent,

1. A last-minute …………… cost them the match.

2. A full list of titles is given in the ……………….
3. It can't really cost £20 - it must be a ………………..
4. Due to an administrative ………………., several members of staff did not receive pay checks
this month.
5. According to the ………………., the cookbook was intended to celebrate the rich variety of
Chinese food.
6. The ……………. of coffee brought Christine into the small cafe.
7. Look under B in the …………….. to see if biology is covered in the book.
8. He came running into the house, ……………….. of sweat.
9. The sweet ………………… of incense filled the air.
10. He couldn’t bear the ………………. of cleaning fluid.
11. The two pilots sat side-by-side in an enclosed ………………, with a gangway between the seats
and full dual control provided.
12. He is wearing shoes, and his shirt ………………. are buttoned.

59) (47)

1. People flocked in their t______ to greet their new princess.

2. Never in a m_____ years did I think we'd lose.
3. He is a pianist of extraordinary capability, with a musical technique that is second to _____.
4. The police are now back at s_____ one in their investigation.
5. Couples contemplating divorce often have _____ thoughts when they realize how it will affect
their children.


1. Canada and U.S. have h_______ out a final form for their trade agreement. (decided on)
2. Her job involves c______ meetings, and producing and circulating the minutes of those
3. The name r_____ a bell, but I can't place it at the moment.
4. We need to i_____ out a few problems before we move on with the project. (solve)
5. Well, in my b_____, if you steal, you deserve to get caught. (in my opinion)
6. I need objective advice from someone with no _____ to grind.
7. He went off to work in a pleasant f____ of mind. (state of mind)
8. Don't bother your mother – she has got a lot on her p____ at the moment.
9. His political future h_____ on the outcome of this election. (depends on)
10. She enjoys public speaking but being on TV is a different k____ of f____.
11. It was so quiet you could hear a p____ ____ in the auditorium during Norvell's speech.
12. He pulled s_____ to get the two of them into a university.

61) (48)

1. an a_____ of clothing 13. a m_____ of transport

2. a b_____ of grass 14. a p_____ of lies
3. a b_____ of directors 15. a p_____ of furniture
4. a b_____ of keys 16. a p_____ of wood
5. a c_____ of paint 17. a s_____ of robberies
6. the d_____ of night 18. a s_____ of dust
7. a f_____ of jealousy 19. a s_____ of good/bad weather
8. a f_____ of brilliance 20. s_____ of time
9. a f_____ of stairs 21. a s_____ of protest
10. a g_____ of sand 22. a s_____ of (the) motorway
11. a l_____ of a journey 23. a s_____ of luck
12. a l_____ of rubbish 24. a w______ of information

60) (49)

1. The news gave a g______ of hope that Michael might be released from prison earlier.
2. My Dad used to get up at the ______ of dawn every Sunday to go fishing.
3. Maddox was given a clean bill of ______ by his doctor.
4. He said they fired him without cause, and sued them for b______ of contract.
5. Last week Katie Wood was living in the ______ of luxury up in Wick.
6. He only knows a s_______ of English, so it can be difficult trying to communicate with them. (a
very small amount)
7. Athens is often regarded as the c_______ of democracy. (the place where it started)
8. He never pays a blind bit of _______ to what his staff tell him.
9. If he mentioned moving out of her parents' house, she dissolved into a _______ of tears.
10. Skeptics will tell you that there’s no such thing as reincarnation and that living a previous life is
a ______ of the subject’s imagination.
11. The _______ of suspicion was pointed at Broderick.
12. Whenever a m_______ of justice is discovered people lose respect for the law.
13. In the h______ of the moment Nick threatened to resign. (when feelings were very strong)
14. Do you have any m______ of identification?
15. She escaped from her smoke-filled home just in the n_____ of time.

61) (50)
 blunt, conceited, crafty, easy-going, gullible, outgoing, petty, ruthless, sensible, sensitive,
spiteful, tactful, vain, vindictive

1. I don't want to sound ………………., but we are the experts here.

2. You should be careful of Ian - he can be pretty ……………. if anyone gets in his way.
3. You were always so relaxed and ………………. It was one of the things I liked about you.
4. She's a ……………… girl who is always thinking about her figure.
5. Mandy thought her mother's outfit was a little too fancy, but was too ……………… to say so.
6. My brother pretends he's tough, but he's actually pretty ……………...
7. "I'll pay her back for this.'' "Don't be so ………………... It doesn't help anyone.''
8. Sometimes he can be so …………….. about money.
9. Laura's a pretty ……………….. girl. I don't think she'd talk to strangers.
10. Jerry was ……………….. -- he got into the match free by crawling under the fence.
11. She's become more ………………. since she went to college.
12. Maria can be very ………………. and sometimes shocks people who don't know her well.
13. Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to ………………… tourists.
14. You shouldn't be so ………………….. to your sister.

62) (50)
1. sb who gets the thrill out of taking unnecessary 12. sb who always knows the right
risks answer
2. sb standing near sth when it happens 13. sb who ruins the fun of others
3. sb who is good at everything an all-rounder
4. a young girl who enjoys playing the same games a bystander
as boys a daredevil
5. sb who takes advantage of any situation a gatecrasher
6. a young professional person who earns a lot of a has-been
money a name-dropper
7. sb who goes to a party where he hasn’t been an opportunist
invited a smart alec
8. sb who likes mentioning the names of famous a spoilsport
people they know a squatter
9. sb who is no longer famous a tomboy
10. weak and pathetic person a wimp
11. sb who lives in an empty building without a yuppy
63) (52)

bustling, dingy, drab, draughty, dreary, gloomy, godforsaken, musty, picturesque, plush, poky,
remote, seedy, sleepy, stuffy, unspoiled

1. He ate lunch in a dark and _______ little cafe next to the station.
2. It's so ______ in here. Is there a window open?
3. The room is so _______. You should do something to brighten it up.
4. Laurie gazed out over a _______ landscape of factories and parking lots.
5. The motel room was dark and _______.
6. The firm's headquarters is a _______ $2.5 million office building on Woodside Road.
7. When I came to Manchester from Brazil everything seemed so ______ and colourless.
8. The old market is a busy, _______ place, full of local colour.
9. How can you stand living in this ______ town?
10. His only modest joy in life comes from playing trombone with a third-rate jazz band in a
______ neighborhood pub.
11. It's getting ______ in here -- shall I open the window?
12. We visited the _______ fishing village of Lochinver.
13. The whole family was crammed into two ______ little rooms.
14. With its largely _______ natural beauty, Vietnam is rapid becoming a destination for more and
more foreign visitors.
15. The helicopter crashed in a _______ desert area.
16. She headed for the High Street, the only lively spot in the _______ little town.

64) (53)

1. Barely one in three will bother to _______ a vote on February 26th.

2. The Labour Party won the seat, but it was a close-_____ election.
3. Even now, although the latest rebellion has been contained, military leaders say another
c______ attempt is possible.
4. Ellen had to admit the gamble had ______ off. (succeeded)
5. The people of Houston will go to the ______ next week to elect a new mayor.
6. The polls were predicting that Labour would win a ______ victory.
7. An opinion ______ showed that 70% of adults were against legalizing drugs.
8. The scourge of unemployment was added to that of r______ inflation.
9. What right had I to t______ the reputation of an acknowledged war hero?
10. The organization is using the event to _____ up business (get more work and sales).
11. There was a g_____ in the market which wouldn't last for ever, so we had to take advantage of
the situation.
12. Apart from t______ troubles no major problems were expected.

65) (54)
 adamant, baffled, blasé, devastated, drowsy, enthralled, flummoxed, flustered, lethargic, livid,
stunned, uptight

1. We've spent weeks investigating this case and it's got us completely ……………..
2. You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you ……………….
3. The children were …………… by thPe story she was telling.
4. I was so …………… I just ripped up the letter.
5. If you do get ………….. after a mistake then you're likely to make another one.
6. Taylor was ………….. that she was not going to quit.
7. She used to be very meticulous about her work but she's becoming very …………….
8. He tries to be kind, but he always seems a little …………….
9. I was completely ……………. by the whole thing.
10. All this hot weather is making me feel ……………...
11. The news of his brother's death left him too …………….. to speak.
12. When we got back, we were ………………. to find that the house had been burgled, and
everything of value taken.

66) (54)

1. Sorry I was s_____ with you on the phone this morning.

2. Her name is Alex, short _____ Alexandra.
3. The police searched the length and ______ of the country.
4. The young people spoke at ______ about their experiences.
5. Some firms will ______ to any lengths, including spying, to obtain information about their

67) (55)

1. I crashed _____ on the sofa this afternoon.

2. I was just beginning to doze _____ when the telephone rang.
3. She was just starting to d_____ off, when she heard a scream downstairs.
4. He'd flaked _____ on my bed.
5. I went straight to bed and went out like a ______.
6. It's one o'clock - time to hit the ______.
7. As the speaker droned on, only the occasional nudge from my husband kept me from n______
8. I think I'll go to bed late tonight and sleep _____ tomorrow.
9. Is it okay if I sleep _____ at Sam's house tomorrow night?
10. Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you _____ and turn for hours
before dropping off?
11. I’m very tired. I didn't get a ______ of sleep last night.

68) (56)

 brag, brief, clam up, intimate, mutter, reel off, waffle, whinge, yell
1. You'll be picked up from here tomorrow night and ……………… on what you have to do.
2. The children were ……………. at each other across the street.
3. Interviewers dislike candidates who just sit there and …………….. instead of answering the
4. He ……………., politely but firmly, that we were not welcome.
5. Elsie …………….. something I couldn't catch and walked off.
6. He always ……………… when I ask him about his job – do you think he’s doing anything
7. Jack ………………. a list of names.
8. He's always ……………… about being underpaid.
9. I wish she'd stop ……………. about how rich her parents are.

69) (57)

 bicker, butt in, confide in, let slip, nag, natter, scold, tease

1. Look, I don't want to keep …………… you, but would you please take your stuff out of the
living room?
2. Don't …………….. him for doing badly at school, he's doing his best.
3. He wanted desperately to …………….. someone about his feelings of failure.
4. Mom, Joe keeps …………….. and he won't let me finish my story.
5. Whenever we go shopping together we always start ………………….
6. Liz ……………… that she'd seen him quite recently.
7. Keith and Tom were ………………. about cars and not doing a stroke of work.
8. Sam's sisters used to …………….. him because he was overweight.

70) (57)

 all square, clinch, hot favourite, nil, runner-up, send off, thrash, upset

1. Our team won by two goals to ……………...

2. The Danish runner was the ……………. for the 100m sprint.
3. Gordon was also presented with a cheque as …………….. of the closely fought contest.
4. Germany scored twice in the last ten minutes to …………….. the championship.
5. The teams were …………….. at the end of the first half.
6. There was a major …………….. when the young skater took the gold medal.
7. One of Dundee's players was ……………. for punching another player.
8. The Gators soundly …………….. San Jose State.

71) (59,60)

1. There's no ______ for that kind of language!

2. He’s a desperate man. There’s no t______ what he’ll do next.
3. I’ve just about had enough of my job. It’s the same old routine, day ____, day ____.
4. Sometimes he would not leave his room for days on _____.
5. The marriage was a disaster from the word _____, although I didn't realize this until it was all
6. We haven't seen Tom and Jean for y_____.
7. The class has been cancelled three weeks on the t_____ now.
8. We’ll be there in ______ to no time.
9. The proposal would end a long-______ dispute between the Internal Revenue and the petroleum
10. I have a long-s______ arrangement with the bank.
11. Jacques launched into a long-w_____ explanation that left us just as confused as before.
12. All our hard work will be worth it in the long _____.

72) (60)

1. You should have told me before______ that you might be late.

2. Even in normal traffic, 20 minutes to get to the airport is ______ it fine.
3. I was dressed in five minutes f_____.
4. Get a _____ _____ or we'll be late!
5. All the arrangements should be completed p______ to your departure.
6. There was a pr______ silence before Lydia spoke again.
7. On Saturday I went to bed and slept fourteen hours s______.
8. I'll be with you in a t_____.
9. The rebels may be ______ for time while they try to get more weapons.
10. We waited for the _____ p_____ of an hour.

73) (61)

 boast, discerning, haggle, jet lag, littered, soak, stopover, tariff, touch down, while away

1. ……………… investors will find the guide useful.

2. The passenger …………….. over the fare before she got into the taxi.
3. I'm suffering from ……………… but I'll feel better after a good night's sleep.
4. Where fishermen once set out to sea, now travellers stop to …………… up the sun which bakes
the sandy shores.
5. Las Vegas benefited greatly from an influx of visitors, many of whom made …………….. on
the way to Phoenix.
6. The King's private plane …………….. at Heathrow airport at exactly 12.15 this afternoon.
7. Let's ………………. the hours swapping stories.
8. The new athletic center …………….. an Olympic-size swimming pool.
9. The aim of the organization is to reduce …………….. and promote free trade.
10. The streets were ………………. with smashed vehicles and glass.

74) (62)
1. Parts of Lisa's story sounded outl_____, and no one would believe her.
2. The closure of the local hospital has caused a huge public out_____.
3. That's a beautiful out_____ you're wearing.
4. It was clear from the out_____ that there were going to be problems.
5. Corbin apologized for his out_____ at the meeting.
6. Benefits of the surgery far out_____ the risk.
7. I've always thought it outr_____ that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
8. His out______ on life is largely a result of his strict education.
9. It was an outs______ performance by a talented young actor.

75) (62)

1. An over______ majority of the members were against the idea.

2. Don't under______ how good the other team is, or how hard they're going to play.
3. Douglas often travelled over______ when he was in the army.
4. As the underd_____ here, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
5. In a series of very smart, underh______ moves, Browne gradually gained control of the
6. The garden will be overg_____ with weeds by the time we get back.
7. To say I was surprised would be an unders______.
8. Unfair criticism can under______ employees' self-confidence.
9. It is easy to over_____ a small detail like that.
10. Plans are underw_____ to build a new stadium in the city.

76) (63)

1. If you're feeling down in the ______, come over and have a chat.
2. Stephen didn't expect her to m______ around while he was away on business.
3. “How do you feel to have scored the winning goal?” “Over the ______, Brian.”
4. She was thrilled to _______ at the idea of flying to Europe.
5. She choked on the words, seeming on the ______ of tears.
6. Bridget suddenly _______ into tears and ran out.

77) (63)

 despondent, elated, incessant, innocuous, intriguing, inviting, perk up, uncalled-for, uncanny,
unflappable, unforeseen, ungainly, uninhabited, unprovoked, unruly

1. ……………… with the election victory, the crowd waved banners and chanted.
2. Nothing's more ………………. than a plump sofa or chair.
3. The murder suspect was an ……………..-looking man with wire-framed glasses.
4. Julia became irritated by the child's ……………….. talking.
5. That comment was totally ………………...
6. She wasn't feeling too good yesterday but she ……………….. in the evening.
7. Troops have been accused of ……………….. aggression against innocent civilians.
8. Gill had been out of work for a year and was getting very ……………...
9. A good radio-host must be ……………….
10. It is ……………. to note that only one of his books was published during his own lifetime.
11. Jamie ran his fingers through his ………………….. hair.
12. We had to cancel our visit to Egypt because of ………………. problems.
13. He has an …………….. ability to guess what you're thinking.
14. She was old, fat and ………………., and had to struggle to get to her feet.
15. Access to this remote ……………….. Himalayan mountain is via high snow-covered passes.

78) (64)

 bug, double-cross, eavesdrop, mow, overhear, plummet, plunge, rig, slash, stalk, slump,
swindle, tail, tap, trim

1. The senator resigned after accusations that the vote had been ………………...
2. Investors have been ………………. out of millions of pounds.
3. Enrollment at the school has ……………….. to 25 students.
4. Someone had ………………. the car's tires.
5. Investigators had ……………… the drug dealer's phone line.
6. Harry and Danny ……………… the gang and escaped with all the money.
7. It took me two hours to …………….. the lawn.
8. Could you just ……………… my hair at the back?
9. How did you know I was going? You've been ………………., haven't you!
10. The currency ……………… to a record low.
11. She was …………….. by an obsessed fan.
12. I …………….. in fully-clothed and pulled her to the river bank.
13. Wells was convinced the house was ……………… and insisted on playing loud music while we
14. A group of photographers …………….. the couple all over London.
15. I couldn't help ……………… you and Jim last night - is something wrong?

79) (64)

 banish, chuck, comb, curb, evict, expel, fling, fish around in, fizzle out, hamper, hurl, peter out,
pelt, rocket, sift through

1. Car sales ………………. from 180 to 2000 a year.

2. Search efforts were ……………….. by strong winds and fifteen foot waves.
3. They had been …………… for non-payment of rent.
4. Some demonstrators began ……………. bricks at the police.
5. The only way to …………… the spread of the disease is by immunizing the entire population.
6. …………….. me those cigarettes, would you?
7. The boys sat in the back of the class, …………… each other with pieces of rolled up paper.
8. The movie made a great start, but the action seemed to ……………… halfway through.
9. By midday the rain had ……………...
10. Napoleon was …………… to the island of St Helena in 1815.
11. The principal …………… John for stealing.
12. Police and volunteers are ……………… the countryside in the hope of finding the missing boy.
13. He pulled the knife from her hand and ……………. it out of the window.
14. She ………………. her purse and pulled out a photo.
15. It will take a while to ………………. all these magazines.

80) (65)

 abhor, bluff, condone, crave, deem, dispel, dwindle, exacerbate, feign, fend, flaunt, flout, glean,
jeopardize, lurch, mislead, vow, waft

1. Cooking smells ……………. up from downstairs.

2. I'm not ………….. his behaviour, but I can understand why he wanted revenge on his daughter's
3. Supporters have …………….. to continue the protest until Adams is released.
4. They were told to take whatever action they ……………. necessary.
5. Ironically, the government's reassurances may have …………….. fear about the disease.
6. The original platoon of 30 men had ……………. to 12.
7. They were accused of …………… customers about the nutritional value of their product.
8. …………… a headache, I went upstairs to my room.
9. You wouldn't really tell her. You're ………………!
10. He's very rich, but he doesn't like to …………… his wealth or waste his money.
11. The Central Bank attempted to …………… rumours of a possible financial crisis.
12. Most little kids ………………. attention.
13. The kids had to ………………. for themselves while their parents were away.
14. The president ………………. all forms of racism.
15. Paul …………….. sideways as the boat rolled suddenly.
16. Several lessons can be ………………. from our experience so far.
17. Thousands of people are killed on our roads every year, yet a majority of us insist on
…………….. speed limits.
18. A scandal like this might …………….. his political career.

81) (66)

 boycott, dismantle, divulge, elapse, endeavour, fray, grant, harbour, heckle, mar, oust, quibble,
refrain, scrap

1. Kate wanted to slap Keith round the face but she ………………….
2. The Communists were finally …………….. from power.
3. We always ……………… to provide our customers with the highest standards of service.
4. Plans to build a new airport have been ……………… because of lack of funding.
5. It is not company policy to ………………. personal details of employees.
6. It was only three o'clock and tempers were already beginning to ………………
7. A surprisingly long time had ……………. between the discovery of the body and the arrival of
the police.
8. Taylor denied …………….. a grudge against his former boss.
9. Students have threatened to …………….. certain banks as a protest at their investment policies.
10. Jimmy was in the garage, ………………. his bike.
11. The company's application to build a billion dollar leisure complex has been …………… by
city hall.
12. Outbreaks of fighting and lawlessness ……………… the New Year celebrations.
13. Comedians usually have a few ready comments for members of the audience that come to
14. Why ……………. over whose turn it is to buy lunch? Split it, and forget about it.

82) (67) Ways of walking/running

1. sk_____ = move as if dancing, with hopping movements

2. c______ = move quietly and slowly
3. sw_____ = walk arrogantly swinging your shoulders as you go
4. l_____ = walk without putting pressure one leg because it is injured
5. s_____= walk in a proud, arrogant way, shoulders back, chest pushed forward
6. d_____ = run
7. sc_____ = walk quickly, with little steps
8. t______ = walk wearily because you are tired and unhappy
9. sk_____ = move around secretly, often hiding
10. c_____ = (for horses) run slowly and steadily
11. t______ = walk on sth and crush it as a result
12. m_____ = formally walk together in a group
13. s_____ = walk without lifting your legs from the ground
14. c_____ = move slowly on your hands and knees
15. g______ = (for horses) run very fast
16. s______ = walk very unsteadily as if you are about to fall
17. st_____ = walk confidently with long steps
18. w_____ = walk in deep water which probably reaches your waist
19. a______ = walk slowly in a relaxed manner
20. c______ = quickly climb up a hill on
21. p______ = walk in shallow water, for pleasure
22. sa_____ = walk in a slow and lazy way
23. t______ = (for horses) move quite quickly
24. h______ = walk slowly and with difficulty because it is painful for you to walk
25. s______ = run very fast
26. s______ = move quickly with little steps

83) (67,68)

1. They attacked the driver and he straightaway made a _____ for it.
2. I found Mark at the hospital, p_____ restlessly up and down.
3. A few latecomers had s______ into the room and were standing at the back of the audience.
4. After so long on the train, we couldn't wait to get out and ______ our legs.
5. A woman sidled _____ ____ us and asked if we wanted to buy a watch.
6. He e______ his way to the bar and ordered a beer.
7. She p_____ her way between the puddles.
8. They decide to go for a s______ along the beach.
9. The children came t______ downstairs like greased lightning.
10. I ignored his command and took off after him, running as fast as my legs ______ ______ me.
11. Tim was e_____ away from the threatening crowd.
12. She yelled at me and st______ out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

84) (68)

 beam, flick, fumble, gaze, giggle, grin, jot, lounge, mumble, peer, pore, rummage, scribble,
scour, snigger, slumped, whisper

1. I lay back on the sand and …………. at the stars above.

2. Aunt Bella sat at the table, …………… over catalogues, surveying the accounts, calculating.
3. Fran leant over and ……………… something in her sister's ear.
4. Brad was ………….. in front of the television watching the game.
5. Dan ………….. through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions
could wait.
6. I dried off, then …………… on a hammock at the poolside.
7. Let me …………… down your number and I'll call you tomorrow.
8. Roger ……………. into the dark corridor to see what was making the noise.
9. He ……………. a few words and lost consciousness.
10. Oh no! One of the kids has …………….. all over my report!
11. He spent half an hour ……………… the newspaper for any mention of the fire.
12. She was holding the baby, and …………….. from ear to ear.
13. Linda and Christina were …………….. at some private joke.
14. Daddy sat in the first pew, ……………… with pride.
15. The phone rang, and half-asleep, Winston …………….. about to find the receiver.
16. Ruth tripped and fell as she walked up the steps. The boys behind her ……………..
17. Louise …………….. in her purse and pulled out a small envelope.

85) (69)

 balmy, blustery, breeze, bucket down, cloudburst, drizzle, drought, muggy, nippy, scorcher,
sleet, slush, spit, swelter

1. The weather was incredible for sunbathing; the day was a ……………..
2. The weather's getting warmer, but the mornings are still ……………...
3. Everyone headed for the beach on that ……………. summer afternoon.
4. The rain isn't too bad - it's only …………….
5. A gentle …………….. ruffled her hair.
6. A severe ……………… has caused most of the corn crop to fail.
7. As she was undressing it began to rain again, and soon it was ……………..
8. When it's hot and …………., no one feels like working.
9. Everything had melted into brown ………….. within a few hours.
10. You don't need an umbrella - it's only …………...
11. The sun had lost its fierce heat and the air was golden and …………...
12. We couldn't see anything because of the ……………. and snow.
13. It had poured with rain; a total ………….., thunder cracking and grumbling in the skies above
the city.
14. I keep a firm grip on my hat and stare into the ……………. abyss.

86) (69,70)

1. It is evening, a steady cold rain is falling outside and ______ of wind rattle the shutters.
2. I wouldn’t go out; it’s blowing a h_____ gale.
3. Suddenly we nearly jumped out of our skins as there was an incredible ______ of thunder.
4. Arizona is in the _____ of one of its most severe dry spells of the past century.
5. It will be a cold night, and there may be fog p_____.
6. It looks as if the rain has _____ in for the _____.
7. The day was cold, with f_____ of snow and people were muffled up to the eyes.
8. A thin _____ of mist obscured the view of the city.
9. If the weather _____, work could be completed in a short time.
10. Leave the door open, it’s b_____ hot in here.
11. The wind had dropped and the rain gradually let _____.
12. Outside it was c_____ it down and the streets were deserted.
13. There was continuous d_____ rain, and a cold that numbed me.
14. Let's hope the weather brightens _____ later.
15. Interstate 5 was fog-b_____ early Monday morning.

87) (70)

1. His family loved him so much they sh______ him with affection.
2. You're _____ on _____ ice, showing up late for work every day.
3. Donations have been flooding _____ since we launched the appeal.
4. I don't have the f_____ idea what his address is.
5. Don't think that learning Dutch will be a b_____; it will take you a while.
6. Mike's feeling a little ______ the weather so he couldn't come tonight.
7. After a long and sometimes s______ meeting, a decision was finally reached.
8. Some people think that the police can do everything under the _____, but of course you can't.
9. You better hope the press doesn't get ______ of this.

88) (72)

 apply, deadline, mundane, overtime, shift, sick leave, take over, track record, vacancy

1. Skilled workers are few, and employers are having trouble filling ……………..
2. They're working ……………… to get the job finished.
3. We're looking for someone with a proven …………….. in selling advertising.
4. The ……………… for applications is May 27th.
5. How many jobs had you ……………… for before you were offered this one?
6. He has been on ……………… for more than three months.
7. My initial job was pretty …………….., but later I was given more responsibility.
8. We need someone who's ………………. for this job.
9. The thought of working night …………….. put her off becoming a nurse.
10. Maria's been my partner since I ……………. the business ……………. from my father.

89) (73)

1. The city has a well-______ reputation for corruption.

2. It's the first time that outsiders have been allowed into their close-______ community.
3. Genuine international concern over the possibility of all-_____ war breaking out was expressed
on a number of occasions.
4. The media regarded him as the ______-_____ favorite to dethrone the old champion.
5. The idea of travelling to other solar systems may sound far-______ but scientists now see it as a
real possibility.
6. Jacques launched into a long-w_____ explanation that left us just as confused as before.
7. The court's decision will have far-r______ implications for the health care industry.
8. Kids will love this action-______ adventure movie.
9. There’ve been a few last-______ changes to the script.
10. Fran faced a nerve-______ wait for her medical test results.

90) (73)

1. He _______ remembered the day his father left.

2. He meant to invite Monica, but he ______ forgot.
3. You know ______ well what I mean.
4. Robson s_______ objected to the terms of the contract.
5. He will be hard to beat. I _______ expect that and I'm ready.
6. They were working f______ out to get the job done on time.
7. He has _______ denied his guilt all along.
8. The film is ______ worth seeing.
9. It is ______ important that you follow the directions exactly.
10. What I'm telling you is ______ confidential.
11. For its income, the company relies _______ on only a few contracts.
12. He's one of the few writers who can make me laugh _____ _____.
13. The government has just published a h______ critical report on the state of the education
14. At least Ace travelled ______ so there wasn't too much luggage between the two of them.
15. I see the new job as a chance to start ______.
16. The newer model wins ______ down when it comes to speed and capacity.
17. He refused p_____-______ to identify his accomplices.

91) (74)

1. Many companies had borrowed _______ to cover their losses.

2. Even ethnically united communities are ______ divided on points of doctrine.
3. The world today ______ needs to build communities of love and peace.
4. I'm ______ serious, this isn't a game!
5. It was a stupid thing to do and I b______ regret it.
6. Classes are booked s______, with many students unable to get the courses they need.
7. He apologised p______ for the misunderstanding.
8. Her left arm was locked to her side, because her shoulder was e______ painful.
9. The local residents were b_____ disappointed with the decision.
10. I told them I was p_____ willing to help.
11. They f_____ admitted using the drug.
12. I think her books are v______ overrated.
13. Several people may have been s______ tempted to accept Wilson's offer.
14. It's p______ obvious that you're in love with her.
15. The whole house was s______ clean.
16. For families of low income such items are almost certainly p______ expensive.
17. We welcome this announcement and think it's l_____ overdue.
18. This is one of the most s______ populated areas of Asia.
19. This information must be r_______ available to members.
20. Stewart received a r______ deserved ovation from the crowd.

92) (75)

1. It's the last w______ in luxury resorts.

2. Making me work late on a Friday was the last _____!
3. The radio was on at full ______.
4. I felt rather at a ______ end at the end of the term so I decided to take a trip to London.
5. She's in bed with a h______ cold.
6. By 8.30, the party was in full s______.
7. Carry some ______ change to make emergency public telephone calls.
8. Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty close s_____.
9. Her companion had a b______ Australian ______.
10. Parents often have such h______ hopes for their children.
11. The color printer is a _____ blessing - it looks good, but it takes a long time to print.
12. I might have to get a second job as a last ______.
13. It'll be a ______ squeeze, but you can ride in the back seat.
14. I'll ask my boss for the day off - I'm in her good ______ just now.
15. The Chairman of the airline accepted f______ responsibility for the accident.
16. My parents had m______ feelings about all the changes.

93) (76)

1. _______ building – a building that is going to be pulled down

2. _______ talk – conversation about unimportant things
3. the ______ survivor – the only person to survive
4. ______ job – an easy job that is paid well
5. at b_______ speed – extremely fast
6. _______-edge technology – the most advanced technology
7. a _______ conclusion – a result that you can predict with absolute certainty
8. a _______ flight – a journey in which the plane moves about a lot because of air turbulence
9. a _______ crowd – an audience that fills all of the seats in the room/hall
10. ______ language – offensive language
11. a ______ tune – a tune that is easy to remember
12. to have a ______ driving licence – never to have been convicted of a driving offence
13. ______ knowledge – sth everybody knows
14. a ______ possibility – very little possibility of sth happening
15. a ______ liar – sb who lies all the time and cannot stop himself from doing so
16. a ______ success – a complete success

94) (77)

1. Only one in six adults scored ______ marks in a test of six familiar words.
2. He was ordered to compensate all of the victims of the fire and pay a h_____ fine.
3. The singer's raw, h_____ voice seemed to touch her soul.
4. By not buying that stock, I missed a ______ opportunity to become a millionaire.
5. Since the closing of the coal mines, the place has become a _____ town.
6. I dropped a glass earlier, so don't walk around in _____ feet.
7. The scourge of unemployment was added to that of r______ inflation.
8. Coca Cola is a h______ name around the world.
9. Do you want to hear some j______ gossip?
10. A construction worker in the year 2084 is haunted by r______ dreams of a previous existence
on Mars.
11. He was never able to get a s_______ answer about why it happened.
12. Could you leave the insults to the _______ press please?
13. He is h______ favourite for a semi-final place.
14. The match went all the way to a n______-_____ finish.

95) (78)

1. ______ of paper – a small piece of paper

2. small _____ – the minor details of a legal document
3. a _____ holiday – an official public holiday
4. a _____ blow – sth that has a terrible effect on a plan, business, etc
5. the ______ image of sb – look very similar to sb
6. win by a narrow ______ – you only just beat your opponents
7. in a _____ second – very quickly
8. a nervous ______ – tired and unhealthy as a result of being constantly worried
9. a ______ doubt – a small doubt that keeps worrying you
10. a s_______ generalisation – sth that is true in every case and in every situation
11. ______ justice – a deserved punishment
12. to have a ______ tooth – to love eating sweet things
13. sth is an ______ struggle – sth is very difficult to do
14. ______ thinking – a false belief that sth positive will happen
15. a ______ guess – a very approximate guess

96) (79)

1. If anything goes wrong, I will ______ you personally responsible.

2. The agency accused the airline of cutting c______ on safety.
3. The government hopes to keep inflation at ______.
4. Critics of the government’s environmental policies say it has simply jumped on the _______
and has not done anything serious to reduce pollution.
5. The baby was fussing and ______ a temperature, so I called the doctor.
6. I must have lost ______ of time because when I got to the house, it was seven-thirty.
7. Board members were kept in the ______ about the company's financial problems.
8. Health officials have tried to ______ awareness about AIDS.
9. As many as 300,000 new houses were needed to ______ demand this year.
10. While ordinary citizens had to wait months to get hospital treatment, government officials were
able to ______ the queue.
11. Don't you ______ your voice at me!
12. Foreman, once the World Heavyweight Champion, says 'I never ______ a punch in anger.'
13. Twins ______ in the family, so it didn't surprise us when we heard the news.
14. I lost ______ with Julie after we moved.
15. The festival is likely to ______ huge crowds.
16. I'm sure you can run ______ round him.
17. Fearing the bag might contain a bomb, a passenger raised the a______.
18. The shop had been ______ empty for some time, and needed a great deal of work.
19. Executives keep a______ of events in the company by e-mail.
20. I was a waitress in a bar and he was one of my customers, and that, to ______ a long story
______, is how we met.

97) (80)

1. Don't _____ about the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.
2. I wondered how I should b______ the subject.
3. Sabine was completely loyal to you. She would never do anything to d_______ your reputation.
4. I wondered how I could leave early without _______ anyone's suspicions.
5. Hopkins' hopes were d_____ when his appeal was denied.
6. I don't mind a little mess, but I ______ the line at wearing work boots in the house.
7. Other cities have _______ an interest in the school program.
8. He could always _______ fault with something, either in my writing or in my personality.
9. She kept _______ hints about her birthday, just to make sure none of us forgot about it.
10. "I'm devastated," Weston said, f______ back tears.
11. Katherine threw herself against Gary and d______ into tears.
12. My father was always disappointed that Joey didn't follow in his _______ and take over the

98) (81)

1. Police hope the sketch will ______ someone's memory and help identify the gunman.
2. Rachel left the office and ran out on to Des Voeux, ______ a taxi to take her home.
3. Less than four hours before the scheduled start, the local fire brigade refused to ______ a safety
licence for the arena.
4. He'll have to ______ his pride and apologize.
5. Don't try to ______ the blame on me!
6. The state government was willing to b______ the rules where necessary in order to create more
7. Many schools are now trying to _______ the problem of drug abuse.
8. The programs take too long to load and ______ the patience of young pupils.
9. Serious accusations were l______ against the minister.
10. She _______ her brains, trying to remember what David had said.
11. If the symptoms persist, ______ medical advice.
12. I can’t imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school – it must cost a _____!
13. You _______ him an apology for misjudging him and suspecting his motives at every turn.
14. Officials can seize a home and sell it to s______ a tax bill.
15. The film begins well but the joke wears ______ after about ten minutes.

99) (82)

1. A drunk tried to ______ a fight with him.

2. Long-term planning after the war ______ the foundations for the nation's steady economic
3. “What happened when you told him you wrecked the car?” “Oh, he ______ the roof.”
4. Don't become despondent just because it seems that your employer is keen to ______ a hard
5. British politicians tend to ______ clear of religious topics.
6. You have to ______ devil's advocate against your presentation and try to knock it to pieces.
7. The government has seen ______ to start testing more nuclear weapons.
8. Can you ______ the waiter’s attention? I want to order.
9. We packed up and ______ the road.
10. Don't ______ the fool with me. You know why I moved away.
11. By coming late to work, he has laid himself open to criticism.
12. She knew that her opinion ______ very little weight.
13. The king ______ a televised speech to the nation on Nov 5.
14. Black people continue to bear the ______ of most racial violence.
15. You know all about tax law - can I ______ your brains for a minute?

100) (83)

1. We are c________ a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

2. No one has yet ________ responsibility for yesterday's bombing.
3. But why not _______ up the courage to do what you've always wanted?
4. The immediate aim is to l______ at least five such products on the market within two years.
5. It's 26 miles, so you're _______ your luck if you try to hike it in a day.
6. There was something odd about her story, something that didn't _______ true.
7. She started ______ classes and fighting with her teachers and parents.
8. The president made a statement to ______ public fears.
9. I tied a towel round his leg to try to ______ the flow of blood.
10. A major computer failure w______ havoc on the New York subway last night.
11. She never ______ her ambition of winning an Olympic gold medal.
12. If you don't start ______ your weight around here, you're fired.
13. The other driver started _______ abuse at me.
14. The Church ______ immense power in Ireland.
15. He won't stay ______ long enough for me to take his photo.
16. I can only _______ a guess at what it must have been like.
17. She saw the knife and ______ out a scream.
18. You've w______ a hole in your sock.

101) (84) Fill in with an appropriate preposition:

1. to be barred ______ somewhere/doing sth

2. to cater ______ sb
3. a cutback ______ sth
4. _____ the aftermath of sth
5. to be an asset _____ sth
6. to comment _____ sth/sb
7. aside _____ sb/sth
8. to cope _____ sth
9. to be absorbed _____ sth
10. to be credited _____ sth/doing sth
11. to comply ______ sth
12. to account ______ sth
13. a ban _____ sth/doing sth
14. to be cruel _____ sb
15. to confide _____ sb about sth
16. to bombard sb _____ questions
17. abide _____ a decision
18. to brag _____ sth
102) (85)

1. I'd like to read out a short excerpt ______ the poem.

2. It's sickening the way he's always fishing ______ compliments.
3. Their marriage has been fraught _____ difficulties.
4. He's an expert _____ ancient Egyptian art.
5. Rick has always excelled _____ foreign languages.
6. We always endeavour _____ provide our customers with the highest standard of service.
7. Three athletes were disqualified _____ the championships after failing drugs tests.
8. Lally refused to elaborate _____ her earlier statement.
9. These plants are affected by fluctuations _____ temperature.
10. Are you familiar ______ his books?
11. Frank had seen the movie before and thought I wouldn't like it so tried to dissuade me _____
12. He was glued _____ the TV when the Olympics were on.
13. There is a fundamental flaw _____ Walton's argument.
14. He embarked _____ a new career as a teacher.
15. His journal shows he disapproved _____ slavery.

103) (85)

1. His policy is to ingratiate himself _____ anyone who might be useful to him.
2. Yesterday's win was indicative _____ the U.S. team's talent.
3. She was intent _____ pursuing a career in business.
4. Judging _____ his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal.
5. You can find more information _____ the Civil War at the library.
6. Last year’s attacks have continued to have a negative impact _____ the tourist industry this
7. Do you think I'm justified _____ refusing?
8. Williams invested a large sum of money _____ Swiss stocks.
9. My brother was always pretty hopeless _____ ball games.
10. I think the chief exec was favourably impressed _____ your presentation.
11. The picture is identical _____ the one in the museum of modern art in New York.
12. I hate having to haggle _____ prices.

104) (86)

1. to meet _____ little/no success

2. to marvel _____ sth
3. to be obsessed _____ sth
4. to meddle _____ sb’s life/affairs
5. to be pressed/pushed _____ time
6. to merge _____ sth
7. to pride yourself _____ sth
8. to lavish praise _____ sb/sth
9. to long _____ sth
10. to persist _____ doing sth
11. to be prior _____ sth
12. to lapse _____ another language
13. a place is plunged _____ darkness
14. to be popular _____ sb
15. to model sth _____ sth else
16. to be licensed _____ do sth
17. to liken sb ____ sb else
18. to be lacking ____ sth
19. to be a newcomer ____ a certain area
20. to be noted ____ sth

105) (87)

1. The college's reputation _____ a sound education is strong.

2. I didn't expect you to stoop ____ lying.
3. Gina succumbed _____ temptation and had a second serving of cake.
4. My mother was a stickler _____ cleanliness.
5. The U.S. is seeking tighter restrictions _____ weapon sales to the region.
6. Fox writes about how culture is related _____ art.
7. I don't know how you all manage to survive _____ Jeremy's salary.
8. The street was strewn _____ broken glass.
9. I know you’re upset, but there’s no need to be rude _____ your mother.
10. The Agriculture Department recently issued a report _____ world population.
11. Henry had more or less reconciled himself _____ Don's death.
12. Please refrain _____ smoking in the restaurant.
13. The council has taken a pro-growth, pro-business stance _____ development issues.
14. He's always been so scathing _____ psychiatrists.
15. He led the people in their struggle _____ independence.
16. Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible _____ erosion.
17. When children are criticized, mothers often see it as a reflection _____ themselves.
18. He revelled _____ his new-found fame.
19. The chef specializes _____ Hunan and Szechuan cuisine, but all the dishes we tried were
20. You can substitute margarine _____ butter in this recipe.
21. I was racked _____ guilt at my part in making her this unhappy.
22. This meeting is beginning to stray _____ the point.

106) (88)

1. Can you update me _____ what's been happening?

2. Of course, the issues discussed here are not unique _____ the U.S.
3. It was the start of the new semester, and the campus was teeming _____ students.
4. Some people have really bad taste _____ clothes.
5. Congress is wary _____ becoming too dependent on foreign oil.
6. When darkness fell, he would venture _____.
7. Treatment is tailored _____ the needs of each patient.
8. Simon and Julian were vying _____ her attention all through dinner.
9. Someone needs to talk sense _____ Rob before he gets hurt.
10. Crop yields will improve dramatically as vegetation thrives _____ an atmosphere rich in carbon
11. You need to give 30 days notice to withdraw money ______ the account.
12. He thinks nothing _____ staying up all night in casinos.

107) (88)

1. keep sth at _____ – away from you so that it does not hurt or trouble you
2. at all _____ – whatever happens
3. to be/put ____ a disadvantage – to have a disadvantage/sth gives you a disadvantage
4. to be at sb’s _____ – to be available for sb to use
5. at g_____ – with sb pointing a gun at you
6. to be at _____ – to have escaped and not yet have been caught
7. at the _____ – no later than
8. not to be at ______ – not to have permission to say/do sth
9. at _____ last – finally
10. at a _____ to explain – unable to explain
11. at short _____ – with little advance warning
12. at a _____ – with difficulty
13. at r_____ – not according to a particular system/pattern/method
14. at this r_____ – if we continue like this
15. to be at _____ – to be at risk

108) (89)

1. to be in _____ 13. in the same b______

2. in d______ 14. in the same v______
3. to be in a _____ mood 15. to be in the ______
4. to be in full _____
5. in the _____ of the moment not to have paid sth
6. to be in very ____ taste to be disorganised or in a state of confusion
7. in short _____ to be bad-tempered and easily annoyed
8. in _____ for sb (of a party) all the guests have arrived
9. to be in the ______ rashly, impulsively
10. in the long ______ to be unacceptable/offensive
11. to be in the ______ when there is very little available
12. sth is at the p______ sb is going to get an unpleasant surprise
to receive a lot of attention from the sth is being prepared and will happen soon
media to say sth which contradicts what you have just said
at some time in the distant future similar in style and content
(about a secret) everybody knows about to be to blame for an accident/mistake

1. By 10 o'clock the party was …………………….. and everyone was dancing.

2. He criticized the film, then predicted ……………………. that it would be a great success.
3. Russell said expulsion may be …………………… some of the students involved in the fighting
that broke out Friday.
4. The novel starts in an ironic way and continues ………………….. until the second chapter.
5. Hardin publicly admitted he had been …………………..
6. The defeated army retreated ……………………….
7. Food was ……………………; women stood in line for hours for a bucket of drinking water and
some bread.
8. After considerable market research, several new products are now ………………………..
9. The band is ………………………. again because of its recent hit single.
10. Moving to Spain will be better for you ……………………….
11. ………………………….. Nick threatened to resign.
12. The manager was …………………………… and was shouting at everyone.
13. She acknowledged her remark had been ………………………… and apologised.
14. Many people are ……………………….. with their rent.
15. By now the whole affair was …………………………, so there was no point in hiding anymore.

109) (90)

1. to be on t_________ – to be very excited while waiting for sth to happen

2. on the _______ – being broadcast on TV
3. on the _______ – at an exact time
4. on ______ – theoretically
5. to be a bit on the short/long/heavy ______ – to be a little too short/long/heavy, etc
6. on ______ – ready to deal with anything
7. to live on the _______ – to be extremely poor
8. on the _______ – one after the other in succession
9. to be on the _______ of – to be very close to
10. on the ______ of – in the parts of the town that are furthest away from the centre
11. to win on a_______ – to have a higher total score in a game with more than one round
12. on _______ thoughts – a phrase used to say that you have changed your mind about sth
13. to be on the ______ – it looks as if sth is likely to happen
14. on ______ of – as a representative of
15. on ______ – available to be bought or used
16. on the l______ – at risk
17. on b______ – all things considered
18. on the ______ that – because
110) (91)

1. Raising children isn't easy by any ______ of the imagination.

2. The building across the street was burned ______ repair.
3. My passport was in the inner pocket of my bag, for safe_____.
4. Without a ______ of a doubt, he's the most talented player we have.
5. All the main tourist attractions are within easy ______ of the hotel.
6. Cotton sheets are cool and smooth to the ______.
7. Violence increased to the ______ that residents were afraid to leave their homes.
8. I think we're at ______-purposes. I’m talking about John not Jim.
9. It might be _____ your advantage to take a computer course of some kind.
10. He was a successful lecturer, much ______ demand.
11. _____ all accounts, Garcia was an excellent manager.
12. He admits that a lot of his troubles are entirely of his own ______.
13. Peter muttered something resentful ______ his breath, but did as she asked.
14. I was under the ________ that you couldn't get a parking ticket on private property.

111) (91, 92)

1. They've torn down the old buildings with a ______ to renovating the whole neighborhood.
(hoping to)
2. The cost of the plan would be in the r______ of $40 to $60 billion. (approximately)
3. He left a letter for me to read in the e______ of his death. (if he dies)
4. In k______ with tradition, everyone wore black. (suitable in relation to)
5. We all laughed, with the ______ _____ Maggie. (except for)
6. Mrs Henessy was at p______ to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial
compensation. (making an obvious and special effort)
7. They're investigating safety matters in c_______ with the astronauts' experiences. (about)
8. He got to the station early, for ______ of missing her. (worried because he might miss her)
9. The neighbours are back from holiday by the ______ of it. (judging from appearances)
10. Some buildings damaged in the earthquake are still _____ need _____ repair. (still need repair)
11. John Nelson has been re-examining the evidence, and his conclusions are greatly at o_____ with
the story so far. (different)
12. Games are often canceled on a______ of rain. (because of)
13. Manuel was hired immediately on the s_______ of Cassidy's recommendation. (because of)
14. At the time, Liberia was still in the t______ of a civil war. (in the middle of)
15. The law was passed in ______ to public pressure. (as an answer to)
16. Famine followed in the w______ of the drought. (as a result of/following)
17. Arizona is in the ______ of one of its most severe dry spells of the past century. (experiencing a
difficult situation which cannot be controlled)
18. Having lost engine power, the boat's crew found themselves at the m______ of the wind.
(unable to do anything to protect themselves)
19. We usually start with general questions along the ______ of, 'How do you feel?' (similar to)
20. In some cases, a telephone interview will be held in ______ of a personal visit. (instead of)
21. In c______ with a lot of other countries, we're in an economic recession. (similar to)
22. The group operated in _______ with local criminals. (worked together with)
23. We came to the island in the ______ _____ finding a simpler way of life. (hoping that)
24. In v______ of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him. (taking into consideration)

112) (93)

1. to catch ____ – to become popular or fashionable

2. to catch ____ – to reach sb
3. to answer sb _____ – to reply in a rude way
4. to b______ sth off – to completely close a street
5. to b______ sth up – to keep strong feelings inside you
6. to c______ sth out – to produce sth in great quantities
7. to br______ out – do sth different from your normal activities
8. to act ____ sb – to represent sb in a legal matter
9. to clamp _____ _____ sb/sth – to take firm official action to stop sb/sth
10. to act ____ – to behave badly
11. to c______ up images of – to bring an image to mind
12. to be c______ up in a place – to be in a place which is too small
13. to a_____ for – to be punished for
14. to b_____ on sb/sth – to rely/depend on
15. to b_____ in – enter somewhere without knocking
16. to be ______ _____ the wrong tree – to wrongly accuse another person of sth
17. to ______ up on sth – to practise and study a skill
18. to account ____ – to explain
19. to _____ into sb – to meet sb by chance
20. to _____ up (at work) – to appear suddenly and unexpectedly

113) (94)

1. He was continually dreaming ______ new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.
2. Newsweek magazine dr______ up some remarks which he made last year. (found and brought
to people’s attention)
3. The noise of the battle was _______ out by his aircraft's engine. (was not heard anymore
because of the aircraft’s engine)
4. Why don't you wait until the rain e______ up a little? (gets less)
5. Even though divorce is legal, it is still ______ upon. (disagreed)
6. Cliff's family worked in the cotton fields to ______ out a meager living. (manage to earn)
7. They tried to ______ up something from his past to spoil his chances of being elected. (find sth
well hidden)
8. It was a bureaucratic battle that was to ______ on for more than five years. (continue for longer
than necessary)
9. He was asked to draw _____ proposals for reforming the law. (prepare and write out)
10. I think you'd better _____ me in on what's been happening. (inform me)
11. Bob didn't want to jump, but his friends kept e______ him on. (encouraging him)
12. He’s not modest; he’s just f______ for compliments. (trying to get praise)
13. I could have done ______ some help this morning. (needed)
14. She f______ him off with a promise to pay him the money next week. (tried to stop him from
15. The movie made a great start, but the action seemed to fizzle _____ halfway through. (decrease,
lose intensity)
16. I still can't f______ out what she meant. (understand)
17. John's university fees have been ______ into our savings. (using part of)
18. It ______ on me that Jo had been right all along. (I suddenly realised)

114) (95)

1. to grow _____ sb – to gradually start liking sb

2. to hang _____ sth – to keep sth
3. to _____ about/around – to wander around a place feeling sorry for yourself
4. to m_____ sth over – to think long and hard about sth
5. to hit _____ _____ sb/sth – to reply forcefully
6. to _____ it off – (of two people) to like one another
7. to g_____ up on – join together in order to harm sb
8. to g_____ over – (for eyes) to become dull and lose expression
9. to gloss _____ – ignore
10. to knock _____ – to finish working for the day
11. to l_____ sth up – to make sth more exciting
12. to lay sb _____ – to dismiss sb from their job
13. to hush sth _____ – to stop people from finding out about sth that might damage your reputation
14. to j_____ down – to write notes
15. to line sth _____ - to arrange for sth to take place during a special event

1. Why not ……………. the room with some flowers?

2. 3000 car workers have been …………….. at the factory in Cleveland.
3. There was no one in the office because they'd all ………………. for lunch.
4. Ally's jealous that Matt and Ann ………………..
5. I think I'll hang ………………. the documents for a bit longer.
6. She ………………… the details of her divorce.
7. Let me ………………. your number and I'll call you tomorrow.
8. He’s not even attempting to look for a job – he just ………………. the house all day.
9. He's ………………….. the proposals before making any changes.
10. The actress ……………………. claims that she had threatened a member of staff.
11. She smiled softly, her eyes …………………… as if she were daydreaming.
12. The whole affair was ……………………. by the government.
13. I hated his music at first, but it ………………….. you.
14. Schoolchildren are quick to ……………….. anyone who looks or behaves differently.
15. We've ……………………. some excellent speakers for tonight.

115) (96)

1. What were you doing n_______ around in my office? (looking around curiously)
2. His French is so good that he can p______ as a Frenchman. (pretend to be)
3. Employees who do not wish to be part of the company's healthcare program can opt out if they
want to. (choose not to participate)
4. Unless the guilty person ______ up, the whole class will be punished. (confesses)
5. I missed the movie because I kept n______ off. (falling asleep)
6. Older members of staff often p______ on an apprentice and make his life a misery. (victimise)
7. I picked _____ a few words of Greek when I was there last year. (learned)
8. The Houston Astros have n______ up another win. (achieved)
9. He went back to patch things ______ with his wife. (make friends again after a bad argument)
10. By lunchtime he had narrowed his search ______ _____ three out of the dozens of girls missing
in the London area. (reduced)
11. ______ yourself together - you don't want him to see you crying like that. (take control of your
12. Police are trying to piece ______ his movements before the murder. (put together different facts
to make a whole story)
13. I don't think you should pass ______ the opportunity to go to university. (not take)
14. You shouldn't let other people p_____ you around -- you've got to stand up for yourself. (give
orders to you in a rude way)
15. He was upset because it was the first day of the sale and Astrid had ______ ______ sick.
(telephoned to tell he was not coming because he was ill)
16. Mum suddenly piped _____ 'No!' (said)
17. Management has been ______ down the possibility of job losses. (made it seem less important)
18. The local people p_____ me with beer, until I could barely move. (gave me a lot of it)
19. I spent the morning p______ about in the garden. (doing small unimportant things)
20. The goalkeeper pulled ______ six terrific saves. (succeeded)

116) (97)

1. to s_____ by – to manage to live on little money

2. to ______ a cold off – to get rid of a cold
3. to scrape _____ – to only just pass an exam
4. sth s_____ in – to slowly understand important news
5. to sit _____ an exam – to take an exam
6. to r_____ about – to talk enthusiastically about sth
7. to rule sth _____ – to say that sth is not possible
8. to s_____ out – to extinguish
9. to stick _____ – to support sb in a difficult situation
10. to r_____ up – to quickly cook sth
11. to sit _____ sth – to stay until the end of a lecture/speech though you don’t like it
12. to _____ through someone’s fingers– to escape from sb
13. to slip _____ – to make a mistake
14. to be _____ for sth – not to be able to find

1. We can …………….., thanks to what we grow ourselves.

2. Winning this tournament means so much to me. It hasn't really ……………….. yet.
3. I ……………… my exams with marks just good enough to keep my place in the school of
4. I can't seem to ………………….. this cold.
5. I wasn't the least bit interested in all the speeches I had to …………………..
6. I'll …………………… a couple of steaks on the barbecue.
7. The company apologized for ………………. so badly.
8. I bought some of that Colombian coffee you used to ………………...
9. She has refused to ……………….. the possibility of singing again.
10. Don't let a chance like that ………………….. your fingers!
11. He ……………… the candle and left the room.
12. Jean has ……………… her husband through thick and thin.
13. Most of what they accused him of was true, and Wyden was ……………….. an answer.
14. He ……………….. the FCE exam last year.

117) (98) Fill in the blanks with one of the verbs below adding any necessary particles:

a) tag, talk(x2), tell, think, tone, touch, toy, trigger, trot

1. …………………. any worries with your GP.

2. I've been ……………….. the idea of going to Japan to visit them.
3. Linda finally ……………….. me ……………. buying a new car.
4. I felt my letter was worded too strongly, so I ……………… it ………….. a bit.
5. The report ……………….. the relationship between poverty and poor health.
6. It's almost impossible to ……………. the twins ……………….
7. Steve ………………… the same old excuses.
8. Kate ………………….. with mum and Vicky.
9. I want some more time to ……………… things ………………..
10. The assassination ………………… a wave of rioting.

b) throw, turn(x2), wait, wear, weigh, while, whip, wind, work

1. Once the initial shock has ………………. you'll realize that things aren't as bad as you first
2. They'll do anything to ……………….. a bit of interest in a book.
3. The evenings were ………………. in endless games of cards.
4. The show was so popular police had to ………………. people ………………
5. We're still …………………… the pros and cons of the two options.
6. When things got really bad, I ………………….. my family for help.
7. Don't ………………. me - I'll be very late.
8. The plot is very complicated - it'll take you a while to ……………… it .
9. I find it difficult to ……………….. after a day at work.
10. Nick got …………………. of college in the second year for taking drugs.

118) (99) Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning:

1. back down 4. call for sth

2. back on to sth 5. cut down on
3. back sb up 6. cut sb off
7. be cut out for sth attend or help sb
8. hold off be equal to (with reference to money)
9. hold out for contact an organisation for help
10. let yourself in for the back of a building faces sth
11. live it down admit you are wrong
12. let sb in on sth intervene and help
13. live off sth/sb support sb
14. live up to sth try to persuade sb
15. see to sth/sb no longer provide sb with sth
16. step forward demand sth
17. step in (of bad weather) stay away
18. step up sth refuse to accept sth and continue to demand more
19. work on sb be allowed to forget
20. work out at get your money of food from sb/sth
do sth that will cause you trouble be as good as sth
have the right qualities for sth increase production/efforts
tell sth that is secret reduce consumption of

119) (100)

1. blow sth out extinguish

2. blow sth up go at the same pace as sb
3. drop in/by gradually become less intimate with sb
4. drop sb off to be continually telling sb to do sth
5. drop out (of somewhere) pay a casual visit
6. grow apart start talking about a new subject
7. grow into sth give sb a lift
8. grow out of destroy using explosives
9. keep on at sb about sth leave school, college, etc
10. keep to sth become a particular kind of person as an adult
11. keep up with sb/sth become too big for
12. move on to sth not to leave a path/not to break the rules

1. settle down 12. be tied up in sth
2. settle for sth
3. settle up (with sb) accept sth
4. stand for sth get married and lead a stable life
5. stand in for sb have money invested in sth
6. stand up for sb/sth pay the bill
7. turn down happen in a way you were not expecting
8. turn out limit sb’s freedom
9. turn over represent
10. tie sb down defend sb/sth
11. be tied up refuse sb
temporarily replace sb be very busy
change from one TV channel to another
120) (101)

1. Some people suspect that government officials were involved in a …………… of the incident.
2. The …………….. happened in thick fog and caused a seven-mile tailback on the motorway.
3. Police have found the helicopters that the terrorists used to make their …………... GET
4. The amount of tax you have to pay depends on your ………………. COME
5. A patient received the wrong drugs because of a hospital ………………. MIX
6. It's a good-looking car - the only …………….. is the price. DRAW
7. One bad investment eventually led to Roberts' ………………. FALL
8. The two losses are a serious ………………. for the team's playoff hopes. SET
9. Many of the golfers complained about the course …………….. LAY
10. Doctors are very concerned about an ……………… of tuberculosis in an East London School.
11. I don’t feel like cooking tonight – can we get some ……………..? TAKE
12. These shows are always popular, and we're expecting a big …………….. TURN
13. Streets were flooded, but still there was no …………….. in the rain. LET
14. The negotiations are continuing, and we are hoping for a positive ……………... COME
15. A man was shot dead in a ………………. at a downtown bank. HOLD
16. There was a …………….. at the college last night - they took all the computers. BREAK
17. This was an important ……………… that had an enormous impact on the scientific community.
18. It will be a major ……………….. if we lose the game to Kansas. LET
19. The miniskirt made a ……………….. in the late 1980s. COME
20. Morris' play got a really good ……………….. in the press. WRITE
21. A sudden rise in oil prices could lead to a ………………. of the economy. BREAK
22. It was clear from the ……………….. that there were going to be problems. SET

121) (102, 103)

1. If they find out what I've done, I'll be ____ ____ it, won't I?
2. You see, this is what we're _____ against - the suppliers just aren't reliable.
3. I know she’s really _____ sports, so I thought I’d ask her to come skiing with us.
4. The computer system was _____ all afternoon, so we went home.
5. Try to break the h_____ of adding salt to your food at the table.
6. She's _____ for a surprise if she thinks we're going to help her pay for it.
7. All the worry and anxiety had been too much for her, and she suddenly broke _____ in tears.
8. When they broke _____ lunch she left the stage very quickly, anxious only to go back to her
9. Roosevelt's social reform program broke ____ ground.
10. The company made a small loss last year but this year has managed to break _____.
11. He stretched out his hands to break his _____.
12. How would he break the _____ to Mary that he'd been lying to her?
13. Three policemen were needed to break _____ the fight.
14. The streets bring _____ memories, though the buildings here have changed.
15. Workers have their own organisations which can bring pressure to b_____ on governments and
make demands on the state.
16. Any foods containing wheat bring him ____ in a rash.
17. The old system should be brought ____-____ -date.
18. It was one of the other students who brought your misbehaviour to my a______.
19. Hang on a minute - let me catch my _____!
20. The public's reaction obviously caught the governor ____ guard.
21. I caught ______ watching everybody else instead of paying attention to the lecture.

122) (104)

1. Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come _____ _____ the market
with increasing rapidity.
2. You think I'm too selfish? That's _____ coming from you!
3. A lifeboat came to the yachtsman's r_____.
4. The bus slowed down and came to a h_____ at some traffic lights.
5. It should come _____ _____ surprise that cycling builds leg strength.
6. The situation came to a h_____ when the workers went out on strike.
7. The government has come _____ ____ fierce criticism over its handling of this affair.
8. Eventually a ban on the sale of fireworks to children came ____ operation.
9. It eventually came to l_____ that the CIA had information about a security problem.
10. They almost came to _____ over the money.

123) (104) Phrasal verbs with “come”

1. There are job vacancies from time to time. I'll let you know if anything comes ____. (appear)
2. I pretended to read the note a moment longer, giving myself a chance to come ____ _____
something. (invent)
3. It was a good idea, but it didn't quite come _____. (succeed)
4. How did you come _____ these pictures? (find)
5. Suddenly, he came _____ me with a knife. (attack)
6. I'm sorry about that – I don't know what came _____ me. (happen to sb)
7. I came _____ an interesting news item in yesterday's 'Times'. (find by chance)
8. When is the new edition coming ____? (published)
9. The things he comes ____ are so funny! (suddenly say sth)
10. Henry's eyelids flickered. 'He's coming _____!' Marie cried. (regain consciousness)

124) (105) “make” and “do”

1. It looks as if your holiday has done you a _____ of good.

2. Criticizing people's work often does more _____ than _____.
3. I know I haven't done enough _____ for tomorrow's exam.
4. She did her _____ to make him comfortable.
5. I put on my life jacket and told the children to do _____.
6. The medical staff did their u_____ to save the patient's life.
7. People thought that the use of robots would do _____ _____ boring low-paid factory jobs.
8. The shops outside the station were doing a ______ trade in umbrellas.
9. The second surgery on my knee seemed to do the t______.
10. I know you don't like her, but please make an _____ to be polite.
11. Authorities made no a______ to stop the march.
12. We've only got one day in Paris, so we'd better make the _____ of it.
13. I usually make ____ ____ a cup of coffee for breakfast.
14. You're ten minutes late. I hope you're not going to make a h_____ of this.
15. Bridget made a p_____ of thanking each of us for the gift.

125) (106) Phrasal verbs with “fall”

1. After losing his job, he fell _____ with his mortgage payments. (be late paying)
2. That bookcase looks as if it's about to fall _____. (fall)
3. That was the summer I worked at the fairground, and met and fell _____ Lucy. (fall in love)
4. She fell ____ ____ the wrong crowd in her teens. (become friends)
5. Murray left the company after he fell _____ _____ the chairman over his salary. (quarrel)
6. He is too smart to fall _____ that trick. (be deceived)
7. The deal fell _____ because they couldn't get enough money from the bank. (not be successfully
8. Where negotiation fails, they must fall _____ _____ the law. (use as a last resort)

126) (106)

1. A lot of marriages fall by the w_____ because couples cannot talk to each other.
2. The health service is falling apart at the _____.
3. We must not let these documents fall into the wrong _____.
4. Edwards fell f_____ of the authorities and was ordered to leave the country.
5. It was so funny everyone just fell _____ laughing.
6. If reforms are not carried out soon, the economy will simply fall to _____.
7. People were falling _____ themselves to help her.
8. The theory falls _____ on its face when put into practice.
9. Don't fall into the _____ of investing all your money in one place.
10. Once the police received this new evidence, things began falling into ______.
11. As rioting continued, Mayor Warren appealed for calm, but his words fell on _____ ears.

127) (107)

1. I couldn't get my tongue ______ the names of the villages we'd visited.
2. I soon realized that being tough was getting me ______ fast.
3. You need to get away from it all for a couple of weeks.
4. Her show never really got _____ the ground in the UK.
5. The day had got off to a bad _____.
6. He got the _____ of his life when he found out who I was.
7. Once George starts talking it's difficult to get a word in e______.
8. Let me get this ______ - Tom sold the car and gave you the money?
9. I hope Emma isn't going to be there - she really gets on my ______.
10. People who think the song is about drugs have got the wrong end of the ______.
11. It's easy to get carried ______ when you can do so much with the graphics software.
12. They burned the ship to get _____ of the evidence.

128) (107, 108)

1. I'd love to get my _____ on the guy who slashed my tires.

2. Monica's so spoiled - she always gets her own _____.
3. Your peace will be shattered when the tourist season gets _____way.
4. We're trying to get to the ______ of this, and see if she is lying.
5. I've never really got to ______ with this new technology.
6. Reporters somehow got w_____ of the fact that Carr was going to be arrested.
7. Would you just get to the _____?
8. I love speaking to large audiences. I really get a _____ out of it.
9. She’s callous and snobbish and it’s time she got her c______.
10. I must get h_____ of Vanessa to see if she can babysit.
11. _____ really gets me is the way he leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.
12. She wanted to get her own _____ on Liz for ruining her party.

129) (108) phrasal verbs with “get”

1. We need to get _____ ____ some serious talking. (start giving attention to)
2. We don't have a lot of money to spend on luxuries, but we get _____. (have enough money to
buy the things ones needs)
3. He felt he was being got _____ by the other students. (criticized)
4. I know how to get _____ Chris. (persuade)
5. I don't want to get _____ _____ my work. (not to have done enough work)
6. Mrs McIntyre must be getting _____ _____ 90 by now. (be nearly)
7. Joe is always trying to get _____ _____ cleaning the bathroom. (avoid doing sth)
8. I haven't got _____ _____ unpacking from my holiday yet. (finally find time to)
9. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't get _____. (contact)
10. What did you get ____ ____ at the weekend? (do)

130) (109)

1. Shall I give you a _____ with that bag?

2. They never give Gene any c______ for all the extra work he does.
3. She left the company because her boss was giving her a really _____ time.
4. A young person who has finished the course will be given p_____ over one who has not.
5. I'd thought about it for some time and decided togive it a _____.
6. Ryan gave me the low_____ on the meeting.
7. Don't you worry about Tim. He may be small but he gives as good as he _____!
8. I give you my _____ that it won't happen again.
131) (109) Phrasal verbs with “give”

1. The wood gave _____ a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.

2. I knew that if I moved I would give myself _____.
3. He'd been in a coma for six months, and doctors had almost given ____ ____ him.
4. Don't give _____ ____ the temptation to argue back.
5. Students were giving ____ leaflets to everyone on the street.
6. He gave _____ his job so that he could look after his wife.
7. I gave most of my books _____ when I left college.
8. The whole day was given _____ _____ cooking and preparing for the celebrations.
9. The siege ended peacefully after the gunman gave himself _____.
10. It was given _____ that the government was to enter into negotiations with the rebels.

132) (110)

1. This day will go down in _____ as the start of a new era in South Africa.
2. Moving in together was a mistake, and things rapidly went d______.
3. She went b_____ and began shouting at everybody on the platform.
4. I should have realized that he'd go behind my _____.
5. Go easy _____ Peter - he's having a hard time at school.
6. Both want to steal the show and they are going to great ______ to do it.
7. Go ____ on the cheese - it has a lot of fat.
8. She went on a shopping _____ and spent over $1500 on clothes in one afternoon.
9. Dave really let his promotion go to his _____.
10. It seems that the government is prepared to let all our hospitals and schools go to _____ and
11. I think it goes ______ saying that a rested person is a better person, more able to face life.
12. Hate crimes will not be tolerated and will not go ______.
13. It just goes to _____ how much people judge each other by appearances.
14. For some inexplicable reason, her mind went completely _____.
15. Ann's going through a bad _____ right now.

133) (111) Phrasal verbs with “go”

1. His suggestion did not go ____ very well.

2. Don't worry if you don't understand everything - she'll go _____ the main points again at the
3. I love that pale blue wallpaper, but I don't think it would go _____ the carpet.
4. Often it was easier to go _____ _____ her rather than risk an argument.
5. Only a fool goes _____ the rules all the time.
6. I used to drink tea all the time, but I've gone ____ it lately.
7. The dog suddenly went _____ me.
8. I want to learn German but I don't know the best way to go _____ it.
9. I get up as soon as the alarm clock goes ____ at 7:15.
10. She was going _____ about what a genius her brother is.
11. He bravely went _____ _____ the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.

134) (111)

1. I'd had ______ of the neighbors' noise, so I called the police.

2. The manager has no q______ about dropping players who do not perform well.
3. Opponents of nuclear energy have deep m______ about its safety.
4. I had no alternative _____ to report him to the police.
5. You had _____ right to be angry with them.
6. They had great ______ in finding a replacement.
7. I have no ______ of retiring just yet.
8. I have no r______ of how I found my way there in the dark.
9. I would have no h______ in recommending Philip for the position.
10. We have the m______ of a winning team.

135) (112)

1. make a c_____ – try and become popular again

2. make an a_____ – claim that sth is true
3. make a d______ – give money to charity
4. make an a______ – arrange a time to see a doctor, bank, etc
5. make c______ – succeed in communicating with sb
6. make a k______ – make a lot of money in a business transaction
7. make a m______ – cause untidiness
8. make a b______ – reserve a seat/ a table/ a hotel room
9. make a f______ – make a lot of money
10. make the ______ – be good enough to be selected to play for a team
11. make a _____ – lose money
12. make a______ – compensate for having done sth bad

136) (112, 113)

1. We made _____ a case for hiring another assistant.

2. Sorry I made such a _____ of myself last night. I must have been drunk.
3. I made a _____ for the food as soon as I arrived.
4. She was only five minutes late! You're making a ______ out of a ______.
5. Pay me now or later - it makes no ______.
6. Several houses were demolished to make ______ for a new road.
7. Mr. Stutzman makes no _____ about his religious beliefs.
8. He made a ______ of spending Saturdays with his children.
9. He makes ______ he never met me before.
10. "The dog won't touch you," she said, "unless you make a _____ towards me."
11. I'd just as soon make _____ with a packed lunch.
12. I went over the article several times but couldn’t make _____ or ____ of it.
13. It's a shame that teachers don't make ______ of the new computer lab.
14. Ron's buying the drinks.' 'That makes a ______.'

137) (113) Phrasal verbs with “make”

1. The movie made her _____ a star overnight.

2. Thieves broke into the school and made _____ with computer equipment worth £40,000.
3. If you want to pay by check, make it _____ to GK Fisher.
4. I think it's time we made _____ home.
5. The committee is made _____ ____ representatives from every state.
6. The team will be anxious to make _____ _____ a disappointing start to the season.
7. It was difficult to make _____ where the rocks ended and the sea began.
8. When you're the boss you can make _____ your own rules.
9. He had clearly made _____ his mind to end the affair.

138) (114)

1. to put into _____ – to express an idea

2. to put sb in the _____ – to give sb information about a situation
3. to put on a _____ – to present a theatrical play
4. to put sth to the _____ – to vote
5. to put ____ to – to destroy
6. to put an _____ to – to stop an activity
7. to put the finishing _____ to sth – to complete the final details of sth
8. to put effort _____ doing sth – to work very hard
9. to put two and two _____ – to make a simple connection
10. Who put that idea _____ your _____? – Who persuaded you that that was the truth?

139) (114) Phrasal verbs with “put”

1. We're trying to put a little ____ each month for a new car.
2. I put ____ ____ a pay increase.
3. She put ____ some music while they ate.
4. I was having difficulty reading, which I put ____ ____ the poor light.
5. We had to have the dog put _____.
6. It puts me ____ when you watch me all the time.
7. He was trying to put _____ a serious point.
8. I moved to another neighbourhood because I couldn’t put ____ ____ the noise any longer.
9. Don't let the restaurant's decor put you ____ - the food is really good.
10. The rescue services are still trying to put ____ the fires.

140) (115)
1. to set _____ – to begin a journey by boat or ship
2. to set up _____ somewhere – to start living somewhere
3. to set your _____ on sth – to really want sth
4. to set sb a t_____ – to tell sth that they have to achieve sth
5. to set a p_____ – to do sth for the first time and thereby establish rules for similar actions that
will follow
6. to set a ____ for sb – to invent a plan to catch sb doing sth wrong
7. ____ set – ready to leave
8. to be set _____ your ways – to be unable to change the way you do things
9. to be set _____ for _____ – to have so much money that you need never worry about money
10. to set _____ with the intention of doing sth – to start doing sth with a particular objective in
11. to set eyes _____ sb/sth – to see sb/sth for the first time
12. to be _____ set against sth – to be totally opposed to sth

141) (115) Phrasal verbs with “set”

1. Winter seems to be setting ____ early this year.

2. Smoke alarms can be set ____ by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.
3. This jacket set me _____ over £1000.
4. He set _____ an idealistic view of society.
5. He set _____ to make Newcastle the best football team in the country.
6. If we set _____ early in the morning we should reach the coast before dark.
7. Try to set _____ some time each day for exercise.
8. Cox claimed that he was innocent and that the police had tried to set him _____.
9. The Enterprise Center runs courses for people who want to set _____ in business on their own.

142) (116) Phrasal verbs with “take”

1. You'd better take ____ that remark!

2. He told me that it was a genuine diamond, and I was completely taken ____.
3. I’m not going to my next class. I’m too tired to take anything ____.
4. Percy was changing so rapidly that no one could tell whom he would eventually take ____.
5. Looking after a baby really takes it ____ ____ you.
6. Roger took painting ____ for a while, but soon lost interest.
7. We're taking ____ 50 new staff this year.
8. I'll take you ____ ____ that offer of a drink, if it still stands.
9. Don't take it ____ ____ me just because you've had a bad day.
10. I was completely taken _____ by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude.

143) (116)

1. to take an _____ dislike to sb – to dislike sb the moment you meet them

2. to take sb for ______ – not to treat sb with respect and not thank them for their help
3. to take sth _____ – to separate sth into pieces
4. sth takes its _____ on your health – sth is having a bad effect on your health
5. to take priority _____ sth – to be considered to be more important than sth
6. to take your _____ of sth – to stop worrying about sth
7. not to take _____ to – not to like sth and be annoyed by it
8. to take e______ to – to be offended by
9. to take sth in your _____ – to accept and deal with sth bad without worrying about it

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