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Teks Report

A cactus ( plural : cacti ) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the
americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants.
Cacit are grown for protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other
uses. Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members
like beets, gysophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb,
buckwheat, plumbago, ougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass. Cacti are unusual and
distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing
a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their
stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have
become the spines for which cacti are well known. Cacti come in a wide range of
shapes and sizes. The tallest is pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height
of 19,2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at
maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from
areolas. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal
insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small
and globular to tall and columnar.
1. Where can we find cacti mostly?
A. In the jungle.
B. On the beach.
C. On the montain.
D. In the arid and ot region.

2. Why do cacti mostly loom at ninght?

A. Because their flowers are large.
B. Since ccati are unusual and distinctive plants.
C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.
D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic prosess

3. What does the first paragraph tell us about?

A. The members of cacti.
B. The habitat of cacti.
C. The use of cacti.
D. Types of cacti.

4. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To give information about american cacti.
B. To explain physical feature of cacti.
C. to describe cacti in general.
D. To tell cacti’s life.

5. “ Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which...” the synonym of the word
“distinctive” is...
A. Typical.
B. Antique
C. Unique.
D. Different.

Jasmine is a native flower to some tropical areas in South Asia, Africa and
Australia. In India, some varieties of jasmine are used for religious purposes.
The flower can grow up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. It releases its
fragrance mostly after the sun sets especially nearning the full moon. Therefore, it is
often associated with soothing night-time moods.
The planting of jasmine is started by putting some cuttings in 3 inch posts within
4 weeks. After the roots grow, they are put into 6 inch pots. The soil in the pots should
be kept moist but possible for the water to go through it for optimum growth.
There are some important advantages of jasmine. In medication, this flower is
often used for shooting headaches, stimulating brain, and restoring balance. Its extract
is also widely used in making of perfume.
1. When does jasmine release the most fragrance?
A. In the morning.
B. In the evening.
C. In the afternoon.
D. At dawn.

2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Jasmine is grown worldwide.
B. Jasmine has various benefits.
C. Jasmine ca cause headache.
D. There are some varieties.

3. The underlined word in “ is often associated with...”, is closest in mening to...
A. Attached.
B. Connected.
C. Compared.
D. Propagated.

4. In planting Jasmine, the soil should be kept moist to make it...

A. Go through the water easily.
B. Grow up to 6 inch in length.
C. Produce optimum fragrance.
D. Grow optimally.

Kaktus (jamak : cacti) adalah dari famili cactaceae,asli dari Amerika. Mereka
sering digunakan sebagai tanaman hias, tetapi beerapa juga tanaman. Kaktus
ditanam untuk melindungi sesuatu dari binatang buas. Serta banyak kegunaan
lainnya. Kaktus adalah bagian dari tanaman caryophyllales, yang termasuk
anggota beets, gysophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb,
buckwheat, plumbago, ougainvillea, chickweed dan knotgrass. Kaktus adalah
tanaman yang tidak biasa dan khas, yang disesuaikan dengan lingkungan yang
kering dan panas, menunjukkan berbagai fituranatomi dan fisiologis yang
menghemat air. Batangnya beradaptai untuk fotosintesis dan berair banyak,
sedangkan daunnya menjadi duri yang dikenal dengan kaktus. Kaktus ada dalam
berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Pachycereus pringlei tertinggi, dengan tinggi
maksimum yang tercatat 19,2 m, dan yang terkecil adalah blossfeldia liliputiana,
hanya 1 cm saat jatuh tempo. Bunga kaktus besar, dan seperti duri ddan
rantingnya timbul dari areola. Banyak kaktus bermekaran di malam hari, karena
merka diserbuki oleh serangga malam atau hewan kecil, terutama ngengat dan
kelelawar. Kisaran kaktus dalam ukuran kecil dan bulat ke tinggi seperti tiang.

Melati adalah bunga asli beberapa daerah tropis yaitu Asia selatan, Afrika, dan
Australia. Di India, beberapa variasi melati digunakan untuk tujuan keagamaan.
Bunganya bisa tumbuh hingga tingginya 3 meter dan lebarnya 2 meter.
Bunganya mengeluarkan keharumannya pada umumnya setlah matahari
terbenam terutama menjelang bulan purnama. Karena itu, sering berhubungan
dengan suasana hati pada malam hariyang menenangkan.
Penanaman melati dimulai dengan meletakkan beberapa stek sedalam 3 inci
di suatu tempat selama 4 minggu. Setelah akarnya tumbuh, mereka dimasukkan
ke dalam pot 6 inci. Tana dalam pot harus tetap lembab tetapi memungkinkan air
untuk melewatinya agar tumbuh opyimal.
Ada beberapa manfaat melati yang penting. Dalam pengobatan, bunga ini
sering digunakan untuk memotret sakit kepala, merangsang otak, dan memulihkan
keseimbangan. Ekstaknya bisa digunakan dalam pembuatan parfum.

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