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(TO BE PUBLISHED IN PART IV OF THE DELHI GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY) GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI FINANCE (REVENUE-1) DEPARTMENT DELHI SACHIVALAYA, I.P. ESTATE: NEW DELHI-110 002 No, F.3(9SVFin (Rev-I)/2017-18/D8-VI /O 08 Dated: YI4/ 2018 Notification No. 09/2018- State Tax (Rate) No. F.3(95)/Fin (Rev-1/2017-18/- _In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Delhi Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Delhi Act 03 of 2017) ( hereafter in this notification referred to as “the said Act”) read with sub-section (3) of section 11 of the said Act, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do , on the recommendations of the Council, makes the following amendments in the notification of the Government of Delhi in the Department of Finance (Revenue-1), No.45/2017-State Tax (Rate), dated the 28” November, 2017, published in the Gazette of Delhi, Extraordinary, Part IV, vide number No. F.3 (63¥Fin(Rev- 1/2017-18/DS-V/771 dated the 28% November, 2017, namely:- In the said notification, - (1) in the Table, - (a) against serial number 1, - (in column (2), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely: - “Public funded research institution or @ University or an Indian Institute of Technology or Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore or 2 Regional Engineering College, other than a hospital”; Gi) in column (4), for the words “Department of Scientific and Research”, the words “Department of Scientific and Industrial Research”, shall be substituted; (b) nasinst serial numbers 2 and 4, in column (4), for the words “Department of Scientific and Research”, the words “Department of Scientific and Industrial Research”, shalt be substituted. (2) after the Table, the existing Explanation shall be numbered as Explanation | thereof and after Explanation | as so numbered, the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely: - “Explanation 2. - For the the purposes of this notification, exemption would be in line with the notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 51/96- Customs, dated the 23" July, 1996, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 303(E), dated the 23° July, 1996 and is applicable with effect from the 15" November, 2017.”. By order and in the name of the Lt. Govemor of the National Capital Tertitory of Delhi (A.K Singh) Dy. Secretary VI (Finance) No. F.3(95)Fin (Rev-12017-18/DS-VV /O2% Dated: apf 2018 Copy forwarded for information to:- 1, The Principal Secretary (GAD), Government of NCT of Dethi in duplicate with the request to publish the notification in Delhi Gazette Part-IV (Extraordinary) in today’s date. 2. The Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Delhi 3. The Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of NCT of Dethi, Dethi Sechivalaya, IP Estate, New Delhi 4, The Principal Secretary (Finance), Government of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivalaya, 1,P, Estate, New Delhi. 5. The Commissioner, State Tax, Delhi, Vyapar Bhawan, [.P. Estate, New Delhi. 6. The Secretary to Finance Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivalaya, LP. Estate, New Delhi 7. The P.A. to the Leader of Opposition, 29, Delhi Legislative Assembly, Old Secretariat, Dethi. 8. The Additional Secretary (Law), Government of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivalaya, LP. Estate, New Delhi 9. OSD to Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivalaya, LP. Estate, New Delhi. 10. Guard File. powers (A.K. Singh) Dy. Secretary VI (Finance) ‘Note: The principal notification No. 45/2017-State Tax (Rate), dated the 28” November, 2017 was published in the Gazette of Delhi, Extraordinary, Part IV, vide number No. F.3 (63)/Fin (Rev-I/2017-18/DS-VI/771 dated the 28" November, 2017. eC pee TRE CNA, a ae ACHE face (craree-1) fer eee aftarta, waver waz, AE feet - 110002 ‘HOTTO O3(95FreHcH10-112017-18etTE-V HOS Rate aya 2018 afirgarar #0 9/2018- cet aE (ex) HOWTO OS(OSyFrM(TINO-1)/2017-18/.- feet rer et Bar ane SARAH, 2017 (2017 98) Creneftrt separa rt “sept afer” 8 defi Peer ara % are 11 Br ST UAT (1) ape weet era ant water ane EY, Sepa HABA He ONT 1 AT ST OTT GO) are aha, vate comer Reeth & seereTeTe, gar Te A aigKE en ge A der wee ater Saree & atk Steed afese & Renita a amen ae eee aeenre, Peers Perera (erste -1) MARR TAT HURT 45/2017-TeT HT (ER), Reatiee 28 AAT, 2017 FOKTO 03(63yFa(zr40- 1Y2017-18/ETCR MUTT Rares 28 AIA, 2017 & ier Rett A ATS, STURT FST, Fy sper fever arene ex, Ht feraer fer Raet eretterer ae &, ae Sea agar a, > (1) atta, (&) wearer 1 aa, - A) Blear (2) 4, wearer fae a Rent oT, apafafe sate a sfeeenttic ‘ven sean are: - “RRR TERT Pee Ma aS oeyRUTAT See ar PeeefequerT I sareeter stehteee eteenat aor srrecer Rromet eiapenet, arate ar atrer ‘Soitferarttar ales, Sir Peeveperera fee et” (i) iterar gH, Ferarer atte ateppieaer Reamer erect as aque ere ror atte ste Srapeitara Pest erget at serene fran rear; (war aie 2. atte 4 aes tora (4) Afra ate sree Peer” erat aan oe “fare ate ater srgtemar Rramereragt ak wien Rar sea; Fa aot & are Pareiatae a set eerie fren oe 2) areoth crear, aehorer BeMreneeT ah ReraRTOT 1 eH ere Sea Se Se TT Fave are ereeheeor 1 3 erect Ferarenfenh er acer HY era PAT AIT, TET: marca 2 - 5H Sifter Seer a Pere Sh ome are Be aT ACHR, Pes ATT (THE faa # aftrauen separ 51/96 aoe, Rata 23 Geng, 1996, Fre wa. 303 (30, ‘eat 23 Gems, 1996 3 ayer eee a ToT, HATER, AF HTT 3, SAGE (1) HAA ‘fora are a, Aras Ge ER HA AE 1S AMAA, 2017 Banperh. ote cron att Rees seerse aT Beker Ta IAs ATT, oe seater -VI (fia)

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