Disertacion de Ingles La Rodilla

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 In the human being, the Knee is the largest joint in the body and one of the most complex.


 It serves as a union between the thigh and the leg. Supports most of the weight of the
body in standing position.
 It is composed of the joint action of the femur, tibia, patella and two fibrocartilaginous
discs that are the meniscus
 It can mainly perform flexion and extension movements.


 Sprain: One or more ligaments are stretched too much because of a twist or pull. Because
of this, the ligament may tear or rupture.

 tear: a tendon or muscle is stretched too much.

 fractures: are commonly caused by an abnormal force, such as falling on the knee or a
sudden movement of rotation.

 Dislocation of the knee joint: This is a rare lesion for which a great force must be exerted.
It is a serious injury and requires immediate medical attention.


• last week I went to the gym and because I was so hurried and with so little time that I did
warm up before starting my exercises so when I started running on the machine I suffered
a break in my right knee which left me at rest for 1 week without any type of physical

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