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Submitted by:

Abad, Angelica
Abaya, Ruffa
Alafriz, Desire
Pascual, Patricia

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016).

When & How to Wash Your Hands. Retrieved from, Feb-
ruary 10,2018:

• World Health Organization (2015). Healthy Diet. Re-

trieved from, February 10,2018:

• World Health Organization (2006). Epidemic and Pan-

demic alert and response. Retrieved from, February

• World Health Organization. (2009) Hand Hygiene: Why,

How & When?. Retrieved from, February 10, 2018:
• After blowing
your nose,
coughing, or
• Choose
• After touch- grain, high-
ing garbage fiber foods.
Handwashing will prevent you
from getting sick and spreading germs to
• Eat a varie-
ty of choic-
When should you perform handwashing?
es of fruits
• Covering the mouth
• Before, during, and after preparing and vegetables if not contrain-
with a tissue when cough-
food dicated
ing. Discard the tissue in
• Before eating the waste basket immedi- • Go lean with protein.
food ately after use
• If there is no tissue, it • Eat
• Before and after
is recommended to cough fish at least
caring for some-
or sneeze into your upper twice a week.
one who is sick
sleeve, or elbow, not your hands. • Cut back on
• Before and after • If sick, A facemask may be used in
treating a cut or drinks and
public places to
wound foods with
avoid spreading the
disease added sugars.
• After using the toilet
• Choose and prepare foods with
• After changing diapers or cleaning up
a child who has used the toilet little salt (sodium).

• After touching an animal, animal • Have a green leafy salad with

feed, or animal waste dinner unless you have been

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